Green Committee Packet 2010 07-26-10 C1.y
0 United City of Yorkville
EST. , 800 Game Farm Road
Yorkville, Illinois 60560
o Telephone: 630-553-4350
Fax: 630-553-7575
Monday,July 26, 2010
7:00 P.M.
Yorkville Public Library
First Floor Meeting Room
902 Game Farm Road
Mission Statement. To advise the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Illinois on ways to enhance the community
environment and ways to equip and encourage citizens and businesses to participate in sustainable ecological practices.
Call to Order:
Welcome Members and Guests:
Approval of Minutes: May 24, 2010
New Business:
1. Presentation from Armando Saleh, from the National Solid Waste Management Association(NSWMA) on
commercial recycling options the committee may wish to consider
Committee Reports:
1. Share&Care Recycling Event-Fall 2010 Planning
2. Environmental Fair Committee -2011 Progress
3. Water Conservation Committee
4. Plastic Bag Reduction
5. Chamber Green Committee- Update
Recommendation Progress Reports:
1. Tree Survey Recommendation
2. Tree City Recommendation
3. Electronic Recycling Perm Program progress
4. Franchise Agreement Recommendation-Update
5. Recycling in Parks, Athletic Fields, etc -Grant Update
6. Budget Line Items
Old Business:
1. Clean Air Counts
2. Earth Hour-Next Global Date March 26, 2011
3. Yorkville School Green Efforts Update
4. Building Code Update Committee
5. Zoning Ordinance Committee Update
6. Wind Turbine Ordinance Progress
7. Cool City Challenge Action Plan
8. Rain Garden
Additional Business:
1. Report from Jackie Dearborn, Green Committee Staff Liaison
2010 Meeting Schedule
July 26 September 27 November 22
August 23 October 25 No December Meeting
Meeting Minutes DRAFT
May 24, 2010
7:00 P.M. -Yorkville Library
Mission Statement. To advise the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Illinois on ways to enhance the
community environment and ways to equip and encourage citizens and businesses to participate in sustainable
ecological practices.
Call to Order: Marta Keane called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.
Welcome Members and Guests: Members --Marta Keane, Anne Engelhardt, Cheryl Lee, Richard
Scheffrahn, Al Green; City Liaison—Jackie Dearborn. Member Mariann Manthei resigned this past month.
The committee currently has seven appointed members with open positions for three more members.
John Pavilionis new member arrived at 7:15 p.m.
Approval of Minutes: March Minutes and April Notes
Al Green motioned to approve the March minutes and April notes. Engelhardt seconded. Green discussed
corrections—date changes: Committee Reports#1. Date for Environmental Fair should read March 5, 2008
and Old Business #5 —Date for the next meeting is May 26. Green motioned to amend the motion with these
two changes; Engelhardt seconded. Vote: All "yes."
New Business:
Committee Reports:
1. Environmental Fair Committee 2010 & 2011
Cheryl is in the process of analyzing the procedures for organizing an environment fair and putting
these into a written document for future use.
2. Share & Care Recycling Event—Fall 2010 Planning
Engelhardt reported that the Smith Building on the Kendall County Fair Grounds is reserved for
October 16, 2010, 8 a.m. —4:00 p.m. for the next Recycling Day, October 16, 2010. Marlin Hartman,
of the Solid Waste division of the Kendall County Health Department, agreed to partner with the
Green Committee in the same capacity as last year. Lee stated that when contacting the high school
environmental group, replies may be more likely to occur by copying the email to the high school
Keane suggested Dearborn contact Taylor Coffey, Senior at Yorkville High School, to find
out all the environmental activities he took charge of this past year and that the Green Committee
present an award to give recognition to his environmental efforts this past year. Keane motioned to
recommend to the Mayor that the Green Committee give a yearly"Green Teen Award" beginning
this year at the YHS Awards program this Thursday, May 27th. Sheffrahn seconded. Vote: All
"yes." Dearborn and Lee will contact Mayor Burd to seek approval and Glory Spies to make a
certificate of recognition.
3. Water Conservation Committee—Recommendations progress report
a. Storm water Management Program Plan
Keane reported about a display showing a storm water runoff. This display is used for
students' education about storm water run-off. It depicts a storm drain, stenciled to show it
drains to river, a pipe is drawn on the display and appears to end at a pool of gold fish that are
given away at fairs to increase awareness of storm water and encourage stenciling.
4. Plastic Bag Reduction
Engelhardt motioned that Keane follow-up with a letter to the editor(and forward it to Glory Spies
for review) to recognize the local businesses that support the reduction of plastic bags by encouraging
the use of re-usable shopping bags and collecting the plastic bags for recycling. (Jewel, Wal-Mart,
Home Depot, Menards, Walgreens, Target, Office Max) The motion was seconded by Scheffrahn.
Vote: All yes.
5. Chamber Green Committee—Update
Lee has the application for Green Business Designation on their web. The application is in PDF form
right now and will be changed to a read-write form so that it can be completed on-line. Action
Graphics donated the decals to use as the recognition in the designated businesses car or store-front.
The one-time application fee is $20.00.
Recommendation Progress Reports:
1. Tree Survey Recommendation -progress report
2. Tree City Recommendation
3. Electronic Recycling Perm Program progress
Dearborn gave an update on the sign. Keane requested that Dearborn get a monthly report on the
amount of E-waste that is collected by Com2 from the Yorkville Site and present this to the Green
Committee each month. Engelhardt asked if it might be possible to have the E-waste site open one
Saturday per month. Dearborn explained that the Public Works employees' schedule is set, and there
is no money in the budget for overtime for these employees. Keane asked if volunteers from the
community could staff it one Saturday morning per week. Dearborn answered that it might be
possible if someone from YPD could unlock and lock the doors while they are on duty. Scheffrahn
suggested contacting various groups in town for staffing the recycling facility, beginning with the
summer months.
4. Franchise Agreement Recommendation—to be assigned to PW committee
5. Recycling in Parks, Athletic Fields, etc—grant update.
Dearborn reported that the City received the grant for the recycling containers. From these
containers all the contents need to be sorted and measured using random samples for a report
indicating usage. All 31 Yorkville parks will have recycling cans. The cans will have stickers
stating "recycling only" on the sides. The cans are green and have white lids with one round hole;
the top has a decal that states what items can go into it. Decals will be ordered this week. Spies will
publicize these recycling containers when they are ready for use.
6. Budget Line Items—Deposits, Expenses
There is a negative balance due to the postage for sending in the grant application.
Old Business:
1. Clean Air Counts
Dearborn reported how the awards are set up, including the check list for specific clean air action
items. Dearborn reported that the City is probably qualified for Bronze Award. She will continue to
check with the various City Departments to find out their level of clean air action items for which
they currently qualify. Scheffrahn suggested aiming for the Silver Award this year, and perhaps
strive for the Gold Award next year. Dearborn will fill out the forms for Silver and make suggestions
for the departments so they may continue to strive for gold level in the future.
2. Earth Hour 2010 Report
This agenda item will be temporarily taken off the monthly reports. In January the Green
Committee will begin planning the 2011 Earth Hour/Earth Day activities.
3. Yorkville School Green Efforts Update
Engelhardt suggested that two members and Dearborn meet with the new Superintendent in July in a
casual meeting to discuss partnering on Green initiatives in the school systems. Engelhardt asked to
have an agenda item at next month's meeting to request input from the Green Committee on
initiatives for the schools. Engelhardt, Keane, and Lee all volunteered to meet with the
Keane offered to write a letter to communicate with all the area churches inviting them to have one
(or more)representative attend the Green Committee meeting on October 25th The purpose of this
meeting is to begin to network with the area churches by dialoguing about what they are currently
doing as green action and what other things they would like to do. Green Committee members will
create a handout with a simple check list of ways to become an environmentally friendly church.
Engelhardt suggested following a similar format for the Yorkville public and private schools at the
Green Committee's September 27th meeting to begin to network with the schools on environmental
initiatives and interests. Keane has access to environmental checklists for schools which can be used
as is or adapted.
4. Building Code Update Committee
a. Update on ASHRAE Std 189.1 The recommendation was sent in to the City in March.
5. Zoning Ordinance Committee Update
6. Wind Turbine Ordinance Progress—No current action on this item. This agenda item will be taken
off the list of monthly reports.
7. Cool City Challenge Action Plan
8. Rain Garden—City Rain Garden Progress
Additional Business:
1. Report from Jackie Dearborn, Green Committee Staff Liaison
2. Pavilionis recently went to the Green Festival on Navy Pier. Keane asked him to share his
observations with the Green Committee at the June meeting.
3. Engelhardt asked the Committee for an opinion about getting a shredding company to shred
documents for residents and businesses at the Share & Care Recycling Event. All agreed that it
would be a good thing to add if a financial sponsor can be found to support it.
Pavilionis stated that Shred-It and Iron Mountain are two companies that shred documents.
Keane and Dearborn will send contact information about these two companies to Engelhardt, who
will follow up.
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned the meeting at 9:01 p.m.
2010 Meeting Schedule
May 24 July 26 Sept 27 Nov 22
June 28 Aug 23 Oct 25 No Dec Meeting
July 26, 2010 Meeting
Mission Statement: To advise the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Illinois on ways to enhance the
community environment and ways to equip and encourage citizens and businesses to participate in sustainable
ecological practices.
New Business:
Presentations - A representative of the National Solid Waste Management Association (NSWMA) has offered to
provide a list of ways the Green Committee can pursue increases in commercial recycling without undertaking a
citywide franchise approach.
Committee Reports:
Share& Care Recycling Event—submitted by Marta Keane &Anne Engelhardt
The Fall 2010 event planning will be starting and dates should be considered at the March meeting.
Environmental Fair 2011 -submitted by Cheryl Lee
Currently working on procedural guide and updating the application for upload to City and Chamber websites. Will
include "Early Bird Discount". Goal is to have application ready for distribution in September but need answers on
insurance.. Also want to find out if we can solve our insurance issue with a rider for the event. Can someone take
on this task now so we have answers by August meeting?
Water Conservation Committee—Recommendations progress report-submitted by Al Green
No report this month.
Plastic Bag Reduction—submitted by Marta Keane
Letter sent to the editor of the Record
Chamber Green Committee—submitted by Cheryl Lee
1. Met July 21, 2010 and next meeting August 18, 2010. We have 5 regular attending members and growing. We
are working on a brochure about our committee and the Green Business Designation that members will hand
out to other local businesses.
2. We just issued our first "Green Business Designation" award to The Care of Trees. We had a photo taken this
morning with Bob Jungwirth receiving his decal. The event will be in the Kendall County Record soon. There
are a few more businesses working on their application at this moment and the chamber will do the promote
those as well. We are still working on training slides to assist in completing the application to upload to
website. Website has application that can be downloaded, but we are looking to add link to pdf converter
software so that members can open document, complete it online, and then e-mail it to us. This method will
save on paper which is how it must currently be handled.
3. Members asked what we can do to help in the upcoming Share & Care event. We can certainly promote it in
our regular e-blasts and on our website,but also are willing to volunteer in other areas.
4. Members are helping me on the procedural guide for Environmental Fair. We are looking at ways to promote
the event this fall to get more vendors.
Recommendation Progress Reports:
Tree Survey Recommendation—submitted by Jackie Dearborn
No report this month
Tree City Recommendation—submitted by Jackie Dearborn
No report this month
Electronic Recycling Perm Program progress—submitted by Jackie Dearborn
No report this month
Franchise Agreement Recommendation—submitted by Marta Keane
This recommendation was heard at the June 16, 2010 Public Works Committee. It seemed to have the support of
an intern to the City Administration and well as our Committee. However, there were seven men and one woman
representing NSWMA and six area waste hauling firms at the meeting against the franchise agreement concept.
The city acknowledged that it will cost a few hundred dollars for them to put together everything to bid a
commercial franchise agreement but they also expressed research revealed 90% of businesses save money through
this type of agreement and many gain access to recycling services that they previously lacked. This type of
agreement not only increases recycling, it reduces the number of garbage trucks on city streets and related wear that
costs the city money to repair and may impact businesses negatively during construction. The PW Committee
asked the Yorkville Green Committee to reconsider our recommendation. NSWMA suggested addressing the
committee at the July 26`h meeting to offer other suggestions to increase recycling.
Recycling in Parks,Athletic Fields, etc—submitted by Jackie Dearborn
Update to be given at the meeting.
Budget Line Item-
No report this month
Old Business Reports:
Clean Air Counts—submitted by Marta Keane &Jackie Dearborn
No report this month
Earth Hour—submitted by Marta Keane
Next year Earth Hour is scheduled for Saturday, March 26 from 8:30pm—9:30pm is Earth Hour. We should create
a way to reach out to all the businesses, schools and residents to encourage participation. We might also consider
creating a Yorkville Hour during a working day when businesses and schools might reduce lighting needs to
increase awareness in general.
Yorkville School News—submitted by Marta Keane
Anne, Cheryl and I have been discussing a way to arrange a meeting with the Superintendent. No report
Building Code Update Committee Request—submitted by Cheryl Lee &Richard Scheffrahn
1. Met July 19. Voted Jeremy Canavan as chair of committee. Established process &timeline for reviewing and
updating codes. Next meeting August 16, 2010 at 6:30.
2. Discussed status of current codes in effect in Yorkville.
3. Discussed Illinois Energy Efficient Building Act HB3987 which was signed Sept. 2009. This bill required the
state to adopt the most recent version of the International Energy Conservation Code(IECC)within 9 months of its
publication and take effect 3 months thereafter. On May 31, 2010 the Illinois General Assembly approved the
Energy Efficient Building Act(HB 3987),which now includes residential buildings under the requirements of the
state building code,preempting local jurisdiction home rule power over energy codes. Average homeowner savings
is $235/yr to live in energy efficient home.
4. Discussed the following codes:
a. International Fuel Gas Code 2009-decided to allow time for all to review and discuss at August meeting.
b. Illinois Plumbing Code 2004 vs. International Plumbing Code 2009- discussed the lack of attention in IL
Plumbing Code for gray water systems and cisterns, and were informed by TPI(?) inspector that State of Illinois
does not recognize International Plumbing Code. Also IL Plumbing Code does not allow any amendments and is in
the process of updating. Members decided to table discussion until after researching other communities to
determine how they handle Plumbing Codes.
c. International Energy Conservation Code 2009-Due to Illinois Energy Efficient Building Act HB3987, the
committee voted to send onto Council for approval.
Zoning Ordinance Commission Update—submitted by Al Green
No Report this month
Wind Turbine Ordinance Progress—submitted by Al Green
No report this month
Cool City Challenge Action Plan—submitted by Anne Englehardt&Marta Keane
No report this month
Rain Garden—submitted by Marta Keane
No report this month
Staff Liaison Report—submitted by Jackie Dearborn
No report this month