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City Council Agenda 2003 06-10-03 ,CEO c/% United City of Yorkville J� 0 County Seat of Kendall County 4 EST. ,� 183s 800 Game Farm Road �\\_ .4 - � [A Yorkville, Illinois 60560 O �� .(� O Phone:630-553-4350 AGENDA Fax:630-553-7575 CITY COUNCIL MEETING LE � CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:00 PM Tuesday,June 10, 2003 Call to Order: 7:00 p.m. Pledge of Allegiance: Roll Call by Clerk: WARD I WARD II WARD III WARD IV Rich Sticka Valerie Burd Marty Munns Joe Besco Paul James Larry Kot Wanda Ohare Rose Ann Spears Establishment of Quorum: Introduction of Guests: Amendments to Agenda: Committee Meeting Dates: Public Works Committee Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Monday, June 23, 2003 City Hall Conference Room Economic Development Committee: 7:00 p.m., Thursday,June 19, 2003 City Hall Conference Room Administration Committee Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Thursday, June 12, 2003 City Hall Conference Room Public Safety Committee Meeting: 6:30 p.m., Thursday, June 26, 2003 City Hall Conference Room Presentations: Max Herwig—Southwest Fox Valley Cable Consortium -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- ------- - - - - - ------------------- Public Hearings: 1. PC 2002-06 Westbury Village: Ocean Atlantic, petitioners, request to annex and rezone from Kendall County A-1 Agricultural and United City of Yorkville B-3 Service Business District and A-1 Agricultural to United City of Yorkville Planned Unit Development with zoning districts of B-3 Service Business District, R-2 One-Family Residence District, R-3 General Residence District, and R-4 General Residence District and for hearing as to the Annexation Agreement of Petitioner. City Council Meeting Agenda June 10, 2003 ------------------------------------------- ----------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ---------Page 2- Public Hearings: (cont.) 2. Amendment of the text of the R-2 Zoning Ordinance to allow an increase in the lot coverage from twenty percent to thirty percent. --------------------------- ------------------------------- ---------------------------- --------------------------------------------- Citizen Comments: Consent Agenda: 1. Crack Filling Project: Award contract to Midwest Tar Sealer Co. in an amount not to exceed 22,870.80. 2. River's Edge Subdivision Phase 2: Letter of Credit reduction in the amount of$340,757.24. 3. Monthly Police Reports for April 2003. 4. Request Approval of Officer at High School—Contract Renewal for 2003: Authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute. 5. GASB 34 Fixed Assets Policy: Motion to approve. 6. Skate Park Recommendation: Resolution authorizing agreement between the United City of Yorkville and New Life Church for the Yorkville Skate Park. Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals: Minutes for Approval (Corrections and Additions): Minutes of City Council—5/27/03 Minutes of Committee of the Whole—None Bill payments for approval from the current Bill List (Corrections and Additions): Checks total these amounts: $ 120,863.97 (vendor) $ 107,582.90 (payroll period ending 05/03/03) $ 111,352.44 (payroll period ending 05/17/03) $ 124,650.21 (payroll period ending 05/31/03) $ 464,449.52 (total) City Council Meeting Agenda June 10, 2003 Page 3 Reports: Mayor's Report: Attorney's Report: City Clerk's Report: City Treasurer's Report: City Administrator's Roo Finance Director's Report: Director of Public Works Re o�rt: Chief of Police Report: Executive Director of Parks &Recreation Report: Community& Liaison Report: Committee Reports: Public Works Committee Report: 1. Van Emmon Street Watermain Easement 2. Appletree Court Watermain Easement Economic Development Committee Report: 1. No Report. Public Safety Committee Report: 1. No Report. Administration Committee Report: . Ordinance Revising Development Fees City Council Meeting Agenda June 10, 2003 Page 4 Additional Business: Executive Session: 1. For the collective negotiation matters between public employers and their employees or representatives. 2. To discuss pending litigation. 3. For the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body being considered. Adjournment: COMMITTEES, MEMBERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES F/Y 2003 —2004 .PUBLIC WORKS; Committee Departments Liaisons Chairman: Alderman Besco Water and Sewer Park Board Vice-Chair: Alderman Munns Streets and Alleys YBSD Committee: Alderman Sticka Sanitation and Waste Committee: Alderman Kot ;ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, Committee �+ Departments Liaisons Chairman: Alderman Sticka Planning &Building&Zoning Chamber of Commerce Vice Chair: Alderwoman Burd Business &Economic Dev. Kendall County Econ.Dev. Committee: Alderwoman Ohare Plan Commission Committee: Alderman Besco Bristol Plan Commission Yorkville Econ. Dev. Corp. Aurora Area Convention & Tourism Council Downtown Re-development PUBLIC SAFETI' Committee Departments Liaisons Chairman: Alderman Kot Police Human Resource Comm. Vice Chair: Alderwoman Ohare Schools School District Committee: Alderwoman Spears Public Relations KenCom Committee: Alderman James City Council Meeting Agenda June 10, 2003 Page 5 COMMITTEES, MEMBERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES F/Y 2003 —2004 (coat.) ;ADMINISTRATION Committee Departments Liaisons Chairman: Alderwoman Spears Finance Metra Vice Chair: Alderman James Public Properties Library Committee: Alderwoman Burd Personnel Cable Consortium Committee: Alderman Munns AD-HOC: TECHNOLOGY Committee Chairman: Alderman Munns Vice Chair: Alderman Kot Committee: Alderman Sticka Committee: Alderwoman Ohare AD-HOC: TOURISA- Committee Chairman: Alder-woman Burd Tice Chair: Alderwoman Spears Committee: Alderman James Committee: Alderman Besco