Resolution 2012-13 RESOLUTION NO. 2012- 15 RESOLUTION APPROVING A REVISED EMPLOYEE MANUAL WHEREAS, the City Council of the United City of Yorkville has considered and discussed the importance of updating the United City of Yorkville Employee Manual, and WHEREAS, the text of the United City of Yorkville Employee Manual the City Council now desires to adopt is set forth on the attached Exhibit"A" which is incorporated herein, and WHEREAS, it has been determined to be in the best interests of the United City of Yorkville to repeal the previous Employee Manual, approved on February 10, 2004, and any amendment thereto, and adopt a revised Employee Manual in the form attached hereto in Exhibit "A", NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, that the United City of Yorkville Employee Manual in the form set forth on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein is hereby adopted as the Employee Manual of the City and the previous Employee Manual and any amendment thereto adopted by the City Council is hereby repealed in its entirety. Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this day of `> ��, A.D. 2012. CITY CLERK Resolution No. 2012- 13 Page 1 CHRIS FUNKHOUSER DIANE TEELING LARRY KOT JACKIE MILSCHEWSKI CARLO COLOSIMO MARTY MUNNS ROSE ANN SPEARS GEORGE GILSON JR Approved by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, this J9 day of J uME , A.D. 2012. Z�4 MAYOR Resolution No. 2012- /-3 Page 2 United City of Yorkville Employee Manual Effective: 07/15/2012 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS Section 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose and Mission Statement ..........................................................................................1 1.2 Application and Scope ........................................................................................................1 1.3 Gender and Singular Plural Clause .....................................................................................2 1.4 Collective Bargaining .........................................................................................................2 1.5 Amendments .......................................................................................................................2 1.6 History of City ....................................................................................................................2 1.7 City Vision Statement .........................................................................................................3 1.8 Definitions, Roles, and Responsibilities .............................................................................4 1.8.1 City Council ..........................................................................................................4 1.8.2 Mayor ...................................................................................................................5 1.8.3 Board of Fire and Police Commissioners ............................................................5 1.8.4 Types of Employees .............................................................................................5 Department Heads ..............................................................................5 Supervisory ........................................................................................6 Non-Exempt Full-Time ......................................................................6 Part-Time ...........................................................................................6 Volunteers ..........................................................................................6 Section 2 Personal Conduct 2.1 Standards of Conduct ..........................................................................................................7 2.1.1 Ethics Ordinance ..................................................................................................7 2.1.2 Gift Ban ................................................................................................................8 2.1.3 Fraud Prevention ..................................................................................................9 Reporting and Investigation Procedures ..........................................10 Termination ......................................................................................11 2.2 Compliance with Rules and Regulations ..........................................................................11 2.2.1 Minor Infraction Guidelines ..............................................................................11 2.2.2 Major Infraction Guidelines ...............................................................................12 2.3 Anti-Harassment Policy ....................................................................................................13 2.4 Threats, Violence and Weapons .......................................................................................14 2.4.1 Workplace Violence Policy ...............................................................................14 2.4.2 Prohibited Conduct ............................................................................................14 2.4.3 Reporting Procedures .........................................................................................14 2.4.4 Investigation and Responsive Action .................................................................15 2.4.5 No Retaliation ....................................................................................................15 2.5 Conflict of Interest ............................................................................................................15 2.5.1 Permitted Reasonable Exceptions ......................................................................16 2.5.2 Use of City Property ..........................................................................................16 v UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL 2.6 Solicitation and Distribution .............................................................................................16 2.7 Drug Free Workplace Policy ............................................................................................17 2.7.1 Substance Use (Non-DOT Employees) .............................................................17 Statement of Policy .......................................................................17 Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs .............................................19 Pre-Employment Testing .........................................19 Reasonable Suspicion Testing .................................20 Post-Accident Testing ..............................................21 Return to Duty Testing .............................................21 Testing Methodology ....................................................................22 Disciplinary Provisions .................................................................22 Notification to Employer of Conviction .......................................23 2.7.2 Substance Use (DOT Employees) .....................................................................23 Applicability .................................................................................24 Prohibited Conduct .......................................................................24 Alcohol .....................................................................24 Drugs ........................................................................25 Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs .............................................25 Pre-Employment Testing .........................................25 Reasonable Suspicion Testing .................................26 Post-Accident Testing ..............................................26 Random Testing .......................................................28 Return to Duty Testing .............................................29 Testing Methodology ....................................................................29 Disciplinary Provisions .................................................................31 Notice to Employer of Conviction ................................................31 2.7.3 Substance Use (Employees in Bargaining Units) ..............................................31 2.8 Smoking and Tobacco .......................................................................................................31 2.9 Uniforms and Dress Code .................................................................................................31 2.9.1 Uniforms ............................................................................................................31 Taxation of Uniforms ....................................................................32 2.9.2 Dress Code .........................................................................................................32 Office Attire ..................................................................................32 Field Attire ....................................................................................32 Casual Friday ................................................................................33 Compliance ...................................................................................33 Enforcement ..................................................................................33 2.10 Information Systems Use Policy .......................................................................................33 2.10.1 General Policies .................................................................................................33 Ownership .....................................................................................33 Privacy ..........................................................................................34 Monitoring ....................................................................................34 v UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Purchasing .....................................................................................34 Resource Consumption .................................................................34 2.10.2 Computer Usage Policy ......................................................................................34 Business Use .................................................................................34 Network Security ..........................................................................35 Laptop Usage ................................................................................35 Malicious Software Protection ......................................................35 Hardware .......................................................................................35 File Security ..................................................................................35 2.10.3 Software Application Usage ..............................................................................36 Installation and Removal ..............................................................36 Licensing .......................................................................................36 Database Applications ..................................................................36 2.10.4 Email Usage Policy ............................................................................................36 Ownership .....................................................................................36 Professional Communication ........................................................37 2.10.5 Internet Use Policy .............................................................................................37 Personal Use Policy ......................................................................37 Restricted Materials ......................................................................37 Professional Communication ........................................................37 Responsibility for Content ............................................................38 2.10.6 Retention of Public Records ..............................................................................38 Email Retention ............................................................................38 Electronic Document Retention ....................................................38 2.11 Emergency Contact Information .......................................................................................38 2.12 Outside Employment ........................................................................................................38 2.12.1 Restrictions ........................................................................................................38 2.12.2 Approval for Outside Employment ....................................................................39 2.12.3 Considerations for Disapproval .........................................................................39 2.13 City Identification Cards ...................................................................................................39 2.14 Tardiness and Absenteeism ...............................................................................................40 2.14.1 Habitual Tardiness/Lateness ..............................................................................40 2.14.2 Failure to Report to Work ..................................................................................40 2.14.3 Excusable Absences ...........................................................................................40 2.15 Disciplinary Action ...........................................................................................................40 2.15.1 Cause for Disciplinary Action ...........................................................................40 2.15.2 Investigation .......................................................................................................41 2.15.3 Pre-Disciplinary Conference ..............................................................................41 Proceedings of the Pre-Disciplinary Conference ..........................41 2.15.4 Types of Disciplinary Action .............................................................................41 Oral Warning ................................................................................41 Written Reprimand ........................................................................42 v UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Suspension Without Pay ...............................................................42 Emergency Suspension With Pay .................................................43 Suspension With Pay ....................................................................43 Termination ...................................................................................43 2.15.5 Probationary Employees – Termination ............................................................43 2.15.6 Filing Disciplinary Actions in Personnel File ....................................................44 2.16 Grievances .........................................................................................................................44 2.16.1 Procedure for Filing a Grievance .......................................................................44 2.17 Safety and Health ..............................................................................................................45 2.17.1 Supervisor Responsibilities ................................................................................45 2.17.2 Employee Responsibilities .................................................................................45 2.17.3 Personal Protective Equipment ..........................................................................45 Hard Hats ......................................................................................46 Safety Shoes ..................................................................................46 Safety Harness ..............................................................................46 Safety Vest ....................................................................................46 Safety Glasses ...............................................................................46 Non-compliance with Safety Requirements .................................46 2.17.4 Worker’s Compensation ....................................................................................47 Employee Injury/Accident Reporting Requirements ....................47 Supervisor Reporting Requirements .............................................48 Human Resources Reporting Requirements .................................48 2.17.5 Work Related Injury Compliance ......................................................................48 Appointments and Follow Up .......................................................49 Transitional Duty ..........................................................................49 Case Management .........................................................................49 Paycheck and Benefits ..................................................................49 Accrual of Time ............................................................................49 Medical Bills .................................................................................49 Released to Work ..........................................................................50 2.17.6 Transitional Duty ...............................................................................................50 Physician Certification ..................................................................50 Transitional Duty Time Limitations/Restrictions .........................50 2.17.7 Accommodation Hearing ...................................................................................51 2.17.8 Use of City-Owned Motor Vehicles ..................................................................51 Vehicle Guidelines ........................................................................51 Take Home Vehicles .....................................................................52 Regulations Relating to Vehicle Use ............................................52 Reimbursement for Personally-Owned Vehicle Use ....................53 2.17.9 Collision Investigation Involving City Employees ............................................53 Vehicle Accident Reporting Requirements – Employee ..............53 Vehicle Accident Reporting Requirements – Supervisor .............53 v UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Investigation Procedure ................................................................54 Employee Statements ....................................................................54 2.17.10 Emergency Conditions .......................................................................................54 Closing City Offices ..........................................................................54 2.18 Workplace Inspections ......................................................................................................55 2.18.1 Administrative Inspections ................................................................................55 2.18.2 Criminal Inspections/Searches ...........................................................................55 2.19 Nepotism ...........................................................................................................................55 2.19.1 Prohibition on Employing the Spouse/Relatives of Department Heads/Elected Officials/Paid Appointed Officers (Anti-Nepotism) ..........................................55 2.19.2 Spouse/Relatives of Department Heads/Elected Officials .................................55 2.19.3 Relatives of all Employees .................................................................................56 2.20 Dissemination of Information Policy ................................................................................56 2.21 Use of Telephones .............................................................................................................57 2.21.1 Personal Use of Telephones ...............................................................................57 2.21.2 Cell Phone Policy ...............................................................................................57 Procedure ......................................................................................57 Allotted Minutes ...........................................................................58 Eligibility Criteria .........................................................................58 Employee Responsibilities ............................................................58 Department Head Responsibilities ................................................59 Repairs and Replacement of Equipment .......................................59 Termination ...................................................................................59 Section 3 Direct Compensation 3.1 Regular Hours of Work .....................................................................................................60 3.1.1 Workday Hours and Lunch Breaks ....................................................................60 3.1.2 Work Schedule ...................................................................................................60 3.2 Shift Changes ....................................................................................................................60 3.3 Payroll Administration ......................................................................................................60 3.4 Callback Pay .....................................................................................................................61 3.5 Overtime Scheduling ........................................................................................................61 3.6 Overtime Pay ....................................................................................................................61 3.7 Compensation Time ..........................................................................................................61 3.8 Public Works On Call .......................................................................................................62 3.9 Flex Time ..........................................................................................................................62 3.10 Longevity Pay ...................................................................................................................62 3.11 Performance Evaluations and Pay Adjustments ...............................................................62 3.11.1 Employee Performance Evaluations ..................................................................62 3.11.2 Pay Adjustments ................................................................................................63 v UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Section 4 Employment Benefits 4.1 Vacation Leave .................................................................................................................64 4.2 Holiday Leave ...................................................................................................................65 4.3 Sick Leave .........................................................................................................................65 4.3.1 Purpose, Allowance and Accumulation .............................................................65 4.3.2 Medical Verification ..........................................................................................66 4.3.3 Sick Leave Utilization ........................................................................................66 4.3.4 Unused Sick Leave ............................................................................................66 4.3.5 Sick Leave Donation Policy ...............................................................................66 4.4 Reporting of Absences ......................................................................................................67 4.5 Duty Related Illness Leave ...............................................................................................67 4.6 Emergency and Bereavement Leave .................................................................................67 4.7 Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act ..................................67 4.8 Illinois Family Military Leave Act ...................................................................................68 4.9 Jury Duty Leave ................................................................................................................68 4.10 Time Off for Voting ..........................................................................................................68 4.11 Unpaid Discretionary Leave .............................................................................................68 4.12 Employee Benefits Information ........................................................................................69 4.13 Health and Life Insurance Coverage .................................................................................69 4.14 Pension Participation ........................................................................................................70 4.14.1 Eligibility ...........................................................................................................70 4.14.2 Military Service Credit ......................................................................................70 4.15 Continuation of Medical Coverage ...................................................................................70 4.16 Education ..........................................................................................................................70 4.17 Training and Certificates ...................................................................................................71 4.18 Lodging and Meal Expenses .............................................................................................71 4.18.1 Family Lodging and Accompaniment ...............................................................72 4.19 Internal Revenue 457 Deferred Compensation Plan .........................................................72 4.20 Additional Voluntary Benefits ..........................................................................................72 4.21 Victim’s Economic Security and Safety Leave ................................................................72 4.21.1 Coverage and Eligibility ....................................................................................72 4.21.2 Notification and Verification .............................................................................73 4.21.3 Time Allowed ....................................................................................................73 4.21.4 Substitution of Paid Leave .................................................................................73 4.21.5 Job Protection .....................................................................................................73 4.22 Blood and Organ Donation Leave ....................................................................................73 4.22.1 Blood Donation ..................................................................................................73 4.22.2 Organ Donation ..................................................................................................74 4.23 School Conference and Activity Leave ............................................................................74 4.23.1 Eligibility Requirement ......................................................................................74 4.23.2 Notice Provisions ...............................................................................................74 v UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL 4.24 Disability Leave ................................................................................................................74 4.24.1 Disability – Non Work Related ..........................................................................74 Less than One (1) Year’s Employment .........................................74 More than One (1) Year’s Employment .......................................75 4.24.2 Disability – Work Related .................................................................................75 Less than One (1) Year’s Employment .........................................75 More than One (1) Year’s Employment .......................................75 4.25 Family and Medical Leave ................................................................................................76 4.25.1 General Statement ..............................................................................................76 4.25.2 Eligibility ...........................................................................................................76 4.25.3 Reasons for Leave ..............................................................................................76 Serious Health Condition ..............................................................77 Qualifying Exigency Leave ..........................................................78 Military Care Giver Leave ............................................................78 4.25.4 Leave is Unpaid .................................................................................................80 4.25.5 Notice of Leave ..................................................................................................80 4.25.6 Medical Certification .........................................................................................81 4.25.7 Medical and Other Benefits ...............................................................................81 4.25.8 Returning from Leave ........................................................................................81 4.25.9 Reporting While on Leave .................................................................................82 4.25.10 Intermittent and Reduced Leave Schedule ........................................................82 4.25.11 Policy Administration ........................................................................................82 4.25.12 Interrelation of Leaves .......................................................................................82 4.25.13 Anti-Retaliation Provisions ................................................................................82 4.25.14 FMLA Forms .....................................................................................................83 4.26 Benefits While on Leave ...................................................................................................83 Section 5 Separation 5.1 Termination .......................................................................................................................84 5.2 Employee Termination and Exit Process ..........................................................................84 5.2.1 Service Retirement .............................................................................................84 5.2.2 Disability Resignation ........................................................................................84 5.2.3 Employee Initiated Resignation .........................................................................84 5.2.4 Probationary Termination ..................................................................................84 5.2.5 Layoff .................................................................................................................85 5.2.6 Exit Interview .....................................................................................................85 5.2.7 Termination Date ...............................................................................................86 5.2.8 Continuation of Benefits ....................................................................................86 Continuation of Benefits for Retirees ...........................................86 5.2.9 Pension Contribution Refunds ...........................................................................87 5.2.10 Unemployment Compensation ...........................................................................87 v UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL 5.3 Use of Paid Time ..............................................................................................................87 5.4 Vacation Pay-Out at Termination .....................................................................................87 5.5 Sick Pay-Out at Termination ............................................................................................87 5.6 Medical/Dental Continuation Plan (COBRA) ..................................................................88 5.6.1 Eligibility Requirements ....................................................................................88 5.6.2 End of COBRA Coverage ..................................................................................88 5.7 Re-Employment ................................................................................................................89 5.8 References .........................................................................................................................89 Section 6 Personnel Practices 6.1 Equal Employment ............................................................................................................90 6.2 Recruitment .......................................................................................................................90 6.3 Hiring Policy .....................................................................................................................90 6.3.1 Applicability to Other Policies, Regulations and Agreements ..........................90 6.3.2 Approval to Recruit Personnel ...........................................................................90 6.3.3 Job Posting Process ............................................................................................91 6.3.4 Selection Process ...............................................................................................91 6.3.5 Job Offer ............................................................................................................91 6.4 Job Description Creation ...................................................................................................92 6.4.1 New Positions ....................................................................................................92 6.4.2 Existing Positions ..............................................................................................92 6.5 Personnel Records .............................................................................................................92 6.5.1 Maintenance of Records ...................................................................................92 6.5.2 Confidentiality ...................................................................................................92 Employee Review of Records .......................................................92 6.5.3 Standardized Forms ...........................................................................................93 6.5.4 Notification Process for Employment Status Change ........................................93 6.6 Probationary Period ..........................................................................................................93 Appendices Appendix A Acknowledgement of Drug Free Workplace Policy and Agreement to Abide by Policy ............................................................................94 Appendix B Drug Free Workplace Consent to Testing (Current Employee) ........................95 Appendix C Drug Free Workplace Post-Offer Consent to Testing (Applicant) ....................96 Appendix D Request for Authorization of Outside Employment ..........................................98 Appendix E Workers’ Compensation Employee Injury – Employee’s Report .....................99 Appendix F Workers’ Compensation Employee Injury – Supervisor’s Report ..................100 Appendix G Vehicle Accident Report ..................................................................................101 Appendix H Supervisor’s Vehicle Accident Investigation Report .......................................103 Appendix I Off Premises Training Hours Worked Agreement ..........................................104 v UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Appendix J Time Off Request Form ...................................................................................105 Appendix K Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) Forms .....................................................106 Appendix K-1 Notification to Employer of Need for Family Medical Leave ..........107 Appendix K-2 Certification of Health Care Provider for Employee’s Serious Health Condition ...........................................................................................108 Appendix K-3 Certification of Health Care Provider for Family Member’s Serious Health Condition ...............................................................................112 Appendix L Employment Reference Release Form .............................................................116 v UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION Section 1.1 Purpose and Mission Statement of Personnel Policy Manual The purpose of the United City of Yorkville Personnel Policy Manual is to establish a sound human resources program based on policies equitable to the employees, employer, and taxpayers to be administered systematically resulting in effective employee performance and morale. The objectives of such a program should establish a system of human resources management based on merit and equitable administration, establish and maintain a uniform and equitable plan of position classification and compensation based on duties and responsibilities of positions in the City service, develop a program that will make a career in municipal government attractive to persons who possess the ability, integrity and dedication to serve the public, and provide a plan for continuing growth and education of the municipal employee that will provide the competence and initiative required for effective performance, equitable compensation, and public respect. The mission of the United City of Yorkville Personnel Policy Manual is to provide the City organization with a clear and comprehensive guide, relative to human resource administration, that will enable it to recruit, hire, train, compensate and retain a highly skilled work force so that the City may achieve its overall objective of serving the best interests of the citizens of Yorkville, while utilizing their tax dollars in the most efficient and effective manner possible. Section 1.2 Application and Scope This document shall be known as the United City of Yorkville Personnel Policy Manual. This Manual is designed to assist employees in performing their duties and responsibilities. It does not, and is not, intended to cover every aspect of City operations. The general administrative and procedural policies of the United City of Yorkville Personnel Policy Manual apply to all City employees, unless stated otherwise. The benefit policies of the United City of Yorkville Personnel Policy Manual apply to all regular, full-time employees, unless stated otherwise. The City Administrator shall decide all disputes or questions relating to the determination of whether a policy is administrative and/or procedural in nature. Sworn members of the Yorkville Police Department, with the exception of the Chief of Police and Deputy Police Chief, are also subject to the rules and regulations of the United City of Yorkville Board of Fire and Police Commissioners and to the provisions of the Illinois Compiled Statutes. Where a conflict exits, the rules of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners shall prevail to the extent of the specific conflict only. Additionally, the various City departments may establish working regulations and operating procedures to supplement the policies set forth in this Manual. - 1 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Upon formal adoption by the City Council, this Manual supersedes all other previous personnel rules, regulations, policies, and procedures, written or oral. In the event that any provisions of this Manual conflict with the laws of the State of Illinois or the United States Government, the applicable state or federal provision(s) shall take precedence. The term “Manual” shall mean this handbook and all of its appendices collectively. Section 1.3 Gender and Singular Plural Clause Whenever the male pronoun is used in this Manual, it is intended to refer to all employees, male or female. Words used in the singular also apply to the plural and vice versa. Section 1.4 Collective Bargaining Where the provisions of these rules conflict with those of a valid collective bargaining agreement between the United City of Yorkville and a recognized bargaining unit, the collective bargaining agreement shall take precedence over this Manual to the extent of the specific conflict only. Section 1.5 Amendments The policies, procedures, and practices in the United City of Yorkville Personnel Policy Manual are subject to modification and further development as determined by the City Council, as well as changes in state and federal law. Each member of City management can assist in keeping the Manual up to date by notifying the Human Resources Manager whenever problems are encountered or improvements can be made in the administration of the personnel policies. Human Resources will recommend changes to the Personnel Policy Manual for review by Department Heads and consideration by the City Administrator for inclusion in the Manual. Revisions to the policies outlined in this Manual must be approved by the City Council. The City Administrator must approve any procedural changes in this Manual. The City Administrator shall determine what is policy requiring City Council review and what is policy relative to administrative procedural matters. Section 1.6 History of City The site where the present United City of Yorkville is located was first settled in 1833 by a man named Earl Adams, who built a log cabin on what eventually became known as Courthouse Hill on the south side of the Fox River. The village was laid out by Rulief Duryea in 1836 and named Yorkville, apparently for Mr. Duryea’s home state of New York. In 1841, when Kendall County was formed, the Village of Yorkville was named the County Seat. It was a short-lived distinction. The Village of Oswego’s residents petitioned the state legislature in 1845 to move the county seat to the more - 2 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL populated Oswego and after two votes, the recommendation passed. But Yorkville residents were not prepared to let the issue die. Thirteen years later, in 1859, Kendall County voters chose to once again designate Yorkville as the county seat because of its more centralized location. In 1864 a new courthouse was completed. Although County courts were moved out of this historic building in 1997 to a new Courthouse on John Street on the north side of the river, the old majestic courthouse, carefully renovated to its former splendor, still sits atop Courthouse Hill overlooking Yorkville’s downtown Business District. Today the Historic Courthouse is home to the Kendall County Forest Preserve District and is a site for many community meetings. Yorkville was officially incorporated as a village on July 8, 1874 with a population of almost 500 people. At that time, Yorkville only encompassed land on the south side of the Fox River; another village, called Bristol, was located directly across from Yorkville on the north side of the river. It wasn’t until April 16, 1957 that the two communities finally decided to join together to form one municipality which became known as the United City of Yorkville. Yorkville’s central business district for most of the community’s existence has been located on the South side of the Fox River on Bridge Street (Route 47). Originally the street had run up the hill to the Courthouse, but when the new bridge was built in the 1960s, Route 47 was straightened and the business district realigned. In the 1970s, Countryside Mall was built on the City’s north side, at the intersection of Rts. 47 and 34. For many years this mall was not only a shopping area, but a central meeting place for the community. In 2005 the mall was leveled, to be replaced a new “lifestyle” shopping center that will carry on the tradition of combining shopping and recreation. Other shopping opportunities have arisen in the past few years with the addition of Kendall Marketplace, an 800,000 square-foot mall on the City’s northwest side, and numerous strip malls along the City’s major arterial roads. The United City of Yorkville recently has seen unprecedented growth in both residential and commercial areas. Annexations have increased the City’s area to more than 20 square miles, with a planning area of almost 70 square miles. There are many new projects on the horizon, such as plans for the redevelopment of the downtown area, addition of new Parks and Recreation facilities, improvement to the Glen Palmer Dam, a new water park, and new residential and commercial developments that will continue to add to the excitement and vitality of the Yorkville community. In 2007 the United City of th Yorkville celebrated the 50 anniversary of its incorporation as a city with the motto – Together We’ve Grown. With an interesting history and a bright future, the United City of Yorkville, located in what the U.S. Census Bureau has designated as the fastest growing county in the United States, is looking forward to many more years of growth and prosperity. Section 1.7 City Vision Statement Yorkville continues to embody the social and physical characteristics of a small town— epitomized by a sense of community and a charming, revitalized downtown. The mechanisms established to engage residents, businesses, youth, seniors, and special populations, help leaders make decisions. Our strategic location will encourage continued development and expansion of the community, for which we have effectively planned. Successful planning efforts have achieved a mutually advantageous balance among retail, service, industrial and residential development. Such plans, in combination with development exaction programs, assist Yorkville in maintaining a reasonable - 3 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL tax base to fund services. Foresight has also prevented growth from outpacing quality service provision to an increasingly diverse population—requiring housing alternatives to accommodate a variety of income levels and accessibility preferences. Development will challenge residents’ ability to effectively traverse the community. However, the City continues to encourage neighborhood connections through its planning processes—ensuring opportunities for vehicular, pedestrian and non-vehicular travel to avoid congestion, primarily created by Route 47. Blending community with nature through beautification efforts remains a high priority. By requiring developments to provide and improve large open spaces and by creating walking paths along the river, Yorkville has ensured there is room for both recreation and relaxation in beautiful public areas. We realize that growth, diversity, and state funding limitations are all critical challenges for the community to navigate in order to maintain Yorkville’s reputation for an excellent public school system. Finally, recognizing the importance of collaborative relationships to Yorkville’s long-term success, we seek to foster an environment of mutual benefit among and between elected officials, staff, citizens, and other state and local governments. Our vision is brought to life through perceptions, decision-making, activities, events and experiences such as: Emphasizing the river and downtown as a focal points of the community’s identity. Acknowledging and celebrating our history to provide a commonality of citizenship. Supporting community events that encourage a sense of family, community and affiliation. Maintaining community assets. Fostering relationships and developing systems that prepare the City for development opportunities. Assessing the transportation and development impact of the Prairie Parkway. Establishing efficient development processes that allow the City to compete for targeted development types. Safeguarding property values by adhering to high building standards. Expanding the park system and recreational programs to support community growth. Seeking input routinely from the community on issues of significant concern. Providing opportunities for people of similar ages and/or interests to interact. Becoming a recognized leader in environmental matters, including community sustainability. Creating systems for routine collaboration among and between organizations that influence City goals . Section 1.8 Definitions, Roles and Responsibilities Section 1.8.1 City Council Definition – The Mayor and Aldermen of the United City of Yorkville, as defined under the Illinois Municipal Code. Roles and responsibilities – The City Council shall exercise control over personnel through the adoption of the City’s annual budget, compensation plan, confirmation of the Mayor’s appointments, or by the adoption of policies, procedures, ordinances and resolutions as deemed necessary by the Council. The Mayor may seek advisory input from the City - 4 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Council in connection with annual performance evaluations for employees who have a direct relationship with the Mayor as their immediate supervisor. Section 1.8.2 Mayor Definition – Per the Illinois Municipal Code. Roles and responsibilities – The Mayor shall be responsible for ensuring the effective execution and administration of the policies and procedures and may delegate such functions as deemed necessary for the implementation of this system. The Mayor shall perform the performance evaluations and may seek input from the City Council for employees who have a direct relationship with the Mayor as their immediate supervisor. Section 1.8.3 Board of Fire and Police Commissioners Definition – As defined within City Code, as amended from time-to-time by ordinance. Roles and Responsibilities – Performs the function of a civil service commission for all sworn police officers. The board hires, fires, promotes, and disciplines all sworn members of the police department, except the Police Chief, who is appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council, and the Deputy Police Chiefs, who are appointed by the Police Chief. Section 1.8.4 Types of Employees Section DepartmentHeads Definition – As determined within City Code, as amended from time-to-time by ordinance. In general, are salaried on an annual basis, regardless of number of hours worked over forty (40) hours per week. Roles and responsibilities – Department head shall: 1)Be responsible for directing and coordinating personnel activities of the City on a day-to-day basis. 2)Establish such rules as deemed necessary to the efficient and orderly administration of their respective departments, in accordance with this employee manual and City Code. 3)Complete performance evaluations for their subordinates in accordance with Section 3.10. 4)Prepare a tentative department budget in accordance with direction given by their supervisor during each budget cycle. 5)Prepare job descriptions and recommend the selection and hiring of all personnel in accordance with Section 6. 6)Submit for approval any promotion, demotion, discharge of all personnel in their respective department, with the Mayor having authority for final dispensation of all employees. - 5 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Section Supervisory Definition – Members of the management group, as determined by the FLSA status and the provisions of the employee’s job description. Roles and responsibilities – Supervisory personnel direct the daily work activities of unit or shift of employees. Employees shall report tardiness, illness, or other absence, and make requests for authorized leave to the Supervisory personnel, as dictated in the sections of this employee manual. Section Non-Exempt Full-Time Definition – Permanent employees scheduled to work forty (40) hours per week, and paid on an hourly basis. Roles and responsibilities – As defined by the job description of the position. Section Part-Time Definition – Any employee who is employed regularly for less than forty (40) hours per week. All work performed is paid as straight time, subject to department of labor laws regarding overtime. Part-time employees may be eligible for benefits, in accordance with the provisions within Section 4. Roles and responsibilities – As defined by the job description of the position. Section Volunteers Definition – An uncompensated person who volunteers to perform a service for the City during a special event. Roles and responsibilities – As directed by the Department Head during a City special event. - 6 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL SECTION 2 PERSONAL CONDUCT Section 2.1 Standards of Conduct Employees must exercise the utmost courtesy and discretion regarding all matters of City business. Employees shall refrain from any action and avoid any public pronouncement that might reflect adversely upon the City. Employees are expected to act as a representative of the United City of Yorkville at all times. This means treating all citizens, customers, vendors, suppliers, and other service providers courteously, professionally, and respectfully on the phone, on the road, on the computer, in person or any other form of communication. Employees are also expected to treat each other in the same manner. Any employee who is found to be in violation of City policy may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Depending upon the seriousness of the action, other appropriate civil or criminal sanctions may also be pursued. By signing off on receipt of this Personnel Policy Manual employees agree to adhere to the standards of conduct set forth in Section 2.1, as well as its subsections. Section 2.1.1 Ethics Ordinance In November of 2003, the Illinois General Assembly mandated that each unit of local government adopt an ordinance “regulating the political activities of, and the solicitation and acceptance of gifts, by the officers and employees of such units ‘in a manner no less restrictive” than the provisions of the Act”. The City passed Ordinance 2004-26 in May of 2004 to comply with this mandate. The Ethics Code provides very clear descriptions of the prohibited activities and consequences of any violations. Of special note is that a violation to the Ethics Code is not treated as a violation of conduct, but will likely lead to prosecution. The following is a summary of the Ethics ordinance: A.No officer or employee shall intentionally perform any prohibited political activity during any "compensated time", as defined herein. No officer or employee shall intentionally use any property or resources of the United City of Yorkville in connection with any prohibited political activity. B.At no time shall any officer or employee intentionally require any other officer or employee to perform any prohibited political activity: 1) as part of that officer's or employee's duties, 2) as a condition of employment, or 3) during any compensated time off (such as holidays, vacation or personal time off). C.No officer or employee shall be required at any time to participate in any prohibited political activity in consideration for that officer or employee being awarded additional compensation or any benefit, whether in the form of a salary adjustment, bonus, compensatory time off, continued employment or otherwise, nor shall any officer or employee be awarded additional compensation or any benefit in consideration for his or her participation in any prohibited political activity. - 7 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL D.Nothing in this section prohibits activities that are permissible for an officer or employee to engage in as part of his or her official duties, or activities that are undertaken by an officer or employee on a voluntary basis which are not prohibited by this chapter. E.No person either: 1) in a position that is subject to recognized merit principles of public employment or 2) in a position the salary for which is paid in whole or in part by federal funds and that is subject to the federal standards for a merit system of personnel administration applicable to grant in aid programs, shall be denied or deprived of employment or tenure solely because he or she is a member or an officer of a political committee, of a political party, or of a political organization or club. Section 2.1.2 Gift Ban Ordinance 2004-26 and Section 1-12-3 in the City Code also address a gift ban. Except as described in general terms below, no officer or employee, and no spouse of or immediate family member living with any officer or employee (collectively referred to herein as "recipients"), shall intentionally solicit or accept any gift from any "prohibited source", as defined herein, or which is otherwise prohibited by law or ordinance. No prohibited source shall intentionally offer or make a gift that violates this section. Exceptions are generally: A. Opportunities, benefits, and services that are available on the same conditions as for the general public. B. Anything for which the officer or employee, or his or her spouse or immediate family member, pays the fair market value. C. Any: 1) contribution that is lawfully made under the election code or 2) activities associated with a fundraising event in support of a political organization or candidate. D. Educational materials and missions. E. Travel expenses for a meeting to discuss business. F. A gift from a "relative", meaning those people related to the individual as father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, great aunt, great uncle, first cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother, half sister, and including the father, mother, grandfather, or grandmother of the individual's fiancé or fiancée. G. Anything provided by an individual on the basis of a personal friendship unless the recipient has reason to believe that, under the circumstances, the gift was provided - 8 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL because of the official position or employment of the recipient or his or her spouse or immediate family member and not because of the personal friendship. In determining whether a gift is provided on the basis of personal friendship, the recipient shall consider the circumstances under which the gift was offered, such as: 1. The history of the relationship between the individual giving the gift and the recipient of the gift, including any previous exchange of gifts between those individuals; 2. Whether to the actual knowledge of the recipient the individual who gave the gift personally paid for the gift or sought a tax deduction or business reimbursement for the gift; and 3. Whether to the actual knowledge of the recipient the individual who gave the gift also at the same time gave the same or similar gifts to other officers or employees, or their spouses or immediate family members. H. Food or refreshments not exceeding seventy five dollars ($75.00) per person in value on a single calendar day; provided that the food or refreshments are: 1) consumed on the premises from which they were purchased or prepared or 2) catered. For the purposes of this section, "catered" means food or refreshments that are purchased ready to consume which are delivered by any means. I. Food, refreshments, lodging, transportation, and other benefits resulting from outside business or employment activities (or outside activities that are not connected to the official duties of an officer or employee), if the benefits have not been offered or enhanced because of the official position or employment of the officer or employee, and are customarily provided to others in similar circumstances. J. Intragovernmental and intergovernmental gifts. For the purpose of this act, "intragovernmental gift" means any gift given to an officer or employee from another officer or employee, and "intergovernmental gift" means any gift given to an officer or employee by an officer or employee of another governmental entity. K. Bequests, inheritances, and other transfers at death. L. Any item or items from any one prohibited source during any calendar year having a cumulative total value of less than one hundred dollars ($100.00). Each of the exceptions listed in this section is mutually exclusive and independent of every other. Section 2.1.3 Fraud Prevention The United City of Yorkville has established a fraud prevention policy to aid in the detection and prevention of fraud against the City. It is the intent of the City to promote consistent organizational behavior by providing guidelines and assigning responsibility for the development of controls and conduct of investigations. This policy applies to any irregularity, or suspected irregularity, involving - 9 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL employees and elected officials as well as contractors, consultants and/or any other parties with a business relationship with the United City of Yorkville. Any investigative activity required will be conducted without regard to the suspected wrongdoer’s length of service, position/title, or relationship to the City. The Human Resources Manager will provide employees with information regarding fraud detection and prevention on an annual basis; however management is ultimately responsible for the detection and prevention of fraud, misappropriations, and other irregularities. Fraud is defined as the intentional, false representation or concealment of a material fact for the purpose of inducing another to act upon it to his or her injury. Each member of the management team will be familiar with the types of improprieties that might occur within his or her area of responsibility, and be alert for any indication of irregularity. Any irregularity that is detected or suspected must be reported immediately to the City Administrator, who will coordinate an investigation. The terms defalcation, misappropriation, and other fiscal irregularities refer to, but are not limited to: Any dishonest or fraudulent act Misappropriation of funds, securities, supplies, or other assets Impropriety in the handling or reporting of money or financial transactions Disclosing to other persons securities activities engaged in or contemplated by the City Accepting or seeking anything of material value from contractors, vendors, or persons providing services/materials to the City, except in circumstances described in Section 2.1.2 (Gift Ban) of the manual Destruction, removal, or inappropriate use of records, furniture, fixtures, equipment, and/or any other City owned property Any similar or related irregularity Irregularities concerning an employee’s moral, ethical, or behavioral conduct that is not addressed in Section 2.1.1 (Ethics Ordinance) of this manual should be resolved by departmental management and Human Resources. If there is a question as to whether an action constitutes fraud, contact the City Administrator for guidance. Reporting and Investigation Procedures The City Administrator has the primary responsibility for the investigation of all suspected fraudulent acts as defined in this policy. If the investigation substantiates that fraudulent activities have occurred, the City Administrator will issue reports to appropriate designated personnel and, if appropriate, to the City Council. Decisions to prosecute or refer the examination results to the appropriate law enforcement and/or regulatory agencies for independent investigation will be made in conjunction with legal counsel, as will final decisions on disposition of the case. The City Administrator has the authority to examine, copy, and/or remove all or any portion of the contents of files, desks, cabinets, and other storage facilities on the premises - 10 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL without prior knowledge or consent of any individual who might use or have custody of any such items or facilities when it is within the scope of his investigation. Great care must be taken in the investigation of suspected improprieties or irregularities so as to avoid mistaken accusations or alerting suspected individuals that an investigation is underway. The City Administrator treats all information received confidentially. Any employee who suspects dishonest or fraudulent activities will notify the City Administrator immediately, and should not attempt to personally conduct investigations or interviews/interrogations related to any suspected fraudulent act. An employee who discovers or suspects fraudulent activity will contact the City Administrator immediately. The employee or other complainant may remain anonymous. All inquiries concerning the activity under investigation from the suspected individual, his or her attorney or representative, or any other inquirer should be directed to the City Administrator or City Attorney. No information concerning the status of an investigation will be given out. The proper response to any inquiries is: “I am not at liberty to discuss this matter.” Under no circumstances should any reference be made to “the allegation,” “the crime,” “the fraud,” “the forgery,” “the misappropriation,” or any other specific reference. The reporting individual should be informed of the following: Do not contact the suspected individual in an effort to determine facts or demand restitution. Do not discuss the case, facts, suspicions, or allegations with anyone unless specifically asked to do so by the City Administrator or the City’s legal counsel. Termination If an investigation results in a recommendation to terminate an individual, the recommendation will be reviewed for approval by the Mayor and by legal counsel before any such action is taken. Section 2.2 Compliance with Rules and Regulations Employees are expected to comply with the personnel policies and practices contained herein. Penalties will be assessed for infractions of these policies and procedures. Minor infractions do not require the same severe disciplinary action that is necessary for major infractions. All employees are subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge for engaging in, but not limited to, the following illustrations of unacceptable conduct. Section 2.2.1 Minor Infraction Guidelines Minor infractions are the type of behavior that does not generally, upon first offense, require severe disciplinary action, but if continued, may lead to suspension or termination. Minor infractions include but are not limited to: - 11 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL 1.Wasting time, loitering or being away from assigned working place without good reason. 2.Tardiness. 3.Careless or unsafe use of City property. 4.Unauthorized posting or removal of any matter from City bulletin boards or City property. 5.Lack of courtesy to an individual, either on the phone, on the computer or in person. Section 2.2.2 Major Infraction Guidelines Major infractions are the type of behavior that may result in severe disciplinary action, such as suspension or termination. Major infractions include but are not limited to: 1. Refusal to carry out a specific order or instruction (written or oral) issued by a supervisor. 2. Theft from fellow workers, the City or any others. 3. Willful omission of facts or falsifying personnel or other records during or after time of employment. 4. Habitual tardiness or absenteeism. 5. Failure to comply with City or department policies and procedures and/or collective bargaining agreement. 6. Unauthorized sleeping on the job. 7. Consumption, possession, or use of any drug (on the job), including intoxicants, alcohol, stimulants, and depressants, other than those prescribed by a physician to the employee. Reporting to work under the influence of any intoxicant, stimulant, and/or depressant (other than that prescribed by a physician) will be considered as if the employee had consumed the drug on the job. 8. Violation of the IT Use and Security policy (outlined later in this chapter). 9. Working in an unsafe manner, including disregarding established safety practices and procedures and/or the failure to use personal protective equipment as required. 10. Malicious, careless, or negligent action resulting in injury or damage to person or property. 11.Failure to report a workplace injury or accident within twenty-four (24) hours of occurrence. 12. Three (3) wage garnishment submittals (requests) made to the City involving more than one (1) indebtedness within a twelve (12) month period. 13. Careless or unsafe use of City property, which results in injury to a person or damage to, said property. 14. Harassment of any kind. 15. Absence from work for one (1) day without permission, without proper notification, or without adequate explanation. 16. Gambling of any type on municipal property. 17. Revealing or divulging confidential information to parties not involved. 18. Issues of workplace violence - 12 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Section 2.3Anti-Harassment Policy The United City of Yorkville is committed to maintaining a work environment that is free of discrimination. In keeping with this commitment, we will not tolerate harassment of City employees by anyone, including any supervisor, co-worker, or any third party. All employees are expected to avoid any behavior or conduct that could reasonably be interpreted as harassment. All employees are expected to make it known promptly, through the avenues identified below, whenever they experience or witness offensive or unwelcome conduct. Harassment consists of unwelcome conduct, whether verbal, physical, or visual, that is based upon a person's protected status, such as sex, color, race, religion, national origin, age, physical or mental disability or other protected group status. The City will not tolerate harassing conduct that affects tangible job benefits, that interferes unreasonably with an individual's work performance, or that creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. Such harassment may include, for example, jokes about another person's protected status, kidding, teasing or practical jokes directed at a person based on his or her protected status. Sexual harassment deserves special mention. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other physical, verbal, or visual conduct based on sex constitute sexual harassment when (1) submission to the conduct is an explicit or implicit term or condition of employment, (2) submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as the basis for an employment decision, or (3) the conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. Sexual harassment is conduct based on sex, whether directed towards a person of the opposite or same sex, and may include explicit sexual propositions, sexual innuendo, suggestive comments, sexually oriented "kidding" or "teasing", "practical jokes", jokes about obscene printed or visual material, and physical contact such as patting, pinching, or brushing against another person's body. All City employees are responsible to help assure that harassment is avoided. Anyone who believes that they have experienced or witnessed harassment should notify the City Administrator, a Department Head, Supervisor, City Attorney, or Mayor. The City forbids retaliation against anyone for reporting harassment, assisting in making a harassment complaint, or cooperating in a harassment investigation. Anyone who believes that they have been retaliated against should notify the City Administrator, a Department Head, Supervisor, City Attorney, or Mayor. The City's policy is to investigate all such complaints thoroughly and promptly. To the fullest extent practicable, the City will keep complaints and the terms of their resolution confidential. If an investigation confirms that a violation of the policy has occurred, the City will take corrective action, including discipline, up to and including immediate termination of employment. An employee who believes that he or she has been the subject of harassment or retaliation for complaining about harassment also has the right to file a charge of civil rights violations with the appropriate state or federal enforcement agency. These include: - 13 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Illinois Department of Human Rights 100 West Randolph Street, Suite 10-100 Chicago, Illinois 60601 312-814-6200 United States Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Chicago District Office 500 West Madison Street, Suite 2000 Chicago, Illinois 60661 800-669-4000 Section 2.4 Threats, Violence and Weapons Section 2.4.1 Workplace Violence Policy The City will not tolerate any threats, threatening behavior or acts of violence against employees, visitors, or other individuals by anyone on City property or while an employee is off-premises engaged in City business. There is no justification for such actions. Any employee who violates this policy will face disciplinary action up to and including discharge and may face possible arrest and criminal prosecution. Section 2.4.2 Prohibited Conduct "Workplace violence" includes any behavior or conduct on City premises, which is sufficiently severe, offensive, or intimidating to cause an individual to reasonably fear for his or her personal safety or the safety of co-workers and/or property. It includes, but is not limited to: a. Any physical behavior, or threat of physical behavior, which involves aggressive contact with any person, including pushing, hitting, fighting, throwing objects or otherwise intentionally injuring another person or attempting to injure another person; b. Any physical behavior, or threat of physical behavior, that would place a reasonable person in fear of receiving imminent physical injury or aggressive physical contact of the sort discussed above; or c. Any act of vandalism or other intentional damage or destruction of City property. No employee or third party, except for authorized law enforcement personnel, is permitted to bring weapons or firearms onto City property (including City vehicles). Section 2.4.3 Reporting Procedures Employees who become aware of workplace violence or any threat of workplace violence, whether by an employee or non-employee, must immediately report such action to their immediate supervisor and law enforcement personnel. Disciplinary action may result if the employee having knowledge of a suspected violent act fails to report the incident. Any employee who is a victim of - 14 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL workplace violence must immediately report the situation to law enforcement personnel, then his or her supervisor or the City Administrator when the supervisor is involved. Any report made pursuant to this policy will be treated with confidentiality to the extent reasonably possible and appropriate. Actions that may be considered endangering or life threatening by or against any employee or individual on City property should be reported to local law enforcement agency by calling 911, in addition to the reports set forth above. Section 2.4.4 Investigation and Responsive Action All incidents of alleged workplace violence will be investigated promptly by the City. Based on the results of the investigation, the City will take appropriate action. If a violation of policy is found, such action may include immediate discharge. Additionally, the City may report the situation to law enforcement. When applicable, the City and its employees shall cooperate fully with police and other law enforcement officials in the investigation and prosecution of any workplace violence. The City may take other actions, as it deems appropriate under the specific circumstances, including seeking judicial action. Section 2.4.5 No Retaliation The City forbids retaliation against any employee for reporting any violation of this policy. Any employee who engages in retaliation in violation of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including discharge. Section 2.5 Conflict of Interest No City employee shall engage in any act, which is in conflict, or creates an appearance of unfairness or conflict with performance of official duties. An employee shall have a conflict of interest if the employee: 1.Has any financial interest in any sale to the City of any property, goods, or services when such financial interest was received with prior knowledge that the City intended to purchase the property, goods, or services. 2.Solicits, accepts, or seeks a gift, gratuity or favor from any person, firm, or corporation involved in a contract or transaction which is or may be the subject of official action by the City. 3.Participates in his/her capacity as a City employee in the initiating or issuing of a purchase order or contract in which he/she has a private pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, or performs in regard to such contract some function requiring the exercise of discretion on behalf of the City. 4.Engages in, accepts employment from, or renders services for private interests for any compensation or consideration having monetary value when such employment or service is incompatible with the proper discharge of official duties or would tend to impair independence of judgment or action in performance of official duties, or give the appearance of the above. An employee should not make a unilateral decision. If there is any doubt about his/her private employment, the Department Director should be consulted. - 15 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL 5.Directly or indirectly gives, receives, or agrees to receive any compensation, gift, reward, commission or gratuity from any source except the City for any matter directly connected with or related to his/her official services as such employee with the City, except for courtesies as provided in reasonable exceptions. 6.Discloses or uses without authorization confidential information concerning property or affairs of the City to advance a private interest with respect to any contract or transaction which is or may be the subject of official action of the City. 7.Has a financial interest or personal interest in any legislation coming before the City Council and participates in discussion with or gives an official opinion to the City Council unless the employee discloses on the record of the Council the nature and extent of such interest. Interests include: A)Interests in an employee’s immediate family. B)Any business entity in which stock or legal beneficial ownership is in excess of one percent (1%) of the total stock, or legal ownership is controlled or owned directly or indirectly by the employee. C)Interest in any business entity in which the City employee is an officer, director, or employee. D)Interest in any person or business entity with whom a contractual relationship exists with the employee; provided that a contractual obligation of less than $500 or a commercially reasonable loan or purchase made in the course of ordinary business shall not be deemed to create a conflict of interest. Section 2.5.1 Permitted Reasonable Exceptions Recognizing that personal friendships often precede and can evolve from official contact between employees and persons engaged in business with the City, reasonable exceptions to this section are permitted for those occasions which are social in nature and are not predicated on the employee’s ability to influence, directly or indirectly, any matter before the City. The employee will be guided in interpretation of this section by the distinction between a gift, gratuity, or favor given or received which has significant monetary value and is offered or accepted in expectation of preferential treatment and an expression of courtesy. Examples of acceptable courtesies include a meal or social event; exchanges of floral offerings; gifts of food to commemorate events such as illness, death, birth, holidays, or promotions; or a sample or promotional gift. Section 2.5.2 Use of City Property Employees may only do work which is of direct benefit to the City while on City owned property. No employee shall use City-owned vehicles, equipment, materials, or other property for private use, or as part of secondary employment outside of City premises. Section 2.6 Solicitation and Distribution Employees are expected to devote their full attention to their assigned duties during work hours. Except for requests for contributions for gifts or receptions, held only during breaks or lunch periods, - 16 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL specifically to honor employees on their retirement, resignation from City employ, or other events of personal significance, the following rules shall be in effect: 1. Employees may not solicit for or distribute literature during work hours on behalf of any organization, charity or cause except during non-work periods such as breaks or lunch periods. The City may solicit for or distribute literature on behalf of a charity or cause. 2. Employees who wish to solicit for any organization, charity or cause may not disturb other employees when the other employees are working. 3. Employees may not distribute literature on behalf of any organization, charity or cause in working areas. 4. Employees who wish to solicit for or distribute literature on behalf of any organization, charity or cause must do so in a manner and location, which does not disturb members of the public who are transacting business with the City. 5. Non-employees of the City may not solicit or distribute literature on behalf of any organization, charity or cause on City property, which is not open to the general public. 6. Non-employees who wish to solicit or distribute literature on behalf of any organization, charity or cause on City property, which is open to the general public, must do so in a manner and location, which does not interfere with the conduct of City business. Section 2.7 Drug Free Workplace Policy Section 2.7.1 Substance Use (Non-DOT Employees) The United City of Yorkville is firmly committed to providing a productive, safe and healthful work environment. The use of illegal drugs, abuse and misuse of alcohol, adversely affects those objectives by increasing absenteeism, lowering productivity and quality and most of all, jeopardizing the health and safety of those involved and the safety of others. The following policy and testing program requires compliance by all non-DOT regulated employees as a condition of employment and continued employment with the City. The United City of Yorkville reserves the right to interpret, revise or discontinue any provision of this policy. Appendices A, B, and C are attached and have been incorporated into this policy and program. Appendix A is simply an acknowledgment of receipt required to be executed by all new and current employees. Appendix B and Appendix C consist of “Consent to Test” forms to be executed by current employees as well as applicants respectively. Statement of Policy The United City of Yorkville recognizes that our employees’ health and safety are of the utmost importance. Drug use and alcohol misuse may pose a serious threat to employee health and - 17 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL safety. It is the policy of the United City of Yorkville to prevent substance use or abuse from having an adverse effect on our employees. The work environment is safer and more productive without the presence of illicit or inappropriate drugs or alcohol in the body or on City property. Furthermore, all employees have a right to work in a drug-free environment and to work with individuals free from the effects of drugs or alcohol. Employees who use or abuse prohibited substances are a danger to themselves, their co-workers, the public and the City’s property. The federal government, many States and the Unions representing our employees have recognized the adverse impact of substance abuse in the workplace. The United City of Yorkville will follow the provisions of current collective bargaining agreements, which incorporate drug and/or alcohol testing, as necessary. All employees are advised that remaining drug-free and qualified to perform assigned duties safely are conditions of continued employment with the City. The United City of Yorkville will conduct post-offer pre-employment testing of all applicants. All employees may be subject to testing where circumstances establish that reasonable cause/suspicion of prohibited substance use exists and following on-the-job accidents or injuries. Any employee who tests positive will be subject to immediate termination. Any employee who refuses to comply with a proper request to submit to testing or who fails to cooperate in the test process will be terminated. These procedures are designed not only to detect violations of this policy but also to ensure fairness to each employee. Every effort will be made to maintain the dignity of employees or applicants involved. Disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination from employment will, however, be taken as necessary. The United City of Yorkville prohibits the manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, concealment, use, sale or transfer of alcohol or illegal drugs, and the possession and/or purchase of drug related paraphernalia while on City premises or in a City vehicle. The United City of Yorkville prohibits employees from using alcohol, illegal drugs or controlled substances while at work, performing City business or job-related duties, while on City property or while operating City equipment (including vehicles). All employees have an obligation to comply with and support this policy. Any employee who is aware of a violation of the policy should report it to his immediate supervisor or any manager. Every effort will be made to preserve the confidentiality of the source of a report to the extent possible. All reports will be taken seriously. Persons submitting false reports are subject to discipline up to and including immediate termination. An employee taking over-the-counter or prescribed medication must be aware of any effect the medication may have on the performance of their duties. The employee must inform his physician of his job duties in order to make certain that the drug does not affect or interfere with the employee’s safe and effective performance of his job duties. If the employee’s physician determines that the drug affects or interferes with the employee’s safe and effective performance of his duties then the employee must promptly report to their immediate supervisor the use of the medication and its possible effects. All prescription and non-prescription drugs must be kept in their original packaging or container. An employee who fails to do so is subject - 18 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL to disciplinary action, up to and including immediate discharge. Such information will be kept confidential and such employees will be reasonably accommodated to the extent required by law. The United City of Yorkville may, with probable cause, conduct searches on and of any of its property, including inspection of vehicles, lockers, desks, employee tool and lunch boxes, briefcases, packages, etc. Private vehicles parked on City property are normally not affected by this policy. Refusing to submit to a search or inspection when requested by management will be cause for immediate discharge. Any illegal substance found on City property may be turned over to appropriate law enforcement authorities for investigation and possible criminal enforcement action. All drug/alcohol test results will be kept in a secure file in the United City of Yorkville’s Human Resource Manager’s office. These files are strictly confidential in accordance with the law. Under no circumstances should the facts surrounding a case be discussed by anyone from the City with a person not directly or immediately involved with the case. To support this policy, the United City of Yorkville has adopted the following Uniform Drug and Alcohol Testing Program that applies to its employees (both hourly and salaried). A.Pre-Employment Testing; B.Reasonable Cause Testing; C.Post Accident Testing; Neither this policy nor any of its terms are intended to create a contract of employment, or to alter the existing employment or contractual relationship in any way. The United City of Yorkville retains the sole right to change, amend or modify any term or provision of this policy without notice. Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs Pre-Employment Testing After an offer of employment has been extended, the applicant must undergo a drug screen designed to identify whether or not the applicant is using illegal drugs. This drug screen will be administered by a clinic or lab selected by the United City of Yorkville. All offers of employment with United City of Yorkville are contingent on the City receiving a negative drug test result verified by the City’s Medical Review Officer. Should a positive test result exist, the applicant’s offer of employment will be automatically rescinded by the City. If for any reason the applicant has already begun working for the United City of Yorkville before the City receives the positive test result, the applicant’s employment will come to an immediate end. However, the applicant can submit documentation supporting the legitimate use for a specific drug or the specific drug that resulted in a positive determination. This documentation must be made either prior to or within 24 hours after the positive drug result is communicated to the applicant. Should the applicant’s ability to safely and effectively perform his or her job be affected by the legitimate use of any drug, then the City will attempt to provide accommodations - 19 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL to the extent required by law. If the offer of employment is revoked or if employment ends, the applicant who tests positive under the provisions of this policy may re-apply for employment with the United City of Yorkville after a time period of twelve (12) months, however, there shall be no guarantee of re-employment. ANY APPLICANT WHO REFUSES TO CONSENT TO A TEST OR WHO FAILS TO COMPLY WITH ANY TESTING PROCEDURES OR TESTS POSITIVE FOR THE USE OF DRUGS WILL NOT COMMENCE WORK FOR THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, AND THE JOB OFFER WILL BE AUTOMATICALLY RESCINDED. EMPLOYMENT IS EXPRESSLY CONDITIONED ON THE SUCCESSFUL PASSAGE OF THE POST-OFFER DRUG SCREEN. In recognition of the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the United City of Yorkville will not discriminate against an applicant who has successfully completed a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program. However, the ADA does not prevent the City from refusing to hire any applicant who tests positive for illicit drug use prior to employment. Reasonable Suspicion Testing The United City of Yorkville has the discretion to decide when and under what circumstances an employee is fit for work. No employee will be permitted to work while under the influence of alcohol, or any drug not specifically prescribed by the employee’s physician and used in accordance with that prescription. Testing on the basis of reasonable suspicion shall include, but not be limited to: 1) involvement in a near-miss accident (an accident that was narrowly avoided) caused by the employee’s actions or inaction; 2) observation of an employee acting or appearing in a manner which suggests drug or alcohol use, such as, behavior, appearance, judgment, coordination, job performance and/or other conduct including, but not limited to, slurred speech, glassy eyes, unsteady walk, disorientation, significant or repeated lapses of concentration, emotional outbursts, substantial mood changes, the smell of alcohol on the employee’s breath, etc.; 3) instances where the City observes or receives credible information that the employee is using or is under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol; or 4) other facts which support a reasonable belief that the employee is using or is under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol in violation of this policy. All City department heads and supervisors will receive training to assist them in identifying behavioral characteristics of the use of prohibited substances in the workplace. Any department head or supervisor who observes such behavior must, within 24 hours, confidentially notify the Human Resources Manager in writing of the date, time, particular facts observed and employee’s name. The Human Resources Manager must determine if the department head’s or supervisor’s suspicions are reasonable within 24 hours of being notified. Upon the Human Resources Manager’s determination that reasonable suspicion exists, testing can commence. However, once the determination that reasonable suspicion - 20 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL exists, under no circumstances will an employee be allowed back to work until he or she has a negative drug and/or alcohol test. In reasonable cause cases, the City shall require the employee to go directly to a collection site for drug and/or alcohol testing. The employee will be transported to the collection site by a City representative. Refusal to consent to testing will be considered insubordination and grounds for termination of employment. If notice of a positive test result is received from the Medical Review Officer, then the employee will be subject to the disciplinary provisions in Section of this Program. However, if a negative test result is received, then the employee will be immediately reinstated for work with back pay, if applicable. Post-Accident Testing Anyone who suffers an accident on City property must report it immediately to his or her immediate supervisor or manager, so that proper action and/or medical treatment may be provided. Failure to report any injury immediately may adversely affect an employee’s benefits and rights under the law, and is grounds for disciplinary action up to and including immediate discharge. An employee shall be tested for the use of controlled substances and/or alcohol as soon as possible, but no later than eight (8) hours, after a reportable accident occurring while during the course of City business and involving said employee if the City has probable cause to suspect that controlled substances and/or alcohol contributed to the accident. For the purposes of this Section, a “reportable accident” means an accident resulting in: 1.The death of a human being; 2.Bodily injury to any person (including the employee) who, as the result of the injury, receives medical treatment --- including “first-aid”; or 3.Damage to property in excess of $500. If notice of a positive test result is received from the Medical Review Officer following a post-accident drug and/or alcohol screen, then the employee will be subject to the disciplinary provisions in Section of this Program. However, if a negative test result is received, then the employee will be immediately reinstated for work with back pay, if applicable. Return to Duty Testing Any individual who has performed services for the United City of Yorkville but who, for whatever reason, has not worked for the City for a period of 30 consecutive calendar days must undergo testing for drug and/or alcohol use. If a notice of a positive - 21 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL test result is received from the Medical Review Officer following said testing, then the employee will be subject to the disciplinary provisions in Section of this Program. Testing Methodology This policy and program allows for the testing for drugs and alcohol. All laboratories used to perform urine and/or breath testing pursuant to this Program will be accredited by the National Institute on Drug Abuse and will perform testing in accordance with the standards approved by the Department of Health and Human Services. Drug Screening Urine testing will be conducted to screen the presence of the following drugs and their metabolites: -Marijuana - Barbiturates -Cocaine - Benzodiazepines -Opiates - Methadone -Amphetamines - Propoxyphene -Phencyclidine (PCP) Alcohol Screening All breath alcohol testing performed under this Program shall be performed to determine blood alcohol content only. Any employee having a blood alcohol content of at least .02 shall be deemed to have tested positive for the use of alcohol and such a result shall subject the employee to the disciplinary provisions contained in Section of this Program. The United City of Yorkville shall retain a qualified Medical Review Officer to receive test results from the laboratory and to carry out all actions necessary to confirm positive test results. Disciplinary Provisions The United City of Yorkville is a zero tolerance employer. Any employee who tests positive for the use of a controlled substance and/or alcohol in violation of this policy or program, as reported to the City’s Human Resources Manager by the City’s Medical Review Officer, shall be unqualified to work for the United City of Yorkville and shall be immediately discharged. An employee who "refuses to submit" to an alcohol or drug test as provided herein is subject to immediate termination. “Refuses to submit” means that an employee: 1.Fails to appear for any test within a reasonable time, as determined by the City, consistent with this policy after being directed to do so by the City. - 22 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL 2.Fails to remain at the testing site until the testing process is complete. 3.Fails to provide a urine specimen for any drug test required. 4. In the case of a directly observed or monitored collection in a drug test, fails to permit the observation or monitoring of the employee's provision of a specimen. 5. Fails to provide a sufficient amount of urine when directed, and it has been determined, through a required medical evaluation, that there was no adequate medical explanation for the failure. 6.Fails or declines to take a second test the employer or collector has directed the employee to take. 7.Fails to cooperate with any part of the testing process (e.g., refuse to empty pockets when so directed by the collector, behave in a confrontational way that disrupts the collection process, or failing to complete all documents, or failing to comply with reasonable directives); or 8.Is reported by the Medical Review Officer as having a verified adulterated sample or substituted test result. Notification to Employer of Conviction As a condition of initial and continued employment, each employee shall a) agree in writing to abide by the terms of the City’s policy respecting a drug and alcohol-free workplace; and, b) agree, as required by law, to inform his or her supervisor of his or her conviction of any criminal drug or alcohol Statute, for a violation occurring on or off City premises, while conducting City business, no later than five (5) days after such a conviction. A conviction means a finding of guilt (including a plea of "no lo contendere") or the imposition of a sentence by a Judge or jury in any federal or state court, and/or a finding of Court Supervision. Section 2.7.2 Substance Use (DOT Employees) The United City of Yorkville is firmly committed to providing a productive, safe and healthful work environment. The use of illegal drugs, abuse and misuse of alcohol, adversely affects those objectives by increasing absenteeism, lowering productivity and quality and most of all, jeopardizing the health and safety of those involved and the safety of others. The purpose of this policy is to establish an alcohol and drug testing program to help prevent accidents and injuries resulting from the misuse of alcohol and drugs by covered drivers of commercial motor vehicles in compliance with the Federal Department of Transportation Regulations promulgated at Rule 49 CFR Part 40 and the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991, enacted October 28, 1991. - 23 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Appendices A, B, and C are attached and have been incorporated into this policy and program. Appendix A is simply an acknowledgment of receipt required to be executed by all new and current employees. Appendix B and Appendix C consist of “Consent to Test” forms to be executed by current employees as well as applicants respectively. Section Applicability This policy applies to all City employees who operate commercial motor vehicles and are subject to the commercial driver's license (CDL) requirements of the Code of Federal Regulations promulgated under The Omnibus Transportation Act. The United City of Yorkville has a separate drug and alcohol policy included in the employee handbook, for all other employees (see Section 2.7.1). Section Prohibited Conduct Employees covered by United City of Yorkville’s DOT Drug & Alcohol Policy shall not: 1.Be under the influence of any controlled substance without medical authorization; No driver shall report for duty or remain on duty requiring the performance of safety- sensitive functions when the driver uses any controlled substance, except when the use is pursuant to the instructions of a licensed medical practitioner who has advised the driver that the substance will not adversely affect the driver's ability to safely operate a commercial motor vehicle. 2.Report for, or remain on duty, performing a safety-sensitive function while having a breath alcohol concentration of 0.02 or greater. 3.Use alcohol while performing safety-sensitive functions. Section Alcohol 1.No covered driver shall report for duty or remain on duty requiring the performance of safety sensitive functions while having an alcohol concentration of .02 or greater. The City shall not permit the covered driver to perform or continue to perform safety-sensitive function if it has actual knowledge that a driver has an alcohol concentration of .02 or greater. 2.A covered driver shall not be on duty or operate a commercial motor vehicle while the covered driver possesses alcohol, unless the alcohol is manifested and transported as part of a shipment. The City shall not permit the covered driver to drive or continue to drive a commercial motor vehicle if it has actual knowledge that a driver possesses unmanifested alcohol. - 24 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL 3.A covered driver shall not use alcohol while performing safety sensitive functions. The City shall not permit the driver to perform or continue to perform safety-sensitive functions if it has actual knowledge that a driver is using alcohol while performing safety-sensitive functions. 4.No covered driver shall perform safety-sensitive functions within four (4) hours after using alcohol. The City shall not permit the driver to perform or continue to perform safety sensitive functions if it has actual knowledge that a driver has used alcohol within four (4) hours. 5.A covered driver required to take a post-accident alcohol test shall not use alcohol for eight (8) hours following the accident, or until he/she undergoes a post- accident alcohol test, whichever is first. Section Drugs 1.The City will not permit a covered driver to perform safety-sensitive functions who has used any illegal drug or controlled substance except when the use is pursuant to the instructions of a physician who has advised the City that the substance does not adversely affect the driver's ability to safely operate a commercial motor vehicle.It is the driver's responsibility to notify the City if this situation is applicable. 2. Independent of the requirements of the Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991 and the regulations promulgated thereunder, the covered driver must notify the City that he/she is using controlled substances pursuant to the instructions of the physician who has advised the driver that the substance does not adversely affect the driver's ability to safely operate a commercial motor vehicle. Section Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs Section Pre-Employment Testing Pre-employment testing is testing for drugs that the City administers after a conditional offer of employment has been extended and prior to any covered driver's performance of a safety-sensitive function. If the pre-duty drug testing reveals a presence of drugs, it will result in revocation of the conditional offer of employment. The City may, in its sole discretion, forego pre-duty testing where the exceptions promulgated at DOT 49 CFR S.382.301 (b) or (c), relating to drug and alcohol testing of covered drivers by their previous employers, are satisfied. The United City of Yorkville will not allow a driver to perform any safety- sensitive functions until the employee has passed pre-duty testing for drugs and alcohol. Prior to the first time a driver performs safety-sensitive functions for an employer, the driver shall undergo testing for controlled substances as a condition prior to being used. - 25 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL The City will not allow a driver that it intends to hire or use to perform safety-sensitive functions unless the City has received a controlled substances test result from the Medical Review Officer indicating a verified negative test result for that driver. Section Reasonable Suspicion Testing Reasonable suspicion testing is alcohol and drug testing that the City conducts when it has reasonable suspicion to believe that a covered driver has engaged in conduct prohibited by this policy. Reasonable suspicion must be based upon specific, contemporaneous, articulable observations concerning the appearance, behavior, speech or body odors of a covered driver by a department head or supervisor who is specially trained to recognize alcohol misuse or drug use. The City will not administer a reasonable suspicion alcohol test more than eight (8) hours following a determination that reasonable suspicion exists to believe that the alcohol prohibitions of this policy have been violated. Notwithstanding the absence of a reasonable suspicion alcohol test, the City will not permit any covered driver to report for duty or remain on duty requiring the performance of a safety-sensitive function while the driver is under the influence of, or impaired by, alcohol as shown by the behavioral, speech and performance indicators of alcohol misuse, until an alcohol test is administered and the driver's blood alcohol concentration measures .02 or 24 hours have elapsed following a determination that reasonable suspicion exists to believe that the alcohol prohibitions of this policy have been violated. A written record shall be made of observations leading to reasonable suspicion, signed by the department head or supervisor who made the observations, within twenty-four (24) hours of the observed behavior or before the results of drugs tested are released, whichever is earlier. Drivers covered by this paragraph are subject to alcohol testing as follows: Immediately prior to the start of duty in a safety sensitive function, or during duty hours in a safety sensitive function, or immediately following completion of duty in a safety sensitive function. Reasonable suspicion drug testing may be conducted at any time the covered driver is on duty for the City. Post-Accident Testing A post-accident test is a test for alcohol and drugs administered following an accident involving a commercial motor vehicle to each surviving covered driver. A covered driver who is subject to post-accident testing shall remain readily available for such testing or may be deemed by the City to have refused to submit to testing. This shall not be construed to require the delay of necessary medical attention for injured individuals following an accident or to prohibit a covered driver from leaving the scene of an accident for the period necessary to obtain assistance in responding to the accident or to obtain necessary emergency medical care. - 26 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL ALCOHOL TESTS: As soon as practicable following an occurrence involving a commercial motor vehicle operating on a public road in commerce, the City will test for alcohol for each of its surviving drivers: 1.Who was performing safety-sensitive functions with respect to the vehicle, if the accident involved the loss of human life; or 2.Who receives a citation within 8 hours of the occurrence under State or local law for a moving traffic violation arising from the accident, if the accident involved: a.Bodily injury to any person who, as a result of the injury, immediately receives medical treatment away from the scene of the accident; or b.One or more motor vehicles incurring disabling damage as a result of the accident, requiring the motor vehicle to be transported away from the scene by a tow truck or other motor vehicle. If an alcohol test required by this section is not administered within two hours following the accident, the City shall prepare and maintain on file a record stating the reasons the test was not promptly administered. If a test required by this section is not administered within eight hours following the accident, the employer shall cease attempts to administer an alcohol test and shall prepare and maintain the same record. CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE TESTS: As soon as practicable following an occurrence involving a commercial motor vehicle operating on a public road in commerce, the City will test for controlled substances (drugs) for each of its surviving drivers: 1.Who was performing safety-sensitive functions with respect to the vehicle, if the accident involved the loss of human life; or 2.Who receives a citation within thirty-two hours of the occurrence under State or local law for a moving traffic violation arising from the accident, if the accident involved: a. Bodily injury to any person who, as a result of the injury, immediately receives medical treatment away from the scene of the accident; or b.One or more motor vehicles incurring disabling damage as a result of the accident, requiring the motor vehicle to be transported away from the scene by a tow truck or other motor vehicle. If a controlled substance (drug) test required by this section is not administered within 32 hours following the accident, the City will cease attempts to administer a - 27 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL controlled substances test, and prepare and maintain on file a record stating the reasons the test was not promptly administered. The City will provide drivers with necessary post-accident information, procedures and instructions, prior to the driver operating a commercial motor vehicle, so that drivers will be able to comply with the requirements of this section. Random Testing Random testing is unannounced testing for alcohol and drugs administered in a statistically random manner throughout the year to covered drivers employed by the City so that all covered drivers have an equal probability of selection each time said random pool is created for selection. Drivers covered by this paragraph are subject to alcohol testing as follows: Immediately prior to the start of duty in a safety sensitive function, or during duty hours in a safety sensitive function, or immediately following completion of duty in a safety sensitive function. Random drug testing may be conducted at any time the covered driver is on duty for the City. Every driver shall submit to random alcohol and controlled substance testing as required in this section. A list of drivers randomly selected for testing will be provided to the City by Midwest Occupational Health Management Services (MOHMS) on a quarterly basis. The selection of drivers for random alcohol and controlled substances testing will be made by a scientifically valid method, such as a random number table or a computer- based random number generator that is matched with drivers' Social Security numbers, payroll identification numbers, or other comparable identifying numbers. Each driver selected for random alcohol and controlled substances testing under the selection process used will have an equal chance of being tested each time selections are made. Each driver selected for testing will be tested during the selection period. The City will ensure that random alcohol and controlled substances tests conducted under this part are unannounced and that the dates for administering random alcohol and controlled substances tests conducted under this part are spread reasonably throughout the calendar year. It is required that each driver who is notified of selection for random alcohol and/or controlled substances testing reports to the Human Resources Manager immediately to obtain their selection notice. After obtaining their selection notice the driver must immediately proceed to the testing facility. If the driver is performing a safety-sensitive function, other than driving a commercial motor vehicle, at the time of notification, the City will instead require that the driver ceases to perform the safety- sensitive function and reports to the Human Resources Manager as soon as possible. - 28 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Return to Duty Testing Any individual who has performed services for the United City of Yorkville but who, for whatever reason, has not worked for the City for a period of 30 consecutive calendar days must undergo testing for drug and/or alcohol use. If a notice of a positive test result is received from the Medical Review Officer following said testing, then the driver will be subject to the disciplinary provisions in Section of this Program. Testing Methodology The United City of Yorkville will conform to the requirements in the Department of Transportation Rule 49 CFR part 40 in all aspects. Alcohol and drug testing procedures are determined by the Federal Department of Transportation and maybe subject to change at any time with or without notice. The United City of Yorkville will ensure that alcohol and drug test information is maintained in a confidential manner in conformity with the Department of Transportation Rule 49 CFR Part 40. The United City of Yorkville will ensure that all contracts between the City and any other entity involved in the alcohol and drug testing program will comply with the procedures set forth in the Department of Transportation Rule 49 CFR Part 40. For an in-depth explanation of alcohol and drug testing procedures, please refer to Department of Transportation 40 CFR Part 40 Subpart C, a current copy of which is kept on file in the Human Resources Office. ALCOHOL: Alcohol testing will be administered by a Breath Alcohol Technician (BAT) certified by the completion of a NHTSA model course, trained in utilizing an evidential breath testing device (EBT) that conforms to the requirements promulgated at The Department of Transportation 49 CFR part 40.51. The EBT used for testing shall meet the standards promulgated at The Department of transportation 49 CFR part 40.53 and have a quality assurance plan (QAP) developed by the manufacturer to ensure proper calibration. Testing will be conducted in a location that affords visual and aural privacy to individuals being tested. If the initial test reveals a blood alcohol concentration of .02 or greater, a confirmatory test must be performed. The confirmatory tests will produce the only result from which disciplinary action may be taken. If the blood alcohol concentration is confirmed to be greater than .02 the covered driver will be immediately discharged, per the City’s zero tolerance policy. DRUGS: A Department of Health and Human Services certified laboratory will perform drug testing on urine samples provided by covered drivers. The drugs for which tests will be conducted are: a.Marijuana (THC) d. Opiates - 29 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL b.Cocaine e. Amphetamines c.Phencyclidine (PCP) f. MDMA (Ecstacy) This list may be subject to change, with or without notice, as determined by Federal Department of Transportation regulations. The cutoff levels for these drugs will conform to those promulgated at The Department of Transportation 49 CFR Part 40. The United City of Yorkville and the certified laboratory will conduct the collection, shipment, testing and chain-of-custody in a manner promulgated under The Department of Transportation Rule 49 CFR Part 40 to ensure the integrity of the testing process. The split urine specimen method of testing will be utilized providing one sample for preliminary screening and initial confirmation, and a second sample for a second confirmation test if needed at a later date. The Medical Review Officer will conduct a final review of all positive test results to assess possible alternative medical explanations for the results INCOMPLETE TESTING: If a screening or confirmation test cannot be completed, or if an event occurs that would invalidate the test, the BAT shall, if practical, begin a new screening or confirmation test, as applicable, E.g., using a new breath alcohol testing form with a new sequential test number (in the case of a screening test conducted on an EBT that meets the requirements of 40.53 (b) or in the case of a confirmation test.) REFUSAL TO SUBMIT TO TESTING: An employee who "refuses to submit" to an alcohol or drug test as provided herein is subject to immediate termination. “Refuses to submit” means that an employee: 1.Fails to appear for any test within a reasonable time, as determined by the City, consistent with this policy after being directed to do so by the City. 2.Fails to remain at the testing site until the testing process is complete. 3.Fails to provide a urine specimen for any drug test required. 4. In the case of a directly observed or monitored collection in a drug test, fails to permit the observation or monitoring of the employee's provision of a specimen. 5. Fails to provide a sufficient amount of urine when directed, and it has been determined, through a required medical evaluation, that there was no adequate medical explanation for the failure. 6.Fails or declines to take a second test the employer or collector has directed the employee to take. 7.Fails to cooperate with any part of the testing process (e.g., refuse to empty - 30 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL pockets when so directed by the collector, behave in a confrontational way that disrupts the collection process, or failing to complete all documents, or failing to comply with reasonable directives); or 8.Is reported by the Medical Review Officer as having a verified adulterated sample or substituted test result. Disciplinary Provisions The United City of Yorkville is a zero tolerance employer. Any employee covered under this policy who tests positive for the use of a controlled substance and/or alcohol in violation of this policy or program, as reported to the City’s Human Resources Manager by the City’s Medical Review Officer, shall be unqualified to work for the United City of Yorkville and shall be immediately discharged. Notification to Employer of Conviction As a condition of initial and continued employment, each employee shall a) agree in writing to abide by the terms of the City’s policy respecting a drug and alcohol-free workplace; and, b) agree, as required by law, to inform his or her supervisor of his or her conviction of any criminal drug or alcohol Statute, for a violation occurring on or off City premises, while conducting City business, no later than five (5) days after such a conviction. A conviction means a finding of guilt (including a plea of "no lo contendere") or the imposition of a sentence by a Judge or jury in any federal or state court, and/or a finding of Court Supervision. Section 2.7.3 Substance Use (Employees in Bargaining Units) City employees who are members of a bargaining unit are subject to the same testing standards as other City employees, with the exception of any provisions relating to Drug and Alcohol Testing outlined in their contract. The City will provide the testing clinic with the portion of the contract outlining these provisions to ensure compliance. Disciplinary procedures will be followed per this manual for any violations of drug/substance abuse unless otherwise stipulated in the employee's contract, or unless another disciplinary process is followed for that employee (i.e. Board of Fire & Police Commission for sworn police officers). Section 2.8 Smoking and Tobacco In conjunction with the Smoke Free Illinois Act smoking and/or use of any form of tobacco products are prohibited within any City owned vehicle or structure or while operating any City owned tools or equipment. Smoking is further prohibited within a minimum distance of 15 feet from entrances, exits, windows that open and ventilation intakes that serve an enclosed area. Violation of the Act will be met with prosecution according to Illinois law, and employees may be further disciplined. Section 2.9 Uniforms and Dress Code Section 2.9.1 Uniforms - 31 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL The City provides uniforms for certain classifications of employees. Uniforms, and/or City purchased apparel are to be worn at all times during work hours and should not be worn on personal time. The uniform specifications are set by the Department Head. Section Taxation of Uniforms The value of work clothing provided by the employer is not taxable to the employee if: 1.The employee must wear the clothing as a condition of employment, and 2.The clothes are not suitable for everyday wear. If the clothing does not qualify as a deductible expense (i.e. as a uniform), then these payments must be treated as a taxable fringe benefit and are subject to income, social security, and Medicare taxes. Thus, a police officer uniform qualifies for exclusion from income. However, a detective’s suit jacket and related clothing , since they are suitable for everyday wear, do not qualify as a uniform and are taxable to the employee. Section 2.9.2 Dress Code Employees of the United City of Yorkville are required to present a favorable personal appearance, and adhere to personal grooming and hygiene standards. The attire of employees on the job should be in good taste, neat, clean, and appropriate for the duties to be performed. In order to maintain and project a professional public image and create a positive working environment, the United City of Yorkville Human Resources Division has developed a dress code policy. The Human Resources Division recognizes that certain employees have job responsibilities that require attire other than business - casual. For those purposes, the policy is separated into two categories: Office Attire and Field Attire. Below is definition of those categories and proper and improper attire. Section Office Attire The United City of Yorkville has adopted a business - casual dress code policy. Business - casual applies to all employees whose primary job responsibilities require them to be in an office setting. Articles of clothing not acceptable as business - casual include the following: Rubber-soled flip flops, halter or tube tops, blue jeans (including shorts and capris), midriff baring tops, muscle shirts, spaghetti strap tops, sweatpants and sweatshirts, shorts more than three (3) inches above the knee, gym shoes, and clothing with potentially offensive words. Section Field Attire For individuals whose job responsibilities require an outside work environment where comfort, safety and inclement weather is an important factor, appropriate safety field attire is required. Articles of clothing not acceptable as field attire include the following: Open -toed shoes and sandals, halter or tube tops, midriff baring tops, muscle shirts, spaghetti strap tops, shorts more than three (3) inches above the knee, and clothing with potentially offensive words. - 32 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Section Casual Friday Employees are allowed to dress casually on Fridays with blue jeans, gym shoes and blue jean capris acceptable attire. Articles of clothing not acceptable on Casual Friday include halter or tube tops, midriff baring tops, muscle shirts, spaghetti strap tops, shorts more than three (3) inches above the knee, and clothing with potentially offensive words. Section Compliance All United City of Yorkville employees are required to adhere to the Dress Code Policy as mandated by their job responsibilities and title. It is the responsibility of Department Heads within the United City of Yorkville to ensure staff is aware of, and remains compliant with the policy. However, there may be circumstances when an employee may need to deviate from the policy based on a particular job request or responsibility. In those circumstances, compliance of the policy will be waived with consent from the Department Head. Section Enforcement The respective Department Head will conduct a personal, private discussion with any employee whose attire is questionable. When an obvious policy violation occurs, the Department Head will conduct a private discussion with the employee. The employee will also be asked to go home and change into proper attire and return to work. Employees will not be paid during the time period that they are absent from work to change their attire. Repeated policy violations will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Section 2.10 Information Systems Use Policy The purpose of this policy is to set forth the responsibilities of United City of Yorkville (hereafter referred to as “City”) employees with respect to the use of the City’s information systems in order to maintain the reliability, accessibility and effectiveness of these systems. These systems are in place in an effort to ease the communications and data exchange of City employees and, as such, the safety of these systems is important. Many employees share these resources and it is the responsibility of the users to respect others who utilize these systems. This policy is not exclusive and serves as a guide for users to be aware of what is expected of them. Section 2.10.1 General Policies Section Ownership All computer hardware, networking equipment and communications equipment included in the City’s information systems are the property of the City and should be treated as such. Any information that is created on these systems and any messages sent from or received by the City’s systems may be considered public records and are not the intellectual property of the user that created them. In the event that employment is terminated by either party, any hardware owned by the City in the employee’s possession must be returned. - 33 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Section Privacy In the course of working on the City’s information systems, users will have access to the personal information of citizens and other employees. Under applicable federal, state, and local laws, this information should be treated as confidential and with respect to the individual’s right to privacy. Section Monitoring Users should be aware that any activity performed on the City’s information systems may be monitored by the City’s Information Technology Department (hereafter “ITD”) for security and maintenance purposes. This includes, but is not limited to: logon information, file system access, e-mail system usage and internet usage. The ITD also has access to the entirety of the file system in order to perform backups and maintenance. Let users be aware that, although there is no expectation of privacy on the City’s systems, any monitoring and access by ITD staff members will be done with as much respect for the user’s privacy as possible. Section Purchasing Purchasing and acquisition of any computer equipment or software applications must be approved by an Information Technology Department staff member. The purpose of this policy is to maintain uniformity in hardware and software systems throughout the City in an effort to ease maintenance of systems. Section Resource Consumption Users should not knowingly utilize an amount of system resources that causes undue stress on the system or that prevents other users from accessing any part of the system. Actions that may be considered over-consumption of resources include, but are not limited to: excessive bandwidth use over network lines, mass e-mails, consumption of server processing power, wasting large amounts of server storage space or overuse of printers or copiers. Users who do not adhere to this policy may have access to these resources limited or restricted entirely. Section 2.10.2 Computer Usage Policy Section Business Use Use of any equipment (including computers, printers, fax machines and any other devices) should be limited to City business only. Explicitly restricted is the use of the systems to create, possess, access or transmit any material which is illegal, obscene, sexually explicit, discriminatory, defamatory or interferes with the activities of other users. Employees should also not use any equipment to participate in illegal activities, gambling, political causes, chain letters, list servers for non-business use or personal commercial ventures. Employees should not upload or download trademarked, patented or copyrighted materials unless they are legally allowed to do so. Employees should not use City equipment to attempt to break into or damage any internal or external systems. - 34 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Section Network Security Employees should not share passwords with anyone other than ITD staff. Employees should not grant any unauthorized person remote or local access to the computer systems. This includes, but is not limited to: letting someone use your workstation, letting someone place unauthorized hardware on the network that allows them access or enabling any type of remote access via the internet. In the event that any person requests access to the network, direct them to an ITD staff member for approval. It is the employee’s responsibility to report any tampering or breach of security to the ITD staff. In the event that an employee feels their account security has been compromised, they should immediately contact the ITD staff to request a change of password. ITD staff may, at its discretion or by request, restrict or remove any employee’s access to network resources. Section Laptop Usage In the event that an employee is issued a laptop, it is the employee’s responsibility to maintain the security of the device. If there is confidential data stored on the laptop, it is the employee’s responsibility to protect that data from unauthorized persons. The laptop must be, at a minimum, password-protected and should not be left unattended when out of the office. In the event that a laptop is stolen or lost, it is the responsibility of the employee to report the missing laptop to a department head and/or the ITD staff. All usage policies that apply to standard desktops apply to laptops as well. Section Malicious Software Protection In an effort to prevent the effects of malicious software (viruses, spyware, malware, etc.) from compromising the security of the systems, antivirus software is installed on all computers. In that event that a virus is detected on an employee’s system, it is the responsibility of the employee to make the ITD staff aware of the problem so they can take steps to clean the system. Employees shall not willfully introduce a virus or any other type of malicious software into the computer system. Doing so is expressly prohibited and could be grounds for disciplinary action and/or criminal prosecution. Section Hardware Employees shall not modify any hardware on the system without the approval of an ITD staff member. This includes, but is not limited to: modifying workstation hardware configurations, adding or removing networking equipment, adding or removing monitors and adding or removing printers and other peripherals. Any requests for changes in hardware must be directed to the ITD staff. Section File Security It is the responsibility of the employee to be aware of how the data they are working on is being saved and backed up. Data systems vary amongst departments. In general, data should be - 35 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL saved to a central server which is regularly backed up. In the event that no central server is available, data is saved to your local hard drive(s). Data that is saved on local drives, either by choice or by necessity, is not automatically backed up in any way. It is the employee’s responsibility to back up local data. If an employee is unsure of how their data is being saved, they should contact an ITD staff member. Employees shall not willfully destroy, corrupt or prevent the access of the data files of other employees, even if the system grants them access to do so. Employees shall not copy any confidential data from any system and take that data off-site without permission. This includes, but is not limited to: burning data to a CD, placing data on a flash memory device or e-mailing data. Section 2.10.3 Software Application Usage Policy Section Installation and Removal To prevent potentially disruptive interaction between software packages, only software approved by an ITD staff member may be installed on the computer systems. Employees shall not remove software from any computer without the approval of an ITD staff member. Employees shall also not install any software on the computer system that is not for business purposes. Employees shall not bring software from home to install on a work computer. The ITD staff may, at its discretion, remove software from any computer that is deemed unnecessary for an employee to perform his or her duties. Section Licensing No software is to be installed on a computer that the City does not hold a proper license for, whether the program allows it or not. Some licenses allow for an application to be installed on multiple computers. It is the responsibility of employees to coordinate with the ITD staff to stay in compliance with licensing agreements. The ITD staff may, at its discretion, remove improperly licensed software from any computer. Section Database Applications The City makes use of multiple specialized database applications to manage data. Employees shall not knowingly corrupt or delete data from these databases in such a way that would compromise the integrity or accuracy of the database. Nor shall employees knowingly insert false data into these databases. Any attempt to modify the data in these databases from anywhere other than within the application itself may be seen as an attempt to corrupt the database. Section 2.10.4 E-Mail Usage Policy Section Ownership The City provides to each employee at least one e-mail address to be used for work purposes. The employee does not own this e-mail address. Upon termination of employment, the e-mail address will remain open long enough to retrieve any data from the account that is - 36 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL important to City business and will then be deleted from the system. The City retains the right to monitor and view any e-mail message within the system, at any time, if such action is deemed necessary. There is no expectation of privacy for employee e-mails. Section Professional Communication Any e-mail message sent from a City e-mail address should be presented in a professional manner. E-mails sent from within the system are representative of the City as a whole and should be treated as formal communication. This includes both business and personal communication. Under no circumstances should e-mails originating from a City e-mail address contain material that is: illegal, sexually explicit, obscene, violent, threatening, vulgar, discriminatory, defamatory or in any way unethical. The e-mail system shall not be used to send or receive files in violation of copyright, trademark or patent. The e-mail system shall not be used for commercial ventures, private or personal business dealings or political causes. The e-mail system shall not be used to participate in online gambling, send chain letters, play games or participate in betting pools. Violation of this policy could be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including termination. Section 2.10.5 Internet Use Policy Section Personal Use Policy Internet access is provided to employees as a tool to aid them with business functions. However, the City recognizes that employees may wish to utilize their internet access for some personal uses. The City does not strictly prohibit this. However, any personal use of the internet should be done responsibly and in such a way that it does not interfere with the employee’s work or the work of any other employee. Any personal use of the internet should be done during break or non-work time. Employee internet access is considered a privilege and may be limited or revoked in the event that an employee is unable to utilize this resource responsibly. Section Restricted Materials Although the internet can be a powerful informational tool, there are also many sites on the internet that are either dangerous or do not represent the ethics of the City. To this end, employees should not knowingly visit any sites which contain material that is: sexually explicit, illegal, obscene, violent, vulgar, discriminatory, defamatory or in any way unethical. Employees should not use the internet to download any program that is unlicensed or any material that is protected by copyright or patent. Employees should not knowingly visit sites that will infect their computer with viruses, spyware or any type of malware. Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to, and including, termination. Section Professional Communication Any information posted on the internet can be traced back to the City. Because of this, any information posted to web sites on the internet by employees should be done so in a professional manner. This includes information posted to message boards, news groups or any - 37 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL sites which allow for user submitted data. Under no circumstances should employees represent their personal views as those of the City while posting information on the internet. Section Responsibility for Content The City has no control over the content that is available on the internet. And, the City is aware that some users may find some of the content that exists on the internet offensive. The City is in no way responsible for the material on the internet and, as such, users must use their own judgment to avoid any content they may find offensive. Section 2.10.6 Retention of Public Records Section E-mail Retention Most messages sent or received by e-mail may be considered part of the public record and, as such, need to be retained, in accordance with the Illinois Local Records Act (50 ILCS 205). In general, if an e-mail message is used as the medium to discuss official City business, that e-mail will need to be saved as it pertains to the City's retentions schedule, which are on file in the Clerk's Office. Failure to comply with the City’s record retention schedule may result in discipline, up to and including termination. Section Electronic Document Retention In addition to e-mails, it is important to retain electronic documents which are also considered part of public record. Electronic documents may be the subject of a FOIA request or litigation discovery. An electronic document should be treated just as a paper document, and should not be destroyed except when specifically allowed. For reference, see the City's retention schedules, which are on file in the Clerk's Office. Failure to comply with the City’s record retention schedule may result in discipline, up to and including termination. Section 2.11 Emergency Contact Information Employees must notify Human Resources of the name and telephone number of someone to contact in an emergency. This information will be collected upon hire. Human Resources will update the master list annually. Each supervisor will receive a copy for his/her division. Employees who need to be available for emergencies must notify his/her immediate supervisor as to where he/she can be reached. Any new emergency contact information received by a supervisor from a subordinate shall be forwarded to Human Resources. Section 2.12 Outside Employment Employees may engage in outside work or hold other jobs, subject to certain restrictions. Section 2.12.1 Restrictions - 38 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Employees’ activities and conduct away from the job must not compete or conflict with or compromise the City’s interest, or adversely affect job performance and the ability to fulfill all responsibilities to the City. This requirement, for example, prohibits the unauthorized use of any City tools or equipment. In addition, employees are not to solicit or conduct any outside business during paid working time. Section 2.12.2 Approval for Outside Employment Full-time Employees must request prior approval from the Department Head before any outside employment or other work activity is undertaken. Failure to do so may be cause for disciplinary action. (See “Request for Authorization of Outside Employment” form in Appendix E.) Human Resources will update the master list bi-annually. 1.Employees are cautioned to consider carefully the demands that additional work activity will create before requesting approval to seek or accept outside employment. Outside employment will not be considered an excuse for poor job performance, absenteeism, tardiness, leaving early, refusal to travel, or refusal to work emergency callbacks, overtime, or different hours. If outside work activity does cause or contribute to job-related problems, the City may rescind its approval of such employment and, if necessary, normal disciplinary procedures will be followed to deal with the specific problems. 2.Employees must seek approval to accept outside employment, including self-employment. This request should be submitted to the employee’s Department Head. The Department Head should then forward the request, once approved or disapproved, to the Human Resources Division. Part-time employees are required to provide information about other employment for the United City of Yorkville to be aware of additional employers. This information allows for legal compliance in the event of a work-related injury. Section 2.12.3 Considerations for Disapproval Department Heads will be particularly concerned about outside work requests and may disapprove those requests that: 1. May reduce the employee’s efficiency in working for the City. 2. May adversely affect the City’s image. 3. May appear to be, or actually be, a conflict of interest. Section 2.13 City Identification Cards All full-time employees, and part-time employees at the discretion of the Department Head, shall be provided with a suitable identification card, which shall display a photograph, and other appropriate information that will clearly identify the person as an employee of the City. These cards may not be used as a means of securing credit, avoiding illegal acts, or other special considerations. - 39 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Employees, excluding sworn police officers, who must enter a person’s home or other private property on official business, must display their City identification card when requesting entry. Identification cards must be returned to the Human Resources Department prior to termination. Upon retirement from the City sworn police personnel may be issued a City identification card identifying him or her as a retired police officer by submitting a request in writing to the Chief of Police. Section 2.14 Tardiness and Absenteeism An employee who will be tardy to work must notify his/her supervisor at least a 1/2 hour before his/her normal start time, or as soon as practicable. Failure to give such notice of tardiness or absenteeism shall constitute grounds for disciplinary action. Section 2.14.1 Habitual Tardiness/Lateness An employee who is late more than twice in a one-month period measured backwards from the last tardiness, or if an employee is habitually late on a continuous basis, (i.e. an employee is late three (3) times per week), shall be subject to discipline up to and including termination. Section 2.14.2 Failure to Report to Work An employee who is absent for two (2) or more work days without notifying his/her supervisor and securing approval for the absence as soon as possible before the end of the second day of such absence is considered to have abandoned his/her job and will be terminated. Section 2.14.3 Excusable Absences Only absences due to illness or other emergency situations will be excused. Unexcused absences shall be grounds for discipline up to and including termination. Section 2.15 Disciplinary Action It shall be the policy of the City to administer discipline fairly, reasonably, and impartially. Employees and the City are best served when discipline is administered to correct actions rather than to punish. Disciplinary action is not primarily intended to be punitive, but rather to maintain the efficiency and integrity of City service. The nature and severity of the offense and the employee's prior record shall be considered. All disciplinary actions involving suspensions with or without pay or termination require concurrence of the Human Resources Manager. Section 2.15.1 Cause for Disciplinary Action - 40 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL The tenure of City employees shall be based on reasonable standards of job performance and personal and professional conduct. Failure or refusal to meet these standards shall constitute just cause for disciplinary action including oral or written reprimand, suspensions, demotions, and termination. In any major disciplinary action, the pertinent information shall be reviewed with the employee specifying the following: 1. The cause for discipline. 2. The specific reasons supporting the cause. 3. The discipline to be imposed. 4. The effective date of the discipline. 5. The right of the employee to be heard. Employees may be disciplined for areas detailed in the Policy on Standards of Conduct. Section 2.15.2 Investigation It is the responsibility of each supervisor and Department Head to thoroughly evaluate the circumstances and facts as objectively as possible. Section 2.15.3 Pre-Disciplinary Conference The Human Resources Manager or his/her designee shall provide and arrange for a pre- disciplinary conference prior to the written reprimand, suspension, or termination of any employee. The hearing may be comprised of the Department Head, supervisors and the Human Resources Manager or designee. Section Proceedings of the Pre-Disciplinary Conference An employee shall be provided, in writing, with a notice of the charge and an explanation of the circumstances. The employee shall be given an opportunity to respond to the charges. The employee may have legal counsel or union representation present at a pre- disciplinary conference. The department's explanation of the circumstances at the pre-disciplinary conference shall be sufficient to apprise the employee of the basis for the disciplinary action. The employee will be notified within five (5) working days after the conference is concluded of the decision made. Section 2.15.4 Types of Disciplinary Action Section Oral Warning This type of discipline should be applied to infractions of a relatively minor degree or in situations where the employee's performance needs to be discussed. The oral warning should be - 41 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL given in private. Supervisors should inform the employee that he/she is issuing an oral warning, that the employee is being given an opportunity to correct the condition, and if the condition is not corrected, the person will be subject to more severe disciplinary action. Oral warnings must be issued within ten (10) working days after knowledge of the occurrence of the violation claimed by the supervisor. A notation that an oral warning was given should be made in the employee's performance documentation. Section Written Reprimand This notice will be issued in the event the employee continues to disregard an oral warning, or if the infraction is severe enough to warrant a written reprimand in the employee's personnel file. Written reprimand notices must be issued within ten (10) working days after the occurrence of the pre-disciplinary hearing. The reprimand shall state the nature of the infraction in detail and what corrective action must be taken by the employee to avoid further discipline. A copy of the written reprimand is to be given to the employee. The employee shall sign the written reprimand to acknowledge receipt. A copy, signed by the employee, will be placed in the employee's personnel file. If the employee refuses to sign the acknowledgment, the supervisor, manager, or Department Head and one other witness shall note on the reprimand that the employee received a copy thereof and refused to sign it. Written reprimands shall be issued by a Department Head or his/her designee and the Human Resources Manager. Section Suspension Without Pay This form of discipline is administered as a result of a severe infraction of policies or for repeated violations. For minor infractions, a suspension is often given after the employee has received a written warning. An employee will be suspended without pay when the offense is of a serious enough nature usually sufficient for termination but when circumstances related to an employee's overall performance would not warrant immediate termination. The length of suspensions should not normally exceed thirty (30) workdays. A copy of the suspension notice is to be given to the employee. The employee shall sign the suspension notice to acknowledge receipt. A copy signed by the employee shall be placed in the employee’s personnel file. If the employee refuses to sign the acknowledgment, then the Department Head or his/her designee and one other witness shall note on the suspension notice that the employee received a copy thereof and refused to sign it. - 42 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Suspensions without pay shall be issued by the Department Head or his/her designee and the Human Resources Manager. Section Emergency Suspension With Pay Emergency suspensions may be used in cases where it is in the best interest of the City to immediately remove the employee from the work place, or additional time is necessary to investigate a situation to determine what further disciplinary action may be justified. Department Heads or their designees, with the input of the Human Resources Manager, are empowered to issue an emergency suspension. This suspension gives the Department Head, supervisor or designee the opportunity to discuss the problem with his/her supervisor to determine an appropriate course of action when the situation is serious enough for the employee to be removed from the work environment. The maximum length of an emergency suspension with pay is five (5) days unless circumstances warrant a longer time. Section Suspension with Pay At the discretion of a Department Head or his/her designee, and with the input of the Human Resources Manager, an employee of the City may be suspended with pay and benefits pending investigation of allegations of misconduct, when the nature of the allegation compromises the ability of the employee to perform his/her duties, and when a substantial period of time will be required to complete an investigation or legal action. Such suspension is not a disciplinary action and may not be appealed. If the charges are substantiated, disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with the nature of the offense, and may include recovery of salary and benefits paid during the suspension. If the charges are unfounded, the employee will be restored to duty and a letter of exoneration will be placed in the employee's official personnel file. Section Termination Immediate removal of an employee from the job pending review for termination may be warranted in instances involving serious insubordination, theft, serious illegal or destructive acts while on the job, or other substantial reasons deemed appropriate by the Department Head and with the input of the Human Resources Manager. An employee may also be terminated after repeated offenses of a less serious nature if the offenses have been documented by the supervisor and appropriate behavioral changes have not resulted from previous progressive disciplinary action. The employee shall receive his/her final check on the first payroll date following his termination . Section 2.15.5 Probationary Employees – Termination - 43 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Probationary employees may be terminated at any time without cause and without the right of appeal. Dismissals of probationary employees also require the concurrence of the Human Resources Manager. Section 2.15.6 Filing Disciplinary Actions in Personnel File The original copy of any disciplinary action is to be signed by the employee and placed in the employee's personnel file with a copy given to the employee. Section 2.16 Grievances The most effective accomplishment of the work of the City requires prompt consideration and equitable adjustment of employee misunderstandings and grievances. The procedure is open to any employee who believes that the treatment he/she receives on the job is inequitable or unfair, or for any other reason needs correction. This applies to all phases of an employee’s relations with the City including job operations, discipline, conduct of fellow workers, and supervision. It is the desire of the City to adjust misunderstandings and grievances informally, and both supervisors and employees should make every effort to resolve problems as they arise. Lacking an opportunity to discuss and adjust grievances leads to employee dissatisfaction. This in turn may be reflected in job performance and adversely affect the high standards of service our city strives to provide. Therefore, good employee relations are good business. Employees who desire to pursue a grievance must file a written grievance form within the time period provided below. Employees may obtain a grievance form from their Department Head or Human Resources. Department Heads should respond to all grievances filed by employees. Section 2.16.1 Procedure for Filing a Grievance Step 1: An employee who has a question or dispute shall first discuss it with his or her immediate supervisor within two (2) working days of the incident. Unless the grievance is presented within this time frame, it shall be deemed not to exist. The supervisor shall make a careful inquiry into the facts and circumstances of the complaint in an attempt to resolve it promptly and fairly and give his/her answer to the employee within three (3) working days of the discussion. The supervisor shall advise Human Resources and the Department Head in brief, written form as to the question and departmental response. If the supervisor does not reply within this time frame, or if the employee is dissatisfied with the response of the supervisor, the employee may initiate Step 2 of the procedure. Step 2: The question or dispute shall be put into writing and submitted to the Department Head within five (5) working days of the supervisor’s decision in Step 1. The Department Head shall make a separate investigation, including discussion with both the employee and supervisor. The Department Head will respond to the employee in writing within five (5) working days of the receipt of the employee’s grievance. A copy of the written dispute and the response will also be forwarded to Human Resources. If the Department Director - 44 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL does not respond within five (5) working days, the employee shall consider the answer to be “grievance denied.” The employee may initiate Step 3 at that time. Step 3: If the employee is dissatisfied with the Department Director’s decision, he/she may submit a written request for a final determination by the City Administrator or his staff designee within five (5) working days of the receipt of the Department Head’s response. The City Administrator shall review the matter in detail and give a binding written response based on the policies and procedures of the City within ten (10) working days of the receipt of the employee’s grievance. Section 2.17 Safety and Health Employees are expected to exercise caution and observe all established safety rules and regulations applicable to their position and in the operation of tools, equipment and motor vehicles in connection with City business. Section 2.17.1 Supervisor Responsibilities 1. Promote a safe environment by providing training for safe work procedures, setting a personal example and fostering employee participation and input. 2. Ensure employee compliance with all safety rules and standards. 3. Provide all necessary safety equipment and ensure their proper use by employees. 4. Conduct frequent and thorough safety inspections of his or her area of authority. 5. Correct all hazardous conditions as quickly as possible and communicate these conditions to all affected employees. 6. Seek immediate and proper treatment for all employees when injuries occur. 7. Ensure accidents are reported and investigated in a proper and timely manner. Section 2.17.2 Employee Responsibilities 1. Comply with all safety rules and standards. 2. Perform in a reasonable and safe manner to assure maximum safety to themselves, their coworkers and the public. 3. Notify the supervisor of all unsafe conditions and assist them with the correction of the condition. 4. Report all accidents immediately to the supervisor and seek medical treatment, if necessary. Section 2.17.3 Personal Protective Equipment The City provides all non-clerical and non-administrative personnel with appropriate personal protective gear, such as: rain gear, hard hats, liners, safety glasses and gloves. Each department will be responsible for all such supplies. Supervisors are responsible for ensuring proper personal protective equipment is worn by employees. Employees must wear all appropriate personal protective equipment when engaged in a - 45 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL work activity designated as hazardous. Employees in specified positions who wear glasses must wear approved safety glasses. Negligence in use of personal protective equipment could be cause for disciplinary action, and could also cause serious injury. The Department Head maintains a list of positions requiring safety glasses. Section Hard Hats It is the policy of the City to require employees to wear hard hats at all times when in the field around construction and maintenance projects. As a minimum, however, hard hats shall be worn as follows: 1.When working below ground level, such as in lift stations, ditches, etc. 2.When conditions warrant and/or when ordered to do so by a supervisor. 3.When working in a traveled right-of-way. 4.When inspecting construction sites. Section Safety Shoes Safety shoes shall be worn whenever there is an opportunity for something to fall on an employee’s foot. This includes all Public Works foremen, superintendents, and Local 150 employees. OSHA defines the criterion for safety footwear. Section Safety Harness A safety harness shall be used when an employee enters a large clean-out, storm manhole, sewer manhole, wet well, catch basin or large pipe. Section Safety Vest A high-visibility safety vest shall be worn when an employee is in a flagging position and/or when working in a traveled right-of-way, in accordance with the provisions set forth in the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration’s Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). Section Safety Glasses Safety glasses shall be worn when there is exposure to eye hazards caused by flying particles, molten metal, liquid chemicals, acids or caustic liquids, chemical gases or vapors, electrical hazards, sharp or falling objects, or potentially injurious light radiation. Section Non-Compliance with Safety Requirements Failure to comply with mandatory requirements for wearing safety apparel and/or using safety equipment will result in disciplinary action, including termination for repetitive or gross violations. - 46 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Section 2.17.4 Worker’s Compensation All employees are covered by the Worker’s Compensation and Occupational Disease Act, a program of industrial insurance to protect workers, their families, and dependents from loss due to an industrial accident or illness. The program provides for payment of medical bills, physical and vocational rehabilitation, and financial compensation while the worker is disabled – either temporarily or permanently – and unable to work. Section Employee Injury/Accident Reporting Requirements Any employee suffering an injury or accident during the course of his/her employment is responsible for the following: 1.Report the accident and/or injury to his/her supervisor immediately. This should happen even if the injury does not warrant medical treatment. This is important because as soon as the supervisor becomes aware of the situation, the employee can receive treatment, if needed. If an accident is not reported and an injury develops at a later date, an extensive investigation may be required in order to determine compensability. Employees may be subject to discipline if injuries are not reported immediately. 2.Go to the Occupational/Health Clinic to receive treatment, if necessary. If the injury occurs outside the hours of 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 p.m., the employee may go to Rush Copley Emergency Room. 3.Adhere to drug and alcohol testing. 4.Tell Human Resources if he/she chooses to go to a doctor of his/her choice. ” 5.Complete the “Worker’s Compensation Employee Injury - Employee’s Report(see Appendix E) within twenty-four (24) hours of the accident and forward it to the supervisor. 6.Update Human Resources personallyafter each doctor’s visit. The employee must personally report to Human Resources to update them and also to give them any paperwork from the doctor. Human Resources will, in turn, notify the supervisor. 7.Instruct doctors, hospitals, physical therapists etc. to send the bills to Human Resources at the City, not the employee. 8.Do notgive the supervisor any doctor notes or bills. These must be given directly to Human Resources. If the injury or appointment occurs after 4:30 p.m. and before 8:00 a.m., the employee must see Human Resources the following day. 9.Schedule all medical appointments and physical therapy at the earliest or latest time possible in the day so as to minimize disruption of work. If unable to schedule the appointments at an early or late hour, the employee is required to return to work after the - 47 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL appointment unless directed otherwise by the doctor. If directed otherwise by the doctor, the employee must have a doctor’s note and personally give the note to Human Resources. 10.Keep all doctor and physical therapy appointments. If unable to do so, the employee is responsible for canceling and rescheduling the appointment and notifying Human Resources and his/her supervisor of the change. 11.Cooperate with the attending physician and with Human Resources and follow all requirements. Section Supervisor Reporting Requirements 1.Convey the pertinent information to Human Resources immediately, especially if the employee needs medical treatment. A message may be left on voice mail if the accident occurs after hours. 2.Insist upon medical treatment, if warranted. All employees should be sent to the Occupational/Health Clinic. The supervisor may send the employee to the clinic even if he/she is not sure the employee is hurt. 3.Drive the employee to the clinic if the employee is unable to do so. 4.Complete the “Workers Compensation Employee Injury – Supervisor’s Report” (see Appendix F) within twenty-four (24) hours of the accident and forward it to Human Resources along with the Illinois Form 45: First Report of Injury. Notify Human Resources if this process will take longer than 24 hours. 5.Investigate the accident regardless of treatment being given. 6.Ensure the employee complies with this policy. If the employee attempts to give you the doctor’s note, do not accept it, but instead send him/her to Human Resources. 7.Send any original timesheets directly to Human Resources if the employee has time charged to worker’s compensation. Human Resources will be responsible for submitting the timesheet to Finance. Section Human Resources Reporting Requirements 1. Complete and coordinate all appropriate paperwork to be submitted to the City’s worker’s compensation administrator. 2. Notify the employee if the accident is compensable under worker’s compensation. 3. Keep the supervisor informed of the status of the employee. 4. Discuss with the supervisor whether transitional duty is available for employees with restrictions, and what work the employee can or cannot perform. 5. Monitor the progress of the injured employee. 6. Be proactive so the employee can return to work with no restrictions as soon as possible. Section 2.17.5 Work Related Injury Compliance In the event of a work-related injury, employees should adhere to the rules listed below. Non- compliance with this procedure may affect worker’s compensation benefit. - 48 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Section Appointments and Follow Up Employees must let Human Resources know when they have a doctor’s or physical therapy appointment scheduled. Immediately following each doctor’s visit or physical therapy appointment, they must personally update Human Resources and bring in the paperwork. Section Transitional Duty If an employee has been released to work with restrictions, he/she must be available for transitional duty as ordered by a supervisor or the Human Resources Division when work becomes available, even for periodic limited duty projects. Human Resources will attempt to provide employees with one (1) business day advance notice. If an employee is called in to work and is unavailable to work for any reason other than a doctor’s appointment, he/she will be charged vacation time for those hours. In addition, when taking a vacation, employees must let Human Resources know. Employees will then be charged vacation time. Section Case Management The Worker’s Compensation Administrator may assign a case manager. A case manager is a registered nurse who acts as a liaison between the employee and the Human Resources Manager. The case manager may accompany the employee to all doctor’s appointments. This will allow for a more expedient and safe return to work. Section Paycheck and Benefits The Human Resources Division will process worker’s compensation checks during the regular payroll schedule. Union employees must also pay union dues, unless a withdrawal card has been submitted to Human Resources. If the employee accepts worker’s compensation benefits, they will receive 2/3 pay as outlined within the Worker’s Compensation and Occupational Disease Act. The employee has the option to supplement the worker’s compensation pay with accrued time off. Section Accrual of Time Employees will accrue vacation or sick time while they are not working. After an employee returns to his/her regular position on a full-time basis, Human Resources will reinstate up to eight (8) pay periods of vacation time. Section Medical Bills Employee should instruct the doctor(s) to mail all bills to Human Resources. If any employee receives any medical bills at home, he/she should bring them to Human Resources right away so that they will be paid. Section Released to Work - 49 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Once an employee has been released to return to his/her regular position, Human Resources may request an additional doctor’s appointment or functional capacity evaluation. Section 2.17.6 Transitional Duty Transitional duty will be available to any employee who has restrictions due to work-related or non-work-related injury or illness, provided there is appropriate work available. This temporary job placement must meet the physical restrictions that the physician has assigned to the injured employee. Section Physician Certification If an employee becomes injured and receives doctor’s treatment (either at the Occupational/Health Clinic or from his own physician), he/she may be eligible for transitional duty. To be considered for transitional duty, the employee must present a note from the Occupational/Health Clinic or his/her physician. The physician should review the employee’s job description prior to writing this note. The note should state: 1. Length of time that the employee is to remain on restricted duty. 2. Exact nature of the work that the employee can and cannot perform. This should include specific duties and weight limitations, if applicable. 3. Date of the next scheduled re-examination to determine any change in the employee’s physical status. The above-mentioned information must be provided in writing after each examination. Upon return from an examination, the employee must submit the physician’s note to Human Resources. The doctor’s office may also call in or fax the restrictions. The Human Resources Division, in conjunction with the supervisor, will determine if transitional duty is available. If it is determined that transitional duty is not available in his/her department, HR will notify all City departments to see if anyone may be able to accommodate the employee’s restrictions. If it is determined that transitional duty is not available, the employee will not be allowed to work. If transitional duty is available, or becomes available at a later time due to changes in tasks, personnel, or the employee’s restrictions, the employee with a work-related injury/illness will be required to report to work at a date and time determined by the City. If transitional duty is available, the employee with a non-work-related injury/illness will have the option to report to work or continue to be off work and use benefit time. Section Transitional Duty Time Limitations/Restrictions Transitional duty shall be determined on a case-by-case basis and depends on the employee’s restrictions and work availability. Transitional duty is not guaranteed. Normally, it will not last for more than thirty (30) calendar days from the initial date of release for transitional duty unless there has been an improvement in the employee’s condition. If there is an improvement in the employee’s condition during the first thirty (30) calendar days of transitional duty, the employee may receive up to an additional (30) days of transitional duty from the date of - 50 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL the improvement. It shall only be allowed if it does not exacerbate the employee’s injury. While on transitional duty, employees will not be allowed to work overtime unless it is an emergency situation. The duties given shall be legitimate and productive work, and not “manufactured” or “busy” work and may be tasks the employee has never performed before. Employees may be offered transitional duty work intermittently or as needed by the City. Section 2.17.7 Accommodation Hearing In the event an employee has been given permanent restrictions due to either a work-related or non-work-related injury, an accommodation hearing will be held to determine if the City can accommodate the restriction(s). The meeting will consist of the employee, the employee’s supervisor and Department Head, and Human Resources. During the meeting, the job description will be reviewed and the employee will have an opportunity to request any specific changes to be made in order to accommodate him/her, such as purchasing a piece of equipment. Due to fiscal and/or personnel concerns, accommodations may be granted in whole, partially or not at all based on the reasonableness of the accommodation. Human Resources will inform the employee in writing of the City’s decision. Section 2.17.8 Use of City-Owned Motor Vehicles The City may provide vehicles for business use, to allow employees to drive on city business, and to reimburse employees for business use of personal vehicles according to the guidelines. An employee who holds a valid driver’s license, when authorized by a Department Head, may operate a city vehicle. At the start of the annual fiscal year, employees will be subjected to an audit of their driver’s license status via the Secretary of State. Any employee whose driver’s license is revoked or suspended while employed with the City is required to notify their department head within 24 hours of the incident. Those individuals whose job description includes a valid driver’s license requirement and fail to meet that requirement may be relieved of their duties without pay at the discretion of the City Administrator. Section Vehicle Guidelines If it is more efficient in terms of productive use of time to have authorized rest periods taken in the field or the job site, it is permissible to use city vehicles to pick-up meals for employees. If an employee is working in an area away from his or her base location, and it is more convenient and less time consuming to eat lunch in that area, the employee may take the city vehicle to a nearby restaurant (or to his or her home if it is in the area) rather than returning to the base location, subject to supervisor approval. - 51 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL A city vehicle also may be used for attending professional or governmental association meetings and luncheon meetings, which directly benefit the United City of Yorkville. Section Take Home Vehicles A vehicle may be taken home at night providing one of the following criteria are met and it is approved by the Department Head: 1. The nature of duties is such that the employee is subject to be routinely called out on an emergency or other extra duty outside normal working hours. 2. If it is necessary for the employee to have a car to protect the safety, health, or welfare of the citizens of Yorkville. 3. When the employee is required to attend an official meeting or conference on the City’s behalf. The following regulations relate to take home vehicles: 1. When permission is granted for a city vehicle to be driven home, the vehicle shall be stored off the street. 2. Each employee authorized to drive a city vehicle home shall make the vehicle available for emergency use whenever he or she is out of the City or unavailable for service for other reasons. 3. Personal use of city vehicles is subject to withholding tax, as required by IRS regulations. 4. Permission may not be granted for a city vehicle to be driven home more than 10 miles from City limits. Section Regulations Relating to Vehicle Use 1. Each city vehicle shall be assigned to a specific individual, whenever possible, for purposes of responsibility, and for assurance of proper maintenance. All vehicles so assigned will be for the sole purpose of allowing city personnel to carry out their job responsibilities during normal working hours. 2. Operators of city vehicles shall conduct a routine inspection of the vehicle to include but not to be limited to the following: headlights and tail lights, seat belts, horn, windshield wipers, tire, brakes, turn signals, and a weekly inspection of oil, battery, water, and appearance. 3. Vehicles should be kept neat inside and outside, and every precaution must be taken to prevent debris from being blown or falling off trucks or from being discarded by vehicle occupants. Vehicle windows shall be closed and doors locked when not in use. 4. All city vehicles should be driven in a safe, courteous manner. Violations of traffic laws by a city employee while driving on city business are subject to review by the proper authorities for disciplinary action in addition to normal law enforcement procedures. The driver of a city vehicle is responsible at all times for not only the safe - 52 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL operation of the vehicle, but for the safe and lawful condition of the vehicle itself. All persons shall use the safety belt restraining system while operating or riding as a passenger in the vehicle while the vehicle is in motion. Faulty operation of a vehicle shall be immediately reported to the fleet foreman who shall issue a work order for repair. 5. City employees may not operate any vehicle for which they do not have a valid Illinois license for the intended use and type of vehicle being driven. It is the responsibility of the employee to procure the proper license. 6. City employees who are authorized to take city vehicles home at night may transport other city employees so long as a reasonably direct route between the work station and residence of the employee authorized to drive the city vehicle is maintained. 7. Employees shall not allow members of their family or their friends to drive city vehicles. 8. Abuse of vehicle privileges may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. Section Reimbursement for Personally-Owned Vehicle Use Employees approved by their department to operate a personally owned vehicle (POV) will receive the IRS per-mile standard. Section 2.17.9 Collision Investigation Involving City Employees If, while operating a city vehicle or a privately owned vehicle in the performance of official duties, an employee is involved in an accident resulting in personal injury or property damage, the operator shall cause the following reporting and investigative procedures to occur. Section Vehicle Accident Reporting Requirements – Employee 1. Contact 911, a police report is required to send to insurance. 2. Report the accident and/or injury to his/her supervisor immediately. This should happen even if the vehicle does not need immediate repair. 3. Complete the “Vehicle Accident Report” (Appendix G) and immediately return it to the supervisor. Section Vehicle Accident Reporting Requirements – Supervisor 1.Convey the pertinent information to the Finance Department immediately, especially if the vehicle has substantial damage or the party has incurred injury. 2.Approve and sign the “Vehicle Accident Report” (Appendix G) that the driver completes. Complete the “Supervisor’s Vehicle Accident Investigation Report” (Appendix H and forward both reports with the police report to the Finance Department within 24 hours of the accident. Notify the Finance Department if more time is required. - 53 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Section Investigation Procedure 1.Request that all parties and properties concerned remain at the scene of the accident, if possible, until a law enforcement representative has released them. 2.All collisions involving city vehicles or persons on duty and actively engaged in city business will be investigated by a police agency. 3.If occurring outside the United City of Yorkville, the collision will be investigated by the police agency having jurisdiction. 4.If occurring within the United City of Yorkville and involving property damage or a minor (non-hospitalizing) injury, the collision will be investigated by the United City of Yorkville Police Department. 5.If occurring within the City and the collision results in a fatality or injury requiring immediate hospitalization of any party, the accident will be investigated by an outside authority. Selection of an outside authority will be handled by the United City of Yorkville Police Department at the scene. Section Employee Statements Employee/operators shall refrain from making statements regarding the accident with anyone other than the investigating law enforcement representative, appropriate City officials, and representatives of his or her own insurance company, if the employee's privately owned vehicle is involved. Statements made to investigating authorities should be confined to factual observations. Section 2.17.10 Emergency Conditions City offices and activities shall remain open and in operation during established working hours. All employees should make every attempt to report for work on a timely basis. If employees are unable to report to work, the following criteria shall apply: 1.The employee is responsible for contacting his/her supervisor or Department Head by telephone to indicate anticipated absence from work or late arrival to work and the reason. 2.If an employee is unable to report to work, the absence may be charged as vacation or personal leave. Section Closing City Offices The City Administrator shall be authorized to close city offices to protect the safety and welfare of city employees. In this event, employees may use vacation or personal leave to compensate for hours not worked. It shall be at the City Administrator’s discretion whether specific employees will be allowed to work from home or another location. - 54 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Section 2.18 Workplace Inspections The City wishes to maintain a work environment that is free of illegal drugs, alcohol, unauthorized firearms, explosives, or other improper materials. To this end, the City prohibits the possession, sale, transfer or use of such materials on its premises or in City vehicles. The City requires the cooperation of all employees in administering this policy. Section 2.18.1 Administrative Inspections Desks, lockers and other storage devices may be provided for the employees’ convenience, but remain the sole property of the City. The City also reserves the right to conduct searches and inspections of City-provided vehicles, equipment, materials, such as boxes, thermoses, briefcases, desks, computer files, computers, computer disk, cabinets, file drawers, desk, lockers, or packages without notice. Anyone who refuses to allow a search of the City-provided property listed above or who is found in possession of prohibited articles will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. Accordingly, the City Administrator or Chief of Police or their designee may conduct the inspection with or without prior notice. All administrative/operational inspections shall be conducted through the authority of the City Administrator or Chief of Police.The City is not responsible for loss of or damage to personal property on the job. Section 2.18.2 Criminal Inspections/Searches When a supervisor or an employee has reasonable suspicion that a criminal act or threat of violence has or will occur he or she shall contact the local police department immediately. The local police will determine if an inspection is warranted and conduct such inspection. Only law enforcement personnel shall conduct such inspection. Any abuse of this provision within the employee manual by any employee shall be subject to disciplinary action up to termination. Section 2.19 Nepotism Section 2.19.1 Prohibition on Employing the Spouse/Relatives of Department Heads/Elected Officials/Paid Appointed Officers (Anti-Nepotism) a.It shall be the policy of the City that it shall not employ the spouse or a relative of the following Department Heads, Elected Officials, or Paid Appointed Officers: Mayor, Aldermen, Clerk, Treasurer, City Administrator, Chief of Police, Director of Parks and Recreation, Director of Finance, City Engineer, Director of Public Works, Community Development Director, Building and Zoning Officer, and City Attorney. For this purpose, a relative is deemed to mean a spouse, parents, grandparents, children or grandchildren, siblings, aunts, uncles, in-laws, and step relatives within the same categories. b.This policy restricting employment of certain spouses and relatives shall not apply to any prohibited relationships existing on the date of passage of this provision. Section 2.19.2 Spouse/Relatives of Department Heads/Elected Officials - 55 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL a.The employment of a spouse or a relative of any Department Head or elected official may be subject to a confidentiality disclosure agreement or conflict of interest agreement as deemed necessary by the City Attorney. For this purpose, a relative is deemed to mean a spouse, parents, grandparents, children or grandchildren, siblings, aunts, uncles, in-laws, and step relatives within these categories. b. This policy is intended to comply with the requirements of all applicable federal, state, and local laws. The City Administrator is responsible for the coordination, administration and implementation of the provisions of this policy as approved by the City Council. Section 2.19.3 Relatives of All Employees a. The purpose of this policy is to establish consistent guidelines concerning the employment of relatives of employees of the City. Relative is deemed to mean a spouse, parents, grandparents, children or grandchildren, siblings, aunts and uncles, in-laws and step- relatives, within these categories. It is the policy of the City to provide all employees with equal employment opportunities for career advancement without fear of favoritism or penalty, actual or implied, based on family relations. b. The employment of a relative of any full-time City employee, in a full or part-time position, is prohibited if such employment shall cause the new employee to come under direct supervision of or provide direct supervision to the related full-time employee. c. Full-time City employees will not be considered for promotion or transfer if such change shall cause the employee to come under, or to provide direct supervision to a related City employee. d. If employees in a supervisory relationship become related after employment, every effort will be made to transfer one of the employees to a position where no supervisory relationship exists. If neither employee volunteers to transfer, the City Administrator will arrange an involuntary transfer at his or her discretion. Transfer decisions may be based on, but are not limited to, such factors as the grade of each affected employee's position, the availability of openings for which the affected employees are qualified, and the availability of replacement candidates for the affected employees' positions. e. This policy is intended to comply with the requirements of all applicable federal, state and local laws. f.The Mayor or his designee is responsible for the coordination, administration and implementation of the provisions of this policy as approved by the City Council. Prior to the application of this policy regarding employment or transfer decisions with respect to spouses, supervisors must contact the Mayor to ensure compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws. Section 2.20 Dissemination of Information Policy Title 1, Chapter 5, Section 5 of the City code outlines the Dissemination of Information Policy: A.Realizing that it is in the best interest of a municipality to have informed representatives making decisions based on all available information, and that it is in the best interest of a municipality to have an informed electorate, the following have been enacted: - 56 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL 1. The aldermen of the United City of Yorkville, together and independently, have the right to request and receive existing information relating to all areas of city business from any appropriate city official or appropriate employee. Such information should be received by the alderman or aldermen making the request within five (5) working days after the request has been made. 2.Any employee, official or department head who refuses to comply with the request for information, or willfully obstructs or retards the dissemination of such information, will be found to be derelict in his or her duties, and may face disciplinary action or termination. 3.The corporate authorities as a body have the sole right to determine what information will be made available to the public, based on the Illinois freedom of information act as interpreted by the attorney general of the state of Illinois. Section 2.21 Use of Telephones Section 2.21.1 Personal Use of Telephones Employees are permitted to use City telephones for personal use on limited basis and for local calls only. Approval to use City telephones for personal business may be withdrawn by Department Heads if it becomes excessive or if use causes interference with work duties. Employees may be required to pay for any non-city business calls they make which are charged to the City. This policy is subject to change, as the City deems necessary. Section 2.21.2 Cell Phone Policy This policy is intended to provide guidelines for the proper use of cellular telephones. Cellular telephones are provided to employees as business needs indicate. City employees who have been issued a city cell phone are advised that all calls made to or from the city cell phone can be subject to a Freedom of Information Act review by the public. There should be no expectation of privacy. Section Procedure If a Director determines that an employee needs a cellular telephone or an upgrade to an existing cellular telephone, a detailed written request must be submitted to the Finance Director as part of the requisition process. This request must include: a.The estimate of the annual cost and where the expense is budgeted. b.The reason for the request, and whether it will enhance emergency response, employee safety, or work efficiency. c.The adequacy of the present system of communication, and if a cellular telephone is the most appropriate and economical choice. d.How much time the user spends in the field each day. - 57 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL e.How frequently the cellular telephone will be used. Section Allotted Minutes The maximum authorized number of minutes per person is as follows: Department Heads and Elected Officials 1,000 minutes Foremen, Managers, Police Personnel & Supervisors 750 minutes All other employees 400 minutes This is to be used as a general guide and may change depending upon the City’s vendor and/or the City’s needs. Section Eligibility Criteria Employees eligible for assignment of City-owned cellular telephones are those designated by the City Administrator and/or the Chief of Police, including (but not limited to): 1.Employees who are frequently in a vehicle, if the individual must conduct City business by the telephone while in the field, and it can be shown that cost savings and customer service efficiently will be realized through the use of such devices; 2.Employees who have a critical need to maintain accessibility with other department directors, City management staff and public officials, in order to insure uninterrupted customer services and/or the integrity of the City; 3.Public safety positions, as determined by the Chief of Police, as necessary to provide immediate and direct telephone communications with citizens, outside agencies cooperating in operations, or other resource entities outside of City government, and to provide for communications which may be inappropriate for mobile radios; 4.Department Heads and employees who have responsibility for responding to public safety incidents in the field. Section Employee Responsibilities Employees have the responsibility to use all City equipment and contracted equipment with prudence and reasonable care. While driving a vehicle, employees should make every effort not to make outgoing calls or answer a phone if it will prohibit them from operating a vehicle in a safe manner. Employees will be allowed to review the invoices for the cellular phone assigned to them and be prepared to verify the calls listed on the invoice. Employees will reimburse the City for all charges determined to be inappropriate by the Department Head, Finance Director or City Administrator. - 58 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Reimbursements shall be made within 30 days of receipt of invoice by the department at the overage rate of the approved City’s vendor. Section Department Head Responsibilities Department Heads will receive a copy of the cellular telephone invoice each month. It is the department head’s responsibility to review all cellular telephone invoices on a regular basis to insure that cellular telephones are used appropriately and that the City is reimbursed for calls that cannot be identified as official use. Any misuse of cellular telephones assigned to their department should be addressed immediately upon discovery. An employee who violates the terms of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action including suspension and/or termination as stated in section 5 of the employee manual. Section Repairs and Replacements of Equipment If there is a potential that equipment may be lost or damaged, the employee is responsible for making reasonable accommodations to protect the equipment. City provided cellular telephone equipment will be repaired or replaced according to one of the following: 1.Cellular telephone equipment that requires repair or replacement due to normal wear and tear, damage as a result of City job related duties or responsibilities or a situation outside the control of the employee will be repaired or replaced at the expense of the City. The employee must have made a reasonable accommodation to protect this equipment. 2.Cellular equipment that requires repair or replacement due to employee negligence, including but not limited to: misuse, abuse, carelessness, misplacement, will be repaired or replaced at the expense of the City, however this will be subject to corrective action as determined by the department director or designee. Section Termination Upon termination, the employee is to return his/her cellular telephone as well as any accessories to the City. The City issued telephone number is the property of the City and shall remain under the City’s ownership. - 59 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL SECTION 3 DIRECT COMPENSATION Section 3.1 Regular Hours of Work Section 3.1.1Workday hours and lunch breaks All non-exempt employees shall be scheduled for an eight and half (8.5) hour workday which includes an unpaid lunch break, except sworn police officers whose workday will be determined by the Chief of Police. Lunch breaks for all City administrative offices shall be scheduled not to disrupt City services. Approved hours of work are as follows, and shall be chosen by the employee with the consent of the department head: 1.8:00 a.m. to 4:30 pm with ½ hour unpaid lunch break between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm 2.7:30 a.m. to 4:30 with 1 hour unpaid lunch break between 10:00 am and 3:00 pm. 3.Public Works, Parks, Engineering and Recreation field employees shall have approved hours of work as set by the Department Head and approved by Human Resources. Requests for hours of work other than those listed above will be at the discretion of the department head, with the consent of the Human Resources Manager and the City Administrator. Section 3.1.2 Work Schedule The work week shall consist of forty (40) hours per week for all City non-exempt full time employees. The Department Head shall determine the length of the shift and starting time providing there is no disruption to City services. Furthermore, the Mayor and City Council shall determine the hours of operations for all City administrative services. Section 3.2 Shift Changes All employees shall normally be given fourteen (14) days notice of any changes in regular working hours, except in cases of emergency, or by mutual consent of employee and Department Head. Section 3.3 Payroll Administration All salaried, hourly, and part-time personnel shall be paid biweekly. Up to a one-week delay in payment may be in effect for regular and overtime hours. Further payroll and reimbursement policy details are as follows: a.Paychecks will be issued no later than 12:00 p.m. on payday. b.All full-time employees with health insurance coverage will have health insurance employee contributions withheld from each paycheck, in an amount to be determined annually by a vote of the City Council. - 60 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL c.All voluntary benefits (i.e. life insurance, 457 deferred compensation, etc.) will be withheld from the paycheck on a schedule to be determined at time of enrollment. d.Department Heads or their designee shall distribute payroll checks. e.Hourly pay is defined as base pay plus all longevity stipends. Section 3.4 Callback Pay All full-time, non-exempt employees covered by this Personnel Policy who are called back to work after having left after a full scheduled work day shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours work at time and one half pay. A call back is defined as an assignment of work that does not immediately precede or follow an employee's regularly scheduled work hours. Department Heads do not receive overtime pay, but may take time earned, when the demands of the position allow them to do so, with the approval of the City Administrator or Mayor (depending on the direct supervisor of the Department Head). Employees called in to work on a scheduled floating holiday or vacation day shall receive a minimum of two (2) hours work at time and one half pay. Section 3.5 Overtime Scheduling Time worked in excess of the established regular workweek hours constitutes overtime work. Before performing any overtime work the employee must receive approval from their supervisor or Department Head. Section 3.6 Overtime Pay Overtime pay shall be considered time worked which is more than a full-time employee’s normally scheduled workday or forty (40) hours per week. Overtime pay shall be paid at the rate of one and one-half times the hourly rate, determined by dividing the annual salary by 2,080 hours. All full time, non-exempt employees will be compensated for all hours worked as described within their job description and duties as authorized, which means no employee shall work as an independent contractor or receive a stipend for hours worked except as authorized as an appointed position. Employees shall be duly compensated under the FLSA for hours worked; however employees may be subject to discipline for performing unauthorized work. Section 3.7 Compensation Time The City encourages the use of compensatory time, provided the net result is a saving of wage expenditures.Compensation time for non-exempt employees is earned at the rate of 1.5 hours for each hour of overtime worked. All non-exempt, full-time employees (at their discretion and with their Department Head's approval), shall be allowed to take compensation time. This is in lieu of any overtime hours worked for which an employee waives overtime pay. An employee is allowed to use compensation time by the hour and/or day provided compensation time is earned and overtime is waived before requesting compensation time, sworn full-time employees may take compensation time, as outlined in their police collective bargaining agreement - 61 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL There is a cap of 120 hours of compensatory time that may be accrued for all non-exempt employees. The City reserves the right to require employees to use compensatory time or to "cash out" accrued hours except forty (40) hours at any time with a thirty (30) day written notice to their Department Head. Upon termination of employment, the employee will receive cash compensation for any accrued comp time remaining. The City will honor an employee's request to use comp time within a reasonable period of time following the proper request, so long as the use of the comp time will not "unduly disrupt" the City's operations. Section 3.8 Public Works On Call Employees will be required for “On Call” duties to maintain the city public infrastructure during all weekends and City holidays. They shall be expected to check pumps and perform other such work as may be directed from time to time. The employee shall check the status of the wells, pumps, and lift stations approximately 7: 00 a.m. and wells again at approximately 4:00 p.m. for which they shall receive a minimum of two hours pay at the overtime rate. Personnel so selected for “On Call” duty shall be available for emergencies unless other arrangements are made between employees. Any such arrangements made shall require notification to the Department Head. Section 3.9 Flex Time Department Heads may, at their discretion, allow employees to flex their schedule during the week so long as service levels are not negatively impacted. Any non-exempt employee who flexes their hours must do so in the same work week; hours cannot be “banked” as straight time for future use. Non- exempt employees working over 40 hours in one week will be compensated at 1.5 times their regular hourly rate as stipulated in the Fair Labor Standards Act. Section 3.10 Longevity Pay Longevity stipend will be made to all full-time, non bargaining employees based on the below schedule and continuous years of service. This stipend is added to the annual salary for non-exempt st employees and exempt employees will receive the stipend on the 1 pay period of the employee’s anniversary of date of hire. After 6 years, but less than 9 years $ 750 per year After 9 years, but less than 14 years $1000 per year After 14 years, but less than 20 years $1250 per year After 20 years, but less than 25 years $1500 per year After 25 years $2000 per year Section 3.11 Performance Evaluations and Pay Adjustments Section 3.11.1 Employee Performance Evaluations - 62 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL At a minimum, yearly performance reviews shall be made of the employee's work performance st by the Department Heads, and reported to Human Resources and their immediate supervisor by April 1 of each year. Employees may be given more frequent evaluations as circumstances warrant. A finding of satisfactory performance is needed for advancement on the wage scale. Evaluations shall be made on standardized forms as provided by Human Resources, and shall provide a comprehensive review of the quality of work performed by the employee. Both Department Head and Employee shall sign evaluations. Probationary employees are required to receive performance evaluations at the 90-day mark and the end of their probationary period. Section 3.11.2 Pay Adjustments st Wages for all City employees shall be reviewed by April 1 of each year. Any adjustments in pay shall be granted at this time, to be effective with the first payroll of the following fiscal year and subject to the City budget (May 1). This is not meant to imply that raises shall automatically be granted. Wages and benefits, directly related to their respective departments, is an addendum to this Personnel Policy. This addendum may be updated from time to time to reflect City Council approved adjustments. A new employee hired within six (6) months before a wage increase may not be eligible for such wage increase until satisfactory completion of the probationary period. After the probationary period, employee shall be given a review and wage increase calculated in a commensurate and pro-rated format as the wage increase given most recently to City employees. Said wage increase will not be retroactively applied from the date of the wage increase, but will be in effect going forward from the end of the probationary period. Any employee hired more than six (6) months before a wage increase shall be eligible for the wage increase, pro-rata. - 63 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL SECTION 4 EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS Section 4.1 Vacation Leave 1. Employment anniversary dates shall govern the number of vacation days allowed. 2.Full-time employees are entitled to the following vacation time based on continuous and completed years of service, depending on status, unless otherwise approved by the Mayor and City Council. Non-exempt employees Years of Service Completed Vacation Time Credited 6 months 40 hours 1 year 40 hours 2, 3, 4 80 hours per year 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 120 hours per year 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 160 hours per year 15+ 200 hours per year Exempt employees Years of Service Completed Vacation Time Credited 6 months 40 hours 1 year 80 hours 2, 3, 4 120 hours per year 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 160 hours per year 10+ 200 hours per year 3. Employees who have accumulated eighty (80) or more hours vacation may take up to forty (40) hours vacation as pay per year, subject to the approval of the Department Head. Vacation payouts must be requested in writing by the employee to the Department Head for authorization or denial. 4. Vacations are normally requested in forty (40) hour increments. Smaller increments of vacation leave may be taken with the approval of the Department Head. All requests must be submitted at least fourteen (14) days in advance and approved by the Department Head. Any th vacation request submitted for the calendar year by February 28 will be approved based on seniority and scheduling to provide essential services. When the vacation leave request is approved the employee has reserved his right to his leave; however, all leaves are subject to review and/or cancellation for major emergencies or extreme circumstances, which may cause a personnel shortage. 5. Upon the employee’s anniversary date, a maximum of forty (40) hours of unused vacation time may be carried over into the next year. - 64 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL 6. Upon termination of employment, the employee shall receive prorated accumulated vacation pay on the basis of 1/12 for each full month worked past the employee's appointment date, based upon the employee's vacation time determined by length of employment. Section 4.2 Holiday Leave Holiday pay shall be paid to all full-time employees. All employees shall receive their normal rate of pay with the day off. This is not intended to imply they shall receive any additional pay, but only the pay they would have received had they worked the day as a normal workday. All employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement will be covered as outlined in the collective bargaining agreement. Public Works employees called in to work on a City-recognized holiday shall receive double pay for the number of hours worked. This means that an Employee shall receive his holiday pay, plus double time pay for hours worked. The following twelve (12) holidays shall be observed: New Years Day Labor Day Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday Veteran’s Day President’s Day Thanksgiving Day Good Friday Day after Thanksgiving Day Memorial Day Christmas Eve Day Independence Day Christmas Day Besides the twelve (12) holidays listed, all employees shall receive two (2) floating holidays, which cannot be accumulated if not taken. Department Head's approval must be obtained before taking the floating holidays. Section 4.3 Sick Leave Section 4.3.1 Purpose, Allowance, and Accumulation Sick leave is considered a privilege and not a right to be used at the employee’s discretion for personal business. Sick leave with pay is provided as a benefit in recognition that employees do contract various illnesses from time to time and that their financial resources may be diminished in such instances if pay is discontinued, and that it may not be in the best interest or health of the employee or fellow employees to work while sick. An employee who is unable to work by reason of a non-duty related illness, injury, or disability as contained herein may take sick leave. Additionally, employees may take sick leave for doctor, dental and vision appointments, and illness of immediate family member requiring the presence of the employee as the primary care giver (includes parents, in-laws, children, spouse, siblings, grandparents and grandchildren or at the Department Head's discretion). Full-time employees shall accrue eight (8) sick leave hours per month to a maximum accrual of 960 hours. Whenever possible, medical appointments should be scheduled in a timely manner in order to minimize the employee’s absence from work. - 65 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Section 4.3.2 Medical Verification If an employee uses three (3) consecutive sick leave days, the city will require the employee to provide a medical verification of illness statement from their physician. For any other use of sick leave, the City may require the employee to provide verification of illness. Section 4.3.3 Sick Leave Utilization Sick leave may be utilized only for the purposes as stated in the first paragraph of this section. Employees utilizing paid sick leave hours shall be compensated for them according to their normal rate of pay. Employees will use accrued sick leave in reverse accrual order. Thus, when an employee uses a sick leave hour, the last sick leave hour earned is removed from his accumulated sick leave. Excessive absenteeism, without medical verification, may result in disciplinary action, up to and including immediate termination of employment. “Excessive” shall be defined as those absences occurring more than two (2) times per month (i.e. two consecutive days absent from work would be considered as on (1) occurrence). Absent employees who have exhausted their accumulated sick leave shall not be compensated for further absences. Section 4.3.4 Unused Sick Leave On May 15 of each year, an employee who has used less than the sick leave he has accumulated in the immediately preceding fiscal year (May 1 through April 30) will be asked if he wishes to sell back the accrued sick leave earned in that fiscal year at a rate equivalent to fifty (50%) percent of his regular th rate of pay as determined on April 15 for each sick hour sold back. The number of sick leave hours for which an employee elects cash compensation shall be deducted from such employee's accumulated sick th leave. Employees electing to sell back their sick leave will be paid to them by June 15. An employee who is eligible upon separation to collect a retirement pension under IMRF or the Police Pension Fund, who leaves the City's employment [through retirement, a reduction in force, or voluntary resignation] and has been employed by the City for more than twenty (20) years shall be paid for all unused sick leave at fifty (50%) of his regular rate of pay for all accumulated and unused sick leave up to 960 hours. Section 4.3.5 Sick Leave Donation Policy In recognition of the financial hardship that an extended, catastrophic illness can cause employees, the City is willing to facilitate the voluntary donation of sick leave among employees. If an employee voluntarily requests that the City transfer a portion of that employee's accrued sick time to an employee with a catastrophic illness, the City will facilitate that transfer. Such a request may be submitted in writing to Human Resources for processing. The name of the donor will be kept anonymous. An employee seeking to donate sick leave will be required to retain 30 days of sick leave time, but is not otherwise limited in the amount of sick leave time the employee can donate. An employee - 66 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL who receives donations of sick time from other employees will only be allowed to use that sick time when the employee has otherwise exhausted all accrued time off. Prior to approving the use of donated sick time and consistent with the City's sick leave policy, the City may require that the employee who receives donated sick time submit medical documentation supporting the continued use of sick time. Section 4.4 Reporting of Absences All Department Heads shall keep an accurate account of any employee absences including their own. Arriving and reporting to work regularly and on time is one of the employee's prime responsibilities. Failure to be on the job when scheduled reduces the efficiency of the City. Illness should be reported to the employee's immediate supervisor one (1) hour before the start of the employee’s shift. Failure to secure proper permission for the use of personal days and/or sick hours or to report illness on time may result in full loss of pay for the hours involved for non-exempt employees. Exempt employees should apprise their immediate supervisor if they will not be present during normal business hours. Section 4.5 Duty-related Illness of Leave In the event of a work-related accident or death that occurs while on the job, all employees are eligible for worker’s compensation as provided by law. Employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement should consult the relevant agreement for additional information. The Department Head may consider a light duty program for any employee who has a medical release to return to limited duty. Section 4.6 Emergency and Bereavement Leave Time away from the job due to emergencies will be granted at the discretion of the Department Head. The Department Head shall make the decision whether non-exempt employees shall receive paid or unpaid time off, or shall be required to make up missed time. Exempt or Supervisory employees shall be permitted to take emergency leave at the discretion of the Mayor or City Administrator or his/her designee, and where the need for leave is a day or more, the City may, at its discretion, designate such leave as unpaid leave time. Emergency time off for bereavement will only be allowed in the case of death of an immediate family member, (mother, father, brother, sister, child, spouse, mother-in-law, father-in-law), or in special cases as approved by Department Head. These days are separate from floating holidays and sick hours. Section 4.7 Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act The City will provide for leaves for uniformed or military service in accordance with the requirements of state and federal laws. If an employee needs to take leave for uniformed or military service, they should submit a copy of their orders along with their request for leave as soon as they become aware of the need for leave. Please contact the City Administrator for further details about the uniformed or military leave rights. - 67 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL These provisions apply to all Illinois employers, including public employers. Furthermore, employees who are members of the reservists – either in the U.S. Armed Services or in the Illinois National Guard – are entitled to the following benefits (under Illinois Law) when mobilized to active military duty by presidential order: Continuing compensation (minus the amount of the employee’s base pay for military service) for the entire period of active military service; and Continuing health insurance and other benefits the employee was receiving or accruing at the time the employee entered military service. Section 4.8 Illinois Family Military Leave Act Employees who are the spouse or parent of a person called to military service lasting longer than 30 days shall be provided up to 30 days of unpaid family military leave during the time federal or State deployment orders are in effect. The employee shall give at least 14 days notice of the intended date upon which the family military leave will commence if the leave will consist of 5 or more consecutive work days. Employees taking leave for less than 5 days shall give advance notice as is practicable. An employee shall not take leave as provided under this Act unless he or she has first exhausted all accrued vacation leave, personal leave, and compensatory leave. Only employees who have been employed by the City for at least 12 months and who have worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12- month period immediately preceding the commencement of leave protected under this Act. (820 ILCS 151/) Section 4.9 Jury Duty Leave Employees shall be granted leave with pay when required to be absent from work for jury duty. Employees are expected to contact their immediate supervisor and report to work when they are excused from jury service, temporarily or finally. Any payment received by the employee for jury duty shall be given to the City because the employee is receiving their full pay while on jury duty leave. Section 4.10 Time Off for Voting Every employee who is entitled to vote at a general or special election is entitled, after giving notice, to two hours off work to vote, provided that the employee’s working hours begin less than 2 hours after the opening of the polls and end less than 2 hours before the closing of the polls. (10 ILCS 5/17-15) Section 4.11 Unpaid Discretionary Leave In addition to the leaves described above, regular full-time employees who have completed at least twelve (12) months of continuous service and are in good standing may request a leave of absence. The following conditions and procedures apply to any leave of absence not covered by FMLA, unless - 68 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL otherwise required by applicable law. Leave of absence request shall be presented to the department head in writing by the employee. The request shall be reviewed and approved or denied by the City Administrator. If approved, the employee will be required to exhaust all applicable accrued paid time off prior to moving to an unpaid leave. For instance, if an employee is approved for an unpaid discretionary leave that is not medical related, they will not be required to exhaust sick-time prior to the unpaid leave. While on leave if the employee should choose they will be placed on COBRA coverage to continue their health insurance benefit and will be required to pay the full premium. Failure to pay the premium within 30 days of the due date will terminate coverage. Time spent on extended leaves of absence may not be counted as creditable service. Length of service shall not accrue for an employee who is on an approved leave of absence but will begin to accrue again when the employee returns to work on a pay status. Leaves of absence will generally not be extended beyond twelve (12) months from the actual start date of the leave. Employees on a leave who do not return to work on or before the expiration of the twelve (12) month period will be terminated from employment with the City. Employees wishing to take such leaves of absence must realize that reinstatement to their former position is not guaranteed. However, if the position is still in existence and is vacant at the conclusion of the period, the employee may resume his/her same status therein subject to the approval of the City Administrator. If the position no longer exists the employee will be encourage to apply for an open positions. Section 4.12 Employee Benefits Information All employees will be required to notify the employer of any changes in address, family status, or other personal information. Notification of a change in family status must be accompanied by legal documentation (i.e. birth certificate, marriage license, divorce decree, etc.) within 30 days of change in order for benefits to be changed. Section 4.13 Health and Life Insurance Coverage All full-time employees are covered under the City's health, dental, and vision insurance plan. There is a 30-day waiting period before new employees are eligible for coverage. After completion of the waiting period, insurance shall begin on the first day eligible as determined by the health insurance policy then in effect. The City agrees to pay the premium thereafter for employees and their dependents, except for the monthly participation fee by the employee and the City reserves the right to change the monthly participation fee. The City will make every effort to provide employees with a forty-five (45) day written notice of any proposed change. The City shall provide life insurance for full-time and eligible part-time employees, in the amount of $50,000. Spouses will be insured at $10,000 and dependents age one (1) week to six (6) months at $1,500 or age six (6) months to 19 years (25 if a full-time student) at $2,500. Summary plan descriptions (SPD's), which explain coverage of your health and life insurance benefits in greater detail are available from the Human Resources Manager. The actual plan documents, which are available by making a written request to the Human Resources Manager, are the final authority in all matters relating to the benefits described in this Manual or in the summary plan description and will govern in the event of any conflict. Additionally, the City reserves the right to - 69 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL change insurance carriers, change health maintenance organizations, self-insure, and/or change or eliminate any benefits at any time with a forty-five (45) day notice, when practical in accordance with applicable law. Section 4.14 Pension Participation Section 4.14.1Eligibility All employees who work 1,000 hours or more per calendar year are covered by the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (I.M.R.F.) pension and its regulations to which the City and employees shall contribute, unless covered by a collective agreement or another pension plan. Section 4.14.2 Military Service Credit All employees who were in active participating status under IMRF on the date of June 14, 2001 shall be allowed service credit to employees who served in the armed forces of the United States for up to two (2) years of service, prior to their participation in the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund. Section 4.15 Continuation of Medical Coverage (COBRA) In accordance with the an Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA) employee, who would otherwise lose group health insurance coverage because of a reduction in working hours or the termination of employment for reasons other than gross misconduct, is eligible to continue under the City’s plan up to 18 months or for such other period time prescribed by law. The City will notify an employee of the time period for which continuation coverage may be provided. If an employee elects to continue coverage, he or she will be responsible for payment of the full premium, which amount may change from time to time. Section 4.16 Education 1.All requests by an employee for the enrollment to a college degree program or college coursework, which must be job related, must be submitted by the Department Head to the City Administrator for approval. The City recognizes four (4)levels of degree programs, described as follows: (i) high school; (ii) 64 credit hours of college course work; (iii) bachelor's degree; and, (iv) master's degree. All courses related to the program shall be eligible for payment subject to budget approval. This provision shall be subject to change and does not entitle any employee the exclusive right to receive approval and/or be eligible for payment. Furthermore, the employee shall provide a grade or transcript to the Department Head upon the completion of each course. Any revision or change requested by the employee to the approved program must be submitted to the Department Head for approval prior to the revision or change. 2.Upon approval under section “a”, the City shall pay tuition and fees only for college coursework (not travel or wages), unless otherwise approved by the Mayor and City Council. 3.The City may pay all expenses of an elective course. An elective course is one that may benefit the City by added knowledge, but is not directly related to City operations. - 70 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL 4.The tuition and fees only (no books or materials) of an elective or required course will be paid through direct billing from the appropriate school, or paid as a reimbursement to the employee pending the completion of a consent form for repayment and pending receipt of a the grade transcript The employee will sign the payroll deduction form prior to the enrollment of the course stipulating to the following provisions will apply: if a grade of a B-average or better is attained upon the completion of the course the class will be considered complete and paid for by the City. If less than a B-average is attained, the employee will be required to pay back 100% of the tuition and fees to the City through a payroll deduction as stipulated within the payroll deduction sign off form or direct payment to the City. If an employee voluntarily leaves the City within two years of completing a course reimbursed under this policy, a percentage amount of reimbursed expenses must be repaid to the City according to the following schedule: a.0-6 months of completion of course – 100% b.7-12 months of completion of course – 75% c.13-18 months of completion of course – 50% d.19-24 months of completion of course – 25% 5.Tuition rates will be paid for at an amount not to exceed the current per-hour rate charged at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign as is designated at the time of class approval. Section 4.17 Training and Certificates 1. When seminars are deemed in the best interest of the City by the Department Head, only Department Head approval, subject to budget constraints is needed to send an employee to the seminar and pay expenses incurred. 2.The City shall pay all expenses including wages at “regular” pay, travel, and training fees for any full-time or approved part-time employees enrolling in “required” training courses. 3.All Department Heads will complete the Off-Premises Training Hours Worked Agreement form (Appendix I) for all employees who attend training outside the Chicago Metropolitan area. In addition, for all out of state travel for meetings/seminars/training/conferences that have numerous locations, the Department must select the most cost effective destination. For any out- of-state travel request that is not included within the narrative of the budget, the Department Head must receive approval by the City Administrator. Section 4.18 Lodging and Meal Expenses Meals are reimbursed on a per diem basis, at a maximum of $40 per day. Meals included with the price of registration for an event will not be included in the per diem. Meal payments shall be processed as a reimbursement after the event from petty cash or by requesting a check from the Finance Department; or employees shall be issued a City credit card, if feasible, for use at the event. For multiple-day seminars or conferences, the allowance for the day of departure and day of return shall be pro-rated based upon the number of meals required away from home. For these pro-rated allowances, breakfast shall be $10, lunch $10, and dinner $20 per day. In no instances shall per diems be used to purchase alcoholic beverages, whether or not the consumption occurs during meal-time. - 71 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Maximum lodging rates shall be set at the conference-host hotel rate, or in absence of a conference, $150 per night. Department head approval must be obtained for any and all increases to this amount for lodging. To minimize travel costs while at conferences, employees are encouraged to ask the hotel for government-rates and to stay at the conference-host hotels. At conferences, employees are allowed to stay at any other hotel of their choice, so long as the hotel rate is equal or cheaper than the conference-host hotel rate. Section 4.18.1 Family lodging and accompaniment The City does not encourage family members to accompany the employee on an official trip. However, there is no objection to this practice if their accompaniment does not interfere with the purpose of the trip. Family members shall travel at their own risk and cost. Section 4.19 Internal Revenue 457 Deferred Compensation Plan The City offers for all full time employees to participate in an Internal Revenue Code 457 Deferred Compensation Plan, which creates the opportunity for financial benefits and favorable tax treatment on the part of its employees. The employee contacts the Human Resources Manager to receive and complete the appropriate documents to enroll in the plan. Section 4.20 Additional Voluntary Benefits Additional voluntary benefits are provided to employees as the benefits are approved by City Council. These benefits will be communicated to employees at time of hiring, open enrollment, and as they are approved by City Council. Section 4.21 Victim’s Economic Security and Safety Leave This policy is to provide employees with leave benefits, when needed, in accordance with the Victims’ Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA) effective August 25, 2003. Section 4.21.1 Coverage and Eligibility Any employee who has been subjected to domestic or sexual violence shall be provided leave during work hours for any of the following: • To seek medical attention for, or recover from, physical or psychological injuries; • To obtain services from victim service organizations; • To obtain psychological or other counseling; • To participate in safety planning, to temporarily or permanently relocate, or to take other actions to increase safety from future domestic or sexual violence; • To seek legal assistance or remedies to ensure health and safety, including preparing for or participating in any civil or criminal legal proceeding. Employees may also take such leave to help a family/household member who is a victim of domestic or sexual violence. - 72 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Section 4.21.2 Notification and Verification Qualifying employees must notify the Human Resources Manager as soon as possible when requesting time off. While verification is required, the Human Resources Manager will take every precaution to see that all information is kept as confidential as possible. Verification will consist of one of the following: • A sworn statement by the employee; and documentation from an agent of victim services, an attorney, or other professional from whom the employee or their family/household member has sought assistance; • A police or court record; • Other corroborating evidence. Section 4.21.3 Time Allowed Employees are entitled to a maximum of twelve (12) weeks unpaid leave during any rolling 12- month period, provided, where practicable, notice has been given at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance. Section 4.21.4 Substitution of Paid Leave Employees will be required to substitute personal days and/or vacation and/or FMLA leave. This leave is not intended to confer a right to leave beyond the twelve (12) weeks of FMLA. Section 4.21.5 Job Protection Employees who take leave under this policy are entitled to be restored to the same or equivalent position upon their return, however, seniority and other benefits will not continue to accrue during any unpaid leave. Employees are also entitled to continue health insurance on the same terms and conditions as if the employee remained continuously employed. If an employee fails to return from leave, the City shall recover any and all premium contributions provided by the City during the leave period. This policy is intended to be an overview of the VESSA and its key features. To the extent that this policy could be read inconsistently with the VESSA, the Act and its rules shall supersede. Section 4.22 Blood and Organ Donation Leave Section 4.22.1 Blood Donation Employees who donate blood will be entitled to up to one (1) hour of paid time off for the purposes of blood donation and two (2) hours for blood platelets donation. This is allowed every 56 days, in accordance with appropriate medical standards established by the American Red Cross, America’s Blood Centers, the American Association of Blood Banks, or other nationally recognized standards. - 73 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL An employee must obtain written approval from their supervisor, by submitting a request for leave form (Appendix K), no less than five (5) working days prior to using such time. Donations must be scheduled at the start or end of the employee’s workday. Upon return to work, the employee must provide documentation substantiating the blood donation in order to be paid for this time. This time will not be considered in calculating overtime pay. Section 4.22.2 Organ Donation Employees will be entitled to up to thirty (30) calendar days of paid organ donation leave in any 12-month period to serve as a bone marrow or organ donor. Time off for organ donation will be designated as Family Medical Leave and the proper forms and documentation are required to be completed prior to the leave. An employee must obtain written approval from his/her supervisor, by submitting a request for leave form, no less than 10 working days prior to using organ donation leave time. Section 4.23 School Conference and Activity Leave Employees are eligible for up to 8 hours during any school year, and no more than 4 hours of which may be taken on any given day, to attend school conferences or classroom activities related to the employee’s child if the conference or activity cannot be scheduled during non-work hours. Section 4.23.1 Eligibility Requirement An employee may take this unpaid leave only if they have exhausted all accrued vacation leave, personal leave, compensatory leave and any other leave that may be granted to the employee except sick leave and disability leave. Section 4.23.2 Notice Provisions The employee shall provide a written request for leave at least 7 days in advance of the time the employee intends to utilize the leave. In emergency situations, no more than 24 hours notice shall be required. The employee must consult with the employer to schedule the leave so as not to disrupt unduly the operations of the employer. Section 4.24 Disability Leave Employees are presently covered by two (2) separate disability plans. These are IMRF and the Police Pension Fund. Employees are subject to the regulations governing disability benefits in each of their respective plans. Section 4.24.1 Disability - Non Work-Related Section Less than One (1) Year’s Employment - 74 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL If an employee who is employed by the City for less than one (1) year becomes disabled as a result of an injury or illness not arising out of or in the course of his/her employment with the City, he/she is not eligible to receive worker’s compensation benefits. An employee may remain an active employee for a period of up to three (3) months from the date the individual was disabled. Upon the expiration of such period, the employee may be considered permanently separated from employment. Any unused sick and vacation leave time due the employee will be administered in accordance with City policy in effect at that time. Insurance coverage will be provided in accordance with the COBRA policy for full-time employees. Section More Than One (1) Year’s Employment If an employee who is employed by the City for more than one (1) year becomes disabled as a result of an injury or illness not arising out of or in the course of his/her employment with the City, he/she is not eligible to receive worker’s compensation benefits. An employee may remain an active employee for a period of up to six (6) months from the date the individual was disabled. Upon the expiration of such period, the employee may be considered permanently separated from employment. Any unused sick and vacation leave time due the employee will be administered in accordance with City policy in effect at that time. Insurance coverage will be provided in accordance with the COBRA policy for full-time employees. Section 4.24.2 Disability – Work-related Section Less than One (1) Year’s Employment If an employee who is employed by the City for less than one (1) year becomes disabled as a result of an injury or illness arising out of or in the course of employment with the City, he/she may be eligible to receive worker’s compensation benefits. If he/she is unable to perform the duties of his/her assigned position after a period of thirty (30) consecutive days from the first date of his/her disability, he/she may be separated from the active payroll. Any unused sick and vacation leave time due the employee will be administered in accordance with City policy in effect at that time. Insurance coverage will be provided in accordance with COBRA policy for full-time employees. Section More than One (1) Year’s Employment If an employee who is employed by the City for more than one (1) year becomes disabled as a result of an injury or illness arising out of or in the course of employment with the City, he/she may be eligible to receive worker’s compensation benefits. If he/she is unable to perform the duties of his/her assigned position for a period of one (1) consecutive year from the first date of his/her disability, he/she may be separated from the active payroll. Any unused sick and vacation leave time due the employee will be administered in accordance with City policy in - 75 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL effect at that time. Insurance coverage will be provided in accordance with COBRA policy for full-time employees. An employee, while on a work-related disability, continues to accrue service time for certain purposes, as provided under Illinois law. However, the employee does not accrue sick and/or vacation leave time during such period. Insurance coverage will be provided for full-time employees. Employees who are on a job-related disability will continue to accrue service credit under any retirement or disability plan or program only to the extent provided in such plan or program. Section 4.25 Family and Medical Leave Section 4.25.1 General Statement It is the policy of the United City of Yorkville (the "City) to provide up to twelve (12) weeks of unpaid family and medical leave during a 12-month period to eligible employees in accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 ("FMLA"). The 12-month period is measured using a rolling backward year. Section 4.25.2 Eligibility In order to qualify to take family and medical leave under this policy, an employee must have worked for the city for at least twelve (12) months and at least 1,250 hours during the twelve (12) month period immediately before the date when the leave would begin. Section 4.25.3 Reasons for Leave A leave of up to twelve (12) weeks may be requested for any of the following reasons: 1.The birth of a child and to care for the newborn child within one year of birth; 2.The placement with the employee of a child for adoption or foster care and to care for the newly placed child within one year of placement; 3.To care for the employee’s spouse, child, or parent who has a serious health condition; 4.A serious health condition that makes the employee unable to perform the essential functions of his or her job. 5.Because of any “qualifying exigency” (as defined by the Secretary of Labor) arising out of the fact that an employee’s spouse, child, or parent is deployed on active duty in a foreign country (or has been notified of an impending call or order to active duty) in the Armed Forces. - 76 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL A leave of up to twenty-six (26) weeks may be requested to carecovered servicemember for a with a serious injury or illness if the eligible employee is the servicemember’s spouse, son, daughter, parent, or next of kin (military caregiver leave). Spouses both employed by the City who request Child Care Leave or leave to care for an ill parent may only take combined aggregate total of twelve (12) weeks during any 12-month period. Employees will not be granted an FMLA leave to gain employment or work elsewhere, including self-employment. Employees who misrepresent facts in order to be granted an FMLA leave will be subject to immediate termination. Section Serious Health Condition For purposes of this policy, “serious health condition” means an illness, injury, impairment or physical or mental condition that involves one of the following: a. Hospital Care. Inpatient care in a hospital, hospice or residential medical care facility, including any period of incapacity relating to the same condition; b. Absence Plus Treatment. A period of incapacity of more than three full consecutive calendar days (including any subsequent treatment or period of incapacity relating to the same condition), that also involves either: (1) treatment two (2) or more times (within 30 days and provided the first visit takes place within seven (7) days of the first day of incapacity) by a health care provider, by a nurse or physician’s assistant under direct supervision of a health care provider, or by a provider of health care services under orders of, or on referral by, a health care provider; or (2) treatment by a health care provider on at least one occasion which results in a regimen of continuing treatment under the supervision of the health care provider (first visit to health care provider must take place within seven (7) days of the first day of incapacity); c. Pregnancy. Any period of incapacity due to pregnancy, or for prenatal care; d. Chronic Conditions Requiring Treatment. A chronic condition which: requires at least two (2) periodic visits for treatment per year by a health care provider, or by a nurse or physician’s assistant under direct supervision of a health care provider; which condition continues over an extended period of time; and may cause episodic rather than a continuing period of incapacity; e. Permanent/Long-term Conditions Requiring Supervision. A period of incapacity which is permanent or long-term due to a condition for which treatment may be effective. The employee or family member must be under the continuing supervision of, but need not be receiving active treatment by, a health care provider; f. Multiple Treatments (non-chronic conditions). Any period of incapacity to receive multiple treatment (including any period of recovery therefrom) by a - 77 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL health care provider or by a provider of health care services under orders of, or on referral by, a health care provider, either for restorative surgery after an accident or other injury, or for a condition that would likely result in a period of incapacity of more than three (3) full consecutive calendar days in the absence of medical intervention or treatment. Section Qualifying Exigency Leave If you are an eligible employee (as defined above), you are entitled to take up to twelve (12) weeks of unpaid FMLA leave for any qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that a covered military member is on active duty or called to active duty status. The leave described in this paragraph is available during a 12-month rolling period, and may be taken on an intermittent or reduced leave schedule basis. You will be required to provide a copy of the covered military member’s active duty orders or other documentation issued by the military that indicates that the military member is on active duty or is called to active duty status in a foreign country and the dates of the covered military member’s active duty service. Eligible employees may take all twelve (12) weeks of his/her FMLA leave entitlement as qualifying exigency leave or the employee may take a combination of twelve (12) weeks of leave for both qualifying exigency leave and leave for a serious health condition (as defined above). With respect to a Qualifying Exigency Leave: a. A “covered military member” means your spouse, son, daughter, or parent who is on active duty or called to active duty status in any foreign country in any of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard or Reserves. b. A “qualifying exigency” includes the following broad categories: (a) short notice deployment; (b) military events and related activities; (c) childcare and school activities; (d) financial and legal arrangements; (e) counseling; (f) rest and recuperation; (g) post deployment activities, including reintegration activities, for a period of 90 days following the termination of active duty status; and, (h) additional categories that are agreed to by the employer and employee within this phrase. c. The phrase “son or daughter” is defined as your biological, adopted, or foster child, stepchild, legal ward, or child for whom you stood in loco parentis, of any age for qualifying exigency leave, who is on active duty or called to active duty status who is of any age. (Note: This definition is different from other sections of this FMLA policy). d. A “parent” means a biological, adoptive, step or foster father or mother, or any other individual who stood in loco parentis to you when you were a son or daughter but it does not included “parents in law”. Section Military Caregiver Leave If you have been employed by the City for at least twelve (12) months and have worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12-month period preceding the start of the leave, and you work at - 78 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL or report to a work site which has fifty (50) or more City employees within a 75-mile radius of that work site, and you are a spouse, child (of any age for military caregiver leave), parent or next of kin of a Covered Servicemember, as defined below, you are entitled to a total of twenty- six (26) workweeks of unpaid leave during a single 12-month period to care for the Covered Servicemember (including twelve (12) workweeks for any other FMLA qualifying reason). The leave described in this paragraph shall only be available during a single 12-month period beginning as of the date the leave commences and ending 12 months after that date (and any unused amounts are forfeited). Military Caregiver Leave may be permitted more than once if necessary to care for a different Covered Servicemember (or the same Servicemember with multiple or subsequent injuries or illnesses) up to a combined total of twenty six (26) workweeks in a twelve (12) month period. However, your total available leave time in any single 12-month period generally may not exceed a combined total of twenty-six (26) workweeks (including FMLA time off taken for any other reason); except as provided under the FMLA regulations. You will be required to timely submit the completed paperwork provided to you and available from our Human Resources Department as a condition of receiving approved Military Caregiver Leave; except as provided under the FMLA regulations. NOTE: the 12 month computation period for this type of leave differs from the other types of FMLA leave. With respect to Military Caregiver FMLA Leave: a. A “Covered Servicemember” means a member of the Armed Forces, including a member of the National Guard or Reserves, who (i) is undergoing medical treatment, recuperation, or therapy, (ii) is otherwise in outpatient status, or (iii) is otherwise on the temporary disability retired list, for a serious injury or illness; or is a veteran (discharged for other than “dishonorable” reasons) who was on active duty at some point in the five (5) year period prior to the date when the medical treatment, recuperation or therapy for a serious injury or illness that necessitates the Caregiver’s leave). b. “Outpatient status” means the status of a member of the Armed Forces assigned to a military medical treatment facility as an outpatient or a unit established for the purpose of providing command and control of members of the Armed Forces receiving medical care as outpatients. c. “Next of kin” means the nearest blood relative of that individual (regardless of age) other than an employee’s spouse, son or daughter. You are required to provide confirmation of the relationship upon request. The Servicemember may designate the blood relative who is considered his/her next of kin; otherwise, the following order generally will apply: blood relatives granted custody by law, brother/sister, grandparents, aunts/uncles, and then first cousins. d. “Serious injury or illness” means an injury or illness incurred by the Servicemember in the line of duty on active duty in the Armed Forces (or existed before the beginning of the Servicemember’s active duty and was aggravated by service in the line of duty) that (i) may render the Servicemember medically unfit to perform the duties of the member’s office, grade, rank or rating, or (ii) in the - 79 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL case of a veteran Servicemember, that manifests itself before or after the member became a veteran. Section 4.25.4 Leave is Unpaid FMLA leave is generally unpaid leave. If an employee requests Child Care or Family Medical Leave, any accrued paid vacation and personal time must first be substituted and used for unpaid FMLA leave. If an employee requests Employee Medical Leave, any accrued paid vacation, personal and applicable sick leave must first be substituted and used for any unpaid FMLA leave. The substitution of paid leave time for unpaid leave time or use of short-term disability does not extend the 12-week leave period. Employee Medical Leave will also run concurrently with leave taken under the City's disability leave policy and workers' compensation leave, if taken for an FMLA qualifying serious health condition. If an employee takes vacation time/sick leave using salary continuation for a condition that constitutes or progresses into a serious health condition, the City may designate all or some portion of such leave as under this policy, to the extent that the paid leave meets the necessary qualifications. Section 4.25.5 Notice of Leave If an employee’s need for FMLA leave is foreseeable, the employee must give the City at least thirty (30) days prior written notice. Failure to provide such notice may be grounds for delay of leave. Where the need for leave is not foreseeable, the employee is expected to notify the City as soon as practicable, generally within one to two business days of learning of the employee’s need for leave. A request must be made in writing on the City's forms (Appendix K), available in personnel. You must respond to our questions relative to your leave request so that we can determine if the leave qualifies for FMLA protection; failure to do so may result in loss or delay of FMLA protections. If you are seeking leave due to an FMLA-qualifying reason for which the City has previously granted you FMLA-protected leave, you must specifically reference the qualifying reason or need for FMLA leave at the time of your request to be away from work. It is not sufficient to simply “call in sick” without providing additional information which would provide the City with reasonable cause to believe your absence/time away from work may qualify as an FMLA qualifying event. In all cases in which you are seeking leave under this policy, you shall provide such notice to the City consistent with the City’s established call-in procedures so long as no unusual circumstances prevent you from doing so. Failure to comply with the call-in procedures may result in a delay or denial of FMLA protected leave. You must make an effort to schedule a leave so as not to disrupt business operations. During the leave, you may be required to report periodically on your status and your intention to return to work. Any extension of time for your leave of absence must be requested in writing prior to your scheduled date of return to work, together with written documentation to support the extension. Your failure to either return to work on the scheduled date of return or to apply in writing for an extension prior to that date will be considered to be a resignation of employment effective as of the last date of the approved leave. Employees on leaves for their own serious health condition must provide fitness-for-duty releases from their health care provider before they will be permitted to return to work. Your maximum time on a leave of absence, all types combined, and including all extensions, cannot exceed a total of twelve (12) weeks in a rolling twelve month period, unless you are a spouse, child, parent, or next of kin on leave to - 80 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL care for a Covered Servicemember, in which case your leave can last for up to twenty-six (26) workweeks in a single twelve (12) month period (unless legally required otherwise). An Employee shall not be granted a leave of absence for the purpose of seeking or taking employment elsewhere or operating a private business. Unauthorized work while on a leave of absence will result in disciplinary action, up to and including discharge. A leave of absence will not affect the continuity of your employment. Your original date of employment remains the same for seniority purposes. However, you will not accrue any benefits during the period you are on a leave. Section 4.25.6 Medical Certification If an employee is requesting Employee Medical or Family Medical Leave the employee and the relevant health care provider must supply appropriate medical certification. The City will supply all employees with medical certification forms. The medical certification must be provided within fifteen (15) days after it is requested, or as soon as reasonable under the circumstances. Failure to provide requested medical certification in a timely manner may result in denial of leave until it is provided. In its discretion and at its own expense, the City may require a second medical opinion, and if the first and second opinions differ, a third medical opinion. The third opinion will be provided by a health care provider approved jointly by the employee and the City and will be binding. The City may also require recertification periodically during a leave, and employees will be required to present a fitness-for-duty certificate upon return to work following an employee medical leave. Section 4.25.7 Medical and Other Benefits During an FMLA leave, the City will maintain the employee's health benefits on the same conditions as if the employee had continued working. If paid leave is substituted for unpaid FMLA leave, the City will deduct the employee's portion of the health plan premium as a regular payroll deduction. If the FMLA leave is unpaid, the employee must make arrangements with the City to pay his/her portion of the premium. Group health care coverage will cease if the employee's premium payment is more than thirty (30) days late, but the employee will be notified at least fifteen (15) days before coverage lapses. Additionally, if the employee fails to return from leave, the City will require repayment of any premium that was paid for maintaining the health coverage for the employee, unless the employee does not return because of a continuing or recurring serious health condition of either the employee or a covered member, or because of other circumstances beyond the employee's control. Employees are not entitled to other benefits or seniority accrual during the FMLA leave. Any changes in benefit plan provisions and costs may apply to individuals on FMLA leave the same as if they were actively employed, according to the terms of the applicable plan. Section 4.25.8 Returning from Leave Employees who return to work from FMLA within or on the business day following expiration of the twelve (12) weeks are entitled to return to his or her same position or to an equivalent position with equal benefits, pay or other terms and conditions of employment. The City may choose to exempt certain highly compensated ("key") employees from this requirement and not return them to the same or - 81 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL similar position. Of course, you have no greater right to reinstatement or to other benefits and conditions of employment than if you had been continuously employed during the FMLA leave period. In determining whether a position is “equivalent” we would look at whether the position had substantially similar terms and conditions of employment and whether the position entails similar duties, skills, efforts, responsibilities, authority, privileges and status. If your leave was due to your own serious health condition, you will be required to provide medical certification that you are fit to resume work. Employees failing to provide the Return to Work Medical Certification Form will not be permitted to resume work until it is provided. Section 4.25.9 Reporting While on Leave The City may require an employee on FMLA leave to report periodically on the employee's status and intent to return to work. Section 4.25.10 Intermittent and Reduced Schedule Leave FMLA leave because of a serious health condition may be taken intermittently (in separate blocks of time due to a single covered health condition) or on a reduced work schedule (reducing the usual number of hours an employee works per work week or workday) if medically necessary. If FMLA leave is unpaid, the City will reduce the employee’s salary based on the amount of time actually worked. In addition, while the employee is on intermittent or reduced schedule FMLA leave, the city may temporarily transfer the employee to an available alternative position that better accommodates the employee recurring leave and which has equivalent pay and benefits. Section 4.25.11 Policy Administration This policy is intended to comply with and will be administered in accordance with the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, as amended, and any applicable regulations, definitions and law there under, as well as any state family or medical leave laws granting additional rights that are applicable to employees employed in Illinois. Section 4.25.12 Interrelation of Leaves Any leave taken pursuant to this policy, other City policies, a collective bargaining agreement, or law which qualifies as leave under the FMLA or any applicable state family or medical leave act, will be counted against the employee's available leave under the applicable City policies, collective bargaining, and/or law, as well as the available leave under the FMLA or applicable state law, to the extent permitted by such applicable law. Section 4.25.13 Anti-Retaliation Provisions Be assured that no retaliation will be taken or tolerated against any employee who exercises his/her rights under our FMLA policy. If you feel that you have been the victim of any discrimination or retaliation under this Policy, you are encouraged to contact the Human Resources Manager so that the matter can be promptly investigated and remedied as appropriate - 82 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Section 4.25.14 FMLA Forms Forms to be used in conjunction with requesting to use FMLA time are attached to this manual as Appendix K. Section 4.26 Benefits While on Leave Time spent on extended unpaid leaves of absence may not be counted as creditable service for pension purposes. Further, if an employee goes on an approved, unpaid leave of absence for a period in excess of thirty (30) calendar days and wishes to continue to be covered by the City’s health or life insurance, he or she will be responsible for payment of the total monthly insurance premiums unless otherwise provided by law. It is the policy of the City not to request the City Council to grant IMRF Pension Credit and Death and Disability Protection Leave Authorization for an employee going on unpaid discretionary leave of absence. Upon return, the City will place the employee in his or her previous assignment, if vacant, the employee will be placed in the first available assignment according to the employee’s seniority, where skill and ability to perform the work without additional training is equal. If, upon the expiration of a leave of absence, there is no work available for the employee or if the employee could have been laid off according to his seniority except for his leave, he shall go directly on layoff. Employees will maintain their employment status and previously accrued benefits while on approved paid leave. Except where otherwise noted, employees will continue to accrue benefits during the time they are on approved paid leave from City service. Unless otherwise stated or otherwise required by law, length of service shall not accrue for an employee who is on an approved non-paid leave status. Accumulated length of service shall remain in place during that leave and shall begin to accrue again when the employee returns to work on a pay status. Unless otherwise stated, an employee returning from leave will have his seniority continued after the period of the leave. - 83 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL SECTION 5 SEPARATION Section 5.1 Termination An employee may be terminated only by the Mayor, following a recommendation by the Department Head and the Human Resources Manager to the City Administrator. The Department Head shall consult with the Human Resources Manager prior to such action to assure proper and complete documentation is on hand and to forward copies of such documentation to Human Resources at that time. A full-time employee who is terminated will be paid for all unused vacation leave at the time of termination. The employee shall receive his final check on the first pay date following the date of his termination. Section 5.2 Employee Termination and Exit Process Section 5.2.1 Service Retirement This is voluntary termination after having satisfied the age and length of employment requirements of the applicable state retirement system. The employee must receive retirement wages upon termination to be considered as retired. Section 5.2.2 Disability Resignation This is voluntary termination necessitated by an injury or illness, which renders the employee incapable of performing his/her usual job with or without a reasonable accommodation. The termination is preceded by a memo/letter by the employee to his/her supervisor advising of the disability ruling, date of termination, supporting documentation, and a ruling by the appropriate Board or Industrial Insurance Division verifying the disability and approving the resignation. Section 5.2.3 Employee-Initiated Resignation This is voluntary termination for any reason other than formal retirement. A non-exempt employee wanting to leave the City in good standing shall provide a written resignation to his/her immediate supervisor at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the effective date of resignation. An exempt employee is required to notify the immediate supervisor at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the effective date of resignation to leave the City in good standing. The resignation letter should include the reason for leaving, as well as the proposed effective date. Notice is understood to mean that the resigning employee will be available for work during this time so as to aid in the training of a replacement. Failure to provide proper notice may result in a forfeit of accumulated sick leave time. Exceptions to the time limit requirement may be granted by the Department Head and Human Resources Manager. Section 5.2.4 Probationary Termination - 84 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL This is termination of an employee during the established introductory period, usually for the inability to meet position/department requirements. A probationary termination occurs only after the supervisor’s consultation with the Human Resources Manager, and must be reviewed by the City Administrator and approved by the Mayor. Section 5.2.5 Layoff A reduction in work force is accomplished in accordance with labor contracts and civil service rules; however, work schedules should be planned to keep periodic or recurring layoffs to a minimum. In layoff, recall and filling regular job vacancies, the City shall give equal consideration to an employee’s ability and performance of the duties required in the job, and consideration to an employee’s length of continuous service with the City in the classification. In applying this provision, where qualifications, experience and performance are equal, seniority shall govern. Every effort will be made for transfers to other departments when a position is open for which the employee qualifies. The City shall provide an employee with at least two (2) weeks advance notification prior to layoff, except in case of emergency. Severance pay may be offered at the discretion of the Mayor with input from the City Council. An employee on layoff must keep the City informed of the address and telephone number where he/she can be contacted. If the City is unable to contact the employee within seven (7) calendar days, the City’s obligation to recall the employee shall cease. The City shall have no obligation to recall an employee after he/she has been on continuous layoff for a period which exceeds one (1) year. Should an employee not return to work when recalled, the City shall have no further obligation to recall him/her. Section 5.2.6 Exit Interview Human Resources will schedule an exit interview with the employee on his/her last day of employment. Temporary employees do not participate in the exit interview process unless information can be gained which will improve or enhance present employment conditions. Human Resources will review the following with the employee where applicable: COBRA insurance; IMRF withdrawal form; vacation, sick, and compensatory time pay due; partial pay for exempt employees; flexible spending plan; tuition reimbursement; items to be returned to the City; terminating or extending other benefits (for example, supplemental life insurance) The employee should also turn in his City ID card and any City building keys at this time. Human Resources will then conduct the actual exit interview. The information collected in the interview is used - 85 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL to monitor employee morale and correct problems, if necessary. Typical questions asked in the interview include: 1. What did you like best/least about working for the City? 2. What did you like best/least about your position? 3. Were you satisfied with the working relationship you had with your supervisor? 4. How would you improve department or City procedures to make this a better place to work? 5. Would you recommend the City to friends and/or relatives as a place to work? 6. Why are you leaving the City? 7. Do you have any other comments or suggestions? Special questions may also be developed by the Human Resources Manager and/or Department Head for the exit interview. Copies of the completed exit interview will be distributed to the appropriate Department Head and the City Administrator. Employees shall receive pay for work performed through the last hour worked and for unused benefits as stipulated by policy and laws governing such payments. Termination pay shall be reduced by any authorized legal deductions, authorized pension plan, credit union, tax-sheltered annuity, union dues and any other amounts specifically agreed upon in writing by the employee and the City. Section 5.2.7 Termination Date The official date of termination will be the last day the employee reports for work. Section 5.2.8 Continuation of Benefits Benefits continue through the time actually worked by the employee. Section Continuation of Benefits for Retirees Retirees may elect to continue participation in the City’s group health, dental, and vision insurance plans. To take advantage of this benefit, a retiree must have 8 years or more of creditable service under the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund and be eligible to immediately receive a pension or have 20 years or more of creditable service under the Police Pension program. The retiree must accept or reject the plan at the time of retirement and may not join at a later date. Acceptance must be shown by written consent within 15 days of receiving the notice from the City that the plan may be continued as provided for in the Illinois Insurance Code. The Plan will be extended to the retiree and only to those dependents covered prior to the time of retirement of the City employee. The retiree will pay the entire premium as established by the insurance carrier, and the City will administer the plan. Failure to pay premiums will result in termination from the plan. Once the - 86 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL retiree or any of his dependents leaves or is terminated from the plan, the insurance is not renewable. When a retiree becomes eligible for Medicare, the plan provides for a reduction in benefits and premium. The spouse of a deceased employee is eligible to continue on the plan until his or her death or remarriage under normal plan provisions. In the case of dependents, they may remain covered following normal plan provisions. The provisions of the Public Safety Employee Benefits Act, 820 ILCS 320/1, et seq., shall apply to those employees who are full-time police officers killed or catastrophically injured in the line of duty. Section 5.2.9 Pension Contribution Refunds For those employees who are not retiring, moneys accumulated in the employee’s retirement account are refundable; however, employees should check with their pension plan about the advantages and disadvantages before making a decision. Forms required to request this refund are available in the Human Resources Division. Section 5.2.10 Unemployment Compensation All claims for unemployment compensation as filed by a terminating employee shall be processed by the Human Resources Manager and the Finance Department. Requests for information about unemployment compensation should be forwarded to the Human Resources Manger immediately to avoid unauthorized charges against the City’s account. Section 5.3 Use of Paid Time Paid time (e.g. personal days, vacation days, compensatory time) or time off for all employees may not be used during the last two (2) weeks of employment unless approved by Human Resources. Section 5.4 Vacation Pay-Out at Termination Upon termination of employment, employees shall receive prorated accumulated vacation pay on the basis of 1/12 for each full month worked past the employee's appointment date, based upon the employee's vacation time determined by length of employment. Section 5.5 Sick Pay-Out at Termination An employee who is eligible upon separation to collect a retirement pension under IMRF or the Police Pension Fund, who leaves the City's employment [through retirement, a reduction in force, or voluntary resignation] and has been employed by the City for more than twenty (20) years shall be paid for all unused sick leave at fifty (50%) of his regular rate of pay for all accumulated and unused sick leave up to 960 hours. - 87 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Section 5.6 Medical/Dental Continuation Plan (COBRA) Under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA), all employers, including state and local governments, are required to extend continuing health care coverage to employees and their dependents following termination, a reduction in hours (full-time to part-time), retirement, divorce or death. If an employee terminates employment for any reason, other than gross misconduct, or reduces hours and such employee was covered under the City’s Group Insurance Plan on the day preceding termination or reduction, then such employee may continue medical/dental coverage for himself/herself and any eligible dependents who were also covered during such time by making payment for the cost of such coverage. Section 5.6.1 Eligibility Requirements Individuals eligible for continuation or coverage include an employee and his/her covered dependents whose coverage would otherwise terminate due to: 1. Termination of employment for any reason other than gross misconduct; 2. Reduction of hours worked by the employee; 3. Retirement, but only if the employee’s coverage under the City’s plan terminated on the date of his/her retirement; 4. An employee’s spouse and dependents upon the death of a covered employee, divorce or legal separation; 5. The covered employee becoming entitled to benefits under Medicare, but only if at that time the employee’s coverage and the employee’s dependents coverage under the City’s group health plan terminates; 6. A dependent child when he/she no longer qualifies as a dependent under the City’s group health plan. Any of these individuals who are eligible for continuation of coverage shall be referred to as the “COBRA Applicant.” Section 5.6.2 End of COBRA Coverage The coverage of the COBRA Applicant will end on the earliest of the following dates: 1. The date on which the COBRA Applicant becomes a covered employee under any other group health plan; 2. The date on which the COBRA Applicant becomes eligible for coverage under Medicare. In this case, any eligible dependents of the COBRA Applicant will, subject to payment of the required premium, be entitled to their COBRA health continuation for the remainder of the period; 3. The date on which the City’s plan terminates; 4. The date which is: • Eighteen (18) months after the date on which the employee, as the COBRA Applicant, becomes eligible for the COBRA health continuation; or - 88 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL • Thirty-six (36) months after the date on which the widowed spouse, the former spouse, the legally separated spouse, or a dependent child, as a COBRA Applicant, becomes eligible for the COBRA health continuation. If a person’s COBRA health continuation ends at the end of the maximum period (i.e., eighteen (18) months or thirty-six (36) months), such person will be eligible for any health conversion coverage that is available under the group health plan. Section 5.7 Re-Employment Any former regular employee who resigned from the City in good standing or who was laid off as part of a reduction in work force is eligible for re-employment. Persons interested in re-employment should file a completed city application with the Human Resources Division. The individual will then proceed through the regular hiring procedures with other applicants as described in the Hiring Policy in Section 6.3 of this manual. If this individual is re-hired, he/she must complete a pre-employment physical and drug test and a background check. An individual re-employed in his/her former position may be paid at the same pay rate at the time he/she left the City, provided however, that the re-employment is within one (1) year of the previous resignation; otherwise the individual will be paid in accordance with Human Resource policy. The compensation of an employee re-hired to a position other than the former position will be subject to provisions for new hires. Any individual who voluntarily resigns from full-time employment the City shall forfeit all seniority and accrued years of service. Should that individual become re-employed by the City all benefits for which the employee is eligible will be subject to the same provisions as a new hire and will coincide with the re-employment date. Any individual who is laid off from full-time employment and who later becomes re-employed by the City shall retain service credit for prior years worked. The City shall take into account previous service credit when calculating benefits for which the employee is eligible; however, future benefits will coincide with the re-employment date. All individuals re-employed by the City must complete a new introductory period. Section 5.8 References The City shall normally provide limited disclosures regarding former employees’ work history, which shall be limited to: the dates of employment; descriptions of the jobs performed; salary or wage rates. However, if the former employee has signed an “Employment Reference Release Form” (Appendix L), additional information may be given. “Employment Reference Release Forms” outline what information relating to the former employee, the City will disclose and to whom it may be disclosed. Release forms may be obtained from the Human Resources Division. Signed “Employment Reference Release Forms” shall be maintained in the employee’s personnel file in the Human Resources Office. - 89 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL SECTION 6 PERSONNEL PRACTICES Section 6.1 Equal Employment The United City of Yorkville has adopted an Equal Employment Policy as described in Resolution 93-18 (10-25-1993). It reads as follows with modified changes to be currently compliant with Federal, State, and Local laws: a. It is the policy of the United City of Yorkville to promote nondiscriminatory practices in its hiring and its contractual undertakings. It is the policy of the City to conform to all aspects of Federal Civil Rights legislation including the Equal Employment Opportunity Act (42 USC §2000), and all State Civil Rights Legislation. b. No person shall, on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, physical or mental disability, ancestry, marital or civil union status, sexual orientation, or veteran status (except those dishonorably discharged), all in accordance with applicable law or any other status protected by law be excluded from participation in or be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity funded in whole or in part by Federal funds. c. The City Administrator and Mayor shall oversee civil rights compliance. Section 6.2 Recruitment It is the policy of the United City of Yorkville to afford equal employment opportunity in all personnel practices to all qualified individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, national origin, physical or mental disability, ancestry, marital or civil union status, or veteran status (except those dishonorably discharged), all in accordance with applicable law. Section 6.3 Hiring Policy Section 6.3.1 Applicability to other policies, regulations, and agreements Whenever the provisions of this policy are in conflict with state or federal law or regulations, or a collectively bargained agreement between the City and a certified bargaining unit, the provisions of the collective-bargained agreement and/or governmental law or regulation will prevail. Section 6.3.2 Approval to Recruit Personnel In order to recruit personnel for a job opening, the Department Head must have an approved job description and identified, approved funding in the annual operating budget. If both of these conditions are met, recruitment may begin at the budget designated point for new positions, or immediately for existing but vacant positions. - 90 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL If the position is not approved with the adoption of the annual operating budget, the requesting department must provide Human Resources with written justification as to the need, reasoning and financing of the new position. This information will be forwarded to the City Administrator for review and recommendation. The request will then be submitted for City Council consideration, with the City Administrator’s recommendation attached. If an approved job description does not exist, the requesting department must follow the Job Description Creation Policy, as outlined in Section 6.5. Section 6.3.3 Job Posting Process For all job postings, an internal and external posting shall be completed. The following procedures for both postings shall apply: a.Internal: Applications and/or resumes must be submitted to Human Resources. Human Resources will announce the position opening to all City personnel via email and by posting notices on City Hall bulletin boards. City departments will be responsible for posting the position announcement to their respective departmental personnel to assess interest and qualifications of internal candidates. Announcements for internal postings will be open for a minimum of five (5) working days. b.External: Position opening will be announced by Human Resources, and will be open for a minimum of ten (10) working days. Applications and/or resumes must be submitted to Human Resources. Posting will be made available on City Hall bulletin boards and other means as Human Resources and the department heads decide to generate the best pool of qualified candidates. Announcements shall summarize the primary duties of the position, standards for consideration, compensation, and application deadline. c.For all hiring processes, no applications will be accepted after the closing date. Section 6.3.4 Selection Process Human Resources and the appropriate department head and/or supervisor will base the selection on the requirements and qualifications established for the position and the relevant work experience, technical knowledge, educational background, general aptitude, compatibility and personal and professional references of the candidates. Aside from the screening process, selection techniques may include oral interviews, reference checks, written examinations, post-offer medical examinations, physical agility tests, post-offer psychological evaluations, performance evaluations, assessment centers and other measures that are job related and reliable as a predictor of performance. Section 6.3.5 Job Offer - 91 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Upon selection of a final candidate, a salary offer will be made within the approved salary range for the position with review and approval by the City Administrator, except for salary offers made at the minimum of a range, which do not require City Administrator approval. Acceptance of the offer shall be documented via offer letter. All offer letters and acquisition of official employment status with the City shall be contingent upon satisfactory completion of a background check and drug and alcohol test, which shall be administered immediately after offer acceptance and completed prior to the starting date of the employee and proof of eligibility to work in the United States. Section 6.4 Job Description Creation Section 6.4.1 New Positions New job descriptions shall be reviewed and/or revised by Human Resources and reviewed and/or revised and approved or denied by the City Administrator and Mayor. For all new positions, department heads and supervisors are encouraged to contact Human Resources to assist in the first-draft of the job description. New position job descriptions shall be drafted in a format approved by Human Resources. The job descriptions shall be created with consideration for the position’s role in the organizational hierarchy in the present and short-term and long-term future. Section 6.4.2 Existing positions All requests for amendments to an existing position’s job description shall be reviewed and/or revised by Human Resources and reviewed and/or revised and approved or denied by the City Administrator and Mayor. No job description amendment to an existing position shall result in a salary range reclassification, as salary ranges are approved by City Council. Requests for amendments to job descriptions that substantially alter the position’s roles and responsibilities, educational and experience requirements, FLSA status, positions supervised, or positions supervised by may be treated as new positions, and subject to Section 6.4.1. Section 6.5 Personnel Records Section 6.5.1 Maintenance of Records Human Resources shall maintain personnel records of each employee containing the employee's name, title, department, starting date, salary, change in employment status, training received, disciplinary actions, or other such information as may be considered pertinent. Medical records shall be filed separately from personnel records. Work/Salary histories will be maintained permanently. Section 6.5.2 Confidentiality All employee records shall be considered "CONFIDENTIAL" and shall not be released to outside parties except where consistent with the Illinois Personnel Record Review Act, 820 ILCS 40/01.01 et. seq., or as authorized by the individual employee, or as required by legal process. Section Employee review of records - 92 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL An employee may request to review his or her personnel file, pursuant to the limitations set forth in the Illinois Personnel Record Review Act (820 ILCS 40/). The City shall grant employees at least 2 inspection requests in a calendar year. Section 6.5.3 Standardized forms Personnel evaluation, job performance and employment records shall be standardized by Human Resources, and will apply to all City personnel. Section 6.5.4 Notification process for Employment Status Changes With the promotion, demotion, or termination of employment of any employee, the appropriate Department Head must file a written notice of said action with Human Resources, the Finance Director, and the City Administrator, who will notify the Mayor. Section 6.6 Probationary Period A formalized six-month evaluation and probationary period are in effect for all newly hired and promoted employees. The supervisor of the newly hired or promoted employee shall furnish a performance evaluation report to their supervisor at the 90-day mark and at the end of the probationary period. Serious evaluation shall be made as to the employee's work record, attendance, compatibility, and any other aspect of job performance deemed necessary to insure the highest level of performance. Upon a satisfactory performance evaluation, the employee’s probationary period shall be deemed complete, and the employee shall attain unencumbered full-time or part-time status. Upon an unsatisfactory performance evaluation, the employee may be transferred to a previous position or terminated by the Department Head with the concurrence of the City Administrator. - 93 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL APPENDIX A ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF DRUG FREE WORKPLACE POLICY AND AGREEMENT TO ABIDE BY POLICY I, _______________________, hereby acknowledge that I have received a copy of the United City of Yorkville’s (“City”) Drug Free Workplace Policy (“Policy”). In conjunction with my receiving a copy of the Policy, I further acknowledge the following: 1.I have read the Policy and fully understand the terms contained therein and the consequences for violating any term of the Policy. 2.I understand that my compliance with all terms of the Policy is a condition of my employment with the City, and I agree to abide by all terms of the Policy. 3.As applicable, if a post-accident drug and/or alcohol test is required under this Policy and I am seriously injured and unable to provide a specimen at the time of the accident, then this Acknowledgement shall be considered my authorization for the City to obtain hospital reports and other documents which would indicate whether there were any controlled substances and/or alcohol in my system. 4.I authorize the collection site, laboratory and/or medical review officer retained by the City to perform any and all functions which those entities and/or individuals may be required to perform pursuant to this Policy or applicable regulations. Such authorization shall include, but is not limited to, the release of test result information to the City, verification of the use of prescribed medications, obtaining information from the employee’s physician, hospital, dentist or pharmacist and the reporting of negative test results with a qualifying statement in cases wherein an employee may be taking a legally prescribed drug. 5.I hereby release and hold harmless the City and its employees and agents from any liability whatsoever arising from the Policy. 6.The City reserves the right to amend or modify this Policy at any time. ___________________________________ _______________________ Employee’s Signature Date - 94 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL APPENDIX B DRUG FREE WORKPLACE CONSENT TO TESTING (CURRENT EMPLOYEE) I, ________, acknowledge receiving written notice of the existence of the United City of Yorkville (the “City”) Drug Free Workplace Policy (the "Policy"). As a condition of continued employment or service to the City, I understand and agree that I must not use, buy, sell, accept as a gift, experiment with, traffic in or be otherwise involved with illicit or inappropriate drugs or alcohol when it could affect the safe performance of my job. I understand that the Policy does not apply to medication properly taken as prescribed by a licensed physician, except as provided by the Policy. I further understand and agree that I may be required to submit to testing for the detection of prohibited substances or alcohol based upon suspicion, following an on-the-job accident or injury, or following a violation of this policy. I understand, further, that refusal to submit to testing when requested to do so by a supervisor will result in discipline up to and including termination. My signature below indicates my understanding of this Policy and what is expected of me, my consent to be tested and my authorization to release to any collection site personnel, medical review officer or City representative the information necessary to comply with this Policy. ___________________________________ _______________________ Employee’s Signature Date ___________________________________ _______________________ Witness’ Signature Date - 95 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL APPENDIX C DRUG FREE WORKPLACE POST-OFFER CONSENT TO TESTING (APPLICANT) I, ________________________________, understand and acknowledge the following: After an offer of employment has been extended by the United City of Yorkville (“the City”), I must undergo a drug screen designed to identify whether or not I use illegal drugs. This drug screen will be administered by a clinic or lab selected by the City. All offers of employment with the United City of Yorkville are contingent on a negative drug test. Should a positive test result exist, my offer of employment will be automatically rescinded by the City, unless I submit documentation supporting the legitimate use for a specific drug or the specific drug that resulted in a positive determination. This documentation must be made either prior to or within 24 hours after the positive drug result is communicated to me. If I test positive, I may re-apply for employment with the City after a time period of twelve (12) months. I also understand and agree that should I refuse to consent to a test or test positive for the use of an illegal controlled substance, I will not commence work for the City and the job offer will be automatically rescinded. My employment is expressly conditioned on the successful passage of the pre- employment drug screen. In recognition of the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the City will not discriminate against any applicant who has successfully completed a drug or alcohol rehabilitation program. However, the ADA does not prevent the City from refusing to hire any applicant who tests positive for illicit drug use prior to employment. I authorize the collection site, laboratory and/or medical review officer retained by the City to perform any and all functions which those entities and/or individuals may be required to perform pursuant to this Policy or applicable regulations. Such authorization shall include, but is not limited to, the release of test result information to the City, verification of the use of prescribed medications, obtaining information from the applicant’s physician, hospital, dentist or pharmacist and the reporting of negative test results with a qualifying statement in cases wherein an applicant may be taking a legally prescribed drug. - 96 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL I understand and agree my employment with the City, if any,is for no definite period of time and that the City may elect to discontinue my employment relationship for whatever reason it considers proper and at any time. I, likewise, may leave the City for whatever reason I consider proper and at any time. I hereby release and hold harmless the United City of Yorkville and its employees and agents from any liability whatsoever arising from this Policy. ___________________________________ _______________________ Applicant’s Signature Date ___________________________________ _______________________ Witness’ Signature Date - 97 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL APPENDIX D REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION OF OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT Employee Name: ____________________________________ Position: ___________________________ Department: ________________________________ Date of Request: __________________ PROPOSED OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT NAME OF FIRM/EMPLOYER: ADDRESS: PHONE NUMBER: ( ) WORK LOCATION(S): PER WEEK: TOTAL HOURS PROPOSED: PER MONTH: DAYS & HOURS OF WORK: POSITION TITLE: Briefly describe the type of business or service provided: List tools, equipment, machines that you operate in performing the duties: Describe working conditions and potential hazards of work: The above statements are correct and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I believe the outside employment I am requesting is not incompatible, inconsistent, and hostile to or in conflict with my City employment. I understand that should these conditions change, I must immediately re-submit a request for authorization (should I wish to continue the outside employment activity.) I will advise the City immediately if I become injured or ill as a result of the outside employment. Employee’s Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: __________________________ TO BE COMPLETED BY THE SUPERVISOR/DEPARTMENT HEAD: Your request has been reviewed and is approved. Your request has been reviewed and is denied. The following is a brief explanation of the basis for this decision: - 98 - Supervisor’s Signature: _________________________________________ Date:__________________________ UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL APPENDIX E WORKERS’ COMPENSATION EMPLOYEE INJURY - EMPLOYEE’S REPORT 9at[h—99x{PERSONALINFORMATION LASTNAME:FIRSTNAME:MIDDLEINITIAL: STREETADDRESS: CITY:STATE:ZIP: HOMEPHONE:CELLPHONE: JOBTITLE:HIREDATE: SUPERVISOR: INCIDENTINFORMATION DATEOFINJURY:TIMEOFINJURY:DIDYOUIMMEDIATELYREPORT INJURYTOSUPERVISOR? IFYES,WHEN:(Date&Time): IFYOUDIDNOTIMMEDIATELYREPORTYOURINJURYTOYOURSUPERVISOR,PLEASESTATEREASON: LOCATIONWHEREINJURYOCCURRED: DESCRIBEWHATHAPPENEDTOCAUSEYOURINJURY: WHATISTHENATUREOFYOURINJURY?(specifically,whatpartsofyourbodyhavebeeninjured): WITNESSES:____YES____NO NAME:PHONE: NAME:PHONE: NAME:PHONE: HAVEYOUPREVIOUSLYHADASIMILARINJURYAND/ORINJURYTOTHESAMEBODYPART(S)?PLEASEEXPLAIN. ADDITIONALCOMMENTS: 9at[h—99x{SIGNATURE:DATE: {…t9wL{hwx{SIGNATURE:DATE: HRa!b!D9wx{SIGNATURE:DATE: - 99 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL APPENDIX F WORKERS’ COMPENSATION EMPLOYEE INJURY - SUPERVISOR’S REPORT NAMEOFMUNICIPALITY:DEPARTMENT: United City of Yorkville EXACTLOCATION:DATEOFTIME:DATEREPORTED: OCCURANCE: EMPLOYEENAME:JOBTITLE: NATUREOFINJURY: OBJECT/SUBSTANCEINFLICTINGINJURY: DESCRIPTION DESCRIBECLEARLYHOWTHEINCIDENTOCCURRED. WITNESSES(Name&Phone#). ANALYSIS WHATACTS/FAILURETOACTAND/ORCONDITIONSCONTRIBUTEDMOSTDIRECTLYTOTHISINCIDENT? WHATARETHEBASICORFUNDAMENTALREASONSFORTHEEXISTENCEOFTHESEACTSAND/ORCONDITIONS? PREVENTION WHATACTIONHASORWILLBETAKENTOPREVENTRECURRENCE?(Numberallitemsinsequence). INVESTIGATEDBY:REVIEWEDBY: DATE:DATE: - 100 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL APPENDIX G VEHICLE ACCIDENT REPORT Lb{w…/Lhb{t 1.Call911.Apolicereportisrequiredtosendtoinsurance. 2.Obtaininsuranceinformationfromotherdriver. 3.Completeasmuchofthisreportaspossibleatthescene. 4.Reporttheaccidenttoyoursupervisorimmediately,evenifthevehicledoesnotneedimmediaterepair. DATEOFACCIDENT:TIME: LOCATION: OURINFORMATION DRIVERSNAME:DEPARTMENT: DRIVERSLICENSENUMBER:STATE:EXPIRATION: VINOFCITYVEHICLE:PLATENUMBER: YEAR:MAKE:MODEL: DESCRIBEDAMAGETOVEHICLE: THEIRINFORMATION VEHICLEh‘b9wx{NAME:PHONENUMBER: ADDRESS: CITY:STATE:ZIP: INSURANCECOMPANY:CITY/STATE: POLICYNUMBER: INSURANCEAGENT:PHONENUMBER: PLATENUMBER:STATE: YEAR:MAKE:MODEL: 5wL9wx{NAME:PHONENUMBER: ADDRESS: CITY:STATE:ZIP: DRIVERSLICENSENUMBER:STATE:EXPIRATION: DESCRIBEDAMAGETOVEHICLE: - 101 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL ACCIDENTINFORMATION EXPLAINWHATHAPPENED: POLICEREPORTFILED?_____NO_____YESIF{—9{|rREPORTNUMBER: CITATIONSISSUED?_____NO_____YES IF{—9{|rEXPLAIN: PERSONSINJURED NAME:ADDRESS:PHONENUMBER: NAME:ADDRESS:PHONENUMBER: NAME:ADDRESS:PHONENUMBER: WITNESSES NAME:ADDRESS:PHONENUMBER: NAME:ADDRESS:PHONENUMBER: NAME:ADDRESS:PHONENUMBER: 9at[h—99x{SIGNATURE:DATE: {…t9wL{hwx{SIGNATURE:DATE: - 102 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL APPENDIX H SUPERVISOR’S VEHICHLE ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION REPORT NAMEOFMUNICIPALITY:DEPARTMENT: United City of Yorkville EXACTLOCATION:DATEOFTIME:DATEREPORTED: OCCURANCE: EMPLOYEENAME:JOBTITLE: NATUREOFACCIDENT/DAMAGE: OBJECT/SUBSTANCECAUSINGACCIDENT/DAMAGE:: DESCRIPTION DESCRIBECLEARLYHOWTHEINCIDENTOCCURRED. ANALYSIS WHATACTS/FAILURETOACTAND/ORCONDITIONSCONTRIBUTEDMOSTDIRECTLYTOTHISINCIDENT? WHATARETHEBASICORFUNDAMENTALREASONSFORTHEEXISTENCEOFTHESEACTSAND/ORCONDITIONS? PREVENTION WHATACTIONHASORWILLBETAKENTOPREVENTRECURRENCE?(Numberallitemsinsequence). INVESTIGATEDBY:REVIEWEDBY: DATE:DATE: - 103 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL APPENDIX I OFF-PREMISES TRAINING HOURS WORKED AGREEMENT Name of Employee: ____________________________________________________________ Name of Training Program: _____________________________________________________ Program Sponsored by: _________________________________________________________ Date(s) of Training: ____________________________________________________________ Location of Training: ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Employees will be compensated at their regular rate of pay for the following activities: 1.Classroom hours. 2.Travel time for training or courses outside the Chicago Metropolitan Area: a.As a driver. b.As a passenger if the trip is all on one day. c.As a passenger if the trip is overnight for travel during normal work hours. Hours of work authorized: ______________________ ______ (Employee’s initials) ______ (Department Head’s initials) Employee acknowledgement: I have read this agreement, understand its contents and agree to comply with its stipulations. ___________________________________________ ______________________________ Employee Signature Date ___________________________________________ ______________________________ Department Head Signature Date Return completed agreement to Human Resources. - 104 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL APPENDIX J TIME OFF REQUEST FORM DATE: ________________________________________________________ EMPLOYEE: ___________________________________________________ DEPARTMENT: ________________________________________________ I would like to request the following time off: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Vacation Floating Holiday Comp-Time Sick Time Bereavement Authorized Approval: ____________________________________________ Date: __________________________________________________________ - 105 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL APPENDIX K FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE ACT (FMLA) FORMS K-1: Notification to Employer of Need for Family Medical Leave K-2: Certification of Health Care Provider for Employee’s Serious Health Condition K-3: Certification of Health Care Provider for Family Member’s Serious Health Condition - 106 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Appendix K-1 NOTIFICATION TO EMPLOYER OF NEED FOR FAMILY MEDICAL LEAVE Return this form to Human Resources upon completion. Receipt of a Certification of Health Care Provider is required prior to approval of leave. EMPLOYEE: __________________________________________________________________ DEPARTMENT: _______________________________________________________________ DATES OF LEAVE: ____________________ to ____________________ start end REASON FOR LEAVE: _____ the birth and care of the newborn child of the employee _____ for placement with the employee of a son or daughter for adoption or foster care _____ to care for an immediate family member (spouse, child, or parent) with a serious health condition _____ to take medical leave when the employee is unable to work because of a serious health condition _____ for a qualified emergency arising from a family member’s active military duty LEAVE IS EXPECTED TO BE: _____ Continuous _____ Intermittent: _______________________________________________________ _____ Reduced Schedule: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________ ______________________________ Employee Signature Date - 107 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Appendix K-2 - 108 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL - 109 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL - 110 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL - 111 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL Appendix K-3 - 112 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL - 113 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL - 114 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL - 115 - UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE EMPLOYEE MANUAL APPENDIX L EMPLOYMENT REFERENCE RELEASE FORM I acknowledge that I have been informed that it is the United City of Yorkville’s general policy to disclose in response to a prospective employer's request only the following information about current or former employees: (1) the dates of employment, (2) descriptions of the jobs performed, and (3) salary or wage rates. By signing this release, I am voluntarily requesting that the United City of Yorkville (hereafter, “the City”) depart from this general policy in responding to reference requests from any prospective employer that may be considering me for employment. I authorize the City to disclose to such prospective employers any employment-related information that the City, in its sole discretion and judgment, may determine is appropriate to disclose, including any personal comments, evaluations, or assessments that the City may have about my performance or behavior as an employee. In exchange for the City’s agreement to depart from its general policy and to disclose additional employment-related information pursuant to my request, I agree to release and discharge the United City of Yorkville and it’s successors, employees, officers, and directors for all claims, liabilities, and causes of action, know or unknown, fixed or contingent, that arise from or that are in any manner connected to the City’s disclosure of employment-related information to prospective employers. This release includes, but is not limited to, claims of defamation, libel, slander, negligence, or interference with contract or profession. I acknowledge that I have carefully read and fully understand the provisions of this release. I further acknowledge that I was given the opportunity to consult with an attorney or any other individual of my choosing before signing this release and that I have decided to sign this release voluntarily and without coercion or duress by any person. This release sets forth the entire agreement between the United City of Yorkville and me, and I acknowledge that I have not relied upon any representation or statement, written or oral, not set forth in this document. Signed: ________________________________________ Date: _________________________ - 116 -