City Council Minutes 1995 04-13-95 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS HELD AT KENDALL COUNTY BOARD ROOM. ON April 13. 1995 Mayor Kittoe called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Clerk Allison called the roll: ROLL CALL Ward 1 - Callmer Absent Spang Absent Ward 2 - Baker Present Weilert Absent Ward 3 - Prochaska Present - Wold Present Ward 4 - Johnson Absent Stafford Absent A quorum was established including Mayor Kittoe. QUORUM INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Mayor Kittoe welcomed those present and indicated that those present should sign-in on the sheet being passed around by the City Clerk. MEETING DATES The meeting dates were reviewed as listed on the meeting agenda. No changes were made. Amendments to the Agenda Public Hearings -- Vacation of West Van Emmon Street will be tabled until April 13, 1995. Table PC 95-8 (Conover) Plan Commission -- Vacating Of West Van Emmon St and PC 95-8 are tabled. Public Works -- Table Feb 1995 Beecher Bldg Report PUBLIC HEARINGS A motion was made by Alderman Baker and seconded by Alderman Prochaska to move into Public Hearing. Clerk Allison called the role: Wold - aye Prochaska - aye Johnson - aye Baker - aye Kittoe - aye Motion carried. Alderman Baker opened the Public Hearing for PC 95-4, the request for annexation and rezoning from Kendall Co. Ag-1 Special Use to City R-1 One Family Residential District. Address is 3205 Cannonball Trail. Owners of the property is New Life Assembly of God. Mayor Kittoe asked for any public input regarding this matter. There being none, Alderman Baker moved the Public Hearing onto PC 95-7, Request for a change in zoning classifications to allow Day Care Use within the Office zoning. Property is located at the northwest corner of John St and Cannonball Trail. Owners of the property are John G. and Alice V. Conover and Merchants National Bank of Aurora Trustee under Trust 2175. City Council Meeting April 13, 1995 page 2 Mayor Kittoe asked for any public input regarding this matter. There being none, a motion was made by Alderman Baker and seconded by Alderman Johnson to move out of Public Hearing into regular council session. Clerk Allison called the role: Prochaska - aye JOhnson - aye Baker - aye Kittoe - aye Wold - aye Motion carried. PLAN COMMISSION / ZBA ORDINANCE 95-8 & 9 (NEW LIFE ASSEMBLY) A motion was made by Alderman Baker and seconded by Alderman Prochaska for an ordinance authorizing the execution of an pre-annexation agreement for New Llfe Assembly. Clerk Allison called the role: Johnson - aye Baker - aye Kittoe - aye Wold - aye Prochaska - aye Motion carried. A motion was made by Alderman Baker and seconded by Alderman Prochaska to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the pre-annexation agreement with New Life Assembly of God. Clerk Allison called the role: Baker - aye Kittoe - aye Wold - aye Prochaska - aye Johnson - aye Motion carried. ORDINANCE #95-10 (DAY CARE /OFFICE ZONING) A motion was made by Alderman Baker and seconded by Alderman Johnson for an ordinance amending Article A of Title 10 of the Yorkville City Code to make Day Care Centers a Permitted use under Office Zoning Classification. Clerk Allison called the role: Wold - aye Prochaska - aye Johnson - aye Baker - aye Kittoe - aye Motion carried. CITIZEN COMMENTS Harry Rothaug who lives on McHugh Road addressed the council concerning citizens speeding on McHugh Road. A discussion was held concerning how the area is currently patrolled. It was mentioned that a complaint form could be completed but you must be willing to testify. Sgt. Diederich was asked to review how many tickets are given in this area and bring this information to the next Public Safety Meeting. City Council Meeting April 13, 1995 page3 MINUTES APPROVAL Alderman Baker made a motion to accept the minutes from the regular council meeting of March 23, 1995 and approve the minutes as presented. Seconded by Alderman Johnson. Motion carried. BILLS APPROVAL A motion was made by Alderman Johnson and seconded by Alderman Prochaska to approve and pay bills in the amount of $132,875.99 (vendors) for a total of $179,392.59 with payroll. A question was raised on the Pavia Marting billings listed on page 7. Administrator Nanninga stated that some of these have been waiting payment since October and some are re-capturable. Clerk Allison called the role on the amended motion. Wold - aye Prochaska - aye Johnson - aye Baker - aye Kittoe - aye Motion carried. ATTORNEY'S REPORT Attorney Kramer indicated that the revised Park Ordinance was distributed with the two minor changes. These changes were to add the severability clause and the reference to the Yorkville sound ordinance was deleted since there is no such ordinance so it refers to the state's requirements. ORDINANCE #95-11 PARK AND FOREST PRESERVE A motion was made by Alderman Prochaska and seconded by Alderman Johnson to accept and approve the Ordinance Amending Ordinance 7-4-1 and Ordinance 95-2 of the Yorkville City Code for Parks and Forest Preserves. Clerk Allison called the role: Prochaska - aye Johnson - aye Baker - aye Kittoe - aye Wold - aye Motion carried. RESOLUTION 95-6 F.E. WHEATON / MEMO AGREEMENT Attorney Kramer stated that the resolution discussed at the last Committee of a Whole meeting is ready for signature. This allows the F.E. Wheaton company to go out and get Industrial Revenue Bonds. He indicated that there is no liability to the City but does allow them the tax exempt status. The City does not in any way warrant the bonds. A motion was made by Alderman Baker and seconded by Alderman Johnson to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a resolution authorizing the execution of a memorandum agreement with F.E. Wheaton & Co. Inc. Project for issuing industrial revenue bonds. Clerk Allison called the role: Johnson - aye Baker - aye Kittoe - aye Wold - aye Prochaska - aye Motion carried. City Council Meeting April 13, 1995 page 4 Alderman Baker stated that the sign ordinance was almost ready and may be on the April 27th agenda. MAYORS REPORT Mayor Kittoe stated that a service bulletin was received indicating that the state does intend to widen Route 47 through town. A meeting is scheduled for May 11th. The City will attend this. Mayor Kittoe asked for a motion to decrease the Class A Liquor License from $1,500 to $800 fee. A motion was made by Alderman Baker decreasing the Class A annual fee to $800 from $1,500. Seconded by Alderman Prochaska. Clerk Allison called the role: Baker - nay Kittoe - aye Wold - aye Prochaska - nay Johnson - nay Motion was denied. CITY CLERK REPORT Alderman Prochaska briefly discussed the 1991 and 1992 MFT Audits. A motion was made by Alderman Prochaksa and seconded by Alderman Baker accepting the 1991 and 1992 MFT Audits. Clerk Allison called the role: Wold - aye Prochaska - aye Johnson - aye Baker - aye Kittoe - aye Motion carried. CITY TREASURER REPORT -- no report CITY ADMINISTRATOR REPORT Administrator Nanninga stated that a Special meeting has been scheduled with the Fox Industrial Park citizens for April 24, 1995 at 7:00 p.m. at the Yorkville National Bank Community Room. Mr. Nanninga also stated that a bid has been received on the Route 47 lots. This will be discussed at the Administration Committee meeting on Tuesday. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION REPORT -- NO REPORT KENDALL COUNTY GOVERNMENTAL LEAGUE REPORT Alderman Prochaska indicated that the Annual Dinner was held on April 11th. The speaker was Nan Armstrong who discussed growth in rural areas. SCHOOL COMMUNITY REPORT The next School Board meeting will be held on April 24, 1995 at 7:30 p.m. OLD BUSINESS -- NONE NEW BUSINESS -- NONE City Council Meeting April 13, 1995 page 5 COMMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE A motion was made by Alderman Prochaska and seconded by Alderman Johnson to approve the February 1995 building report as presented. Clerk Allison called the role: Prochaska - aye Johnson - aye Baker - aye Kittoe - aye Wold - aye Motion carried. A motion was made by Alderman Prochaska and seconded by Alderman Baker for two trucks to be painted by Automotive Specialties at a cost not to exceed $2,900. Clerk Allison called the role: Wold - aye Prochaska - aye Johnson - aye Baker - aye Kittoe - aye Motion carried. A motion was made by Alderman Prochaska and seconded by alderman Baker to allow the City Administrator and Public Works to complete roof repairs on the Beecher building at a cost not to exceed $4,000. Clerk Allison called the role: Johnson - aye Baker - aye Kittoe - aye Wold - aye Prochaska - aye Motion carried. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE -- NO REPORT PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE A motion was made by Alderman Johnson and seconded by Alderman Prochaska to approve the renovation of the Game Farm House at a cost not to exceed $15,000. Clerk Allison called the role: Baker - aye Kittoe - aye Wold - aye Prochaska - aye Johnson - aye Motion carried. ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE -- NO REPORT ADHOC / RECYCLING COMMITTEE - NO REPORT ADDITIONAL BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Alderman Johnson and seconded by Alderman Wold to adjourn the meeting at 7:44 p.m. Motion carried. By: `, , Jacq-tline • llison Cit}(Clerk