Green Committee Packet 2010 02-22-10 .. �o ciry
� United City of Yorkville
EST. , 1836 800 Game Farm Road
.�� Yorkville, Illinois 60560
o� al o�' Telephone: 630-553-4350
Fax: 630-553-7575
February 22, 2010
7:00 P.M.
Yorkville Public Library
First Floor Meeting Room
902 Game Farm Road
Mission Statement. To advise the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Illinois on ways to enhance the community
environment and ways to equip and encourage citizens and businesses to participate in sustainable ecological practices.
Call to Order:
Welcome Members and Guests:
Approval of Minutes: January 25, 2010
New Business:
1. No Presentations Scheduled
2. Committee Caps and Visors
3. Stormwater Management Program Plan
4. Earth Hour 2010
5. Yorkville School Green Efforts Update
Committee Reports:
1. Environmental Fair Committee —Update, Discussion and Volunteer Sign-Up
2. Water Conservation Committee—Recommendations Progress Report
3. Plastic Bag Reduction
4. Chamber Green Committee
Recommendation Progress Reports:
1. Tree Survey Recommendation
2. Tree City Recommendation
3. Electronic Recycling Permanent Program Progress Sign Update
4. Franchise Agreement Recommendation
5. Recycling in Parks, Athletic Fields, etc.
6. Budget Line Items—Deposits, Expenses
Old Business:
1. Clean Air Counts
2. Zoning Ordinance Committee Update—Next Meeting 2/24/10
3. Kendall County Solid Waste Plan Update—Public Hearing 2/4/10
4. Wind Turbine Ordinance Progress
5. Cool City Challenge Action Plan
6. Rain Garden—City Rain Garden Progress
Additional Business:
1. Report from Jackie Dearborn, Green Committee Staff Liaison
2010 Meeting Schedule
March 22 May 24 July 26 Sept 27 Nov 22
Feb 22 Aril 26 June 28 Aug 23 Oct 25 No Dec Meeting
January 25, 2010
7:00 P.M. -Yorkville City Hall
Mission Statement. To advise the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Illinois on ways to enhance the
community environment and ways to equip and encourage citizens and businesses to participate in sustainable
ecological practices.
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Marta Keane at 7:05 p.m.
Welcome Members and Guests:
Members: Marta Keane, Anne Engelhardt, Mariann Manthei, Cheryl Lee, Richard Scheffrahn, Al Green;
City staff liaison Jackie Dearborn.
Approval of Minutes: November Minutes
Green approved the November 23, 2009 meeting minutes as written. Scheffrahn seconded. All yes.
Minutes approved.
New Business:
1. No Presentations Scheduled
2. Earth Hour 2010
Keane requested that the City of Yorkville participate in Earth Hour, Sat. 7:30— 8:30 p.m.
and encourage businesses and residents to participate dimming/turning off lights. Suggested
to Jackie that the City do some publicity on this, and to get photos before and during in certain
3. Yorkville School Green Efforts Update
Update is included in the written"Reports Summary"
4. Building Code Update Committee Member Request
Dearborn added to the written report in the Reports Summary". She explained that the
Building Code Update Committee was established by Travis Miller before his resignation last
month. Members will be appointed by City Council. The purpose of the committee is to
review and update the building codes since 2000. Many changes and amendments were made
from 2000—2009; the committee is reviewing the past three building codes in preparation for
the 2012 building codes. Requiring residential fire extinguishers is just one of thousands of
items being examined, with strong opinions on both sides of the issue. Richard Scheffrahn
and Cheryl Lee both volunteered to represent the Green Committee on the Building Code
Update Committee. They will download the volunteer form, complete it, and turn it in to the
5. Bags for Dog Owners in Parks
Joe Wywrot strongly recommends that dog owners pick up their dogs' waste in the City
Parks; he also suggested using the biodegradable waste bags (which take 60-90 days to
biodegrade). Pet Smart and Happy Hounds carry these types of bags. The city will not be
investing any money into this solution due to budget constraints. Dearborn will write some
publicity for the paper. Dearborn will also write a letter to Menards, Home Depot, and Ace to
request that they carry the biodegradable bags.
Committee Reports:
1. Environmental Fair Committee —Update, Discussion and Volunteer Sign-Up
• Lee gave a report on the Yorkville `Go Green' Environmental Fair, March 6, 11 a.m. —4 p.m. She
reported that the rates are raised$10.00 for exhibit spaces and table skirts.
• The art fair work should be set-up by 10 a.m. to be ready for judging before the Fair opens to the
• The Green committee members can put paper on the gym floor the night before, Friday, March 5,
at 7 p.m. Lee will check to see if we can set up tables also on Friday.
• Judges for the art contest will be Fox River Academy for Arts and Music. Scheffrahn suggested
that this group be given a donation of an exhibit table.
• Forms for exhibitors must be turned in by Feb 13; insurance waivers must be turned in by Feb 20.
• Lee suggested that next year the City get a one-day event insurance for the day of the
environmental fair with the cost included in the fee for exhibitors.
• Lee will be getting out the applications soon.
• Keane asked how to get additional volunteers.
• Spies will be out of the office Feb 29—March 8th. Spies would like to have the flier done by the
second Friday in February so that it can be distributed to all the schools. Spies can use the promo
pieces from last year and make the changes,but keeping it somewhat general. (The specific
names of exhibitors and speakers do not need to be included.)
• Tables and chairs—all from the city are needed. Additional tables may be needed.
• The Yorkville Chamber of Commerce will purchase 500 tote bags with the Green Committee
logo. They will not have the date of the event, so these can be used for multiple events. The
printing will include the City of Yorkville's Green Committee name and logo as well as the
Chamber's Green Committee name and logo.
• Keane will contact Veolia to request recycling and garbage containers. (The Green Committee
will collect aluminum cans for raising some funds.
• Engelhardt reported on the comparative prices for T-shirts. After discussion of the various offers
(only 2 of the 4 companies turned in a bid), the group decide to go with a local company, Fox
Valley Trading Company and to order organic cotton visors and caps, in light blue, with dark
green printing/ embroidery. Anne will place an order for caps and visors after contacting
members Chuck Roberts and Phil Stuepfert to see if they want one.
2. Water Conservation Committee—Recommendations progress report
3. Plastic Bag Reduction
Keane gave some new information. She stated that any retailer that takes plastic bags will
now take all types of plastic bags, relatively clean. She will double check this fact.
Engelhardt volunteered to help make a poster display for the Fair to present this information
to the public.
Manthei showed an internet article regarding recycled plastic yarn.
4. Chamber Green Committee
The following was a continuation of details for the Environmental Fair.
• Lee asked for names of organizations or businesses that sell rain barrels. The conservation
Foundation and the Kendall county Soil and Water Conservation District are possible sources for
rain barrels.
• Keane volunteered to present"Getting Your Home to Zero Waste".
• Engelhardt volunteered the Yorkville Congregational Church Green Group to sponsor the movie
"The Story of Stuff', a 20-minute, free video from the Internet.
• A short discussion took place regarding how to display the art work. The 3-D will be placed on
tables; the"visual"2-d—art can be hung on a clothesline with bulldog paper clips.
• Lee requested help from the Green Committee to put paper on floor of Rec Center, Fri. Mar 5, 7- 9
• Art pieces for the contest can be delivered to the small gym at the Rec Center on Friday, after
school until 9 p.m. and Saturday morning before 9:30 a.m.
Recommendation Progress Reports: The following reports have written reports attached to the agenda.
1. Tree Survey Recommendation
2. Tree City Recommendation
3. Electronic Recycling Perm Program progress
Dearborn reported from Com2. E-waste collected: 22,119 pounds, April 9—Dec. 12, 2009.
Of the total, 13, 325 pounds was collected at the Care and Share Recycling Day event in
Dearborn also stated that a non-reflective sign, paid for by Com2 will be placed at the corner
of Tower Lane and Somonauk St.
4. Franchise Agreement Recommendation
5. Recycling in Parks, Athletic Fields, etc
6. Budget Line Items—Deposits, Expenses
Old Business: The following items have written reports in the "Reports Summary" attached to the agenda.
1. Clean Air Counts
2. Zoning Ordinance Committee Update
3. Kendall County Solid Waste Committee
The draft of the Kendall County Waste Plan is available online now. It was suggested that
publicity from the City to residents should request "Please read and provide appropriate
4. Wind Turbine Ordinance Progress
5. Cool City Challenge Action Plan
6. Rain Garden—City Rain Garden Progress
Additional Business:
1. Report from Jackie Dearborn, Green Committee Staff Liaison
2. More business regarding the Environmental Fair:
• Cheryl Lee suggested that Green Committee have informational articles weekly in the Record over the
six weeks prior to the Environmental Fair. Dearborn will check with Spies; Keane will check to see if
she has previously submitted articles.
• Lee requested for a podium to announce speakers and other announcements.
• Keane suggested that the Chamber of Commerce be contacted to ask if any businesses are willing to
donate items for the raffle.
• Prizes are needed for the art contest winners. Ribbons will be presented for Grades 1- 3;bigger prize
for the older age group winner..
3. Keane explained about a cash-back offer for old appliances People can get 10%reduction in price
when recycling the old appliance and purchasing an Energy Star rated new appliance.
Lee motioned to accept the committee reports and the recommendation reports. Seconded by Manthai. All
yes. Motion approved.
Adjournment: 9:52 p.m.
2010 Meeting Schedule
Jan 25 March 22 May 24 July 26 Sept 27 Nov 22
Feb 22 April 26 June 28 Aug 23 Oct 25 No Dec Meeting
February 22, 2010 Meeting
Mission Statement: To advise the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Illinois on ways to enhance the
community environment and ways to equip and encourage citizens and businesses to participate in sustainable
ecological practices.
New Business:
Presentations: After the Environmental Fair we will renew efforts to have a variety of brief presentation on
various environmental topics at the beginning of our meetings. The Yorkville Congregational Church continues to
offer occasional programs, the next one will be"Gardening for Beginners"to be held on March 21.
Earth Hour—submitted by Marta Keane
Please be reminded that Saturday, March 27 from 8:30pm— 9:30pm Earth Hour will be celebrated by a variety of
people, companies and governments around the world, turning off lights to save electricity and see the night sky.
School News—submitted by Mrs. Kristi Kunkel, Fifth Grade Teacher, Yorkville Intermediate School
The group met on Wednesday, February 3. More information may be presented at the meeting.
Building Code Update Committee Request—submitted by Jackie Dearborn
No report this month
Committee Reports:
Environmental Fair—submitted by Marta Keane & Cheryl Lee
Newspaper articles, flyers and publicity efforts are underway. Schools distributed flyers to students the week of
February 7 and 14`''. More information on speakers, vendors and activities will be presented at the meeting.
Volunteers are still needed. To volunteer,please contact Cheryl directly at cldesi ng
Water Conservation Committee—Recommendations progress report-submitted by Al Green
No report this month
Plastic Bag Reduction—submitted by Mariann Manthei &Marta Keane
No report this month
Chamber Green Committee—submitted by Cheryl Lee
Update to be provided during meeting
Recommendation Progress Reports:
Tree Survey Recommendation—submitted by Jackie Dearborn
No report this month
Tree City Recommendation—submitted by Jackie Dearborn
No report this month
Electronic Recycling Perm Program progress—submitted by Marta Keane &Jackie Dearborn
A sign is under consideration, but pricing is slightly higher than previously agreed to by Com2 ($35 vs
Franchise Agreement Recommendation—submitted by Marta Keane &Jackie Dearborn
This recommendation was taken off the Public Works Committee agenda for discussion at the December 15, 2009
meeting and is awaiting placement on an upcoming meeting.
Recycling in Parks,Athletic Fields, etc—submitted by Jackie Dearborn
Looking forward to learning if Grant application was successful in April 2010.
Budget Line Item-
No report this month
Old Business Reports:
Clean Air Counts—submitted by Marta Keane &Jackie Dearborn
No report this month
Zoning Ordinance Commission Update—submitted by Al Green
The Commission canceled the meeting scheduled for January 27 and is now scheduled to meet on February 24 to
review and discuss a complete draft of the revised Ordinance. The next step will be a public hearing to solicit
additional input.
Kendall County Solid Waste Plan Update—submitted by Marta Keane
A public hearing on the Solid Waste Plan Update was held on February 4, 2010 but ended abruptly. There were
heated comments made by the County Board Chairman and citizens. Coverage of the unusual public hearing was
provided in the Feb. 11, 2010 issue of the Kendall County Record and some of the meeting is on the web. The Plan
Update is viewable on the web at WP%20Update%20C.pdf
There is still time to submit comments on the Plan. Comments may be submitted via e-mail to or via mail to Kendall County Clerk, 111 W. Fox St, Yorkville, IL 60560. These
comments must be accompanied with your name, address, date and request"Please include my comments as part of
the Record of Citizen Comments on the Kendall County New Five-Year Solid Waste Plan Update."
Wind Turbine Ordinance Progress—submitted by Al Green
No report this month
Cool City Challenge Action Plan—submitted by Anne Englehardt&Marta Keane
No report this month
Rain Garden—submitted by Marta Keane
No report this month
Staff Liaison Report—submitted by Jackie Dearborn
No report this month