Green Committee Packet 2010 03-22-10 clfy o United City of Yorkville ESL 636 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 © � � �n Telephone: 630-553-4350 Fax: 630-553-7575 AGENDA YORKVILLE GREEN COMMITTEE March 22, 2010 7:00 P.M. Yorkville Public Library First Floor Meeting Room 902 Game Farm Road Mission Statement: To advise the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Illinois on ways to enhance the community environment and ways to equip and encourage citizens and businesses to participate in sustainable ecological practices. Call to Order: Welcome Members and Guests: Approval of Minutes: February 22, 2010 New Business: 1. Lights for Learning 2. Promotion of Kill-A-Watt Committee Reports: 1. Environmental Fair Committee —Update and Wrap-Up 2. Share&Care Recycling Event--Fall 2010 Planning to Begin 3. Water Conservation Committee a. Stormwater Management Program Plan 4. Plastic Bag Reduction 5. Chamber Green Committee—Update Recommendation Progress Reports: I. Tree Survey Recommendation 2. Tree City Recommendation 3. Electronic Recycling Permanent Program Progress 4. Franchise Agreement Recommendation 5. Recycling in Parks, Athletic Fields, Etc. 6. Budget Line Items—Deposits, Expenses Old Business: 1. Clean Air Counts 2. Earth Hour 2010 3. Yorkville School Green Efforts Update 4. Building Code Update Committee a. Update on ASHRAE Std 189.1 5. Zoning Ordinance Committee Update 6. Kendall County Solid Waste Plan Update 7. Wind Turbine Ordinance Progress 8. Cool City Challenge Action Plan 9. City Rain Garden Additional Business: 1. Report from Jackie Dearborn, Green Committee Staff Liaison Adjournment. 2010 Meeting Schedule March 22 May 24 July 26 Sept 27 Nov 22 April 26 June 28 Aug 23 Oct 25 No Dec Meeting REPORT SUMMARY YORKVILLE GREEN COMMITTEE March 221 20110 Meeting Mission: Statement. To advise the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Illinois on hays to enhance the community environment and ways to equip and encourage citizens and businesses to participate in sustainable ecological practices. New Business: Presentations - Anne Engelhardt will invite Paul LaLonde, director of KAT, to the April meeting and ask him to prepare a half-hour presentation about the new Kendall County transit system. We will ask the City to send a press release on this in hopes of getting some of the community to attend to learn more about this new program. Lights For Learning-is an education-based outreach and fundraising program that promotes the sale and use of low-cost, energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs).The Program helps schools,park districts and Forest Preserves raise needed funds while encouraging participants and their communities to become more energy conscious. The primary objectives for each Lights for Learning program include: • Assist partner in raising needed funds for the classroom or community programs • Educate the public about energy efficiency, conservation and reducing carbon dioxide emissions • Recognize direct and indirect impact of climate change on human/animal health • Provide students with a platform to educate others in their community • Reinforce the value and benefits of using ENERGY STARO qualified CFLs http://www.Iiizhts4leaminiz.oriz/ Kill-A-Watt—Provided to the Green Committee by the Lights for Learning program and approved to be given to the Yorkville Library for use by the community to raise awareness of energy consumption. Determine if anone can report to the Green Committee on the frequency of use and partner with the library to promote this item's availability. Committee Reports: Environmental Fair—submitted by Marta Keane & Cheryl Lee Over 750 people attended the second annual Yorkville Environmental Fair done in partnership with the Yorkville Chamber of Commerce,the United City of Yorkville and their Green Committees. More summary information will be presented at the Yorkville Green Committee. Share& Care Recycling Event—submitted by Marta Keane &Anne Engelhardt The Fall 2010 event planning will be starting and dates should be considered at the March meeting. Water Conservation Committee—Recommendations progress report-submitted by Al Green No report this month. A subsection of this report may include information requested by the Stormwater Management Program Plan as EPA requires a plan with measurable goals and several of the Green Committee activities may be admissible, such as the number of attendees, city giving a rain barrel, non- point pollution education, installation of rain gardens, etc. Plastic Bag Reduction—submitted by Mariann Manthei&Marta Keane Lake County, Illinois has been engaged in a two-year pilot program authorized by the Illinois General Assembly in 2007. A report is expected soon on the impact of mandatory retail collection of plastic bags. Lake County retailers have been accepting the following clean, empty plastic film items with plastic grocery bags: • Newspaper Bags • Bread Bags • Produce Bags • Plastic Retail Bags (hard plastic and string handles removed) Zip-Lock Bags (remove hard components) • Other Storage Bags • Cereal Box Liners • Toilet Paper, Napkin and Paper Towel Wraps • Dry Cleaning Bags • Tyvek(no glue, labels or other material) • Diaper Wrap (packaging) • Plastic Shipping Envelopes(no labels) • Case Wrap(e.g. snacks, water bottles) • Furniture Wrap • Electronic Wrap • All empty, clean and dry bags labeled#2 or#4 The following items are considered contaminates and cannot be recycled. NO food or cling wrap NO prepackaged food bags including frozen foods and prewashed salad bags NO plastic packaging that has been painted or has excessive glue NO bio-based or compostable plastic bags Chamber Green Committee—submitted by Cheryl Lee Update to be provided during meeting Recommendation Progress Reports: Tree Survey Recommendation—submitted by Jackie Dearborn No report this month Tree City Recommendation—submitted by Jackie Dearborn No report this month Electronic Recycling Perm Program progress—submitted by Marta Keane, Anne Engelhardt&Jackie Dearborn Com2 has provided the city with the total amount of electronics recycled in 2009. From April-December 22,119 lbs of electronics were recycled. 13,325 pounds were collected at the October 24`x` Share & Care event. According to Eric Dhuse, the number of TVs being recycled has increased dramatically after the email blast was sent out about the free recycling. An update on the progress of installing a sign is expected at the meeting. Com2 has agreed to pay for a street sign to place at the corner of Somonauk and Tower Lane with the information posted for recycling electronics. The Committee continues to consider ways to make this program available to the public on weekends as the current hours of operation on not convenient for most residents. A recommendation shall be considered at the meeting. Franchise Agreement Recommendation—submitted by Marta Keane&Jackie Dearborn This recommendation was taken off the Public Works Committee agenda for discussion at the December 15, 2009 meeting and is awaiting placement on an upcoming meeting. Recycling in Parks,Athletic Fields, etc—submitted by Jackie Dearborn Looking forward to learning if Grant application was successful in April 2010. Budget Line Item- No report this month Old Business Reports: Clean Air Counts—submitted by Marta Keane&Jackie Dearborn No report this month Earth Hour—submitted by Marta Keane Last reminder- Saturday, March 27 from 8:30pm—9:30pm is Earth Hour. Has any press been done by the City or other formal action taken by the Chamber to encourage participation by residents and businesses? Yorkville School News—submitted by Marta Keane Abitibi was contacted and a report on the amount of paper recycled from public and private schools in Yorkville for 2008 and 2009 calendar years was requested. The representative was unable to have the totals by the time of the meeting,but is pulling the information together. Building Code Update Committee Request—submitted by Jackie Dearborn and Al Greed Cheryl Lee and Richard Scheffrahn are on the Committee. Al Green has information to present on the ASHRAE Std 189.1 Zoning Ordinance Commission Update--submitted by Al Green The Commission was scheduled to meet on February 24 to review and discuss a complete draft of the revised Ordinance. The next step will be a public hearing to solicit additional input. Kendall County Solid Waste Plan Update—submitted by Marta Keane The Plan Update was approved by the County Board with public comments attached. The Plan will be sent to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency for acceptance. The Plan does not currently allow new landfills to be developed. The Plan recognizes the possible need for Transfer Stations. The Plan Update is viewable on the web at htt ://health.co.kendall,il.us/2010%20Kendall%20Count %20SWP%20U date%20C, df Wind Turbine Ordinance Progress—submitted by Al Green No report this month Cool City Challenge Action Plan—submitted by Anne Englehardt&Marta Keane No report this month Rain Garden—submitted by Marta Keane No report this month Staff Liaison Report—submitted by Jackie Dearborn No report this month MINUTES YORKVILLE GREEN COMMITTEE February 22, 2010 Mission Statement: To advise the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Illinois on ways to enhance the community environment and ways to equip and encourage citizens and businesses to participate in sustainable ecological practices. Call to Order: Marta Keane called the meeting to order at 7:11 p.m. Welcome Members and Guests: Members: Marta Keane, Chair, Cheryl Lee, Mariann Manthei, Anne Engelhardt, Richard Scheffrahn; City Staff Liaison Jackie Dearborn, and Public Relations Officer Glory Spies. Guests: Jonathan Jackson, Citizen; Steve Lord from the Beacon News. Approval of Minutes: January Minutes. Al Scheffrahn motioned to accept the January 25, 2010 minutes. Manthei seconded the motion. Vote: All `yes'. Al Green pointed out a needed correction to one word. Engelhardt motioned to make the change to the word. Scheffrahn seconded the motion. Vote: All `yes'. New Business: 1. No Presentations Scheduled 2. Committee Caps and Visors-- Engelhardt handed these out prior to the start of the meeting. The caps and visors cost $12.60 each, which included tax. 3. Stormwater Management Program Plan—Joe Wywrot, City Engineer,has requested help from the Yorkville Green Committee, specifically to provide information and evidence for two measurable goals on the Stormwater Management Plan: "related to public education and outreach, and (b) goals related to public participation and involvement" Wywrot will use documentation from any discussions and recommendations from the Yorkville Green Committee which will help meet the measurable goals. 4. Earth Hour 2010 - Saturday March 27. 8:30—9:30 p.m. Marta would like to get a picture to show the difference in light if the businesses in town participate. Lee will do an E-blast to the Chamber through the Chamber's Green Committee to encourage participation. 5. Yorkville School Green Efforts Update—Keane will contact Abitibi to get a report on the total of paper deposited in the school bins. The environmental group at Yorkville High School is SAFE. Engelhardt suggested inviting them to the Environmental Fair with an exhibit and to have a student representative attend our meetings. Committee Reports: 1. Environmental Fair Committee —Update, Discussion and Volunteer Sign-Up 2. Water Conservation Committee—Recommendations progress report 3. Plastic Bag Reduction 4. Chamber Green Committee Engelhardt motioned to accept the reports as written. Scheffran seconded. Vote: All `yes." Recommendation Progress Reports: 1. Tree Survey Recommendation 2. Tree City Recommendation 3. Electronic Recycling Perm Program progress—sign update. Dearborn showed a picture of the design for the sign for the E-waste site. 4. Franchise Agreement Recommendation—to be assigned 5. Recycling in Parks, Athletic Fields, etc 6. Budget Line Items—Deposits, Expenses Engelhardt motioned to accept the reports as written. Scheffran seconded. Vote: All `yes." Old Business: 1. Clean Air Counts—no action 2. Zoning Ordinance Committee Update—next meeting Feb. 24 Scheffrahn is the Green committee representative on this committee. 3. Kendall County Solid Waste Plan Update—Public hearing was held on 2/4/2010. Public comments can be submitted until March 4, 2010. 4. Wind Turbine Ordinance Progress - Wrigley Gum business is considering putting up a wind turbine. 5. Cool City Challenge Action Plan—no action 6. Rain Garden— City Rain Garden Progress Additional Business: 1. Report from Jackie Dearborn, Green Committee Staff Liaison Franchise Agreement is still being handled of Bart Olson's 2. Lee reported that the Chamber of Commerce's Green Committee is formally promoting and giving recognitions to Green Businesses. 3. Discussion about letter to editor, drafted by Engelhardt. Discussion gave direction to Engelhardt to divide the letter: first half for paper this week, March 22; send in second part the Monday after the Environmental Fair. All agreed to add names to the letters. Engelhardt will Email the newly drafted letters to receive Emailed signatures. 4. Discussion on Bloom boxes, from a recent report on 60 Minutes. The Bloom box is a device, using stacks of fuel cells, to generate power on the spot without going into the electric grid. Large corporations testing the Bloom boxes include Google, EBAY, Staples, and Wal-Mart. The large boxes have $700,000 price tag, while Bloom envisions that in the future smaller boxes will cost about $3000 for residential use. Adjournment: Keane adjourned the meeting at 7:56.