City Council Minutes 2004 02-07-07 (special cc) APPROVED 2/22/05
City Conference Room
Saturday, February 7, 2004— 12:00
In Attendance:
Paul James—Alderman Art Prochaska- Mayor
Larry Kot—Alderman Ken Koch—Park Board
Valerie Burd—Alderwoman Dave Cathy—Park Board
Rich Sticka—Alderman Wanda Ohare—Alderwoman
Rose Spears—Alderwoman (Arrived at I:00 p.m)
The meeting was called to order at 12:07 p.m. by Mayor Prochaska. Mayor Prochaska
began by asking each member their goals for the city.
• Control Growth(Burd)
• Expand Police Department/Safety (Spears)
• Balance Budget (Kot)
• Infrastructure (Spears)
- Water
- Streets
- Sewers
• Expand Library(James)
• Add Bike Trails (James)
• Review/Revise Comprehensive Plan
• Create Architectural Standards
• Maintaining Our Green Space/Maintenance free Landscaping
• Begin Boundary Agreement with Joliet
• Create a Business Overlay District (Sticka)
• Strengthen Downtown Business Environment (Burd)
• Develop and Expansion of Recreational Facilities (Prochaska)
- Develop a Municipal Pool(Burd/James)
- Spray Pool
- Field House (James)
-Play Area
- Baseball Diamonds
• Securing Land for Recreational Parks
• Developing a Facility for Senior Citizens (Spears)
- Transportation for Senior Citizens and Disable (Spears)
- Look into Grants for Develop Facilities
• Focus on interacting and developing intergovernmental agreements with the
county and surrounding communities in order to obtain the grants and funds and
benefits (Spears) /Develop Partnerships with other entities
• Re-Design of subdivisions/Redefming development standards (James)
• Educating the Public with the benefits of developments
• Complete Facility Plan (Prochaska)
• Bring in a Waste Transfer Station(Sticka)
• Solidify the Northern Border of the City (Prochaska)
• Implementing Retail Business—Incentives (Sticka)
*Mayor is currently meeting with businesses to find out how to encourage retail
• Limit the number of banks that come in because the city is unable to collect sales
tax revenues on banks
• Encourage Art/Galleries to attract people to downtown area (Burd)
• Improve Equipment to maintain our streets (Spears)
(*Mayor indicated there is a 5-year plan in existence for the Police Department,
Public Works, and Parks)
• Create a Strategic Plan/Vision (Prochaska)
• Review Land Cash Fees every six months (James)
*Mayor recommends calling it a Building Development Fee instead of Land
Cash. This is the money set aside for actually building the buildings. He cautions
not to raise the fees too high so that it costs so much to build a house that we only
get cheep houses because all the rest of the money is going to go to fees instead of
putting the money into the structure. We want to encourage high value homes
and balance the fees.
• Create a financial plan with the goal of continuing to reduce the tax rate (Kot)
*Mayor cautions to make sure it is not reduced without leaving funds for such
things as repairing roads. He states we should create a multi-year financial plan.
• Rezone some land into Yorkville
*Mayor indicated that Yorkville cannot dictate zoning
II. PRIORITIZING GOALS (Bolded are the top priority topics.)
Listed are the Council's top goals and expectations for our community.
A. Control Growth/Strategic Planning
1. Encourage Retail
2. Redefine development standards
3. Develop City-wide Architectural Standards
4. Review fees
5. Solidify Northern Boundaries
6. Begin boundary discussion with Joliet
B. Expand Quality of Life Issues
1. Encourage Arts and Museums
2. Maintain Greenway Buffers (trails, etc.)
3. Develop Senior/Disabled Facilities
4. Plan for Scout Camp Property
5. Expand Bike Trails
6. Secure Land for Regional Parks
7. Build New Library
8. Develop Municipal Pool
C. Expand Public Services (i.e. Public Works and Law Enforcement)
1. Complete Facility Plan (Increase Staffing)
2. Continue new and existing infrastructure improvements
3. Develop in-town Road Program (Special Project)
D. Economic Development and Expansion
1. Bring Waste Transfer Station
2. Strengthen downtown business environment
3. Riverfront Development (Develop Partnership with Others)
E. Finance
1. Create a Multi-year finance plan
2. Reduce Levy Rate
3. Maintain a Balanced Budget
A. Find out who will be involved.
B. Tell what we expect from the staff
C. Determine how to transfer these goals into measurable methods for
Mayor Prochaska entertained a motion to go into Executive Session for the person of
discussing the performance evaluations of employees. He asked that the minute taker
Gail Denton. So moved by Alderman Ohare; seconded by Alderman Burd.
Motion was approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-6 Nays-0.
James-aye, Kot-aye, Burd-aye, Sticka-aye, Spears-aye, Ohare-aye
The Council entered into Executive Session at approximately 2:00 P.M.
The Council returned to regular session.
There was no further business and the meeting adjourned at 4:04 p.m.
Minute Taker— Gail Denton
Transcribed by Jeanne Arbet