Resolution 2003-09 RESOLUTION NO.: 03-6°N RESOLUTION APPROVING THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARMENT WATER DEPARTMENT MAINTENANCE PLAN AND STANDARDS WHEREAS,the Mayor and the City Council of THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE after careful consideration deem it to be in the best interest of the City and the Community to approve the Public Works Department Water Department Maintenance Plan and Standards; and WHEREAS,the Mayor and the City Council of THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE deem it in the best interest of the City to promote a uniform maintenance plan and standards for the Water Department of the United City of Yorkville Public Works Department; and WHEREAS,the Mayor and the City Council of THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE have carefully considered said Plan and Standards and deem it to be acceptable and beneficial to the City: NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE: 1. That the City hereby approves the United City of Yorkville Public Works Department Water Department Maintenance Plan and Standards, and the accompanying narrative text,charts and summary to be used as the Water Department Maintenance Plan and Standards until further review or modification by the United City of Yorkville Park Board and City Council. PA Il�`�' /'� PASSED AND APPROVED this day of � ,2003. MAYOR ATTEST: '—CITY CPERK Water Maintenance Identification 10-Water Main Maintenance 10-01 Main Break Repair . 10-02 New Installation 10-03 Contractor Assistance 10-04 Other 20- Water Service Maintenance 20-01 Raise/Lower B Boxes 20-02 Locate Service 20-03 Leak.Repair 20-04 Service Tap 20-05 Other 30- Samples and Testing 30-01 Monthly Samples 30-02 New Construction Samples 30-03 Boil Order Samples 30-04 Other Samples 40- Well Maintenance 40-01 Daily Check 40-02 Booster Station.Check 40-03 Monthly Well Data Reports 40-04 Draw Downs 40-05 Emergency Repair 40-06 Annual Check 50- Hydrant and Valve Maintenance 50-01 Hydrant Repair 50-02 Hydrant Replacement 50-03 Hydrant Flushing 50-04 Valve Repair 50-05 Valve Replacement 50-06 Valve Operation 60- Customer Service 60-01 Service Call 60-02 Meter Repair 60-03 Meter Installation 60-04 Meter Reading 60-05 Customer Questions 70- Cross Department Support 70-0.1 City Events 70-02 Street Support 70-03 Sewer Support 70-04 Park Support 70-05 Police 70-06 Non-City 70-07 Administration 70-08 City Council 70-09 Other 80- Administration and Training 80-01 In House Training 80-02 In House Workshop 80-03 Off Sit Local Training 80-04 Off Site Regional Training 80-05 Off Site Sate Conferences 80-06 Staff Meetings 80-07 City Meetings 80-08 Educational 90- Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance 90-01 Routine Vehicle Maintenance 90-02 Routine Equipment Maintenance 90-03 Major Vehicle Maintenance 90-04 Major Equipment Maintenance u I United City of Yorkville Public Works Department I Water Department Maintenance Plan and Standards Goals Maintaining a municipal water system, which provides the citizens of Yorkville with clean, safe drinking water and adequate water for fire protection. Complying with all Federal and State Environmental Protection Agency rules and regulations. Purpose • Scheduling- identifying recurring and non-recurring work • Monitor work functions and data collection • Preview future schedules u • Determine frequency of maintenance • Determine personnel standards and levels • Determine growth impacts on maintenance • Determine cost impacts for maintenance and expansion Classification of Maintenance • Housekeeping - General cleaning in the shop and office areas. For example, sweeping, mopping, scrubbing, emptying garbage cans, and washing vehicles. • Routine Maintenance- daily well monitoring, installation of outside readers, acting on problem response forms, and similar recurring maintenance activities. Preventative Maintenance—(includes periodic inspections to prevent breakdown)- trucks, backhoe, pumps, power tools, and other equipment used by the water department • City Programs— assisting other departments in the preparation for city sponsored events. • Scheduled Improvements—flushing hydrants, exercising valves, main and service installations, hydrant replacement, and large equipment repairs and replacements. • Emergency Repairs—usually due to weather, misuse, or other unpredictable occurrences. • Other—items that do not fit into one of the identified categories. i j I 100-Time Off 100-01 Vacation 100-02 Sick Leave 100-03 Holiday 100-04 Compensation Time 100-05 Overtime 100-06 Other 4 110-Office/Prep 110-01 Data Entry 110-02 Coding Bills 110-03 Research 110-04 Correspondence 110-05 Cleaning I Water Maintenance Hours ID Number Description Daily Weekly Monthly Annually As Needed Total Water Main Maintenance 1001 Main Break Repairs 55 480 1002 New Installation 0 0 1003 Contractor Assistance 240 240 1004 Other 0 category total 720 Water Service Maintenance 2001 Raise/Lower B-Boxes 2 104 2002 Locate Service/b-box 4 48 2003 Leak Repair 120 120 2004 Service Tap 12 12 2005 Other category total 284 Samples and Testing 3001 Monthly Samples 6 72 3002 New Construction Samples 255.5 255.5 3003 Boil Order Samples 16 16 3004 Others category total 343.5 Well Maintenance 4001 Daily Check 1 260 4002 Booster Station Check 0.25 65 4003 Monthly Well Data Reports 2 24 4004 Draw Downs 16 16 4005 Emergency Repair 16 16 4006 Annual Check 40 40 category total 421 Water Maintenance Hours ID Number Description Daily Weekly Monthly Annually As Needed Total Hydrant and Valve Maintenance 5001 Hydrant Repair 16 16 5002 Hydrant Replacement 16 16 5003 Hydrant Flushing 160 160 5004 Valve Repair 5005 Valve Replacement 5006 Valve Operation 160 160 category total 352 Water Maintenance Hours Customer Service 6001 Service Calls 1.5 390 6002 Meter Repairs 1 260 6003 Meter Installation 2.25 585 6004 Meter Reading 2 104 6005 Customer Questions 1 52 category total 1391 Cross Department Support 7001 City Wide Events 40 40 7002 Street Support 89.5 89.5 7003 Sewer Support 135 135 7004 Park Support 32 32 7005 Police 2 2 7006 Non-City 16 16 7007 Administration 40 40 7008 City Council 8 8 7009 Other 0 category total 362.5 Water Maintenance Hours ID Number Description Daily Weekly Monthly Annually As Needed Total Administration and Training 8001 In House Training 40 40 8002 In House Workshop 16 16 8003 Off Site Local Training 8 8 * 8004 Off Site Regional Training 8 8 * 8005 Off Site State Conferences 16 16 * 8006 Staff Meetings 80 80 8007 City Wide Meetings 8 8 8008 Educational 8 8 category total 184 Vehicle & Equipment Maint. 9001 Routine Vehicle Maintenance 1 52 9002 Routine Equipment Maint. 1 52 9003 Major Vehicle Maint. 40 40 9004 Major Equipment Maint. 40 40 category total 184 Time Off 10001 Vacation 320 320 * 10002 Sick Leave 168 168 * 10003 Holiday 208 208 10004 Compensation Time 160 160 * 10005 Overtime 625 625 * 10006 Other 40 40 category total 1621 Office/Prep 11001 Data Entry 1 7 364 11002 Coding Bills 1 52 11003 Research 16 192 11004 Correspondence 0.5 26 11005 Cleaning 80 80 category total 714 Total Hours 6477 " Denotes areas needing improvement or change in scheduling Locate service/B-Box-we need to update our files with locations of B-Boxes for ease of future reference. New Construction Samples-This item will continue to grow as the city does, and as we expand our own facilities. Daily Well Check-As we expand, this will increase dramatically with the addition of the Cation exchange plants start to come on line. Daily Booster Check-This will increase with expansion will include at least two more for sure. Hydrant Replacement-We have some older hydrants that need replacing. If we can budget time and money, I would like to replace at least 4 per year. Valve Operation-We need to get back to seasonal operation of each valve. We have gotten away from it due to time and manpower constraints Meter Installation -This is actually a combination of outside reader installation on new construction and meter.replacement in existing residences. This is exploding with the new growth. Training - We need to continue education in all departments, but water is very important with the implementation of new treatment methods, and the requirement of C.E.U.'s to maintain a valid license: Summary Each department within public works has unique characteristics which make it difficult to set one standard for maintenance throughout public works. I have used figures that more truly represent what each department's responsibilities are within public works. All dollar amounts are from.the 2002-2003 fiscal year budget. All figures are current, and do not include the following: Windett Ridge, The Highlands, Country Hills II, Heartland Circle, Grande Reserve, Kimball Hill, Menard's Residential, or either project in Yorkville Marketplace. Water Department Salaries (Full time, Part time, Overtime and benefits) $162,995 TOTAL MILES OF WATER MAIN 66 = $2469 per mile Infrastructure and Operational Supplies $359,850 =TOTAL MILES OF WATER MAIN 66= $5452 per mile Capital Expenses* $84,000 TOTAL MILES OF WATER MAIN 66 = $1272 per mile TOTAL COST PER MILE OF WATER MAIN $9193 *Reflects entire public works capital budget divided by 3 for sewer, water and streets. u Manpower Existing manpower 2 full time employees @ 2080 per year= 4160 1 part time employee @ 400 per year= 400 Total Hours 4560 Total hours needed per study 6477 Difference - 1917 Conclusion— 1 full time employee is needed to meet the standards that are being set forth. Fiscal Impact u 1 full time employee Maintenance Worker I with benefits $34580 1 Fu ll se t f uniforms and gear $2000 TOTAL $36580 totals 2002 WATER DEPT.2002 JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY JUN JULY AUG. . OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL HOURS TOTALS ROUNDS 52.5 36 28 34 38.5 36 41 42.5 30 34.5 33 36 442 SERVICE CALL 10.5 19.5 32 20 38.5 33 32 40.5 31.5 17 31 33.5 339 VALVES/B-BOX 2 11 10.5 6 24.5 10 3 4 11 6 13.5 8 109.5 METERS 42.5 128 fit 52 77 58.5 59 56.5 52.5 64.5 66 73.5 791 HYDRANTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 OF 0 83 0 0 83 H2O BREAKS 21 0 0 0 13 0 3 12 0 9 4.5 11.5 55 TAP H2O MAINS 0 0 0 0 1.5 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 5.5 LOCATES 16 13 5 15 29 43 31 38 8.5 6 18 16 240.5 NEW CONSTRUCTION 29 13 42.5 34.5 15 2 7 39.5 6 22.5 26 18.5 255.5 EQUIP.REPAIR 42 5 14.5 10 8 2 2 0 0 0 12.5 13 109 TRUCK REPAIR 3 0 5.5 5 1.5 0.5 3 7 0 2 4.5 3 35 OFFICEIBILLS 69.5 44 56.5 8.5 25 16 13.5 5.5 25 14 30.5 20.5 328.5 MONTHLY SAMPLES 0 0 4.5 6.5 15.5 5 5.5 3.5 15.5 5 4.5 6 71.5 STREET DEPT. 25.5 10 10 0 0 8 0 8 2 5 17 4 89.5 PARKS DEPT. 0 0 7 3 2 0 0 5 11 0 4 0 32 SEWER DEPT. 8 4 2 18 21 11 18 22 5 8 6 12 135 MISC. 23 9 48.5 87 18 49 2 4 40.5 20 7 9.5 317.5 CITY BUILDINGS 3 2 1 0 0 0 4 0 6.5 1.5 0 4 22 SICK PAY 32 2.5 8 19 16 10 0 16 8 16 10 11 148.5 VACATION 0 8 0 0 0 0 96 24 56 01 0 0 184 HOLIDAY 81 16 16 0 16 0 16 0 16 0 48 64 200 OVERTIME 38.51 50 64.5 62 58.5 54.5 26.5 67.5 31 75.5 50.5 46 625 O.T.TO COMP. 0 0 13.5 26.5 6 6.5 2 8.5 1 34.5 7.5 3.5 109.5 COMP TIME TAKEN 0 0 8 28 8 36 32 24 10 48 0 8 202 P.T. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL HOURS 407 3711 438.51 435 432.5 3811 396.51 4281 367 478 3941 401.51 4930 Page 1 JOE MOORE 2002 WATER DEPT.2002 JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY JUN JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL HOUR JOE MOORE ROUNDS 46.5 36 28 26 36.5 30 17 36.5 28 26.5 33 26 370 SERVICE CALL 3.5 1.5 3 2 5.5 6 9 6.5 8.5 5 9 5.5 65 VALVES/B-BOX 3 0.5 1 1 1 6.5 1 14 METERS 32.5 85 61 50 76 54.5 35 56.5 52.5 55.5 58 64.5 681 HYDRANTS 27 27 H2O BREAKS 4 0.5 1.5 6 TAP H2O MAINS 1.5 1.5 LOCATES 2 4 1.5 1 8 16.5 NEW CONSTRUCTION 25 24.5 12.5 12 5 34.5 1 14.5 15 6.5 150.5 EQUIP.REPAIR 30 0.5 1.5 2.5 34.5 TRUCK REPAIR 1.5 1.5 0.5 0.5 4 OFFICE/BILLS 7.5 14.51 35.5 6.5 12.5 111 5.5 5.5 13 2 7.5 6.5 127.5 MONTHLY SAMPLES 4.5 6.5 15.5 5 4.5 3.5 15.5 5 4.5 6 70.5 STREET DEPT. 5.5 1 6.5 PARKS DEPT. 0 SEWER DEPT. MISC. 15 9 24.5 35 6 35 2 4 18.5 2 4 7.5 162.5 CITY BUILDINGS. 3 2.5 1.5 7 SICK PAY 16 2.5 3 8 2 8 2 3 44. VACATION 80 HOLIDAY 8 8 8 . 8 8 24 32 96 OVERTIME 16 15.5 30.5 25 23.5 20 8 22 19.5 20 12.5 13 225.5 O.T.TO COMP. 10 19.5 6.5 2 8.5 1 34.5 7.5 3.5 93 COMP TIME TAKEN 28 16 16 24 10 32 g 134 P.T. 0 TOTAL HOURS 200.5 176.5 233 214 207.5 186.5 194 206.5 179.5 238.5 188 192.51 2417 Page 1 rt l l brian 2002 WATER DEPT.2002 JAN. FEB. MARCH APRIL MAY JUN JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. TOTAL HOUR BRIAN SORENSEN ROUNDS 6 8 2 6 24 6 2 8 10 72 SERVICE CALL 7 18 29 18 33 27 23 34 23 12 22 28 274 VALVES/B-BOX 2 8 10 6 23.5 10 3 3 11 5 7 7 95.5 METERS 10 43 2 1 4 24 9 8 9 110 HYDRANTS 56 56 H2O BREAKS 2 13 3 12 51 4 10 49 TAP H2O MAINS 4 4 LOCATES 16 13 5 15 29 43 29 34 7 8 17 8 224 NEW CONSTRUCTION 4 13 18 22 3 2 2 5 5 8 11 12 105 EQUIP.REPAIR 12 4.5 13 10 8 2 2 10 13 74.5 TRUCK REPAIR 3 4 5 3 7 2 4 3 31 OFFICE/BILLS 62 29.5 21 2 12.51 5 8 12 12 23 14 201 MONTHLY SAMPLES 1 1 STREET DEPT. 20 9 10 8 8 2 5 17 4 83 PARKS DEPT. 7 3 2 5 11 4 32 SEWER DEPT. 8 4 2 18 21 11 18 22 5 8 6 12 135 MISC. 8 24 52 12 14 22 18 3 2 155 CITY BUILDINGS 2 1 4 4 4 15 SICK PAY 16 8 16 8 B 16 8 8 8 8 104 VACATION 8 16 24 56 104 HOLIDAY 8 8 8 8 8 8 24 32 104 OVERTIME 22.5 34.5 34 37 35 34.5 18.5 45.5 11.5 55.5 38 33 399.5 O.T.TO COMP. 3.5 7 6 16.5 COMP TIME TAKEN 8 8 20 16 16 68 P.T. 0 TOTAL HOURS 206.5 194.51 205.51 221 225 194.51 202.5 221.51 187.5 239.51 206 209 2513 Page 1 Name Week Of Description SUN MON TUE WED THUR FRI SAT TOTAL Water Main Maintenance Main Break Repair New Installation Contractor Assistance Other Water Service Maintenance Raise/Lower B-Box Locate Service Leak Repair Service Tap Other Samples and Testing ko-nthly Samples New Construction Samples Boil Order Samples Other Samples Well Maintenance ba—ily Check Booster Station Check Monthly Well Data Reports Draw Downs Emergency Repair Annual Check Hydrant and Valve Maint. Hydrant Repair Hydrant Replacement Hydrant Flushing Valve Repair Valve replacement Valve Operation Customer Service Service Call Meter Repair Meter Installation Meter Reading Customer Questions Cross Department Support City Events Sewer Support Street Support Park Support Police Ko—n-City Administration City Council Other Administration and Training In House Training In House Workshop Off Site Local Training. Off Site Regional Training Off Site State Conferences Staff Meetings City Wide Meetings Educational Vehicle and Equipment Maint Routine Vehicle Maintenance Routine Equipment Maint. Major Vehicle Maintenance Major Equipment Maint. Time Off Vacation Sick Leave Holida Comp Time Overtime Other Office/Pre Data Entry Coding Bills Research Correspondence Cleaning United City of Yorkville Public Works Department Sewer Department Maintenance Plan and Standards Goals • Provide citizens of Yorkville with certain services that ensure safe and effective transportation of sanitary waste. Purpose • Scheduling- identifying recurring and non-recurring work • ` Monitor work functions and data collection • Preview future weekly and monthly schedules • Establish a level of maintenance standards • Determine frequency of maintenance • Determine personnel standards and levels • Determine growth impacts on maintenance • Determine cost impacts for maintenance and expansion i Classification of Maintenance i • Housekeeping- General cleaning in the shop and office areas. For example, sweeping, mopping, scrubbing, emptying garbage cans, washing vehicles 0 Routine Maintenance- Checking lift stations, degreasing, performing JULIE locates,jetting, and similar recurring maintenance activities • Preventative Maintenance- (includes periodic inspections to prevent break down)- trucks,jetter, backhoe, power tools, and other equipment used by the sewer department • City Programs- assisting other departments in the preparation for city sponsored events. • Scheduled Improvements- pulling lift station pumps for inspection and rebuilding, exercising generator motors, infrastructure upgrades, and large equipment repairs and replacements. • Emergency Repairs -Usually due to weather, misuse, or other unpredictable occurrences. • Other-items that do not fit into one of the identified categories - Sewer Maintenance Identification 10 Maintenance Sanitary Sewer Manhole 10-01 Manhole inspection 10-02 Minor Repairs 10-03 Major Repairs 10-04 Frame Adjustments 10-05 Cleaning 20 Sanitary Sewer Main Maintenance 20-01 Weekly Jetting 20-02 Monthly Jetting 20-03 Emergency Repairs 30 Customer Service 30-01 Service Call 30-02 Sanitary Sewer Main Check 30-03 General Customer Questions 30-04 Contractor Questions 30-05 JULIE Locates 40 Lift Station Maintenance 40-01 Daily Check 40-02 Degreasing Lift Stations 40-03 Monthly Maintenance 40-04 Exercise Generators 40-05 Emergency Repair 40-06 Annual Check 50 Cross Department Support 50-01 City Wide Events 50-02 Street Support 50-03 Water Support 50-04 Park Support i 50-05 Police Support 50-06 Non-City Support 50-07 Administration 50-08 City Council 50-09 Other 60 Administration and Training 60-01 In House Training 60-02 In House Workshop 60-03 Off Site Local Training 60-04 Off Site Regional Training 60-05 Off Site State Conferences 60-06 Staff Meetings 60-07 City Wide Meetings 60-08 Educational 70 Time Off 70-01 Vacation 70-02 Sick Leave 70-03 Holiday 70-04 Compensation Time 70-05 Over Time 70-06 Other 80 Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance 80-01 Routine Vehicle Maintenance 80-02 Routine Equipment Maintenance 80-03 Major Vehicle Maintenance 80-04 Major Equipment Maintenance u 90 Office/Prep 90-01 Data Entry 90-02 Coding bills 90-03 Research 90-04 Correspondence 90-05 cleaning Sewer Maintenance Hours ID Number Description Daily Weekly Monthly Annually As Needed Total Manhole Maintenance 1001 Inspections 4 48 1002 Minor Repairs 16 16 1003 Major Repairs 32 32 1004 Frame Adjustments 32 32 1005 Cleaning 80 80 ' catego total 208 Main Maintenance 2001 Weekly Jetting 16 832 ' 2002 Monthly Jetting 32 384 2003 Emergency Repairs 120 120 1336 Customer Service 3001 Service Call 2 104 3002 Main Check 1 52 3003 Customer Questions 1 52 3004 Contractor Questions 4 208 3005 JULIE Locates 4 1040 category total 1456 Lift Station Maintenance 4001 Daily Check 2 520 4002 Degreasing Lift Stations 2 104 ,4003 Monthly Maintenance 2 24 " 4004 Exercise Generators 2 104 " 4005 Emergency Repair 160 160 4006 Annual Check 80 80 category total 992 Cross Department Support 5001 City Wide Events 200 200 5002 Street Support 190 190 5003 Water Support 330 330 5004 Park Support 40 40 5005 Police 2 2 5006 Non-City 16 16 5007 Administration 40 40 5008 City Council 8 8 5009 Other 1 0 category total 826 Sewer Maintenance Hours ID Number Description Daily Weekly Monthly Annually As Needed Total Administration and Training 6001 In House Training 40 40 6002 In House Workshop 161 16 6003 Off Site Local Training 8 8 6004 Off Site Regional Training 8 8 6005 Off Site State Conferences 16 16 6006 Staff Meetings 80 80 6007 City Wide Meetings 8 8 6008 Educational 8 8 category total 164 . Vehicle&Equipment Maint. 7001 Routine Vehicle Maintenance 1 52 7002 Routine Equipment Maint. 1 52 7003 Maior Vehicle Maint. 40 40 7004 Major Equipment Maint. 40 40 category total 184 Time Off 8001 Vacation 160 160 " 8002 Sick Leave 168 168 " 8003 Holiday 208 208 8004 Compensation Time 80 80 8005 Overtime 400 400 " 8006 Other 40 40 category total 1056 Office/Prep 9001 Data Entry 52 9002 Coding Bills 1 52 9003 Research 8 96 9004 Correspondence 0.5 26 9005 Cleaning 80 80 category total 306 Total Hours 6588 Denotes areas needing Improvement or change In scheduling Manhole Inspections-I would like to start a preventative program where we try and stop problems before they progress to an emergency situation. Manhole Cleaning-Follow up to inspections,we wills end more time cleaning after inspections. Weekly Jetting-Establish a week) 'etting program for maintenance. Devise plan to encompass entire town on a rotational basis throughout the year. . Lift station monthly maintenance-a comprehensive program for routine maintenance to ensure a long working life of each of our lift stations.. Vacation,sick time, and overtime-we need to start accounting for this time. It is becoming very difficult to schedule employees when many of them have hundreds of hours of time off. Summary Each department within public works has unique characteristics which make it difficult to set one standard for maintenance throughout public works. I have used figures that more truly represent what each department's responsibilities are within public works. All dollar amounts are from the 2002-2003 fiscal year budget. All figures are current, and do not include the following: Windett Ridge, The Highlands, Country Hills II, Heartland Circle, Grande Reserve, Kimball Hill, Menard's Residential, or either project in Yorkville Marketplace. NOTE—at this time, we are using the same number of miles as water main until such time we can get a more accurate count. Sewer Department Salaries (Full time, Part time, Overtime and benefits) $127,578 TOTAL MILES OF WATER MAIN 66 = $1933 per mile Infrastructure and Operational Supplies $55027 TOTAL MILES OF WATER MAIN 66= $833 per mile Capital Expenses* $84,000 TOTAL MILES OF WATER MAIN 66 =$1272 per mile TOTAL COST PER MILE OF WATER MAIN $4038 *Reflects entire public works capital budget divided by 3 for sewer, water and streets. Manpower Existing manpower 2 full time employees @ 2080 per year= 4160 Total Hours 4160 Total hours needed per study 6588 Difference - 2428 Conclusion- 1 full time employee is needed to meet the standards that are being set forth. Fiscal Impact u 1 full time employee Maintenance Worker I with benefits $34580 1 Full set of uniforms and gear $2000 TOTAL $36580 l l k 2002 TOTAL JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC TOTAL LIFT STATIONS 85 59 76.5 67.5 52.5 45.5 79 92 105.5 65 55 65.5 848 LOCATES 90 83 88 70 58 55 109 130 118.5 126 72 75.5 1075 JETTING 38 3.5 13 27.5 11.5 9.5 24 19 13 0 8.5 8.5 176 STORM/SEWER 31 23.5 81 11 7 0 3 1 3 6.5 2.5 0 68.5 SANITARY/SEWER 61 0 19 17.5 0 0 0 5 0 0 2.5 0 50 SERVICECALL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 4.5 7.5 PLOWSNOW 7 2.5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13.5 SALTING 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2.5 2.5 OFFICE/BILLS 3 0 16 7 7.5 2 3 12.5 1 16 8.5 8 84.5 .MISC 41 9 0 0 0 0 1 13 5 0 1.5 6 76.5 .EQUIP/REPAIR 0 3.5 4 5 0 3 7 0 0 14 5.5 13.5 55.5 .TRUCK/REPAIR 4 0 5 0 14 5 0 0 7 0 13.5 14.5 63 CITY/BLDGS 20 21.5 18.5 11 0 3.5 21.5 3.5 13 21 10 51.5 195 WATER/DEPT 23 17.5 21 21.5 22 20.5 14 31 43.5 81.5 16 17.5 329 STREETIDEPT 8.5 9 44 8 4.5 16 10.5 21 8.5 11 25 19.5 185.5 PARK/DEPT 0 0 3 2 1.5 0 0 9 0 0 17 1 33.5 SICK/DAY 0 32 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 19.5 16 75.5 HOLIDAY 32 16 8 0 8 0 8 0 16 8 48 32 176 VAC/DAY 0 0 8 80 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 88 OVERTIME 9.5 24 63.5 17 ol 0 0.5 0 ill 17.51 4 17 164 OTC 10 18 0 0 6 19 15.5 15.5 3 24 0 20 131 F/H 0 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 24 .COMP/TAKEN 0 62 0 0 0 0 8 16 8 11.5 32 8 145.5 TOTAL 380 384 399.5 361 192.5 179 304 368.5 358 411 341 389 4067.5 i SEWER DEPARTMENT 2002 CARLFERGUSON JAN .FES MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC TOTAL LIFTSTATIONS 30 50 56.5 35 21.5 17 210 LOCATES 40 81.5 66 88 66 68 409.5 JETTING 10 8.5 6.5 2 27 .STORM/SEWER 3 1 4 .SANITARY/SEWER 0 SERVICECALL 0 PLOWSNOW 0 SALTING 0 OFFICE/BILLS 1 2.5 3.5 .MISC 1 13 2.5 6 22.5 .EQUIP/REPAIR 3 11 2 3 19 .TRUCK/REPAIR 3.5 5.5 7 16 CITY/BLDGS 8.5 3 13 5 25 54.5 WATER/DEPT 5.5 12.5 16.5 29 6 8 77.5 STREET/DEPT 2 3 5.5 10 20.5 PARK/DEPT 4.5 17 21.5 SICK/DAY 11.5 11.5 HOLIDAY 8 8 24 18 56 VAC/DAY 0 OVERTIME 0.5 91 2 11.5 OTC 2.61 3 6.5 12 F/H 8 8 .COMP/TAKEN 1.5 8 8 17.5 TOTAL ol ol ol 01 0 0 104.5 1791 171 201 170.51 176 1002 l l ,F SEWER DEPARTMENT 2002 MIFF MIKKELSON .JAN YES MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC TOTAL LIFTSTATIONS 43 31 46.5 20 140.5 LOCATES 45.5 64.5 0.66 28 138.66 JETTING 20.5 3.5 8 10 42 .STORWSEWER 23.5 7 4 34.5 .SANITARY/SEWER 61 6.5 10 22.5 SERVICECALL p PLOWSNOW 1 2.5 1 4.5 SALTING p OFFICE/BILLS 3 16 7 26 .MISC 24 9 33 .EQUIP/REPAIR p .TRUCK/REPAIR 4 2 6 CITY/BLDGS 0 WATER/DEPT 9 1 3 1 14 STREETIDEPT 4 7 4 15 PARK/DEPT p SICK/DAY - 32 N HOLIDAY 16 8 24 VAC/DAY 8 60 88 OVERTIME 9.5 24 44.5 1 79 OTC 0 F/H 8 8 .COMP/TAKEN 0 TOTAL 185.51 206 147.18 169 0 0 0 0 1871 2101 170.5 213 707.66 SEWER DEPARTMENT 2002 DAVE BEHRENS .JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC TOTAL LIFTSTATIONS 42 28 30 47.5 52.5 45.5 49 42 49 30 33.5. 48.5 497.5 LOCATES 44.5 18.5 22 42 58 55 69 48.5 52.5 38 6 7.5 461.5 JETTING 17.5 5 17.5 11.5 9.5 14 10.5 6.5 6.5 8.5 107 .STORM/SEWER. 3 1 7 7 3 6.5 2.5 30 .SANITARY/SEWER 12.5 7.5 . 5 2.5 27.5 SERVICECALL 2 1 4.5 7.5 PLOWSNOW 6 3 9 SALTING 2.5 2.5 OFFICE/BILLS 7.5 2 2 10 1 16 8.5 8 55 .MISC 17 2.51 1.5 1 21 .EQUIP/REPAIR 3.5 4 5 3 4 3 3.5 10.5 36.5 .TRUCK/REPAIR 3 14 5 3.5 8 7.5 41 CITY/BLDGS 20 21.5 18.5 11 3.5 13 3.5 10 8 5 26.5 140.5 WATER/DEPT 14 16.5 18 20.5 22 20.5 8.5 18.5 27 52.5 10 9.5 237.5 STREET/DEPT 4.5 2 40 8 4.5 16 8.5 18 3 11 25 9.5 150 PARK/DEPT 3 2 1.5 . 4.5 1 12 SICK/DAY 8 8 16 32 HOLIDAY 16 8 8 8 8 8 24 16 96 VAC/DAY 0 OVER/TIME 19 16 11 8.5 2 17 73.5 OTC 10 18 6 19 15.5 13 . 17.5 20 119 F/H 8 8 .COMP/TAKEN 62 8 16 8 10 24 128 TOTAL 194.5 178 187 192 192.5 179 199.5 189.5 187 210 170.5 2131 2292.5 Name Week Of Description SUN MON TUE WED THUR FRI SAT TOTAL Maintenance Sanitary MH Inspection Minor Repairs Major Repairs Frame Adjustment Main Maintenance Weekly Jetting Monthly Jetting Emergency Repair Customer Service Service Call Sanitary Sewer Main Check General Customer Questions Contractor Questions JULIE Locates Lift Station Maintenance Daily Check Degrease Lift Station Monthly Maintenance Exercise Generators Emergency Repair Annual Maintenance Cross Department Support City Wide Events Street Support Water Support Parks Support Police Support Non-City Support Administration Support City Council Other Administration and Training In House Training In House Workshop Off Site Local Training Off Site Regional Training Off Site State Conferences Staff Meetings City Wide Meetings Educational Time Off Vacation Sick Leave Holiday Comp Time Overtime Other Vehicle and Equipment Maint Routine Vehicle Maintenance Routine Equipment Maint. Major Vehicle Maintenance Major Equipment Maint. Office/Pre Data Entry Coding Bills Research Correspondence Cleaning United City of Yorkville Public Works Department Street Department Maintenance Plan and Standards Goals Maintaining a municipal network of roadways to ensure safety for.the motoring public. Maintaining all signage within the United City of Yorkville to ensure efficiency and safety. Maintaining street lights and traffic signals to ensure safety. Maintain all storm sewers to ensure drainage of roadways and ditches. Purpose • Scheduling- identifying recurring and non-recurring work • Monitor work functions and data collection • Preview future schedules • Determine frequency of maintenance • Determine personnel standards and levels • Determine growth impacts on maintenance • Determine cost impacts for maintenance and expansion L Classification of Maintenance • Housekeeping- General cleaning in the shop and office areas. For example, sweeping, mopping, scrubbing, emptying garbage cans, and washing vehicles. • Routine Maintenance - daily well monitoring, installation of outside readers, acting on problem response forms, and similar recurring maintenance activities. • Preventative Maintenance—(includes periodic inspections to prevent breakdown)- trucks, backhoe, pumps, power tools, and other equipment used by the water department • City Programs—assisting other departments in the preparation for city sponsored events. • Scheduled Improvements—flushing hydrants, exercising valves, main and service installations, hydrant replacement, and large equipment repairs and replacements. • Emergency Repairs—usually due to weather, misuse, or other unpredictable occurrences. • Other—items that do not fit into one of the identified categories. Water Maintenance Identification 100- City Services 101 Brush Pick Up 102 Leaf Removal 103 Storm Clean Up 104 Other 200- Traffic Control/Street Lighting 201 Sign Installation 202 Sign Repair 203 Traffic Signal Repair 204 Street Light Installation 205 Street Light Repair 206 Other 300- Street Maintenance 301 Hot Patch 302 Cold Patch 303 Curb Maintenance 304 Striping 305 Other I 400- Plowing/Salting , 401 Streets 402 Parking Lots 403 Sidewalks 404 Bulk Snow Removal 405 Other u 500- Vehicle/Equipment Maintenance 501 Routine Vehicle Maintenance u 502 Routine Equipment Maintenance 503 Major Vehicle Maintenance 504 Major Equipment Maintenance 505 Emergency Repair 600—Facility Maintenance 601 General Maintenance 602 Special Projects 603 Electrical 604 Plumbing 605 Heating/Cooling 606 Other 700- Right of Way Maintenance 701 Mowing 702 Trash/Litter Removal 703 Weed Spraying �- 704 Trimming/Pruning Trees 705 Landscaping 706 Grade and Fill Shoulders 800- Storm Sewer Maintenance 801 Catch Basin Cleaning 802 Catch Basin Repair 803 Pipe Repair 804 Manhole Repair �-� 900- Cross Department Support 901 City Wide Events 902 Sewer Support 903 Water Support 904 Park Support 905 Police 906 Non-City 907 Administration 908 City Council 1000-Administration and Training 1001 In House Training 1002 In House Workshop 1003 Off Site Local Training 1004 Off Site Regional Training 1005 Off Site State Conferences 1006 Staff Meetings 1007 City Wide Meetings 1008 Educational 2000- Time Off 2001 Vacation 2002 Sick Leave 2003 Holiday 2004 Compensation Time 2005 Overtime 2006 Other 3000- Office/Prep 3001 Data Entry 3002 Coding Bills 3003 Research 3004 Correspondence 3005 Cleaning Street Department Maintenance ID Number Description Daily Weekly Monthly Annually As Needed Total City Services 101 Brush Pick Up 480 800 " 102 Leaf Removal 160 320 " 103 Storm Clean Up 40 40 104 Other Category Total 1160 Traffic Control/Street Lighting 201 Sign Installation 200 200 202 Sign Repair 93.5 93:5 203 Traffic Signal Repair 11 132 204 Street Light Installation 24 24 205 Street Light Repair 12.5 150 206 Other Category Total 599.5 Street Maintenance 301 Hot Patch 31 31 302 Cold Patch 11.5 138 303 Curb Maintenance 56 56 304 Striping 80 80 305 Other Category Total 305 Plowing/Salting 401 Streets 265 648 " 402 Parking Lots 403 Sidewalks 404 Bulk Snow Removal 405 Other Category Total 648