Resolution 2002-31 o
0 llinoLs mpaftme 'tf Obligation Retirement Resolution
Of TlcansportaUoft (County or Municipal)
A resolution providing for the retirement of certain municipal indebtedness by the use of motor fuel tax funds
WHEREAS, the United City of Yorkville has outstanding
(County or Municipality)
indebtedness described as follows:
United City of Yorkville General Obligation Bond (Alternate Revenue Source) Series 2002
(Title of bond issue or paving district and municipal motor fuel tax section number)
Bonds or Number of Interest
Public Benefit the Bonds or or Date Amount
Assessments Assessments Principal Due
Bonds Interest 12/1/2002 $18,341.33
WHEREAS, in the opinion of this body,the indebtedness described in the preceding paragraph may be retired with funds
allotted to the municipality under the Motor Fuel Tax Law, and
WHEREAS, it appears that sufficient motor fuel tax funds are or will be available when the above indebtedness is due, and
WHEREAS, the N/A has, by resolution adopted N/A
(County Board,Council or President and Board of Trustees)
directed the Clerk of N/A County to cancel the N/A tax levy (for taxes
collectable in N/A )which would have produced funds to pay this indebtedness. (Not applicable to special
assessment projects.)
NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that there is hereby appropriated the sum of Eighteen Thousand Three
Hundred Forty One & 33/100 dollars ($ 18,341.33 )from funds allotted to the county or municipality
under the Motor Fuel Tax Law for the payment of the above-described indebtedness, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Clerk shall immediately transmit three (3) certified copies of this resolution to the
District Engineer, Department of Transportation, at District#3 700 E. Norris Drive Ottawa Illinois.
IL 4940284 BLR 4133(Rev.2/01)
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I, Jacquelyn Milschewski City Clerk in and
�1e United City of Yorkville hereby certify
the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the
City Council at a meeting on
(County Board,Council or President and Board of Trustees)
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 27th day
of August A.D. 2002
(Seal) (�
City Nerk
BLR 4133(Rev.2/01)
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Illinois Department of Transportation
Division of Highways/ District 3
700 East Norris Drive / Ottawa, Illinois/ 61350-0697
Telephone 815/434-6131
September 3, 2002
Ms. Jacquelyn Milschewski
City Clerk
800 Game Farm Road
Yorkville, IL 60560
Section 00-00023-00-GB
Fox Industrial Park
General Obligation Bond Issue (Alternate Revenue Source)
Resolution Number 2002-31
Dear Ms. Milschewski:
The obligation retirement resolution for the above section adopted by the City
�. Council on August 27, 2002 was approved today. This resolution appropriates
$18,341.33 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for payment of interest due
December 1, 2002 on the $625,000.00 General Obligation Bond Issue.
Expenditure of Motor Fuel Tax funds in the amount of $18,341.33 for payment
of the above obligation is authorized and will be indicated on your next
month's allotment report.
James J. Jereb
District Engineer
K .
By: James R. Threadgill III cfi:
District Local Roads & Streets Engineer
cc: Darrell W. McMurray
Joe Wywrot, City Engineer
Debra Baxter, MFT Auditor
CE:bb/YorkvilleGeneralObligationBond Issue
Illinois Department Obligation Retirement Resolution
Of Transportation (County or Municipal)
resolution providing for the retirement of certain municipal indebtedness by the use of motor fuel tax funds
WHEREAS, the United City of Yorkville has outstanding
(County or Municipality)
indebtedness described as follows:
United City of Yorkville General Obligation Bond (Alternate Revenue Source) Series 2002
(Title of bond issue or paving district and municipal motor fuel tax section number)
Bonds or Number of Interest
Public Benefit the Bonds or or Date Amount
Assessments Assessments Principal Due
Bonds Interest 12/1/2002 $18,341.33
WHEREAS, in the opinion of this body, the indebtedness described in the preceding paragraph may be retired with funds
allotted to the municipality under the Motor Fuel Tax Law, and
WHEREAS, it appears that sufficient motor fuel tax funds are or will be available when the above indebtedness is due, and
WHEREAS, the N/A has, by resolution adopted N/A
(County Board,Council or President and Board of Trustees)
directed the Clerk of N/A County to cancel the N/A tax levy (for taxes
collectable in N/A ) which would have produced funds to pay this indebtedness. (Not applicable to special
assessment projects.)
NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,that there is hereby appropriated the sum of Eighteen Thousand Three
Hundred Forty One & 33/100 dollars ($ 18,341.33 ) from funds allotted to the county or municipality
under the Motor Fuel Tax Law for the payment of the above-described indebtedness, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall immediately transmit three (3) certified copies of this resolution to the
District Engineer, Department of Transportation, at District#3 700 E. Norris Drive Ottawa Illinois.
IL 494-0284 BLR 4133(Rev.2/01)
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I, Jacquelyn Milschewski City Clerk in and
f—the United City of Yorkville hereby certify
the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of,a resolution adopted by the
City Council at a meeting on
(County Board,Council or President and Board of Trustees)
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 27th day
of August , A.D. 2002
l.WY .1
City CIA
BLR 4133(Rev.2/01)
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iifinois Department General Improvement or Refunding Bona issui6-a
.of Transportation Tax Levy and Bond Retirement Schedule
Amount of Bond Issue 625,000.00 Municipality Yorkville
Denomination 50,000 55,000 55,000 60,000 60,000 County Kendall
65,000 65,000 70,000 70,000 75,000
Rate of Interest 3.00% 3.35% 3.70% 4.00% 4.10% % Section No. 00-00023-00-FP
4.25% 4.40% 4.50% 4.60% 4.75%
Date Issued 3/15/02
Tax Levy Bond & Interest Pavment Schedule
Principal Interest M.F.T. Payments
Schedule Date Bond Due Due I Due Total for Retirement
Year Amount Cancelled Number Date Amount Date Amount I Date Amount Date Amount
UeC 2002 18.341.33 18,341.33 18,341
987354AA4 2003 50,000.00 06/01/03 12,896.25 12101/03 12,896.25 75,792.50 75,792
987354AB3 2004 55,000.00 06/01/04 12,146.25 12/01/04 12,146.25 79,292.50 79,292
987354AC1 2005 55,000.00 06/01/05 11,225.00 12/01/05 11,225.00 77,450.00 77,450
987354AD9 2006 60,000.00 06/01/06 10,207.50 12/01/06 10,207.50 80,415.00 80,415
987354AE7 2007 60,000.00 06/01/07 9,007.50 12/01/07 9,007.50 78,015.00 78,015
987354AF4 2008 65,000.00 06/01/08 7,777.50 12/01/08 7,777.50 80,555.00 80,555
987354AG2 2009 65,000.00 06/01/09 6,396.25 12/01/09 6,396.25 77,792.50 77,792
987354AHO 2010 70,000.00 06/01/10 4,966.25 12/01/10 4,966.25 79,932.50 79,932
987354AJ6 2011 70,000.00 06/01/11 3,391.25 12/01/11 3,391.25 76,782.50 76,782
987354AK3 2012 75,000.00 06/01/12 1,781.25 12/01/12 1,781.25 78,562.50 78,562
Total 625,000.00 98,136.33 79,795.00 802,931 802,931
Signed Signed X. /� C�