Resolution 2003-24 aoc)3 . STATE OF ILLINOIS/IDNR DOC-3 RESOLUTION OF AUTHORIZATION OSLAD/LWCF PROJECT APPLICATION 1. Project Sponsor: Chty of Yorkville 2. Project Title: Hydraulic St. Riverfront Aeg The Unite bty of Yorkville hereby certifies and acknowledges that it has 100%of the funds (local project Sponsor) necessary (includes cash and value of donated land) to complete the pending OSLAD/LWCF project within the timeframes specified herein for project execution, and that failure to adhere to the specified project timeframe or failure to proceed with the project because of insufficient funds or change in local recreation priorities is sufficient cause for project grant termination which will also result in the ineligibility of the local project sponsor for subsequent Illinois DNR outdoor recreation grant assistance consideration in the next two(2)consecutive grant cycles following project termination. Acquisition Projects It is understood that the project sponsor has up to twelve (12)months following project approval to acquire the subject property (petition to condemn must be filed for acquisitions involving eminent domain) and three (3) months following acquisition closing to submit a final reimbursement billing request to the IDNR(excluding eminent domain cases). Development Projects It is understood that the local project sponsor has six (6) months following project approval to initiate project development and a total of 24 months to complete said development with a Final Billing request submitted to IDNR within three(3)months following completion. The United City of Yorkville further acknowledges and certifies that it will comply with all (local project sponsor) terms, conditions and regulations of 1) the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development(OSLAD) program( 17 IL Adm. Code 3025)or federal Land&Water Conservation Fund(LWCF)program(17 IL Adm.Code 3030),as applicable, 2)the federal Uniform Relocation Assistance & Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-646) and/or the Illinois Displaced Persons Relocation Act (3 10 ILCS 40 et.seq.), as applicable, 3) the Illinois Human Rights Act(775 ILCS 5/1-101 et. seq.), 4) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,(P.L. 83-352), 5)the Age Discrimination Act of 1975(P.L. 94-135), 6)the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1988(P.L. 100-259)and 7)the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990(P.L. 101-336);and will maintain the project area in an attractive and safe condition, keep the facilities open to the general public during reasonable hours consistent with the type of facility, and obtain from the Illinois DNR written approval for any change or conversion of approved outdoor recreation use of the project site prior to initiating such change or conversion; and for property acquired with OSLAD/LWCF assistance, agree to place a covenant restriction on the project property deed at the time of recording that stipulates the property must be used, in perpetuity, for public outdoor recreation purposes in accordance with the OSLAD/LWCF programs and cannot be sold or exchanged,in whole or part,to another party without approval from the Illinois DNR. BE IT FURTHER PROVIDED that the United City of Yorkville certifies to the best of its (local project sponsor) knowledge that the information provided within the attached application is true and correct. This Resolution of Authorization has n duly discussed and adopted by the l 1 n ite_(City of Yorkville (local project sponsor) at a legal meeting held on the day of :Z4 ed Signature) (Title) ATTESTED B ( ) Rev.1/01 IN WITNESS W EREOF, this Resolution has been enacted this 2 day of 2003 WANDA OHARE JOSEPH BESCO VALERIE BURD PAUL JAMES LARRY KOT MARTY MUNNS ROSE SPEARS A RICHARD STICKA APPROVED by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, this &d y of , A.D. 20 MAYOR PAS ED by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this ay of , A.D. 20 03 Attest. CIT LERK Prepared by&Return to: Law Offices of Daniel J. Kramer 1107A S. Bridge St. Yorkville, IL 60560 630.553.9500 y STATE OF ILLINOIS/IDNR DOC-3 RESOLUTION OF AUTHORIZATION OSLAD/LWCF PROJECT APPLICATION 1. Project Sponsor: City of Yorkville 2. Project Title: Hydraulic St. Riverfront Aca The City of Yorkville hereby certifies and acknowledges that it has 100%of the funds (local project sponsor) necessary (includes cash and value of donated land) to complete the pending OSLAD/LWCF project within the timeframes specified herein for project execution, and that failure to adhere to the specified project timeframe or failure to proceed with the project because of insufficient funds or change in local recreation priorities is sufficient cause for project grant termination which will also result in the ineligibility of the local project sponsor for subsequent Illinois DNR outdoor recreation grant assistance consideration in the next two(2)consecutive grant cycles following project termination. Acquisition Projects It is understood that the project sponsor has up to twelve (12) months following project approval to acquire the subject property (petition to condemn must be filed for acquisitions involving eminent domain)and three(3)months following acquisition closing to submit a final reimbursement billing request to the IDNR(excluding eminent domain cases). Development Projects It is understood that the local project sponsor has six (6) months following project approval to initiate project development and a total of 24 months to complete said development with a Final Billing request submitted to IDNR within three(3)months following completion. The City of Yorkville further acknowledges and certifies that it will comply with all (1-9 project sponsor) terms, conditions and regulations of 1) the Open Space Lands Acquisition and Development(OSLAD)program( 17 IL Adm. Code 3025)or federal Land&Water Conservation Fund(LWCF)program(17 IL Adm.Code 3030),as applicable, 2)the federal Uniform Relocation Assistance & Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-646) and/or the Illinois Displaced Persons Relocation Act (310 ILCS 40 et.seq.), as applicable, 3) the Illinois Human Rights Act(775 ILCS 511-101 et. seq.), 4) Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, (P.L.83-352),5)the Age Discrimination Act of 1975(P.L. 94-135), 6)the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1988(P.L. 100-259)and 7)the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990(P.L. 101-336);and will maintain the project area in an attractive and safe condition, keep the facilities open to the general public during reasonable hours consistent with the type of facility, and obtain from the Illinois DNR written approval for any change or conversion of approved outdoor recreation use of the project site prior to initiating such change or conversion; and for property acquired with OSLAD/LWCF assistance, agree to place a covenant restriction on the project property deed at the time of recording that stipulates the property must be used, in perpetuity, for public outdoor recreation purposes in accordance with the OSLAD/LWCF programs and cannot be sold or exchanged, in whole or part,to another party without approval from the Illinois DNR. BE IT FURTHER PROVIDED that the City of Yorkville certifies to the best of its (local project sponsor) knowledge that the information provided within the attached application is true and correct. This Resolution of Authorization has been duly discussed and adopted by the City of Yorkville (local project sponsor) at a legal meeting held on the a�� day o 2003 . 7 > (CAuutlioorriizedd-SS'ignatwe) ', (Title) ATTESTED BY: (Title) Rev.1/01 u STATE OF ILLINOIS 1 DEPT.OF NATURAL RESOURCES DOC-1 f GENERAL PROIECTDAIA oot,A�wor rnoJraar AppucniioN Pmm (Falp I d2) 1. PROJECTSPONSOR: Yorkville, City Of S FEDERAL EWUN12R ID NUMBER(FEIN) z PROJECTTrR.E: Hydraulic St. Riverfront Acq 36-6006169 3. WDWAIE 1YPE OF PRW&Cl: (✓)AcquJaldcn 1 I OwAlooment a. POPULATION IN ArPl1CANT8 ( ) Combination (deaenoprnent project InmMng a Iand donation JURIBINelm:7,500 4, C VMW LWA-1110N: Yorkville ' (Kendall County) 1DWNSNIP tACAItON: Bristol 7. Fad CONGResSIONAL DIET:: 14 CENSUS 1RACTI.00AIJCM' 8906 IL 611MME 015TE; 25 IL HOUSE DIST$: 50 B.PROJECTSPONSOR'S NAME.ADDRESS 4leLP 1 FAX NUMBER 11. APPLJCANTS DESIMATED COMU=PER5ON FOR PRLUECT Yorkville. City of name.10&.addrafla 3 e.lapbmw f 1 FAX* (must he easNabna Clam•5pm.Monday through FACIM 800 Game Farm Road Mark Yergler, Grant Consultant City of Yorkville,800 Gafrro Fai m Rd IL 60560 3160 Raavtar Creek Lane (630)553-4341 (630)553-4347 Springfield 62707 IL 62707 (217)586-8271 (217)529-8666 chlafAdmMirsaorloMlenaL• Art Prochaska,Mayor s,nau addreea: 10. BRIEF AND CONCISE DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED PROJECT (be sure to Makala strelaareefs of pra)ectatte) The City of Yorkville plans to acquire a 0.52 acre parcel of river front property in downtown Yorkville to protect it from commercial development and prortiotd public access to the Fox River and future expansion of the Fox River Trail. Preservation of the Fox.River and creation of a greenway along the river has long been a high priority for the region. Acquisition of this property is identified as a high priority In YorkAlle's Fox River Greenway clan. The property is currently being held by CORLANDS until such time that local financing can be arranged to purchase the property (typically within 3.years after CORLANDS takes title). Future development plans call for a river overlook/fishing pier, small picnic shelter,and bicycle trail. We not attach aaalrorru etrars) 11.(ACOMISnION PROJECT) (estimaled coats) 12.(DEVELOPNENTPRAJECT) (608mallad mow) Acqulaldon reran s 155,000.00 Conatnlctlon Costa i Relocation Costa $ 0.00 Applalttal Costs S 1'soo.00 AfE Dosl9n fees $ Arohaeolo-Ocel SurwyCoalo $ Archaeological SUNeyCoats t 1,500.00 TOTAL ACC,COSTS S 156,000.00 CPA I2sport scale s TOTAL DEV,COSTS: $ 0.00 e>rAM AML KepMwd c ok) s 79,000.00 ( Grant Amount RaglMefed L--%) $ MUM rtex 13. (COMMAXON PROJECT) ComfNfa and add t nie for totals for both*11 and*12 above Tow Grant Amount Naglw$Ud It (Add items 1111 6#12 1 r)For county and mUnlClpal)uestllcaons axmding 2.0 ml Wun fnolJuIaa soo page iv or page 8 of 09 LAD manual for gram 1i Mils. nr,nnr vr,T7 nr•rT cnn7 fan iod ~� Protect Sponsor, Yorkville, City Of DOC•11 GENERAL PRWECr0A1A Project TIUe: Hydraulic SL Mverfrorlt Acq (Pop 2 of 2) 4, MICCE(S)OF LOCAL WMARICHING FUNDS: General Funds Donations(specify) NonrReferendurn Bonds Other(specify) Referendum Bonds(Mdfcale status ornulWrerldumdste) Noon:Sae Idbrnwllou on wtla So reyal'9111011 lurnole Rural Dend Bann and ,a %Ible law cost leant to holy anah"Ina Prnrraoad pr01 eCl (Read instructions an page 45 Derom complatingy 1,a, 'MMI.PARK I OPEN SPACE ACREAGE AVAILARI f 156. AMDUNTOF PARKLAND f OPEN SPACE ACREAGE WIIMIN APPLICANTS JURISDIC'00NAL BOUNDARIES: SHOWN IN 158 TIIAYIS OWNED ardor LEASED BY APPLICANT, acres 64.25 Oorea owned 0.50 ooroc luaued NOTE: Attach legible map showing location of ALL parMand within appllcam's jurisdictional boundaries. For each oark site,Indicate name,50W general types or rpc for.:li(nax wmilaMe,and whether utilized as•oowmVnIV or•neighbomood'park 16. IF APPLICABLE,INDICATE SPECIFIC GOAL or STANDARD "AOOPTED" BY APPIJCANTFOR AMDUNTOF LOCAL OPEN SPACE I PARK ACRES par 1000 POPULATION WITHIN JURISDICTION. screa/'1000 population' Mist submit page(s)from local plan or Ordnance to substantiate the elated goal of standard. 17. EYLSpNG SUPPLY OF PROPOSED PROJEaFACILIIIES: For each major recreation facility planned for development IN THE PROPOSED PROJECT (aaa I i sling WOW)Show easang supplylquenuses or suc facilities currently available(or public use within the Jurisdictional boundaries of the project sponsor. vAn jud:artion) w/bn judediction) CAMPING L PICNIC FACILITIES TRAILS(1 of miles to nearest 1110 mi.) _ Picnic Shekw3 1 HlkinglWalk ng Tent Camp Sites(pnmlb%e e)kng 0.0 TrallerlCamper Sltus Natumnntetpredve SPORTiS LDS 8 PLAY AREAS Fitness Trail(8 of stations) WATER FACILIITES Baseball 114109 Softball fields 5wimming Pool rootbun Golfo _„• Swimming Beach ( I Soccer Oolds (q)end LF,of waleAront Tennis Courts Public water acme available for Ra4lwthallrnuM.4 ___ ,, (inal{n0/GahlrtO Volleyball Coups Rump ng T rack WINTER RECREATION FACILITIES Plevniounds lee Rink in-line skating rinks I courts OTHER: Slad 1 Toboggan HdII ahor. GOLF COURSES of holes OTHER INTERPRETIVE CENTERS RIVER ACCESS (3 areas only) 1A. IJSTANY OINER STATE OR FEDERAL GRANTFUNDS INVOLVED NI THE PROPOSED PRWECT,PREVIOUS OR ANTICIPATED: (List applicable pnweet numbers one arms) IF NlO{WE,CHECK BOK( 1 $100,000 in COLT money authorized but never released for loral use. 1y. GURRENT"ECAJALMD AG' .00CD v ATION"lCrIAL Perms"- AU-FOR LOCAL SPONSOR JURISDICTON: parNlma)EMPLOYED BY PR(JECTAPPLICANT i 164,000,000.00 50.00 FT PP'Y 21. Applicenrs AfWAM OParanno Budget $ 900,000.00 'C6R PQRK5 t Rem 70 -.1nH.J >J71C1?17A IJ)•Ir/w 44g1aF,7C/T7 RG:GT F'RA7/ULi/9A STATEOFILLIN093/DePT OF NATURAL.RC30Unccc HOC-4/DEVELOPMENT DATA OsuD I LWCF PROJECT APPLICATICN 1. Prej ad Spumar: Yorkville, City of 2. Prgject7ae: Hydraulic St. Riverfroat Acq 3. Acquisition Development NOTE: AeauisldoeProjem-completultema M4 and 06 below as they pensin to future development. Also,Indicate anticipated schedule torproposed development. A nF.VELC 1PMENT ITEM 5. UNIT AMT. G. ESTIMATED COSTS f. CONSTRUCTION METHOD, River Overlook/ Fishing Pier $15.000.00 Picnic Shelter &Tables $25,000.00 Bike Trail $10,000.00 Land:caping x5.000.00 Park & Trail Signs 32,500.00 CPA RaDOn Coats A!E Design Fees: a 15,25%ofeon3t cost $6,000.00 (V Potential Archaeological Survey Tar&ESTIMATED COST. $63,500.00 (' ) Cc CONTRACT F =FORCE ACCT. D=DONATED LABOR OR MATERIALS NUM: Corrabad labor and material are not eligible for relmhursemem. P rul a u la uyyiuwd fur OGLAD funding may roYuira eta completion of on amhaeolrlpiowl weannalsaanee survey on the Dialect s i le. Estimated cost tar such a survey maybe Included In the project budget. 8. ARCHITECTURAL 1 ENGINEERING FIRM(name 6 addresSZ �—' Schoppe Design Associates Aurora, IL Cn --InHJ 11•3-1nNJMJ. "JvJH I 0oo0c7r.a T7 or rT cran>It M 100 STATE OY ILLINOIS/DNR )DOC-5 PRELIMINARY RkLOCAT ON F-,TCMA R OS'LAD/LW CF PROJECT APPLICATION (Acquisition Projects only) I. PROJECT SPONSOR YotlNiil9,City of 2. PROJECT TITLE: Hydraulic St. Rlvertront Ac q 3. NEIGHBORHOOD DESCRIPTION. (Comment on tbo ohsrecteristiu of uld the means of livelihood for those w be dispiecod. Comment on property values and types or kinds of improveatenis.) Altaeh additional SlWet(s)if Reese ay. NIA 4. APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF iNDWIDUALS TO BE DISPLACED 0 5. A.PPR.OXLbAATE NLTI6iRRR nF FAMILIES TO BE DISPLACED 0 b. APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF BUSINESSES TO BF DISPLACED 7. APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF FARM OPERATIONS TO BE DISPLACED 0. `i S. APPItUXIMATE NUMBER OF NON-PROFIT OROANIZATIONS TO DE DISPLACED 0 9. REPLACEMENT HOUSING. (Give smtuneent as to the ptubable availability,to all porsons,of decent,age and sanuary replacement Lousing within the financial means of those expected W be displaced.) Attacb additional dwet(s)if mceessry. N/A 10. REPLACEMENT HOUSING ANALYSIS. (Aaal=the results of the survey and include a statement eoaccroins the prubWo erai1111A1 ty vCauit U IGP46eu14M fe htior.Lnuaerow any apse W prulsi me ofatinority sroups,lawAncnm.familim.larV fAmiliu.handicapped or elderly occttpanu and proposed sohitiona) Attach adduio tal shcet(s)if neeessety. NIA 11. ESTIMATED RELOCATION COSTS. (Listby relocation unit,such as I]wvollios,Farm,Busiam,cm and estimate relocation cost& if available,identify by assigned part.•cl oumbor.) AIWA udditiooal sbtxt(s)ifaccesaary. NIA �n 7C1MJ V9�C1V11 vvru.i 000OC7r/T7 or. rT Cnn7 1hn ion STATE OF MLINOISMEPT.OF NATURAL RESOURCES DO!C 2-ACQUISITION DATA OSLAD/LWCF project Application (instructions on page 47) 1.rROACT SPONSOR: Yorkville.city of 2.*PROJECT TITLE: Hydraulic St. Riverfront Acq 3. SUM WARY RY OF EMSTING SITE 1MPROVEMENTS(see instructions on page 46 for details.) If Num,Chock Ilere [✓j 4. ACQUISITION SCHEDULE: ESTIMATED RELOCATION CODE# PARCEL# ACREAGE LAND COST COSTS A 1 0.52 $155,000.00 $0.00 TOTALS 0.52 $155,000.00 $0.00 •CODE: A)Anticipate Negotiated Purchase is)rouLlne Condemnation C)Dueendusp(zee page 46 nose) (willing seller) (may be unwilling scllcr) 5. ACQUISITION STATUS YES NO A. AN or part of the project site is in Condemnation (lf yes,submit copy of petition to condemn) l 1 WI R All or part of tbo project site is covored In a Purchase Contract (N yes,submit copy of contract) C. All or part of the project site is covered in to Option Agreement (If yes,submit copy of Uption) t ! I✓I A Ail or part of the project site is covered in a Lease Agreement (if yes,attach copy of low) l✓1 I 1 L All or part of the project eke is covered by any form of agreement other tMu those notod above that tummies local proicct l 1 i✓1 sponsor to acquire property.(If yes,submit copy,of agreement) Rev.3/02 nnnnc7r i T7 or•rT c067 itin ion