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Park Board Packet 2007 12-27-07 YO- RKVILLE PARKS & RECREATToN DEPARTTmENT" Administration and Recreation Office 201 W. Hydraulic St Yorlcrille, IL 60560 630-5534357 Park Board Agenda Thursday, December 27, 2007 7:00 p.m. — Park Board Meeting Administration and Recreation Office Call to Order: Roll Call: Chris Rollins, Ken Koch, Van Truman, Debbie Horaz, Kelly Sedgwick, Vickie Coveny Introduction of Guests, City Officials and Staff: Joe Plocher, Ward 2 Alderman, City Council Liaison to Park Board Director of Parks and Recreation -- David Mogle Superintendent of Recreation — Sue Swithin Superintendent of Parks — Scott Sleezer Park Designer — Laura Haake Public Comment: Presentations: Approval of Minutes: Minutes — Regular Park Board Meeting — December 13, 2007 Bills Review: Cash Analysis* Bill List* Old Business: Review of 2007 YYBSA Agreement and Discussion for 2008 New Business : Reports : Director Report Parks Report Recreation Report Additional Business : Future Meeting Schedule & Agenda Items Executive Session : For the purchase or lease of real property for the use of the public body. Adjournment: Next meeting : January 10, 2008 *Items needing Board approval or recommendation United City of Yorkville Yorkville Parks and Recreation Department Board Meeting Administration Office - Riverfront Building , 201 W . Hydraulic Street, Yorkville, IL 60560 Thursday, December 13th, 2007, 7 pm Call to Order: Ken Koch called the meeting to order at 7 : 00 pm . Roll Call : Ken Koch , Van Truman , Debbie Horaz & Vickie Coveny Kelly Sedgwick (arrived at 7 : 15 pm ) Introduction of Guests, City Officials and Staff: Director of Parks and Recreation - David Mogle Superintendent of Parks - Scott Sleezer Superintendent of Recreation - Sue Swithin Park Planner - Laura Haake Public Comment: None Presentations : None - Avoroval of Minutes: Minutes - Regular Park Board Meeting - /November 29, 2007 Van Truman noted all motions called by Chris Rollins on pages 1 , 2 and 6 should read, " Chris Rollins called for a motion . " He also pointed out on page three under the master plan update second paragraph should read "vying " instead of " buying ". Dave Mogle would like to amend first page under bills review . The last sentence in the first paragraph should read "Ice Miller Law Firm " instead of " Ross Law Firm . " Also on page two, first paragraph Mogle would like the first sentence under the Hoover Property Ad Hoc Committee Report to read that he and Jason met without his other committee members instead of board members . Also on page three Mogle wanted the third sentence to read that he and Jason talked about if they waited until the July 11 2009 cycle they'd be waiting too long . Ken Koch called for a motion to approve the Regular Park Board Meeting , November 29th, 2007, minutes . The motion was made by 1 Van Truman and seconded by Deb Horaz . The motion was unanimously approved by voice vote . Bills Review : Cash Analysis & Bill List With no questions or comments regarding the cash analysis or bills list Ken Koch asked for a motion to approve the cash analysis and bills list as submitted . Vickie Coveny made the motion and Van Truman seconded the motion . The motion was approved by roll call : Koch-Yes ; Horaz-Yes ; Truman -Yes & Vickie Coveny Old Business * Usage Agreement for Operations of Pre School Sue Swithin said that she added a termination clause and that if either party wanted to terminate the agreement it couldn 't be during the year; it states it would be at the end of the year. She also said that the changes are undergoing legal review . Van Truman wanted to see an amendment on page two, section seven , Termination , second sentence verbiage "refer to 6 . b" to be put in parentheses . He felt that sentence would be easier to understand . Ken Koch made a motion that the usage agreement as is be approved pending legal review. The motion was approved by roll call : Koch -Yes ; Horaz-Yes ; Truman -Yes & Vickie Coveny Park Development Standards Dave Mogle noted that he and Laura had been working on this and that as part of the Parks and Recreation Department Master Plan , the Park Development Standards have been revised and that this will become part of the Master Plan that we take to the City Council . Laura Haake stated that she looked at the Park Development Standards and the Yorkville Bike Trail Standards and merged them together. This is the technical information in this section . Ken Koch clarified that this is where the ten foot wide trails are specified . Haake stated that they're not so much talking about design it's more about the thickness of the asphalt and the thickness of the base course and what we want the signage to be . She said that was the biggest change of park development standards . 2 Van Truman would like to see the following amendments . On page 11 section 4 bullet A3 he would like to add the verbiage "of both parties" after " best interest. " Also in the next sentence as discussed would be taken out. Truman also brings up the very next item number 4 the verbiage "walking distance" should be replaced by " radiuses. " Ken Koch made a motion to take to the City Council approve amended park development standards and it was unanimously approved by voice vote . FY 2007 12008 hfidyear Budget Adjustments Dave Mogle said that the midyear budget numbers were taken to the Administration Committee last week. The City made budget adjustments of about 1 . 8 million dollars total . Mogle gave a quick summary and said that in the revenue line item under the operational budget we projected about thirty-eight thousand dollars of additional revenue, which much of that was accounted for under recreational program fees . He said that the other big change in the revenue would be with the carry over. He said the carry over is not added in until after the audit and the audit has happened and the carry over is the revenue line. He also notes that on the expense side it looks as if we're off in the salaries and that they really aren 't off. He said that a certain individual 's salary was left off however it was added at the midyear point and it had always been accounted for on our side . Mogle also noted at the end of the park expenses section the salary survey and merit line items were cashed out and added to the salary line item . So basically that gives the explanation to the adjustments and overall expenses were still up however we still balanced out. Deb Horaz asked what Merit was and Mogle explained that it was increases for full -time and permeate part-time staff based on an evaluation tool that they used . Mogle also noted that the funds for Cob Park would be taken out of next year's budget leaving us to balance this year's budget. NEW BUSINESS : 2007 Bridge Park Field Lighting Costs Dave Mogle stated that this is an informational item only. He noted that we were waiting for the bills to come in on the lighting cost for the past years use at Bridge Park . Mogle noted that the electric cost also 3 included all the programs that had light usages out on the field and it also included the concession . He said it came out to be about 75 thousand in the first year. He said the first bill was the largest because it included set up cost. He believed the total amount was down from 12 thousand to 8 thousand assuming that all the bills were in . Scott Sleezer said that they learned that they should make adjustments for what they were charging . They were charging $48/hour for just the lights . The issue was the lights were on for more than an hour. They hadn 't taken into consideration the time the lights were on before the game warming up and the time they were on after the game while people were exiting the fields . Sleezer said that they made an adjustment to include the cost: of the time exceeding and preceding the games when the lights were in use . Swithin said that she is getting her concession stand staff trained on recording their time on a calendar of when they turn on and off the lights . She said that would be very easy way to record the times . She felt that way they will get an accurate read . Ken Koch asked about the energy and supply charge and Mogle stated that it was on every bill . Sleezer said that the price could vary depending on how often the lights were turned on . Review of 2007 YYBSA Agreement and Discussion for 2008 Dave Mogle said that the plan is to meet next week with the YYBSA representatives to begin the revision process for a new agreement. Mogle would like to discuss the agreement and department policies that pertain to ball field, rental fees, and rules . Mogle noted that on the first page of the agreement under the use and parks by the association section they talked about changing the agreement: and we wanted to extend the agreement from April 1st to July 31st to April 1st to July 30tH Mogle wanted to add in a disclaimer that for holidays stating we might not provide maintenance or the same level of maintenance on the holidays . Mogle also stated that there will be a field that the YYBSA won 't be able to use . Ken suggests that Hoover not be a rental field . Mogle said that he suggests that the field they choose would be held out: for our own programs and he suggested that should be Prairie Meadows . He 4 explained that the filed that we hold out is not going to have organized play allowed and it will be for pickup play . Sleezer said that some of the general complaint from the public is they have nowhere to play. Sleezer said that Prairie Meadows is easier for people to find that's why that one is being suggested to be held . Truman said that we don 't have exclusive arrangements with anyone right now but we have priority arrangements. He is concerned that whatever field we hold open we won 't get the kind of walk on play to have it be utilized to its full potential . Swithin said that pickup play would happen where persons live and they will go to the nearest green space to where the live; Hiding Spot Park she felt is a good example of that. Mogle also noted that right now we're looking at the association paying $ 10 per participant to the Park and Recreation Department. Whether they want to tack that onto their surcharge or use their reserves that are what we would like to shoot for . Ken Koch said at their last meeting they already agreed to raise the fee to $ 15 . Truman said that the registration fee goes up every year and their program still grows double digits . Sleezer said we put a lot of money into the fields so we have to try to recoup some of our expenses . Sleezer said that if they don 't contribute more then they are going to see a night and day difference on how the fields are going to look . He said we're not asking them to cover all our costs . Truman wants to make sure we tag a surcharge on their registration fees but we need to settle this with them before they start printing registration materials . Swithin said that they were missing a void of giving them that opportunity of coming in and giving them the rental of three entire fields for tournaments and they were looking to have everything dragged before each game . She went over the three basic packages that cover the additional fees in preparing the fields . She said that they could choose a package . She went over the price changes and packages listed in the agreement. Park Board Meeting for 12127107 — Quorum Question Dave Mogle stated that he would be out on the 27t" and wanted to find out if there would be a quorum that night. After discussion the decision was made that there would be a meeting . 5 Reports : Directors Report 1 , YMCA Partnership Presentation to City Council : Dave Mogle said that the YMCA presented to the City Council and EDC Committee . They are giving the YMCA an opportunity to do a public hearing . His understanding is that they are coming to the COW meeting on the 18tH 2 , Hoover Ad Hoc Committee Dave Mogle noted that there was nothing new and he and Jason were shooting for a committee meeting on the 18tH . He said that the lease went in front of the county board members and it went really well . Jason said that there were a small minority that wanted the City to contribute more money but they liked the idea of the City and County's cooperative efforts . 3 . IPR State Conference Mogle said that Ken Koch and Deb Horaz would go the same day as Gary Golinskie . Parks Report Scott Sleezer passed out a memo on the purchase of a new pickup truck and a new wing style mower. He said that they were included in the original 2007-2008 Parks Capital budget and has also been approved in themed year budget adjustments . He said he wanted to order the mower now to get the discounts . He also said that we wouldn 't have to pay for them until we get. them . Ken Koch asked for a voice vote in approval to move forward in the purchase of the mower and truck and it was unanimously approved by voice vote . Recreation Report Sue Swithin goes over some highlights on the Yorkville Recreation Department monthly report. She handed out a final concession report that wasn 't: included in the packet. She asked if we wanted to talk about the survey . She handed out the survey and she noted that it was a raw survey at this time . She said it was imperative that we see if we are in the right page on what our current indoor and outdoor needs are . 6 Adjournment: Ken Koch asked for a motion to suspend the regular meeting at 10 : 00 pm and enter into executive session , for the purchase of real property for the use of the public body . Sedgwick made a motion and Horaz seconded the motion . Koch entertains a motion to end the executive session and to reconvene into regular session at 10 : 30 PM . Deb Horaz makes the motion and Kelly Sedgwick seconded the motion . Additional Business: None With no other business Ken Koch entertains a motion to adjourn the meeting at 10 : 30 PM . Van Truman made a motion and Vickie Coveny seconded the motion to end the regular session . The motion was unanimously approved by voice vote . Next Meeting : ®eceinber 27, 2007 Minutes respectfully submitted by Jamie Cheatham , Minute Taker, 7 MEMORANDUM TO: Yorkvil i Park Board FROM: Dave o' gle', Dir , or of Parks and Recreation 4 12E: Old Busiiress DATE: December 21 , 2007 REVIEW OF 2007 YYBSA AGREEMENT AND DISCUSSION FOR 2003 Staff met with the YYBSA president to begin the revision process for a new agreement. We emphasized the three main areas we wanted address; that would be fees toward field maintenance, holding out afield for other uses, and tournament scheduling. Other more minor issues were also discussed. Staff will update the board and seek direction. MEMORANDUM TO: York ' I Board FROM: Dav M gle, Director of Parks and Recreation RE: Director's Report DATE: December 21 , 2007 CLARK PROPERTY Final approval for the purchase of the Clark Property on E. Main St, occurred at the December 18, City Council Meeting. Attached is a press release that describes the property and sale. asked, "How does it work? " as have fun bowling on a Nintendo Will Tuesday. < she looked quizzically at the q I'll F sleek white controller in her f S �fce �S '�5•�➢ifS��fil�s �9g�ypy+7f��C�H�S� ' ' hand. - ` � it •: f 1 I think you push the A, then tlieB," resident Edna Pozdolre WishmgioraWir)hisChnstmas� Acombmationo( mightsho ipF+ , Sr' plied helpfully, coaching Sti'eff I PPalleflce and pemstenens your best bel As olTuesday Storese �plbyees r�cQ @mend caihng ahead`] through her turn. TargetOameClazy ;6ame5top ' i(martand8eslBuystores Whalu�e �oership�enls'usualiyalnveanap� "Oh dear, that was awful ' m theareawere sold out of 1116 popular Nlnfendo game vistC aceoPgly ` ) Streff sighed af't'er accidentally console Another a�he is fo}eampAUl rp (root ofyti li switching the game back to the I{owever someslores oxpecttogeta iditionai shipments storetn the molnmgs employees said ensue betorelnext week lhollgh pone could specify when they tlibs onoflhal'may wine r (haI day ? Turn to SENIORS, A2 Yor ale �� � FACES riverfront property By Rowena Vergara natulaigreen space Sutcli l ff STAFF WRITER said, The city is agieeing to conserve the land; and not re- � YORI�VILLE — The city develop itfor commercial use. rawn plans topurchaseapieceofriw : ` "The erfrontpropertytlratsomeday trationis conservation ofgreen. _ will include benches, walking space on the river;" Sutcliff By Dan Campana us one way or anothe trails and potentially a bike said. srAEF:W iiT a Originallyslatedfo trail. Thecitywdllikelynamethe completion on Dec The property of longtime, green space Hopkins Park; in BA.TAVIA. — For all the date is now Cargetec Yorlcvi]leresident RonClarlc y honor` ofClarksgiandfaflier.' ' wo"rryab'outwbatcouldhappeu January. City and stat at the:'southeast ,corner of , Five aldermen supported ;' • to downtown businesses dui-- agreed to an extensi Route.47 and Main Street is ; thepurchase, whReAlderman ing the Wilson Street bridge rainysummerstretct being '$old to the city for `` Rose Spears voted against rt. reconstruction, an unexpected the work. Finishing t( benefit arose for the new bike the span should be $550,090 accordingtoiliereal.� Two alderman, Arden Joe',' , . P estate agreement. The deal Plocher and Joe Besco, were shop. y May, officials said et ' will likely close by the first of absent.. Drivers stuck in backed-up month, the year, Alderman Robyn Sat Alderman Mar ty Mourns fa- trafficb'ecauseoflaneclosures The $10 million b 1 cliff said Wednesday: " I vored the deal because itwas a or other delays had plenty of molition and recom Family members of Clark "rmdque proper ty," but said he time to stare outtheirwmdolvs, project began in Fehr approached Sutcliff, whose would: not support frequent some in the duectionofPraisie got off to a slow star I ward includes Clark's property, spending of taxpayer money Path Cycles which opened la usuallyhighriverlew 1 and MayorValeneBurdinAii- onreal'estiiepurchases. April. = progress for six v gust about the 'city acquiring . I'm not abigfan of spend- ` It almost helped us ,people March and April. He the4.34acresoflandalong the ` mgalotoftaxpayermoney,but, hadiiistop right infrontofus met rains furthered t IoxItiver it wasapfudenttilingtodo)' ofliecauseofthe6iistrdction," Anewbusinessope The Clark name has been 'said. said.Joe LaFontaine, ci b owner - customers continuin known in Yorkville for four The city will pay its fast in- of the shop'with Mike carrell. destination-type st generations, and the family's stallment of $100,000 to the "In all honesty, we don't know wish istouseliispropertyasa; Clark fari ly within 30days. whether (the bridge work) hurt : . 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