Ordinance 2013-43 i i j I UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO . 2013-43 i AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING ON MAY 1 , 2012 AND ENDING ON APRIL 30, 2013 i I Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois This 9t" day of July, 2013 i I i STATkE � IIC COWITY Cr UHDAkL FILEDm jUL Published in pamphlet form by the ��G� � COUNTY CLER11 authority of the Mayor and City Council KENDALL courir'r' of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois on July 17 , 2013 . I i Ordinance No 2013 - ' AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR COMMENCING ON MAY 19 2012 AND ENDING ON APRIL 30, 2013 i WHEREAS , the United City of Yorkville (the "City") is a duly organized and validly existing non-home rule municipality created in accordance with the Constitution of the State of Illinois of 1970 and the laws of the State; and, WHEREAS , pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/8 -2-9 . 4, the City adopted Ordinance No . 2012-08 on i April 10 , 2012 adopting an annual budget for the fiscal year commencing on May 1 , 2012 and ending on April 30 , 2013 ; and, WHEREAS , pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/8 -2-9 . 6 , by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the corporate authorities then holding office, the annual budget of the United City of Yorkville I may be revised by deleting, adding to changing or creating sub -classes within object classes and I object classes themselves . No revision of the budget shall be made increasing the budget in the event funds are not available to effectuate the purpose of the revision; and, WHEREAS , funds are available to effectuate the purpose of this revision. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, as follows : Section 1 : That the amounts shown in Schedule A, attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, increasing and/or decreasing certain object classes and decreasing certain I fund balances in the fox hill special service area fund, sunflower special service area fund, municipal building fund, police capital fund, countryside TIF fund and the downtown TIF fund with respect to the United City of Yorkville ' s 2012-2013 Budget are hereby approved . I Section 2 : This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval according to law. Ordinance No . 2013- "7 3 Page 2 i I Passed by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this day of �(i( � , 2013 . �4& CITY CLERK ROSE ANN SPEARS L� DIANE TEELING KEN KOCH JACKIE MILSCHEWSKI CARLO COLOSIMO JOEL FRIEDERS l � CHRIS FUNKHOUSER LARRY KOT i Approved by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, this I (o day of Jut, , 20130 avv J1, M R i i I I i i I i Ordinance No . 2013 - J Page 3 Fox Hill SSA Fund (11) Schedule A This fund was created for the purpose of maintaining the common areas of the Fox Hill Estates(SSA 2004-201) subdivision. Revenues for the fund are derived from property taxes levied on homeowners in the subdivision. FY 2013 FY 2013 FY 2011 FY 2012 Adopted KUM 3 Amended Actual Actual Budget Mkctual Budget Revenue Taxes 19,894 3,786 3,786 3,786 3,786 Investment Earnings - 7 - 10 - Total Revenue 19,894 3,793 3,786 3,796 3,786 Expenditures Contractual Services 4,178 4,664 4,500 5,743 5,743 Total Expenditures 4,178 4,664 4,500 5,743 5,743 Surplus(Deficit) 15,716 (871) (714) (1,947) (1,957) Ending Fund Balance 17,942 17,071 16,719 15,124 15,114 N $19 Fund Balance $18 $17 ° $16 ~ $15 -- - $14 $13 ---- 1 United City of Yorkville Fox Hill Special Service Area Fund li FOX HILL SSA FUND REVENUE FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2013 FY 2013 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Actual Amended Taxes 11-000-40-00-4011 PROPERTY TAXES-FOX HILL SSA 19,894 3,786 3,786 3,786 3,786 Total: Taxes $19,894 $3,786 $3,786 $3,786 $3,786 Investment Earnings 11-000-45-00-4500 INVESTMENT EARNINGS - 7 - 10 - Total: Investment Earnings $0 $7 $0 $10 $0 Total: FOX HILL SSA REVENUE $19,894 $3,793 $3,786 $3,796 $3,786 I 2 United City of Yorkville Fox Hill Special Service Area Fund 111 FOR HILL SSA EXPENDITURES FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 VV 1,011 FY 2013 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Actual Amended Contractual Services 11-111-54-00-5495 OUTSIDE REPAIR&MAINTENANCE 4,178 4,664 4,500 { 5,7431 5,743 Total: Contractual Services $4,178 $4,664 $4,500 $5,743 $5,743 Total: FOX HILL SSA EXPENDITURES $4,178 $4,664 $4,500 $5,743 $5,743 3 Sunflower SSA Fund (12) This fund was created for the purpose of maintaining the common areas of the Sunflower Estates(SSA 2006-119) subdivision. Revenues for the fund are derived from property taxes levied on homeowners in the subdivision. FY 2013 1 FY 2013 FY 2011 FY 2012 Adopted FY 2013 Amended Actual Actual Budget Actual Budget Revenue Taxes 13,871 7,530 7,531 7,530 7,531 Investment Earnings - 7 - 14 - Total Revenue 13,871 7,537 7,531 7,544 7,531 Expenditures _ Contractual Services 8,136 7,272 9,986 11,992 11,992 Total Expenditures 8,136 7,272 9,986 11,992 11,992 Surplus(Deficit) 5,735 265 (2,455) (4,448) (4,461) Ending Fund Balance 11,922 12,188 10,007 7,740 7,727 Fund Balance $15 3 $10 - 0 $5 4 United City of Yorkville Sunflower Special Service Area Fund SUNFLOWER SSA FUND REVENUE FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 TY 2013 FY 2013 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Actual Amended Taxes 12-000-40-00-4012 PROPERTY TAXES-SUNFLOWER SSA 13,871 7,530 7,531 7,530 7,531 Total: Taxes $13,871 $7,530 $7,531 $7,530 $7,531 Investment Earnings 12-000-45-00-4500 INVESTMENT EARNINGS 7 - 14 - Total: Investment Earnings $0 $7 $0 $14 $0 Total: SUNFLOWER SSA REVENUE $13,871 $7,537 $7,531 $7,544 $7,531 5 United City of Yorkville Sunflower Special Service Area Fund SUNFLOWER SSA EXPENDITURES FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 2013 FY 2013 Account Description Actual Actual Budget ME&IMI Amended Contractual Services 12-112-54-00-5495 OUTSIDE REPAIR&MAINTENANCE 8,136 7,272 9,986 11,992 11,992 Total: Contractual Services $8,136 $7,272 $9,986 $11,992 $11,992 Total: SUNFLOWER SSA EXPENDITURES $8,136 $7,272 $9,986 $11,992 511,992 it I 6 Municipal Building Fund (16) The Municipal Building Fund is used to maintain existing City owned buildings and to fund land acquisition, design and construction of new buildings. FY 2013 FY 2013 FY 2011 FY 2012 Adopted FY 2013 Amended Actual Actual Budget Actual Budget Revenue Licenses &Permits 20,700 8,400 5,250 12,859 5,250 Total Revenue 20,700 8,400 5,250 12,859 5,250 Expenditures Contractual Services - 750 - 5,100 Total Expenditures - 750 - 5,100 5,100 Surplus (Deficit) 20,700 7,650 5,250 7,759 150 Ending Fund Balance (587,024) (579,374) (575,774) (571,615) (579,224) ($560) Fund Balance ($565) ($570) 2 ($575) ($580) ($585) ($590) 7 United City of Yorkville Municipal Building Fund 16 MUNICIPAL BUILDING FUND REVENUE FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2013 FY 2013 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Actual Amended Licenses&Permits 16-000-42-00-4214 DEVELOPMENT FEES 20,700 7,650 5,250 7,759 5,250 16-000-42-00-4216 BUILD PROGRAM PERMIT - 750 - 5,100 - Total: Licenses&Permits $20,700 $8,400 $5,250 $12,859 $5,250 Total: MUNICIPAL BLDG REVENUE $20,700 $8,400 $5,250 $12,859 $5,250 8 United City of Yorkville Municipal Building Fund 160 MUNICIPAL BUILDING EXPENDITURES FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2013 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Amended Contractual Services 16-160-54-00-5405 BUILD PROGRAM 750 5 5,100 Total: Contractual Services $0 $750 $0 $5,100 $5,100 Total: MUNICIPAL BDLG EXPENDITURES $0 $750 $0 $5,100 $5,100 9 Police Capital Fund (20) The Police Capital Fund derives its revenue from monies collected from building permits and fines. The revenue is used to purchase vehicles and equipment for use in the operations of the Police Department. FY 2013 FY 2013 FY 2011 FY 2012 Adopted FY-20-1-3--] Amended Actual Actual Budget ! Actual j Budget Revenue Licenses &Permits 16,417 15,450 16,500 23,359 16,500 Fines&Forfeits 12,612 6,233 11,650 16,739 11,650 Investment Earnings - 55 50 37 50 Miscellaneous 8,900 15,200 1,000 200 1,000 Total Revenue 37,929 36,938 29,200 40,335 29,200 Expenditures Contractual Services 9,493 2,647 12,500 17,710 17,710 Supplies - - 2,500 - - Capital Outlay 43,772 - 45,000 145,176 145,176 Total Expenditures 53,265 2,647 60,000 162,886 162,886 Surplus(Deficit) (15,336) 34,291 (30,800) (122,551) (133,686) Ending Fund Balance 194,947 229,238 104,737 106,687 95,552 $250 Fund Balance $200 N c $150 $100 $50 $0 10 United City of Yorkville Police Capital Fund 20 POLICE CAPITAL FUND REVENUE FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2013 FY 2013 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Actual Amended Licenses&Permits 20-000-42-00-4214 DEVELOPMENT FEES 16,009 15,450 10,500 23,359 10,500 20-000-42-00-4217 WEATHER WARNING SIREN FEES 408 - 6,000 - 6,000 Total: Licenses&Permits $16,417 $15,450 $16,500 $23,359 $16,500 Fines&Forfeits 20-000-43-00-4315 DUI FINES 6,462 3,116 6,000 6,949 6,000 20-000-43-00-4316 ELECTRONIC CITATION FEE 122 782 650 790 650 20-000-43-00-4340 SEIZED VEHICLE PROCEEDS 6,028 2,335 5,000 9,000 5,000 Total: Fines&Forfeits $12,612 $6,233 $11,650 $16,739 $11,650 Investment Earnings 20-000-45-00-4500 INVESTMENT EARNINGS - 55 50 37 50 Total: Investment Earnings $0 $55 $50 $37 $50 Miscellaneous 20-000-48-00-4880 SALE OF FIXED ASSETS 8,900 15,200 1,000 200 1,000 Total: Miscellaneous $8,900 $15,200 $1,000 $200 $1,000 Total: POLICE CAPITAL REVENUE $37,929 $36,938 $29,200 $40,335 $29,200 11 I I United City of Yorkville Police Capital Fund 200 POLICE CAPITAL EXPENDITURES FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2013 FY 2013 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Actual Amended Contractual Services 20-200-54-00-5462 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3,060 2,647 2,500 3,982 3,982 20-200-54-00-5495 OUTSIDE REPAIR&MAINTENANCE 6,433.00 - 10,000 13,728 13,728 Total: Contractual Services $9,493 $2,647 $12,500 $17,710 517,710 Supplies 20-200-56-00-5620 OPERATING SUPPLIES - - 2,500 - Total: Supplies $0 $0 $2,500 $0 $0 Capital Outlay 20-200-60-00-6060 EQUIPMENT 1,462 20,000 105,72 105,725 20-200-60-00-6070 VEHICLES 42,310 25,000 39,451 39,451 Total: Capital Outlay $43,772 $0 $45,000 $145,176 $145,176 Total: PD CAPITAL EXPENDITURES $53,265 $2,647 $60,000 $162,886 S162,886 12 Countryside TIF Fund (87) The Countryside TIF was created in February of 2005,with the intent of constructing a future retail development at Countryside Center. This TIF is located at the northwest corner of US Route 34 and IL,Route 47. FY 2013 FY 2013 FY 2011 FY 2012 Adopted FY 2013 Amended Actual Actual Budget Actual A Budget Revenue Taxes 6,372 4,188 4,500 0 0 Investment Earnings 3,134 2,718 2,000 2,132 2,000 Total Revenue 9,506 6,906 6,500 2,132 2,000 Expenditures Contractual Services 1,623 1,442 1,375 3,003 3,003 Debt Service 307,093 306,143 304,668 304,668 304,668 Total Expenditures 308,716 307,585 306,043 307,671 307,671 Surplus(Deficit) (299,210) (300,679) (299,543) (305,539) (305,671) Ending Fund Balance 2,178,550 1,877,872 1,578,277 1,572,333 1,572,201 $2,500 Fund Balance $2,000 o $1,500 - $1,000 $500 13 United City of Yorkville Countryside TIF Fund 87 COUNTRYSIDE TIF FUND REVENUE FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2013 FY 2013 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Actual Amended Taxes 87-000-40-00-4087 PROPERTY TAXES-COUNTRYSIDE TIF 6,372 4,188 4,500 Total: Taxes $6,372 $4,188 $4,500 $0 $0 Investment Earnings 87-000-45-00-4500 INVESTMENT EARNINGS 3,134 2,718 2,000 2,132 2,000 Total: Investment Earnings $3,134 $2,718 $2,000 $2,132 $2,000 Total: COUNTRYSIDE TIF REVENUE $9,506 $6,906 $6,500 $2,132 $2,000 14 United City of Yorkville Countryside TIF Fund 870 COUNTRYSIDE TIF FUND EXPENDITURES FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2013 FY 2013 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Actual Amended Contractual Services 87-870-54-00-5420 ADMINISTRATIVE FEES 1,248 1,067 1,000 . 2,C12g a 2,628 Legal&TIF Reporting Costs 87-870-54-00-5498 PAYING AGENT FEES 375 375 375 375 375 Total: Contractual Services $1,623 $1,442 $1,375 $3,003 $3,003 Debt Service-2005 Bond 87-870-80-00-8000 PRINCIPLE PAYMENT 170,000 175,000 180,000 180,000 180,000 87-870-80-00-8050 INTEREST PAYMENT 137,093 131,143 124,668 124,668 124,668 Total: Debt Service-2005 Bond $307,093 $306,143 $304,668 5304,668 $304,668 Total: COUNTRYSIDE TIF $308,716 $307,585 $306,043 $307,671 $307,671 15 Downtown TIF Fund (88) The Downtown TIF was created in 2006, in order to finance a mixed use development in the downtown area. FY 2013 FY 2013 FY 2011 FY 2012 Adopted FY 2013 Amended Actual Actual Budget j Actual Budget Revenue Taxes 75,362 67,807 70,000 39,980 70,000 Investment Earnings - 126 150 428 150 Total Revenue 75,362 67,933 70,150 40,408 70,150 Expenditures Contractual Services 1,896 12,152 11,500 18,,31 18,391 Capital Outlay - 7,589 30,000 68,Q 68,034 Total Expenditures 1,896 19,741 41,500 86,425 86,425 Surplus (Deficit) 73,466 48,192 28,650 (46,017) (16,275) Ending Fund Balance 209,760 257,953 264,867 211,936 241,678 $300 Fund Balance 0 $200 $100 $0 16 United City of Yorkville Downtown TIF Fund 88 DOWNTOWN TIF FUND REVENUE FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2013 FY 2013 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Actual Amended Taxes 88-000-40-00-4088 PROPERTY TAXES-DOWNTOWN TIF 75,362 67,807 70,000 39,980 70,000 Total: Taxes $75,362 567,807 $70,000 $39,980 $70,000 Investment Earnings 88-000-45-00-4500 INVESTMENT EARNINGS - 126 150 428 150 Total: Investment Earnings $0 $126 $150 $428 $150 Total: DOWNTOWN TIF REVENUE 575,362 567,933 $70,150 540,408 570,150 17 United City of Yorkville Downtown TIF Fund 880 DOWNTOWN TIF FUND EXPENDITURES FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2013 Account Description Actual Actual Budget Amended Contractual Services 88-880-54-00-5420 ADMINISTRATIVE FEES 1,896 366 1,500 3,951 88-880-54-00-5466 LEGAL SERVICES - 11,786 10,000 440 ':, 14,440 Total: Contractual Services $1,896 $12,152 $11,500 $18,391 $18,391 Capital Outlay 88-880-60-00-6000 PROJECT COSTS - 7,589 10,000 56,36] 56,367 88-880-60-00-6079 ROUTE 47 EXPANSION - 20,000 11,6671 11,667 Total: Capital Outlay SO 57,589 530,000 S68,034 $68,034 Total: DOWNTOWN TIF EXPENDITURES $1,896 $19,741 $41,500 $86,425 $86,425 18