Green Committee Packet 2010 09-27-10 C1.y
o United City of Yorkville
800 Game Farm Road
EST. , 1838
.�� Yorkville, Illinois 60560
o Telephone: 630-553-4350
Fax: 630-553-7575
Monday, September 27, 2010
7:00 P.M.
Yorkville Public Library
First Floor Meeting Room
902 Game Farm Road
Mission Statement. To advise the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Illinois on ways to enhance the community
environment and ways to equip and encourage citizens and businesses to participate in sustainable ecological practices.
Call to Order:
Welcome Members and Guests:
Approval of Minutes: August 23, 2010
New Business:
1. Combat Climate Change 10-10-10
Committee Reports:
1. Share&Care Recycling Event—October 16, 2010 at Fairgrounds—Work Assignments
2. Plastic Bag Reduction—Posters &Magnets
3. Environmental Fair Committee—2011 Progress
4. Water Conservation Committee—Stormwater Management Program Plan
5. Chamber Green Committee—Update
Recommendation Progress Reports:
1. Tree Survey Recommendation
2. Tree City Recommendation
3. Electronic Recycling Permanent Program Progress
4. Franchise Agreement Recommendation—Update
5. Recycling in Parks, Athletic Fields, etc. —Grant Update
6. Budget Line Items
Old Business:
1. Clean Air Counts
2. Earth Hour—Next Global Date March 26, 2011
3. Yorkville School Green Efforts Update
4. Building Code Update Committee—Update on ASHRAE Std 189.1
5. Zoning Ordinance Committee Update
6. Wind Turbine Ordinance Progress
7. Cool City Challenge Action Plan
8. Rain Garden
Additional Business:
1. Report from Jackie Dearborn, Green Committee Staff Liaison
2010 Meeting Schedule 2011 Meed g Schedule
September 27 November 22 January 24 March 21
October 25 1 No December Meeting February 21 Aril 25
August 23, 2010
7:00 P.M. -Yorkville Library
Mission Statement. To advise the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Illinois on ways to enhance the
community environment and ways to equip and eneourage citizens and businesses to participate in sustainable
ecological practices.
Call to Order:
Welcome Members and Guests: Al Green, Marta Keane, Cheryl Lee, Richard Scheffrahn, attended. Anne
Englehart arrived at 8:30.
Approval of Minutes: May Minutes, move to approve minutes by Al Green, Cheryl Lee second with one
change: approval of minutes section, the environmental fair date should be March 5, 2011. Passed
New Business: Bicycle Trail Referendum—we should refer this as a Bike/Pedestrian Trail Referendum.
The details are on the city web site, detailing a 20% share of a $3.5 million.
Committee Reports:
1. Share & Care Recycling Event—Anne has contacted all the businesses that came last year and they
are all coming back. She is working with Glory to get publicity out but needs assistance, for items
such as bank slips. Anne will provide a task list for the event at next month's meeting. County is
paying for the Fairgrounds. We should ask the City to provide coffee, hot chocolate and donuts. We
should also ask the City for pizza for the afternoon crew. Limit Share & Care share table to bikes,
books and toys. Jackie is to talk to Com2 and Veolia. Polystyrene company wants to bring a truck to
the event and Anne has asked them to place a couple of advertisements in the newspaper. The event
is October 16, 2010.
2. Environmental Fair Committee - 2011 progress. Cheryl reported that Chamber members have
already volunteered to meet to begin planning for the Fair. They also want to volunteer for the Share
and Care. In September an E-Blast will be in the newspaper and sent electronically. Concern over
public confusion between the two events was discussed. Since this is targeting the business audience
and there is a discount for early registration, which may end January 15. Marta asked that the e-
blast/ad and email list be copied to her and Glory at the city. Cheryl asked that the City resolve the
issue of the Insurance. It was recommended that Glory be sent an email, copying Bart and Jackie,
confirming that the City will get a rider covering insurance needs at the Rec Center for the event.
Ask for the additional cost and then divide that among the vendors and charge the fee. Final deadline
is Feb. 15, 2011 so there is enough time for program. Jackie and Cheryl are working on the
procedure manual. They will do another Art Fair. Stephanie McCue may do an environmental science
fair in the same room if teachers agree to assist.
3. Water Conservation Committee—Recommendations progress report
a. Stormwater Management Program Plan
4. Plastic Bag Reduction—Marta stated that she still has a letter to write about the many plastic films
that can be recycled with the plastic bags. She will also ask the plastic manufacturing association for
magnets to promote this plastic recycling option.
5. Chamber Green Committee—There are three or four businesses that are designated as Yorkville
Green Businesses. There is a $20 fee and an award ceremony, a link on the web site that links to the
business as well. Several businesses interested and making changes to meet the criteria so the
program is working as an educational tool. CL Design Build, Care of Trees, and Green Cleaning
Solutions have all earned their designation. Speckman Therapeutics and Kendall County Forest
Preserve Ellis House and Equestrian Center are working towards their designation.
Recommendation Progress Reports:
1. Tree Survey Recommendation - need Jackie to report on progress
2. Tree City Recommendation- need Jackie to report on progress
3. Electronic Recycling Perm Program progress— sign update, monthly totals - need Jackie to report
4. Franchise Agreement Recommendation—Cheryl offered to survey the Chamber members, but
remember that not all Yorkville businesses are in the Chamber and that all chamber members are not
located within the city limits. Keane stated that 90% of businesses save money under franchise
agreements on their overall collection costs while getting new or improved recycling service. It is
possible to allow national franchises opt out of a commercial franchise. It is possible to establish
different rates for different types of businesses, such as restaurants, which have heavy waste
compared to offices that have lightweight waste.
5. Recycling in Parks, Athletic Fields, etc—need Jackie to report on grant progress
6. Budget Line Items—Deposits, Expenses - need Jackie to report on available funds for Share & Care
Event volunteer refreshment expenses.
Old Business:
1. Clean Air Counts
2. Earth Hour—Next Global Date March 26, 2011
3. Yorkville School Green Efforts Update—Cheryl spoke to Tim Shimp, Assistant Superintendent, who
seemed interested in getting the schools involved. Richard expressed interest in motion sensors for
the classrooms. Cheryl asked that the members of the Green Committee provide a list of suggestions
that we could pass along.
4. Building Code Update Committee—general discussion and agreement that the City update the code,
including the international code and the Illinois plumbing code, where there is a few differences,
including not allowing gray water use under the Illinois code. The adoption would state that the City
will adhere to the stricter of the two codes in area of the conflict. This should be in front of the City
Council by the end of the year.
a. Update on ASHRAE Std 189.1 —this will be discussed, but may not get to it until January.
5. Zoning Ordinance Committee Update—About to meet later this week. The new City Planner will be
discussing proposed changes and public hearings probably won't be until next summer.
6. Wind Turbine Ordinance Progress -this is complete for the small and medium size.
7. Cool City Challenge Action Plan -need Jackie's report on application for Silver Level
8. Rain Garden—City Rain Garden Progress - need Jackie to report on progress
Additional Business:
1. Report from Jackie Dearborn, Green Committee Staff Liaison
2010 Meeting Schedule 2011 Meeting Schedule
Sept 27 Nov 22 January 24 March 21
Oct 25 No Dec Meeting February 21 April 25