City Council Minutes 1994 10-13-94 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS HELD AT CITY HALL ON OCTOBER 13 1994 Mayor Kittoe called the meeting to order at 7 : 00 p.m. and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. Clerk Allison called the roll: ROLL CALL Ward 1 - Baird Present Callmer Absent Ward 2 - Baker Present Clark Present Ward 3 - Prochaska Present - Wold Present Ward 4 - Johnson Absent Stafford Absent A quorum was established. QUORUM OF GUESTS Mayor Kittoe asked those persons present tolintrroduceOthemselves. Agenda 1) Public Hearings - PC 94-17 and PC 94-18nwilltnotobehheld. 2) Plan Commission - PC 94-17 and PC 94-18 will not be discussed. MEETING DATES Public Works Monday, October 17, 1994 6: 00 p.m. City Hall Economic Dev. Tuesday, October 25, 1994 7: 00 p.m. City Hall Wednesday, November 2, 1994 7 : 00 p.m. City Hall Downtown Revitalization: Tuesday, Nov. 8, 7: 00 p.m. City Hall Public Safety - Monday, October 17, 1994 5: 30 Ward I & II - 10/18/1994 7: 00 p. YNB Police Dept Ward III & IV - 10/26/1994 7 : 00 . p.m. Beecher Administration - to be scheduled every two weeks NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS PLAN COMMISSION / ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS Alderman Baker indicated that PC 4-19,- Robin and Deborbah orah Kendall County request to rezone from Kendall County A-i to Kendall County R-1 Planned Residential Development has been discussed by the Plan Commission, the Planning Council and the Economic Development Committee. All have voted in favor of the rezoning and all changes discussed have been completed. A motion was made by Alderman Baker and seconded by Alderman Prochaska to approve PC 94-19, request to rezone to Kendall County R-1, Planned Residential Development, Robin and Deborah Stuck. Clerk Allison called the role: i Bard Clark - aye Baker - aye Prochaska - aye Wold - aye aye Motion carried. -_- --Regular Council Minutes - October 13, -1994 page 2 Randy Harker of Illini Drive, CITIZEN COMMENTS concerning the "island" inside the cul-de-sac on his road and who 's responsibility question Y it is for the maintaining of this area. Nanninga and J.T. Johnson indicated that since the City has taken possession of the street from the developer, developer is responsible at this time. Y as not the and charge it back to the developer if necessary.will mow t he� are, the City may ask the residents to help in maintining this area. Some other miscellaneous items regarding this subdivision haverea. noted and sent in a letter to the developer. The developer has to respond to this letter. have been s 30 Administrator Nanninga indic ADMINISTRATION R that $15 , 000 has been budgeted the Public Works Networking. PUBLIC WORKS NETWORK be spread between the various departments. This�n higher. Costs sed at the next Public Works Committee meeting. This will be discussed Administrator Nanninga indicated that the SOUTHWEST SEWER EXTENSION the Special Council Meeting $130, 000 authorized at connecting into the s Y stem. g was subject to local businesses the Cit Illinois Truck Maintenance is not in y Limits at this time but would like to be annexed and allowed three years to pay their costs. They would also like to extend it further to their second commercial site just south present facility. Also, Lydia 's Motel does not want to connect tto the sewer at this time. Shell Station has signed the agreement. Tom Hughes has asked to extend it additional 450 feet to his o of the g ment. property. This would be a cost of $33 , 000 and he would like to repay it over six years. This will be discussed at the Oct. 25, 1994 committee meeting. This would represent the end of the southward movement of the City.would cost an additional $40, 000 to complete the Illinois Truck The cash is available for this work. ity. asked when this new business would be in place? ruck asked new business would business in Alderman Clark place. It was stated that Mayor Kittoe indicated that this movement would increase the City's retail tax income. approximately one year. ity's A motion was made by Alderman Prochaska and seconded by to authorize the extension of the Southwest Sewer Extension to exceed an additional $40, 000 for the east side of Alderman Clerk Allison called the role: ion Route 47. Baker - aye Prochaska - Clark - aye Baird aye Wold - aye aird _ aye Motion carried. MINUTES Alderman Baker made a motion to accept the minutes APPROVAL fromthere ulcer council meeting of September 22, 1994 and approve presented. 9 lar Seconded by Alderman Clark. the minutes as Motion carried. Alderman Baird made a motion to a BILLS APPROVAL 13, 1994 in the amount of pprove and pay bills dated October 13 , 199 . 70 with payroll $72, 604 . 20 (vendors) and a total of Prochaska, as presented. Seconded by Alderman Mayor Kittoe wished to clarify the bill listed as telephone under name. This is the amount for the Illinois Municipal Conference. A nder problem with the City's software has occu ed and the bills are not in normal format. appropriate format when available,Alderman Clark has asked for the Regular Council Minutes - October 13 , 1994 - page 3 Clerk Allison called the role: Baker - aye Clark - aye Baird - aye Prochaska - aye Wold - aye Motion carried. ATTORNEY'S REPORT Attorney Kramer distributed copies of the proposed Park Ordinance as well as the proposed Gang Ordinance. These will be discussed at the appropriate committee meetings. SAWMILL UPDATE Attorney Kramer indicated that a trial date has been set for Friday, December 2 , 1994 at 1: 30 p.m. on the injunction memo. Attorney Kramer stated that the appropriate annexation documentation will be drawn up on the Illinois Truck Maintenance, Martinez property. MAYORS REPORT Mayor Kittoe informed the Council that a Turkey and Ham raffle will be held on November 16, 1994 at the American Legion. All proceeds will benefit needy families in Kendall County. Mayor Kittoe announced that he would not be running for the Mayoral position in 1995. This is due to family and work commitments. Alderman Clark thanked Mayor Kittoe for his time in this position and stated that he would be missed. CITY CLERK REPORT - no report CITY TREASURER / BUDGET OFFICER REPORT - no report CITY ADMINISTRATOR REPORT Administrator Nanninga stated that recapture fees in the amount of $9, 260 have been received from �Lkls ,j, th4// The recapture fees have been billed to A & R. Y The special census should be received soon. The City will begin as soon as possible. On November 2, 1994 interviews will be held with consulting firms regarding the City's proposed marketing plan. A request has been submitted to Kendall County regarding the City's use of the County Board room for Council meetings. KENDALL COUNTY ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - no report KENDALL COUNTY GOVERNMENTAL LEAGUE REPORT A meeting was held on October 4 , 1994 concerning future topics. The next meeting will be held on January 3 , 1995 where Representative Tom Cross will speak. SCHOOL COMMUNITY REPORT The next School Board meeting will be held on Monday, October 24, 1994 at 7: 30 p.m. This meeting will discuss the proposed cutbacks which would occur if the referendums do not pass. % Regular Council Minutes - October 13, 1994 - page 4 OLD BUSINESS - none NEW BUSINESS - none COMMITTEE REPORTS PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE - no report ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE The meeting on November 2 , 1994 will be held to discuss the sign ordinance, the comprehensive plan, forced annexations into the City and the five firms presenting programs for the Marketing videos. The Downtown Revitalization meeting will be held on November 8, 1994 at 7 : 00 p.m. All council members are encouraged to attend. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Chief Graff stated that the Council needs to set up the Trick or Treat Hours for this year's Halloween. A motion was made by Alderman Baird and seconded by Alderman Baker to set the City of Yorkville Trick or Treat hours from 4 - 7 p.m. on Monday, October 31, 1994 . Motion carried. Also distributed was a copy of the Chamber of Commerce 's Business Trick or Treat celebration. This will be held on Saturday, October 29th. The monthly reports have been distributed for review by the Council members. ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE At the last committee meeting the following topics were discussed: a) meetings to be held at the Kendall County Board room b) levy was discussed -- propose a $80, 000 levy -- this will be reviewed in conjunction with the budget c)projected numbers for the water / sewer extensions -- expect a larger return than originally discussed ADHOC / RECYCLING COMMITTEE - no report ADDITIONAL BUSINESS The Adopt A Highway "kick-off" is scheduled for Saturday, October 22, 1994 with a raindate of October 29th. Mayor Kittoe reminded everyone that Council meetings will be held on November 3 and November 17th with a Committee of A Whole meeting on November 10th due to the Thanksgiving Holiday. Also, December council meetings will be held on December 1st and 15th with a Committee of a Whole meeting on December 8th. Chief Graff introduced DaveL,;mrip,i j. Mr. LiM0A1 stated that they are attempting to build partnership to address the local gang problem. The Mother's Against Gangs of Plano will be holding the Second Annual Walk on October 29, 1994 at 2 : 00 p.m. This will be from the Plano Molding Company to the Community Bank of Plano. A squad from all local cities as well as the County have been asked to attend. They are attempting to show that if gangs come into Kendall County that the County as a whole will not accept it. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Alderman Baird and seconded by Alderman Baker to adjourn the meeting at 7:47 p.m. . Motion carried. c) (LC ( ( , , Jacq eline Allison City Clerk CAza ( 0 - s-- adbez aciu( D ( (k1ap 2 eS-S 'bege( 26 �, )i jcK ,BJJSTUt-, IL- /Yid/ad' N&:1i4CZ 3/0 /L t, V62I V cE avIdy Vk2fkef 3%7_ Z `1 ;„', 7Wrkuit G :d ��/l/L G�x- /, / .4)11(-6; I