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Ordinance 2007-022
200700013895 Filed for Record in KENDALL COUNTY? ILLINOIS PAUL ANDERSON ORDINANCE NO. 2007- a. 04 -27 -2007 At 11:03 am. -� ORDINANCE 58.00 RHSP Surcharge 10.00 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER 2006 -119 (SUNFLOWER ESTATES) BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Authority. The United City of Yorkville (the "C ") is authorized, pursuant to Article VII, Section 7(6) of the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and pursuant to the provisions of the Illinois Special Service Area Tax Law, 35 ILCS 200/27 -5 et seq. (the "Act "), to establish special service areas for the provision of special governmental services in portions of the City and to levy or impose a special tax and to issue bonds for the provision of such special services. Section 2. Findings. (a) The question of establishment of the area hereinafter described as a special service area (the "Special Service Area') was considered by the City Council of the City pursuant to "An Ordinance Proposing the Establishment of Special Service Area Number 2006 -119 (Sunflower Estates) in the United City of Yorkville and Providing for Other Procedures in Connection Therewith," being Ordinance No. 2006 -155, adopted on December 26, 2007. The establishment of the Area was considered at a public hearing held on January 23, 2007 (the "Public Hearing "). The Public Hearing was held pursuant to notice duly published in the Kendall Countv Record. a newspaper of general circulation within the City, on January 4, 2007, which was at least fifteen (15) days prior to the Public Hearing, and also pursuant to notice by mail addressed to the person or persons in whose name the general taxes for the last preceding year were paid on each lot, block, tract or parcel of land lying within the Area. Said notice by mail was given by depositing said notice in the United States mail not less than ten (10) days prior to the date set for the Public Hearing. In the event taxes for the last preceding year were not paid, said notice was sent to the person last listed on the tax rolls prior to that year as the owner of said property. A certificate of publication of notice and evidence of mailing of notice are attached to this Ordinance as Exhibit A and Exhibit B. respectively. Said notices conform in all respects to the requirements of the Act. (b) At the Public Hearing, all interested persons were given an opportunity to be heard on the question of the establishment of the Special Service Area for the payment of any costs of maintenance and repair of monuments, signage, landscaping and other common area elements in the Special Service Area and the levy of a tax on real property within the Special Service Area to pay such costs. (c) After considering the data as presented to the City Council of the City and at the Public Hearing, the City Council of the City finds that it is in the best interests of the City and of the residents and property owners of the United City of Yorkville Special Service Area Number 2006 -119 that the Special Service Area, as hereinafter described, be established. CHI2 664908.7 (d) The Special Service Area is compact and contiguous as required by the Act. (e) An annual special equal tax levied against each residential lot and each parcel in the Special Service Area as herein described does not exceed the tax rate or method proposed in the notice of public hearing referred to herein and such special tax, taking into account the direct and indirect special service benefits to current and future owners of property within the Special Service Area, bears a rational relationship between the amount of tax levied against each lot, block, tract and parcel of land in the Special Service Area and the special service benefit conferred. (f) It is in the best interests of the City that the Special Service Area be created for the financing of the maintenance costs within the Special Service Area, and that taxes be levied on real property within the Special Service Area to pay such costs. (g) It is in the best interests of the United City of Yorkville Special Service Area Number 2006 -119 that the payment of the maintenance costs proposed be considered for the common interests of the Special Service Area and that the Special Service Area will benefit specially from the payment of such costs. Section 3. United Citv of Yorkville Special Service Area Number 2006 -119 Established. A special service area to be known and designated as "United City of Yorkville Special Service Area Number 2006 -119" is hereby established and shall consist of the contiguous territory legally described in Exhibit C hereto, and outlined on the map of a portion of the City attached as Exhibit D hereto, which description and map are by this reference incorporated herein and made a part hereof; provided that prior to March 25, 2007, no electors residing within the Special Service Area or owners of record of taxable property lying within the Special Service Area shall have filed a petition with the City Clerk objecting to the establishment of the Special Service Area or the levy of the special tax as herein described. Section 4. Purpose of Area. United City of Yorkville Special Service Area Number 2006 -119 is established to provide special services to the Special Service Area in addition to services provided in the City generally, payable from taxes levied on real property in the Special Service Area in accordance with the special tax roll established by this Ordinance. Section 5. Special Tax Roll for Bond Retirement. In lieu of an ad valorem tax to be levied and extended for the payment of maintenance costs of the Special Service Area, a special tax roll is hereby established, Such special tax roll shall be used only for levying and extending taxes for the payment of such costs. Pursuant to the special tax roll, there shall be levied by the City in each year an equal tax on each parcel of property in the Special Service Area listed on Exhibit E hereto, sufficient to produce revenues to provide special municipal services to the Special Service Area; the maximum rate of such taxes to be extended in any year within the proposed special service area shall not exceed the amount necessary to produce a maximum annual tax levy of $31,855. Section 6. Supersede Conflicting Ordinance. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are repealed to the extent of such conflict. 2 CHI2 664908.1 I I Section 7. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL, OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS this 27th day of February, 2007. VOTING AYE: VOTING NAY: ABSENT: ABSTAINED: NOT VOTING: APPROVED: Mayor ATTEST: C c Published in pamphlet form February 27, 2007. 3 CHI2 664908.1 Exhibit A Certificate of publication of public notice I i f CHI2 664906.1 I thence Sough 02'03'35' East... comer thereof. thence North 05-06475016 Public N otice 511.e01sallo ate canterlke of - 67.56'257 Easlalone a South 0505.475 -01e _ NOTICE OFHEARING i Illinois Stale-Route No. 71: , One of sold Phase 2, a distance 05.05476417 UNREDCRYOp I thence westerly along said of 30.O.feo4 chance North 05.05475018 YORKVILLE Carrier gm, being along a nave . 02.03'35' West along an East SPECIAL SBRVICE AREA to the IttL having a radius of Ante of sold Phase Z. a distance 05054454IX1 NUMBER 2DO5419 5,05459 teak an am dserre of of 86:0• feel; thence South 0545445 -M C E RT I F i C RTE t NO� E IS HERE13YY GNEN • 80.0 2.28 test feet; thence Sou h line of said Phase 2, along distance 0 05-05443 015 that on January a 2007 at 7dm. 87 0(35.62 feet b therSoulhemol 050540014 0 F P U B L I C RT I 0 N g o Ge Y Form Road City al; tlu nl rwrinq subdivi n o thence'N rtn 0545443-013 ' Yorkville, IBnols, ahearing will thence North 14•t0`22' Wes,, - 01.40`14' Westalong the East 311 be held by The United City of 1701.70 feet to the point of gnadsaid L01106 and the Fast 054$44UM Yorkville (the 'rLLy. to beginning In the United City of IN of Lot 117 ofsald Phase 2, a 0505443-W7 I, Jeffery A. Farren, de hereby cedlty that I am the publisher c consider forming It opechd Yorkville, Kendall County, distance of 170,25 feello the 0545443006 seMm area 19 be called'CiV Illinois and containing 60.610 Northeast comer of said Lot D5-054430D5 the Kendall County Record, a weekly secular newspaper 0 of Yorkville Special Service acres. '117; thence South 67.58'25' &o5 general circulation, regularly published In the City of Yorkville Area Number 2006.119,' Unit If. .Weal along the North fns of u 05054430M In the County of Kendall and the Slate of IOinols; and I hereb; consisting of the ehd Isgmly LEGAL DESCRIPTION sold Lot 117, a dletance of 05-05- 443.001 further certify that the notice a copy of which is attaches dascdhed in to gds That peg of the South Hall of 151.16 test to the NOnh OS05 441 hereto, in the matter of Notice. Section 5, Township 35 North, comer thereof. thence North 0505441406 . The approximate )cation Is Range 7 past of the Third 02'03'35' West along a West 05 45441 -010 generally northwest 01 the Principal Madden described as ben of said Phase 2, a distance 05-05.441 -011 Public Notice: United City of Yorkville Special Service Area NC northwest comer of Route 47 follows: Beginning al the most of 30,0 feet; thence Sguhh end Route 71 05105441 -012 In she City. eouthady Southwest comer of 87'5575' West along a North 0 5 05 441-001 2006.119 Sunflower Estates The general purpose d the Sunflower Estates, Phase 1, Ben of sent Phase 2, adislmce 1-M mh loallon of the City of Yorkville Yorkville, Kendall County, of 66.0 feel; theace,South 0505441.004 Special Service Area Number glands; thence South 14 °1072' 02'09'85' East along an East 0605,441 -005 was published once each week for l successive weeks if 200 &118 is to provide special pan along the West Ulna of add dine of said Phase 2, a distance 05.05.4414106 said Newspaper, the first insertion being on the 41h day o • municipal services to the area Phase 1 extended 842.49 feel; of 5027 feet to the Northeast 05-05.441 -W January , 2007 and the last Insertion being on the 4th day o which may Include the casts of thence North 87'5675' past comer of Lot too of said Phase 0545.442 -011 January 2007 and we further certify that the said Kendal maintenance and repair of 760.56 feel; thence South 2; thence South 07 West 0546442 -010 County Record was regularly ptdlilehed continuously for morn monuments, algnage, 02 East 48223 feel; along the Norgtllne of said Lot 0545442-M than six months in the City of Yorkville in said County, nex llarhdscapinganddheraomncn hencq aohrthweslery along a t00ahhdLd101df sold Plhase2. 0505442 -007 WOO elements within the curve to the right having a • a distance d 150.0 Ism to the 0605442-006 preceding the first publication of said notice, and that we art posed $pedal ouNke area. radius of 30.0 feat, an jam Southeast comer of Lot 77 of 064S-442-005 duly authorized to make proof of matters published in the salt The &pedal - aervicas shall distance of 46.48 lee, to th said Phase 2; thence North 0595.442-004 Kendall County Record. Include maintenance activities northerly dght•ai -way lure of 01 West along an East 05-05442-003 arty- Illinois Stale Route No. 71; One of Shnnowerilslafes, Phase ' 0�2 -001 Them Wilalso beconsidered uhanca, Saud, 03 Fast 1, Yodwille, Kendal County, ' at the hearing the following along a line mdfal to sold 1Oradimo seof717.531eet 0506442-030 cla Given under my hand and seal al Yorkville, Illnolathla method of financing northerly right -ofway line 65.0 bthe Nogvwteadarol Lote3 -02 day o1 4th d of January 2007 maintenance aclylges within , feel b the center tine of said of sold Phase 1; finance North 05454 2Mr Y a2' the proposed special service Illlnole State Route No. 71' 88 East along a South 0546442 -M area: thelevyManetfuNexby thence eaetody along said Ina of said Phase 1, a distance 0545476-001 , the City on each, parcel of center Ina 107,911 foil; thence of 5826 Ieet, thence North 0505475002 � • ' /•' h „ A � sentry In the suffi t lost l tit tit 8 56 6 fine of said along East 0505476.007 �i 4WY4t. � ............. ............................... sarwce arcs, , culllalent legt to feafi thence hence No NoM 7.5e'25' AneolsaWPo I,adIs lstanq W. Off\ Publisher produce rovanues to pravids East 341.81 - test thanee Norm of 66.0. feat; thence South 064544ZO04 special municipal services to 02 Wen 150.0 fact: 66'39'12' West along a Noah 0610"4 -= the proposed spacial service thence North 97'56'25' East Ina of said Phase 1,a distance PS454424121 The Kendall County Record is a newspaper al defined in Act- are% the mardmhm rate of ouch 30.0 feat• thence North of 30.0 foal to the Southeast .05054424120 Chapter 100, Sections 1 ands, Illinois Revised Statues, tbresbbeenendadfarryyear 02'03'85'W43166.0fes4thence oonwrofLottodsetdPhani, '05.08442 -018 6P W11NO the proposed special 4outh 67'857S Welt 35.62 mence North 01.20'48' Watt D54S442.018 service area which shall not 'feel; thence North 01 .Stand ths East Ono of sold Lot 0545442 -017 Mweedifn atimntnecess"Ito West 170.20 hat; thence South ..Ill, a doomed 150.0 fat loin 0545442-010 produce a maximum annual tax 117'56'25' West 151.16 fee4 I4oiheaslcomar0herooktlTarw ..0546442-014 ,•2 -014 levy of 631,655, sold tax to be thence Norm 02.0335' West North 66 East along a - 05,05442.013 levied upon d taxable property _ 30.0 foal, thence' South line drawn parallel with the 6545442 -012 Within the proposed special 67 Wed61.0 lest thence center Me of6mm Briar Road, 0545444 -M service area. South 02'0SW Ent 50.27feet 702.30 feet W to line t bawn . 0505.477 -M At the hearing, all Interested thence South 87'56'25' vilest parallel with the center One of 0505477-065 persona affected the .160.0 feat:- thence North Illtdofs State Routs No, 47; 05054 7?-0W formation of such special 01'3712' West 617,63 feet to thence South ON4 East 05-05.477-003 service area, including all the Southeast comerol Lot 03at Wong uldpwaflal Ono 1290.43 05.65477-002 persona owning taxable real said Sunflower Estates; thence feet b a line drawn parallel with 054)5477-001 $seta therein, may rile written .Southt 86 West slag the and 708,23 feel, normally oblecdorn to and be head a* South One otlol6% 152.26 lest distant. no"hwv.ot the center' 05.05444.004 regarding the formation of and b the Southwest comer thermal, line of Blktois Slate Route No. 0,5 the boundaries of the special thence South 01'20'48' East 71; thence South 67 05415444.001. service area and the levy of ' 30.0 feet: thence South West along Bald parallel Ibe 0505330001 taxes affecting the dos. The 683992'Wed 66.0 feat thence 35935 feel lo point of 0505336002 hewing may be adlcumed by North 01 West 38.03 loot beginning In tho,Unhsd Gty of 0505440-091 the City Coundlvllthout further .b the Southeast comer of Lot 57, Yorkville, Kendall County, 0505443-018 KCR -1 -It notice osnrthan amollanto be o s f sold Sunflower Estates; llitm as shown by the plat entered upon the minutes of ice thence South 86'39 West herein drawn whigh Is a caned �f meeting fixing the time and Wong t South Lie of said Lot reproaontationof mid survey Ows,oliisadloumment. 67 and the South lithe of Lat of and aubdwislon A4,dstanm are It a petition signed by at least mid Sunflower Fatales, 375.36 shorn In last and dedmel pods 61% of the electors residing feel to the Southwest comer of Viewed. within The City of Yorkville 'said Lot 66; thence southerly, I lurinrcooy that the above Spacial Service Area Number along agave to the right having deudbedpropedylowithin Ole 2o06 -11g and byallessl5t %of a redius d R 313.0 teat which Is corporate hits q11. the United the owners of record of the lend radial to a line drawn South City of Yorkviltev which ham Included within ms. boundaries 76!45'4(' West from the last adopted an OMcial plan, and that of the City of Yorkville Special ' described point. an am distance no pad Is within a spacial flood Service Area Number 2006.116 of 36.01 lest; the"o. South hazard area as Identified by the Is fled with the City Clark of the 65 West 66.0 feet thence Fie of araI Emergency City of YodMIs within 60-days northerly along a concentric Management 1 Agency following the final adjourment curve to thatefi, having a radius Community Panel Map, of the public hearing objecting to of 247.01eek an am distance of e 19. 1115Z the creation of the $pedal 30.0 last; thence South PONtj mbe • service was of the fevyof taxes 70 °45'40' Well 148.24 fast, 0545496.003 affecting On area, no such area thence South 00'24'56' East ' may be created and no such MC93 lest thence South 05 . 011410 -004 h taxes may be levied or ' 59 West 102.59 feet b - 05.0,9{40405 Imposed • - • the point of beginning In the OM544MDT ' Exhibit I to Notice , United City of Yorkville, Kendall 0&05446006 t Legal Description of County, Illi - 05-05440009 h' _ 0. P -Ritau Unit 111 "'h 054""l - Unit I - LEGAL DESCRIPTION OS06M50f1 .- - LEGAL'DE5CAIPTION ' �• State Of OGIda: " 0''051. 4104)12 • ' • That pa"al the South Hell d SS ,_vi ' -+ '05.05440-013' s Section 6, Township 36 5-0 , County of Kendall 0 16 Range 7 East of the Third I, James M. Olson, Illinois 115-0&446016 _ - Principal Meridian described as professional Lend Surveyof No. • 0545440-017 follows; Beginning at the 2253, employed by James M. 06-0644D01g _ h Southwest Corner at Green Olean Associates, Ltd., do 6505446 -0 r Oder, P.U.D„ 17nO 1, Kendal hereby certify that. under.t he 0 & 0 544"20 s County, Vince; thence North ditedlan of the owners mered. IF 002 OW36 East along the center have surveyed, subdivided and 7".003 [Ina of Green grist Dive, placed that parieflhe Southeast 05435475004 401.87 loot to the Southeast Quarter of Section 5, Tow" 05.05. 475.005 - corner of Slid. subdivision; 36 North, Range Y East of the 0 05.475406 - thence Norm 86 East Third Principal Meridian 05-05475-007 I along said center One, 716.65 described as fdkhws: Beginning 0''..05,476-008 r feet thence South 01 at the Southeast comer of Lot DS064754109 ' East. 349.99 feel, thence North . 42, Swallower Estates, Phase 2, 0541547&010 r 68'3712' East. 712.30 feel; , Yorkville, Kendal County, , X55.4751 -011 ' thence South 01'44'07' East Illinois; thence Norm 02.03'35' 05.05- 475013 f 1200.43 loot; thence South West along the past fns of Bald 0545475.014 r 07 Weak 700.96 feet, , lot 150.0 feat to the Northeast • - - _ ' i Exhibit B I Evidence of mailing of public notice i i 2 CHI2 664908.1 i _ > 5': R, IT'Q1? i?he tuizleisi iiecl :Lu►iiae 1: iiu.ni lierefiy_d�po5es':ar d. states as f4llowws:_ 1: T.kiar:pn; i?ed?iesziav =Jan ie . 1; ', i ixtet: Zvi ;3vliclieile iy10ses iitlivy- fitizrle at 1 °:854 Columbine Drive; Y ©vile Ate the Natic o €PuEili _laiin: attached hereto as i X1Ait. b'y: ad4ressing :a0=p6t*said <Notice i�.ai%e�iL �It��� �o fi�3nailed:to each of`fl proaertyv�iriers of.:tlie Sur►flovr'staies- st>uis'ion (i] 7ope4es3= lticad at`Rts. i 47 and 71 in Yozkvillie; Ttl riois and listed by`.perm' anent li dea noinher on F_xb' bit B attached . .. t F hereto. 5 2. Tbat on -- Friday, January 5, 2007, Michelle' Ulose.s A'Vent to ibe: Urnited states Post. {3 ice located in ; Yorkvi� e;, Iiii ois apd the Flo ce ofPulil c Ileariiag >i y iJ S.;iegular mail, postage _prepaid, to the owhers.of reeordaf:tlie : loeate..d .iA:he: Sii o i�er Estates .subdivision. i 3. Further Affiant sayeth not. . Luii ;i Iv1 Ernini Subscribed:and.syYorp to.befure me thisl2nd -day of January, 2007. i OFFICIAL SEAL WANNE A PRTNO NOTARY PUBLIC -STATE OF IL MUS o . P :c f W COMSM.EXPIRE8VA8.60 I ! OTO 4010_ 3ti11J'TICI 1 GN:'aal of ;Ianijar 23. i City:ball; On =f txie artri.'Roa& .a -hearm :, rlt b lael l °by, -. TU iced : i +.;; f ; Yor]:xhl]e _(the "Cit. er. :forming a special service area to be gilled "iiy of 1'orl,�iie Special .Service..,11<rea Number 206 = 119," : eonsiseing of the letory. le,all� described. in Exhi]ait l to this Notice: The appxoxit :tocaEon is: :ritirthwest: of fhe norEh�eSt : :oriier'iifltoiitir 47 and Route 7:3 iii the':City: ' : i The- e► e3a1 Pu Vae_ of'_ he: formation of. the: City .of :YmziC3 ikle.:: pe-cial'- e :��ice Area Nurrstier jroide specie]%.: aicipal :':.seFices:ttzia.;vica'ii]uS Sze j costs'of tnainte�attre sad. epatr: =off inatiumen s, signs a .landsea ia�g and x�tl�ier coit�mon area _... elements. within #:tie oposed' special - sd ice area. The speeia� seic+'xc'es slrali .:include maintenance actin' 10 I There will- also be co sidered at the hearing the fc lioi�itig :ri etnnd= of "fanancing maintenance. aetiities. within.the proposed special service area: the - li.y° ofit _equal: tai li} °ilie - City on each paieel of:`prraper[3. iii'ilie proposed speecial lee area; sufftdei t - to: YOduct revenues -to. provide sp�cral .nd>ysiisipal se ices to the proposed: ; speetal servtve area, the max imum r ate. - ©fsirek"taxes;to }ie 6 tei ded:in °any year: wit hi ie =prQ o =sgee `s rwdee_area which shall not ex'c'eed the -- -mount rice nary to pro drtce a ma> tun sit at ta�cTevy of $3� 855, said tax to .be le ied upom all'xaxabie prapertli ivith the proptzse ` specia se pct : :ai?ra: Ai- the.:ho` ii :all iriteested:.persons..affected -by the f6wi4an of.sucl ' Al area. includin a1Lpe sops oi��riiii .fa�catile:real estate #heteih; may: 1e Wy3ritW: dons to:�azid be beard orally F aid tigt]ie.formatian :af and.the boundaries:o# the spreia se tee; area:and the levy. of taxes ai ect3n :t�ie.:area.:. Tl a hearing tray be adjourned b << the :City bun -R — without further notice "othei..am a inntion to be entered upon the mi nutes o €.its meetip� <fi "g: he titre . and place'of its - aidjournmi ht. If a - petition- signed by at least 51% of the electors re -M siding 1hin tl�e CW of Yorkville Special Service Arca:N.uiA er 2006A l:9 and by at least 51 % .of the ow�ef cif necoi�i:of tIae :land included within tfie. bb dares of - the City of.Yorkville Special Service Aiea.Nianber 2QO6 - •119 is filed with the City Clerk of - .the : Ci y -of Yorkville - %itbin 60 - days fbllo'; iq the final adjournment of. the - public bearing objecting to the creation of the special: wvvice - - ar ea.oi the - 1e - 11Y of taxes affecting the area n. such area may be created and no suc1T taxes may lie le -vied or ! imposed. j i CHU 659662.1 I 3 ! i : Exhitit l ice t . .. it i 1 ; 1 I. I r i I CHI2 659652.1 i i i That pa #:of Otte: SoOf#11=taff of 860 - h l 5; .Touvnsf ip.3t : North; Retige.'7 East -x?f #pia: ' " T hi Pripcipal ll�tsrrdran: daseritf $s folCoin+s :8sgir i- irr _ t flra:S uttiwe$t merflF. Giaem 8 iar; :P:tl.b ; tlnf€1, �!oi�c�r`lle; Kendall. -d4' 6 y, .lflinds, thensa:NortF�:. W 6,'48" - I . i t as of i g;tl3e:;cen#eT i09f of t?reen Bt arDri a 481.87: st to fhe Sfluthe st `cori srof said ?stibdf�risior - (h6nc0. th- 88'39'T2'.'E- Mt4fan 1in. 7.16; feet;. -tlie :ce.- i S Guth : al `2EY. B °Ee t 90 Met, therice:nb h:B °East Tt2 3_f� fgel; the i i i2.ffl 43..feet; #ha - nce r.07'S6'Z !a t 11n 98=fe t� er�ei = -S 7`est to`toe cemerIlirt ols State.} oufe l�lo lf, Dian ce- wesledy_afarig:said�epl`erl ne, ibairig along a cuewe'f�::fhe. °deft; avir g a r a'%p of , I 5; 058 59 feeY erg <clistolrce of:8Q 0 feat; Nord} t)2'b3'35 ". V{ We 512,23-feet; thence: Soutli West; 766x86 =feet to a lino _drawn South. 14 °702-2" E= st`Budi .tha ppil - - of= 6eg�iiniog, thegjee:. INesf, iz>17.9:7Afeef -to flee: potnt�fbe�ir�r}irrg:ffr#�es:; =- flnits -d City of'Ycr#ivrlle; "Kehdall County, 111 niois jaad conteirjins: fi0.61 'acies. i ' I - I I'lint_psC :af he South. $el f of eetio_rt 5, Tbiyndti- 36 Nt?r',3� iaYi z' t °E - Qf..lie.`t'llrlyd i 2 : �Leudian deserted as io11©tigs $t 31MU ng.at t}ie. i rtost southerly S ©t :est;r r�fS v i .. Estates 'Phase 1, k o dtc� 1k I �- -10*- y 1huois;.:ihbad' 4uth `34:? t =ak�i� ��est;line.of- saidl'hasc I e`jctei�ed:8�249 feet, t�enct.Tloith- 87�5G'25" 1?asi :'FGO.$6 �e��:f�1a� •- - � :. SQUtI 02°:63!35'' s' 482 23 feet tTi i eesoutiiv�esterlyalong .WCUne- tt?;tk�e i xt <h Ev.; a itis.: of 3fl41'eet; .an art; tl$fattce of 45 4$ �eei to -the norilierly right of ar _a� =13ne of Illtrtens �7�tsnta .: .. No; 7i =; tlzerice SoutPi. 43 ° 1`7':� 1" ast: long a.iine radial to. said n erlymg. :... feeLto tl e acute& of�said :hlliztrsis State l�.tinte °jlo. 71;.tiieneoe teriv algn i center lid i f 07:9:8 oeq once- ortkW403'3 " West 5'11.60 feet; the c feet;:: ten hce Forth 02x03'35'.' West - feet,. NI rth 87° 6'25 "' East 30.0 fcet, -ih nce Nbt#h . D2° 03' 3. 5"- W". t66. 0feet; thenOSoP% V' 56' 25'' West 35: 62 feet; thertceTinrt}i0.1 °4.4 -0.' : -: :• i West 1:10 '8 feeE;-tbence;South °.56' 5" West 151.16 feet;.theace�T�i#� 0;403' 5 "'R s�30:�1 ' _ . - : -. felt;:thenee:Sotitlr 8 ? ° 5b'2 fest66;0feet; thence. South -02 03'35 ".l ast5 27 fegVz-3e ce; Sotitti:87' °56'25"'4��zst 1'50:0 f€�t; t}ience3'lortli 39'1: West 60 53 f66 -Ihil' of th as :...: comer of Lot 83 of:satdSdaflb*enl staies;4M- itce:South88 "39 West: nngtheSo th , df;: Lot $s ;:15 °:28 eet ie Southwest _eor er#ti6 roof; tt�znae South.0.1 °2'0`48' "Task 8 £eel tlienee Spud 88'39'12'`: Y�est 66:U'.feet,theft ae North 0] �20'4f ": Wiest 3863 f�tfo the5rtheast corner of L of said Sunflower Estates; thence South 8$'39' 12" Threat alot g tlre:SO* I 1 nC - said I ot ° 67 and;th3e Sotrtirlint pf Lot of said Sunflower Estgtos 375: 6: & tv the �o corner 'of said Lot 66; heriee: soutl�erl atoi #� .curve to the ri aht ha«if� atad us of 3:13 4?fcet - .. which; s: to aline drawn South 79°45'90" West Toni the last.:d rilied:}�q nt; ti'ar ' - distanee Af 3:5.41:#'eeti thence:Sonth g5'43'1 Ou- West 66.0 feet; -thence no 'a 64, - concentlic curue_:to.the ieft,.havine z radius of297.0 feet, an arc distance ©f A0 feet t{ - °Sortth 78 ° 45'40 West 148:24 feet; thenceSouth (]0 ° 24' - 56" East 14693 feet ;4beehee Sttq. � I $9'35'0.4 " 'West 1.82:$9 `feet_to e point of beginning in the UnitedCzty:of`Yorkwile, eii all... County ;111inois. i i • i _ ... . : At A . :.. 71>- :1ars?�s_vi?I ,Dlr�;;:alliraais:': r- azssicna /. Gc: sSiarv, > .M: =- ='- Ira s ; VW h = s vc s; _::11!c; - : dv fa reb.. ertif # la; o�rtzersref ,;:::1::fFtrv� .:suharvrcecl;:a;.d:pfofdlie� pfDd_Yhe_:. 5zi11'ea�f 0uait ;off: 5ecf�on 5:. ,Tor;�shrp 3 /;1crl} Rortgw 7 pst of the 1c P/irtip1 IfdeF�dJon dcrlbed os taJo . BAginrain.at :_tivten�bner ofa. 2,_ St/tref Estti#e�,,.. Phase 2.;.. York�ille Lour}iy /rcis,t`3:tc� -•. Oz?-0 ;3 ''�ff��sf a %onq the �tr$t :fine of sold iet ,5 'O . t e�`..tr� foie .; Y#�, asf 9)".. . �heriGe : llloWL8• - 7:-- 56-:U: '.£ast a 3 lan _:o au_t1i;fne.:;of :'sC�;;. d�tiinGe ar 3Q:.D = fear' thence /dark r`?ts 2 : ei :disonce =''. 615 = :feet; th:nce:.South 876 fYe = :o�ri a- /ogre. -- 7 ..o:f•':Sord; Pose' �;.- o..: vrs #aFCi*of .:35.62:_(ei! 5ow�tli'ei?�:_� ��� Slid: tvbdtvfs %n; tYerxce: - North :0140 Y/asY vinng., i�he £ast /Id arld; : : ;tf? fa`1 /ri.o.Lvt. 1f sa�d.{"P,Ase? _r. distcn�x /�or'fieosfor/ie v ordr>#T9; rhee Snuff BSS" 1 -_t 15� titer ce.:Nr�ith: II 373r: "; Wei #. a/ibn a 9 . . .: .3n thehCe 01 s $T 2 ' iYesi..vlar�gA p A�orIh=, line _ -.,•.. -:... : SOW - :0:' ;dstdrrice. 66D ouf,'� �2.-J.. ..:. I?fzas b �isx'a/rce of.5fl27yt�eet #a the.Ncrt}iegst: 'evr t r a{ 1°hgse: 2,••:. tnerice. ufh 8756 ° West : blon t3�e /`forth. line. p trod fob" fl p aa' I Lot::147 af.srnd :f?l�ose Z,.dlstanGe' Df 15fT fPP, : : th8 5b#iLitir:_o 7�,of said Phfls�..z, #1i nce Nr ✓h f17 39 y2' mesf nh,ng a7rr 3Effst: rnb t 3`urr £s #otes,.Phose Yvrdc�11 . i'endall County :o dfslan the . Narheast corner of Lot 8.3 a sao' Pease :.l; terrce_ hlo�i f3`3�r otoxt : a;_Sau` _ in : =of sc�C..,Phase .i, a ds#aacc= of:58.Z� fe f ;_ # r� 1 rrt B D�'D yl8 West crfong ac►..- E'a §t::line of said P�"+crs: 1, Q d�e3`3irace�'f i a J e»ee:: So[tth: 392,: 1Yes a /►north:: /ire: of: sofa' . TbosG :fir di1�co€ 3fl:0 fief :tea the: 5ou�fiEOSt corner of tot -18 of ssdld Phi 1, 1! E}ee 1T2`f D170 4SA lyst long the £p53` /�n�:: of sald:os' I v fiistarr�e pp fee to #i' - Narfheosf _ror -her �f;er�af, tf�errce•- Nvrt1i �8;39'y�" =_fast : o/prig. _Q��x�;dr�i;�_ :: '- 1 rol /d /,: ivi%::t1re crier : %irte ;vf Green 'Briar:. load . 702.3L1; fe1`` =- Sara /fe/ 'svi =h the qq. Mfr Ime:af- Jllinois 5frife Rorste Eb$t .o %rg �.. - paalfel line. 1 9043: feet to o..ling:r�'ra�vn po�il}of.,trr/h: ¢. fi'5 ,3 feet nnrrrtal /y distr��3 : �iortfi.erly. of the .cell fer. Ane : of 1llinors St + e o ... hence Sduth: 87156 ft1 t: along said par beginning in the' Uni ed Ci3`y of Yorkvi /1e, Kgndd/l County' /Ilrno/e as e ian'� by the A hereon : droiv,? - 3fdiich .i5' -o - correct representation of sa /d arrd subdivision. A1! QistQi?Fe are shown in feet and decimo /. th .ports. eDf.. i'urther. cert/tgJhW :fhe, _pbo.ve described property- is Withir ��e _car orate Irra�ts.;of 1 the United City'.af Yor wile, iyhfch has . adapfed -an vffrcio! plod, ":K n'o part': s' . wl hin o - .speciaj ;f ad::hr7odrd bred as iden Wj`ed .by_ the f"edecol t'nz rg ocy .: Mdnogemenf . Ag -f,7. .Co<nmun y Pane/ Mop eflectIVA date Jti7y= 1J,;: "X9 CWed at Yorkville Illinois - = -: - James la 01son __ Il/inols Prof_ssion,& Land - Surce Iv 2253 JO Gl S 7C� - - - - jam Os 'iN Assodril,t E - e C1/so - - ,{I7 YYes .:1,f4d1 r v l.. - -- ✓ i 0 0 ?' k / li/ric s 6 5� - o /e' I I i EXHIBIT B LOT # PIN # 1 05- 05-440 -002 2 05- 05-440 -003 3 05- 05-440 -004 4 0505 -440 -005 5 05- 05-440 -006 6 05- 05440 -007 7 05- 05440 -008 8 05- 05440 -009 9 05- 05- 440 -010 10 05- 05440-011 11 05- 05- 440 -012 12 05- 05-440 -013 13 05 -05- 440 -014 14 05 -05 -440 -015 15 05- 05-440 -016 16 05 -05440 -017 17 05- 05- 440 -019 18 05 -05440 -018 i 19 05- 05440-020 20 05- 05-440 -021 21 05 -05 440 -022 22 05- 05- 440 -023 23 05- 05475 -001 24 05- 05475 -002 I 25 05 -05- 475 -003 26 05- 05475 -004 27 05 -05- 475 -005 28 05- 05-475 -006 29 05 -05475 -007 30 05- 05-475 -008 31 05- 05475 -009 j 32 05- 05475 -010 i 33 05- 05475 -011 34 05- 05-475 -012 35 05- 05-475 -013 ' i 36 05- 05- 475 -014 37 05- 05-475 -015 38 05- 05-475 -016 39 05 -05- 475 -017 40 05- 05- 475 -018 41 05 -05475 -019 I . 42 05- 05445 -004 i 43 05 -05-445 -003 44 05- 05-445 -002 ' i 45 05 -05445 -001 ' 46 05 -05443 -015 47 05 -05-443 -014 48 05- 05-443 -013 I � I. i i i 49 05- 05-443 -012 50 05- 06-443 -011 51 05 -05-443 -010 52 05- 05-443 -009 I 53 05 -05 -443 -008 54 05- 05-443 -007 55 05- 05- 443 -006 56 05- 05-443 -005 57 05- 05-443 -004 j 58 05- 05-443 -003 59 05- 05-443 -002 60 05- 05-443 -001 ! 61 05- 05-441 -008 ' 62 05- 05-441 -009 63 05- 05-441 -010 i 64 05 -05- 441 -011 ► 65 05 -05-441 -012 66 05- 05-441 -001 j 67 05- 05-441 -002 68 05-05-441-003 69 05- 05-441 -004 70 05- 05-441 -005 71 05- 05-441 -006 72 05- 05-441 -007 73 05- 05-042 -011 74 05- 05- 442 -010 75 05- 05-442 -009 76 05- 05- 442 -008 77 05- 05-442 -007 78 05- 05- 442 -006 79 05 -05-442 -005 80 05- 05-442 -004 81 05- 05- 442 -003 82 05 -05 -442 -002 83 05- 05-442 -001 i 84 05- 05-442 -030 ! 85 05 -05- 442 -029 86 05- 05-442 -028 87 05- 05-442 -027 88 05 -05-442 -026 89 05- 05-476 -001 90 05 -05 476 -002 91 05 -05476 -003 92 05- 05-442 -025 93 05 -05442 -024 94 05 -05-442 -023 95 05- 05442 -022 96 05- 05442 -021 97 05 -05442 -020 98 05- 05442 -019 99 05 -05- 442 -018 100 05- 05442 -017 I 101 05- 05- 442 -016 102 05- 05-442 -015 103 05- 05-442 -014 104 05 =05 -442 -013 105 05- 05-442 -012 106 05- 05- 444002 107 05 -05 -477 -006 i 108 05- 05-477 -005 f 109 05- 05-477 -004 110 05- 05-477 -003 E 111 05- 05-477 -002 112 05- 05-477 -001 113 05- 05- 444 -006 = 114 05- 05- 444-005 � 115 05 -05- 444 -004 116 05- 05- 444-003 117 05- 05- 444 -001 l Exhibit C UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE SPECIAL SERVICE AREA NUMBER 2006 -119 3 CH12 664908.1 That part of the South Half of section 5, Township 36 North, Range 7 East of the Third principal Meridian described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest Comer of • thence North 88 Green Briar, P.U.D., Unit 1, Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, to the Southeast comer of War along the center line of Green ar Onv e , 481.87 feet sold subdivision; thence North 88"39'12" East along said centerline, 716.55 Net thence South 01'20'48" East, 349.99 feet; thence North 88 °39'12" East, 712.3 fe feet; thence South 01'44'07" East. 1290.43 feet; thence South 87 ° 5625" West, South 02 °03'35 "East 51 1. 60 feet to the centerline of Illinois State Route No. 71; thence westerly along said center line, being along a curve to the left, having a radius of 5, 055.59 feet, an arc distance of 80.0 AS l ine North 02 0 03'35 ° West, 512.23 feet; thence South 87'5625" West, 760.86 feet to a line drawn South 14 °i0'2Z" East from the point 17()1.70 feet to the point of beginning in the of beginning; thence North 14'10'22" West, United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois and containing 60.610 acres. `�A LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1 That part of the South Half of Section 5, Township 36 North, Range 7 East of the Third Principal Meridian described as follows: Beginning at the most southerly Southwest corner of Sunflower Estates, Phase 1, Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois; thence South 14° 10'22" East along the West line of said Phase 1 extended 842.49 feet; thence North 87 °56'25" East 760.86 feet; thence South 02 °03'35" East 482.23 feet; thence southwesterly along a curve to the right having a radius of 30.0 feet, an are distance of 46.48 feet to the northerly right -of -way line of Illinois State Route No. 71; thence South 03 ° 1701" East along a line radial to said northerly right- of-way line 65.0 feet to the center line of said Illinois State Route No. 71; thence easterly along said center line 107.98 feet; thence North 02 °03'35" West 511.60 feet; thence North 87 °56'25" East 341.81 feet; thence North 02 °03'35" West 150.0 feet; thence North 87'56'25" East 30.0 feet; thence North 02 °03 West 66.0 feet; thence South 87 °56'25" West 35.62 feet; thence North 01 °44'07" West 170.28 feet; thence South 87 °56'25" West 151.16 feet; thence North 02 °03'35" West 30.0 feet, thence South 87 °56'25" West 66.0 feet; thence South 02 °03'35" East 50.27 feet; thence South 87 0 56'25" West 150.0 feet; thence North 01 °39'12" West 617.53 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 83 of said Sunflower Estates; thence South 88 °39'12" West along the South line of Lot 83, 152.28 feet to the Southwest corner thereof; thence South 01'20'48" East 30.0 feet; thence South 88 °39'12" West 66.0 feet; thence North 01'20'48" West 38.63 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 67 of said Sunflower Estates; thence South 88 °39'12" West along the South line of said Lot 67 and the South line of Lot 66 of said Sunflower Estates, 375.36 feet to the Southwest comer of said Lot 66; thence southerly, along a curve to the right having a radius of 313.0 feet which is radial to a line drawn South 78'45'40" West from the last described point, an arc distance of 38.01 feet; thence South 85 °43'10" West 66.0 feet; thence northerly along a concentric curve to the lefty having a radius of 247.0 feet, an arc distance of 30.0 feet; thence " South 78 °45'40" West 148.24 feet; thence South 00 °24'56" East 146.93 feet; thence South 89 °35'04" West 182.89 feet to the point of beginning in the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois. "Legal.. Description" ' V State of /l /lno/.- SS i, County of Kendall,- James M. Olson, /llinais professional Land Surveyor No, 2253, employed by James M. Olson Associates, Ltd., do hereby certify that, under the direction of the owners thereof, /have surveyed, subdivided and plotted that part of the Southeost Ouarter of Section 5, Township 36 North, Range 7 East of the Third Principal Meridian described as. follows.. Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot 42, Sunflower Estates, Phase 2, Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois; thence North 02'0335 West along the East line of said lot 1500 feet to 'the Nprtheost corner thereof, thence North 87562,6'" East along a South line of sold Phase 2, a distance of 30, 0 feet; thence North 0203;35" West along on East line of said Phase 2, a distance of 65.0 feet; thence South 875625" West along a North line Of said Phase 2, a distance of 3562 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 106 of said subdivislon; thence North 0140'14" West along the East line of said Lot 106 and the East line of Lot 117' of sold Phase 2, a distance of .17p,28 feet to the Northeast corner of sold Lot 117; .thence South 8756`25. ". West. along. the .North line- of sold Lot 117, a distance of 151.16 feet- to the Northwest corner thereof,• thence North 020335" West dlong a West line of said Phase 2, a distance of 30.0 feet; thence South 875625" West along a North line of said Phase 2, a distance of 66.0 feet; thence South 0203'35" East along on East line of said Phase 2, a distance of 5027 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 100 of said Phase 2, thence South 875625" West along the North line of said Lot 700 and Lot 101 of said Phase 2, a distance of 1500 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 77 of sold Phase 2; thence North 01;39'12" West along on East line of Sunflower Estates, Phase 1, Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, a distonce of 71753 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 83 of said Phase 1; thence North 883972" East along a South line of said Phase 1, a distance of 58.26 feet; thence North 0720'48" West along an East line of said Phase 1, a distance of 66.0 feet; thence South 88:39'12° West along a North line of sold Phase 1, a distance of 300 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot 18 of said Phase 1, thence North 0120'48' West along the East line of said Lot 18, a distance of 150.0 feet to the Northeast corner thereof; thence North 88;39'12 East along a line drawn parallel with the confer line of Green Briar .Road, 702.30 feet to o line drawn Parallel with the center line of Illinois State Route No, 47; thence South 0144 East along said parallel line 1290.43 feet to a line drawn parallel with and 766.23 feet, normally distant, northerly of the center line of Illinois State Route No. 71; thence South 87' 5525" f'Yest along said parallel line 359.15 feet to the point of beginning in the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois os shown by fhe plat hereon drawn which is a correct representation of said survey and subdivision. All distance are shown in feet and decimal parts thereof, / further certify that the above described property Is within the corporate lirnits of the United City of Yorkville, which has adopted on official plan, and that no part is within a special flood hazard area as identified by the Federal Emergency Manogemen t Agency Community Panel Map, effective date. July 19, 1982, Dated at Yorkville, Illinois , James M. Olson ll / /nois Professional Land Surveyor No. 2253 James M. Olson Associates, L td. 107 West Madison Street Yorkville, Illinois 60560 I I Exhibit D Map of Special Service Area I 4 CH12 ssasos.1 HxiL 1',x,d .ind 4 „1,. �' r3 0 c V HOME OWNERS ASSOCIATION PROPERTY o Sunflower Park 4_ , o ISOM m ,v Note: Existing r . irrigation system will not be maintained i u� NORTH Not to scale i Exhibit E List of parcels 05-05- 440 -002 05- 05- 443 -008 05 -05 -442 -012 05 -05 -440 -003 05- 05-443 -007 05- 05-444 -002 05- 05-440 -004 05- 05- 443 -006 05- 05-477 -006 05- 05-440 -005 05- 05- 443 -005 05- 05- 477 -005 05- 05-440 -006 05- 05443 -004 05- 05- 477 -004 05- 05-440 -007 05- 05443 -003 05- 05477 -003 05- 05-440 -008 05 -05- 443 -002 05- 05- 477 -002 05- 05440 -009 05 -05- 443 -001 05 -05 477 -001 05- 05-440 -010 05- 05441 -008 05- 05- 444 -006 05- 05- 440 -011 05 -05 -441 -009 05 -05-444 -005 05 -05- 440 -012 05 -05441 -010 05 -05 -444 -004 05- 05- 440 -013 05- 05-441 -011 05 -05444 -003 05- 05-440 -014 05- 05-441 -012 05 -05-444 -001 05- 05-440 -015 05- 05441 -001 05 -05- 330 -001 05- 05-440 -016 05-05441 -002 05-05- 330 -002 05- 05-440 -017 05- 05-441 -003 05- 05-440 -001 05 -05-440 -019 05- 05- 441 -004 05 -05- 443 -016 05- 05- 440 -018 05- 05-441 -005 05- 05-442 -017 05- 05-440 -020 05- 05-441 -006 05- 05442 -016 05- 05-440 -021 05 -05 -441 -007 05- 05- 442 -015 05- 05-440 -022 05- 05- 442 -011 05- 05-442 -014 05- 05440 -023 05- 05442 -010 05- 05442 -013 05- 05475 -001 05- 05- 442 -009 05- 05443 -013 05- 05475 -002 05 -05442 -008 05 -05443 -012 05 -05- 475 -003 05 -05 442 -007 05- 05443 -011 05 -05475 -004 05 -05 442 -006 05- 05- 443 -010 05 -05475 -005 05- 05- 442 -005 05- 05- 443 -009 05- 05475 -006 05- 05442 -004 05- 05442 -025 05 -05-475 -007 05- 05442 -003 05- 05-442 -024 05 -05-475 -008 05- 05442 -002 05- 05442 -023 05 -05 -475 -009 05- 05442 -001 05- 05- 442 -022 05- 05-475 -010 05- 05-442 -030 05- 05 -442 -021 05- 05475 -011 05- 05442 -029 05- 05442 -020 05 -05 475 -012 05 -05-442 -028 05- 05442 -019 05 -05 475 -013 05- 05-442 -027 05- 05442 -018 05 -05 -475 -014 05- 05442 -026 05- 05445 -002 05 -05475 -015 05 -05- 476 -001 05 -05- 445 -001 05 -05 -475 -016 05- 05-476 -002 05- 05-443 -015 05 -05- 475-017 05- 05476 -003 05 -05-443 -014 05 -05- 475 -018 05 -05 445 -004 05 -05- 475 -019 05- 05-445 -003 5 CHI2 664908.1