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City Council Agenda 2003 11-10-03 v United City of Yorkville EST. 1836 County Seat of Kendall County ,� � lllll� 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Q 10 n \ Q Phone:630-553-4350 AGENDA �u�"� u �= Fax:630-553-7575 CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:00 PM Monday, November 10, 2003 Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance: Roll Call by Clerk: WARD I WARD II WARD III WARD IV Rich Sticka Valerie Burd Marty Munns Joe Besco Paul James Larry Kot Wanda Ohare Rose Ann Spears Establishment of Quorum: Introduction of Guests: Amendments to Agenda: Committee Meeting Dates: Public Works Committee Meetin;;: Ad-hoc: Technology Committee 7:00 p.m., Monday, November 24, 2003 To be scheduled City Hall Conference Room City Hall Conference Room Economic Development Committee: 7:00 p.m., Thursday, November 20, 2003 City Hall Conference Room Administration Committee Meetin;;: Ad-hoc: Tourism Committee 6:30 p.m., Thursday, November 13, 2003 To be scheduled City Hall Conference Room City Hall Conference Room Public Safety Committee Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Thursday,November 20, 2003 Police Department Conference Room Public Hearings: 1. Progress Holdings request for a PUD Agreement for the 3.21 acres located at the Southeast corner of Route 34 and Route 47, Yorkville,Kendall County, Illinois. City Council Meeting Agenda November 10,2003 Page 2 Citizen Comments: Presentations: None Consent Agenda: 1. Ordinance Modifying Subdivision Name from Menard's Residential to Prairie Meadows- authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute 2. An Ordinance Amending Section 4-1-1 of the United City of Yorkville City Code Regulating Open Burning - authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute 3. Well#7 Change Order-approve change from a temporary water supply from a shallow well to the United City of Yorkville's Water System resulting in a $16,500 reduction in cost 4. Appletree Court Roadway&Utility Improvement Change Order- approve decreases in water service connections, aggregate base repair and supplemental watering in the amount of$4,362.75 5. Wells#8 & 9 Treatment Facility- approve Pasquineli Development Group's bid for an additional$7,300.00 to brick all sides 6. Water Report for August 2003 7. City Hall Parking Lot Change Order- approve in an amount not to exceed$1,285.00 to replace light pole 8. Standard Equipment Company Proposal for Yard Waste Collector- approve in an amount not to exceed $35,557.00 9. Police Reports for September 2003 10. Resolution Authorizing the Establishment of a Checking Account at Old Second National for the Recordation of Documents- authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute 11. IMLRMA Renewal for 12/31/03 - 12/31/04 - authorize Mayor to execute in an amount not to exceed $113,080.00 12. Internship Manual 13. Resolution Consolidating Certain Funds: South Sewer($10,674.00) &Working Cash($111,569.00) - authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals: Minutes for Approval(Corrections and Additions): Minutes of City Council—October 28, 2003 Minutes of Committee of the Whole— September 16, 2003 City Council Meeting Agenda November 10, 2003 Page 3 Bill payments for approval from the current Bill List (Corrections and Additions): Checks total these amounts: $ 607,164.12 $ 121,889.11 (payroll period ending 11/3/03) $ 729,053.23 (total) Reports: Mayor's Report: 1. Coffee with the Mayor-November 15'h at Upcountry Home & Garden from 10:00 - 11:15 a.m. Attorney's Report: City Clerk's Report: City Treasurer's Report: City Administrator's Report: Finance Director's Report: Director of Public Works Report: Chief of Police Report: Executive Director of Parks&Recreation Report: Community&Liaison Report: Committee Reports: Public Works Committee Report: 1. Professional Service Industries, Inc. Proposal to Evaluate Heartland Circle Retention Pond Liners 2. Grande Reserve - Plat of Easement Economic Development Committee Report: 1. No Report. City Council Meeting Agenda November 10, 2003 Page 4 Committee Reports (con't): Public Safety Committee Report: 1. Disposal of Property to the Yorkville High School (Server and Router) Administration Committee Report: 1. No Report. Additional Business: Executive Session: 1. For the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body. 2. To consider the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees or to ear testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee to determine its validity. Adjournment: COMMITTEES, MEMBERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES F/Y 2003 –2004 ;PUBLIC WORKS; - ===____===_— Committee Departments Liaisons Chairman: Alderman Besco Water and Sewer Park Board Vice-Chair: Alderman Munns Streets and Alleys YBSD Committee: Alderman Sticka Sanitation and Waste Committee: Alderman Kot �—------ ------------- --- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ___ ___---_-_----_-__-____1 Committee Departments Liaisons Chairman: Alderman Sticka Planning&Building&Zoning Chamber of Commerce Vice Chair: Alderwoman Burd Business &Economic Dev. Kendall County Econ, Dev. Committee: Alderwoman Ohare Plan Commission Committee: Alderman Besco Bristol Plan Commission Yorkville Econ. Dev. Corp. Aurora Area Convention& Tourism Council Downtown Re-development ----------------------------------------------—---------------------—--------------—----—-—----------------—--------------------—----—---------------------------------------------- City Council Meeting Agenda October 28, 2003 Page 5 COMMITTEES, MEMBERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES F/Y 2003 -2004 (con't) PUBLIC Rf-§vfIff Committee Departments Liaisons Chairman: Alderman Kot Police Human Resource Comm. Vice Chair: Alderwoman Ohare Schools School District Committee: Alderwoman Spears Public Relations KenCom Committee: Alderman James --------------------- 1ADMINISTRATION,--—----------------—----- ------------------------------------—------------------------------------- Committee Departments Liaisons Chairman: Alderwoman Spears Finance Metra Vice Chair: Alderman James Public Properties Library Committee: Alderwoman Burd Personnel Cable Consortium Committee: Alderman Munns ---------—------------- AD ------HO-C:--TECHNOLOGY,---------------------------- Committee Chairman: Alderman Munns Vice Chair: Alderman Kot Committee: Alderman Sticka Committee: Alderwoman Ohare r----------------------------------- AD-HOC: -- TOURISg.' ------------—-----—----------------------------—----------------------- Committee Chairman: Alderwoman Burd Vice Chair: Alderwoman Spears Committee: Alderman James Committee: Alderman Besco,