Comp Plan Citizen Advisory Committee Packet 2008 03-26-08
United City of Yorkville
County Seat of Kendall County
800 Game Farm Road
Yorkville, Illinois, 60560
Telephone: 630-553-4350
Comprehensive Plan Citizen Advisory Committee
Non Residential Land Use Meeting
Wednesday March 26, 2008
Yorkville Public Library
902 Game Farm Road
Meeting Called to Order: 5:30 p.m.
New Business:
1. Welcome (Anne Lucietto, Chair of Yorkville Plan Commission – 10 minutes)
a. Present
i. March 5th Open House citizen comments
ii. Citizens Advisory Committee input on draft goals and objectives
2. Review/Discuss (Citizen Advisory Committee led by Travis Miller, Comm. Dev. Director – 20 minutes)
a. Existing Non Residential Land Use Types
i. Intentions of existing types
ii. Additional and/or Unnecessary categories
b. Packet Articles
3. Break (5 minutes)
4. Meeting Tasks (Citizens Advisory Committee)
a. Preparation of Draft Non Residential Land Use Maps (Discussion Groups - 45 minutes)
b. Discussion Groups report back to Citizens Advisory Committee (30 minutes)
5. Questions/Comments
6. Pickup
a. Residential Land Use Background Materials Handout
7. Adjourn
1. Residential Land Use Discussion
Thursday April 17, 2008
5:30 – 7:30 PM
Yorkville Public Library
902 Game Farm Road
1. March 5, 2008 Open House Citizen Comments (compiled from comment cards, chart pack notes,
and discussion)
2. Citizens Advisory Committee Input (all written comments received by staff)
Comprehensive Plan Open House March 5, 2008
Citizen Comment Card – Compiled Responses
Natural Resources Station
Of the goals and objectives presented at this station, which were the most important and why?
Greenspace: preservation and development of trees, birds, ponds, etc. in the Jake Land Group plan
for 71 and 126 intersection.
Water quality improvement and Prairie Parkway
Please use the space below to provide any additional issues you feel should be addressed by the
Comprehensive Plan.
Would like to see more “green” – use alternative energy – solar/wind
More incentive for green use or educational seminars
Ensure that developers of residential neighborhoods development lots (particularly final grading) to
high standards and City officials inspect to a higher degree the final plat and grading
3.2 of Goal 3 – Eliminate “density credits.” There are already too many clustered subdivisions and
townhomes – adding to overcrowded schools and a strain on the police, fire, roads, etc. Yorkville
should strive for more higher quality subdivisions.
It disturbs me that preservation is not included anywhere in your plans. The most desirable
communities in the Chicago area have preserved their historic heritage and they promote it. Call it
quaint or charming, but I would prefer to live in a town with homes from all eras rather than one
that has thousands of beige homes all the same cookie cutter style. How boring and how ugly. Lets
not be like Plainfield who allowed a home that was a part of the Underground railroad to be town
down to put in a new subdivision – that should be a crime!
Forest and animal habitat must be preserved. Need to “give back” to the land as development
Maintain small town atmosphere as community grows – i.e. Morris
Infrastructure Station
Of the goals and objectives presented at this station, which were the most important and why?
Need to identify and contrast difference from 47+ proposal and Prairie Parkway Plan. What could
be done with 207,000,000 ear mark for existing infrastructure?
Please use the space below to provide any additional issues you feel should be addressed by the
Comprehensive Plan.
There needs to be something done about the train whistles at the Mill Road Crossings. Other towns
have whistle bans. Potential buyers are being turned away from the area fixing the problem would
help a lot of people and sell more homes. Extend gates!
Build the Prairie Parkway
Don’t build the Prairie Parkway – it leads to the proposed dumps.
Train crossings at Mill & Kennedy and Mill & Orchard (west of) reduce or ban trains whistles
Better road = more homes = more tax revenue
Need park – n – ride for carpools
North/South routes too limiting
Need passenger rail service to Aurora and Chicago
Need to prioritize road repair and maintenance and infrastructure improvement above all other
“luxury” spending
Concerned with long term maintenance costs – especially of roads and bridges / need to maintain in
good condition
Yorkville needs a Metra stop
Utilize Objective 5.1 for “old” residents & developments
Need public transportation – especially bus routes
Route trucks onto major local roads to free up capacity on State routes.
Comprehensive Plan Open House March 5, 2008
Citizen Comment Card – Compiled Responses
Community Facilities Station
Of the goals and objectives presented at this station, which were the most important and why?
Services and facilities for senior citizens that go beyond sedentary activities and incorporate
dynamic mental and physical activities in a shared community building.
Funding is important – cooperative city/pool or venture with YMCA
Please use the space below to provide any additional issues you feel should be addressed by the
Comprehensive Plan.
I have seen churches and community center co-exist in the same facility perhaps community group
playhouses or even the high school plays & YMCA recitals, etc.
Build a fine arts / performing arts center in downtown Yorkville
Winter Activity Park!
Parks and Recreation Master Plan Station
Of the goals and objectives presented at this station, which are the most important and why?
No comments
Please use the space provided below to provide any additional comments.
Doing a great job. Keep pushing open space with a balance of highest and best use.
General Comments
Two individuals indicated there should be more equestrian estate (4 or more acre) properties located
on the north, south and east areas of Yorkville – [submitted by Alderwoman Rose Spears].
I am concerned about the written comments, suggestions, and objections both from the citizen
advisory members and the attendees of the open house, not being discussed and a general consensus
made on each and every comment and suggestion. This would make myself and others on the
advisory committee, feel like our voices are being heard and possible changes will be made based
on discussion and consensus. This is in my opinion, the only true way to make this comprehensive
plan change for the better! [George Gilson, Citizens Advisory Committee Member]