Green Committee Packet 2010 05-24-10 C1.y o United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road EST. , 1838 .�� Yorkville, Illinois 60560 o Telephone: 630-553-4350 Fax: 630-553-7575 <<E AGENDA YORKVILLE GREEN COMMITTEE May 24, 2010 7:00 P.M. Yorkville Public Library First Floor Meeting Room 902 Game Farm Road Mission Statement. To advise the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Illinois on ways to enhance the community environment and ways to equip and encourage citizens and businesses to participate in sustainable ecological practices. Call to Order: Welcome Members and Guests: Approval of Minutes: March 22, 2010 and April 26, 2010 New Business: 1. None Committee Reports: 1. Environmental Fair Committee 2010 &2011 2. Share&Care Recycling Event—Fall 2010 Planning 3. Water Conservation Committee a. Stormwater Management Program Plan 4. Plastic Bag Reduction 5. Chamber Green Committee—Update Recommendation Progress Reports: 1. Tree Survey Recommendation—Progress Report 2. Tree City Recommendation 3. Electronic Recycling Perm Program Progress 4. Franchise Agreement Recommendation—to be assigned to PW committee 5. Recycling in Parks, Athletic Fields, Etc—Grant Update 6. Budget Line Items—Deposits, Expenses Old Business: 1. Clean Air Counts 2. Earth Hour 2010 Report 3. Yorkville School Green Efforts Update 4. Building Code Update Committee a. Update on ASHRAE Std 189.1 5. Zoning Ordinance Committee Update 6. Wind Turbine Ordinance Progress 7. Cool City Challenge Action Plan 8. Rain Garden—City Rain Garden Progress Additional Business: 1. Report from Jackie Dearborn, Green Committee Staff Liaison Adjournment: 2010 Meeting Schedule May 24 July 26 Sept 27 Nov 22 June 28 Aug 23 Oct 25 No Dec Meeting DRAFT MINUTES YORKVILLE GREEN COMMITTEE March 22, 2010 7:00 P.M. -Yorkville Library Mission Statement. To advise the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Illinois on ways to enhance the community environment and ways to equip and eneourage citizens and businesses to participate in sustainable ecological practices. Call to Order: Keane called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Welcome Members and Guests: Members: Marta Keane, Anne Engelhardt, Mariann Manthei, Cheryl Lee, Al Green, Richard Scheffrahn. City Staff. Glory Spies, Community Relations Officer, and Jackie Dearborn, City Staff Liaison. Guests: Neola Brouhle, Bonita Marx, Becca Cherwin, Sandy YU, and Jonathan Jackson. Approval of Minutes: February Minutes New Business: 1. No Presentations Scheduled 2. Lights for Learning— Lights for Learning are available to park districts and schools through State of Illinois. This company sells CFL's for reduced rates and takes back spent CFL's;the organization that sells these (may use a display kiosk) will make 50% on the sale of the light bulbs. Engelhardt made a motion that the Green Committee recommend to the City to set up Lights for Learning kiosk to sell CFLs with the proceeds to go to the Green Committee at suggested locations of the City of Yorkville REC Center and/or the Yorkville Public Library. The recommendation will include suggestions as to how to display the products on the kiosk. Lee seconded. Vote: All `yes.' 3. Promotion of Kill-A-Watt The City was donated a Kill-W-Watt measuring device. Keane suggested that the Kill-A-Watt be donated to the library and made available for residents to check out for one week(like magazines). The Lights for Learning display will have purchasing information for anyone who wishes to buy one. 4. Dearborn offered to take environmental books and other materials that were donated by Christopher Sharp to the Yorkville Public Library. Scheffrahn motioned. Manthei seconded. Vote: All `yes.' Committee Reports: 1. Environmental Fair Committee —2010 Completion Update and Wrap-Up There was as estimate of 750 attendees. Lee gave comments and suggestions from her observations and from those turned in by committee members. Income collected: $740.00. Expenditures: $422.00 for rental of table cloths; $130 for reusable tote bags that were purchased at the last minute; $45.00 for awards. Table covers: It was suggested that vendors who want to rent the table covers should pay for them ahead. Lee cautioned that the rental of table covers for non-paying organizations needs to be very carefully considered in the future. Another possibility for table covers is to request each exhibitor to bring their own or to provide disposable table covers, which are inexpensive, but not in keeping with good environmental practices. Parking: Adequate parking space for guests is a continuing issue. Lee recommended that vendors and guests could park at remote locations; it is hoped that KAT will be able to provide a bus and driver to shuttle people to the remote parking lots throughout the day. Some places for parking to be considered include a section at Aldi's, Menards, or Countryside Center. Organization of the Fair: Comments submitted indicated that the various tasks need to be split up to share the load among the committee members and citizen volunteers. Lee will prepare a written a manual on how to do the `Go Green' Fair by next year. Side Studios for presenters: Comments and discussion concluded that the Students Art Fair and Science Fair will work best in the small gym, while presenters will be in the side studios. Art Fair: Art fair was very successful. Lee suggested that the art teachers and science teachers in the schools be informed early in the year so that their students will be invited to participate. Engelhardt commented that it would be a good time now to talk to the Superintendent and Director of Curriculum for District 115 so that this program might be included with the curriculum planning. Engelhardt recommended electronics drop off(Com2) at the Go Green Fair next year, as part of the contract with Com 2. Lee suggested that next year the planning meetings be held on the same night (earlier) as the regular Green Committee meetings. These meetings will be officially posted as a"sub-committee planning meeting"with the time of the meeting and an agenda. Comments from guests at the meeting: it was a very well run fair. 2. Share & Care Recycling Event—Fall 2010 Planning to Begin Possible date - second Saturday in October—October 9, and October 16. Lee will check with the Chamber of Commerce's date for Biz Boo (Halloween event). Engelhardt will check the availability of dates at the Fair Grounds and will contact Marlin Hartmann to see if County wants to partner again with the Green Committee. 3. Water Conservation Committee—Recommendations progress report a. Storm water Management Program Plan 4. Plastic Bag Reduction The report for this month lists the additional plastic films being taken back in addition to grocery bags. Lake County has been engaged in a two-year pilot program. There is a recommendation in the legislature of the State of Illinois for all grocery stores to take back these additional plastics. Any retailer that is already collecting the plastic grocery bags has the market for this additional plastic. Wal-Mart, Target, and Jewel are the local companies that take plastic bags. Keane suggested a publicity piece on this item for the local paper. Scheffrahn motioned. Lee seconded . Vote: All `yes.' Keane volunteered to write the article and include the Green Committee's name. All agreed to include names with the article. 5. Chamber Green Committee—Update The Chamber Green Committee is working on the Green Business Designation. They also had volunteers at the Environmental Fair and at Share and Care Day. They contribute publications on the Chamber's web site. One example is an article"10 ways to Be Green". They meet on the third Wednesday of the month in the morning. Lee motioned to accept the Committee Reports as presented and discussed. Scheffrahn seconded the motion. Vote: All `yes.' Recommendation Progress Reports: 1. Tree Survey Recommendation 2. Tree City Recommendation 3. Electronic Recycling Perm Program Progress Dearborn gave an update on the sign, which will be paid for by Com2, and the total pounds collected in January and February. Engelhardt motioned that the Green Committee recommend to the City to open the E-waste drop off site two Saturday mornings per month. Keane seconded. Vote: All yes. Keane or Engelhardt will write this recommendation to the Mayor. 4. Franchise Agreement Recommendation Dearborn explained that this recommendation is yet to be assigned to committee. She will speak again to Bart Olsen about this item. 5. Recycling in Parks, Athletic Fields, etc The grant update expected in April 6. Budget Line Items—Deposits, Expenses Engelhardt motioned to accept the Progress Reports as presented and discussed. Lee seconded the motion. Vote: All `yes.' Old Business: 1. Clean Air Counts 2. Earth Hour 2010 will be March 27 8:30pm-9:30pm Lee motioned for Keane to write a letter to the editor tonight for this week's paper to ask citizens to observe Earth Hour. Scheffrahn seconded. Vote: All yes. 3. Yorkville School Green Efforts Update Group of students are brainstorming ideas for Earth Day at their school. Keane has begun to check with the local rep for Abitibi to find out the level of participation in the Yorkville School System. 4. Building Code Update Committee a. Update on ASHRAE Std 189.1 ASHRAE has approved the standard. It is now an available resource ready for adoption by any municipality. This standard, with six components, is fairly aggressive. If these standards are met the building will qualify for gold or platinum LEED. The City can adopt ASHRAE's building code Std 189.1 into the City's building codes now or for 2012. Keane recommended that ASHRAE St. 189.1 standard be acknowledged and offered for consideration by the City's Building code update committee. Green seconded. Vote: All `yes'. 5. Zoning Ordinance Commission Update Next meeting is in May. Green reported that the committee met on Feb 24. Most of the discussion was on the proposed new section on Conservative Design Districts (also known as Low Impact Design Districts). It was decided to cancel the March and April meetings, pending the hire of a new Community Development Director. The overall Commission schedule has been pushed back a few months so that the public hearing and formal recommendations to the City Council will probably be in the fall of 2010. The mandate will be finished and the recommendation made to the City in the fall. 6. Kendall County Solid Waste Plan Update The plan has been submitted to State EPA. 7. Wind Turbine Ordinance Progress 8. Cool City Challenge Action Plan Keane requested to Dearborn investigate how the city can get formally recognized as a"Clean Air Counts City." If the City does indeed have this status, the City can publicize this recognition. 9. Rain Garden—City Rain Garden Progress Additional Business: 1. Report from Jackie Dearborn, Green Committee Staff Liaison. Dearborn, Lee, and six art fair exhibiters were at WSPY as a follow-up to the art contest at the Go Green Fair. The TV show on DVD will be put on the City's web site; another copy is with the art teacher to use for promoting the Art Fair next year. 2. Lee suggested that an"event insurance"rider to the city's insurance policy for the day of the `Go Green' Fair. Dearborn will follow-up on this suggestion. 3. Engelhardt confirmed that Paul LaLonde, director of KAT, will be at the April 26 Green Committee meeting. Engelhardt was directed to ask LaLonde to bring a KAT bus. It was suggested that Glory Spies write a promotional article for the newspaper and the web site which encourages the public to come to learn more about KAT. 4. Lee asked if the Green Committee will have a booth at the Rolling on the River event in August. She expressed that it is a good venue with many people attending. This will be decided at a future meeting. 5. There was a discussion about the degree to which the City wants to be in charge of the Go Green Fair in the future. Engelhardt suggested that Dearborn, Lee, Keane, Spies and the Mayor discuss to what extent the City wants to have involvement and control in the go Green Fair in the future. Another suggestion was that applications for the exhibitors have two fees: a lower fee for applications turned in by the due date and a higher fee for turning it in after the due date. 6. Keane talked to Mayor Burd about vacancies. There are four vacancies. The guests were invited to complete the application for membership to the Green Committee. Keane explained the applications should be turned in to her; Keane will forward these to the Mayor. 7. Keane showed a book,titled The Green Book, $5.00, from Kohl's. 8. Lee will be going to the Forest Preserve to talk about"green practices" on Earth Day. 9. Engelhardt taught two home-school student groups about reducing, re-using, and recycling at the library in February. Adjournment: Keane adjourned the meeting at 9:34 axn. 2010 Meeting Schedule March 22 May 24 July 26 Sept 27 Nov 22 April 26 June 28 Aug 23 Oct 25 No Dec Meeting DRAFT Meeting Notes YORKVILLE GREEN COMMITTEE April 26, 2010 7:00 P.M. -Yorkville Library Mission Statement. To advise the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Illinois on ways to enhance the community environment and ways to equip and encourage citizens and businesses to participate in sustainable ecological practices. Call to Order: Keane called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. No quorum; we will have discussion, but no formal votes taken. Welcome Members and Guests: Members: Marta Keane, Anne Engelhardt, Mariann Manthei, Richard Scheffrahn; Jackie Dearborn, City Staff Liaison; Guest speaker—Paul LaLonde, Director of Kendall Area Transit (KAT); Citizens: Julie Fisher, Dina Wisniewski. Approval of Minutes: Approval of the March minutes is postponed until next meeting, due to lack of quorum. Presentation: Paul LaLonde (KAT). LaLonde explained that the public transportation helps the environment. KAT took five years to get started in Yorkville. Jeff Wilkins was instrumental in bringing this to Kendall County. Currently, the KAT office is located in the basement of the Old Kendall County Courthouse. • Six busses are 12-passenger; one bus is a 22-passenger. • Riders must be registered. • A "Rider's Guide" is given out to registered users. • The Dial-a-Ride program means that a person calls to arrange a ride from point A to point B, which is considered a trip. KAT needs 2 — 6 days' advance notice to line up the trips on their routes. • Kids' parents will schedule the rides in advance. Kids must be 12 years old to ride alone. A dispatcher schedules the rides. • KAT is for everyone in county, with priorities for seniors and those with disability. • Trips may be for social occasions, medical appointments, or shopping. KAT will give rides to anywhere in the county where the roads are safe. • Parents must bring infant and/or toddler seats for young children. • Wheelchairs are definitely allowed. • Trips may be planned to go out of Kendall County for special circumstances. 99% of trips outside of community will be to locations in contributing communities. Destinations might include Fox Valley Mall, Train Station, etc. • KAT Started on March 22, 2010. In the first two weeks of Marc, they scheduled 8 rides a day; next two weeks, they had 16 rides per day. • DeKalb County Transit program averages77,000 rides per year, with Monday- Friday averaging 200 rides per day. DeKalb is about the same size county as Kendall. • Publicity is out to public places and events in the contributing communities. • Farther into the future, some busses will serve a"semi-fixed"route, with designated points at certain times of the day. The entire county will need to be on-board and ridership numbers higher. • If a group of people are going to the same event, cost must be considered. Individuals, who are registered, may call in ahead to go places as a group. • Mornings and noon to early afternoon are more demanded times. • KAT is not allowed to do "charter service"via a third party • Curb-to-curb is $3.00 in county, $2.00 more outside of county. Door-to-door is $5.00 in county, $2.00 additional to a destination to outside of county. • KAT relies on donations and contributions from other agencies and organizations. Senior Services and RTA have made contributions. • Eventually the goal is to expand the hours of operation to 9 p.m. New Business: 1. Kendall County Bus Transit Presentation 2. Earth Day this year and next—Keane requested that a sub-committee or member be responsible for an article about Earth Day from the Green Committee. Committee Reports: 1. Environmental Fair Committee 2010 and 2010-04-26 2. Share & Care Recycling Event—Fall 2010 Planning Engelhardt reported that Mike Drendel, President of the Kendall County Fair Grounds said that the site is available on October 16, 2010 for the Share and Care Recycling Event. There is a concern over what building we will use. Recycling Day in 2009 was cold with light rain. Engelhardt suggested that the Recycling Day in 2010 use the Smith Building, which was used in 2008, unless the weather causes the grounds to be too soft. Engelhardt is concerned about getting a contract in place and has not been able to establish contact with Marlin Hartman of the Kendall County Health Dept. to learn if the County will sponsor the Fairgrounds again. Engelhardt will give Drendel a verbal date confirmation until the details are determined 3. Water Conservation Committee— recommendations progress report a. Storm water Management Program Plan 4. Plastic Bag Reduction 5. Chamber Green Committee—update Recommendation Progress Reports: 1. Tree Survey Recommendation—progress report 2. Tree City Recommendation 3. Electronic Recycling Perm Program—progress— sign update, Jan and Feb totals 4. Franchise Agreement Recommendation—to be assigned to PW committee 5. Recycling in Parks, Athletic Fields, etc. - grant update 6. Budget Line items—Deposits, Expenses Old Business: 1. Clean Air Counts 2. Earth Hour 2010 Report 3. Yorkville School Green Efforts Update 4. Building Code Update Committee a. Update on ASHRAE STD 189.1 5. Zoning Ordinance Committee Update—next meeting Feb. 24 6. Wind Turbine Ordinance Progress 7. Cool City Challenge Action Plan 8. Rain Garden—City Rain Garden Progress Additional Business: 1. Jackie Dearborn reported. a. Grand Reserve requested a Green Committee member to participate in their school's Earth Day program on April 30. Both Dearborn and Engelhardt replied to the Email. b. Grant has been received for the Recycling Cans made of recycled plastic lumber for the parks. c. Progress on tree survey. More than 8000 trees have been identified in the city's parkways. d. Recommendation needs to be sent t o Mayor regarding request for electronic recycling on Saturdays. e. There will be no spraying for mosquitoes except for catch basins. f. Dearborn will be attending the Clear Air meeting in Oak Park on May 6. 2. Dart Container—Polystyrene Recycling. With members of the YCUCC Green Group, Engelhardt recently toured DART in North Aurora which recycles polystyrene. Styrofoam is a brand name and the real name of the material is polystyrene, also known as plastic #6. The foam material is compressed into cubes so it can be transported more efficiently. DART offers machines to businesses that can compact the plastic. Keane added that when she spoke to the company over the phone, they said they lease these machines, and then they pick up the material in its compacted form. Engelhardt suggested having a polystyrene compacting machine at the Share and Care Recycling Event and promoting polystyrene recycling in a series of articles prior to the event. Marta expressed concern that by providing recycling we could be encouraging more people to choose polystyrene products. Guest Julie Fisher stated that many people who participate in recycling programs don't understand items are actually accepted for recycling, and she suggested that putting an article in the local paper and/or the utility bill to list what items are commonly accepted in curbside programs. The Green Committee agreed that this was a good suggestion and will follow up on it. Keane adjourned the meeting at 8:35 p.m. 2010 Meeting Schedule March 22 May 24 July 26 Sept 27 Nov 22 April 26 June 28 Aug 23 Oct 25 No Dec Meeting