Comp Plan Citizen Advisory Committee Packet 2007 12-20-07 o=•A.�D c1 T�,T United City of Yorkville County Seat of Kendall County EST. 1838 800 Game Farm Road Yorkville,Illinois,60560 Telephone: 630-553-4350 <LE �VV Comprehensive Plan Citizen Advisory Committee AGENDA Natural Resource Meeting Thursday December 20, 2007 Yorkville Public Library 902 Game Farm Road Meeting Called to Order: 5:30 p.m. Roll Call: New Business: 1. Welcome and Introduction of Members (Anne Lucietto,Chair of Yorkville Plan Commission) 2. United City of Yorkville Comprehensive Plan Website(Stephanie Boettcher, Senior Planner) http://www.yoi-kvi Ile il.us/depts commDev CompPlan cfin A. How to access meeting schedule, agendas,minutes, and reference materials 3. Overview of Goal and Objective Formulation (Anne Lucietto,Chair of Yorkville Plan Commission) 4. Meeting Tasks (Citizen Advisory Committee Discussion Groups) A. SWOT Analysis(45 minutes) B. Break(5 minutes) C. Goals and Objectives (45 minutes) D. Discussion Groups report back to Citizen Advisory Committee(15 minutes) 5. Questions/Comments 6. Pickup Infrastructure Background Materials Handout 7. Adjourn NEXT MEETING: Infrastructure Discussion Thursday,January 17,2008 5:30—7:30 PM Yorkville Public Library 902 Game Farm Road Attachments: I. Stormwater Best Management Practices 2. Executive Summary Conservation Design Resource Manual 3. Framing Chicago's Climate Change Actions:Building Off of Experience 4. Executive Summary Growing Cooler: The Evidence on Urban Development and Climate Change Best Management Practices (BMPs) Guide Agricultural BMP's Conservation Tillage — The practice of reducing the amount of tillage prior to seeding or after harvesting to increase the amount of ground cover. This decreases the amount of evaporation of soil moisture and protects the soil from erosion during precipitation events. Contour Farming — The practice of planting row crops across the slope (instead of up/down the slope) to prevent runoff from transporting soil down slope and infiltration. Heavy Use Area Protection — The practice of adding stone or rip-rap to areas of heavy use or potential mud tracking. This prevents soil from being transported onto road ways or other areas where it can be transported by run-off into streams and other water ways. Stream Bank Fencing — The practice of fencing off water ways where cattle or other livestock may wander. This prevents the deposition of fecal matter either directly or through contaminated run-off. Planning BMP's Open Space Development Planning — This practice involves planning development projects to protect natural resources such as forests, wetlands, and open space. This includes creating smaller size lots, creating streets to follow natural contours, and to minimize grading. Protection of Natural Features — This practice includes providing naturalized buffers between the development and natural resources so that they are not as severely impacted during construction and after the development has been established. Eliminating Curb and Gutter — This practice involves the design of new subdivisions to not include curbs and gutters to manage stormwater run-off from streets and parking lots. This design encourages stormwater run-off to travel off the roadways into drainage swales where vegetation can filter contaminants out of the water during infiltration rather than run-off carrying pollutants directly to streams and lakes. Minimize Grading / Sequencing — This practice implores the developer to design and sequence the project so that there is a minimum of grading necessary, thus exposing minimal areas of ground. This reduces the amount of sediment that is carried into the storm sewers and waterways by erosion. Construction BMPs Construction Entrances — This practice is similar to the Heavy Use Area Protection practice where stone is placed at the entrance of the construction site to eliminate the tracking of sediment from the site onto public roads. Permanent Diversions — This practice entails the creation of swales to carry stormwater run-off to designated areas on-site to be treated to remove sediment or contaminants prior to discharging off-site. the velocity of the water coming out of the pipe and spreads it over a larger horizontal area to reduce the erosion around an outlet. Bioswales — This practice creates a specialized waterway with native vegetation which will allow filtering of contaminants by the plants and promoting infiltration of stormwater. Rain Gardens — This practice includes creating specialized gardens into which stormwater is routed to in order to provide a water source for the plants. The native vegetation is chosen specifically so that the collected stormwater is dispersed through evaporation rather than being outlet into a storm sewer system. Infiltration Gallery — This practice involves installing a sub-surface groundwater collection system, typically shallow in depth, constructed with open-jointed or perforated pipes that discharge collected water into a watertight chamber from which the water is pumped to treatment facilities and into the distribution system. These are usually located close to streams or ponds. P:\CBBEL WEST Projects\2006\06-993\stormwater BMPs 06993120407.docx Christopher B. Burke Engineering West, Ltd. 3 06-993 Aux Sable Watershed Plan Update Executive Summary Conservation Design Resource Manual : Language and Guidelines for Updating Local Ordinances March 2003 Introduction In partnership with Chicago Wilderness, the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission has developed the Conservation Design Resource Manual: Language and Guidelines for Updating Local Ordinances. The resource manual is designed to help, communities effectively update local plans and ordinances to be more amenable to conservation design practices. The development of this resource manual is in support of Chicago Wilderness's Biodiversity Recovery Plan for the northeastern Illinois region, published in 1999. With the importance of local government participation in mind, the Biodiversity Recovery Plan states the following goal for local governments: Local and regional development policies should reflect the need to restore and maintain natural areas and biodiversity. What is Conservation Design? Conservation design is a design system that takes into account the natural landscape and ecology of a develop- ment site and facilitates development while maintaining the most valuable natural features and functions of the site. Conservation design - includes a collection of site design principles and practices that can be combined to create environmentally sound development. The main principles for conservation design as defined by the project are: 1 . flexibility in site design and lot size, 2. protection and management of natural areas, 3 . reduction of impervious surface areas, and d. sustainable stormwater management. There are many community, environmental, and economic benefits to using conservation design. The most effective way to encourage conservation design is to update local comprehensive plans, codes, and ordinances to reflect the community's commitment to conservation . Most importantly, conservation design should be allowed by right and should be the preferred option for many development projects. Benefits of Conservation Design • Reduces construction and infrastructure costs by 11 % to 66% (see Chapter 2-Economic Benefits—for full discussion and citations.) • - Preserves natural resources and features. • Reduces the costs of municipal stormwater management. • Allows connections to existing natural areas, open space, greenways, and trails. Principle A Principle C Develop Flexible Lot Design Standards Reduce Impervious Surface Areas Practice 1 Practice 8 Lot Size, Density, and Suggested Open Space Roadway Design Eliminate minimum lot size requirements; rather, regu- Enact flexible standards for road length, width, right- late overall density of development. of-way, and design. Require the minimum amount of paved surface area while maintaining safe and suffi- Practice 2 cient support of travel lanes, on-street parking, and Arranging the Development Site emergency and support vehicle access. Maintain critical natural areas. Group buildable lots together to maximize the area of undisturbed land. Practice 9 Parking Lot Design Practice 3 Enact flexible standards for parking lot design in multi- Building Setbacks family housing developments, commercial, and busi- Eliminate setback requirements for the interior of devel- ness areas. Require stormwater treatment for parking opment sites while maintaining expectations on the lot runoff using bioretention areas, filter strips, and/or perimeter. Maintaining standard setback requirements other practices that can be integrated into required on the perimeter of the development site eases concerns landscaping areas and traffic islands. of neighboring residents and community leaders. Practice 10 Vegetated Swales Principle B Encourage the use of vegetated swales in street rights- of-way, parking lots, and other paved areas to convey Protect and Create Natural Landscapes and treat stormwater runoff. and Drainage Systems Practice 11 Practice 4 Walkways Natural Area Protection and Conservation Establish flexible design standards for walkways that Update ordinances to substantially restrict develop- connect residential and natural areas on the interior of ment on or near natural areas, and require or encour- the development site. age undeveloped buffers around these areas. Practice 12 Practice 5 Driveway Design Natural Landscape Sensitivity Update ordinances to eliminate length and width Encourage developers to design sites to fit the topog- requirements for driveways, and to permit alternative raphy, features, and soils of the natural landscape. driveway surfaces and shared driveways that connect two or more homes together. Practice 6 Natural Landscaping Practice 13 Update landscaping ordinances to encourage the use Roof Runoff Management of plant materials native to northeastern Illinois. Discourage discharge of rooftop runoff into storm sew- Require natural landscaping in and around stormwa- ers. Require or encourage alternative roof runoff man- ter facilities, wetlands, lakes, and streams. agement techniques. Encourage green roof designs. Practice 7 Natural Area Management Require clear specification of how natural areas will be managed, and designate a legal entity responsible for maintenance for all natural areas. IN Framing Chicago's Climate Change Actions: Building Off of Experience Through the leadership of Mayor Richard M. Daley, Chicago has been the U.S. leader in green initiatives, long ago recognizing that reducing energy usage was a critical factor in ensuring a livable, affordable city. Leading by example and working with others on regional, national and international efforts ensures that Chicago's quality of life remains high and competitive advantage remains strong in the coming years. Using the research and experience developed on climate change, quality of life and energy efficiency, for the past decade Chicago has worked to find solutions to environmental challenges that are practical, cost-effective and accessible to all sectors Addressing Chicago's energy consumption and green house gas emissions, Chicago has initiated a series of programs to encourage energy efficiency in buildings, increase clean and renewable energy sources, improve transportation and mobility, and decrease waste and pollution. Among its `firsts, Chicago has introduced: Building Energy Efficiency Energy consumption in buildings accounts for 60% of the CO2 emissions in the city of Chicago through buildings' consumption of natural gas and electricity. In addition to decreasing CO2 emissions, making buildings more efficient will save us all money— government, residents and business owners-- and create jobs. • Green Building Permits and Economic Development Support- Chicago is the first city in the nation to offer an expedited building permit to green projects to engage business in green building. By reducing permitting time and waiving consultant review fees, we have encouraged hundreds of projects, representing over 2 million square feet, to build green. Chicago also requires that green building strategies be integrated into any construction project funded or supported by the city. These requirements include LEED certification, green roofs and effective storm water management. As a result of these programs, there are currently over 250 buildings in Chicago working toward LEED certification, more than any city in the US. Chicago is also the only city in the world to have four LEED platinum buildings. • Energy Service Companies Chicago is a prime partner in the Clinton Climate Initiative' s Energy Efficiency Building Retrofit Program. This program brings together eight of the world's largest energy service companies (ESCOs), five of the world's largest banks, and seventeen of the world' s largest cities in a program designed to reduce energy consumption in existing buildings. Several major Chicago commercial and institutional property owners have already agreed to engage with Energy Service Companies, for instance the Merchandise Mart is negotiating an energy performance contract for four million square feet. 12/10/07 Program, which awards $5,000 grants for green roof projects on residential and small commercial projects • Cooling the City Chicago is currently a leader in urban forestry and heat island mitigation through tree planting. Utilizing advanced satellite images an urban heat island map was created for the city. This map identifies hot spots in the city where green strategies can be utilized to provide passive cooling capacity. Over the last 15 years, Chicago has planted over 500,000 trees and achieved a City- wide tree count of 4. 1 million trees. Transportation Transportation accounts for 21 % of the CO2 emissions in the city of Chicago, and a larger percentage regionally. Efficient and convenient neighborhoods and transit reduce driving, improve our health, reduce congestion and increase quality of life. • Promoting Alternative Fuel Use. As part of its ongoing effort to improve air quality, the City of Chicago is working with its partners in the Chicago Area Clean Cities (CACC) coalition and the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus to promote the use of alternative fuel vehicles in municipal fleets. These vehicles are powered by "clean" fuels such as compressed natural gas, propane, and biodiesel. Seven alternative fuelling stations have been built to serve hundreds of city vehicles with E85 and CNG and CTA is currently testing 20 hybrid busses. • Air and Related Vehicle Travel. Extensive efforts have been made to reduce the negative environmental impact of Chicago's airports. Efforts to date include the use of over 800 electric vehicles, the installation of electric power sources at gates (thereby reducing fuel burned by aircrafts' auxiliary power units), and the utilization of biodiesel in parking lot shuttles. • Transit and Neighborhoods Chicago's Bike 2015 plan sets aggressive goals and builds upon the extensive bike infrastructure already in the city, including over 120 miles of on-street marked bike-ways, 35 miles of off road bike paths, 11 ,000 bike racks, and a bike commuter station including 300 bike parking spaces, shower/locker facilities, and bike repair facilities. By providing alternatives to the automobile, we help people stay healthy and fit, while reducing their emissions. Alternative Energy Use & Infrastructure Modernization Renewable energy use in Chicago creates new jobs while achieving a cleaner, healthier environment and keeping more dollars in the Chicago economy. Infrastructure modernization to maintain our 100+-year old systems is part of keeping the city running smoothly • Clean and Efficient Energy: Solar Power. By utilizing our purchasing power, we have attracted solar panel companies to Chicago. Currently manufacturing in 12/10/07 Growing Cooler The Evidence on Urban development and Climate Change z � K i y � � _ t ' Reid Ewing, Keith Bartholomew, Steve Winkelman, Jerry Walters and Don Chen with Barbara McCann and David Goldberg C6NTBIl.N={31[i Minstitute Urban Land S rt Gronth tiri Center for Better cna..s For Our c>mm„mti., Clcan Air Policy « gye ^ t.m*'� nGS, �tteVC.'8 �no�ni§6.t- Executive Summary The phrase "you can't get there from here" has a new application. For climate stabilization, a commonly accepted target would require the United States to cut its carbon dioxide (CO) emissions by 60 to 80 percent as of 2050, relative to 1990 levels, Carbon dioxide levels have been increasing rapidly since 1990, and so would have to level off and decline even more rapidly to reach this target level by 2050. This publication demonstrates that the U.S. transportation sector cannot do its fair share to meet this target through vehicle and fuel technology alone. We have to find a way to sharply reduce the growth in vehicle miles driven across the nation's sprawling urban areas, reversing trends that go back decades. This publication is based on an exhaustive review of existing research on the relationship between urban The Basics development, travel, and the CO2 emitted by motor Scientific consensus now exists vehicles. It provides evidence on and insights into how much that greenhouse gas accumulations due transportation-related CO, savings can be expected with to human activities are contributing compact development, how compact development is likely to global warnung with potentially to be received by consumers, and what policy changes will catastrophic consequences (IPCC make compact development possible. Several related issues 2007). International and domestic are not fully examined in this publication. These include the climate policy discussions have energy savings from more efficient building types, the value gravitated toward the goal of limit ng of preserved forests as carbon sinks, and the effectiveness the temperature increase to 2°C to PC of pricing strategies—such as tolls, parking charges, and by cutting greenhouse gas emissions mileage-based fees—when used in conjunction with compact by 60 to 80 percent below 1990 development and expanded transportation alternatives. levels by the year 2050. The primary The term "compact development" does not imply greenhouse gas is carbon dioxide, high-rise or even uniformly high density, but rather higher and every gallon of gasoline burned average "blended" densities. Compact development also produces about 20 pounds of CO2 features a mix of land uses, development of strong population emissions. and employment centers, interconnection of streets, and the design of structures and spaces at a human scale. Driving Up CO2 Emissions The United States is the largest emitter worldwide of the greenhouses gases that cause global warning. Transportation accounts for a full third of CO2 emissions in the United States, and that share is growing as others shrink in comparison, rising from 31 percent in 1990 to 33 percent today It is hard to envision a "solution" to the global warming crisis that does not involve slowing the growth of transportation CO, emissions in the United States. The Three- Legged Stool Needed to Reduce CO. from Automobiles Transportation CO2 reduction can be viewed as a three-legged stool, with one leg related to vehicle fuel efficiency, a second to the carbon content of the fuel itself, and a third to the amount of driving or vehicle miles traveled (VMT). Energy and climate policy initiatives at the federal and state levels have pinned their hopes almost exclusively on shoring up the first two legs of the stool, through the development of more efficient vehicles (such as hybrid cars) and lower-carbon fuels (such as biodiesel fuel). Yet a stool cannot stand on only two legs. I finds that CO, emissions will continue to rise, despite technological advances, as the growth in driving overwhelms planned improvements in vehicle efficiency and fuel carbon content. The U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration (EIA) forecasts that driving will increase 59 percent between 2005 and 2030 (red line, Figure 0-2), outpacing the projected 23 percent increase in population. The EIA also FIGURE o-2 forecasts a fleetwide fuel economy improvement of PROJECTED GROWTH IN CO2 EMISSIONS FROM CARS AND LIGHT TRucxs 12 percent within this time 170% frame, primarily as a result 160% 150% of new federal fuel economy a� 140% standards for light trucks 130% (green line, Figure 0-2). 120% 110% Despite this improvement 2005 = 1 0% 100% in efficiency, CO, emissions 90% would grow by 41 percent 90% (dark blue line, Figure 0-2). 70% 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 U.S. fuel economy has SOURCE: FIA n007. IF WIT Ck"sn"ftw been flat for almost 15 years, as the upward spiral of car weight and power has offset the more efficient technology. Federal and state efforts are underway to considerably boost vehicle efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In June 2007, the U.S. Senate passed corporate average fuel economy (CAFE) standards that would increase new passenger vehicle fuel economy from the current 25 miles per gallon (mpg) to 35 mpg by 2020. (As of this writing, the House has not acted.). California plans to implement a low carbon standard for transportation fuels, specifically a 10 percent reduction in fuel carbon content by 2020. Even if these more stringent standards for FIGURE O-3 vehicles and fuels were to PROJECTED GROWTH IN CO2 EMISSIONS FROM CARS AND LIGHT TRUCKS go into effect nationwide, ASSUMING STRINGENT NATIONWIDE VEHICLE AND FUEL STANDARDS` transportation-related *WITH SENATE CAFE LEVELS -- NEw PASSENGER VEHICLE FUEL ECONOMY OF 35 MPG IN ZOZO emissions would still far AND CALIFORN Low CARBON FUEL STANDARD OF -10 IN 2020 APPLIED NATIONALLY. exceed target levels for 170% stabilizing the global climate 190% (see Figure 0-3). The rapid 140% increase in driving would 130% overwhelm both the increase 120% 110% �— in vehicle fuel economy 2005 = 1 0% 100% (green line) and the lower 90% carbon fuel content (purple e0% I `O �, � line). In 2030, CO, emissions 70% would be 12 percent above 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 f� Sources: VW: EIA w;tb 10% rebound MPG: US Senate, Fuels: C. the 2005 level, and 40 °'° ° a'r C4va A;r Pali v percent above the 1990 level 3 This type of development has seen a resurgence in recent years, and goes by many names, including "walkable communities," "new urbanist neighborhoods," and "transit-oriented developments" (TODs). "Infill" and "brownfield" developments put unused lots in urban areas to new uses, taking advantage of existing nearby destinations and infrastructure. Some "lifestyle centers" are now replacing single-use shopping malls with open-air shopping on connected streets with housing and office space as part of the new development. And many communities have rediscovered and revitalized their traditional town centers and downtowns, often adding more housing to the mix. These varied development types are collectively referred to in this publication as "compact development" or "smart growth." How We Know that Compact Development Will Make a Difference: The Evidence As these forms of development have become more common, planning researchers and practitioners have documented that residents of compact, mixed-use, transit-served communities do less driving. Studies have looked at the issue from varying angles, including: • research that compares overall travel patterns among regions and neighborhoods of varying compactness and auto orientation; • studies that follow the travel behavior of individual households in various settings; and • models that simulate and compare the effects on travel of different future development scenarios at the regional and project levels. Regardless of the approach, researchers have found significant potential for compact development to reduce the miles that residents drive. A comprehensive sprawl index developed by coauthor Reid Ewing of the National Center for Smart Growth FIGURE 0-5 at the University of Maryland ranked 83 of the largest metropolitan areas in AVERAGE DAMS VEHICLE MILES TRAVELED the United States by their degree of 30 sprawl, measuring density, mix of land uses, strength of activity centers, and zs ,- connectedness of the street network (Ewing, Pendall, and Chen 2002 , 2003). 20 �� s( , FP' + Even accounting for income and other p t 21 r socioeconomic differences, residents ; drove far less in the more compact is At regions. In highly sprawling Atlanta, F r vehicles racked up 34 miles each day 10 for every person living in the region. + {`e Toward the other end of the scale, in ver ge Daily MT per Capit' 5 � Portland, Oregon, vehicles were driven T vt t fewer than 24 miles per person, per day. 4 0 This relationship holds up in 10 Most Sprawling Metropolitan 10 Most Compact Metropolitan studies that focus on the travel habits of Areas Areas individual households while measuring SOURCE: EWING, PENDALL, AND CHEN 2002, P. 18. the environment surrounding their 5 What Smart Growth Would Look Like How would this new focus on compact development change U.S. communities? Many more developments would look like the transit-oriented developments and new urbanist neighborhoods already going up in almost every city in the country, and these developments would start filling in vacant lots or failing strip shopping centers, or would revitalize older M ` town centers, rather than replacing forests AV or farmland. Most developments would " *` no longer be single-use subdivisions or officea ` r parks, but would mix r shops, schools, and offices together with homes. They might a feature ground-floor stores and offices with living space above, or townhomes within walking distance of a retail center. Most developments would be built to connect E '" seamlessly with the external street network. The density JACOBY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY increases required to ATLANTIC STATION TODAY. achieve the changes proposed in this publication would be moderate. Nelson's work shows that the average density of residential development in U.S. urban areas was about 7.6 units per acre in 2003 . His predictions of shifting market demand indicate that all housing growth to 2025 could be accommodated by building condominiums, apartments, townhomes, and detached houses on small lots, while maintaining the current stock of houses on large lots. Under this scenario, while new developments would average a density of 13 units per acre, the average density of metropolitan areas overall would rise modestly, to about nine units per acre. Much of the change would result from stopping the sprawling development that has resulted in falling densities in many metropolitan areas. Several publications provide a glimpse of what this future (night look like. Images of compact development are available in This is Smart Growth (Smart Growth Network 2006) and Visualizing Density (Lincoln Institute of Land Policy 2007). 7 Total Estimated VMT Reduction and Total Climate Impact When viewed in total, the evidence on land use and driving shows that compact development will reduce the need to drive between 20 and 40 percent, as compared with development on the outer suburban edge with isolated homes, workplaces, and other destinations. It is realistic to assume a 30 percent cut in VMT with compact development. Making reasonable assumptions about growth rates, the market share of compact development, and the relationship between CO, reduction and VMT reduction, smart growth could, by itself, reduce total transportation- related CO2 emissions from current trends by 7 to 10 percent as of 2050. This reduction is achievable with land-use changes alone. It does not include additional reductions from complementary measures, such as higher fuel prices and carbon taxes, peak-period road tolls, pay-as-you drive insurance, paid parking, and other policies designed to make drivers pay more of the full social costs of auto use. This estimate also does not include the energy saved in buildings with compact development, or the CO,- absorbing capacity of forests preserved by compact development. Whatever the total savings, it is important to remember that land use changes provide a permanent climate benefit that would compound over time. The second 50 years of smart growth would build on the base reduction from the first 50 years, and so on into the future. More immediate strategies, such as gas tax increases, do not have this degree of permanence. The authors calculate that shifting 60 percent of new growth to compact patterns would save 85 million metric tons of CO, annually by 2030. The savings over that period equate to a 28 percent increase in federal vehicle efficiency standards by 2020 (to 32 mpg), comparable to proposals now being debated in Congress. It would be as if the fteetwide efficiency for new vehicles had risen to 32 mpg bV 2020. Every resident of a compact neighborhood would provide the environmental benefit expected from, say, driving one of today's efficient hybrid cars. That effect would be compounded, of course, if that person also drove such an efficient car whenever he or she chose to make a vehicle trip. Smart growth would become an important "third leg" in the transportation sector's fight against global warming, along with more efficient vehicles and lower-carbon fuels. A Climate= Sparing Strategy with Multiple Payoffs Addressing climate change through smart growth is an attractive strategy because, in addition to being in line with market demand, compact development provides many other benefits and will cost the economy little or nothing. Research has documented that compact development helps preserve farmland and open space, protect water quality, and improve health by providing more opportunities for physical activity. Studies also have confirmed that compact development saves taxpayers money, particularly by reducing the costs of infrastructure such as roads and water and sewer lines. For example, the Envision Utah scenario planning process resulted in the selection of a compact growth plan that will save the region about $4.5 billion in infrastructure spending over a continuation of sprawling development. Finally, unlike hydrogen-fueled vehicles and cellulosic ethanol, which get a lot of attention in the climate- change debate, the "technology" of compact, walkable communities exists today, as it has in one form or another for thousands of years. We can begin using this technology in the service of a cooler planet right now. 9