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City Council agenda 2006 06-13-06 0 clT� ID` u ,a United City of Yorkville °t 800 Game Farm Road EST -,age Yorkville, Illinois 60560 G m Telephone: 630-553-4350 ��� Fax: 630-553-7575 AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:00 PM Tuesday, June 13, 2006 Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance: Roll Call by Clerk: WARD I WARD II WARD III WARD IV Paul James Valerie Burd Marty Munns Joe Besco Jason Leslie Dean Wolfer James Bock Rose Ann Spears Establishment of Quorum: Introduction of Guests: Amendments to Agenda: Committee Meeting Dates: Public Works Committee Meeting: Ad-hoc: Technology Committee 7:00 p.m., Monday, July 3, 2006 6:00 p.m., Tuesday, .tune 13, 2006 City Hall Conference Room City Hall Conference Room Economic Development Committee: 7:00 p.m., Thursday, June 29, 2006 City Hall Conference Room Administration Committee Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Thursday, July 6, 2006 City Hall Conference Room Public Safety Committee Meeting: 6:30 p.m,, Thursday, July 13, 2006 City Hall Conference Room Presentations: 1, Presentation of Girl Scout Silver Awards to Kelsey Sedgwick, Elisabeth Scheffrahn, and Tiffany Nawa City Council Meeting Agenda June 13, 2006 Page 2 Public Hearings: I. Herb and Pam Kleinwachter and Old Second National Bank Trust 8051, petitioners, request to annex to the United City of Yorkville and rezone from Kendall County A-1 Agricultural to United City of Yorkville B-3 Service Business District and R-2 One-Family Residence District and for hearing as to the Annexation Agreement of Petitioner. The real property consists of approximately 9.81 acres located on Route 47 south of Legion Road and north of Ament Road, Kendall Township, Kendall County, Illinois.. 1 MPI #6 South Yorkville, LLC, petitioner, request to annex to the United City of Yorkville and rezone from Kendall County A-I Agricultural to United City of Yorkville Planned Unit Development containing R-2 One-Family Residence District, R-2 Duplex Two-Family Residence District, R-3 General Residence District, R-4 General Residence District and B-2 General Business District. The real property consists of approximately 916.44 acres east of Immanuel Road, north and south of Ament Road, west of Route 47, and north and south of Walker Road, Kendall Township, Kendall County, Illinois, Citizen Comments: Consent Agenda 1. PS 2006-20 Police Reports for April 2006 2. PS 2006-24 Purchase of'New Squads - approve as presented 3. EDC 2006-13 Building Permit Report for April 2006 4. PC 2006-13 Resolution Approving the Final Plat of Subdivision for Autumn Creek Unit 2 - authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute 5. PC 2005-60 Resolution Approving the Revised Preliminary Plan for Bailey Meadows - authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute 6. PC 2005-33 Resolution Approving the Preliminary Plan for the Chally Farm - authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute 7. PC 2006-17 Resolution Approving the Final Plat of Subdivision for Grande Reserve Unit 18 - authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute 8. PC 2006-18 Resolution Approving the Final Plat of Subdivision for Grande Reserve Unit 19 - authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute 9. PC 2006-19 Resolution Approving the Final Plat of Subdivision for Grande Reserve Unit 20 - authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute 10. PICBD 2006-04 Passenger Van Purchase through State Purchase Program - approve as presented 11. PICBD 2006-05 Prairie Meadows Park— Oslad Grant - approve as presented and authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute OSLAD/LWCF project application as presented 12. PW 2006-114 Nicor Gas Contract for Grande Reserve—Kennedy Road Improvements - approve payment to Nicor in an amount not to exceed$.226,165.38 and authorize Mayor to execute 13. PS 2006-21 Ordinance Amending City Code Title 6—Traffic, Chapter 2—Parking Regulations Regarding Parking of Nonmotorized Vehicles - authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute City Council Meeting Agenda .June 13, 2006 Page 3 Plan Commission /Zoning Board of Appeals: Minutes for Approval (Corrections and Additions): Minutes of City Council—April 25, 2006 Minutes of Committee of the Whole—April 18, 2006 Bill payments for approval from the current Bill List(Corrections and Additions): Checks total these amounts: $ 927,442.50 (vendors - FY 05/06) $ 775,685.96 (vendors - FY 06/07) $ 181,343.70 (payroll period ending 5/27/06) $ 1,884,472.16 (total) Reports: Mayor's Report: 1. Swearing-in of Timothy J. Kolowski as a Full-time Police Officer 2. Swearing-in of Ryan S. Goldsmith as a Full-time Police Officer 3. Appointment of Budget Officer 4, Downtown Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project and Plan a. Ordinance Approving the Downtown Yorkville Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project and Plan and Downtown Yorkville Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Area b. Ordinance Designating Downtown Yorkville Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project and Plan and Downtown Yorkville Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Area Pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act c. Ordinance Adopting Tax Increment Financing for the Downtown Yorkville Tax Increment Financing Redevelopment Project Plan and Area City Council Report: City Attorney's Report: City Clerk's Report: City Treasurer's Report: City Administrator's Report: Finance Director's Report: Director of Public Works Report: Chief of Police Report: Director of Parks & Recreation Report: Community Development Director Report: City Council Meeting Agenda June 13, 2006 Page 4 Reports (con't): Community Relations Manager: Community& Liaison Report: Committee Reports: Public Works Committee Report: 1. No Report. Economic Development Committee Report: 1. PC 2005-53 Hudson Lakes—Annexation Agreement a. Ordinance Authorizing the Execution b. Ordinance Annexing c. Ordinance Rezoning 2. PC 2006-25 New Life Church—Annexation Agreement a. Ordinance Authorizing the Execution b. Ordinance Annexing c. Ordinance Rezoning Public Safety Committee Report: 1. No Report. Administration Committee Report: 1. No Report, Additional Business: Executive Session: 1. For litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or,administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or irmninent. Adjournment: COMMITTEES, MEMBERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES PUBLIC WORKS Committee Departments Liaisons Chairman: Alderman Besco Water and Sewer Park Board Committee: Alderman Munns Streets and Alleys YBSD Committee: Alderman Wolfer Sanitation and Waste Committee: Alderman James City Council Meeting Agenda .Tune 13, 2006 Page 5 COMMITTEES, MEMBERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES (con't) ECONOMIC DEVELOPM NE T Committee Departments Liaisons -- Chairman: Alderman Munns Planning & Building & Zoning Chamber of Commerce Committee: Alderwoman Burd Business & Economic Dev, Kendall County Econ, Dev, Committee: Alderman Besco Plan Commission Committee: Alderman Leslie Bristol Plan Commission Yorkville Econ, Dev. Corp. Aurora Area Convention & Tourism Council Downtown Re-development PUBLIC SAFETY — ---- ----------- ---- ---------- --------------- Committee Departments Liaisons Chairman: Alderwoman Spears Police Human Resource Comm, Committee: Alderman Wolfer Schools School District Committee: Alderman Leslie Public Relations KenCom Committee: Alderman Bock (ADMINISTRATION] ------------=---------- Committee Departments Liaisons Chairman: Alderman dames Finance Metra Committee: Alderwoman Spears Public Properties Library Committee: Alderwoman Burd Personnel Cable Consortium Committee: Alderman Bock -------- ------ �AD-HOC: TECHNOLOG - — --------------------- -- Committee Co-Chairman: Alderman Wolfer Co-Chairman: Alderman Bock