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City Council Packet 2009 07-14-09 �a � o United City of Yorkville oil 800 Game Farm Road EST. "� 133i 7836 Yorkville, Illinois 60560 o L Telephone: 630-553 -4350 Fax: 630-553 -7575 <ix AGENDA CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, July 14, 2009 Call to Order: Pledge of Allegiance: Roll Call by Clerk: WARD I WARD II WARD III WARD W Wally Werderich Gary Golinski Marty Munns Rose Ann Spears George Gilson, Jr. Arden Joe Plocher Robyn Sutcliff Diane Teeling Establishment of Quorum: Introduction of Guests: Amendments to Agenda: Committee Meeting Dates: Public Works Committee Meeting: 6 :30 p.m., July 21, 2009 City Hall Conference Room Economic Development Committee: 7:00 p.m., August 4, 2009 City Hall Conference Room Administration Committee Meetine: 6:00 p.m., August 20, 2009 City Hall Conference Room Public Safety Committee Meeting: 6:00 p.m., July 23, 2009 City Hall Conference Room Presentations: 1 . Certificates of Recognition for Girl Scout Gold Award Winners City Council Meeting Agenda July 14, 2009 Page 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------—-----------------------—---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Public Hearings: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Citizen Comments: Consent Agenda: 1 . EDC 2009-30 Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the United City of Yorkville and the County of Kane (CMAP Full Circle Grant for Tree Survey) - authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute Plan Commission / Zoning Board of Appeals: Minutes for Approval (Corrections and Additions) : Minutes of City Council — May 26, 2009 Bill payments for approval from the current Bill List (Corrections and Additions): Checks total these amounts: $ 338,899.04 (vendors) $ 267,744.96 (payroll period ending 7/4/09) $ 606,644.00 (total) Reports : Mayor's Repo 1 . CC 2009-60 IDOT IL-47 Replacement Parking Facility Request 2. CC 2009-61 Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances Providing for Liquor Control (BASSET Training Requirement) 3 . CC 2009-62 Authorization for Participation of Part-Time Employees in IMRF 4. CC 2009-63 Kennedy Road Trail Update 5. CC 2009-64 Raintree Village Request to Substitute Existing SSA Bond Proceeds for Surety Bond City Council Report: City Attorney' s Report: City Clerk's Report: City Treasurer' s Report: City Administrator' s Report: Finance Director's Report: Director of Public Works Report: Chief of Police Report: City Council Meeting Agenda July 14, 2009 Page 3 Reports (con 't): Director of Parks & Recreation Report: Community Development Director Report: Community Relations Officer: Community & Liaison Report: Committee Reports: Public Works Committee Report: 1 . No Report Economic Development Committee Report: 1 . EDC 2009-25 Ordinance Approving a Redevelopment Agreement for the Downtown Redevelopment Project Area (Bridge Street Development) Public Safety Committee Report: 1 . No Report. Administration Committee Report: 1 . No report. Additional Business : Executive Session: 1 . Collective negotiating matters between the public body and its employees or their representatives, or deliberations concerning salary schedules for one or more classes of employees. 2. For litigation, when an action against, affecting, or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable or imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. 3 . For the discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by Section 2.06. Adjournment: City Council Meeting Agenda July 14, 2009 Page 4 COMMITTEES, MEMBERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES (PUBLIC WORKS; Committee Deparhnents Liaisons Chairman: Alderman Plocher Water and Sewer Park Board Vice-Chairman: Alderman Gilson Streets and Alleys YBSD Committee: Alderman Munns Sanitation and Waste Committee: Alderman Teeling ;ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT i- -- --------- ----------------------------- --------------- --------------------------------------------- -----------——--------------------------------------------------------------- - - -- - -- -- - -- -- - ------------------------------------ Committee Departments Liaisons Chairman: Alderman Golinski Planning & Building & Zoning Plan Commission Vice-Chairman: Alderman Spears Business & Economic Dev. Yorkville Econ. Dev. Corp. Committee: Alderman Werderich Kendall Co. Plan Commission Committee: Alderman Sutcliff Aurora Area Convention & Visitors Bureau j UBLIC SAFETI =--------------iie-------------------=--------------------------------------- - - - ------------------------------- - - -------------------------------------------------s - s--------------------------------- Committee Deparhnents Liaisons Chairman : Alderman Werderich Police Human Resource Comm. Vice-Chairman: Alderman Manus Schools School District Committee: Alderman Spears Public Relations KenCom Committee: Alderman Plocher --------------- - ,ADMINISTRATION! --------- -----------------------------' Committee Departments Liaisons Chairman: Alderman Suteliff Finance Cable Consortium Vice-Chairman: Alderman Teeling Public Properties Library Committee: Alderman Gilson Personnel Committee: Alderman Golinski UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE WORKSHEET CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, July 14, 2009 7 :00 PM CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AMENDMENTS TO AGENDA: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRESENTATIONS : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 . Certificates of Recognition for Girl Scout Gold Award Winners ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CITIZEN COMMENTS : ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONSENT AGENDA: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 . EDC 2009-30 Ordinance Authorizing the Execution of an Intergovernmental Agreement Between the United City of Yorkville and the County of Kane (CMAP Full Circle Grant for Tree Survey) ❑ Approved: Y N ❑ Subject to ❑ Removed ❑ Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MINUTES FOR APPROVAL: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 . City Council — May 26, 2009 ❑ Approved ❑ As presented ❑ As amended ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BILL LIST: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ❑ Approved ❑ As presented ❑ As amended ❑ Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAYOR'S REPORT: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- l . CC 2009-60 IDOT IL-47 Replacement Parking Facility ❑ Approved: Y N ❑ Subject to ❑ Removed ❑ Bring back to Committee/future meeting ❑ Informational Item ❑ Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. CC 2009-61 Ordinance Amending City Code re: BASSET Training Requirement ❑ Approved: Y N ❑ Subject to ❑ Removed ❑ Bring back to Committee/future meeting ❑ Informational Item ❑ Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 . CC 2009-62 Authorization for Participation of Part-Time Employees in IMRF ❑ Approved: Y N ❑ Subject to ❑ Removed ❑ Bring back to Committee/future meeting ❑ Informational Item ❑ Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. CC 2009-63 Kennedy Road Trail Update ❑ Approved: Y N ❑ Subject to ❑ Removed ❑ Bring back to Committee/future meeting ❑ Informational Item ❑ Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. CC 2009-64 Raintree Village Request to Substitute Existing SSA Bond Proceeds for Surety Bonds ❑ Approved: Y N ❑ Subject to ❑ Removed ❑ Bring back to Committee/future meeting ❑ Informational Item ❑ Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORTS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REPORTS (con't): ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I . EDC 2009-25 Ordinance Approving a Redevelopment Agreement for the Downtown Redevelopment Project Area (Bridge Street Redevelopment) ❑ Approved: Y N ❑ Subject to ❑ Removed ❑ Bring back to Committee/future meeting ❑ Informational Item ❑ Notes ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDITIONAL BUSINESS : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `�e�D C/ry Reviewed By: Agenda Item Number J2 0A Legal ❑ l Finance ❑ EST. '� 1636 Engineer ❑ {� Tracking Number o 1, Csl ui City Administrator ❑ S1 a .. 20 Consultant ❑ EDC 2009-30 SCE ,��. ❑ Agenda Item Summary Memo Title: CMAP Full Circle Grant (Tree Survey)—Intergovernmental Agreement Meeting and Date: City Council—July 14, 2009 Synopsis: Council Action Previously Taken: Date of Action: Action Taken: Item Number: Type of Vote Required: Council Action Requested: Submitted by: Travis Miller Community Development Name Department Agenda Item Notes: ®c�P C/p� ,? ® Memorandum To: EDC �sr yeas From : Travis Miller i-1`` CC: Lisa Pickering (for distribution) �2"z Date: June 30, 2009 xwvdi Subject: Full Circle Grant Award (CMAP) - City Tree Survey C@ The City has been awarded a grant by CMAP to be administered by the Kane Kendall Council of Mayors to conduct a citywide tree survey of all parkway trees and trees on city properties. The grant amount is $21 ,850.00 and covers the cost of hiring individuals to collect the data for the survey as well as some staff administrative time for time spent on this project. The product of this survey will be data attributes which will be included in the City's G1S. The data will include the location, size, species and condition of all parkway trees in the City as well as all trees on City properties. This information will allow the City to more efficiently manage the existing tree canopy by identifying gaps along parkways, identifying trees in need of (or soon to be in need of) removal, and identifying the species to enable the City to better assess the scope of future disease susceptibility (such as emerald ash borer). This survey will also enable the city to quantify the diversity of tree species and to ensure future plantings will increase this diversity. Staff recommends approval of the attached intergovernmental agreement between the City of Yorkville and Kane County, the administrator of the grant. Also attached for your reference find the grant application form submitted in March 2009 describing the project in more detail, a 2008 article discussing the Full Circle project and a draft job description for the survey/data collectors. STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )55 COUNTY OF KENDALL ) Ordinance No. 2009- AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN TIIE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS AND THE COUNTY OF KANE WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, to enter into the Intergovernmental Agreement between the County of Kane and the United City of Yorkville, pertaining to the implementation of a Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning Full Circle Project grant award, (the "Intergovernmental Agreement'), a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville (the "Corporate Authorities"), after due investigation and consideration, have determined that entering into the Intergovernmental Agreement will serve the public good and benefit the United City of Yorkville. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1. The Corporate Authorities of the United City of Yorkville hereby find as facts all of the recitals in the preamble of this Ordinance, as well as the preambles contained in the Intergovernmental Agreement. Section 2. The Intergovernmental Agreement is hereby approved in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof and the Mayor is authorized and directed to execute, and the Clerk is directed to attest to the signature of the Mayor to said Agreement. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be in full force and affect upon its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this day of A.D. 2009. CITY CLERK ROBYN SUTCLIFF DIANE TEELING ARDEN JOE PLOCHER WALLY WERDERICH GARY GOLINSKI MARTY MUNNS ROSE SPEARS GEORGE GILSON, JR. Approved by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, this day of A.D. 2009. MAYOR INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF KANE AND THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF THE FULL CIRCLE PROJECT This Agreement made and entered into this . day of 2009 A.D., by and between the United City of Yorkville, a municipal corporation of the County of Kendall, State of Illinois, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY", and the County of Kane, a body corporate and politic of the State of Illinois, hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY"; witnesseth, WHEREAS, the Illinois Constitution of 1970, Article VII, Section 10 and 5 1LCS 220/ 1 et seq, authorizes the COUNTY and the CITY to cooperate in the performance of their respective duties and responsibilities by contract and other agreements; and, WHEREAS, the COUNTY has the authority to act on behalf of the staff of the Kane 7 Kendall Council of Mayors, hereinafter referred to as the "COUNCIL"; and. WHEREAS, the COUNCIL has been awarded a grant in the amount of twenty one thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars ($21 ,850.00) for the expansion of the Full Circle Project, hereinafter referred to as the "PROJECT", said grant request submitted on behalf of the CITY to the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, hereinafter referred to as CMAP; and, WHEREAS, it is deemed necessary in order to facilitate and assure the proper implementation of the PROJECT that the CITY and COUNTY enter into an agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows: I . Scope of Services. The CITY shall perform and carry out in a satisfactory and proper manner, as determined by CMAP, the services set forth in Attachment 1 . The COUNTY agrees to provide administrative assistance and support to the CITY to assist the CITY comply with the PROJECT^ s requirements. 2. Time of Performance. The services to be performed by the CITY shall commence as soon as practicable after the execution of this Agreement and shall be undertaken and completed in such sequence as to assure their expeditious completion in light of the purposes and term of this Agreement. This contract terminates on November 30, 2009. 3 . Compensation. The COUNTY shall forward a copy of any and all invoices received from the CITY to CMAP. Upon receipt of payment thereof from CMAP, the COUNTY will forward any reimbursement received from CMAP therefor to the CITY. It is expressly agreed and understood that in no event will the total compensation exceed the maximum sum of $21 ,850 for all services provided hereunder. Compensation amounts are detailed in Attachment I . 4. Allowable Charges. No expenditures or charges shall be included in the cost of the PROJECT and no part of the money paid to the CITY shall be used by the CITY for I expenditures or charges that are: (i) contrary to provisions of this Agreement or the latest budget approved by a duly-authorized official of CMAP; (ii) not directly for carrying out the PROJECT; (iii) of a regular and continuing nature, except that of salaries and wages of appointed principal executives of the CITY who have not been appointed specifically for the purposes of directing the PROJECT, who devote official time directly to the PROJECT under specific assignments, and respecting whom adequate records of the time devoted to and services perfonned for the PROJECT are maintained by the CITY may be considered as proper costs of the PROJECT to the extent of the time thus devoted and recorded if they are otherwise in accordance with the provisions hereof; or (iv) incurred without the consent of CMAP after written notice of the suspension or tennination of the PROJECT under this Agreement. 5 . Audit and Access to Records. a. The CITY shall preserve and produce upon request of the authorized representatives of CMAP and the COUNTY all data, records, reports, correspondence and memoranda relating to carrying out this Agreement for the purposes of an audit, inspection or work review for a period of three (3) years after completion of the PROJECT, except that: ( 1 ) If any litigation, claim or audit is started before the expiration of three-year period, the records shall be retained until all litigation, claims or audit findings involving the records have been resolved. (2) Records for nonexpendable property acquired with federal funds shall be retained for three (3) years after its final disposition. 6. Agreements. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties hereto. Any change proposed by either party to this Agreement shall be submitted to the other party for its prior approval . No modification, addition, deletion, etc., to this Agreement shall be effective unless such changes are reduced to writing and executed by the authorized representatives of both parties. 7. Equal Employment Opportunity. The CITY will comply with Executive Order 11246 entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity." as amended by U.S. Department of Labor regulations (41 CPR Part 60). In connection with the execution of this Agreement, the CITY shall not discriminate against any employee or an applicant for employment because of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, ancestry, or physical or mental handicap unrelated to ability. The CITY shall take affirmative actions to insure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during their employment without regard to their race, religion, color, sex, national origin, ancestry, or physical or mental handicap unrelated to ability. Such actions shall include, but not be limited to, employment, promotion, demotion, transfer, recruitment, recruitment advertising, layoff, termination, rates of pay, other forms of compensation, and selection for training or apprenticeship. The CITY shall cause the provisions of this paragraph to be inserted into all subcontractors work covered by this Agreement so that such provisions will be binding upon each subcontractor, provided that 2 such provisions shall not apply to contracts or subcontracts for standard commercial supplies or raw materials. 8. Publication. CMAP shall have royalty-free, nonexclusive and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, disclose, distribute, and otherwise use, in whole or in part, any reports, data or other materials specifically prepared under this Agreement, and to authorize other material to do so. The CITY shall include provisions appropriate to effectuate the purpose of this clause in all subcontracts for work under this Agreement. 9. Identification of Documents. All reports, maps, and other documents completed as part of this Agreement, other than documents exclusively for internal use within the CITY's offices. shall carry the following notation on the front cover or a title page or, in the case of maps, in the same area which contains the name of CMAP and of the CITY. "This material was prepared in consultation with CMAP, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, (" 10. Federal, State and Local Laws. The CITY warrants that in the performance of this Agreement it shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, statutes and ordinances and all lawful orders, rules and regulations promulgated thereunder. Since laws, regulations, directives, etc. may be modified from time-to-time, the CITY shall be responsible for compliance as modifications are implemented. 11 . Federally Funded Agreements A. Standard Assurances. The CITY assures that it will comply with all applicable federal statutes, regulations, executive orders, Federal Transit Administration (FTA) circulars, and other federal requirements in carrying out any PROJECT supported by federal funds. The CITY recognizes that federal laws, regulations, policies, and administrative practices may be modified from time to time and those modifications may affect PROJECT implementation. The CITY agrees that the most recent federal requirements will apply to the PROJECT. B. Nondiscrimination Assurance. As required by 49 U.S.C. 5332 (which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, or age, and prohibits discrimination in employment or business opportunity), by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 42 U .S .C. 2000d, and by U.S. DOT regulations, "Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs of the Department of Transportation--Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act," 49 CFR Part 21 at 21 .7, the CITY assures that it will comply with all requirements imposed by or issued pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 5332, 42 U.S.C. 2000d and 49 CFR Part 21 , so that no person in the United States, on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed, sex, or age will be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination in any program or activity (particularly in the level and quality of transportation services and transportation-related benefits) for which the CITY receives federal funds from the U.S. DOT or FTA. Specifically, during the period in which federal assistance is extended to the PROJECT, or PROJECT property is used for a purpose for which the federal assistance is extended or for 3 another purpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits, or as long as the CITY retains ownership or possession of the PROJECT property, whichever is longer, the CITY assures that: i . Each PROJECT will be conducted, property acquisitions will be undertaken, and PROJECT facilities will be operated in accordance with all applicable requirements of 49 U. S.C. 5332, 42 U.S.0 2000d and 49 CFR Part 21 , and understands that this assurance extends to its entire facility and to facilities operated in connection with the PROJECT. ii. It will promptly take the necessary actions to effectuate this assurance, including notifying the public that complaints of discrimination in the provision of transportation- related services or benefits may be filed with U.S. DOT or FTA. Upon request by U .S. DOT or FTA, the CITY assures that it will submit the required information pertaining to its compliance with these provisions. iii. It will include in each subagreement, property transfer agreement, third party contract, third party subcontract, or participation agreement adequate provisions to extend the requirements imposed and issued pursuant to 49 U.S.C. 5332, 42 U.S.C. 2000d, and 49 CFR Part 21 to other parties involved therein including any subrecipient, transferee, third party contractor , third party subcontractor at any level, successor in interest, or any other participant in the PROJECT. iv. Should it transfer real property, structures, or improvements financed with federal assistance to another party, any deeds and instruments recording the transfer of that property shall contain a covenant running with the land assuring nondiscrimination for the period during which the property is used for a purpose for which the federal assistance is extended or for another purpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits. v. The United States has a right to seek judicial enforcement with regard to any matter arising under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, US DOT implementing regulation and this assurance. C. Assurance of Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Disability. As required by U .S . DOT regulations, "Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Handicap in Programs and Activities Receiving or Benefiting from Federal Financial Assistance," at 49 CFR 27.9, the CITY assures that, as a condition to the approval or extension of any Federal assistance awarded by FTA to construct any facility, obtain any rolling stock or other equipment, undertake studies, conduct research, or to participate in or obtain any benefit from any program administered by FTA, no otherwise qualified person with a disability shall be, solely by reason of that disability, excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in any program or activity receiving or benefiting from Federal assistance administered by the FTA or any entity within U.S. DOT. The CITY assures that PROJECT implementation and operations so assisted will comply with all applicable requirements of U.S. DOT regulations implementing the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. 794, er seq., and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended, 42 U.S .C. 12101 et seq., and implementing U.S. DOT regulations at 49 CFR parts 27, 37, and 38, and any other applicable federal laws that may be enacted or federal regulations that may be promulgated.. 4 D. Certifications and Assurances Required by the U.S . Office of Management and Budget (OMB) (SF-424B and SF-4241D). As required by OMB, the CITY certifies that it: i Has the legal authority and the institutional, managerial, and financial capability (including funds sufficient to pay the non-federal share of PROJECT cost) to assure proper planning, management, and completion of the PROJECT. ii. Will give the U.S. Secretary of Transportation, the Comptroller General of the United States, and, if appropriate, the state, through any authorized representative, access to and the right to examine all records, books, papers, or documents related to the contract; and will establish a proper accounting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting standards or agency directives; iii. Will establish safeguards to prohibit employees from using their positions for a purpose that constitutes or presents the appearance of personal or organizational conflict of interest or personal gain; iv. Will initiate and complete the work within the applicable PROJECT time periods; v. Will comply with all applicable Federal statutes relating to nondiscrimination including, but not limited to: • Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. 2000d, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin; • Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, 20 U.S.C. 1681 through 1683 , and 1685 through 1687, and U.S. DOT regulations, "Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance," 49 CFR Part 25, which prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex; • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 , as amended, 29 U.S.C. 794, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability; • The Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended, 42 U. S.C. 6101 through 6107, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age; • The Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972, as amended, 21 U .S.C. 1101 et seq., relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of drug abuse; • The Comprehensive Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism Prevention Act of 1970, as amended, 42 U.S.0 4541 et seq., relating to nondiscrimination on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcoholism; • The Public Health Service Act of 1912, as amended, 42 U.S .C. 201 et seq., related to confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records; • Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq., relating to nondiscrimination in the sale, rental, or financing of housing; • Any other nondiscrimination statute(s) that may apply to the PROJECT. E. Certification Regarding Lobbying. As required by the United States Department of Transportation (U.S. DOT) regulations, "New Restrictions on Lobbying," at 49 CFR 20. 110, the CITY certifies to the best of his or her knowledge and belief that for each agreement for federal assistance exceeding $ 100,000: 5 i. No federal appropriated funds have been or will be paid by or on behalf of the CITY to any person to influence or attempt to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress regarding the award of federal assistance, or the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any federal assistance agreement; and ii. If any funds other than federal appropriated funds have been or will be paid to any person to influence or attempt to influence an officer or employee of any federal agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with any application for federal assistance, the CITY assures that it will complete and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," including information required by the instructions accompanying the form, which form may be amended to omit such information as authorized by 31 U.S.C. 1352. iii. The language of this certification shall be included in the award documents for all subawards at all tilers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts under grants, loans, and cooperative agreements). The CITY understands that this certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance is placed and that submission of this certification is a prerequisite for providing federal assistance for a transaction covered by 31 U.S.C. 1352. The CITY also understands that any person who fails to file a required certification shall be subject to a civil penalty of not less than 510,000 and not more than $ 100,000 for each such failure. F. Procurement Compliance Certification. The CITY certifies that its procurements and procurement system will comply with all applicable federal laws and regulations in accordance with applicable federal directives, except to the extent FTA has expressly approved otherwise in writing. G. Intelligent Transportation Systems Program. As used in this assurance, the term Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) PROJECT is defined to include any PROJECT that in whole or in part finances the acquisition of technologies or systems of technologies that provide or significantly contribute to the provision of one or more ITS user services as defined in the "National ITS Architecture." i. As provided in SAFETEA-LU Section 5307(c), 23 U.S.C. 512 note, the CITY assures it will comply with all applicable requirements of Section V (Regional ITS Architecture and Section VI (PROJECT Implementation) of FTA Notice. "FTA National ITS Architecture Policy on Transit PROJECTS," at 66 Fed. Reg. 1455 et seq., January 8, 2001 , and other FTA requirements that may be issued in connection with any ITS PROJECT it undertakes financed with funds authorized under Title 49 or Title 23, United States Code. ii. With respect to any ITS project financed with Federal assistance derived from a source other than Title 49 or Title 23, United States Code, the CITY assures that is will use its best efforts to ensure that any ITS project it undertakes will not preclude interface with 6 other intelligent transportation systems in the Region. H. Control of Property. The CITY certifies that the control, utilization and disposition of property or equipment acquired using federal funds is maintained according to the provisions of A- 162 Common Rule. 1 . Cost Principles. The cost principles of this Agreement are governed by the cost principles found in Title 48, Code of Federal Regulations, Subpart 31 , as amended; and all costs included in this Agreement are allowable under Title 48, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 31 , as amended. J . Debarment. The CITY shall comply with Debarment provisions as contained in 49 Code of Federal Regulations. Part 29, including Appendices A and H as amended. The CITY certifies that to the best of its knowledge and belief, the CITY and its principals: a) are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from covered transactions by any federal department or agency; b) within a three-year period preceding this Agreement have not been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against it for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in connection with obtaining, attempting to obtain or performing a public (federal, state or local) transaction or contract under a public transaction, violation of federal or state anti-trust statutes or commission of embezzlement, theft, forgery, bribery, falsification or destruction of records, making false statements or receiving stolen property; c) are not presently indicted for or otherwise criminally or civilly charged by a governmental entity (federal, state or local) with commission of any of the offenses enumerated in subsection (b), above; d) have not within a three-year period preceding this Agreement had one or more public transactions (federal, state or local) terminated for cause or default. The inability of the CITY to certify to the certification in this section will not necessarily result in denial of participation in this Agreement. The CITY shall submit an explanation of why it cannot provide the certification in this section. This certification is a material representation of fact upon which reliance was placed when CMAP determined whether to enter into this transaction. If it is later determined that CITY knowingly rendered an erroneous certification, in addition to other remedies available to the federal government, COUNTY may terminate this Agreement for cause. The CITY shall provide immediate written notice to COUNTY if at any time the CITY learns that its certification was erroneous when submitted or has become erroneous by reason of changed circumstances. The terms "covered transaction;" "debarred,' "suspended;' "ineligible," "lower tier covered transaction;' "participant;' "person;' "primary covered transaction." "principal;' "proposal;' and 'voluntarily excluded;' as used in this Part shall have the meaning set out in the Definitions and Coverage sections of the rules implementing Executive Order 12549 and 12689. The CITY agrees that it shall not knowingly enter into any lower tier covered transaction with a person who is debarred, suspended, declared ineligible or voluntarily excluded from participation in this covered transaction, unless authorized, in writing, by the COUNTY. The CITY agrees that it will include the clause titled "Ceriitication Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion-Lower Tier Covered Transaction," provided by CMAP, without modification, in all lower tier covered transactions and in all 7 solicitations for lower tier covered transactions. The CITY may rely upon a certification of a prospective participant in a lower tier covered transaction that it is not debarred, suspended, ineligible or voluntarily excluded from the covered transaction, unless the CITY knows the certification is erroneous. The CITY may decide the method and frequency by which it determines the eligibility of its principals. The CITY may, but is not required to, check the Non-procurement List. if the CITY knowingly enters into a lower tier covered transaction with a person who is suspended, debarred, ineligible or voluntarily excluded from participation, in addition to other remedies available to the federal government, the COUNTY may terminate this Agreement for cause or default. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to require establishment of a system of records in order to render in good faith the certification required by this section. The knowledge and information of the CITY is not required to exceed that which is normally possessed by a prudent person in the ordinary course of business dealings. K. Single Audit. The Single Audit Act of 1984 (Public Law 98-502) and the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996, 31 U.S.C. 7501 et seq. require the following: 1 . State or local governments that receive $500,000 or more a year in federal financial assistance shall have an audit made in accordance with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular No. A- 133 . 2. State or local governments that receive less than $500,000 a year shall be exempt from compliance with the Act and other federal requirements. 3 . Nothing in this paragraph exempts state or local governments from maintaining records of federal financial assistance or from providing access to such records to federal Agencies, as provided for in federal law or in (OMB) Circular A- 133 "Audits of States, Local Governments and Non-Profit Organizations." 4. A copy of the audit report must be submitted to CMAP within 30 days after completion of the audit, but no later than one year after the end of the CITY's fiscal year. L. Drug Free Workplace. The CITY certifies that it will comply with the requirements of the federal Drug Free Workplace Act, 41 U.S .C.A. 702 as amended, and 49 C.F.R. Part 29, Subpart F, including Appendix C as amended. M. Disadvantaged Business Enterprise Assurance. In accordance with 49 CFR 26. 13(a), as amended, the CITY assures that it shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the implementation of the PROJECT and in the award and performance of any third party contract, or subagreement supported with Federal assistance derived from the U.S. DOT or in the administration of its Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) program or the requirements of 49 CFR Part 26, as amended. The CITY assures that it shall take all necessary and reasonable steps set forth in 49 CFR Part 26, as amended, to ensure nondiscrimination in the award and administration of all third party contracts and subagreements supported with Federal assistance derived from the U. S. DOT. The CITY's DBE program, as required by 49 CFR Part 26, as amended, will be incorporated by reference and made a part of this Agreement for any Federal assistance awarded by FTA or U.S. DOT, Implementation of this DBE program is a legal obligation of the CITY, and failure to carry 8 out its terms shall be treated as a violation of the Agreement. Upon notification by the Federal Government or CMAP to the CITY of its failure to implement its approved DBE program, the U.S . DOT may impose sanctions as provided for under 49 CFR Part 26, as amended, and may in appropriate cases, refer the matter for enforcement under 18 U .S.C. 1001 , as amended, and/or the Program Fraud Remedies Act, 31 U . S.C. 3801 et seq., as amended. N . Davis-Bacon Act. To the extent applicable, the CITY will comply with the Davis-Bacon Act, as amended, 40 U.S.C. 3141 et seq., the Copeland "Anti-Kickback" Act, as amended. 18 U .S.C. 874, and the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, as amended, 40 U.S.C. 3701 et seq., regarding labor standards for federally assisted subagreements. All of the requirements listed in Federally Funded Agreements, paragraphs A through N apply to the federally funded PROJECT. The CITY agrees to include these requirements in each contract and subcontract financed in whole or in part with federal assistance. Executed this day of 2009 at Geneva, Illinois COUNTY OF KANE ATTEST: By: Karen McConnaughay, Chairman John A. Cunningham County Board Clerk, County Board Kane County, Illinois Kane County, Illinois UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE ATTEST: By: Valerie Burd. Mayor Lisa Pickering, Deputy City Clerk Yorkville, Illinois Yorkville, Illinois 9 CMAP — Full Circle Grant Application — March 2009 United City of Yorkville City Parkway and Property Tree Survey and Inventory Submittal Requirements (Section 3 of Invitation to COMB/COGS to submit proposals) 1. Proposed COM/COG staffing plan for implementation and administering the proposed project. The Kane Kendall Council of Mayors (KKCOM) will work with the United City of Yorkville (UCOY) on implementing and administering the proposed project. Mike Sullivan and Jan Ward will be available for assistance throughout the project. Much of the implementation work will be completed by the City of Yorkville Community Development Department. With funding available by this project, the Community Development Department would hire four (4) to six (6) intern positions, each position would have an eight (8) to ten ( 10) week duration. One ( 1 ) intern will be assigned to a specific geographic area to obtain data within that specific geographic area. The Yorkville Park Planner (City staff) will assist interns by providing instructions for data to be collected and manage/monitor intern staff day-to-day. The Yorkville GIS Coordinator (City staff) will provide oversight during data collection period and verify quality control of data collected during the project. II. A general description of the local municipality or community-based organization participating in the project. Clearly state if multiple local partners are involved and indicate who is the designated project coordinator. The United City of Yorkville is a municipal government, serving a population of 16,813 . The City's Community Development Department Staff, with assistance from KKCOM, would lead the project. The Community Development Department includes the Park Planner, GIS Coordinator, and other planning staff able to assist with project efforts. Ili. A general description of involvement in projects similar to what is being proposed for the Full Circle initiative. The City Council approved a 50/50 Parkway Tree Planting Program in February 2009. The Parkway Tree Program is intended to provide quality shade trees to City residents to be planted within the right-of-ways along streets and corridors throughout the City. The trees are intended to provide shade, screening, wildlife, pollution control, reduction of water runoff, soil erosion control, increased property values, reduced stress, aesthetics and a sense of well being within the community. The UCOY Community Development Department has organized citizens to gather and provide input on the following current/recently completed projects: 1 . City Comprehensive Plan update (2007-2008) 2. Integrated Transportation Plan — Trail System and Downtown Streetscape Plan (2008-currently underway) 3 . Zoning Ordinance Update (2009-currently underway) The UCOY Community Development Department organized and hosted a seminar on natural basin management for the local HOAs explaining the importance of proper long-term maintenance of wetland and naturalized stormwater basins now in the control of the HOAs. Staff was able to contact stakeholders with information prior to the meeting using multiple forms of media and methods resulting in a large turnout for the seminar. The UCOY Community Development Department staff prepared updates to the following City regulations and ordinances utilizing input from the community: I . Updated Landscape Ordinance (including a new section on tree preservation) — 2006 2. Created Welland Ordinance — providing regulation for the non- jurisdictional wetland areas of Yorkville — 2008 3. Updated City Park and Recreation Master Plan — 2008 IV. Narrative proposal of the proposed project clearly stating the scope of work, required dataset, assignment of key personnel and an outline of the division of responsibilities among project partners and personnel. The City Parkway and Property Tree Survey data collected via the Full Circle program will provide the City with an accurate inventory of all trees within City parkways and City properties. The data to be collected using the Full Circle program will include the following for each City tree: • GPS location; • Species; • Current caliper size; • Current condition — in the form of a ranking of the general health and condition of the tree • Current land use of property; • Note if overhead utility lines are present; College students studying horticulture, botany or related subject or individuals with tree specie identification ability will be hired for a period of not more than 10 weeks to use the Full Circle system/program to gather the data listed above £oT all trees along City streets and within City owned property. The data collected will be used by the Community Development Staff to prepare an action plan including: • Locations for new trees • Locations of trees that need removed based on condition • Locations of trees that are marginal health that need to be monitored V. Clearly state the geographic area to be covered by the proposed project. - Citywide. Yorkville covers 20. 15 square miles of territory. 150.27 miles of City street exist where parkway trees will be inventoried. The Wards are broken down as follows: 1 . Ward 1 = 35.71 street miles 2. Ward 2 = 27.25 street miles 3 . Ward 3 = 26. 19 street miles 4 . Ward 4 = 61 . 12 street miles VI. Give a detailed schedule that meets the deadlines identified above and clearly state the deliverables. June-July 2009 Contract Signing Contract for the Full Circle Program will be taken to the City Council and approved for authorization. August 2009 — Informational Meeting A public meeting will be conducted to inform the public on the project. August 2009 Intern Hiring The City will advertise the internship positions and hire candidates meeting criteria defined. August-September 2009 — Training City Staff will have access to the Full Circle Program and will begin training to become familiar with the program. September-November 2009 Data Collection City Staff will collect data. November 2009 — Synthesis of Data and Map Preparation City Staff will prepare summary of action plan based on the data collected. December 2009 - Presentation of Information The City will present the data and summary of action plan to the public and begin to work with property owners which desire to participate in the City's 50150 Street Tree Program. VII. A general description of the local municipality or community-based organization ability to provide computer workstations with internet access as well as the capacity for basic technology training. Agencies should have publicly-accessible computer workstations or access to a community technology center (CTC). Agencies without such capacity may wish to partner with a local institution with access to computer workstations, in which case, a letter of support from such institution must accompany the application. - The City currently uses Arclnfo. The City would offer at least one workstation to be used by the intems as the project is performed. The GIS Coordinator will communicate as necessary with the GIS and/or IT staff at CMAP as the data is being collected in the GIS. VIll. A detailed budget and cost proposal. (Estimate as best as possible and please indicate if there are costs for which you are not seeking reimbursement) Category Amount Comment based on $45/hour for 50 hours total of City Staff time Project Management Fee $ 2,250.00 for project coordination and GIS oversight/processing based on paying 6 interns $10.00/hour for a 40 hour Personnel Cost $19_,2__00.00 week and a 8 week duration ReimbursementslNilea e $ None anticipated Technology upgrade $ None anticipated Project Total $21 ,450.00 Community Development Department Intern Data Collection — Tree Identification Position Description Overview The United City of Yorkville, through a partnership with the Kane Kendall Council of Mayors and the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, will be hiring 4-6 interns to collect GPS locations and identify attributes of the trees located in all City right-of-ways and properties. The positions are temporary and will span a 10 week period beginning in August 2009 and completing in November 2009. Essential Job Functions Ability to identify tree species Ability to measure tree caliper Ability to use a GPS device — training will be offered, so previous experience is not required but is preferred Capable of working productively with limited day-to-day supervision Requirements In pursuit of, or have obtained a degree in horticulture, botany or related field and/or have the ability to demonstrate tree species identification skills. The majority of work will be conducted outdoors. The individual will be required to work in all weather conditions. Pay Rate: $ 10-12/hour p '1'Irrdfr;r�arinc• ul' !hc 1nu'rir•arr f'Ianiriii_ :lrsur•ialinn - •-- — Ilrintror '�tlflfS ♦fS f a, j+r �l i / �,��'. 77u' Natinn� f7:unilinF iir Un I.i.i fir I crtrrd ItudGrr Bad, f}sernrac ( runulrin� It'sSimulaun}; \t'ind hmvr Pro% and Parts ltc�s�rt ` 1 r , j ' r 4,t 0 f— 1f IP It h 1 + ,'`�` Planning October 2008 Our DauNiug]0-I)a 161 The American Planning Association 6 v James Krohe Jr.asks wbat were going to do provides leadership in the development of about our infrastructure problems.Also: an vital communitiesbyadvocatingesed4nce interview with U.S. Rep. Eerl Blumenauer in community planning, promoting by Geof Kota and a sidebar on transportation education And citi#11 empowermenr.and - - funding by Jason Jordan. providing the tools and supportneeepry To effect positive chnngc. Sernntbling for Dollar+ i t-(se.-x lam, �� Vicki Needham wades through different J vcraiom of the 2009 federal budget---still a work in progress. Adventures in Foreign Bade g Perspectives 20 Meg6nSommberginrerviewsconaulruw who A column by Paul Farmer,APA's work in exotic locales--in Planning Practice. Euwtive Director and CEO. Coming I'ull Circle 46 News 24lig -arhmolsamhel s ng with negbthooa Easement scam.Ontario planning.SefOkothexplainshow. conservation plan. r M from Vision to bimulaled Reality 50 Letters q 28 Q Vidm game rechnolegy takes vintalimciontoa Wwwwater recycling,nice writing. whole new level.David Mosley reports. — 11 51 Planners Library _limiroringArltbiflons Gk"irationinthehculland. it 32Greg Flisram fords new life in some Great lakes ports. 58 Viewpoint Can the profession cope with all Pulling,%Ind its 11or1. this? 36 Three authors sort out the elullenga of �t yAwKing conservation,climate change,and local siting its=.With asslebuonsoWpo"r by Allen Bear. parks Under 5fege 42 Peter HarnikdeSnatheword'ennoachment' 1:aher:New and old bridges met Nancy Seegtr'ssidebardesctibes the bartkover drePcno6atutRivernmrBuekspon4 a museum proposed for Chicaid;4 Millennium Maine.Photo by Sylvia Lewis. Pak. ' .a�. , aetdvtry e(Inemaer37m&idp rR4aemnnr in Mi.u,opoliSpYpo murrar Mlnnmu ptp,rvnnry( Traruyoredonl�.Monryphao®6mrYyhemmrdDraaeTdgl(14),Chlll)'b(rMri'vi OaY Riv,niminphwa Chiago Mewpoaen hgmry for pbmm�g(24),Sioorh,o,®drfm ef�mer(tonr rrde.elepmen Km..b'v�gdwl,,Kmweky(ZB). vi,,.wriwwmo i aniv,;,wrHSay�,no� on.M.+l:p'en.eni�..a.iMrx.,WfMe:.y.fio..veid{I�ulfreM 1.kaWwf.N..n+Ln.,t•Na u:aM+gyKni MMekd mJoan Gy.��mm6r�e.u.®11�`4Fwr.aRnxp�.� W,.eera�n ' n�aew.iutAbmhrn nee.L'u arm.(�q.aIOMSWT:lruarA4¢kre.yr}r„t.a W rvraf6ruu nu.e.W��b.�+.etrGvt Sw,s snolrst.C�,.rrmdnSe,i.A rQIRS1.Pidr. u..,�rrsm 24 Pe,,,;,o aster toot boThood plaauUng of r4�e f r014.r� i Lsond 4e p16 G],00 r !r 0 rw T, , Pop Sef Okoth 8 n O dvaneemenrs in pingproj awudesdopMbyd-,Nonhrssrem nersworkingin50of the 77 community antis information nologyhave heredinanew Illinois PlamdogCommission,which merged in the city of Chicago, plus seven suburban era of dam by ro ing it euier to with the Chicago Ate Transit Study in 2007 municipalities insouthern Cook County Pilot distribute e q antitirs of to widely to form CMAP.The pwjmt has been helping projects arc under my in outlying McHenry dispersed rs.Us gpatcab dam,ClS, communities plan for the future by putting and Willcountiesuwell. and the anet, era and cal groups technology literally in the hands of residents The project has three main objectives: m ase tr.. s rating th mctice of muniry scum the Chicago region.DiRventcontawu- ensure that neighborhood concerns arc fully devel > ent. des are usingwirelessdeviccrandcutting-edge articulated within the larger public planning O e t has em crew Intemettoolsroueateshared visions for future process;to gin local residentsaccessto the best t ngyisthe Chicago V erropolkan genry development. planning tools and processes and ro establish fo P nuing(CMAP), regional pla fining The project was launched in the spring of mechanisms for continuous exchange ofdam, cyfardtes..-count tw :d go of 2004withrhescrivepardcpauonofseveowm- ideas, goals, and intentions between Com- o heastcm111Groia.Itaup 1pl ng munitylwedorpervadontxleetedtbtoughan munity residents,localgroups,policyMAM, res as offering m Il6 i It replia a RFQpmcam Betwem2005utd2006,sutmom and planners.Full Circle provides tkndopers, mo rrheoomm ama—wit rpnizadon swee addedwithmpportfmmthe organizations, and communities with real- help from a project ulledl Fall Circle, MacArthur Foundation under the umbrella of time,parcel-IereJ data alongwith the tools and the Local l nitiar:veaSupport CorporationeNaw resources needed to analyze,manipulate,and 1 Communill tool Communitics Prograrn. display the information. I I}rcFullCirderommuniryplanningandmap- Full Circle now involves mom thin 40 part- Funding for Full Circle is provided by a A niw P4nn!.SAa 66.n 25 c %jobo hoodi dnvmg"Chkaga and nearby tuburbr me wing MCink b� rommunitypknningandmappingtookroro lktrandanalymdata -anddedde r* 7 I; on futon dirterfom.Ltfr:Lou with tidrwalkr in suburban Oak J%rm part ofa `/ rtudympportingtnrmitrorirntrddnabprunt.Below:Doumtm"redevelopment �d,p irafoew in the tuburb ofHanA0y when wuant buiklingtare cmnman.Righr.- r Wjm4umtartplmnaanakrytlemmtoftheFACirckirem- � aZt7NPlM�AVE � 4donol ausd�9__._. of � '�"�r-�'_.•a Erx p ratddasbtdsot+ IN g$ ty. Wa„ detavM4en� 9 'r+ r sl�/Ve! _ .•.ter... lLy � O f 'r ,$675,000 grant from the U.S.Department of This combination of cuning-cdge technol- operamon Evolution-DattOptimined(EVDO) Commerce under its Technology Opportuni- ogy and the commitment tocommuniryaevel technology,which isaaUtdutxtworkforttarw des Program aswellas additional support from pa icipatory planningiswhat makes Pull Circle mining clam using broadband Internet access. the MacArthur Foundation and the Illinois such a powerful model. The system employs ArclMS web-mapping Department of Commerce and Economic A cote value of the project is that good plan- mchnoloDwhichallowsuserswidismartiAbom Opportunities. ning requires input from the community-4n oranyusolwithlnresneraoonsTo display maps orherwords,good information frontneighbor- of the information being collected, Core componews hoodstakeholders-...aswdlaspublicdaaSinre Beta mthesmutphonesusetheubiquitous Pull Circle his several core components.One future development depends partly on todays all network,data collection is not limited to is an online mappmgsyttem designed for wirc- assets,idend lying resources ofallkindsiscrucial wiretesshotepots whichareoftenstonaistent lea handbelddatadeviw(but accessible from to the community development process. in low-income neighborhoods and rural com- any web bruwscr), dispersed throughout the rnunitin.In addition,no docking is nceded— region and connected to CMAP's web servers The(Vrhltologi significant advanrageoverPDAdatacolletelon for seamless mapping,dam collection,and data Wheless smanphonesama key element ofthe used by other applications. retrieval.Another is face-to-facc participatory system.They arc used to capture data in the Users can pull up and monitor dozers of planning sessions, where bal residents sad Add and then transfer it to a central repository variables for any property or business using neighborhood lenders an express their goals, hosted at C"..Smanphones in nor PDAs ParodPointer,aweb•basadGIS tool that CMAP concerns,and ideal about the future of their (personal digital assistants),but rather pocket has crated to enable local planning agencies to communities. PCs connected to the lntemet.Thesmanphones track important parmlauributes.Dam coBa- 76 M,ening t?neber2006 don uses wireless,handhelddeviarforreal-time functions,and they save as parcel lootors, other community stakeholders to realize the input to a antral server that is accessible from Cliddrigon a particular parcel brings up both plan. any web browser,with seamless mapping and existing dam for the selected parcel and a data Ideally,parddpanashouldfollow therefianr data retrieval. entry screen for updates. steps.Insmillityhowcm manyparriciparicsfial- Parcel Pointercim track lmd use,zoning,the Because neighborhood maps are nor us. low only some ofthese steps.Participants may age ofstructures,property values,historical sig- ily displayed on handheld devices,the system use the system to gather dan for informuional nib®rtce,employmentdau,and envisonmend includes an address finder in the form of a purposeswidwutneumuilyfo llowingthmugh factors,among other variables. dropdown menu that enables users to see alist with the planning pmeess. For ammple, the Pared Pointer supports public,survey,and ofpropertksinapartkularneighbothood.Full Little Village linv6onmental justice Organi- observational data—the latter consisting of Circle tiara entry forms an flexible,allowing ation and the SoutheastFmironroentalTask informadon gathered by individual own inthe difremnt organizations to view only the data Force--environmentaladvoacygmups--only field.The system is fully extensible,meaning they want to see. used the system on map rove.sites in certain dart users can work with CMAP to develop Nntaliparticipants collect and usethesame neighborhoods so they could increase com- new modules (customized surveys) for their types of dam,and while the mymity of par- murnirysavareness. projects, ticipants sham their dam,that isdt a program Otherpar ticipants ofenadopcexiningmod- requirement.The system allows users to limit Wegezll&; ulesinsmadofcratingtheirown.Foresmmple, access to the information they collect. Unlike other mapping applications,which see a module for inventorying fresh produce in developed to serve apardcularpurpate,die Nil gtamy storm was created for the Logan Square Circle toolretisquitegeaible and has been used Neighborhood Association.That samemodule Participants may use the mapping tod for toaddrrstawidevwkgofcommuwrydevelop• was later adopted by several organizations to a variety of projects--from identifying the tunic challenges.These include. survey,grocery stores in their neighborhoods. location ofsotial service providers,to tracking • Inventory. What economic assets, in- Surs yAofhismricetsumtrtz,health dinics and employer attitudes and hiring practices, to $astructum , and smenides an be leveraged wcialservieeproviderehave been developed for developing 141 14aleam plans.Typically,four for economic devefopmmt,public safety, or specific organizations and later adapted for use steps are involved In creating a plan using the heal& by otherorganitiisons. Full Circle system. • Change detection over time What new Local data collection is importantforseveral A neighborhood inv entory comes fust.Thia developments are occurring and how are the remAL Fuse,ksalorganiatiomareofcen inter- is a detailed inventory of land use, housing, data clanging over time? =oil in data that am not available frompublic traospormtion,jobs,culture,recreation,natunl •Publicnsaodswexmrmu How dopeoplefeet sources.Second,publiedataan quieklybecame mscruiaea,and historic structures,all compiled about the ascent situation or the futon! outdated in transitional nei ghborho4where by project partners through smastphones or -Pit iveaoalytiaHowmightOkydexi- gencrifiention,abandonment,or demographic paper survey$.Maps,reports.and smristkrat slons impact the current or future sinutioas shi hsame rapidly oaurring.And finally, this then generated from the information collected. •Decision support and pianning Map out approach allows local organizations,given the This enables participants to determineaisting priority areas, opportunities, and reveal red right toots,to takeownenhipofdamcollection emnditionsintheirneighborhoods.Theemphads Aagf in their neighborhoods in a way that large, isonwhatitatw'lableinthecommunirywithout Full Cude has many practical applications. centnlized public agencies cannot. paying much attention to its signifianee. Thme include planningforeconomicdevelop- Web-based dam eolleaion less multiple The seoondscep4 chilling down toidentify menrand cransit-oriemcd development,the revi- participants update the system simultaneously neighborhood assets—bothungibleandintan- calibration ofcommexcial districts and corridors, and in real time.With the Parcel Pointer system, gible.Here,dtefocusisonwlnt can bekvcmgtd and fcightinfrourusutue;informing decisions their input is available instantaneously toother to benefit die community..Theseamcatalogued about land segnisltion; redeveloping model authorized user through the Internet. Each using smanphones or other Internet tools. blocks in neighborhoods targeted for reitaliza, participating organization is assigned a as of Assets might indude parks and playgrounds, don;imprtrving coordination ofprogratmand passwords that they can allocate asneedrd.This k,olempbytts,transit Stations,vacant parcels, services inkwv-incomemnumunids,idmrifying enables them to track whoever is entering or historical sites, cultural treasures, longtime rerrievinginformation from the system as well residents with knowledge of the commun io as the time and date. history, and youth groups.Asset mapping is Locally derived data and information From usually guided by principles developed by the Online.Learnt more about Full Circle 21vvtwa, public souces--sueh air the county assessors Asxt-BamdCommtnsityDevelopmentInstitute Fulcir.ner.The Full Circle AescPracda Guide to office,municipal planning departments,and at Northwestern University. Community Mapping is at wv.w.cmap.illinoia. the county recordersoffitc--am be displayed Participatory planning is step three.This gov/uploadedfiles/FC Rest.Praetices_B-)4. asmaps,reports,or charts.Using this system,a involves setting ga 4 evaluating priorities, Og.pdf eommunitygroup could vim a map of'retail- building consensus,and evaluatingaltestutivc The Chicago Metropolitan Agcncy for grocery'parcels in their neighborhood,a list sornarios that are aligned with the interests of planning's websi'1'he of sold properties and their sales prices,a map local residents.The emphasis is on engaging Aser Based Community Detelopmemlmtiture. showing the location of health clinics,or any stakeholder in creating a shared vision of the at Northwestern Uni- numberofotherqualities. future. versity is atwwwimp.northwenentedulabcd. Theonline neighborhood maps arcimeac- Alter a plan is final.CHAP works with its The Local Initiative Support Corporation is dve, allowing zoom-in, mom-our, and pan community partners,local governments,and at I- Lana uuw4h oexyruncy9pan Greater Southwest Development Corpora- 1 tion used the system to implement she LlSC CI I New Communities housing initiative,aimed _ at preserving affordable housing,and to help home owners participate in the Chicago his- toric bungalow uroification program.Several "�"•'+"�' :�s� � hundtrdbungaiowa msubsequmtLymttifkd for homing preservation. a p�y„�l' .� - {I•.ugl-r i'o 1'ti1'1 Users des not need GIS software on their com- puters to as=data on the Full Clock system. .f liJSlllrlli�l� ® Any Imernet-enabied computer can call upthe r��r, s Ii;BWWtlltat / maps or data entry scrteru.In addition,muldpk t users nnsirnultaneoudy update various parts of the dambase.Because the data always enter the system through a single portal,only one copy ! of the data uistsa any time. eenu aka Full Circle provides publle information on :rr— individual properties such aslmsdvafue,owner- �nru - - - ship,inning,tax Bens,and varmey status,all of which is crucial for understanding how the The do umroum?in maw inHdrby'&Jr r&W,'rrn community is changing over vme Before Full ` dmrisjs harrspartadeff mrmrdndrsrrmmadinganau Smrmyt— Circle ousted,it was expensive and timecon- �.�dnd tnapr-�fezirringrsrunmraands/xiroscripanry turning to gather information from multiple Marta heorme the mw maraidb for elm pkn:1 government offices—nits ifdAmwereavailable in digiml form. Through Full Circle,participants hawaccess to resources they couldn't otherwise afford. properties at risk of foreclosure;tracking loss mentarouadthemunicipaliry'scommutermil Thmeindudosmariphones,real-timesambau of affordable rental housing;and supporting smsion. Local businesses were surveyed in an querying capabilities,complerelyadaptable GIS community and block•club organizing. etWntobohrermiention.Audilmdyseviewed maps,and a seemingly inexhaustible serverto signageon local businesses forcompliancewith store the data. Pulling it to use a new sign ordimince. The system now directly integrana several In the city of Blue Wand,a suburb south of Full Cirdetools were used forau assessment types ofdam into asingle automated database, Chicago, the system was used m support the ofexistingstructures,landtue,seddentiafdensi- These include the Cook County tax assessors revitalization ofthecity's declining main street ties,and other community chaeacterictics.The adastral records (property data linked to a by encouraging transit-oriented development inf«malion was used to idsntify residential and map indicating property boundaries),anddau amund the tsansit stop.The city collaborated retailopportuniticsamundthetransitstop,up. from the recorderofdeeds,thecityofChiraes with wwai agencies toobtain both publicand damthe dt/s comprehensive plan,and creates houdngdepanment,and other puhlicentities. local data for the project, database of the city's commercial properties. Any authorized person with a web browser can Blue Wand's project consisted of a visual In thesuburb of Harvey,Full Circle helped find that information. survey ofthemain street,interviews wish busi- with the creation ofa downtown mdevdop- Full Circle toolshavebridgodthegapbecwecn nest owners,and a thorough interior survey of meat plan that sought to integrate the dry's planners and the public by giving community downtown buainesses.The survey tracked build- transportation center with surrounding land developmentspecidistsgzeatersexxsa todetallcd ingconditions,facades,ttaf6cdesign,and other uses,attract newbusinesses,and encourage cf. property dam that arc vital for monitoring issues dust couldaffect the corridors vitality Dam festive resscofvacantpmperties,which wcmall neighborhood changes. were combined with information from various too common in downtown.The dam also were Now efforts arc under way to integrate Full cirydepamnentstocateacompteheruivebwi- used to create design guidelines for a proposed Citck dam into Google Earth.Aasoo afalpilor ness direcmryanda development database chat downtown overlay district. involving data from a grocery store survey has rheciry now uses to respond to inquiries fmm In Chimes Uptown neighborhood,it helped been done using 3-D SketchUp renderings of prospective investors and developers. to support comprehensive planning of corn- portions of Chiagds Logan Square neighhor- Inconduaingthesurvty,thcdryfoundsome mercial corridors and identify and understand hood,And, as data continue to be captured a trecsape design and aafery issues that could employers'hiring practices,Local organizations and integrated into art already rich collation, hamper the drive-by feel of the main street.It used the information to improve job training who knows what could be nea for Full Circle also idendfied historical structures that were and placement programs and to educam local and in partners? vital to the city's traditional character. residents about the changes taking place in the Oleo h 4 a rommualry and tChnlsal car isms« In Oak Forest,another Chicago suburb,Full community. planner with,Lc Chicago MsrropolhanAgencyfor Circledata helped with tsansi"rienteddevelop. In the Chicago Lawn neighborhood, the Planning.ticis the pmjeammager for Full OF& DRAFT MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE KENDALL COUNTY ILLINOIS HELD IN THE CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS 800 GAME FARD9 ROAD ON TUESDAY, MAY 26, 2009 Mayor Hurd called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. and led the Council in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Clerk Milschewski called the roll. Ward I Gilson Absent Werderich Present Ward 11 Gohnski Present Plocher Present Ward III Manus Present Sutcliff Present Ward IV Teeling Present Spears Present Also present: City Clerk Milschewski, City Treasurer Powell, City Attorney Gardiner, City Administrator McLaughlin, Interim Director of Parks and Recreation Olson, Finance Director Mika, Public Works Director Dhuse, Police Chief Martin, Police Lieutenants Schwartzkopf and Hart, Community Development Director Miller, City Engineer Wywrot and Public Relations Officer Spies. OUORUl11 A quorum was established. INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS Mayor Bend asked the staff and guests to introduce themselves. She welcomed the guests and asked them to enter their names on the attendance sheet provided. AMENDMENTS TO THE AGENDA None. COMMITTEE MEETING DATES Public Works Committee 6:30 p.m., June 16, 2009 City Hall Conference Room Economic Development Committee 7:00 P.M., June 2, 2009 City Hall Conference Room Administration Committee 6:00 p.m., June 18, 2009 City Hall Conference Room Public Safety Committee 7:00 P.M., May 28, 2009 City Hall Conference Room PRESENTATIONS Certificate of Appreciation Mayor Hurd and Chief Martin presented Officer Jacob Bledsoe with a Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of commendable DUI enforcement. Chief Martin read a letter from the Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorist complimenting Officer Bledsoe's service in 2008. PUBLIC HEARINGS None. CITIZEN COMMENTS Louis Hernandez, Windett Ridge, commented that residents of his subdivision are under the impression that the city does not have the funds to put a top coat on their streets. He also asked the City Council to ask the developer, Wiseman-Hughes, to stop running bulldozers down the streets until the top coat is installed; they are tearing up the road. Administrator McLaughlin explained that the lender is taking over the subdivision from the developer and the city is working with the lender to get the roads paved. Alderman Werderich commented that lie and Aldermen Gilson and Spears have placed this on a future agenda for further discussion. The Minutes of the Re ular Meetin2 of the City Council — May 26 2009 — Da2e 2 Charlie Walker asked if the punch list was available. Administrator McLaughlin stated it was but explained that it is a technical document which is difficult to read. He stated he will try to summarize the information and have it available next week. He stated he would mail it to Mr. Walker. Mr. Walker asked who is taking care of the empty lots and Administrator McLaughlin explained that the lender is keeping Wiseman-Hughes on and has lined up a contractor to maintain the lots. They will be starting with vacant lots next to homes and the city will be inspecting the work. Dennis Batdoif, Raintree Village, complained about the tall weeds, vacant lots, standing water and unfinished streets in Raintree Village. He stated that Raintree's problems were just as bad as those in Windett Ridge. He noted that houses in the subdivision are selling for less and devaluing those previously sold. He objected to builders getting funds back from the city and suggested that residents be given a break by forgoing SSA's. He asked what the city could do for resident's who are paying SSA's for services that haven't been done. Mayor Brad noted that the city wi0 continue to work with developers and banks to get things done. CONSENT AGENDA 1 . Monthly Treasurer's Report for March 2009 (ADM 2009-33) 2. Resolution 2009-25 - To Include Compensation Paid Under an Internal Revenue Code Section 125 Plan as IMRF Earnings - authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute (CC 2009-49) 3. Menard Store Expansion — Acceptance of Public Improvements and Bond Reduction #2 - accept public improvements for rvatennain for ownership and maintenance; and authorize reduction of CAN Surety Brand No. 929408636 in an amount not to exceed $74,549. 73, subject to verification that the developer has no outstanding debt owed to the City jar this development (PW 2009-45) 4. Galena Road Shared-Use Path Easement Agreements (PW 2009-46) a. Grant of Permanent Bike Trail Easement Agreement (Centex Homes) - authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute b. Grant of Permanent Bike Trail Easement Agreement (Bristol-Kendall Fire Department) — authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute 5. Westbury East Village — Call of Sitework Bonds for Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, and Storm Sewer - authorize City Clerk to call the following sifework bands for Westbury East Village: American Southern Insurance Company Bond No. B98815015131 in the amount of$206,695. 18 fmr sanimry sewer, and American Southern Insurance Company Bond No. B98815015132 in the amount of$215,458.26for ivatermain; and American Insurance Company Bond No. 898815015133 in the amount of$341,197.59 for stommn sewer (PW 2009-47) 6. Resolution 2009-26 - Aldi's Redevelopment — IDOT Highway Permit Application and Resolution - authorize Mayor and City Clerk to execute (CC 2009-50) Mayor Burd entertained a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. So moved by Alderman Werderich; seconded by Alderman Manus. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-7 Nays-0 Golinski-aye, Werderich-aye, Plocheraye, Spears-aye, Mums-aye, Sutcliff-aye, Teeling-aye PLAN COMMISSION/ZONING BOARD OF APPEAL No report. MINUTES FOR APPROVAL None. BILLS FOR APPROVAL A motion was made by Aldernan Sutcliff to approve the paying of the bills listed on the Detailed Board Report dated May 21 , 2009 totaling the following amounts: checks in the amount of $490,271 .22 (vendors — FY 08/09); $156,033.72 (vendors — FY 09/10); $268,043.07 (payroll period ending 5/9109); for a total of$914,348.01 ; seconded by Alderman Golinski. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-7 Nays-0 Munns-aye, Plocher-aye, Spears-aye, Sutcliff-aye, Werderich-aye, Teeling-aye, Golinski-aye REPORTS MAYOR'S REPORT Capital Bill Update Mayor Hurd reported that the Illinois General Assembly has approved some components to the Capital Bill which includes funding for the widening of Routes 34 and 47, A particular procedure is being The Minutes of the Re ular Meetinjj of the City Council — Mail 26 2009 — pa2c 3 employed to prevent the bill from going to the Governor due to his request for raising income tax. The Governor also wants a decrease to municipal funding. Metro West is opposed to this so the Governor has backed off. He is now looking at increasing liquor, tobacco and vehicle taxes. Where Your Taxes Go (CC 2009-51) Mayor Bard noted that residents often comment that the city is misusing tax dollars. She explained that she asked Director Mika to prepare a power point presentation (see attached) showing how a $7000.00 real estate tax bill is broken down and distributed. Aldenuan Golinski felt that it was important to point out that there is no separate tax levied for a Park District. All Park & Recreation Department amenities come out of the city's portion of the real estate tax. Alderman Morris questioned what services Kendall County provides with their share of real estate taxes. Alderman Sutcliff noted that the Park Department's budget is more than what the city takes in. Mayor Burd explained that the Park & Recreation Department brings in funds from programming and Hometown Days for their budget. The floor was opened for public comment and Charlie Walker asked if the assessed value and rate was based on the new rate. Director Mika stated that the value and rate was based on last year's numbers. Another member of the audience asked if risk numbers were included when the city's budget was done because there were concerns with the city's legal fees and the economy. Mayor Bard explained that there was a fund balance of $2.7 million but unfortunately this was delved into by $1 million. Any extra funds this year will be added back into the fund balance. She also stated that she is trying not to lay off staff because they are needed to provide the residents with services such as police protection and street plowing. Another resident suggested making the power point presentation available on the city's website. Mayor Bard agreed and also stated copies would be available at city hall. She also stated that staff is constantly struggling to work out problems that occur and that they try to use funds responsibly. She invited residents to contact their aldermen with any concerns. - Mr. Walker explained that he is a retired businessman who had to make responsible cuts. He felt that no one is immune to layoffs. He stated that if hard business decisions are not made now they will catch up later. He stated that he gets upset hearing that Mayor Bard does not want to lay off people and he felt that the city is still spending like it has the same revenues it previously did. Mayor Burd responded that $2 million was cut which includes $200,000.00 of salaries for employees who left the city and whose positions were not filled. Salaries have been frozen and employees are being moved around in order to use them more effectively. Governing Ordinance Discussion (CC 2009-52) Mayor Hurd reported that she asked that this be placed on the agenda in response to former Alderman Beseo's comments in the newspaper about the Governing Ordinance. She wants the ordinance called to the attention of the new aldemum so they read and understand it. She stated that she disagreed with Alderman Besco's comments and explained that the ordinance was developed by a four member committee however she wrote the document after taking information from Robert's Rules. She touched on some of the ordinances highlights; committee selection, agendas, etc. She stated that she felt that it was an important document which was designed to help the City Council. - Newly Elected Official Classes Mayor Burd reported that W aubonsee Community College was holding classes for newly elected officials and she encouraged them to attend. CITY COUNCIL REPORT No report. ATTORNEY'S REPORT No report. CITY CLERK'S REPORT No report. CITY TREASURER'S REPORT Treasurer Powell requested the aldermen sign the bank cards. He noted that social security numbers have been removed from them and that he had a packet of them to be signed tonight. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Cit Council — May 26 2009 — page 4 CITY ADMINISTATOR'S REPORT Administrator McLaughlin reported on the following: • The new mowing ordinance is now in effect. Signs will be placed on areas where the grass is more than 8" tall. If the area is not mowed after five days, the Public Works Department will mow and the property owner is ticketed. The matter can go to adjudication however if the ticket is not paid, the city will lien the property. Alderman Morris suggested escalating fines if a property owner continues to violate the ordinance. Alderman Spears asked if the management company or property owners were contacted in the Grande Reserve subdivision. She stated that the management company claims they don't own many of the properties. Administrator McLaughlin explained that the Bank of America has bought the Pasquinelli lots. Staff has a chart of who owns lots. Kendall County also has a data base with the same information. • In the Grande Reserve subdivision, Bank of America is now the overall owner. They have a contractor mowing the common areas and the pool will open this summer. He felt that BAC is going above what was expected. • The Lillian Lane stormwater issue is being worked on. Pulte has a plan for a storm sewer which has been approved by the city as well as Kendall County. Pulte has gone out forbids on the matter. • He met with the current developer of Windett Ridge and the agent for the lender. He asked that five items be addressed. The lender will mow lots adjacent to homes. They did not commit to mowing the large areas. They also discussed the streets and sidewalks. He is working with Lemun to stop drainage from the top of the hill. Also being addressed are open lots with standing water. • He is trying to secure funds for the city from the States Capital Bill. Improvements will be made to Routes 47 and 34 and improving Route 47 from Kennedy Road north is also being investigated, There is also a rumor that the state is looking at improving Route 71 from Route 47 to Orchard Road. • A three-way agreement for the financing of the Eldamain Road project, from Menards to Galena Road, is being looked at. The agreement will be between Plano, Yorkville and Kendall County. • Permits have been pulled by the Hamilton Inn, Pulte and for the demolition of the old hotel in the downtown. FINANCE DIRECTOR'S REPORT No report. DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS REPORT Director Dhuse thanked the Garden Club for the hanging flower baskets downtown which are now hanging. Mayor Hurd noted that on Memorial Day weekend and hole developed at King and Main Streets and within an hour of her phone call, the hole was filled for the holiday. CHIEF OF POLICE'S REPORT Chief Martin reported on the following: • The bike patrol is out and about for the summer. They are looking into the issue of cars blocking sidewalks. • Chief Martin reminded people who park their cars outside be sure the vehicles are locked with no valuable items inside. He also asked people to call the Police Department if they see anyone suspicious around parked cars. DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION'S REPORT Interim Park & Recreation Director Olson reported on the following: • On May 30. 2009 at noon the Junior Women's Club Park in Heartland Circle will be dedicated. • Soccer registration starts June 6, 2009 at 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. at the Rec Center. Walk-in registration only • The first Music Under the Stars for 2009 will be held on June 12th at 7:00 pm. The Yorkville Big Band will be playing. • Safety Town and Camp 911 will begin the second and third weeks of June. Spots are still available. • Day Camp begins June 27, 2009 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The sessions are weekly with a different theme each week. • This year a Hometown Days Mega Pass will be offered. The pass will be $40.00 for all carnival rides. Sales begin Monday. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR REPORT Director Miller reported on the following: • The Zoning Commission will meet on June 27, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. This will be the third meeting The Minutes of the Re ular Mectinig of the City Council — Mav 26, 2009 — turae 5 and zoning districts in comparison to the Comprehensive Plan will be discussed along with the possibility of new zoning classifications. • The Planning Consortium will meet on May 27, 2009 in Mmooka and will discuss how to maintain vacant lots. COMMUNITY RELATIONS OFFICER'S REPORT Mrs. Spies reported on the following: • Newsletter items are due by June 22, 2009 • Profiles for the website are also due. COMMUNITY & LIAISON REPORT Aurora Area Convention and Visitor Bureau Alderman Golinski reported that the Aurora Area Convention and Visitor Bureau had exciting news about the woman's golf event in Sugar Grove in August 2009. This should be a boon for the local economy with traffic coming through Yorkville. Mayor Bard added that the roads in Sugar Grove should be repaired for the event by July. REPORTS PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE REPORT Bristol Bay — Collector Road Surface Course Agreement (PW 2009-44) A motion was made by Alderman Plocher to delay the paving of the surface course on Rosenwinkel Street and Bristol Bay Drive, subject to the conditions listed in the City Engineer Wywrot's memo dated May 12, 2009; seconded by Alderman Munns. Alderman Werderich stated that Alderman Gilson had emailed him and asked him to make some comments on his behalf. He read from the email (see attached) which gave reasons why Alderman Gilson was against this agreement. Mayor Burd asked Alderman Teeling to comment to the agreement since she lives in the Bristol Bay subdivision. Alderman feeling stated that she did not have problem with the roads; where she lives the road is fine and she would rather paving waited until all the building is done. Administrator McLaughlin stated that no homes front the road so City Engineer Wywrot suggested that the final coat be avoided until all the building is done in an effort to avoid damage to a finished road. He noted that bonds are in place to cover the cost. Mayor Brad noted that if the final coat is placed and the city accepts the road then the city has to maintain it; if the road is not finished, the developer has to maintain it. Alderman Werderich expressed his concern that the residents expect roads to be finished in a certain amount of time. Alderman Spears stated she was against the agreement and that it was against the subdivision control ordinance. She did not see that the subdivision would be built out 75% in the time period indicated. Administrator McLaughlin stated that a significant amount of building is projected this summer in the subdivision which means there will be many cement trucks on the roads. Director Dhuse added that the binder is the developer's responsibility to fix. Before a surface coat is installed, all bad binder is repaired. Alderman Manus asked what the Public Works Committee recommended and Alderman Plocher stated that the committee recommended approving the agreement. Alderman Golinski stated he drove through Bristol Bay and it seemed that the developer is maintaining the binder course and did not see a problem with waiting for the final coat. Alderman Spears question #2 of Mr. Wywrot's memo regarding the amount of the bond which will cover the interim pavement repairs. She asked if this amount had been agreed upon. Mr. Wywrot stated that they are not up to this process yet and he can bring back more information on the bond at a later date. Administrator McLaughlin suggested adding language to the agreement stating the amount of the bonds will be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. If the City Engineer determines the amount is insufficient to meet the needs for the future payment and repair work then the city will not agree to the deal, The Minutes of the RegularMeetina of the Citv Council — May 26 2009 — Page 6 A motion was made by Alderman Plocher to amend the wording of the agreement to reflect that the bond amount will be approved by the City Engineer; seconded by Alderman Munns. Alderman Spears requested that the motion also indicate the bond amount be approval by City Council. Alderman Plocher accepted the friendly amendment. Motion to amend approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-7 Nays-0 Munns-aye, Spears-aye, Plocher-aye, Werderich-aye, Golinski-aye, Teeling-aye, Sutclif -aye Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-5 Nays-I Present-1 Teeling-aye, Sutcliff-aye, Munns-aye, Spears-present, Plocher-aye, Werderich-nay, Golinski-aye ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE REPORT Ordinance 2009-28 Repealing Design Guidelines for Southern Study Area of City's Comprehensive Plan and Adopting Nov Comprehensive Plan Design Guidelines (EDC 2009-20) A motion was made by Aldemman Golinski to approve an ordinance repealing design guidelines for Southern Study Area of City's Comprehensive Plan and adopting New Comprehensive Plan Design Guidelines for the United City of Yorkville and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute, seconded by Alderman Munns. Alderman Golinski noted that the city has been using the 2005 guidelines and this revises and updates them. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-7 Nays-0 Sutcliff-aye, Munns-aye, Spears-aye, Plocher-aye, Werderich-aye, Golinski-aye, Teeling-aye Ordinance Amending the Code of Ordinances Providing for the Regulation of Wind Energy Systems — Second Reading (PC 2009-01 ) A motion was made by Alderman Golinski to approve an ordinance amending the Code of Ordinances providing for the regulation of Wind Energy Systems and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute; seconded by Aldennan Werderich. Aldennan Werderich read comments emailed to him from Alderman Gilson (see attached). Alderman Golinski questioned the procedure of having a second reading; were comments allowed at this point. Mayor Burd stated they were; the first reading of an ordinance is to give the public time to express concerns. Alderman Golinski noted that there were changes made to the document since the first reading. Mayor Burd and Director M iller explained the Alderman Gilson sat down with staff and discussed his concerns; the changes are due to his and resident's concerns. Mayor Burd added that she felt that things should not change between committee and City Council meetings. Suggestions should be noted on the side of the document. Alderman Golinski noted there was no hurry to approve the ordinance and recommended it be sent back to committee. Alderman Munns agreed. A motion was made by Alderman Plocher to send the ordinance back to committee; seconded by Alderman Munns. Administrator McLaughlin commented that he and Director Miller debated how to handle the comments and it was not their intent to subvert the process. They wanted a method for the City Council to review suggestions. Alderman Golinski stated that his concern was that the ideas/changes weren't provided to the public. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-6 Nays-1 Spears-aye, Plocher-aye, Werderich-aye, Golinski-aye, Teeling-aye, Sutcliff-nay, Munns-aye PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE REPORT No report. ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE REPORT No report. The Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the City Council — May 26. 2009 — Page 7 ADDITIONAL BUSINESS Bulldozer Damage to Roads Alderman Werderich asked for more information about bulldozer damage to roads. Director Dhuse indicated he would go out to W indett Ridge and evaluate damage. He asked that residents call when they see this occurring. Chief Martin added that bulldozers should not be on the roads. Chief Martin stated that if the Police Department is made aware of this, they can enforce it. Summarization of Punch list Alderman Plocher requested that the summarization of the punch list for Windett Ridge be placed on the city's website. Memorial Do), Event Mayor Burd reported that she participated in the Memorial Day event. She thanked the American Legion, Boy Scouts, Christy Motley who sang, etc. for their help with the event. She noted that veterans from Hines Hospital were in attendance and it was a nice event EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Burd entertained a motion to go into Executive Session for the purpose of litigation, when an action against, affecting or on behalf of the particular public body has been filed and is pending before a court or administrative tribunal, or when the public body finds that an action is probable m imminent, in which case the basis for the finding shall be recorded and entered into the minutes of the closed meeting. So moved by Alderman Werderich; seconded by Alderman Morris. Motion approved by a roll call vote. Ayes-7 Nays-0 Spears-aye, Sutcliff-aye, Werderich-aye, Teeling-aye, Golinski-aye, Munns-aye, Plocher-aye The City Council entered the Executive Session at 8:50 p.m. The City Council returned to regular session at 9:50 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Bard entertained a motion to adjourn the meeting. So moved by Alderman Sutcliff; seconded by Alderman Plocher. Adjournment of the meeting was unanimously approved by a viva voce vote. Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Minutes submitted by: Jacquelyn Milschewski, City Clerk City of Yorkville, Illinois DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 1 TIME : 11 : 13 : 54 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 /2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT AA000001 CARLO D . COLOSIMO 062209 06 /22 / 09 01 POLICE- 05/ 06 / 09 ADMIN HEARING 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5443 07/ 14 / 09 150 . 00 ADMIN ADJUDICATION CONTRAC INVOICE TOTAL : 150 . 00 062209A 06/ 22 / 09 01 POLICE- 05 / 20 , 06/ 03 , 06/ 10 , 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5443 07 / 14 / 09 600 . 00 ADMIN ADJUDICATION CONTRAC 02 06 / 17 ADMIN HEARINGS * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 600 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 750 . 00 AA000002 JULIE DARR 062409 06/24 / 09 01 POLICE - 06 /24 / 09 ADMIN HEARING 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5443 07/ 14 / 09 150 . 00 ADMIN ADJUDICATION CONTRAC INVOICE TOTAL : 150 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 150 . 00 AACVB AURORA AREA CONVENTION 053109 - SUPER 06 / 12 / 09 01 FINANCE-MAY HOTEL USE TAX 01 - 120 - 65 - 00 - 5844 07 / 14 / 09 1 , 181 . 98 MARKETING - HOTEL TAX INVOICE TOTAL : 1 , 181 . 98 VENDOR TOTAL : 1 , 181 . 98 ARAMARK ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES 610 - 6572901 06/ 09/ 09 01 STREETS -UNIFORMS 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5421 07/ 14 / 09 27 . 67 WEARING APPAREL 02 WATER OP- UNIFORMS 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5421 27 . 67 WEARING APPAREL 03 SEWER OP -UNIFORMS 52 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5421 27 . 68 WEARING APPAREL INVOICE TOTAL : 83 . 02 610 - 6577962 06 / 16 / 09 01 STREETS -UNIFORMS 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5421 07 / 14 / 09 25 . 77 WEARING APPAREL r r �e —i DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 2 TIME : 11 : 13 : 55 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 - WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P - 0 . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT ARAMARK ARAMARK UNIFORM SERVICES 610 - 6577962 06 / 16 / 09 02 WATER OP - UNIFORMS 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5421 07 / 14 / 09 25 . 77 WEARING APPAREL 03 SEWER OP - UNIFORMS 52 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5421 25 . 76 WEARING APPAREL INVOICE TOTAL : 77 . 30 610 - 6583068 06/ 23 / 09 01 STREETS - UNIFORMS 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5421 07 / 14 / 09 25 . 77 WEARING APPAREL 02 WATER OP -UNIFORMS 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5421 25 . 77 WEARING APPAREL 03 SEWER OP - UNIFORMS 52 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5421 25 . 76 WEARING APPAREL INVOICE TOTAL : 77 . 30 610 - 6588085 06 / 30 / 09 01 STREETS -UNIFORMS 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5421 07 / 14 / 09 25 . 77 WEARING APPAREL 02 WATER OP-UNIFORMS 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5421 25 . 76 WEARING APPAREL 03 SEWER OP-UNIFORMS 52 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5421 25 . 77 WEARING APPAREL INVOICE TOTAL : 77 . 30 VENDOR TOTAL : 314 . 92 ARROLAB ARRO LABORATORY , INC . 40560 06 / 05 / 09 01 WATER OP -4 COLIFORM 51 - 000 - 65 - 00 - 5822 07 / 14 / 09 40 . 00 WATER SAMPLES INVOICE TOTAL : 40 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 40 . 00 ATT AT&T 6305531141 - 0609 06 /25/ 09 01 ADMIN- FAX & PHONE 01 - 110 - 62 - 00 - 5436 07 / 14 / 09 195 . 15 TELEPHONE INVOICE TOTAL : 195 . 15 - 2 - DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 3 TIME : 11 : 13 : 55 - DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 /2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT ATT AT&T 6305531577 - 0609 06/25 / 09 01 WATER OP - LIFT STATIONS & WELLS 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5436 07 / 14 / 09 414 . 94 TELEPHONE INVOICE TOTAL : 414 . 94 6305534349 - 0609 06 /25 / 09 01 ADMIN- CITY HALL CENTEX 01 - 110 - 62 - 00 - 5436 07 /14 / 09 791 . 75 TELEPHONE 02 POLICE - CITY HALL CENTEX 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5436 791 . 76 TELEPHONE 03 WATER OP- CITY HALL CENTEX 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5436 791 . 75 TELEPHONE INVOICE TOTAL : 2 , 375 . 26 6305536522 - 0609 06/25 / 09 01 WATER OP- LIFT STATIONS & WELLS 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5436 07/ 14 / 09 29 . 86 TELEPHONE INVOICE TOTAL : 29 . 86 6305537575 - 0609 06 /25 / 09 01 ADMIN- CITY HALL FAX 01 - 110 - 62 - 00 - 5436 07 / 14 / 09 44 . 71 TELEPHONE INVOICE TOTAL : 44 . 71 6308061269 - 0609 06 / 16 / 09 01 ADMIN- CITY HALL FIRE 01 - 110 - 62 - 00 - 5436 07 / 14 / 09 35 . 30 TELEPHONE 02 POLICE- CITY HALL FIRE 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5436 35 . 30 TELEPHONE INVOICE TOTAL : 70 . 60 630R262965 - 0609 06 / 16 / 09 01 ADMIN- CITY HALL NORTEL 01 - 110 - 62 - 00 - 5436 07 / 14 / 09 454 . 72 TELEPHONE 02 POLICE - CITY HALL NORTEL 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5436 454 . 72 TELEPHONE 03 WATER OP - CITY HALL NORTEL 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5436 454 . 72 TELEPHONE INVOICE TOTAL : 1 , 364 . 16 630Z990924 - 0609 06 / 16 / 09 01 POLICE- MONTHLY CHARGES 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5436 07 / 14 / 09 241 . 78 TELEPHONE INVOICE TOTAL : 241 . 78 VENDOR -TOTAL : 4 , 736 . 46 -3 - DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 4 TIME : 11 : 13 : 55 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT ATTINTER AT&T INTERNET SERVICES 842804266 - 0609 06/ 09 / 09 01 ADMIN-T . 1 SERVICE 01 - 110 - 62 - 00 - 5436 07 / 14 / 09 463 . 20 TELEPHONE INVOICE TOTAL : 463 . 20 VENDOR TOTAL : 463 . 20 AUTOSP AUTOMOTIVE SPECIALTIES , INC . 15953 06 /25 / 09 01 WATER OP - REPAIRED POWER 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5409 07 / 14 / 09 199 . 28 MAINTENANCE -VEHICLES 02 STEERING LEAK * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 199 . 28 VENDOR TOTAL : 199 . 28 BANCAMER BANC OF AMERICA LEASING 011048740 - 89 06/ 22 / 09 01 FINANCE- LEASE FOR 4 COPIERS 01 - 120 - 62 - 00 - 5412 07 / 14 / 09 836 . 00 MAINTENANCE - PHOTOCOPIERS 02 WATER OP- COPIER LEASE 51 - 000 - 65 - 00 - 5809 99 . 00 PRINTING & COPYING INVOICE TOTAL : 935 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 935 . 00 BANKNY THE BANK OF NEW YORK 061109 - BDIST 06 / 11 / 09 01 FINANCE - BUSINESS DISTRICT TAX 01 - 120 - 78 - 00 - 9004 07 / 14 / 09 23 , 502 . 08 BUSINESS DISTRICT REBATE 02 DISBURSEMENT * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 23 , 502 . 08 VENDOR TOTAL : 23 , 502 . 08 BENNETTG BENNETT , GARY L . 061009 06110109 01 HEALTH & SANITATION - JUNE 09 01 - 540 - 62 - 00 - 5443 07 / 14 / 09 600 . 00 LEAF PICKUP -4- DATE : 07 / 07/ 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 5 TIME : 11 : 13 : 55 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT BENNETTG BENNETT , GARY L . 061009 06 / 10 / 09 02 BRUSH REMOVAL * * COMMENT * * 07 / 14 / 09 INVOICE TOTAL : 600 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 600 . 00 BNYCORP THE BANK OF NEW YORK 295 - 1407972 06/ 02 / 09 01 FINANCE -ANNUAL ADMIN FEE 01 - 120 - 62 - 00 - 5401 07 / 14 / 09 214 . 00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES INVOICE TOTAL : 214 . 00 295 - 1408027 06/ 16 / 09 01 FINANCE -ADMIN FEE 01 - 120 - 62 - 00 - 5401 07 / 14 / 09 214 . 00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES INVOICE TOTAL : 214 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 428 . 00 BNYMGLOB THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON YORK2022 - 51809 05 / 18 / 09 01 WATER OP- INTEREST PAYMENT 51 - 200 - 66 - 00 - 6058 07/ 14 / 09 1 , 100 . 00 2002 PRINCIPAL PMT -NORTH W INVOICE TOTAL : 1 , 100 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 1 , 100 . 00 BPAMOCO BP AMOCO OIL COMPANY 19359477 06/23 / 09 01 POLICE -GASOLINE 01 - 210 - 65 - 00 - 5812 07 / 14 / 09 6 , 253 . 30 GASOLINE INVOICE TOTAL : 6 , 253 . 30 19359478 - PW 06 /24 / 09 01 STREETS - GASOLINE 01 - 410 - 65 - 00 - 5812 07 / 14 / 09 268 . 23 GASOLINE 02 WATER OP- GASOLINE 51 - 000 - 65 - 00 - 5812 268 . 23 GASOLINE 03 SEWER OP - GASOLINE 52 - 000 - 65 - 00 - 5812 268 . 23 GASOLINE INVOICE TOTAL : 804 . 69 VENDOR TOTAL : 7 , 057 . 99 -5 - DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 6 TIME : 11 : 13 : 55 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT BRENNTAG BRENNTAG MID - SOUTH , INC . BMS671533 06 / 18 / 09 01 WATER OP - CL2 CYLINDERS 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5407 00204332 07 / 14 / 09 1 , 198 . 40 TREATMENT FACILITIES O&M INVOICE TOTAL : 1 , 198 . 40 BMS764466 06 / 19 / 09 01 WATER O -DRUM RETURN CREDIT 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5407 07 / 14 / 09 - 900 . 00 TREATMENT FACILITIES O&M INVOICE TOTAL : - 900 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 298 . 40 BURDV VALERIE KURD 063009 07 / 01/ 09 01 ADMIN- JUNE PHONE BILL 01 - 110 - 62 - 00 - 5438 07 / 14 / 09 45 . 00 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 02 REIMBURSEMENT * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 45 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 45 . 00 CARGILL CARGILL , INC 2541816 06 / 11 / 09 01 WATER OP -BULK SALT 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5407 00204330 07 / 14 / 09 2 , 745 . 59 TREATMENT FACILITIES O&M INVOICE TOTAL : 2 , 745 . 59 2549165 06/23 / 09 01 WATER OP - 13ULK SALT 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5407 00204333 07 / 14 / 09 2 , 605 . 92 TREATMENT FACILITIES O&M INVOICE TOTAL : 2 , 605 . 92 2551054 06 /25 / 09 01 WATER OP - HULK SALT 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5407 00204333 07/ 14 / 09 2 , 849 . 24 TREATMENT FACILITIES O&M INVOICE TOTAL : 2 , 849 . 24 VENDOR TOTAL : 8 , 200 . 75 COMDIR COMMUNICATIONS DIRECT INC SR87639 06 / 12 / 09 01 POLICE - MODEM REPAIR 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5408 07 / 14 / 09 525 . 00 MAINTENANCE - EQUIPMENT INVOICE TOTAL : 525 . 00 - 6- DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 7 TIME : 11 : 13 : 55 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ COMDIR COMMUNICATIONS DIRECT INC SRS8116 06 / 12 / 09 01 REPAIRED LIGHT STICK 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5409 07/ 14 / 09 137 . 00 MAINTENANCE - VEHICLES INVOICE TOTAL : 137 . 00 SR88148 06/ 12 / 09 01 POLICE-REPLACED GUN LOCK TIMER 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5409 07 / 14 / 09 90 . 00 MAINTENANCE - VEHICLES INVOICE TOTAL : 90 . 00 SR88255 06/ 12 / 09 01 POLICE - REPLACED CORD AND 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5408 07 / 14 / 09 132 . 73 MAINTENANCE - EQUIPMENT 02 BROKEN SWITCH * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 132 . 73 VENDOR TOTAL : 884 . 73 COMED COMMONWEALTH EDISON 09030 - 40077 - 0709 06 / 30 / 09 01 STREETS -LIGHTS 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5435 07 / 14 / 09 2 , 768 . 79 ELECTRICITY INVOICE TOTAL : 2 , 768 . 79 20190 - 99044 - 0609 06/ 06 / 09 01 WATER OP -WELLS 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5435 07 / 14 / 09 2 . 93 ELECTRICITY INVOICE TOTAL : 2 . 93 2668047007 - 0709 06 /29 / 09 01 SEWER OP- 1908 RAINTREE RD 52 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5435 07 / 14 / 09 189 . 23 ELECTRICITY INVOICE TOTAL : 189 . 23 7090039005 - 0609 06/ 10 / 09 01 STREETS -LIGHTS 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5435 07/ 14 / 09 18 . 71 ELECTRICITY INVOICE TOTAL : 18 . 71 8344010026 - 0609 06 /23 / 09 01 STREETS - LIGHTS 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5435 07 / 14 / 09 4 , 477 . 72 ELECTRICITY INVOICE TOTAL : 4 , 477 . 72 VENDOR TOTAL : 7 , 457 . 38 DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 8 TIME : 11 : 13 : 55 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT CONSTELL CONSTELLATION NEW ENERGY 348281 - 0001 03 / 14 / 08 01 WATER OP - 610 TOWER LANE LINE 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5435 07/ 14 / 09 300 . 84 ELECTRICITY 02 LOSS CHARGE * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 300 . 84 VENDOR TOTAL : 300 . 84 DEPO DEPO COURT REPORTING SVC , INC 13995 06/ 13 / 09 01 COMM/DEV- ZONING AMENDMENT 01 - 220 - 61 - 00 - 5300 07 / 14 / 09 124 . 38 LEGAL SERVICES 02 ARO- HAEHNER ANNEXATION & 01 - 000 - 13 - 00 - 1372 248 . 77 A/R- OTHER 03 REZONING , APEX REZONING * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 373 . 15 13998 06/ 13 / 09 01 POLICE- 06 / 03 / 09 ADMIN 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5443 07 / 14 / 09 175 . 00 ADMIN ADJUDICATION CONTRAC 02 ADJUDICATION HEARING * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 175 . 00 14000 06 / 13 / 09 01 POLICE- 05/ 27 / 09 ADMIN 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5443 07 / 14 / 09 175 . 00 ADMIN ADJUDICATION CONTRAC 02 ADJUDICATION HEARING * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 175 . 00 14001 06/ 13 / 09 01 POLICE - 06/ 10 / 09 ADMIN 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5443 07 / 14 / 09 175 . 00 ADMIN ADJUDICATION CONTRAC 02 ADJUDICATION MEETING * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 175 . 00 14008 06119109 01 POLICE - 06 / 17 / 09 ADMIN HEARING 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5443 07 / 14 / 09 175 . 00 ADMIN ADJUDICATION CONTRAC INVOICE TOTAL : 175 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 1 , 073 . 15 _ g_ DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 9 TIME : 11 : 13 : 55 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/ BEFORE 07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT DLUGOPOT TIM DLUGOPOLSKI 052809 06 / 15 / 09 01 ADMIN- 05 /28 / 09 PUBLIC SAFETY 01 - 110 - 62 - 00 - 5401 07 / 14 / 09 60 . 00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 02 MEETING MINUTES * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 60 . 00 061609 07 / 01 / 09 01 ADMIN- 06 / 16 / 09 MEETING MINUTES 01 - 110 - 62 - 00 - 5401 07 / 14 / 09 60 . 00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES INVOICE TOTAL : 60 . 00 061809 07 / 02 / 09 01 ADMIN- 06/ 18 / 09 MEETING MINUTES 01 - 110 - 62 - 00 - 5401 07 / 14 / 09 60 . 00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES INVOICE TOTAL : 60 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 180 . 00 DOORDOOR DOOR TO DOOR DIRECT 13096 - CITY 06 / 29/ 09 01 COMM/RELATIONS - 8 , 000 PARK 01 - 130 - 65 - 00 - 5808 07 / 14 / 09 400 . 00 POSTAGE & SHIPPING 02 DISTRICT PROGRAM GUIDES * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 400 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 400 . 00 EBC EMPLOYEE BENEFITS CORPORATION 354428 06 / 15 / 09 01 FINANCE - JULY FEES 01 - 120 - 72 - 00 - 6501 07 / 14 / 09 130 . 00 SOCIAL SECURITY & MEDICARE INVOICE TOTAL : 130 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 130 . 00 EEI ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES , INC . 46233 06/ 18 / 09 01 ARO - RUSH COPLEY 01 - 000 - 13 - 00 - 1372 07 / 14 / 09 751 . 50 A/R- OTHER INVOICE TOTAL : 751 . 50 _ g _ DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 10 TIME : 11 : 13 : 55 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT EEI ENGINEERING ENTERPRISES , INC . 46234 06/ 18 / 09 01 ARO- WINDMILL FARMS 01 - 000 - 13 - 00 - 1372 07 / 14 / 09 1 , 534 . 50 A/R - OTHER INVOICE TOTAL : 1 , 534 . 50 46235 06 / 18 / 09 01 WATER OP - CONTRACT H . 1 - TOWER 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5422 07 / 14 / 09 1 , 159 . 50 WATER TOWER PAINTING 02 LANE EWST REHABILITATION * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 1 , 159 . 50 46236 06118109 01 ENG- EAST VAN EMMON STREET 01 - 150 - 62 - 00 - 5401 07 / 14 / 09 4 , 505 . 00 CCNTRACTUAL SERVICES 02 DRAINAGE INVESTIGATION * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 4 , 505 . 00 46237 06 / 18 / 09 01 ARO - WINDETTE RIDGE DRAINAGE 01 - 000 - 13 - 00 - 1372 07 / 14 / 09 3 , 444 . 00 A/R- OTHER 02 INVESTIGATION * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 3 , 444 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 11 , 394 . 50 EXELON EXELON ENERGY 1548129 06/ 22 / 09 01 WATER OP - 2702 MILL RD 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5435 07 / 14 / 09 6 , 296 . 01 ELECTRICITY INVOICE TOTAL : 6 , 296 . 01 VENDOR TOTAL : 6 , 296 . 01 FARREN FARREN HEATING 6 COOLING 6459 06/ 18 / 09 01 STREETS - REPAIR BEECHER CENTER 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5416 00204383 07 / 14 / 09 3 , 495 . 15 MAINTENANCE PROPERTY 02 AIR CONDITIONING * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 3 , 495 . 15 VENDOR TOTAL : 3 , 495 . 15 - 10 - DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 11 TIME : 11 : 13 : 55 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 /2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT FORGET DEBORAH ZNANIECKI 15446 06 / 09 / 09 01 ADMIN- FUNERAL FLOWERS 01 - 110 - 64 - 00 - 5607 07/ 14 / 09 58 . 00 PUBLIC RELATIONS INVOICE TOTAL : 58 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 58 . 00 FULTON FULTON TECHNOLOGIES MON- 69 06 / 04 / 09 01 POLICE -WARNING SIREN SYSTEM 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5414 07/ 14 / 09 414 . 00 WEATHER WARNING SIREN MAIN 02 ANNUAL MONITORING * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 414 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 414 . 00 GALLS GALL ' S INC . 5988902600015 06 /26 / 09 01 POLICE - SHORTS 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5421 07 / 14 / 09 49 . 99 WEARING APPAREL INVOICE TOTAL : 49 . 99 VENDOR TOTAL : 49 . 99 GREATAME GREATAMERICA LEASING CORP . 8594475 06/ 08 / 09 01 FINANCE- COPIER LEASE 01 - 120 - 62 - 00 - 5412 07 / 14 / 09 736 . 00 MAINTENANCE- PHOTOCOPIERS INVOICE TOTAL : 736 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 736 . 00 HARRIS HARRIS XT00001610 06 / 12 / 09 01 FINANCE- ONSITE HR TRAINING 01 - 120 - 62 - 00 - 5401 07 / 14 / 09 81 . 40 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 02 TRAVEL COST * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 81 . 40 VENDOR TOTAL : 81 . 40 DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 12 TIME : 11 : 13 : 55 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . W0W INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT HDSUPPLY HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS , LTD . 9020916 06 / 09 / 09 01 WATER OP -METER WIRE 51 - 000 - 75 - 00 - 7508 07 / 14 / 09 151 . 60 METERS & PARTS INVOICE TOTAL : 151 . 60 9070042 06119109 01 WATER OP - MIP METERS & PARTS 51 - 000 - 75 - 00 - 7508 07/ 14 / 09 711 . 00 METERS & PARTS INVOICE TOTAL : 711 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 862 . 60 HOMEDEPO HOME DEPOT 8091549 05/27 / 09 01 STREETS - WIRE 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5416 07 / 14 / 09 113 . 97 MAINTENANCE PROPERTY INVOICE TOTAL : 113 . 97 VENDOR TOTAL : 113 . 97 ICCI INTERNATIONAL CODES 20090610 06/ 08 / 09 01 COMM/DEV- ZONING CODE UPDATE 01 - 220 - 62 - 00 - 5401 07 / 14 / 09 187 . 50 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 02 ARO- KENDALLWOOD ESTATES 01 - 000 - 13 - 00 - 1372 168 . 75 A/R- OTHER INVOICE TOTAL : 356 . 25 20090701 07 / 01 / 09 01 ADMIN- JUNE PERMITS 01 - 110 - 61 - 00 - 5314 07 / 14 / 09 8 , 629 . 25 BUILDING INSPECTIONS INVOICE TOTAL : 8 , 629 . 25 VENDOR TOTAL : 8 , 985 . 50 ICE ICE MOUNTAIN 09F0118718238 06 / 12 / 09 01 ADMIN-WATER 01 - 110 - 65 - 00 - 5804 07 / 14 / 09 24 . 94 OPERATING SUPPLIES 02 FINANCE -WATER 01 - 120 - 65 - 00 - 5804 24 . 94 OPERATING SUPPLIES INVOICE TOTAL : 49 . 88 VENDOR TOTAL : 49 . 88 DATE : 07/ 07/ 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 13 TIME : 11 : 13 : 55 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT ILCCMA ILLINOIS CITY/COUNTY 061209 06/ 12 / 09 01 ADMIN-ANNUAL DUES 01 - 110 - 64 - 00 - 5600 07 / 14 / 09 290 . 00 DUES INVOICE TOTAL : 290 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 290 . 00 ILEAS ILLINOIS , LAW ENFORCEMENT DU£5212 05/ 11 / 09 01 POLICE - ANNUAL DUES 01 - 210 - 64 - 00 - 5600 07 / 14 / 09 50 . 00 DUES INVOICE TOTAL : 50 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 50 . 00 ILFIRESA ILLINOIS STATE FIRE MARSHALL 5125020935 05/26 / 09 01 STREETS - CONVEYANCE 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5416 07 / 14 / 09 30 . 00 MAINTENANCE PROPERTY 02 REGISTRATION * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 30 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 30 . 00 ILLCO ILLCO , INC . 1175317 06 / 18 / 09 01 WATER OP - SLIP FLANGE 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5407 07 / 14 / 09 27 . 05 TREATMENT FACILITIES O&M INVOICE TOTAL : 27 . 05 1175318 06 / 18 / 09 01 WATER OP- RING GASKETS 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5407 07 / 14 / 09 3 . 04 TREATMENT FACILITIES O&M INVOICE TOTAL : 3 . 04 VENDOR TOTAL : 30 . 09 ILLEPA ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL 062309 06 /23 / 09 01 SEWER OP - PRINCIPAL & INTEREST 52 - 200 - 66 - 00 - 6050 07 / 14 / 09 19 , 489 . 99 IEPA LOAN L17 - 013000 PRINC - 13 - DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 14 TIME : 11 : 13 : 56 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT ILLEPA ILLINOIS ENVIRONMENTAL 062309 06 / 23 / 09 02 PAYMENTS * * COMMENT * * 07 / 14 / 09 INVOICE TOTAL : 19 , 489 . 99 VENDOR TOTAL : 19 , 489 . 99 ILLINI ILLINI POWER PRODUCTS 108080 06 /25 / 09 01 WATER OP - BLOCK HEATER , CONTROL 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5408 07 / 14 / 09 885 . 66 MAINTENANCE - EQUIPMENT 02 BOX GASKET * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 885 . 66 VENDOR TOTAL : 885 . 66 ILPD4778 ILLINOIS STATE POLICE 061509 06 / 15 / 09 01 ADMIN-LIQUOR LICENSE 01 - 110 - 65 - 00 - 5804 07 / 14 / 09 137 . 00 OPERATING SUPPLIES 02 BACKGROUND CHECKS * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 137 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 137 . 00 ILPD4811 ILLINOIS STATE POLICE 061509 06 / 15 / 09 01 ADMIN- SOLICITOR BACKGROUND 01 - 110 - 65 - 00 - 5804 07 / 14 / 09 34 . 25 OPERATING SUPPLIES 02 CHECK * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 34 . 25 VENDOR TOTAL : 34 . 25 ITRON ITRON 101460 06 / 11 / 09 01 WATER OP-METER READING 51 - 000 - 75 - 00 - 7508 07 / 14 / 09 405 . 59 METERS & PARTS INVOICE TOTAL : 405 . 59 VENDOR TOTAL : 405 . 59 - 14 - DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 15 TIME : 11 : 13 : 56 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT JACKHIRS JACKSON - HIRSH , INC . 0740196 06/ 12 / 09 01 STREETS - LAMINATE 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5416 07 / 14 / 09 39 . 79 MAINTENANCE PROPERTY INVOICE TOTAL : 39 . 79 VENDOR TOTAL : 39 . 79 JEWEL JEWEL 061809 - CITY 06 / 09 / 09 01 ADMIN- TABLE COVERS , CUPS , CAKE 01 - 110 - 78 - 00 - 9007 07/ 14 / 09 45 . 36 APPRECIATION DINNER 02 PUNCH , WATER FOR EMPLOYEE * * COMMENT * * 03 SERVICE AWARDS * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 45 . 36 VENDOR TOTAL : 45 . 36 KCACP KENDALL COUNTY ASSOCIATION 396604 06 / 10 / 09 01 POLICE- JUNE CHIEF ' S MEETING 01 - 210 - 64 - 00 - 5605 07 / 14 / 09 45 . 00 TRAVEL EXPENSES INVOICE TOTAL : 45 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 45 . 00 KCFAIR KENDALL COUNTYFAIR ASSOC . INC . 062409 06 /24 / 09 01 COMM/RELATIONS - BOOTH AT FAIR 01 - 130 - 78 - 00 - 9010 07 / 14 / 09 100 . 00 COMMUNITY EVENTS INVOICE TOTAL : 100 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 100 . 00 KENDTREA KENDALL COUNTY TREASURER YPD0609 06 /22 / 09 01 POLICE - NEW WORLD EXPENSES 01 - 210 - 64 - 00 - 5605 07 / 14 / 09 907 . 10 TRAVEL EXPENSES 02 POLICE -NEW WORLD FEES 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5442 7 , 072 . 50 NEW WORLD LIVE SCAN - 15- DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 16 TIME : 11 : 13 : 56 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - KENDTREA KENDALL COUNTY TREASURER YPD0609 06/22 / 09 03 POLICE -NEW WORLD EQUIPMENT 01 - 210 - 75 - 00 - 7002 07 / 14 / 09 4 , 083 . 38 COMPUTER EQUIP & SOFTWARE 04 & SOFTWARE * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 12 , 062 . 98 VENDOR TOTAL : 12 , 062 . 98 KIMBALL KIMBALL HOMES LOT133 06/ 15 / 09 01 ADMIN- SECURITY GUARANTEE 01 - 000 - 21 - 00 - 2115 07 / 14 / 09 3 , 900 . 00 SECURITY GUARANTEE PAYABLE 02 REFUND FOR 2421 ALAN DALE , LOT * * COMMENT * * 03 133 * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 3 , 900 . 00 LOT202 06116109 01 ADMIN- SECURITY GUARANTEE 01 - 000 - 21 - 00 - 2115 07 / 14 / 09 3 , 577 . 50 SECURITY GUARANTEE PAYABLE 02 REFUND FOR 2768 MCMURTRIE , * * COMMENT * * 03 LOT 202 * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 3 , 577 . 50 LOT203 06/ 16 / 09 01 ADMIN- SECURITY GUARANTEE 01 - 000 - 21 - 00 - 2115 07 / 14 / 09 2 , 902 . 56 SECURITY GUARANTEE PAYABLE 02 REFUND FOR 2806 MCMURTRIE , * * COMMENT * * 03 LOT 203 * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 2 , 902 . 56 LOT219 06 / 16/ 09 01 ADMIN- SECURITY GUARANTEE 01 - 000 - 21 - 00 - 2115 07 / 14 / 09 3 , 577 . 50 SECURITY GUARANTEE PAYABLE 02 REFUND FOR 2898 MCMURTRIE , * * COMMENT * * 03 LOT 219 * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 3 , 577 . 50 LOT246 06 /29 / 09 01 ADMIN- SECURITY GUARANTEE 01 - 000 - 21 - 00 - 2115 07 / 14 / 09 3 , 952 . 50 SECURITY GUARANTEE PAYABLE - 76- DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 17 TIME : 11 : 13 : 56 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 /2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT KIMBALL KIMBALL HOMES LOT246 06 / 29 / 09 02 REFUND FOR 2724 GOLDENROD , LOT * * COMMENT * * 07 / 14 / 09 03 246 * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 3 , 952 . 50 LOT252 06 / 15 / 09 01 ADMIN- SECURITY GUARANTEE 01 - 000 - 21 - 00 - 2115 07 / 14 / 09 4 , 102 . 50 SECURITY GUARANTEE PAYABLE 02 REFUND FOR 2766 GOLDENROD , * * COMMENT * * 03 LOT 252 * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 4 , 102 . 50 LOT266 06 /29 / 09 01 ADMIN- SECURITY GUARANTEE 01 - 000 - 21 - 00 - 2115 07 / 14 / 09 2 , 775 . 00 SECURITY GUARANTEE PAYABLE 02 REFUND FOR 2735 ELDEN , LOT 266 * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 2 , 775 . 00 LOT273 06 / 11 / 09 01 ADMIN- SECURITY GUARANTEE 01 - 000 - 21 - 00 - 2115 07 / 14 / 09 4 , 102 . 50 SECURITY GUARANTEE PAYABLE 02 REFUND FOR 2702 ELDEN LOT 273 * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 4 , 102 . 50 LOT283 06 / 11 / 09 01 ADMIN- SECURITY GUARANTEE 01 - 000 - 21 - 00 - 2115 07 / 14 / 09 4 , 177 . 50 SECURITY GUARANTEE PAYABLE 02 REFUND FOR 2792 ELDEN , LOT 283 * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 4 , 177 . 50 LOT59 06 / 15 / 09 01 ADMIN- SECURITY GUARANTEE 01 - 000 - 21 - 00 - 2115 07 / 14 / 09 3 , 952 . 50 SECURITY GUARANTEE PAYABLE 02 REFUND FOR 2464 SUMAC , LOT 59 * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 3 , 952 . 50 LOT62 06 / 29 / 09 01 ADMIN- SECURITY GUARANTEE 01 - 000 - 21 - 00 - 2115 07 / 14 / 09 3 , 952 . 50 SECURITY GUARANTEE PAYABLE 02 REFUND FOR 2763 GOLDENROD , LOT * * COMMENT * * 03 62 * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 3 , 952 . 50 VENDOR TOTAL : 40 , 972 . 56 - 17- DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 18 TIME : 11 : 13 : 56 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . W0W INVOICES DUE ON/ BEFORE 07 / 14 /2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT MARINEBI MARINE BIOCHEMISTS 259985 RS 06 / 15 / 09 01 SUNFLOWER SSA- JUNE ALGAE & 12 - 000 - 65 - 00 - 5416 07 / 14 / 09 937 . 20 MAINTENANCE COMMON GROUNDS 02 WEED TREATMENT * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 937 . 20 VENDOR TOTAL : 937 . 20 MARTINH MARTIN , HAROLD 070109 07 / 01 / 09 01 POLICE - IACP CONFERENCE MEALS & 01 - 210 - 64 - 00 - 5605 07 / 14 / 09 1 , 190 . 08 TRAVEL EXPENSES 02 LODGING REIMBURSEMENT FOR 3 * * COMMENT * * 03 PEOPLE * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 1 , 190 . 08 VENDOR TOTAL : 1 , 190 . 08 MARTPLMB MARTIN PLUMBING & HEATING CO . 5376 06/25 / 09 01 SEWER OP -MISSION COUPLINGS 52 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5419 07 / 14 / 09 20 . 00 MAINTENANCE - SANITARY SEWER INVOICE TOTAL : 2000. VENDOR TOTAL : 20 . 00 MENLAND MENARDS - YORKVILLE 15914 06 / 04 / 09 01 STREETS - ROUND GRATE , SEWER 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5420 07 / 14 / 09 16 . 52 MAINTENANCE - STORM SEWER 02 ELBOW , SEWER PIPE * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 16 . 52 19182 06 / 17 / 09 01 SEWER OP - BATTERIES , BLEACH 52 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5422 07 / 14 / 09 7 . 42 LIFT STATION MAINTENANCE INVOICE TOTAL : 7 . 42 19218 06 / 17 / 09 01 WATER OP - HOSE ADAPTERS , 51 - 000 - 65 - 00 - 5804 07 / 14 / 09 77 . 62 OPERATING SUPPLIES - 18 - DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 19 TIME : 11 : 13 : 56 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT MENLAND MENARDS - YORKVILLE 19218 06 / 17 / 09 02 - NIPPLES , BUSHING , REDUCERS * * COMMENT * * 07 / 14 / 09 INVOICE TOTAL : 77 . 62 19450 06 / 18 / 09 01 WATER OP - WIRE BRUSH SCRAPER , 51 - 000 - 65 - 00 - 5804 07 / 14 / 09 3 . 96 OPERATING SUPPLIES 02 SHOE HANDLE BRUSH * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 3 . 96 19721 06119109 01 SEWER OP-WATER , SOAP 52 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5422 07 / 14 / 09 5 . 48 LIFT STATION MAINTENANCE INVOICE TOTAL : 5 . 48 VENDOR TOTAL : 111 . 00 METLIFE METLIFE SMALL BUSINESS CENTER 061709 06 / 17 / 09 01 FINANCE- JULY LIFE INSURANCE 01 - 120 - 50 - 00 - 5204 07 / 14 / 09 2 , 443 . 54 BENEFITS - GROUP LIFE INSUR INVOICE TOTAL : 2 , 443 . 54 VENDOR TOTAL : 2 , 443 . 54 METROWES METRO WEST COG 162 06 / 11 / 09 01 ADMIN-APRIL LEGISLATIVE DRIVE 01 - 110 - 64 - 00 - 5605 07 / 14 / 09 310 . 00 TRAVEL/MEALS /LODGING 02 DOWN FOR 2 PEOPLE * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 310 . 00 184 06 / 11 / 09 01 ADMIN- 05 / 15/ 09 STATE OF 01 - 110 - 64 - 00 - 5605 07 / 14 / 09 30 . 00 TRAVEL/MEALS/LODGING 02 COUNTIES LUNCH FOR 1 PERSON * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 30 . 00 186 06111109 01 ADMIN- 05 / 15 / 09 STATE OF 01 - 110 - 64 - 00 - 5605 07 / 14 / 09 30 . 00 TRAVEL/MEALS/LODGING - 19 - DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 20 TIME : 11 : 13 : 56 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 /2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT METROWES METRO WEST COG 186 06 / 11 / 09 02 COUNTIES LUNCH FOR 1 PERSON * * COMMENT * * 07 / 14 / 09 INVOICE TOTAL : 30 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 370 . 00 MIDAM MID AMERICAN WATER 55471A 06/ 15 / 09 01 WATER OP - COPPER , BEND 51 - 000 - 65 - 00 - 5804 07 / 14 / 09 249 . 67 OPERATING SUPPLIES INVOICE TOTAL : 249 . 67 55477A 06 / 15 / 09 01 COPPER FITTINGS 51 - 000 - 65 - 00 - 5804 07/ 14 / 09 380 . 52 OPERATING SUPPLIES INVOICE TOTAL : 380 . 52 55534A 06 / 17 / 09 01 WATER OP - CURS BOX RISER 51 - 000 - 65 - 00 - 5804 07 / 14 / 09 156 . 00 OPERATING SUPPLIES INVOICE TOTAL : 156 . 00 55627A 06/ 22 / 09 01 WATER OP- SUPPORT TUBE , SUPPORT 51 - 000 - 75 - 00 - 7507 07 / 14 / 09 169 . 00 HYDRANT REPLACEMENT 02 GASKETS * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 169 . 00 55644A 06 / 23 / 09 01 WATER O-VALVE SEATS , PLUGS , 51 - 000 - 75 - 00 - 7507 00204334 07 / 14 / 09 1 , 918 . 17 HYDRANT REPLACEMENT 02 OPERATING NUTS * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 1 , 918 . 17 VENDOR TOTAL : 2 , 873 . 36 MJELECT MJ ELECTRICAL SUPPLY , INC . 1108614 - 01 06 / 03 / 09 01 STREETS - FUSES 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5415 07/ 14 / 09 22 . 50 MAINTENANCE - STREET LIGHTS INVOICE TOTAL : 22 . 50 - 20- DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 21 TIME : 11 : 13 : 56 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . W0W INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 /2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT MJELECT MJ ELECTRICAL SUPPLY , INC . 1108617 - 01 06/ 03 / 09 01 STREETS -LIGHT 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5416 07 / 14 / 09 69 . 00 MAINTENANCE PROPERTY INVOICE TOTAL : 69 . 00 1108693 - 00 06 / 03 / 09 01 STREETS - WIRE CONNECTORS 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5415 07 / 14 / 09 14 . 50 MAINTENANCE - STREET LIGHTS INVOICE TOTAL : 14 . 50 1108699 - 01 06 / 11 / 09 01 STREETS - POLE BASE KIT 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5416 07 / 14 / 09 49 . 50 MAINTENANCE PROPERTY INVOICE TOTAL : 49 . 50 1108799 - 00 06 / 08 / 09 01 STREETS - FUSES 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5416 07 / 14 / 09 29 . 50 MAINTENANCE PROPERTY INVOICE TOTAL : 29 . 50 1108835 - 01 06 / 08 / 09 01 STREETS - BALLAST KIT 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5415 07 / 14 / 09 138 . 00 MAINTENANCE - STREET LIGHTS INVOICE TOTAL : 138 . 00 1108890 - 00 06 / 09 / 09 01 STREETS -WIRE 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5415 07 / 14 / 09 6 . 50 MAINTENANCE- STREET LIGHTS INVOICE TOTAL : 6 . 50 1108898 - 00 06110109 01 STREETS - PHASE MONITOR 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5416 07 / 14 / 09 200 . 00 MAINTENANCE PROPERTY INVOICE TOTAL : 200 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 529 . 50 NCL NCL EQUIPMENT SPECIALTIES 9413 06 / 06/ 09 01 STREETS - LATH BUNDLES 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5416 07 / 14 / 09 22 . 00 MAINTENANCE PROPERTY INVOICE TOTAL : 22 . 00 _ Z7 _ DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 22 TIME : 11 : 13 : 56 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07/ 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT NCL NCL EQUIPMENT SPECIALTIES 9414 06112109 01 STREETS - LATH BUNDLES 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5416 07 / 14 / 09 44 . 00 MAINTENANCE PROPERTY INVOICE TOTAL : 44 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 66 . 00 NEMRT NORTH EAST MULTI - REGIONAL 121944 06 / 09 / 09 01 POLICE - INTERVIEW AND 01 - 210 - 64 - 00 - 5604 07 / 14 / 09 800 . 00 TRAINING & CONFERENCE 02 INTERROGATIONS FOR 2 PEOPLE * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 800 . 00 122263 06/ 17 / 09 01 POLICE - SHOTGUN ARMORER 01 - 210 - 64 - 00 - 5604 07 / 14 / 09 150 . 00 TRAINING & CONFERENCE 02 TRAINING FOR 1 PERSON * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 150 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 950 . 00 NEXTEL NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 837900513 - 088 - CITY 06/23 / 09 01 ADMIN-MONTHLY CHARGES 01 - 110 - 62 - 00 - 5438 07/ 14 / 09 127 . 15 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 02 COMM/DEV- MONTHLY CHARGES 01 - 220 - 62 - 00 - 5438 83 . 57 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 03 COMM/RELATIONS - MONTHLY CHARGES 01 - 130 - 62 - 00 - 5438 43 . 58 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 04 ENG-MONTHLY CHARGES 01 - 150 - 62 - 00 - 5438 217 . 90 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 05 FINANCE - MONTHLY CHARGES 01 - 120 - 62 - 00 - 5438 87 . 16 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 06 POLICE -MONTHLY CHARGES 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5438 1 , 526 . 67 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 07 STREETS -MONTHLY CHARGES 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5438 217 . 90 CELLULAR TELEPHONE - 22 - DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 23 TIME : 11 : 13 : 56 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT NEXTEL NEXTEL COMMUNICATIONS 637900513 - 088 - CITY 06/ 23 / 09 08 WATER OP-MONTHLY CHARGES 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5438 07 / 14 / 09 217 . 90 CELLULAR TELEPHONE 09 SEWER OP - MONTHLY CHARGES 52 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5438 130 . 74 CELLULAR TELEPHONE INVOICE TOTAL : 2 , 652 . 57 VENDOR TOTAL : 2 , 652 . 57 NICOR NICOR GAS 07 - 72 - 09 - 0117 7 - 0609 06/23 / 09 01 ADMIN- 1301 CAROLYN CT 01 - 110 - 78 - 00 - 9002 07 / 14 / 09 32 . 05 NICOR GAS INVOICE TOTAL : 3205. 15 - 41 - 50 - 1000 6 - 0609 06 / 09 / 09 01 ADMIN- 804 GAME FARM RD 01 - 110 - 78 - 00 - 9002 07 / 14 / 09 110 . 84 NICOR GAS INVOICE TOTAL : 110 . 84 15 - 64 - 61 - 3532 5 - 0609 06/ 09/ 09 01 ADMIN- 1991 CANNONBALL TRAIL 01 - 110 - 78 - 00 - 9002 07 / 14 / 09 30 . 55 NICOR GAS INVOICE TOTAL : 30 . 55 20 - 52 - 56 - 2042 1 - 0609 06109109 01 ADMIN- 420 FAIRHAVEN DR 01 - 110 - 78 - 00 - 9002 07 / 14 / 09 77 . 65 NICOR GAS INVOICE TOTAL : 77 . 65 42 - 86 - 15 - 4203 5 - 0609 06 / 09 / 09 01 ADMIN- 185 WOLF STREET 01 - 110 - 78 - 00 - 9002 07 / 14 / 09 50 . 85 NICOR GAS INVOICE TOTAL : 50 . 85 46 - 69 - 47 - 6727 1 - 0609 06 / 08 / 09 01 ADMIN- 1975 BRIDGE STREET 01 - 110 - 78 - 00 - 9002 07 / 14 / 09 75 . 81 NICOR GAS INVOICE TOTAL : 75 . 81 66 - 70 - 44 - 6942 9 - 0609 06/ 09 / 09 01 ADMIN- 100 RAINTREE RD 01 - 110 - 78 - 00 - 9002 07 / 14 / 09 83 . 88 NICOR GAS INVOICE TOTAL : 83 . 88 -23 - DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 24 TIME : 11 : 13 : 56 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT NICOR NICOR GAS 77 - 35 - 71 - 1000 4 - 0609 06 / 08 / 09 01 ADMIN- 131 E HYDRAULIC 01 - 110 - 78 - 00 - 9002 07 / 14 / 09 33 . 32 NICOR GAS INVOICE TOTAL : 33 . 32 83 - 13 - 42 - 8369 2 - 0609 06 / 08 / 09 01 ADMIN- 1107 PRAIRIE LN 01 - 110 - 78 - 00 - 9002 07 / 14 / 09 33 . 83 NICOR GAS INVOICE TOTAL : 33 . 83 95 - 16 - 10 - 1000 4 - 0609 06 / 11 / 09 01 ADMIN- 1 RT47 01 - 110 - 78 - 00 - 9002 07 / 14 / 09 351 . 30 NICOR GAS INVOICE TOTAL : 351 . 30 VENDOR TOTAL : 880 . 08 OFFWORK OFFICE WORKS 157077 06 / 10 / 09 01 ADMIN-MICRO CASSETTES 01 - 110 - 65 - 00 - 5802 07 / 14 / 09 75 . 90 OFFICE SUPPLIES INVOICE TOTAL : 75 . 90 VENDOR TOTAL : 75 . 90 PATTEN PATTEN INDUSTRIES , INC . P63C0019736 06/ 12 / 09 01 STREETS - HEATER JACKET 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5416 07 / 14 / 09 213 . 69 MAINTENANCE PROPERTY INVOICE TOTAL : 213 . 69 VENDOR TOTAL : 213 . 69 PFPETT P . F . PETTIBONE & CO . 17977 06 / 17 / 09 01 POLICE- 2 , 500 ORDINANCE 01 - 210 - 65 - 00 - 5814 07 / 14 / 09 946 . 43 ADMIN ADJUDICATION OPERATI 02 ENFORCEMENT TICKETS * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 946 . 43 VENDOR TOTAL : 946 . 43 - 24- DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 25 TIME : 11 : 13 : 56 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT PRINTPER PRINT PERFECT 00056225 06/ 01 / 09 01 COMM/RELATIONS - 1 , 000 COY 01 - 130 - 64 - 00 - 5607 07 / 14 / 09 248 . 00 PUBLIC RELATIONS 02 . SEASON CALENDARS * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 246 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 248 . 00 PROVENAM PROVENA MERCY CENTER 120408 06101109 01 FINANCE- CONSORTIUM MEMBER FEE 01 - 120 - 62 - 00 - 5401 07 / 14 / 09 185 . 00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES INVOICE TOTAL : 185 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 185 . 00 QUILL QUILL CORPORATION 5492506 03 / 18 / 09 01 COMM/RELATIONS - POST CARDS FOR 01 - 130 - 65 - 00 - 5802 07 / 14 / 09 614 . 32 OFFICE SUPPLIES 02 CLEAN UP SCHEDULES * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 614 . 32 633715 04 / 07 / 09 01 COMM/RELATIONS - RETURNED 01 - 130 - 65 - 00 - 5802 07 / 14 / 09 - 482 . 68 OFFICE SUPPLIES 02 PORTION OF POST CARDS * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : - 482 . 68 VENDOR TOTAL : 131 . 64 SECGROUP SEC GROUP , INC . 356521 04 / 20 / 09 01 COMM/DEV- YORKVILLE INTEGRATED 01 - 220 - 62 - 00 - 5401 07/ 14 / 09 1 , 877 . 82 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 02 TRANSPORTATION PLAN * * COMMENT * * 03 ARO- YORKVILLE INTEGRATED 01 - 000 - 13 - 00 - 1372 16 , 900 . 40 A/R- OTHER 04 TRANSPORTATION PLAN * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 18 , 778 . 22 VENDOR TOTAL : 18 , 778 . 22 - 25 - DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 26 TIME : 11 : 13 : 56 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT SERVMASC SERVICEMASTER COMM . CLEANING , 142966 06/ 15/ 09 01 ADMIN-MONTHLY CITY OFFICE 01 - 110 - 62 - 00 - 5406 07 / 14 / 09 625 . 00 OFFICE CLEANING 02 CLEANING * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 625 . 00 142967 06 / 15/ 09 01 STREETS - OFFICE CLEANING 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5401 07 / 14 / 09 131 . 66 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 02 WATER OP- OFFICE CLEANING 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5401 131 . 67 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 03 SEWER OP- OFFICE CLEANING 52 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5401 131 . 67 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES INVOICE TOTAL : 395 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 1 , 020 . 00 SHELL SHELL OIL CO . 065159923906 06/ 03 / 09 01 STREETS - GASOLINE 01 - 410 - 65 - 00 - 5812 00204291 07 / 14 / 09 810 . 32 GASOLINE 02 WATER OP- GASOLINE 51 - 000 - 65 - 00 - 5812 810 . 32 GASOLINE 03 SEWER OP- GASOLINE 52 - 000 - 65 - 00 - 5812 810 . 33 GASOLINE INVOICE TOTAL : 2 , 430 . 97 VENDOR TOTAL : 2 , 430 . 97 SHREDIT SHRED- IT 021314157 06 / 16 / 09 01 ADMIN- SHREDDING CHARGES 01 - 110 - 62 - 00 - 5401 07 / 14 / 09 136 . 00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES INVOICE TOTAL : 136 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 136 . 00 SMIECOSY SMITH ECOLOGICAL SYSTEMS INC . 12930 06/ 22 / 09 01 WATER OP - SCALE DISC 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5407 07 / 14 / 09 99 . 94 TREATMENT FACILITIES O&M INVOICE TOTAL : 99 . 94 VENDOR ' TOTAL : 99 . 94 - 26 - DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 27 TIME : 11 : 13 : 56 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 /2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT SUPERIOR SUPERIOR ASPHALT MATERIALS LLC 20090857 05 /28 / 09 01 MFT - COLD PATCH 15 - 000 - 75 - 00 - 7110 07 / 14 / 09 36 . 06 COLD PATCH INVOICE TOTAL : 36 . 06 VENDOR TOTAL : 36 . 06 TAPCO TAPCO 320121 06/ 18 / 09 01 MFT - SIGN 15 - 000 - 75 - 00 - 7007 07 / 14 / 09 197 . 50 SIGNS INVOICE TOTAL : 197 . 50 VENDOR TOTAL : 197 . 50 TARGET TARGET BANK 061809 - CITY 06 / 18 /09 01 ADMIN- PAPER TOWELS 01 - 110 - 65 - 00 - 5804 07 / 14 / 09 14 . 00 OPERATING SUPPLIES INVOICE TOTAL : 14 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 14 . 00 THYSSEN THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR CORP 045010 06/ 04 / 09 01 STREETS -NEW STARTER FOR 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5416 00204382 07 / 14 / 09 2 , 682 . 00 MAINTENANCE PROPERTY 02 ELEVATOR * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 2 , 682 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 2 , 682 . 00 TRAFFIC TRAFFIC CONTROL CORPORATION 0000037509 06 / 08 / 09 01 STREETS - GREEN TINTED LED 01 - 410 - 62 - 00 - 5414 07 / 14 / 09 280 . 00 MAINTENANCE -TRAFFIC SIGNAL INVOICE TOTAL : 280 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 280 . 00 TUFFY TUFFY AUTO SERVICE CENTER - 27- DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 28 TIME : 11 : 13 : 57 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/ BEFORE 07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT TUFFY TUFFY AUTO SERVICE CENTER 11267 06 / 08 / 09 01 POLICE- OIL CHANGE 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5409 07 / 14 / 09 29 . 95 MAINTENANCE - VEHICLES INVOICE TOTAL : 29 . 95 11316 06110109 01 POLICE- OIL CHANGE 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5409 07 / 14 / 09 29 . 95 MAINTENANCE - VEHICLES INVOICE TOTAL : 29 . 95 11394 06 / 13 / 09 01 POLICE - OIL CHANGE 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5409 07 / 14 / 09 25 . 95 MAINTENANCE - VEHICLES INVOICE TOTAL : 25 . 95 11609 06 /27 / 09 01 POLICE - OIL CHANGE 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5409 07/ 14 / 09 29 . 95 MAINTENANCE - VEHICLES INVOICE TOTAL : 29 . 95 11611 06 /27 / 09 01 POLICE - OIL CHANGE 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5409 07 / 14 / 09 29 . 95 MAINTENANCE - VEHICLES INVOICE TOTAL : 29 . 95 VENDOR TOTAL : 145 . 75 UPS UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 00004296X2239 06 / 06 / 09 01 ADMIN- 2 PKGS . TO KFO 01 - 110 - 65 - 00 - 5808 07/ 14 / 09 40 . 73 POSTAGE & SHIPPING 02 FINANCE - 1 PKG . TO C . WUNDER 01 - 120 - 65 - 00 - 5808 34 . 36 POSTAGE & SHIPPING INVOICE TOTAL : 75 . 09 00004296X2249 06 / 13 / 09 01 ADMIN- 1 PKG TO KFO 01 - 110 - 65 - 00 - 5808 07/ 14 / 09 39 . 16 POSTAGE & SHIPPING 02 WATER OP- 1 PKG TO ARRO LAS , 1 51 - 000 - 65 - 00 - 5808 59 . 99 POSTAGE & SHIPPING 03 PKG TO EPA LAB * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 99 . 15 - 28 - DATE : 07 / 07/ 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 29 TIME : 11 : 13 : 57 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT UPS UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 00004296X2259 06 /20 / 09 01 ADMIN- I PACKAGE TO KFO 01 - 110 - 65 - 00 - 5808 07 / 14 / 09 57 . 59 POSTAGE & SHIPPING INVOICE TOTAL : 57 . 59 VENDOR TOTAL : 231 . 83 USBANK U . S . BANK 061209 06 / 12 / 09 01 SEWER OP- BRUELL STREET BOND 52 - 200 - 66 - 00 - 6003 07 / 14 / 09 38 , 356 . 25 2003A IRBB INTEREST PMT - BR 02 INTEREST PAYMENT * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 38 , 356 . 25 VENDOR TOTAL : 38 , 356 . 25 VIKING VIKING SIGNS & GRAPHICS 191241 06 / 26 / 09 01 WATER OP- CHEMICALS , DEPOSITS 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5407 00204331 07 / 14 / 09 1 , 714 . 95 TREATMENT FACILITIES O&M INVOICE TOTAL : 1 , 714 . 95 VENDOR TOTAL : 1 , 714 . 95 VISA VISA 062309 - CITY 06/23 / 09 01 FINANCE - REOCURING WEB SITE 01 - 220 - 75 - 00 - 7002 00102190 07 / 14 / 09 156 . 71 COMPUTER EQUIP & SOFTWARE 02 UPKEEP FEES * * COMMENT * * 03 COMM/DEV-ANTIVIRUS RENEWAL 01 - 220 - 75 - 00 - 7002 98 . 00 COMPUTER EQUIP & SOFTWARE 04 ADMIN-ANTIVIRUS RENEWAL 01 - 110 - 75 - 00 - 7002 126 . 00 COMPUTER EQUIP & SOFTWARE 05 POLICE-ANTIVIRUS RENEWAL 01 - 210 - 75 - 00 - 7002 308 . 00 COMPUTER EQUIP & SOFTWARE 06 ENG-ANTIVIRUS RENEWAL 01 - 150 - 75 - 00 - 7002 98 . 00 COMPUTER EQUIPMENT & SOFTW 07 WATER OP-ANTIVIRUS RENEWAL 51 - 000 - 75 - 00 - 7002 140 . 00 COMPUTER EQUIP & SOFTWARE -29- DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 30 TIME : 11 : 13 : 57 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT VISA VISA 062309 - CITY 06/23 / 09 08 FINANCE-ANTIVIRUS RENEWAL , 01 - 120 - 75 - 00 - 7002 00102190 07 / 14 / 09 385 . 00 COMPUTER EQUIP & SOFTWARE 09 ANTIVIRUS NEW LICENSES * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 1 , 311 . 71 062309 - PD 06/23 / 09 01 POLICE- SRO CONFERENCE MEALS , 01 - 210 - 64 - 00 - 5605 07 / 14 / 09 257 . 43 TRAVEL EXPENSES 02 LODGING * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 257 . 43 VENDOR TOTAL : 1 , 569 . 14 VSP VISION SERVICE PLAN 061709 06 / 17 / 09 01 FINANCE- JULY VISION 01 - 120 - 50 - 00 - 5205 07 / 14 / 09 1 , 148 . 18 BENEFITS - DENTAL/ VISION A INVOICE TOTAL : 1 , 148 . 18 VENDOR TOTAL : 1 , 148 . 18 WAREHOUS WAREHOUSE DIRECT 363237 - 0 06 / 11/ 09 01 ADMIN- PAPER TOWEL , TOILET 01 - 110 - 65 - 00 - 5804 07 / 14 / 09 150 . 64 OPERATING SUPPLIES 02 TISSUE * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 150 . 64 VENDOR TOTAL : 150 . 64 WARREN WARREN GARAGE DOOR 090629 06 / 29 / 09 01 POLICE - CPU UNIT FOR OPENER 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5408 07 / 14 / 09 2000. MAINTENANCE - EQUIPMENT INVOICE TOTAL : 2000. VENDOR TOTAL : 20 . 00 WESTGRP WEST GROUP - 30 - DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 31 TIME : 11 : 13 : 57 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT WESTGRP WEST GROUP 818495869 06106109 01 ADMIN- STATE BAR BOOKS 01 - 110 - 65 - 00 - 5804 07/ 14 / 09 189 . 00 OPERATING SUPPLIES INVOICE TOTAL : 189 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 189 . 00 WHOLTIRE WHOLESALE TIRE 129537 06 / 15 / 09 01 POLICE- OIL CHANGE , TIRE 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5409 07 / 14 / 09 44 . 95 MAINTENANCE - VEHICLES 02 REPAIR * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 44 . 95 129646 06/22 / 09 01 ENG- OIL CHANGE 01 - 150 - 62 - 00 - 5409 07/ 14 / 09 34 . 95 MAINTENANCE- VEHICLES INVOICE TOTAL : 34 . 95 129655 06/ 22 / 09 01 POLICE -BRAKE WORK 01 - 210 - 62 - 00 - 5409 07 / 14 / 09 54 . 00 MAINTENANCE - VEHICLES INVOICE TOTAL : 54 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 133 . 90 YARDLAND YARDWORKS LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES 8687 06 /25 / 09 01 WATER OP- QWIK SOD GRASS 51 - 000 - 65 - 00 - 5804 07 / 14 / 09 145 . 95 OPERATING SUPPLIES INVOICE TOTAL : 145 . 95 8705 06/26/ 09 01 WATER OP - EZ - STRAW SEED 51 - 000 - 65 - 00 - 5804 07 / 14 / 09 9 . 85 OPERATING SUPPLIES INVOICE TOTAL : 9 . 85 VENDOR TOTAL : 155 . 80 YBSD YORKVILLE BRISTOL 0480 - 000667015 05 / 31 / 09 01 WATER OP- JUNE TIPPING FEES 51 - 000 - 62 - 00 - 5407 00204292 07 / 14 / 09 4 , 877 . 75 TREATMENT FACILITIES O&M INVOICE TOTAL : 4 , 877 . 75 VENDOR -TOTAL : 4 , 877 . 75 - 31 - DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 32 TIME : 11 : 13 : 57 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 / 2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT YORKACE YORKVILLE ACE & RADIO SHACK 126546 06/ 17 / 09 01 WATER OP- HEX BUSHING 51 - 000 - 65 - 00 - 5804 07 / 14 / 09 4 . 99 OPERATING SUPPLIES INVOICE TOTAL : 4 . 99 VENDOR TOTAL : 4 . 99 YORKCLER YORKVILLE CLERK ' S ACCOUNT 129069 06 / 12 / 09 01 WATER OP- RELEASE OF LIENS 51 - 000 - 42 - 00 - 4240 07 / 14 / 09 49 . 00 HULK WATER SALES INVOICE TOTAL : 49 . 00 129498 06/ 30 / 09 01 ARO -ALDI 01 - 000 - 13 - 00 - 1372 07 / 14 / 09 51 . 00 A/R- OTHER 02 COMM/DEV- EASEMENT AGREEMENT 01 - 220 - 61 - 00 - 5300 55 . 00 LEGAL SERVICES INVOICE TOTAL : 106 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 155 . 00 YORKGFPC YORKVILLE GENERAL FUND 062909 06 /29 / 09 01 FINANCE - PARK PARCEL DEED 01 - 120 - 62 - 00 - 5401 07 / 14 / 09 1 . 00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 02 WATER OP - STAMPS FOR US BILLS 51 - 000 - 65 - 00 - 5808 11 . 20 POSTAGE & SHIPPING INVOICE TOTAL : 12 . 20 VENDOR TOTAL : 12 . 20 YORKNAPA YORKVILLE NAPA AUTO PARTS 883250 06/ 26 / 09 01 PD CAPITAL - BATTERY , BATTERY 20 - 000 - 65 - 00 - 5840 07 / 14 / 09 73 . 80 SEIZED VEHICLES 02 DEPOSIT * * COMMENT * * INVOICE TOTAL : 73 . 80 VENDOR TOTAL : 73 . 80 - 32 - DATE : 07 / 07 / 09 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PAGE : 33 TIME : 11 : 13 : 57 DETAIL BOARD REPORT ID : AP441000 . WOW INVOICES DUE ON/BEFORE 07 / 14 /2009 INVOICE # INVOICE ITEM VENDOR # DATE # DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # P . O . # DUE DATE ITEM AMT YORKPR YORKVILLE PARK & RECREATION 073109 - TRANSFER 07/ 02 / 09 01 FINANCE - JULY TRANSFER O1 - 120 - 99 - 00 - 9940 07 / 14 / 09 81 , 625 . 00 TRANSFER TO PARK & RECREAT INVOICE TOTAL : 81 , 625 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 81 , 625 . 00 YORKSELF YORKVILLE SELF STORAGE , INC 062509 - 45 06/25 / 09 01 POLICE- STORAGE 01 - 210 - 65 - 00 - 5804 07 / 14 / 09 75 . 00 OPERATING SUPPLIES INVOICE TOTAL : 75 . 00 VENDOR TOTAL : 75 . 00 YOUNGM MARLYS J . YOUNG 060209 06 /24 / 09 01 ADMIN- JUNE 2 MEETING MINUTES 01 - 110 - 62 - 00 - 5401 07/ 14 / 09 85 . 00 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES INVOICE TOTAL : 85 . 00 061009 06 /20 / 09 01 ADMIN- 06 / 10 / 09 MEETING MINUTES 01 - 110 - 62 - 00 - 5401 07 / 14 / 09 47 . 50 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES INVOICE TOTAL : 47 . 50 061709 06 /27 / 09 01 ADMIN- JUNE 17 MEETING MINUTES 01 - 110 - 62 - 00 - 5401 07 / 14 / 09 44 . 25 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES INVOICE TOTAL : 44 . 25 VENDOR TOTAL : 176 . 75 TOTAL ALL INVOICES : 338 , 899 . 04 - 33 - UNITED CITY OF YRVILLE PAYROLL SUMMARY 7/4/2009 REGULAR OVERTIME TOTAL IMRF S. SECURITY TOTALS ADMINISTRATION $ 10,929.36 $0.00 $10,929.36 $887.99 $755.91 $ 12,573.26 FINANCE $107622.94 $0. 00 $10,622.94 $881 .70 $784.33 $ 122288. 97 COMMUNITY REL. $2,698. 00 $0.00 $27698.00 $207.50 $162.52 $3,068. 02 ENGINEERING $ 121510.26 $0.00 $12,510.26 $1 , 038.35 $918.24 $ 14,466.85 POLICE $92,259.27 $4, 119.85 $965379. 12 $674.81 $7, 116.49 $ 1042170.42 COMMUNITY DEV. $115657.81 $0.00 $ 11 ,657.81 $967.60 $864.45 $ 133489.86 STREETS $ 112492.62 $0.00 $117492.62 $953.88 $861 .48 $13,307. 98 WATER $13,348.95 $789.59 $14, 138.54 $17173.51 $1 ,042.04 $ 163354.09 SEWER $9,972.51 $0.00 $9,972.51 $827.72 $724.97 $11 ,525.20 PARKS $16,384.99 $0.00 $ 16,384.99 $1 ,255.36 $1 ,221 .79 $ 18,862. 14 RECREATION $167585.32 $0.00 $16,585.32 $ 1 , 195.02 $ 1 ,243.64 $19,023.98 REC. CENTER $8,072.27 $0.00 $8,072.27 $162.76 $611 .87 $8,846.90 LIBRARY $172742. 12 $0.001 $ 175742. 12 $689.90 $1 ,335.27 $ 19,767.29 TOTALS $2343276.42 $4,909.44 $239, 185.861 $10,916. 10 $17,643.00 $267,744.96 TOTAL PAYROLL 7/412009 $267, 744. 96 TOTAL INVOICES 7/14/2009 $338, 899 . 04 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $6069644.00 - 34 - c4k Reviewed By: Agenda Item Number J= o � 0 T Legal El 1 `OJT 0 K ' a7f�1j Finance EST. , 1836 El Engineer ❑ Tracking Number City Administrator ❑ Consultant ❑ C C 6?DO1 — l 0 D <LE F1 Agenda Item Summary Memo Title: IDOT IL 47 Replacement Parking Facility Request (Old Jail Property) Meeting and Date: City Council/July 14, 2009 Synopsis: Formal request to IDOT regarding the 1L 47 parking stall compensation per Resolution 2000-21 (attached). The request is to proceed with acquisition of 111 W. Madison Street(old jail property). Council Action Previously Taken: Date of Action: n/a Action Taken: Item Number: Type of Vote Required: majority Council Action Requested: Approval authorizing Mayor to prepare and sign formal request letter to IDOT. Submitted by: Travis Miller Community Development Name Department Agenda Item Notes: CIP Memorandum 1636 EST. To: EDC/City Council ', �'. . From : Travis Miller, Community Development Director Date: July 10, 2009 9 �O Subject: IL 47 Replacement Parking Location Request <CE 111 W. Madison Street (Old Jail Property) Background The City of Yorkville and IDOT executed a Resolution of Intent September 14, 2000 regarding IDOT' s compensation to the City for 20 parking spaces lost along IL 47 between Van Emmon and Hydraulic Streets as a result of the IL 47 widening project (attached for your reference). This Resolution states that IDOT will reimburse the City 100% of acquisition, engineering and construction costs for a 20 parking space facility. Once the City instructs IDOT of the location, IDOT will begin their evaluation of the site and determine if they agree it is feasible. Rick Powell, IDOT Studies and Plans Engineer has informed staff of the following criteria: 1 . Property must be investigated for hazardous waste potential, regardless of who buys it. IDOT Policy says IDOT will do the survey at its own expense. IDOT has the right to reject the site on basis of contamination if it is not acceptable. This should be done prior to acquisition of the property by the city. The District is ordering an environmental survey and attempt to do this in a timely fashion, and will separate this request from other clearances as a priority item. Kendall County performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment in October 2008 and a copy of this has been provided to IDOT. Mr. Powell has explained that this step generally takes about six weeks to accomplish. 2. Property is usually acquired by the municipality, but they are obligated to follow IDOT' s Bureau of Land Acquisition Manual procedure in order to be eligible for reimbursement. Mr. Powell has explained that funding assistance may be made available by District 3 for this acquisition, rather than reimbursement, if needed. 3 . IDOT has the right to reject a property site as too expensive, or to only participate in reasonable costs should the city and IDOT agree to go ahead with a parking location where costs exceed IDOT' s independent reasonable cost estimate. Also, if the city is building more than 20 spaces, IDOT is obligated only to participate in the pro-rated share of the 20 spaces being replaced. Mr. Powell has explained that he does not see a problem with IDOT' s participation on the site at 111 W. Madison Street as long as all costs are supported by reasonable estimates and appraisals. A formal request from the city is needed for IDOT to investigate advancing the funding for the replacement parking project. Mr. Powell has explained there is currently no funding for this purpose set aside in FY 2010, however, Regional Engineer George Ryan has indicated that if the Capital Bill passes, IDOT may have some funding flexibility. Site Selection/Recommendation Staff has evaluated several potential locations in the vicinity of the lost parking spaces to detennine the most appropriate and suitable location for the new parking facility. IDOT requires the parking facility be located on property owned by the City. This criteria eliminates the ability to make improvements on leased property, such as the AT&T property and the Bridge Street Plaza property which are the only feasible alternative locations in closer proximity to the Bridge Street businesses than the recommended site. After evaluating multiple potential parking lot facility sites in the vicinity of the parking spaces to be lost staff recommends the property at 111 W. Madison Street to be the most appropriate based upon the following: - The property is owned by Kendall County which has indicated an interest in selling; - The property is west of IL 47, which currently has the most need for parking and relies more heavily upon the parking stalls along IL 47. The businesses on the east side of 47 are served by two municipal lots; - The property is sloping, which would allow the potential to expand upward in a parking deck type structure as parking demands in the downtown area increase in the future; - The property includes an historic structure (old jail). Ownership of this structure would allow the City the opportunity to improve and the potential to create a cultural attraction/destination that ultimately will benefit the downtown. Recommendation — Submit the attached letter and attachments to IDOT requesting to proceed with the property at 1 I 1 W. Madison Street. <`0 �'T 0 United City of Yorkville County Seat of Kendall County EK 1 1936 800 Game Farm Road o ®i Yorkville, Illinois, 60560 Telephone: 630-553-4350 <LE Nay July 15, 2009 Mr. George Ryan, P.E. Region 2 Engineer Deputy Director of Highways Illinois Department of Transportation — District 3 700 East Norris Drive Ottawa, Illinois 61350-0697 Re: IL 47 Replacement Parking Location Request FAP Route 326 (IL 47) Deputy Director Ryan, The City of Yorkville has evaluated multiple locations for the compensated parking spaces contemplated by the September 14, 2000 Resolution of Intent. The City Council has determined that the most suitable location for a parking facility to serve the businesses along Bridge Street is property located at 111 W. Madison Street. This property is currently owned by Kendall County. We have discussed the possibility of the City acquiring this property with Anne Vickery, Kendall County Board Chair and we understand that the County is interested in the sale of this property. We understand the property will need to be appraised and we are prepared to have this appraisal performed following the IDOT Bureau of Land Acquisition Manual procedures. We would request that the expense of this appraisal be reimbursed to the City as part of the costs associated with the parking facility. We respectfully request that IDOT proceed with the necessary investigation for potentially hazardous waste on this site at this time. Attached for your reference is a map depicting the location of the property along with a conceptual schematic of a parking lot design for the property. I look forward to your response to this request. Sincerely, Mayor Valerie Burd United City of Yorkville Cc: Rick Powell, P.E. — IDOT District 3 Studies and Plans Engineer Craig Reed, P.E. — IDOT District 3 Studies and Plans Engineer VAN EMMON STREET ADA SPA i n SIWWAtK�, II H _ cc¢ i � I c3; SIDEWALK ADA SPACE J2\��p C/ryT Conceptual Parking Lot Plan O 20 spaces + 2 ADA spaces I'll 111 W. Madison Street Scale 1 "=30'-0" r,<te1 N PIN 05-38-287-001 June 29, 2009 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ss COUNTY OF KENDALL ) RESOLUTION NO. 2000- al RESOLUTION OF INTENT ILLINOIS ROUTE 47 (BRIDGE STREET IN YORKVILLE) WHEREAS, THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, Kendall County, Illinois, hereinafter called the CITY and the State of Illinois, acting by and through its Department of Transportation, hereinafter called the STATE, acknowledge that increasing traffic volumes necessitated the proposed widening Illinois Route 47 (Bridge Street) to a five lane roadway through the CITY. Limits of the proposed project are from Illinois Route 71 on the south and -- - extending-northerly-appraacimately three miles-to-north-of-U.S_Route 34._ - The_said project is identified as Illinois Route 47 (FAP 326), State Section (5CS, 13C, 108, 109)R. WHEREAS, construction of the proposed five lane roadway necessitates the elimination of 20 existing on-street parking stalls along Illinois Route 47 (Bridge Street) between Van Emmons and Fox Streets within the CITY's central business district. To compensate the CITY for the loss of the said 20 parking stalls along Illinois Route 47 (Bridge Street), the STATE agrees to participate in the funding to construct a 20 stall capacity off-street parking lot facility. The parking lot facility must be constructed within reasonable proximity to the locale where on-street parking along Illinois Route 47 was eliminated due to the road project. WHEREAS, the CITY will: 1 . Be responsible for the site selection of the proposed parking lot facility and obtain concurrence from the STATE regarding selection site. If the CITY owns the selected site property, it shall provide same property at no cost to the STATE. 2. Provide the STATE with a preliminary cost estimate of purchasing of property (if not owner by CITY), including related costs of negotiations, appraisals, title evidence and legal services, with the STATE given the opportunity to accept or reject the parcel. I 3 . Make the surveys, prepare plans, receive bids, award a contract and furnish engineering supervision during construction of the off-street parking lot facility. 4. Assume 100 percent of all costs associated with construction of any portion of the off-street parking lot facility exceeding the STATE's maximum participation of providing the compensating 20 paved off-street replacement parking stalls, including related auxiliary pavement needed for egress and ingress access to the stalls, drainage, lighting, pedestrian walkways, fencing and landscaping. 5 . Assume 100 percent of all costs for any guard and toll collection facility and/or metering devices. 6. Assume complete jurisdiction of the off-street parking lot facility, including but not limited to maintenance, operations, repairs, reconstruction and electrical energy and hold the STATE harmless from any suits arising from construction, operation and maintenance of the said parking facility. WHEREAS, the STATE will: 1 . Assume full responsibility in providing service for acquiring the needed right of way and/or easements of property to accommodate the said off-street parking facility in the name of the CITY. 2. Conduct a survey for potential hazardous wastes at future off-street parking lot facility site, at no cost to the CITY. 3 . Assume 100 percent of cost of purchasing property to accommodate the said off-street parking lot facility, except if said property is previously or currently owned by the CITY. 4. Reimburse the CITY 100 percent of the engineering and construction costs of an off-street parking facility, limited to the one to one ratio for on-street parallel parking stalls lost due to the widening of Illinois Route 47 (Bridge Street). Reimbursable construction costs is limited to 20 paved parking stalls, auxiliary pavement for ingress and egress to the said 2 7 if stalls, drainage, pedestrian walkways, fencing and any required removal of structures. Reimbursement to CITY for preliminary and construction engineering is limited to 15 percent of the construction costs associated to the described 20 parking stalls. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the above, BE IT RESOLVED, that the STATE be notified by the action taken here, that it is the intention of the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE to assume the responsibility of being the lead agency in site selection, engineering and construction of the above described off-street parking facility. The UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE will later enter into a formal agreement with the State of Illinois prior to implementation of the engineering and construction of said facility, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Yorkville City Clerk is hereby directed to submit two copies of this Resolution of Intent, with the necessary original signatures and - certification seals, to-the-State of Illinois, through its-District Engineer's office in Ottawa, Illinois: -- Passed and approved by the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE' S City Council this N ay of 2000. APPROVED: ATTEST: O Mayor of United City Of Yorkville City Clerk Wi�oisbep epfof Transportation District Engineer 19 G772A& L Date gma, 3 Reviewed By: Agenda Item Number J� .0 leas l ❑ a Legal EST 1 � Finance E] , w`�� Engineer ❑ Tracking Number O a1 City Administrator F-1 0 Consultant ❑❑El �0 LE Agenda Agenda Item Summary Memo Title: Ordinance Amending City Code regarding BASSET Training Meeting and Date: City Council 7/14/09 Synopsis: Ordinance to amend liquor code regarding BASSET training for special events when a temporary or special event liquor license is issued. Council Action Previously Taken: Date of Action: Action Taken: Item Number: Type of Vote Required: Council Action Requested: Submitted by: Mayor Bard Name Department Agenda Item Notes: Attached is an amendment to the liquor code regarding BASSET training. This amendment allows for only one person to be BASSET certified at special events within the city where a Temporary or Special Event liquor license is issued. Most special events rely on volunteers to help staff their booth,so this amendment will allow for the coordinators of these events to be able to utilitze volunteer help,while still making sure that one person who is BASSET certified is present at all times. Additionally,all volunteers will have to attend a one hour training session. 3-3-19: TRAINING REQUIRED: A. All holders of any class of liquor license within the city shall require all employees who serve, sell or distribute alcoholic liquor to successfully complete a beverage alcohol servers and sellers education training (BASSET) certified training class. B. Commencing January 1, 2009, all applications for a liquor license or renewal of a liquor license shall list all employees who serve, sell or distribute alcoholic liquor and include copies of BASSET certificates for each employee named on the list. Additionally, the licensee will maintain copies of all BASSET certificates on the licensed premises for inspection by the city. C. All new employees shall be allowed two (2) months from their first date of commencement of work performed to complete their required BASSET training. A request for an extension to complete BASSET certified training for all employees who serve, sell or distribute alcoholic liquor or a new employee may be made in writing to the local liquor commissioner for a period not to exceed three (3) months. D. Failure to comply with the provisions of this section may subject the licensee to the penalties for violation of this chapter, up to and including revocation of the license. (Ord. 2008-123, 12-22-2008) E. Anyone who is issued a Class T: Temporary License or Class SE: Special Event License shall be exempt from the BASSET training and certification requirements under the following conditions: 1. That the applicant has not been found in violation of any of the United City of Yorkville's liquor ordinances within the past three years. 2. That at least one person is BASSET trained and certified and shall be at the location where alcoholic liquor is being served at all times during the event. Such person shall have supervisory authority over and be responsible for the actions of all employees or volunteers not having the required training. 3. That the Yorkville Police Department will provide a one hour instruction on BASSET training principles to all persons who will be serving alcohol pursuant to the Class T or Class SE license. Ordinance No. 2009- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TIIE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, PROVIDING FOR LIQUOR CONTROL WHEREAS, the United City of Yorkville (the "City") is a non home-rule municipality in accordance with the Constitution of the State of Illinois of 1970 and has the powers granted to it by law; WHEREAS, the Liquor Control Act of 1934, 235 ILCS 511 - 1 , et seq., (the "Liquor Control Act") sets forth a comprehensive system for the regulation of liquor control within the state of Illinois, and authorizes broad powers to municipalities with regard to local retail licenses; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the United City of Yorkville has determined that it will promote the public health, safety and welfare, and that it is in the best interests of the City to amend the regulations pertaining to the sale of liquor as set forth in the City Code of the United City of Yorkville as set forth herein. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, as follows: Section 1. Section 3-3- 19 of the City Code is hereby amended by adding the following new subsection E. E. Anyone who is issued a Class T: Temporary License or Class SE: Special Event License shall be exempt from the BASSET training and certification requirements under the following conditions: 1 . That the applicant has not been found in violation of any of the United City of Yorkville' s liquor ordinances within the past three years. 2. That at least one person is BASSET trained and certified and shall be at the location where alcoholic liquor is being served at all times during the event. Such person shall have supervisory authority over and be responsible for the actions of all employees or volunteers not having the required training. 3 . That the Yorkville Police Department will provide a one hour instruction on BASSET training principles to all persons who will be serving alcohol pursuant to the Class T or Class SE license. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval, and publication as provided by law. Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this Day of A.D. 2009. CITY CLERK ROBYN SUTCLIFF DIANE TEELING GARY GOLINSKI ARDEN JOSEPH PLOCHER WALTER WERDERICH MARTY MUNNS ROSE ANN SPEARS GEORGE GILSON, JR. Approved by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, this Day of A.D. 2009. MAYOR 2 c/% Reviewed By: Agenda Item Number J� Legal ❑ M 0,V EST Finance ❑ (Z Finance Engineer ❑ — Tracking Number t E � v1 City Administrator ❑ Police ❑ l n��� Human Resources El l: L (,O' �E Public Works ❑ City Council Agenda Item Summary Memo Title: IMRF Authorization City Council /Committee Agenda Date: City Council—July 14, 2009 Synopsis: See attached memo. Council Action Previously Taken: Date of Action: N /A Action Taken: Item Number: Type of Vote Required: Majority Council Action Requested: Approval Submitted by: Bart Olson Parks and Recreation Name Department Agenda Item Notes: Memorandum To: City Council JI J11 From: Bart Olson, Interim Director of Parks and Recreation PARK86 R¢CRENnU4 CC: Park Board, Supt. Sleezer, Supt. Swithin Date: July 1 , 2009 Subject: Participation of Part Time Employees in IMRF ro%wue The following employees are scheduled to work over 1000 hours annually which requires IMRF enrollment: Kathleen Auw, Robert Bieritz, and Amanda McGee. These employees' IMRF benefits were not budgeted (and will have to be addressed at revised budget), and their authorization by City Council has not occurred (required by the employee manual). Kathleen Auw is a pre-school employee who took over more hours last year as a result of another employee resigning. Rob Bieritz and Amanda McGee are both REC Center supervisory staff, and this is the first calendar year in which they will hit 1000 hours. I seek City Council approval of IMRF enrollment for all three employees. The money for IMRF authorization will come out of the IMRF line-items in the amounts as follows: Parks and Rec department budget - $ 1 ,445 REC Center budget - $4,066 ®,t�OD cl)� Reviewed By: ?, 0 City Council e Legal ❑ :05 EST. Finance El OW oY Engineer ❑ 1 City Administrator ❑ Agenda Item Tracking Number Li�irl 0� Consultant ❑ cc aQC@ - (0� kE City Council Agenda Item Summary Memo Title: Raintree Village-Request to substitute existing SSA Bond Proceeds for Surety Bond City Council/ COW/ Committee Agenda Date: Synopsis: Dan Kramer is requesting the City accept the existing SSA Bond Proceeds in lieu of additional surety bonds to guarantee the completion of Units 4, 5 and 6 of Raintree Village. Due to the last minute submittal of this request, staff is not able to confine that the dollars available in the bonds are sufficient to complete the remaining work. Council Action Previously Taken: Date of Action: Action Taken: Item Number: Type of Vote Required: Council Action Requested: Provide policy direction if it is acceptable to accept SSA Bond Proceeds in lieu of surety and if so confirm that to the extent the bond proceeds are inadequate that the new buyer must post sufficient surety before the existing surety is released. Submitted by: Brendan McLaughlin Administration Name Department Agenda Item Notes: LAW OFFICES Or Daniel J. Kramer DANIEL J. KRAMER 1107A SOUTH BRIDGE STREET KELLY A. KRAMER YORKVILLE, ILLINOIS 60560 D.J. KRAMER (630) 553-9500 Fax: (630) 553-5764 July 10, 2009 Brendan McLaughlin United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Rd. Yorkville, IL 60560 VIA E-Mail: bmclaughlina) orkv_ille,il .us Re: Lennar / Raintree Subdivision Dear Mr. McLaughlin: Please let this letter stand as the request of the potential Purchaser of the remaining Units in Lennar Subdivision to purchase the subject property from a Partnership that now owns the same between Morgan Stanley and Lennar Corporation. One of the issues that has come up is that as to Units 4, 5, and 6, there are funds in an SSA Bond Escrow Account with the Bond Company to complete public improvements in those three (3) Units. Part of the Agreement would be an Assignment of the rights to those proceeds and a new Developer would finish all public improvements in those Units. Normally the City would have a Letter of Credit or Bond to guarantee completion of those improvements but in this case you have actual cash availability. Back when the economy was much better Lennar had also posted normal Letters of Credit to ensure public improvement completion as well. Due to the nature of those Letters of Credit they are unable to assign them to the Purchaser. The Purchaser is securing private capital on an immediate purchase which is the impetus for Morgan Stanley to sell the property. They are not able to include Letters of Credit or Subdivision Bonds over and above the transfer of this account. Our request is to let the bond account stand as the security for completion of public improvements since the City is wholly protected. The condition of that agreement would be that we provide Engineer' s Estimate of Cost which assures you that there are sufficient funds to complete those public improvements in that liquid account. Brendan McLaughlin United City of Yorkville Yorkville, IL 60560 July 10, 2009 Page 2 The only thing we are asking is that the City not make the Purchaser post additional Bonds, since it in affect is a double financing that has not been required by any municipal entity in the past. We would ask to address this issue at the City Council on your Tuesday, July 14, 2009 Council meeting at whatever portion of the meeting you deem appropriate. I know it would take Council action to agree to hold this account as the collateral in that it is a bit unusual. The Purchaser intends to start work on duplexes immediately this year and would hope to start single family construction in 2010 if they can conclude the sale. Unfortunately this relief is a pre-condition of sale since Morgan Stanley cannot transfer or assign its Letters of Credit or Bond and issuance of new ones in the Purchaser's name cannot be accomplished in a short period of time given the restrictive credit markets. Very truly yours, Dan&b . Kp'aoner Daniel J. Kramer Attorney at Law DJK/lgc cip J- Reviewed By: Agenda Item Number � 0 J n Legal ❑ UK !It Finance ❑ EST. , 1838 Engineer ❑ City Administrator F-1 Tracking Number �1 �O Consultant ❑ E of c9boci _ 96 El CE Agenda Item Summary Memo Title: Ordinance Approving Redevelopment Agreement for Bridge Street Plaza Redevelopment Meeting and Date: City Council—July 14, 2009 Synopsis: Council Action Previously Taken: Date of Action: Action Taken: Item Number: Type of Vote Required: Council Action Requested: Submitted by: Travis Miller Community Development Name Department Agenda Item Notes: CITI ,? ®� Memorandum To: City Council/EDC EST.. From: Travis Miller 1i s y CC: Lisa Pickering (for distribution) A .=rip Date: July 10, 2009 Subject: Bridge Street Plaza — Redevelopment Agreement LE Petitioner Reguest/Background Bridge Street Plaza, Inc, owners of the property north of Hydraulic, west of Bridge Street, south of the Fox River and predominately east of Main Street (there is 1 parcel west of Main Street), have proposed to demolish the buildings located at 109 and 111 Bridge Street in order to eliminate the blight of these existing buildings and to better poise the subject property for redevelopment opportunities. The current owner are not developers and do not currently have a development plan for the property beyond the demolition plan, however, they recognize the redevelopment potential of the property and are interested in either partnering with a developer or selling the property in the future to a developer. The attached Redevelopment Agreement Redevelopment Agreement includes the following terns: City to agree to refund the demolition costs for the structures at 109- 111 S. Bridge Street: • Refund up to 100% of the actual cost. The owner estimates this cost to be $ 132,000. The agreement includes a maximum reimbursement amount of $ 140,000. • Refund using the TIF generated from the subject property only. • Refund would begin once the following conditions are satisfied: • Budget to be submitted for the demolition within 30 days • Developer to deliver a commitment to pay the amount necessary to perform the demolition • Developer to restore the demolition area by installing grass • A Site Plan must be submitted and approved by the City for the redevelopment of the subject property • Construction of the approved Site Plan must be commenced. Owner to agree to enter into a license agreement, at the City' s request and subject to dollars being budgeted and construction to occur within 3 years, allowing the City to construct and use the demolition area for a parking lot facility until the property is redeveloped. Owner to agree to provide an easement to the City along the Fox River frontage and across (north-south) the subject property connecting Hydraulic right-of-way to River as part of the redevelopment plan. The attached `Redline Version' highlights the modifications made to the draft agreement based on discussion and input by the EDC July 7, 2009. These modifications include: Section 2.A — increased the estimated demolition amount to be in excess of $130,000 based on an update by Mr. Daniels regarding additional asbestos identified in the structure not originally anticipated. Section 2.E — added `not to be unreasonably withheld' to the provision regarding the site plan submittal deadline extension in the event a site plan is not submitted prior to December 31 , 2014. Section 2.G — added provisions regarding the future parking facility License Agreement identify more specific terms to be included in this future agreement: 1 ) the City must construct within three years of the Redevelopment Agreement date; 2) in the event the Developer uses this facility for other purposes following the City constructing this facility, the Developers must either provide an equivalent number of parking spaces within proximity of the lost facility or reimburse the City for construction costs proportionate to the age of the facility. Note for EDC members: Staff followed-up with Attorney Orr regarding the language requested to be removed by the Developers in Section 18.13 "or exercise any right or remedy it may have at law or in equity, including the right to specifically enforce the terns and conditions of this Redevelopment Agreement" and 18 .D "either at law or in equity, including, but not limited to the equitable remedy of an action for specific performance". Attorney Orr has explained that this language is to the benefit of the City and has advised it remain in the Agreement. REDLINE Version - Changes following EDC discussion DRAFT June 19, 2009 Revised July 8, 2009 REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE DOWNTOWN YORKVILLE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA THIS AGREEMENT dated as of the day of July, 2009, by and among the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, a municipal corporation (hereafter the "City") and Bridge Street Plaza, Inc., an Illinois corporation and Bridge Street Plaza II, LLC (hereafter the "Develope)-s"), collectively referred to herein as "Parties". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2006-46 adopted by the Mayor and City Council of tine City (the "Corporate Authorities") on June 13, 2006, a Redevelopment Project and Plan for Downtown Yorkville (hereinafter the "Redevelopment Plan") was approved, which prgject and plan covered some of the oldest properties of the City which constitute a significant portion of the City's historic Downtown; and, WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2006-47 and No. 2006-48 adopted by the Corporate Authorities on June 13, 2006, the City designated approximately 200 acres containing 114 buildings as a "redevelopment project area" ("Yorlmitle Downtown Redevelopment Project Area") and adopted tax increment financing pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act (65 ILCS 5/11 -74.4- 1 et seq.) (hereinafter referred to as the "Act"); and, WHEREAS, pursuant to the TIF Act, the Corporate Authorities are empowered to undertake the development and redevelopment of a designated area within its municipal limits in which existing conditions permit such area to be classified as a "conservation area" as defined in Section 11 .74.4.4-3(a) of the Act as in the case of the Yorkville Downtown Redevelopment Project Area; and, REDLINE Version - Changes following EDC discussion DRAFT June 19, 2009 Revised July R, 2009 WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have determined that the blighting factors which are readily observed in the Yorkville Downtown Redevelopment Project Area are detrimental to the public and impair redevelopment of this area of the City, with the result that it is necessary to incur extraordinary costs in order to see it redeveloped and revitalized. The blighting factors in the Yorkville Downtown Redevelopment Project Area will continue to impair growth and redevelopment but for the use of tax increment allocation financing to pay Redevelopment Project Costs (as defined in Section 3 of this Agreement) which necessarily must be incurred to implement a program of redevelopment; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act and in furtherance of the Redevelopment Plan, the City desires to enter into a Redevelopment Agreement with the Developers who have jointly acquired certain property located at West Hydraulic Avenue and Bridge Street as depicted on Exhibit A attached hereto and identified by the parcel numbers listed thereon (the "Subject Propety)") setting forth the following commitments on the part of the Developers (collectively the "Projeee'): (i) to undertake the immediate demolition of the existing structures located at 109- 111 Bridge Street (the "Dennolitimr"); (ii) to permit the construction by the City of a parking area at the property located at 109-111 Bridge Street and grant the City the license to use no less than 10 parking spaces for so long as said property is utilized as a parking facility; (iii) to redevelop the Subject Property in accordance with the timeline, terms and conditions as hereinafter set forth; and, WHEREAS, in order to induce the Developers to undertake the development of the Project, the Corporate Authorities have determined that it is in the best interest of the City and the health, safety, morals and welfare of the residents of the City for the City to provide financial 2 REDLINE Version-Changes following EDC discussion DRAFT June 19,2009 Revised July 8,2009 assistance to the Developers as hereinafter set forth because the construction and completion of the Project pursuant to this Agreement by the Developers is in the best interests of the City and the health, safety and welfare of its residents and taxpayers; because the Project shall provide job opportunities for the residents of the City; because the Project, when completed by the Developers shall enhance the tax base of the City and other taxing districts;and,the Project shall add to the prosperity of the City;and, WHEREAS,the Developers warrant that without the financial assistance pursuant to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth,the Developers would not proceed with the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth,the parties agree as follows: Section 1. Jneorporation. The representations and recitations set froth in the preambles hereto are material to this Redevelopment Agreement and are hereby incorporated into and made a part of this Redevelopment Agreement as though fully set forth in this Section I and said representations and recitations constitute the understandings of the City and the Developer. Section Z Conditions Precedent to the Obligations of the City. A. The Developers represent and warrant that the Developers have acquired fee simple title to the Subject Property and within thirty (30) days of the execution of this Agreement, shall submit a budget for the demolition of structures at 109-111 Bridge Street (the "Budget")demonstrating an immediate investment by the Developers of an amount in excess of Deleted:100 130,000.00. 3 REDLINE Version-Changes following EDC discussion DRAFT June 19,2009 Revised July 8,2009 B. Within thirty (30) days of execution of this Agreement, the Developers shall -- deliver to the City a commitment to pay an amount sufficient to undertake and complete the Demolition. C. On or before September 30,2009,the Developers shall have exercised best efforts to obtain all required permits and approvals and have completed the Demolition in accordance with the approved permits and all applicable ordinances of the City and laws of the state. Failure to complete demolition by December 31,2009 will result in ineligibility for reimbursement. D. The Developers shall restore the Demolition area by installing grass and any topsoil necessary for seed germination as part of and immediately following the Demolition activity. E. On or before December 31,2014,the Developers covenant and agree to submit to the City, for its review and approval, a redevelopment plan for the Subject Property (the "Site Plan"),which Site Plan,at a minimum,shall include the following: (i) redevelopment or demolition of the buildings located at 101 to 105 Bridge Street; (ii) development of the Subject Property including that portion commonly known as 101 to 105 Bridge Street either with redeveloped buildings or as a part of a new site plan due to the demolition of said buildings; (iii) provision of parking sufficient to serve the Subject Property as redeveloped;and (iv) an easement area sufficient to contain a ten foot (10') wide multi-use asphalt trail across the Subject Property connecting the City's planned multi-use trail near the vicinity of the intersection of Main Street and Hydraulic Street (southwest corner of Subject Property) to the City's planned multi-use trail along the Fox River at the II. 47 right of way (northeast corner of Subject Property). In the event the Developers do not submit said..Site Plan before December 31,2014,and upon the approval of all Parties, not to be unreasonably withheld, the terms of this Agreement 4 REDLINE Version-Changes following EDC discussion DRAFT June 19,2009 Revised July 8,2009 shall be extended for a period of two (2) years. Said extension shall continue to be renewable with the approval of all Parties for the term of this Agreement. F. The Developers covenant and agree to develop the Subject Property in accordance with the approved Site Plan and use its best efforts to commence the construction thereof within twenty-four (24) calendar months after approval by the City of said Site Plan. Failure to commence construction within twenty-four (24) calendar months after approval by the City of said Site Plan will result in ineligibility for reimbursement. G. Upon the City's request and subject to funds being appropriated the Developers shall Deleted:aaa execute a License Agreement granting the City a license to construct a parking acilit at the Deleted:area property located at 109-111 Bridge Street(the"Parking acility')at the City's expense and Deleted:Area granting the City the use of no less than 10 parking spaces at the Parkingj:acility for so long as this property is utilized as a parking area. Said License Agreement shall include a provision requiring the City to construct said Parking Facility within three(3)years of this Agreement and that in the event the Developers use the Parking Facility for any other use or purpose the Developer shall provide an equivalent number of parking spaces in proximity to the Parking Facility or reimburse the City for construction costs of the Parking Facility allowing for reductions in said reimbursement amount proportionate to the age of the Parking Facility. Section 3. Undertakings on tire Part of the City. Upon completion and satisfaction by the Developers of all of the actions hereinabove set forth,the City shall undertake the following: A. The City shall, subject to the limitations hereinafter set forth, reimburse the Developers for "Redevelopment Project Costs," as hereinafter defined and categorized on Exhibit B attached hereto,incurred by the Developers in connection with the Demolition until the 5 REDLINE Version - Changes following EDC discussion DRAFT June 19, 2009 Revised July 8, 2009 first to occur: termination of the benefits of the TIT Act as provided by law; or, (ii) receipt by the Developers of payment of the cost of the Demolition and such other eligible Redevelopment Project Costs as may hereinafter be approved as an amendment to this Agreement. B. For proposes of this Agreement, "Redevelopment Project Costs" shall mean and include all costs defined as "redevelopment project costs" in Section 11-74.4-3(q) of the TIF Act which are eligible for reimbursement under the TIF Act and itemized on Exhibit B. So long as no notice of default is pending, pursuant to Section 18 hereof, or an event of a default of this Agreement has been declared and subject to the demolition of the sttiuctures located at 109-111 Bridge Street prior to December 31, 2009, and subject to commencement of construction in accordance with the approved Site Plan within twenty-four (24) calendar months after approval by the City of said Site Plan, the City shall reimburse the Developers for Redevelopment Project Costs pursuant to this Agreement only from amounts on deposit from time to time in the Developers' Subaccount of the STAY, as defined below. Monies deposited from time to time in the Special Tax Allocation Fund of the City (the "Special Tax Allocation Fund' or the "STAF'), established by the City pursuant to Ordinance No. 2006-48 will be used for the following purposes: (i) On October I of each year [or, if late, that date which is ten (10) days following the date upon which the City receives Incremental Taxes (as defined below) from the second installment of real estate taxes (the "STAFAllocation Date")], seventy- five percent (75%) of the monies credited to the STAF with respect to the Subject Property during the period from the immediately preceding STAF Allocation Date to, but not including, the current STAF Allocation Date shall be transferred and deposited in the Developers Subaccount of the STAF (which Subaccount shall be automatically created by the ordinance approving this Agreement) and used solely to reimburse the Developers for Redevelopment Project Costs in accordance with this Agreement. 6 REDLINE Version - Changes following EDC discussion DRAFT June 19, 2009 Revised July R, 2009 (ii) Amounts in the Developers Subaccount of the STAF shall be used solely to reimburse the Developers for Redevelopment Project Costs in accordance with this Agreement. THE CITY'S OBLIGATIONS TO REIMBURSE THE DEVELOPERS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT IS A LIMITED OBLIGATION PAYABLE SOLELY FROM INCREMENTAL TAXES DEPOSITED IN THE DEVELOPERS' SUBACCOUNT OF THE STAF FROM TIME TO TIME AND SHALL NOT BE SECURED BY THE FULL FAITH AND CREDIT OF THE CITY. It is understood and agreed that reimbursement will be available to pay this limited obligation from the development of the Subject Property when developed as it is not believed that incremental taxes as hereinafter defined, will be generated frmn the Parking Facility. As used in this Agreement, "Inercmental Taxes" shall mean the amount in the STAF equal to the amount of ad valorem taxes, if any, paid in respect of the Redevelopment Project Area and its improvements which is attributable to the increase in the equalized assessed value of the Subject Property and its improvements over the initial equalized assessed value of the Subject Property. Section 4. Procedures for and Application of Reimbursement to the Developers. A. The Developers have advanced all funds and all costs necessary to (i) acquire the Subject Property; and, (ii) undertake all other matters eligible for reimbursement pursuant to this Agreement in connection with the foregoing. B. To establish a right of reimbursement for a specific Redevelopment Project Cost under this Agreement, the Developers shall submit to the City a written statement in the form attached to this Agreement as Exhibit C (a "Request for Reimbursement") setting forth the 7 REDLINE Version - Changes following EDC discussion DRAFT June 19, 2009 Revised July A 2009 amount of reimbursement requested and the specific Redevelopment Project Costs for which reimbursement is sought. Each Request for Reimbursement shall be accompanied by such bills, contracts, invoices, lien waiver or other evidence as the City shall reasonably require to evidence the right of the Developers to reimbursement under this Agreement. The City shall have thirty (30) days after receipt of any Request for Reimbursement from the Developer to recommend to the City Treasurer approval or disapproval of such Request and, if disapproved, to provide the Developer, in writing and in detail, an explanation as to why the City is not prepared to recommend such reimbursement. The only reasons for disapproval of any expenditure for which reimbursement is sought shall be that inadequate documentation has been provided to substantiate such expenditure; that it was not incurred and completed by the Developer in accordance with all applicable City Code requirements and the provisions of this Agreement, including without limitation, all approved pewits; or, that all Redevelopment Project Costs have been paid to the Developers. The parties acknowledge that the determination of Redevelopment Project Costs and qualification for reimbursement under this Agreement are subject to the TIF Act, all amendments to the TIP Act both before and after the date of this Agreement, and all administrative rules and judicial interpretations rendered during the term of this Agreement. The City has no obligation to the Developer to attempt to modify said rules or decisions but will cooperate with the Developers in obtaining approval of Redevelopment Project Costs. C. Reimbursement of Redevelopment Project Costs shall be made annually on each STAF Allocation Date (or, if later, the date which is ten (10) days following approval by the City of payment of such Redevelopment Project Costs); provided that reimbursement of s REDLINE Version - Changes following EDC discussion DRAFT June 19, 2009 Revised July 6 2009 Redevelopment Project Costs shall only be made to the extent money is available therefore in the Developers' Subaccount of the STAF. To the extent money in the Developers' Subaccount is insufficient to reimburse the Developers for Redevelopment Project Costs, such Request for Reimbursement shall be held for payment on the following STAF Allocation Date. Section 5. Undertakings on the Part of Developers. A. The Developers hereby covenant and agree to promptly pay, as the same become due, any and all taxes and governmental charges of any kind that may at any time be assessed with regard to its operation including all real estate taxes assessed against the Subject Property or any other location in the City owned or controlled by the Developers. B. The Developers shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers and employees against all injuries, deaths, losses, damages, claims, suits, liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses (including any liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses and reasonable attorney's fees) which may arise directly or indirectly from any third-party claims made against the City as a result of the failure of the Developers or any contractor, subcontractor or agent or employee thereof (so long as such contractor, subcontractor or agent or employee thereof is hired by the Developers) to timely pay any contractor, subcontractor, laborer or materiahmn; from any default or breach of the terms of this Agreement by the Developers; or from any negligence m reckless or willful misconduct of the Developers or any contractor, subcontractor or agent or employee thereof (so long as such contractor, subcontractor or agent or employee is hired by the Developers). The Developers shall, at its own cost and expense, appear, defend and pay all charges of attorneys, costs and other expenses arising therefrom or incurred in connection therewith. If any judgment shall be rendered against the City, its agents, officers, officials or 9 REDLINE Version - Changes following EDC discussion DRAFT June 19, 2009 Revised July 8 2009 employees in any such action, the Developers shall, at its own expense, satisfy and discharge the same. The paragraph shall not apply, and the Developers shall have no obligation whatsoever, with respect to any acts of negligence or reckless or willful misconduct on the part of the City or any of its officers, agents, employees or contractors. Section 6. Tens. Unless earlier terminated pursuant to Section 18, the Tenn of this Redevelopment Agreement shall commence on the date of execution and end December 31 , 2029 (the "Termination Date"). Section Z Verification of Tax Increment. Upon request by the City, the Developers shall use its best efforts to cooperate with the City in obtaining certified copies of its real estate tax bills payable in 2009, and paid in each subsequent year dining the term of this Redevelopment Agreement, Section 8. No Liability, ? of 00 for Others for Developers's Expenses. The City shall have no obligation to pay costs of the Project or to make any payments to any person other than the Developers, nor shall the City be obligated to pay any contractor, subcontractor, mechanic, or materialman providing services or materials to the Developers for the development of the Project. Section 9. Time; Force Majeure. Time is of the essence of this Redevelopment Agreement, provided, however, a party shall not be deemed in material breach of this Redevelopment Agreement with respect to any obligations of this Redevelopment Agreement on such patty's part to be performed if such party fails to timely perform the same and such failure is due in whole or in pail to any strike, lock-out, labor trouble (whether legal or illegal), civil disorder, weather conditions, failure or interruptions of power, restrictive governmental laws 10 REDLINE Version - Changes following EDC discussion DRAFT June 19, 2009 Revised July R, 2009 and regulations, condemnations, riots, insurrections, acts of terrorism, war, fuel shortages, accidents, casualties, floods, earthquakes, fires, acts of God, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, freight embargoes, acts caused directly or indirectly by the other party (or the other party's agents, employees or invitees) or similar causes beyond the reasonable control of such party ("Force Majeure"). If one of the foregoing events shall occur or either party shall claim that such an event shall have occurred, the party to whom such claim is made shall investigate same and consult with the party making such claim regarding the same and the party to whom such claim is made shall grant any extension for the performance of the unsatisfied obligation equal to the period of the delay, which period shall commence to run from the time of the commencement of the f=orce Majeure; provided that the failure of performance was reasonably caused by such Force Majeure. Section 10. Assignment. This Redevelopment Agreement may not be assigned by the Developers without the prior written consent of the City, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Section 11. Waiver. Any party to this Redevelopment Agreement may elect to waive any remedy it may enjoy hereunder, provided that no such waiver shall be deemed to exist unless the party waiving such right or remedy does so in writing. No such waiver shall obligate such party to waive any right m remedy hereunder, or shall be deemed to constitute a waiver of other rights and remedies provided said party pursuant to this Redevelopment Agreement. Section 12. Severability. If any section, subsection, term or provision of this Redevelopment Agreement or the application thereof to any party or circumstance shall, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of said section, subsection, term or provision I REDLINE Version - Changes following EDC discussion DRAFT June 19, 2009 Revised July 8, 2009 of this Redevelopment Agreement or the application of same to parties or circumstances other than those to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby. Section 13. Notices. All notices, demands, requests, consents, approvals or other instruments required or permitted by this Redevelopment Agreement shall be in writing and shall be executed by the party or an office, agent or attorney of the party, and shall be deemed to have been effective as of the date of actual delivery, if delivered personally, or as of the third (3`d) day from and including the date of posting, if mailed by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, with postage prepaid, addressed as follows: To the Developers: Bridge Street Plaza, Inc. 100 Bridge Street Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Bridge Street Plaza II, LLC 100 Bridge Street Yorkville, Illinois 60560 To the Cfgr: United City of Yorkville 800 Game Fat-in Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Attention: City Administrator With a copy to: Kathleen Field Orr Kathleen Field Orr & Associates 180 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1040 Chicago, Illinois 60601 Section 14. Successors in Interest. This Redevelopment Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties to this Redevelopment Agreement and their respective successors and assigns, 12 REDLINE Version-Changes following EDC discussion DRAFT June 19,2009 Revised July H,2009 Section 15. No Joint Venture,Agency or Partnership Created. Neither anything in this Redevelopment Agreement nor any acts of the parties to this Redevelopment Agreement shall be construed by the parties or any third person to create the relationship of a partnership,agency,or joint venture between or among such parties. Section 16. Warranties and Covenants of the Developers. Deleted:s A. The Developers hereby covenant and agree, to maintain good standing as an Deleted:s Illinois corporation and an Illinois limited liability company throughout the term of this Redevelopment Agreement. B. The Developers hereby covenant and agree to promptly pay, as the same become due, any and all taxes and governmental charges of any kind that may at any time be lawfully assessed including all real estate taxes assessed against the Subject Property or any other location in the City owned or controlled by the Developers. C. The Developers covenant and agree that at all times it shall comply with all applicable zoning ordinances and regulations, building code, fire code and all other City ordinances,resolutions and regulations. Deleted:s D. The Developers hereby covenant and agree,to comply with all applicable laws, Deleted:s rules and regulations of the State of Illinois, the United States and all agencies of each of them having jurisdiction over it. Section 17. No Discrimination — Construction. The Developers for themselves and their successors and assigns agree that in the construction of the improvements at the Subject Property provided for in this Redevelopment Agreement the Developers shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, gender or 13 REDLINE Version - Changes following EDC discussion DRAFT June 19, 2009 Revised July 8, 2009 national origin. The Developers shall take affirmative action to require that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, religion, gender or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising and solicitations or advertisements for employees; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Developers agree to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices, which may be provided by the City, setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. Section 18. Remedies — Liability. A. If, in the City's judgment, the Developers are in material default of this Redevelopment Agreement, the City shall provide the Developers with a written statement indicating in adequate detail any failure on the Developers' part to fulfill its obligations under this Redevelopment Agreement. Except as required to protect against further damages, the City may not exercise any remedies against the Developers in connection with such failure until thirty (30) days after giving such notice. If such default cannot be cured within such thirty (30) day period, such thirty (30) day period shall be extended for such time as is reasonably necessary for the curing of the same, so long as the Developers diligently proceed with such cure; if such default is cured within such extended period, the default shall not be deemed to constitute a breach of this Redevelopment Agreement. A default not cured as provided above shall constitute a breach of this Redevelopment Agreement. Any failure or delay by the City in asserting any of its rights or remedies as to any default or alleged default or breach shall not operate as a waiver 14 REDLINE Version - Changes following EDC discussion DRAFT June 19, 2009 Revised July R, 2009 of any such default or breach of any rights or remedies it may have as a result of such default or breach. B. If the Developers materially fail to fulfill their obligations under this Redevelopment Agreement after notice is given by the City and any cure periods described in paragraph (a) above have expired, the City may elect to terminate this Redevelopment Agreement or exercise any right or remedy it may have at law or in equity, including the right to specifically enforce the terms and conditions of this Redevelopment Agreement. If any voluntary or involuntary proceeding in any court or tribunal shall be instituted to declare either of the Developers insolvent or unable to pay the Developer' debts, or the Developers make an assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or a trustee or receiver is appointed for either one of the Developers or for the major part of the Developers' property, the City may elect, to the extent such election is permitted by law and is not unenforceable under applicable federal bankruptcy laws, but is not required, with or without notice of such election and with or without entry or other action by the City, to forthwith terminate this Redevelopment Agreement under this Section, the City's sole obligation shall be to record, in the office of the Kendall County Recorder, a Certificate of Default, executed by the Mayor of the City or such other person as shall be designated by the City, stating that this Redevelopment Agreement is terminated pursuant to tire provisions of this Section, in which event this Redevelopment Agreement by virtue of the recording of such certificate, shall ipso facto automatically become null and void and of no further force and effect. C. If, in the Developers' judgment, the City is in material default of this Redevelopment Agreement, the Developer shall provide the City with a written statement 15 REDLINE Version - Changes following EDC discussion DRAFT June 19, 2009 Revised July N 2009 indicating in adequate detail any failure on the City's part to fulfill its obligations under this Redevelopment Agreement, The Developers may not exercise any remedies against the City in connection with such failure until thirty (30) days after giving such notice. If by its nature such default cannot reasonably be cured within such thirty (30) day period, such thirty (30) day period shall be extended for such time as is reasonably necessary for the curing of the same, so long as the City diligently proceeds with such cure; if such default is cured within such extended period, the default shall not be deemed to constitute a breach of this Redevelopment Agreement. A default not cured as provided above shall constitute a breach of this Redevelopment Agreement. Any failure or delay by the Developers in asserting any of their rights or remedies as to any default or any alleged default or breach shall not operate as a waiver of any such default or breach of shall not operate as a waiver of any such default or breach of any rights or remedies it may have as a result of such default or breach. D. In addition to any other rights or remedies, a party may institute legal action against the other party to cure, correct or remedy any default, or to obtain any other remedy consistent with the purpose of this Redevelopment Agreement, either at law or in equity, including, but not limited to the equitable remedy of an action for specific performance; provided, however, no recourse under or upon any obligation contained herein or for any claim based thereon shall be had against the City, its officers, agents, attorneys, representatives or employees in any amount or in excess of any specific sum agreed to be paid by the City hereunder, and no liability, right or claim at law or in equity shall be attached to or incurred by the City, its officers, agents, attorneys, representatives or employees in any amount in excess of any specific sums agreed by the City to be paid hereunder and any such claim is hereby 16 REDLINE Version - Changes following EDC discussion DRAFT June 19, 2009 Revised July S 2009 expressly waived and released as a condition of and as consideration for the execution of this Redevelopment Agreement by the City. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event either party shall institute legal action against the other party because of a breach of any Redevelopment Agreement or obligation contained in this Redevelopment Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred in connection with such action. E. The rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative and the exercise by a party of one or more of such tights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same time or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or for any other default by the other party. Section 19. Amendment. This Redevelopment Agreement, and any exhibits attached to this Redevelopment Agreement, may be amended only in a writing signed by all the parties with the adoption of any ordinance or resolution of the City approving said amendment, as provided by law, and by execution of said amendment by the parties or their successors in interest. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, this Redevelopment Agreement supersedes all prior Redevelopment Agreements, negotiations and discussions relative to the subject matter hereof. Section 20. Counterparts. This Redevelopment Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Redevelopment Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers on the above date at Yorkville, Illinois. 17 REDLINE Version - Changes following EDC discussion DRAFT Juno 19, 2009 Revised July R, 2009 United City of Yorkville, an Illinois municipal corporation By: Mayor Attest: City Clerk Bridge Street Plaza, Inc. By: — President Attest: Secretary Bridge Street Plaza, II, LLC By: Attest: Secretary 3 wk,Ole 9nWRsveel mde,tlory Fn Exhibit A Subject Property 18 REDLINE Version-Changes following EDC discussion DRAFT June 19,2009 Revised July&2009 Exhibit B Eligible Redevelopment Project Costs 1. Costs associated with the demolition of buildings 2. Costs associated the clearing and grading of demolition area 3. Costs associated with any environmental clean up of demolition area Note: The maximum amount reimbursable is$140,000 19 REDLINE Version - Changes following EDC discussion DRAFT June 19, 2009 Revised July 8 2009 20 DRAFT June 19, 2009 Revised July 8, 2009 REDLINE Version - Changes following EDC discussion Exhibit C REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT City of Yorkville Yorkville, Illinois 61490-9999 Re: Redevelopment Agreement for the Downtown Yorkville Redevelopment Project Area dated , by and among the City, of Yorkville, an Illinois municipal corporation, and Bridge Street Plaza, an Illinois corporation and Bridge Street Plaza II, LLC (collectively the "Developers") Dear Sir: You are requested to approve the disbursement of funds from the Sub-Account established by the City of Yorkville pursuant to the Agreement described above in the amount(s), to the person(s) and for the purpose(s) set forth in this Request for Reimbursement. I . Request for Reimbursement No.: 2. Payment Due lo: 3. Amount to be Disbursed: 4. The amount requested to be disbursed pursuant to this Request for Reimbursement will be used to pay Redevelopment Project Costs as defined in the Agreement and as listed on the Schedule to this Request for Reimbursement. 5. The undersigned ceilifies that (1) the amounts included in 3 above were made or incurred or financed and were necessary for the project and were made m incurred in accordance with the construction contracts, Plans and specifications heretofore in effect; (fi) the amounts paid or to be paid, as set faith in this Request for Reimbursement, represents a part of the fiords due and payable for Redevelopment Project Costs; (iii) the expenditures for which amounts are requisitioned represent proper Redevelopment Project Costs identified in the Agreement, have not been included in any previous Request for Reimbursement, have been properly recorded on the Developers' books and are set forth on the attached Schedule, with paid invoices attached for all soars for which reimbursement is requested; (iv) the moneys requisitioned are not greater than those necessary to meet obligations due and payable or to reimburse the Developers for his funds actually advanced for Redevelopment Project Costs; (V) the amount of Redevelopment Project Costs to be reimbursed in accordance with this Request for Reimbursement, together with all amounts reimbursed to the Developers pursuant to the Agreement, is not in excess of the items listed on Exhibit B; (vi) the Developers is not in default under the Agreement and nothing has occurred to the knowledge of the Developers that would prevent the performance of its obligations under the Agi eemem. 6. Attached to this Request for Reimbursement is Schedule 4 , together with copies of invoices at bills of sale and Mechanic's Lien Waivers covering all items hot which reimbursement is being requested. Bridge Street Plaza, Inc., an Illinois corporation Dale: By: Bridge Sleet Plaza, 11, an Illinois corporation Date: By: APPROVED: City of Yorkville, an Illinois municipal corporation 21 Clean Version REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE DOWNTOWN YORKVILLE REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA THIS AGREEMENT dated as of the day of July, 2009, by and among the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, a municipal corporation (hereafter the "City") and Bridge Street Plaza, Inc., an Illinois corporation and Bridge Sheet Plaza 11, LLC (hereafter the "Developers"), collectively referred to herein as "Parties". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2006-46 adopted by the Mayor and City Council of the City (the "Corporate Authorities") on June 13, 2006, a Redevelopment Project and Plan for Downtown Yorkville (hereinafter the "Redevelopment Plan") was approved, which project and plan covered some of the oldest properties of the City which constitute a significant portion of the City's historic Downtown; and, WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2006-47 and No. 2006-48 adopted by the Corporate Authorities on June 13, 2006, the City designated approximately 200 acres containing 114 buildings as a "redevelopment project area" ("Yorkville Downtown Redevelopment Project Area") and adopted tax increment financing pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act (65 ILCS 5/11 -74.4-1 et seq.) (hereinafter referred to as the "Act"); and, WHEREAS, pursuant to the TIF Act, the Corporate Authorities are empowered to undertake the development and redevelopment of a designated area within its municipal limits in which existing conditions permit such area to be classified as a "conservation area" as defined in Section 11 .74.4.4-3(a) of the Act as in the case of the Yorkville Downtown Redevelopment Project Area; and, Clean Version WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities have determined that the blighting factors which are readily observed in the Yorkville Downtown Redevelopment Project Area are detrimental to the public and impair redevelopment of this area of the City, with the result that it is necessary to incur extraordinary costs in order to see it redeveloped and revitalized. The blighting factors in the Yorkville Downtown Redevelopment Project Area will continue to impair growth and redevelopment but for the use of tax increment allocation financing to pay Redevelopment Project Costs (as defined in Section 3 of this Agreement) which necessarily must be incurred to implement a program of redevelopment; and, WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act and in furtherance of the Redevelopment Plan, the City desires to enter into a Redevelopment Agreement with the Developers who have jointly acquired certain property located at West Hydraulic Avenue and Bridge Street as depicted on Exhibit A attached hereto and identified by the parcel numbers listed thereon (the "Subject Proper0r") setting forth the following commitments on the part of the Developers (collectively the "Projec('): (i) to undertake the immediate demolition of the existing structures located at 109- 111 Bridge Sheet (the "Demolition"); (ii) to permit the construction by the City of a parking area at the property located at 109-111 Bridge Sheet and grant the City the license to use no less than 10 parking spaces for so long as said property is utilized as a parking facility; (iii) to redevelop the Subject Property in accordance with the timeline, terms and conditions as hereinafter set forth; and, WHEREAS, in order to induce the Developers to undertake the development of the Project, the Corporate Authorities have determined that it is in the best interest of the City and the health, safety, morals and welfare of the residents of the City for the City to provide financial 2 Clean Version assistance to the Developers as hereinafter set forth because the construction and completion of the Project pursuant to this Agreement by the Developers is in the best interests of the City and the health, safety and welfare of its residents and taxpayers; because the Project shall provide job opportunities for the residents of the City; because the Project, when completed by the Developers shall enhance the tax base of the City and other taxing districts; and, the Project shall add to the prosperity of the City; and, WHEREAS, the Developers warrant that without the financial assistance pursuant to the terns and conditions hereinafter set forth, the Developers would not proceed with the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants hereinafter set forth, the parties agree as follows: Section 1. Incorporation. The representations and recitations set forth in the preambles hereto are material to this Redevelopment Agreement and are hereby incorporated into and made a part of this Redevelopment Agreement as though fully set forth in this Section I and said representations and recitations constitute the understandings of the City and the Developers. Section 2. Conditions Precedent to the Obligations of the City. A. The Developers represent and warrant that the Developers have acquired fee simple title to the Subject Property and within thirty (30) days of the execution of this Agreement, shall submit a budget for the demolition of structures at 109- 111 Bridge Street (the "Budget") demonstrating an immediate investment by the Developers of an amount in excess of $ 130,000.00. 3 Clean Version B. Within thirty (30) days of execution of this Agreement, the Developers shall deliver to the City a commitment to pay an amount sufficient to undertake and complete the Demolition. C. On or before September 30, 2009, the Developers shall have exercised best efforts to obtain all required permits and approvals and have completed the Demolition in accordance with the approved permits and all applicable ordinances of the City and laws of the state. Failure to complete demolition by December 31 , 2009 will result in ineligibility for reimbursement. D. The Developers shall restore the Demolition area by installing grass and any topsoil necessary for seed germination as part of and immediately following the Demolition activity. E. On or before December 31 , 2014, the Developers covenant and agree to submit to the City, for its review and approval, a redevelopment plan for the Subject Property (the "Site Plan"), which Site Plan, at a minimum, shall include the following: (i) redevelopment or demolition of the buildings located at 101 to 105 Bridge Street; (ii) development of the Subject Property including that portion commonly known as 101 to 105 Bridge Street either with redeveloped buildings or as a part of a new site plan due to the demolition of said buildings; (iii) provision of parking sufficient to serve the Subject Property as redeveloped; and (iv) an easement area sufficient to contain a ten foot (10') wide multi-use asphalt trail across the Subject Property connecting the City's planned multi-use trail near the vicinity of the intersection of Main Street and Hydraulic Street (southwest corner of Subject Property) to the City's planned multi-use trail along the Fox River at the I1. 47 right of way (northeast corner of Subject Property). In the event the Developers do not submit said Site Plan before December 31 , 2014, and upon the approval of all Parties, not to be unreasonably withheld, the terms of this Agreement 4 Clean Version shall be extended for a period of two (2) years. Said extension shall continue to be renewable with the approval of all Parties for the term of this Agreement. F. The Developers covenant and agree to develop the Subject Property in accordance with the approved Site Plan and use its best efforts to commence the construction thereof within twenty-four (24) calendar months after approval by the City of said Site Plan. Failure to commence construction within twenty-four (24) calendar months after approval by the City of said Site Plan will result in ineligibility for reimbursement. G. Upon the City's request and subject to funds being appropriated the Developers shall execute a License Agreement granting the City a license to construct a parking facility at the property located at 109- 111 Bridge Street (the "Parking Facility") at the City's expense and granting the City the use of no less than 10 parking spaces at the Parking Facility for so long as this property is utilized as a parking area. Said License Agreement shall include a provision requiring the City to construct said Parking Facility within three (3) years of this Agreement and that in the event the Developers use the Parking Facility for any other use or purpose the Developer shall provide an equivalent number of parking spaces in proximity to the Parking Facility or reimburse the City for construction costs of the Parking Facility allowing for reductions in said reimbursement amount proportionate to the age of the Parking Facility. Section 3. Undertakings on the Part of the City. Upon completion and satisfaction by the Developers of all of the actions hereinabove set forth, the City shall undertake the following: A. The City shall, subject to the limitations hereinafter set forth, reimburse the Developers for "Redevelopment Project Costs," as hereinafter defined and categorized on Exhibit B attached hereto, incurred by the Developers in connection with the Demolition until the 5 Clean Version first to occur: termination of the benefits of the TIF Act as provided by law; or, (ii) receipt by the Developers of payment of the cost of the Demolition and such other eligible Redevelopment Project Costs as may hereinafter be approved as an amendment to this Agreement. B. For purposes of this Agreement, "Redevelopment Project Costs" shall mean and include all costs defined as "redevelopment project costs" in Section 11 -74.4-3(q) of the TIF Act which are eligible for reimbursement under the TIF Act and itemized on Exhibit B. So tong as no notice of default is pending, pursuant to Section 18 hereof, or an event of a default of this Agreement has been declared and subject to the demolition of the structures located at 109- 111 Bridge Street prior to December 31 , 2009, and subject to commencement of construction in accordance with the approved Site Plan within twenty-four (24) calendar months after approval by the City of said Site Plan, the City shall reimburse the Developers for Redevelopment Project Costs pursuant to this Agreement only from amounts on deposit from time to time in the Developers' Subaccount of the STAF, as defined below. Monies deposited from time to time in the Special Tax Allocation Fund of the City (the "Special Tax Allocation Fund" or the "STAF"), established by the City pursuant to Ordinance No. 2006-48 will be used for the following purposes: (i) On October 1 of each year [or, if later, that date which is ten (10) days following the date upon which the City receives Incremental Taxes (as defined below) from the second installment of real estate taxes (the "STAFAllocation Date")], seventy- five percent (75%) of the monies credited to the STAF with respect to the Subject Property during the period from the immediately preceding STAF Allocation Date to, but not including, the current STAF Allocation Date shall be transferred and deposited in the Developers Subaccount of the STAF (which Subaccount shall be automatically created by the ordinance approving this Agreement) and used solely to reimburse the Developers for Redevelopment Project Costs in accordance with this Agreement. 6 Clean Version (ii) Amounts in the Developers Subaccount of the STAF shall be used solely to reimburse the Developers for Redevelopment Project Costs in accordance with this Agreement. THE CITY' S OBLIGATIONS TO REIMBURSE THE DEVELOPERS UNDER THIS AGREEMENT IS A LIMITED OBLIGATION PAYABLE SOLELY FROM INCREMENTAL TAXES DEPOSITED IN THE DEVELOPERS ' SUBACCOUNT OF THE STAF FROM TIME TO TIME AND SHALL NOT BE SECURED BY THE FULL FAITH AND CREDIT OF THE CITY. It is understood and agreed that reimbursement will be available to pay this limited obligation from the development of the Subject Property when developed as it is not believed that incremental taxes as hereinafter defined, will be generated from the Parking Facility. As used in this Agreement, "Incremental Taxes" shall mean the amount in the STAF equal to the amount of ad valorem taxes, if any, paid in respect of the Redevelopment Project Area and its improvements which is attributable to the increase in the equalized assessed value of the Subject Property and its improvements over the initial equalized assessed value of the Subject Property. Section 4. Procedures.for and Application ofReinibursement to the Developers. A. The Developers have advanced all funds and all costs necessary to (i) acquire the Subject Property; and, (ii) undertake all other matters eligible for reimbursement pursuant to this Agreement in connection with the foregoing. B. To establish a right of reimbursement for a specific Redevelopment Project Cost under this Agreement, the Developers shall submit to the City a written statement in the form attached to this Agreement as Exhibit C (a "Request ,for Reimbursement") setting forth the 7 Clean Version amount of reimbursement requested and the specific Redevelopment Project Costs for which reimbursement is sought. Each Request for Reimbursement shall be accompanied by such bills, contracts, invoices, lien waivers or other evidence as the City shall reasonably require to evidence the right of the Developers to reimbursement under this Agreement. The City shall have thirty (30) days after receipt of any Request for Reimbursement from the Developers to recommmend to the City Treasurer approval or disapproval of such Request and, if disapproved, to provide the Developers, in writing and in detail, an explanation as to why the City is not prepared to recommend such reimbursement. The only reasons for disapproval of any expenditure for which reimbursement is sought shall be that inadequate documentation has been provided to substantiate such expenditure; that it was not incurred and completed by the Developers in accordance with all applicable City Code requirements and the provisions of this Agreement, including without limitation, all approved permits; or, that all Redevelopment Project Costs have been paid to the Developers. The parties acknowledge that the determination of Redevelopment Project Costs and qualification for reimbursement under this Agreement are subject to the TIF Act, all amendments to the TIF Act both before and after the date of this Agreement, and all administrative rules and judicial interpretations rendered during the tern of this Agreement. The City has no obligation to the Developers to attempt to modify said rules or decisions but will cooperate with the Developers in obtaining approval of Redevelopment Project Costs. C. Reimbursement of Redevelopment Project Costs shall be made annually on each STAF Allocation Date (or, if later, the date which is ten (10) days following approval by the City of payment of such Redevelopment Project Costs); provided that reimbursement of 8 Clean Version Redevelopment Project Costs shall only be made to the extent money is available therefore in the Developers' Subaccount of the STAR To the extent money in the Developers' Subaccount is insufficient to reimburse the Developers for Redevelopment Project Costs, such Request for Reimbursement shall be held for payment on the following STAF Allocation Date. Section 5. Undertakings on the Pact ofDeveiopers. A. The Developers hereby covenant and agree to promptly pay, as the same become due, any and all taxes and governmental charges of any kind that may at any time be assessed with regard to its operation including all real estate taxes assessed against the Subject Property or any other location in the City owned or controlled by the Developers. B. The Developers shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its agents, officers and employees against all injuries, deaths, losses, damages, claims, suits, liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses (including any liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses and reasonable attorney' s fees) which may arise directly or indirectly from any third-party claims made against the City as a result of the failure of the Developers or any contractor, subcontractor or agent or employee thereof (so long as such contractor, subcontractor or agent or employee thereof is hired by the Developers) to timely pay any contractor, subcontractor, laborer or materialmen; from any default or breach of the terms of this Agreement by the Developers; or from any negligence or reckless or willful misconduct of the Developers or any contractor, subcontractor or agent or employee thereof (so long as such contractor, subcontractor or agent or employee is hired by the Developers). The Developers shall, at its own cost and expense, appear, defend and pay all charges of attorneys, costs and other expenses arising therefrom or incurred in connection therewith. if any judgment shall be rendered against the City, its agents, officers, officials or 9 Clean Version employees in any such action, the Developers shall, at its own expense, satisfy and discharge the same. The paragraph shall not apply, and the Developers shall have no obligation whatsoever, with respect to any acts of negligence or reckless or willful misconduct on the part of the City or any of its officers, agents, employees or contractors. Section 6. Tenn. Unless earlier terminated pursuant to Section 18, the term of this Redevelopment Agreement shall commence on the date of execution and end December 31 , 2029 (the "Ternnination Date"). Section Z Verification of Tax Increment. Upon request by the City, the Developers shall use its best efforts to cooperate with the City in obtaining certified copies of its real estate tax bills payable in 2009, and paid in each subsequent year during the term of this Redevelopment Agreement. Section 8. No Liability of City for Others .for Developers 's Expenses. The City shall have no obligation to pay costs of the Project or to make any payments to any person other than the Developers, nor shall the City be obligated to pay any contractor, subcontractor, mechanic, or materialman providing services or materials to the Developers for the development of the Project. Section 9. Tune; Force Mafeure. Time is of the essence of this Redevelopment Agreement, provided, however, a party shall not be deemed in material breach of this Redevelopment Agreement with respect to any obligations of this Redevelopment Agreement on such party's part to be performed if such party fails to timely perform the same and such failure is due in whole or in part to any strike, lock-out, labor trouble (whether legal or illegal), civil disorder, weather conditions, failure or interruptions of power, restrictive governmental laws 10 Clean Version and regulations, condemnations, riots, insurrections, acts of terrorism, war, fuel shortages, accidents, casualties, floods, earthquakes, fires, acts of God, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, freight embargoes, acts caused directly or indirectly by the other party (or the other party's agents, employees or invitees) or similar causes beyond the reasonable control of such party ("Force Majeure"). If one of the foregoing events shall occur or either party shall claim that such an event shall have occurred, the party to whom such claim is made shall investigate same and consult with the party making such claim regarding the same and the party to whom such claim is made shall grant any extension for the performance of the unsatisfied obligation equal to the period of the delay, which period shall continence to run from the time of the commencement of the Force Majeure; provided that the failure of performance was reasonably caused by such Force Majeure. Section 10. Assignment. This Redevelopment Agreement may not be assigned by the Developers without the prior written consent of the City, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Section 11. Waiver. Any party to this Redevelopment Agreement may elect to waive any remedy it may enjoy hereunder, provided that no such waiver shall be deemed to exist unless the party waiving such right or remedy does so in writing. No such waiver shall obligate such party to waive any right or remedy hereunder, or shall be deemed to constitute a waiver of other rights and remedies provided said party pursuant to this Redevelopment Agreement. Section 12. Severability. If any section, subsection, term or provision of this Redevelopment Agreement or the application thereof to any party or circumstance shall, to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of said section, subsection, tern or provision 71 Clean Version of this Redevelopment Agreement or the application of same to parties or circumstances other than those to which it is held invalid or unenforceable, shall not be affected thereby. Section 13. Notices. All notices, demands, requests, consents, approvals or other instruments required or permitted by this Redevelopment Agreement shall be in writing and shall be executed by the parry or an officer, agent or attorney of the party, and shall be deemed to have been effective as of the date of actual delivery, if delivered personally, or as of the third (3'a) day from and including the date of posting, if mailed by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, with postage prepaid, addressed as follows: To the Developers: Bridge Street Plaza, Inc. 100 Bridge Street Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Bridge Street Plaza II, LLC 100 Bridge Street Yorkville, Illinois 60560 To the City: United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Attention: City Administrator With a copy to: Kathleen Field Orr Kathleen Field Orr & Associates 180 North Michigan Avenue, Suite 1040 Chicago, Illinois 60601 Section 14. Successors in Interest. This Redevelopment Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties to this Redevelopment Agreement and their respective successors and assigns. 12 Clean Version Section 15. No Joint Venture, Agency or Partnership Created. Neither anything in this Redevelopment Agreement nor any acts of the parties to this Redevelopment Agreement shall be construed by the parties or any third person to create the relationship of a partnership, agency, or joint venture between or among such parties. Section 16. Warranties and Covenants of the Developers. A. The Developers hereby covenant and agree to maintain good standing as an Illinois corporation and an Illinois limited liability company throughout the tern of this Redevelopment Agreement, B. The Developers hereby covenant and agree to promptly pay, as the same become due, any and all taxes and governmental charges of any kind that may at any time be lawfully assessed including all real estate taxes assessed against the Subject Property or any other location in the City owned or controlled by the Developers. C. The Developers covenant and agree that at all times it shall comply with all applicable zoning ordinances and regulations, building code, fire code and all other City ordinances, resolutions and regulations. D. The Developers hereby covenant and agree to comply with all applicable laws, rules and regulations of the State of Illinois, the United States and all agencies of each of them having jurisdiction over it. Section 17. No Discrimination — Construction. The Developers for themselves and their successors and assigns agree that in the construction of the improvements at the Subject Property provided for in this Redevelopment Agreement the Developers shall not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, gender or 13 Clean Version national origin. The Developers shall take affirmative action to require that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, creed, color, religion, gender or national origin. Such action shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising and solicitations or advertisements for employees; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The Developers agree to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices, which may be provided by the City, setting forth the provisions of this nondiscrimination clause. Section 18. Remedies — Liability. A. If, in the City' s judgment, the Developers are in material default of this Redevelopment Agreement, the City shall provide the Developers with a written statement indicating in adequate detail any failure on the Developers' part to fulfill its obligations under this Redevelopment Agreement. Except as required to protect against further damages, the City may not exercise any remedies against the Developers in connection with such failure until thirty (30) days after giving such notice. If such default cannot be cured within such thirty (30) day period, such thirty (30) day period shall be extended for such time as is reasonably necessary for the curing of the same, so long as the Developers diligently proceed with such cure; if such default is cured within such extended period, the default shall not be deemed to constitute a breach of this Redevelopment Agreement. A default not cured as provided above shall constitute a breach of this Redevelopment Agreement. Any failure or delay by the City in asserting any of its rights or remedies as to any default or alleged default or breach shall not operate as a waiver 14 Clean Version of any such default or breach of any rights or remedies it may have as a result of such default or breach. B. If the Developers materially fail to fulfill their obligations under this Redevelopment Agreement after notice is given by the City and any cure periods described in paragraph (a) above have expired, the City may elect to terminate this Redevelopment Agreement or exercise any right or remedy it may have at law or in equity, including the right to specifically enforce the terns and conditions of this Redevelopment Agreement. if any voluntary or involuntary proceeding in any court or tribunal shall be instituted to declare either of the Developers insolvent or unable to pay the Developers' debts, or the Developers make an assignment for the benefit of its creditors, or a trustee or receiver is appointed for either one of the Developers or for the major part of the Developers' property, the City may elect, to the extent such election is permitted by law and is not unenforceable under applicable federal bankruptcy laws, but is not required, with or without notice of such election and with or without entry or other action by the City, to forthwith terminate this Redevelopment Agreement under this Section, the City' s sole obligation shall be to record, in the office of the Kendall County Recorder, a Certificate of Default, executed by the Mayor of the City or such other person as shall be designated by the City, stating that this Redevelopment Agreement is terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Section, in which event this Redevelopment Agreement by virtue of the recording of such certificate, shall ipso facto automatically become null and void and of no further force and effect. C. If, in the Developers' judgment, the City is in material default of this Redevelopment Agreement, the Developers shall provide the City with a written statement 15 Clean Version indicating in adequate detail any failure on the City's part to fulfill its obligations under this Redevelopment Agreement. The Developers may not exercise any remedies against the City in connection with such failure until thirty (30) days after giving such notice. If by its nature such default cannot reasonably be cured within such thirty (30) day period, such thirty (30) day period shall be extended for such time as is reasonably necessary for the curing of the same, so long as the City diligently proceeds with such cure; if such default is cured within such extended period, the default shall not be deemed to constitute a breach of this Redevelopment Agreement. A default not cured as provided above shall constitute a breach of this Redevelopment Agreement. Any failure or delay by the Developers in asserting any of their rights or remedies as to any default or any alleged default or breach shall not operate as a waiver of any such default or breach of shall not operate as a waiver of any such default or breach of any rights or remedies it may have as a result of such default or breach. D. In addition to any other rights or remedies, a party may institute legal action against the other party to cure, correct or remedy any default, or to obtain any other remedy consistent with the purpose of this Redevelopment Agreement, either at law or in equity, including, but not limited to the equitable remedy of an action for specific performance; provided, however, no recourse under or upon any obligation contained herein or for any claim based thereon shall be had against the City, its officers, agents, attorneys, representatives or employees in any amount or in excess of any specific sum agreed to be paid by the City hereunder, and no liability, right or claim at law or in equity shall be attached to or incurred by the City, its officers, agents, attorneys, representatives or employees in any amount in excess of any specific sums agreed by the City to be paid hereunder and any such claim is hereby 16 Clean Version expressly waived and released as a condition of and as consideration for the execution of this Redevelopment Agreement by the City. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event either party shall institute legal action against the other parry because of a breach of any Redevelopment Agreement or obligation contained in this Redevelopment Agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred in connection with such action. E. The rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative and the exercise by a party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same time or different times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or for any other default by the other party. Section 19. Amendment. This Redevelopment Agreement, and any exhibits attached to this Redevelopment Agreement, may be amended only in a writing signed by all the parties with the adoption of any ordinance or resolution of the City approving said amendment, as provided by law, and by execution of said amendment by the parties or their successors in interest. Except as otherwise expressly provided herein, this Redevelopment Agreement supersedes all prior Redevelopment Agreements, negotiations and discussions relative to the subject matter hereof. Section 20. Counterparts. This Redevelopment Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Redevelopment Agreement to be executed by their duly authorized officers on the above date at Yorkville, Illinois. United City of Yorkville, an Illinois 17 Clean Version municipal corporation By: Mayor Attest: City Clerk Bridge Street Plaza, Inc. By: President Attest: Secretary Bridge Street Plaza, II, LLC By: Attest: Secretary 18 EXHIBIT A Daniels Property Subject Property C ---- Demolition Area -- M o . - O ^ n 1 N a0 N N N O 0 t, M N 07 r T G t N N 0+,1 47 — - - N N � � o M t" r c 111 1 02 32-2 9-007 Hydraullo-Ave-� 02- 2-279-00$ EHydnullc-Ave-- I I V1 I -- i 202 J - - _ e 1- 2098 _ ------_- 211 - - 2 2 — ---- -- -- -- - 213 21 United City of Yorkville GIS 1ToWereprovldedwithoutwamntyarenynpresanWanof e tmuroey;einefineae,oreomphwnew H/+MereepaneNness,and Parcel Data and Aerial Photography RpvoteY m eteanlne eccuraey,t7melMeas,mmpleteneee,orM Provided By Kendall CountyGlS oppm pleloneeeothe on.The United City at Yorkville Pokes no mrrenae+,eMpree+ed er lmptled,to the un of Du Date. Clean Version ExhibitB Eligible Redevelopment Project Costs 1 . Costs associated with the demolition of buildings 2. Costs associated the clearing and grading of demolition area 3 . Costs associated with any environmental clean up of demolition area Note: The maximum amount reimbursable is $ 140,000 20 Clean Version Exhibit C REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT City of Yorkville Yorkville, Illinois 61490-9999 Re: Redevelopment Agreement for the Downtown Yorkville Redevelopment Project Area dated , by and among the City of Yorkville, an Illinois municipal corporation, and Bridge Street Plaza, an Illinois corporation and Bridge Street Plaza 11, LLC (collectively the "Developers") Dear Sir: You are requested to approve the disbursement of funds from the Sub-Account established by the City of Yorkville pursuant to the Agreement described above in the amount(s), to the person(s) and for the purposg(s) set froth in this Request for Reimbursement. 1 . Request for Reimbursement No.: 2. Payment Due to: 3 . Amount to be Disbursed: 4. The amount requested to be disbursed pursuant to this Request for Reimbursement will be used to pay Redevelopment Project Costs as defined in the Agreement and as listed on the Schedule to this Request for Reimbursement. 5. The undersigned certifies that: (i) the amounts included in 3 above were made or incurred or financed and were necessary for the project and were made or incurred in accordance with the construction contracts, plans and specifications heretofore in effect; (ii) the amounts paid or to be paid, as set forth in this Request for Reimbursement, represents a part of the funds due and payable for Redevelopment Project Costs; (iii) the expenditures for which amounts are requisitioned represent proper Redevelopment Project Costs identified in the Agreement, have not been included in any previous Request for Reimbursement, have been properly recorded on the Developers' books and are set forth on the attached Schedule, with paid invoices attached for all suns for which reimbursement is requested; (iv) the moneys requisitioned are not greater than those necessary to meet obligations due and payable or to reimburse tine Developers for his funds actually advanced for Redevelopment Project Costs; (v) the amount of Redevelopment Project Costs to be reimbursed in accordance with this Request for Reimbursement, together with all amounts reimbursed to the Developers pursuant to the Agreement, is not in excess of the items listed on Exhibit B; (vi) the Developer is not in default under the Agreement and nothing has occurred to the knowledge of the Developer that would prevent the performance of its obligations under the Agreement, 6. Attached to this Request for Reimbursement is Schedule # , together with copies of invoices or bills of sale and Mechanic's Lien Waives covering all items for which reimbursement is being requested. Bridge Street Plaza, Inc., an Illinois corporation Date: By: Bridge Street Plaza, II, an Illinois corporation Date: By: APPROVED: City of Yorkville, an Illinois municipal corporation 21 Ordinance No. 2009- ORDINANCE APPROVING A REDEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR THE DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT AREA (BRIDGE STREET DEVELOPMENT) WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2006-46 adopted by the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois (the "Corporate Authorities") on June 13, 2006, a Redevelopment Project and Plan for Downtown Yorkville (hereinafter the "Redevelopment Plan") was approved, which project and plan covered some of the oldest properties of the City which constitute a significant portion of the City's historic Downtown; and, WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2006-47 and 2006-48 adopted by the Corporate Authorities on June 13, 2006, the City designated approximately 200 acres containing 114 buildings as a "redevelopment project area" (" Yorkville Downtown Redevelopment Project Area") and adopted tax increment financing pursuant to the Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act (65 ILCS 5/11 -74.4-1 et seq.) (hereinafter referred to as the "Act"); and, WHEREAS, the City received a proposal from Bridge Street Plaza, Inc. and Bridge Street Plaza, II, LLC (the "Developers"), for the redevelopment of property within the Yorkville Downtown Redevelopment Project Area located at 109- 111 and 101 to 105 Bridge Street; and, WHEREAS, the Developers have demonstrated to the City that this proposal shall require extraordinary costs to accomplish the development including demolition of the existing buildings and construction of parking facilities, and, but for financial assistance from the City, the development is not economically viable; and, WHEREAS, in order to induce the Developer to proceed with the proposal, the Corporate Authorities have determined that it is in the best interest of the City and the health, safety, morals and welfare of the residents of the City for the City to provide financial assistance to the Developer as set forth in the Redevelopment Agreement for the Downtown Yorkville Redevelopment Project Area attached hereto and made a part hereof, because the development by the Developers is in the best interests of the City and the health, safety and welfare of its residents and taxpayers; because the development, when completed, shall provide job opportunities for the residents of the City; enhance the tax base of the City and other taxing districts; and, add to its overall prosperity. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, that the Redevelopment Agreement for the Downtown Redevelopment Project Area as presented to this meeting and attached to this Ordinance, is hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute and deliver said Agreement and undertake all actions as may be required to implement its terns. ADOPTED this day of , 2009. ROBYN SUTCLIFF DIANE TEELING GARY GOLINSKI ARDEN JOE PLOCHER WALTER WERDERICH MARTY MUNNS ROSE ANN SPEARS GEORGE GILSON, JR. APPROVED: Mayor Attest: City Clerk 2