Ordinance 2004-21 2004000144LO Filed for Record in STATE OF ILLINOIS KENDALL COUNTYP ILLINOIS PAUL ANDERSON ss 115-23-2004 At 02:111 pm. COUNTY OF KENDALL ) ORDINANCE 32.iuj ORDINANCE NO. 2004-A AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF AN AMENDMENT TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT AND THE REZONING OF PROPERTY OF TRIANGLE INVESTMENTS, LLC WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, Kendall County, Illinois, that a certain Amendment to Planned Unit Development Agreement pertaining to the development of the real estate described on Exhibit"A" attached hereto and made a part hereof entered into by the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE; and WHEREAS,said Amendment to Planned Unit Development Agreement has been drafted and has been considered by the City Council; and WHEREAS, the legal owners of record of the territory which is the subject of said Agreement are ready,willing and able to enter into said Agreement and to perform the obligations as required hereunder; and WHEREAS,the statutory procedures provided in 65 ILCS 5111-15.1-1,as amended,for the execution of said Amendment to Planned Unit Development Agreement has been fully complied with; and 1 WHEREAS, the property is already within the boundaries of the City; and WHEREAS,Owner/Developer has requested that the real property described in the attached Exhibit`B"be rezoned from R-4 General Residence District to B-3 Service Business District; and that the real property described in the attached Exhibit"C"be rezoned from R-4 General Residence District to R-2 One Family Residence District. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS,AS FOLLOWS: Section 1:That the Mayor and City Clerk are herewith authorized and directed to execute,on behalf of the City, an Amendment to Planned Unit Development Agreement concerning the development of the real estate described in the attached Exhibit"A",a copy of which Amendment to Planned Unit Development Agreement is attached hereto and made a part hereof. Section 2: That the real property described in the attached Exhibit`B"is hereby zoned B-3 Service Business District. Section 3: That the real property described in the attached Exhibit"C"is hereby zoned R-2 One Family Residence District. Section 4:That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as provided by law. WANDA OHARE JOSEPH BESCO VALERIE BURD PAUL JAMES LARRY KOT MARTY MUNNS ROSE SPEARS RICHARD STICKA 2 APPROVED by me,as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville,Kendall County,Illinois,this 0-flAday of Q� , A.D. 20� J <- MAYOR i PASSED by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville,Kendall County, Illinois this day of �r�L , A.D. 20 �� t Attest: CITY CLERK Prepared by: Law Offices of Daniel J. Kramer I I 07 S. Bridge St. Yorkville, IL 60560 630.553.9500 3 03/ 24 / 2004 16 : 57 630553795B I14GEMUNSON LAW OFFI PAGE 08 Smith Engincexing Consultants, Inc. Civ(I/s"uctural B"sirlem and Surzeivrs i RmnI:NnAf_ PARCEL: i THAT PART OF THE EAST HALF OF SECTION � TOM 94P 38 NORyK RANGE 7 EAST OP THE TWM P'RINCPAL 1HE711CIAN, OESCRIBED AS FO =M COMMEXCINC AT A POINT ON 141E NOIQTH LINE OF gAlp CT1Ql1 D IN THE CEN SWTH AF O ROAD OF s POINT (5 . 33 IFFY EAST OF THE 50t1TIHEAST CORNER OF HUGHES SUBDIVISION IN THE SOU1H[Jl4T QUARTER OF etECTTOH 3Z. TgWN24P 37 NORTH. RANGE 'f EAST OF 'TYRE THENCE NEST ALONE! SND NORTH UNE, 1T76.60 t�E11 TT•IENCE SO[6TN !1 DE Tt11fT0 PRINCIPAL NLAIDIAN; FEET TES THE SOUTHWEST MM 53 MINUTES WMT. 1489. 4 CWTUMCI SOUTH 11 � OF PRNRlE W. 97 S 0 "!RON TOR THE POINT Of 9EGINNNG; T1HFatCE BRIAR ROAD; THENCE N OEI 3Q YAW. 973-30 1�1 O A POIN ALoN MC NQ1m WE OF 013M GftF,Etl BRIAR ROADs 947.2Q tF.>E'Tt: itfUVCE NORTH 2 DECi1EES 07 WIVJUTE9 Se THE NORTH LSE OF SAID THE V^T LINE OF ILLINOIS sTATE ROUTE 47. 77x24 FEETwo THENCE NORTH 6g DEWtEES 12 ZY7 WITH• SECONDS EAST. Bfl,OB FEEL+ THENCE RORTHEASTERLY ALONG A CiiF11rE Tp 1HE LE7T FEET AND A CHNOD BFJIR V OF NOItT► ) 34 pEH2tE>rS 28 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST ARC C G1t1�OF1 ,2fa 4 THENCE D RDEN U 21 AINLITIrS S7 SE�CaFrDS 1YEST. �F.'t.ZB � T1D A POINT L LENGTH UNE OF SAD OARDEN SIJt301y►glD"I THMM SOUTH E ONDS Wr 'O •MINUTES !0 SOUTH UNE OF SAAID PRAIRIE OAFW&R SUSMMStON, d7'.T�a7 r•'EEf T10 THE PANT Of SEMNQ BEG j�Hp ALONG � TbNft9HlP9 KENDAL•L COMTY, El1NOI% AND CONTAINING is_6 ACRES m1W OR LF.n I i PREPARED ON FEBRUARY 4 PREPARED 9r. �p�,, .,.•,..:;..: � C9Atf3LOJ;• '� a Ral -1 .. : mi CRAIG L VU Y ' W ' IUJNMS PRO ONE LMT l ' itt �nt;!g op NO, 3359 xh 4:1 �r1. 1`fir•'+" ,' i i • I I■ EXHI13 I� • I I 759J0hnelK ntYbiicrWc, lL60560 wtivatstttlthetlpinu:rrtn�.rnm Te1e13110=630.553.7560 Fnx 610.553.'G•I6 I 03 / 24 / 2004 16 : 57 6305537956 INGEMUNSON LAW OFFI PAGE 09 I Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. 0111V5tru"und Engl>7eem anii SunADOrs I i i COMAI RCIAL PAIjCI].t THAT PART Of SCRIBED AS FOLL QF fiECTIC�f S. TOWNSHIP 36 N(ATK AIANGE 7 EAST OF �'�' OLLOWT C303Wp ENCNG AT A POINT SAID THIRD PRWCIPAL yHE CQVTETt OF A RDAO, rM1ICH POINT IS 33 ErEET ON THE I�OftTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 0 IN ME SOUTHEAST 40UMT R Cr JMCTION 3L TDMRMIP 3 NORi�H# RANpEE7 EAV OF THE PF SUB II IIQi1 N 7 THENCE "EST ALONG "D HUCFIEB SUETDIVISEON IN THE NORTH OF 117Q.S0 FEET: THE►VCE SOUTH 11 DEMEES �# lilNUION Mt. t0E19.4 FF1T TO THE Soui}11MEST OpANEA OF PRIIfWE SECONDS EAST. ALONG Tre �tDE7V SLE301VI90N: 111E7rWX 14138 Ha pE� � MaJUTE.S iC BDdNWNO; THENCE SOU7" SOU1H IJNE W SAID PRAIRIE GARDEN SLNi17IV18I0H. a7TH FEET FOR 36 POINT' OF 40 ALONC A CURVE 70 THE R1GEr or �1t6 37 �T OS CAST. 42.24 FEE7't THENCE SOUIHW€5i>:RLY SE ONUSES 30 Sufi AND r1 CHORD BEAR G OF SOUTH .34 DEWM SECONDS 6030 00.08 TAN ARC LENGTH O'F 121.44 FEET; 11• 1INCE SW7N Cp WT3"f LINE OF ELUNOIg ROUVE�476 a24 DFEET TD 07 H E L���DS ��� 12 WNUTES S7 NORtH LIrT OEOREE�S 30 EYINUtFS ii �]V aVM ROA T�FIEm)+If3r FIB ; THENCE NORTH 2 DE "Sr. ALONG THE NORTPI LINE Cr SAID�C TM� RDTH 7e0.4.1 WNUTES• 23 SECONDS ST S 07 MINUTES: 17 SECONDS 1r r. 24.6 FEET; T1i FEET TO THE WEST LINE OFD 40.00 �T' TTiE7fCt: NORTH 67 DECfiEY�,; txl AIINUTE3 b5 %EST ALONG THE' WEST LINE ILl2fClS STATE ROUTE 47: THENCE NORTH 2 DEGR£r:S SE:CONOS E� J4 OF SAID ILLINCEIS STATE ROUTE 47. 402111 FEZ:,T t0 7}•a SOUTHEA5T3CM ER SAID PRAIRIE F SAID SUBDIMgIOH; THmce SOiJTH EBB DES � LIINUTES tb SECONDS=NT v IL OF SAID PRAIRIE aARL1I SUBDOVISION, 704.76 FEET TO TtUE PONT OF BE�ININ%W W ALcND0 7HE COUNTY. IWNdS AND CDNTAryyINC 1a o AO2ES L10EftE OR , PREPARED ON FEBRUARY e. 2OQ4.r;r « Ys 'w � PREPARED B •�a= �# I ?. a Oka CRAIG L. DUY IWNOIS PROFESSIONAL LM{f :Ll .c:i;:a 1 -w so NO. 3332 ,SURVE Y R i I i I i 7S9J0hRSueet'VQ vLUe. 1I. M%o w.w,., - Ttkphml= 630.353.7560 Exx 630,553.7646 03 / 24 / 2004 16 : 57 6305537958 INGEMEJNSON LAW OFFI PAGE 09 • I I Smith Engineering Consultants, Inc. 0l't6/Stvu"urW EngiMmers and SurtAorors i i i I COMM aCIAL PARCEU THAT PART CIF THE EASr NAIf or SECTION S. to J@ NOR RANGE 7 AtERKXAN. OQ=10M AS F M EAST of 711E THIRD PRWCIPAL 0lLOWS C0wEIrCNC: AT A POINT DH THE IYCRTH LLgE OF SMO S6CT10N 3 IN ME C7ENTER CFA ROM, "H" PANT IS 33 EEE7 EAST OP 7HE SOUTHEA9:T CORNER Cr THENCE EASt 4WIRTE13 SEC170H 32, TDwN'SHIP 37 NORT}1, FIANCE' 7 fASt OF 1ME THIRD PIt1SUOD . IION I1 THE E TNET1tT WEST AI.ONO STAID NORTH UNE, 1174.31) FEET, 1HEWC£ SOIJTN 11 Ot pEg TH ttDNU� PAL 1oA9.4 FEET TO THE NORTH T CORNER Cffr PRAME "RDa SU41DIVISION; 1HEI� t1CftTH l p£� 3b . 198 .4 IC SECONDS JA T WX Z UJ MUTH UNE Or SAID PRNRIE 90GINWNO; THENCE SiOU'IN GARM sm"VISION. 676.67 FEET FOR THE PDINT OF ALONG A CUR 70 THE RiGHr 111TtH A�RADAts 0P 100.00 bS EI,9T. 42.211 I =; THENCE $OUTHMESIETIl.Y Zb �IWUTE.S SD 57 DS AND :1 CltORD BEARNQ CF SOUTH 34 DEW.M SECONDS MAST, 4!l.OA 1�EST AN ARC LIENOTH OF 121.44 FEET; 1MIEHCE SOUTH ap WEST UNE OF (UJNDIS � • R CE 2 FEET S TO1fll;NGR1H LI�OF�� ��F� t2 WNUTES s7 NORTH tab DEGREES J4 W1NUt= 11 SOS �M SMAR VATH 7w FE7l'. 7HDV(3= NORM 2 DE E�Tt ALONG THE NOR"" UNE OF "0 MIN &VAR ROADS 7159.43 WNUTE'S• 23 SECONDS �T 9 07 MINUTES 17 SECONDS WEST. 24.114 FEET TNENt NORTH lEta OEO 34 FEET TO THE WEST LINE OF' � CD FZT; - THE ICE NORTH 67 DEGItEY�c E7 Mtt 41 T EN 35 gECO NORTH S O ,3.18 WEST ALONG THE WEST {,WE nL1401S STATE ROUTE 47: VENCE NORTtI 2 DM TE 07 SEMITES 38 SECONDS 4301 SAID PRAIRIE GARDEN RAIR M90tt DTtfE?10E SOUTH OEQFi£ES 3t ylt+IUTESS td SECONDS r=r SOUTH UNE OF SAID Pl1A1Rfg T SOUTHEAST CORNl7t C:F' COUNTY. ILUNCIS AND CON SUBDlVt510N1 709.y6 FEfT i3 THEY TES ot- WEST ALONG THE C ia.o AC32E� 1rt3TE OR � BE61I1NINC, IN KF]IDALL PREPARED ON FEBRUARY S. PREPARED BY: �?,! L:�,N� ' ' ;, �` ,,. . . ... . a dG ;t 46 , - CRAIG 1w DUY Ir IwNaS PROFESSIONAL 1_" No, 339D aVeYatt '�t��+ EXHIBIT i 9JohnSuentYvcicviue. tLbOSGCt wwwi Wtbcngice".coq lkp10m 630.553.7%0 Fax 630, 553.764& Smith Engineering Consultants , Inc . Civil/Structural Engineers and Surveyors i RESIDENTIAL PARCEL: THAT PART OF THE EAST HALF OF SECTION 5. TOWNSHIP 36 NORTH, RANGE 7 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL j MERIDIAN , DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 5 IN THE CENTER OF A ROAD, WHICH POINT IS 33 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF HUGHES SUBDIVISION IN THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 32, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 7 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, 1176. 50 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 11 DEGREES 53 MINUTES WEST, 1989. 4 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF PRAIRIE GARDEN SUBDIVISION FOR THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUING SOUTH 11 DEGREES 53 MINUTES WEST, 973.30 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF GREEN BRIAR ROAD; THENCE NORTH 88 DEGREES 39 MINUTES 11 SECONDS EAST. ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID GREEN BRIAR ROAD, 947. 29 FEET; THENCE NORTH 2 DEGREES 07 MINUTES 36 SECONDS WEST, PARALLEL WITH THE WEST LINE OF ILLINOIS STATE ROUTE 47, 778.24 FEET; THENCE NORTH 69 DEGREES 12 MINUTES 57 SECONDS EAST, 96.06 FEET, THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG A CURVE TO THE LEFT WITH A RADIUS OF 100. 00 FEET AND A CHORD BEARING OF NORTH 34 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 30 SECONDS EAST, AN ARC LENGTH OF 121 .44 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00 DEGREES 21 MINUTES 57 SECONDS WEST, 42.28 FEET TO A POINT ON SOUTH LINE OF SAID PRAIRIE GARDEN SUBDIVISION; THENCE SOUTH 88 DEGREES 30 MINUTES 10 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID PRAIRIE GARDEN SUBDIVISION, 875. 67 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, IN KENDALL TOWNSHIP, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AND CONTAINING 18. 5 ACRES MORE OR LESS, PREPARED ON FEBRUARY 6, 2004. PREPARED BY: , ' ' 1 . . - 'v 1r. ii1 CRAIG L DUY ILLINOIS PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR. • • • • • ;- N0. 3359 ;; c i , ,.. qxl' EXHIBIT 759John Street. Yorkville, IL60560 wwwsmithengineering.com Telephone 630. 553 .7560 Fax630. 553.7646 j STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) SS COUNTY OF KENDALL ) I i I i AMENDMENT TO PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, AND TRIANGLE INVESTMENTS, LLC, OWNER/DEVELOPER, AN ILLINOIS LIMITED LIABILITY CORPORATION i NOW COMES the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, a Municipal Corporation, located in the County of Kendall, State of Illinois, hereinafter referred to as "CITY", and TRIANGLE INVESTMENTS , LLC, an Illinois Limited Liability Corporation, hereinafter referred to as "OWNER/DEVELOPER" . WITNESSETH WHEREAS , TRIANGLE INVESTMENTS , LLC has become the Successor-Owner and I Developer of Cornerstone formerly known as the Morrissey property, and the CITY have previously i entered into a Planned Unit Development Agreement for said Subdivision; and WHEREAS , the subject real property designated in the attached Exhibits "A" and "B" was I I to be developed as R-4 and B-3 pursuant to the Planned Unit Development Agreement; and , i� WHEREAS , Cornerstone wishes to re-zone the R-4 portion of the property to R-2, decrease the R-2 zoned property to 18 acres more or less and increase the B-3 zoned portion of the property to 18 acres more or less and City Council has made a decision to accept said re-zoning of the real property described in the attached Exhibits "A" and "B"; I i 0 i .I NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein contained the parties agree as follows : 1 ) INCORPORATION OF RECITALS : All parties hereto agree that the above contained recitals are an integral part of this Agreement and hereby adopt those recitals as part of this Agreement. 2) REAL PROPERTY EFFECTED : This Amendment shall affect only the terms, I conditions, and general development plan as set out in the original Planned Unit Development Agreement, and as described in the attached Exhibits "A" and `B . " I 3 ) THE property formerly known as the Morrissey property will be zoned in accordance i with attached Exhibits "A" and "B ." Exhibit A shall be zoned R-2 and Exhibit `B" shall be zoned B-3 . 4) The OWNERS and DEVELOPERS shall, at their own risk, have the right, prior to obtaining approval of final engineering drawing and prior to approval of a Preliminary and Final Subdivision Plat, to undertake, preliminary grading work, temporary detention, filling and soil stockpiling on the property in preparation for the development of the property upon city approval of a grading plan and soil erosion plan, and compliance with all other items required by the city ' s soil erosion and sediment control ordinance . Prior to city approval of a grading plan and soil erosion plan, the DEVELOPER will submit a master utility plan, an overall stormwater I management plan, a master grading plan for the central portion of the development, and a geometric plan for the central portion of the development showing individual lots and street configurations . j i I, I i i III 5) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE AGREEMENT. CITY agrees that, if requested by Developer, the City shall negotiate an Economic Development Incentive Agreement for Sales Tax rebates for off-site Public Infrastructure Improvements for the Commercial Area of the Subject Property only, if OWNER/DEVELOPER is required to make significant off-site public improvements. Such sale tax rebates shall be sufficient to provide the cost of the Public Infrastructure Improvements reasonably required for authorized commercial uses in the Commercial Area, and i shall be paid over such period and in such amount necessary to retire financing obligations incurred by the City, or private commercial developers to provide said Public Infrastructure Improvements, including but not limited to purchase and installation of structures, engineering, and legal fees, consistent with CITY guidelines for recovery of such costs . The OWNER/DEVELOPER Shall be entitled to a sales i tax rebate of $ 18,250 as a result of the portion of the Greenbriar road that was oversized as a collector and which is attributable to the commercial portion of the subdivision. 6) AUTHORIZATION OF AMENDMENT : OWNER/DEVELOPER warrant that the parties hereto have full and express authority to enter into an Amendment of the original Planned Unit Development Agreement to which this Amendment is I I appended pursuant to that Agreement. I 7) RATIFICATION : All parties hereto agree that except to the extent performance standards or other terms of the original Planned Unit Development Agreement have been amended herein, all other terms of the original Planned Unit Development i Agreement are hereby ratified, re-published, and reconfirmed between the parties i i i hereto and remain the agreement of the parties. OWNER/DEVELOPER warrants that DEVELOPER shall stand in the position of a successor and assign of OWNER as to all rights accruing under the original Planned Unit Development Agreement, j i 8) OWNER/DEVELOPER acknowledges that the subject real property is subject to recapture for roadway improvement and water main improvement costs along i Greenbriar Drive. The sums are due and payable upon the recording of the First i Final Plat of Subdivision, whichever occurs first. 9) Current School Transition Fees shall be paid based upon the current Ordinance in effect at the date of the Amendment to Planned Unit Development Agreement. No land-cash shall be charged for school or parks on the B-3 portion of the subject development. i 10) OWNER ENTITLEMENTS : i a) The CITY shall grant a credit to OWNER in an amount equal to $ 1 , 800 off of the sanitary sewer hook-up fee for each residential building permit within said subdivision in exchange for Owner having granted to the City easements for the extension of a sanitary sewer interceptor, watermain and utility easement running parallel with Greenbriar Road on real property owner by Owner at the time , i b) The CITY shall grant a credit to OWNER in an amount equal to $515 off of the water hook-up fee for each residential building permit. Water hook-up fees for the residential portion of the subdivision shall be frozen for a period of five years at the i rates in effect upon the Application for annexation to the City of the subject I Residential Parcel . , i i i I 10) SEVERABILITY : Should any provision of this Annexation Amendment be found to be unenforceable by a Court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining terms and conditions of this Amendment to Planned Unit Development Agreement as well as the original Planned Unit Development Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 11 ) Notice until further notice shall be provided at the following addresses : i CITY : City Clerk United City of Yorkville 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville, IL 60560 I Copy to : Attorney Gregg Ingemunson Law Offices of Dallas C . Ingemunson, PC 226 South Bridge Street P . O . Box 578 Yorkville, IL 60560 OWNER/DEVELOPER: Bruce Sperling Triangle Investments, LLC 7512 County Line Road I Burr Ridge, Illinois, 60527 12) TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE : Time is of the essence of this Agreement and all documents, agreements, and contracts pursuant hereto as well as all covenants I contained in this Amendment shall be performed in a timely manner by all parties hereto . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned parties have executed this Amendment to Planned Unit Development Agreement this �_ day of , 20040 CITY : UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE By: I CITY: UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE By: Attes . Dated: OWNER/DEVELOPER: TRIANGLE INVESTMENTS, LLC An Illinois Limited Liability Co ration By: Attest: Dated: Prepared by: Law Offices of Dallas C. Ingemunson, PC 226 South Bridge Street P.O. Box 578 Yorkville, IL 60560 EXHIBIT LIST Exhibit"A" - R-2 zoned acreage Exhibit"B" - B-3 zoned acreage A04 16 : 57 6305537958 INGEMUN50N LAW OFFI PAGE 08 i Snlith Engineering Consultants, Inc. 0v(vs"uCwrar Bngfplesem and surraeynrs i RESIDENTIAL PARCELe THAT PART OF THE EAST HALF OF SMTION 4 TDIVIISFWP J8 NOiZTH RANG 7 EAST CFNTERN, OESCR►BEn AS F'OLLpwg CCM/MCNC3NC AT A POINT ON IV/E NORTH UFVE � tHE TMRD PRINCIPAL CENTER OF A ROAD, MA�CTi PCMNT 15 . 33 iEE'r E/15f CIF THE SOt►THF:AST CAlttvt:R OF HUGHES )HENCE H StJ9DINS10N IN THE SaJTHF�tsT OIJARTER OF SECTION �� SECTIQN 0 IN THE 33, TOMMSHP 37 NORTH. RANGE '► EAST OF T11E EST AI.ONO SAID NORTH UNE, 1178.50 T111R0 PRINCIPAL NEAIDIAN; FEET TO THE SOIL MW!'3T CORNER OF PRAIRM GARDEN THENCE SOUTH 11 OBGRE6S +,3 MINUTES WEST. 1499 4 NO SOUTH 11 THENCE r'OR THE POINT OP BEGTNNNG; THENCE FRIAR ROAD; THENCE NOR O "NuTZS3p Mrj 973.3D SECONDS EAST,Past ISLONQ NORTH aEID! BAR ROAD. 947.20 F7 njE: NORT�1 �I THQYCE NORTH 2 DF QTFFS 07 EIIN06 3!1 Sr THE MST LWE CIF ILLINOIS STATE ROM 47. ]7124 FEET; 1Hp,IC•E NORTH 69 DEGREES 1YAW, NlliA �1K SECONDS EJiST. 94.Oa FEET THENCE NOitTHE.15TE77LY ALOIVC A CURW TO INC LEFT FEk1 AND A CH04D BEARING OF NGM1 34 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 30 SECONDS MNTH A RADIUS OF 100000 THENCE O; NORTH U I 21 MNIJTM* 37 SECONDS NEST$ �FZZB FAT�Ta AN ARC LENGTH OF 121.44 SAID� PRNRIE ftlISM RAND VfS10H; 1HFHCE SOUTH � DEGREES 3O 1'2-28 EST A POINT ON SM7H LINE OF SOUTH LINE OF SAID PRNRIE QAF�l +U�INSION. 67&57 FEET T10 THE PaiNT OF B� EG�IOS MW IN ALONG T0NN91pP, KENOALL COUNTY' 8.191015, ANO CONTAINWO Mag ACRES ItICAV OR Len KENDALL PREPARED ON FEBRUARY 4 2004. i PRl3SARED 01% CRAIf3 L 0:j Ole" * .� -•, �UO,i:cJ 04 :•, i CRAIG L OUY ' . .d�eAa ; !• § IIUINMS PRO �. I �'r• !S NO. 3359 ��• �� S11R1Y,IkE�YpRJF LL; r -.. ;f ' i I IM r EXHIBR IS i I 759johnae» Ybrn-Wc• TL60%0 ur1vA•imllhetlEdn rrinFt,rnm Telel)110= 630.553.7560 Fnx 619.153, 76.4 S _ I v4 16 : 57 6305537958 INGEMUNSON LAW OFFI PAGE 09 _ . . i Smith Engineerfng Consultant, Inc. CytOWStrucruny Engt,reerr aid Surzaeynra i i I i i COM►JRCSAL PARC11i -THAT PMT Or THtT_ "St HAUr OF SECMCIN S. TOWNSHIP 3t1 NOR1Ft. RANGE 7 NER0#AN* MSCRISM AS FOU.OyI•sr COYI/ENCNG AT A POINT EAST Op VIE THIRD PRINCIPAL CENTER A ROV, SHK*1 ON THE NORTH LWL OF POINT IS 33 FM EAST bF THE SAID SEc7ION 0 IN M!_ Q�ALON t Or SOUTHEAST CORNER �' HUGHES SUBDIVISION IN THE THENCE MASt ALONG %,yD I ACTH LINE. t�1 �p : 0 fTMEN gOUTFFEII DOF FEET TO THE SaUiHwEgT THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MEF/ RIDIAN; SECONDS EAST, ALONG E OR PPAfRIE aA� maolvi9 L'GRTES ST WNUIFS MkESt. i9E9.4 9EGINNtNO; THE>�cE SotlTM SOUTH UNE �' SAID PRAIRIE TNENC� N1ttTH 83 DES 30 MINUTES IC scllnrvlaoty, a7s,s7 MET avR THE POINT OF DO DEOfiEES 21 YIN'JtM 3y SECONDS CA T. 4$.29 ALONG A CURVE DS ��T tTITH A RADUS op 100.00 FEET AND 4% CHORD FEM THENCE SOUTHW STEMy MYVU7>:S 30 Mt=_sr AN ARC LE MOTH OF 121.44 Ftg1: ?hlEat[:E A la OF 30UTH 34 OEOttEEY9 b'SCO UN M£FT.ILLINOIS STA fF4�ICE SQViH 2 CECREES 07 WNUTES :Ia SECONDS so DEMM t�£ST UNE OF �1JNt71S STATE ROUTE 470 77&24 FEET TO THI; NORTH LINE OF NDS �� 12 VATH S7 NORTH 80 OEWZM 39 WNUtm 11 F 1'. PAR1tU E1 MATH 1H>: �% THENCE NORTH 2 DE SOS Uns ALMO THE NORTFI UNE OF SAIp THENCE YINU7M. 23 SECONDS I:ALT � 07 MINUTES 17 SE'Ct11<IDS BEST. 24 d14 p}y�-I; GVIN &VAR ROADS 759.43 j FEET TO THE LEST LINE OF' �'aD FirEi: THMCE NORTH 67 DE THERM NORTH as in 34 MAST ALOND THE WEST UNE �QS &TAM Rl)UTE 47: JHENCE GR ��NUTM 55 SEpON� E,�� RIMS SAID PRAIRIE GARDEN SUADMSIOttSWD��g STATE ROUTZ 47, 07 NINUTES 36 SECONDS SOUTH LINE OF SAID PlAAIRIE �21 [I t"E£T TO THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF aIIRLIt�V SUB'D MMOON,70099.7tE�Tp igEIUTES TO SECCgNI NEST KMDA THE CQUNTY. IWNOIS AtND CONTA t(,; l&a t1U_ PONT OF BEWt/NINC, tlr lCF1VOJtl1 PREPARED ON �� NORE � �` FEBRUARY t o 20QS, o•:com:kA,,� PREPARED Bh a ?,! L.a,NG' ;, CRAIG L, DUY IwNC9$ PROFESSIONAL LAr�16► a uc;�::� - , . N0. 3339 IIE0YaR • •lL�� , F I L .,.,�` i EXHIBIT 759J0hASueetYvrkvWe. lL60SGD w wvv,aninccng0erMg- TekPhmAC 630.553.7%0 F'x 630. 553.7646