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Resolution 1997-33
Illinois Depart nt Resolution for Main. ance of Streets and Highways of Transportation By Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code Resolution No. 97-33 BE IT RESOLVED,by the Mayor & City Council of the (Council or President and Board of Trustees) City of Yorkville ,Illinois,that there is hereby (City.Town or Village) (Name) appropriated the sum of$ 39,000.00 of Motor Fuel Tax funds for the purpose of maintaining streets and highways under the applicable provisions of the Illinois Highway Code,from January 1, 199.8_ to December 31, 1918— BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that only those streets, highways,and operations as listed and described on the ap- proved Municipal Estimate of Maintenance Costs,including supplemental or revised estimates approved in connec- tion with this resolution,are eligible for maintenance with Motor Fuel Tax funds during the period as specified above. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk shall, as soon as practicable after the close of the period as given above, submit to the Department of Transportation, on forms furnished by said Department, a certified statement showing expenditures from and balances remaining in the account(s)for this period;and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Clerk shall immediately transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation,at Ottawa ,Illinois. Mr. I, Miss Debbie Simmons Clerk in and for the City Mrs. (City,Town or Village) of Yorkville ,County of Kendall hereby certify the foregoing to be a true,perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the _ Mayor & City-Council at a meeting on December 18 19il (Council or President and Board of Trustees) IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal this 11 day of A.D. 19�. (SEAL) C 1 �ZE�C� Clerk (City,Town or village) APPROVED rt j0_"C44 D trict eer SLR 4123(Rev.6/87) IL 494-0354 Nwis pepadme Municipal Estimate of Of Tra Maintenance Costs Period from January 1, 19 98,to December31.19 98 Municipality Yorkville i �I Estimated Cost of Maintenance Operations Material,Equipment or Labor Operation Maintenance Operation Quantity Unit Amount Cost (No.-Description-Total Quantity) Item and Specification Reference and Unit Cost _ Gravel Patching Gravel or--Crushed Stone '290.0 Ton 3.40 9860.0 0 9860.00 , Bituminous Patching Bituminous Cold Patch 70 Ton 70.00 14900.00 Bituminou A Patch 150 `Pon 33.00 4950.00 9850.00 ,i Snow Removal Bulk Rock Salt 357 Ton 99 0 Liquid Calcium Chloride 3000 Gal. 0.35 1050.00 11046.00 4. Street & Curb Marking - -Street & Curb Marking Paint 50 Gal. 12.00 600.00 600.00 S. ";fgxls & Sign Posts Various STreet Signs 150 35-00 _ 525600 Round Sin Posts 65 22.00 1430.00 U Channel Posts 50 18.00 900.00 7580.00 .at Estimated Maintenance Cost 38.936-00 Submitted . 19 2YL Approved NcIA . 19 By VjLI& 1 { Municipal Official Title Di t Engi r Submit Four(4) Copies to District Engineer STAn OF 1 W NOIS MUNICIPAL ESTIMATE OF MAINTENANCE COSTS (Shoot 2 of 2) LOCATION SURFACE MAINTENANCE OPERATION EXISTING N LENGTH WIDTH NO. DESCRIPTION QUATrr FROM ROM TO TYPE Various Str ets Gravel Gravel Shoulders 2900toT Repair Base 2. Various Str ets Seal Coat & Bitum' ous Pothole Repair 70ton Paved Ar a Repair 150 toi 3. Various Str ets Seal Coat & Bituminous _Salt for Deicing 257ton Paved CA GL for Deicing 300 ga_ 4. Various Str ets Seal Coat & Bitum' ous Marking-Pain s for Streets & Curbs 50gal 5. Various Str ets Seal Coat & Bituminous Street Signs 150 ea Paved Round Posts 65 ea U Channel Posts 50 ea Submit Four (4) copies to District Engineer Form BLR 591 (2 of 2) (Rev. 8-75) CHECK SHEET FOR RECURRING SPECIAL PROVISIONS Adopted January 1, 1998 The following RECURRING SPECIAL PROVISIONS indicated by an "X" are applicable to this contract and are included by reference: CHECK SHEET# PAGE NO. 1 R.R. Protection Liability Form (Eff. 6-10-58) (Rev. 9-29-67) ................... 39 2 State Required Contract Provisions All Federal - aid Construction Contracts (Eff. 2-1-69) (Rev. 10-1-83) ....................................... 48 3 Specific Equal Employment Opportunity Responsibilities NonFederal - aid Contracts (Eff. 3-20-69) (Rev. 1-1-94) ............ 49 4 Required Provisions - State Contracts (Eff. 4-1-65) (Rev. 4-1-93) ......... 53 5 Asphalt Quantities and Cost Reviews (Eff. 7-1-88) ................................ 56 6 Subletting of Contracts (Federal Aid Contracts) (Eff. 1-1-88) (Rev. 5-1-93) ............................................................ 57 7 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit (Eff. 7-1-94) ..... 58 8 Grading and Shaping Ditches (Eff. 5-1-93) ............................................. 59 9 Earthwork (Eff. 7-1-94) (Rev. 2-1-95) ...................................................... 60 10 Construction Layout Stakes Except for Structures (Eff. 5-1-93) (Rev. 8-1-93) ............................................................ 61 11 Construction Layout Stakes (Eff. 5-1-93) (Rev. 8-1-93) .......................... 63 12 Controlled Low - Strength Material (CLSM) (Eff. 1-1-90) (Rev. 1-1-98) ............................................................ 65 13 Use of Geotextile Fabric for Railroad Crossing (Eff. 1-1-95) (Rev. 1-1-97) .......................................................... 68 14 Erosion Control Fiber Blanket (Eff. 3-1-91) (Rev. 7-1-96) ....................... 69 15 Bituminous Surface Removal (Cold Milling) (Eff. 11-1-87) (Rev. 10-15-97) ....................................................... 71 16 Bituminous Surface Treatments Half- Smart (Eff. 7-1-93) (Rev. 1-1-97) .............................................................................. 73 17 Subsealing of Concrete Pavements (Eff. 11-1-84).(Rev. 2-1-97) ............ 77 18 Asphaltic Emulsion Slurry Seal and Fibrated Asphaltic Emulsion Slurry Seal (Eff. 8-1-89) (Rev. 10-1-90) ................ 80 19 Polymer Modified Emulsified Asphalt (Eff. 5-15-89) ................................ 84 20 Reserved ................................................................................................. 86 21 Reserved ................................................................................................. 87 22 Surface Test Using The 5 m (16 ft.) Straightedge (Eff. 11-1-94) ............ 88 23 Bituminous Surface Removal Over Patches (Eff. 10-1-95) ...................... 89 24 Haul Road Stream Crossings, Other Temporary Stream Crossings, and In-Stream Work Pads (Eff. 1-2-92) (Rev. 1-1-98) ............ 90 25 Protective Shield System (Eff. 4-1-95) (Rev. 8-1-95) ............................... 91 26 Pipe Underdrains (Eff. 9-9-87) (Rev. 1-1-98) ....................................... 92 27 Reserved ........................................................................................... ..... 93 28 Reserved .... ....................................................................................... .. 94 29 Traffic Barrier Terminal Type 3B (QuadGuard) (Eff. 10-1-86) (Eff.10-15-97) ................................................ ... . 95 30 Sand Module Impact Attenuators (Eff. 10-15-76) (Rev. 7-1-95) ............... 96 RECURRING SPECIAL PROVISIONS - Continued CHECK SHEET# PAGE NO. 31 Give em a Brake Sign (Eff. 8-1-89) (Rev. 08-1-91) .................................... 98 32 Portable Changeable Message Signs (Eff. 11-1-93) (Rev. 2-1-96) ............ 99 33 Reserved ................................................................................................... 100 34 Aggregate Gradation Control System (Eff. 7-1-95) ..................................... 101 35 Traffic Barrier Terminal Type 3 or 3A (Eff. 10-1-96) ...................................... 102 36 Bicycle Racks (Eff. 4-1-95) (Rev. 1-197) .................................... 103 37 Ground Granulated Blast-Furnace Slag in Portland Cement Concrete (Eff. 4-1-95) (Rev. 1-1-97) ................................................................ 104 38 Guardrail and Barrier Wall Delineation (Eff. 12-15-93) (Rev. 1-1-97) ........ 105 39 Rap Mixtures for Class I, Type 1 & 2 Bituminous Concrete Binder, Leveling Binder and Surface Course (Mixture C and D) (Eff. 6-30-94) (Rev. 1-1-98) ............................................... . .. 108 40 Epoxy Coating on Reinforcement (Eff. 4-1-97) (Rev. 7-15-97) .................... 109 41 Resurfacing of Milled Surfaces (Eff. 10-1-95) .............................................. 110 42 Quality Control/Quality Assurance of Bituminous Concrete Mixtures (Eff. 7-1-96) (Rev. 1-1-98) ............. ... ....................................... .. . 111 43 EEO (Eff. 7-21-78) (Rev. 11-18-80) ....... _.............. 123 index98.doc Illvnob Department of Transportation Special Provisions The following Special Provisions supplement the "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction", Adopted January 1, 1998 , the latest edition of the"Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways", and the "Manual of Test Procedures of Materials" in effect on the date of invitation of bids, and the Supplemental Specifications and Recurring Special Provisions indicated on the Check Sheet included here in which apply to and govern the construction of 98-00000-00-GM , and in case of conflict with any part, or parts, of said Specifications, the said Special Provisions shall take precedence and shall govern. BLR 5709(Rev.9/97) • , State of Illinois 1 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SPECIAL PROVISION FOR EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES In addition to all other labor requirements set forth in this proposal and in the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, adopted by the Department of Transportation, during the performance of this contract, the contractor for itself, its assignees, and successors in interest (hereinafter referred to as the "contractor") agrees as follows: I. SELECTION OF LABOR The Contractor shall comply with all Illinois statutes pertaining to the selection of labor. 11. EQUAL EMPLOYi4ENT OPPORTUNITY Daring the performance of this contract, the contractor agrees as follows: (1) That it will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, physical or mental _ handicap or unfavorable discharge from military service, and further that it will examine all job classifications to determine if minority persons or women are underutilized and will take appropriate affirmative action to rectify any such underutilization. (2) That, if it hires additional employees in order to perform this contract or any portion hereof, it will determine the availability of minorities and women in the area(s) fror•. which it may reasonably recruit and it will hire for each job classification for which employees are hired in such a way that minorities and women are not underutilized. (3) That, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by it or on its behalf, it wilt state that all applicants will be afforded equal opportunity without discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, ancestry, age, marital status, physical or mental handicap or unfavorable discharge frog military service. (4) That it will send to each labor organization or representative of w=rkers with which it has or Is bound by a collective bargaining or other agreement or understanding, a notice advising such labor organization or representative of the contractor's obligations under the Illinois Hurzn Rights Act and the Department's Pules and Regulations. If any such labor organization or representative fails or refuses to cooperate with the contractor in its efforts to comply with such Act and Rules and Regulations, the contractor will promptly so notify the Illinois (kpartment of Human Rights and the contracting agency and will recruit employees from other sources when necessz-y to fulfill its obligations thereunder. (5) That it will submit reports as required by the Department of Human Rights Rules and Regulations, furnish all relevant information as may from time to lima be requester by the Department or the contracting agency, and in all respects comply with the Illinois Human Rights Act and the De parlrent's Rules and Regulations. (6) That it will permit access to all relevant books, records, accounts and work sites by personnel of the contracting agency and the Illinois Department of Human Rights for purposes of Investigation to ascertain compliance with the Illinois Human Rights Act anc the Department's Rules and Regulations. • (7) That it will include verbatim or by reference the provisions of this clause in every subcontract so that such provisions will be binein_ upon every such s::•contractor. In the sane menner as with other provisions of this contract, the contractor will be liable for com;,IIance with applicable provisions of this clause bj all its subcontractors; and further it will promptly notify the contracting agency and the Illinois Department of Human Rights in the evt'.1 any subcontractor fails or refuses to comp ly therewiIL. In addition, the Contractor ►ill not uliIize any Subcontractor declared by the Illinois Huron Fights Corr:•ission to be Ineligible for contracts or subcontracts with the Stag of IIIIn,is or any of its political subdivisions o! minie'pal corporations. LF 1t0 ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION JANUARY 1, 1997 MFT CHECK SHEET ( ) LR-102-1 Proposal Guaranty ( ) LR-105 Cooperation with Utilities ( ) LR-108 Failure to Complete the Work on Time ( ) LR-120 Fair Employment Practices ( ) LR-121 Wages of Employees on Public Works ( ) LR-122 Drainage Structures and Grading ( ) LR-123 Selection of Labor ( ) LR-220 Shaping Roadway ( ) LR-221 Borrow Excavation (Less than 10,000 CY) ( ) LR-310-1 Asphalt Stabilized Base Course (Road Mix or Traveling Plant) ( ) LR-310-2 Asphalt Stabilized Base Course (Plant Mix) ( ) LR-311 Bituminous Aggregate Mixture Base Course ( ) LR-312 Cement Aggregate Base Course ( ) LR-401 Bituminous Road Mix Surface, Earth Mat Type ( ) LR-402 Salt Stabilized Surface Course ( ) LR-403 Bituminous Surface Treatment ( ) LR-404-1 Penetrating Emulsified Prime ( ) LR-404-2 Penetrating Emulsified Asphalt ( ) LR-406 RAP, Class I, Type 1 and 2, Bit. Concrete Binder and Surface Course ( ) LR-420 Bituminous Hot Mix Sand Seal Coat ( ) LR-424 Plasticized Bitumen Hot Mix Seal ( ) LR-451 Crack Filling Bit. Pavt. with Fiber-Asphalt ( ) LR-462 Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (Special) ( ) LR-503-1 Furnishing Class SI Concrete ( ) LR-503-2 Furnishing Class SI Concrete (Short Load) ( ) LR-509 Metal Plate Bridge Rail ( ) LR-542 Section 542. Pipe Culverts, Type ( ) LR-T601 Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic(FRP)Sign Base Material ( ) LR-631 Traffic Barrier Terminal ET2000 or Best ( ) LR-651 Calcium Chloride Applied in Solution O LR-663 Rock Salt ( ) LR-701-1 Construction Zone Traffic Control ( ) LR-701-2 Flagger Certification ( ) LR-701-3 Flaggers in Work Zone ( ) LR-726 Reflective Sheeting Type C ( ) LR-1084 Construction and Maintenance Signs ( ) LR-1090 Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) Sign Base Material State of Illinois Department of Transportation Division of Highways Springfield SPECIFICATIONS FOR BITUMINOUS MIXTURES FOR MAINTENANCE USE EMULSIFIED ASPHALT TYPE Serial Number. M 17-95 1. DESCRIPTION. These specifications cover coarse-graded and fine-graded bituminous mixtures for use in maintaining small areas on flexible and rigid type pavements. The bituminous premix shall be composed of mineral aggregate uniformly coated with emulsified asphalt HFE-300 or SS-1, or inverted emulsified asphalt CBAE-2 plus additive and prepared cold as further described below. The mixtures shall be capable of being loaded into trucks by either hand shovels or power loading equipment, shall be sufficiently workable for placing with shovels, rakes or other hand tools. and shall readily compact by hand tamping, hand or power rolling, or under the action of traffic at the mixing temperature or at temperatures as low as 40°F., immediately after preparation or over a period of several months in a stockpile. The mixture shall remain in place when used to patch wet or dry pavements and shall be stable under normal traffic conditions. 2. MATERIALS. Control of the materials shall be in accordance with the general requirements of Section 106 of the current Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. At the discretion of the Engineer, a twenty-five pound sample of the aggregate (s), a one-quart sample of the bituminous material and a one-pint sample of the additive shall be submitted to the Bureau of Materials and Physical Research. 126 East Ash Street, Springfield, Illinois, for checking the dosage rate and compatibility of the additive with the other ingredient materials. (a) Aggregate 1. Coarse Aggregate shall consist of crushed stone, crushed gravel, or chats, of Class C quality or better, as defined in Article 704.01 of the above cited Standard Specifications. 2. Fine Aggregate shall consist of sand, stone sand, stone screenings or chats of Class B quality or better, as defined in Article 703.01 of the above cited Standard Specifications. (b) Additive 1. When CBAE-2 is used, an anti-stripping additive approved by the Department shall be required. The additive shall be added to the bituminous material at the dosage rate (0.8 to 1.5 percent by weight of total liquid) recommended by the Engineer and shall be thoroughly mixed for at least four(4) hours prior to being incorporated into the mix. A list of approved additives is available on request. Serial Number. M 17-95 (c) Bituminous Material The bituminous materials used shall be either emulsified asphalt HFE-300, SS-1, or inverted emulsified asphalt CBAE-2. 1. Emulsified asphalt HFE-300 shall conform to the requirements given in Article 709.07 of the Standard Specifications. Emulsified asphalt HFE-300 shall be formulated to possess the characteristics required to produce a mixture conforming to the requirements of this specification. 2. Emulsified asphalt SS-1 shall conform to the requirements given in Article 709.07, of. the Standard Specifications. 3. Inverted emulsified asphalt CBAE-2 shall conform to the following requirements: Flash Point(Cleveland open cup) ° F.---------- 175 + Viscosity, Saybolt Furol @ 140° F. (SEC) ------- 100 -300 Water Content % by weight------------------ 3 -9 Asphalt Content% by weight--------------- -- 65 min. Solvent Content% by weight------------------ 12-25 Test on Distillation Residue Penetration at 77°F. , 100 g. , 5 sec. ------------ 120 -300 Ductility at 77° F. , 5 cm/min. , cm- -------------- 100 min. Soluble in Carbon Tetrachloride, % -------------- 98 min. Miscibility with water------------------------None 3. INSPECTION. The Engineer or his authorized representative shall have access at any time to all parts of the plant in order to verify weights or proportions and character of materials used in the preparation of the mixture. The manufacturer shall afford such facilities as may be required for making inspection at the plant and for collecting and forwarding samples of the bituminous mixture to the Department. 4. PLANT AND EQUIPMENT. Storage facilities and all equipment used in the preparation of the mixture shall be approved by the Department. An approved drier shall be available for surface drying the aggregate when needed. The materials for individual batches shall be measured accurately either by volume or weight, by approved methods and equipment. A batch type mixture of approved design and capacity shall be used in mixing the ingredient materials. However. approval for the use of a continuous mixer may be given if it can be shown that satisfactory results will be obtained. 5. PREPARATION OF MIXTURE. At the time of mixing, the aggregate shall not contain enough moisture to cause drifting of the emulsion from the aggregates. The aggregate and bituminous material shall be measured separately and accurately by weight or volume. When a batch type mixer is used, the aggregates shall be added to the mixer and mixed thoroughly. The bituminous material shall then be added and mixing continued for a period of at least 30 seconds or longer if necessary to produce a homogeneous mixture in which all particles of the aggregate are coated uniformly. For safety reasons. when inverted emulsified asphalt CBAE-2 is used, the temperature of the aggregate must not exceed 175°F. -2- • T Serial Number. M 17-95 6. COMPOSITION OF MIXTURE. The ingredients shall be combined in such a manner as to produce a mixture which when discharged shall be workable. The mixture shall conform to the following composition limits by weight: Crushed Stone, Crushed Gravel or Chats Gravel Graduation of Extracted Aggregate: (100%) Coarse Fine Binder Mixture Surface Mixture Surface Mixture Surface Mixture Percent Passing Sieves 3/4 inch 100 — — — 1/2 inch 75-94 100 95-100 — 3/8inch 64-78 90-100 — 95-100 No. 4 32-45 65-86 50-75 50-85 No. 10 22-34 28-50 30-60 35-65 No. 200 0-5.0 0-6.0 0-10.0 0-10.0 Residual Bitumen (Includes Additive) 4.0-5.0 5.0-6.0 4.0-5.0 5.0-6.0 7. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO PUBLIC. The laws to be observed; permits and licenses; patented devices. materials and processes; and responsibility for damage claims, shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 107 of the above cited Standard Specifications. SAFETY NOTE: Inverted emulisified asphalt CS AE-2 is a combustible liquid and should be handled as a hazardous material. All local, city, county, state and federal regulations in handling a hazardous liquid should be followed. Form LX-1 Effective September 1,1995 This specification supersedes Serial Number M 17-79, effective April 1, 1979. -3- State of Illinois Department of Transportation Division of Highways Springfield SPECIFICATIONS FOR . BITUMINOUS MIXTURE FOR MAINTENANCE USE MEDIUM CURING LIQUID ASPHALT TYPE Serial Number: M19-95 1. DECRIPTION. These specifications cover bituminous mixtures for use in maintaining small areas on flexible and rigid type pavements. 2. MATERIALS. Control of the materials shall be in accordance with the general requirements of Section 106 of the current Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction. At the discretion of the Engineer. a twenty-five pound sample of the aggregate (s), a one-quart sample of the bituminous material and a one-pint sample of the additive shall be submitted to the Bureau of Materials and Physical Research, 126 East Ash Street, Springfield, Illinois, for checking the dosage rate and compatibility of the additive with the other ingredient materials. (a) Aggregate 1. Coarse Aggregate shall consist of crushed stone, crushed gravel, or chats, of Class C quality or better, as defined in Article 704.01 of the above cited Standard Specifications. 2. Fine Aggregate shall consist of sand, stone sand, stone screenings of chats of Class B quality or better, as defined in Article 703.01 of the above cited Standard Specifications. (b) Additive The additive shall be an anti-stripping additive approved by the Department. The additive shall be added to the bituminous material at the dosage rate (0.8 to 1.5 percent by weight of total liquid) recommended by the Engineer and shall be thoroughly mixed for at least four (4) hours prior to being incorporated into the mix. A list of approved additives is available on request. (c) Bituminous Materials The bituminous material used shall be either liquid asphalt MC-250 or MC-800 conforming to the requirements of Article 709.09. Medium Curing Liquid Asphalt, of the above cited Standard Specifications. The Engineer reserves the right to specify the grade to be used. Serial Number. M 19-95 3. INSPECTION. The Engineer or his authorized representative shall have access at any time to all parts of the plant in order to verify weights or proportions and character of materials used in the preparation of the mixture. The manufacturer shall afford such facilities as may be required for making inspection at the plant and for collecting and forwarding samples of the bituminous mixtures to the Department. 4. PLANT AND EQUIPMENT. Storage facilities and all equipment used in preparation of the mixture shall be approved by the Department. An approved drier shall be available for surface drying the aggregated when needed. The materials for individual batches shall be measured accurately either by volume or weight, by approved methods and equipment. A batch type mixture of approved design and capacity shall be used in mixing the ingredient materials. However, approval for the use of a continuous mixer may be given if it can be shown that satisfactory results will be obtained. 5. PREPARATION OF MIXTURE. The aggregate shall be surfaced dry at the time of mixing and shall contain not more than'1.5 percent moisture by weight. Aggregates which do not conform to this requirement shall be dried by natural or artificial means before being used in the mixture. The mixture at the time of mixing shall have a temperature above 150° F. and below the flash point of the bituminous material. The bituminous material shall be heated to such a temperature that it will be workable when used in preparation of the mixture. 6. COMPOSITION OF MIXTURES. The Department shall specify the type (gradation) of the mixture to be used. The ingredients shall be combined to produce a mixture meeting the approval of the Department and conforming to one of the following composition limits, by weight, as determined by tests of the prepared mixture. Gradation of Extracted Aggregate (100%) Percent Passing Sieve Nominal Size 1/2" to No. 4 1/2" to No. 10 3/8" to No. 10 3/8" to No. 200 1/2" 100 100 — — 3/8" 60-90 — 100 100 No. 4 0-25 30-55 20-50 25-45 No. 10 0-15 20-50 0-15 15-30 No. 40 — 5-20 — 5-15 No. 200 0-6.0 0-5.0 0-6.0 0-6.0 Residual Bitumen, (Includes Additive)% 3.0-5.0 4.0-7.0 3.0-5.0 3.5-7.0 -2- „Serial Number: M19-95 Gradation of Extracted Aggregate (100%) Percent Passing Sieve Nominal Size Alternate Alternate Altemate 1/2” to No. 200 3/8" to No. 10 3/8" to No. 200 1/2" 95-100 — — 3/8" — 100 100 No. 4 50-75 20-65 25-65 No. 10 35-50 0-15 15-30 No. 40 5-25 — 5-15 No. 200 0-5.0 0-6.0 0-5.0 Residual Bitumen, (Includes Additive)% 4.0-6.0 3.0-5.5 3.5-7.5 The percentage of bituminous material shall be determined by the Engineer. The right is reserved to make, at any time during the progress of the work, such changes in the proportions of bitumen and aggregate as the Engineer may consider necessary or desirable within the limits of the specifications. After the proportions of the ingredient materials have been set there shall be no variation from the same without the Engineer's approval. It is the responsibility the producer to produce a mixture conforming to the requirements of these specifications and satisfactory to the Department. 7. LEGAL RELATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITY TO PUBLIC. The laws to be observed; permits and licenses; patented devices, materials, and the processes; and responsibility for damage claims, shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section 107 of the above cited Standard Specifications. Form LX-1 Effective September 1, 1995 This specification supersedes Serial Number M 19-81, effective January 1, 1981 -3- State of Illinois Department of Transportation SPECIFICATIONS ( FOR SODIUM CHLORIDE (Rock Salt) Serial Number:- M 36-86 I . GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1 . SCOPE. This specification covers the furnishing, transporting, and inspection of Sodium Chloride (Rock Salt) intended for use as a deicer and for road construction or maintenance purposes. 2. SAMPLING AND TESTING. Unless otherwise provided, all materials shall be sampled and tested in accordance with the latest published standard methods of the American Society for Testing Materials, and revisions thereof, in effect on the date of the invitation for bids, where such standard methods exist. In case there are no ASTM Standards which apply, applicable standard methods. of the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials, or of the Federal Government or of other recognized standardizing agencies shall be used. 3. INSPECTION. The Department reserves the right to make inspection and tests of the Sodium Chloride, either at the origin of the shipment, at barge unloading points, or at destination, whichever is most convenient for the Department. 4. DELIVERY. Sodium Chloride transported in open trucks or in open top railroad cars shall be covered- to provide protection against the weather. The obligation for the protection of the Sodium Chloride rests solely with the- vendor. (Holder of the purchase order. ) Deliveries made by motor truck will be accepted only during the re_oular work days and working hours, except when special arrangements have been made in advance with the District Engineer to whom the shipment is directed. All bulk Sodium Chloride that is delivered by motor trucks is to be transported in dump trucks or in self-unloading vehicles. It shall be the responsibility of the vendor to unload the Sodium Chloride in storage bins or stockpiles as directed by the District Engineer, All rele-ses will be for amounts that will either make a full truck lot (20 tons) or a full carload lot (40 tons).- Vendors will not be expected to haul partial loads or ship in less than carload lots. 5. PACKING AND MARKING. Vendors who hold purchase orders for delivery of Sodium Chloride in baos shall furnish a sturdy multiwall kraft paper bao, the contents of which shall not exceed 100 pounds of Sodium Chloride. The nave of the manufacturer and the net weight shall be shown on the outside of each bag. -L- ' II . MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS 6. SODIUM CHLORIDE. These requirements cover Sodium Chloride obtained from natural deposits (Rock Salt) or produced by man (evaporated, Solar and other) . The Sodium Chloride shall meet the following physical and chemical requirements. (a) Physical Composition: Passing a 1/2 inch (12.5 an. ) sieve, . . . . . . . . . 100% Passing a 3/8 inch (9.5 mm) sieve, . . . . . . . . . . 95 to 100% Passing a No. 4 (4.75 rrm) sieve. . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 to 90% Passing a No. 8 (2.36 mm) sieve. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 to 60% Passing a No. 30 (600 um) sieve. . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 to 10% Permissible Variations - A 5 percentage point tolerance on each sieve, except the 112 inch and 3/8 inch, shall be allowed for material sampled after delivery to the purchaser. The Department will reject any shipment of Sodium Chloride that is outside of these tolerance limits. The right is also reserved to reject any shipments of rock salt which are delivered in a frozen or caked condition or which contain free water. (b) Chemical Composition: The sodium chloride (NaCl ) content shall be not less than 901.0%. Permissible Variation - A 0.5% tolerance in the content of sodium chloride (NaCl ) from the prescribed chemical composition shall be permissible for samples taken at destination. (c) Exceptions and Penalties: The Department reserves the right to accept delivery of Sodium Chloride which, according to analysis by the Department has a sodium chloride (NaCl ) content of less than 96.0 percent, but is not less than 90.0 percent. When such reservation is applied, pa -ment will be made on the following basis: (1 ) When sodium chloride (NaCI ) content is less than specification requirements, but is not less than 95.0 percent: Quoted price f.o.b. county or destination - Less X0.50 per ton. (2) When sodiu^ chloride (NaCl') content is less than 95.0 percent but is not less than 94.0 percent: Quoted price f.o.b. county or destination - Less $2.00 per ton. -z- (3) When sodium chloride (NaCl ) content is less than 94.0 percent but is not less than 90.0 percent: Quoted price f.o.b. county t or destination - Less $4.00 per ton. The right is also reserved to make a deduction for moisture by weight based on the per ton price of the Sodium Chloride. All penalty deductions shall be made on the basis of the sodium chloride (NaCl ) content and the moisture content as determined by the Illinois Department of Transportation. 7. BASIS OF PAYMENT. The Sodium Chloride will be paid for at the contract unit price per ton for furnishing and transporting Sodium Chloride to the Illinois Department of Transportation. Effective June 1 , 1986 (This specification supersedes Serial Number 36-85 issued October 1, 1985. ) State of Illinois Department of P4blic Works aad Buildings Division of High-.rays S='CT'ICATIONS FOR CALCI12M Cr;ORIDE Serial \'u=b-_r: M 332-57 1. DESCRIPTION. This s-oec'_fication covers furnishing and transporting calcium chloride. 2. SAl`-EiG A. D Tic:_;G. Cal--iu-- G l orid,e shall be s=.Died sad tested ir..accord- ance With the latest staG.^'_arrd met"'ods of the American Society for Testing :Materials. Lf the material is sampled after delivery, a 3 per cent variation in content of CaC12 from the chemical composition pre- scribed in Section 3 shall be permissible. 3. MATERIAL. Calcium chloride shat meet the follo::i r recui re_emts for chemical' com_osition aid gra•?ation. a. Calcium Chloride (Type 1, Reg-.:.lar Flake Calcium Chloride) (1) Chemical Compositica Calci= chloride, CaC12 (anhydrous), sin. per cent . .... . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . ... . . . . . . (7 Teta'_ chlorides calculated as NaCl, max. per cent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . 2.0 Total kznesi= as i max. per ce_^_t . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O.5 Other -ides, •(nct. i ncludir3 -water) rax. per cent . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.0 (2) Gradatic:. k:er tested by la:orate-y sieves, it shamj reef t:e 'C'?CW- I r, Passi: 3/8-'_^_c., sieve, per oral 1CO Passing ?;o. 4 sieve, min. per cent . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . 20 Passi:- Nc. 20 sieve, ma:.. per cent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l0 b. Cal ciu= Chloride- (TyCe 2, Cc=e_^_teat-ed Cr Ci.`_c: G-o• l a- Cale_._ C:.?cr::") (1) Chemical Cow=csitic: Calc_u` chloride, CaC12 (anhydrous), L_n. per cent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lCt•al a-l -ali c_hlorl"deJ, calcUlatleC as NaCl, max. per cent ...... . .. . . 5.0 Total ma€:esi= as M&Cl27 max. per cent . . . • . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. . . 0.0 Other ir: rites, (not includir.m_ -water) •/ . mrx. per cent. . . . • .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . • . . . . . . . ..• ...• .. . 1.0 (2) Gradation. When tested by labcratorr sieves, it shall Leet the ;'oiiow- ims 1 s. Pasei 3/2-4nc^ sieve, per cent 100 Passing tic. 4 sieve, Wi.T. per cent' .. . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . .. . 20 Pass-- ..o. 20 sieve, =x. per cent . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . 10 ' k. PAaLdG AIND MAFKR G Page 2 a. The calcium chloride may be delivered in moistareproof bags containing not more than 100 lb. each, or it r—=y be delivered in b Lk in tar_ cars, cove:e her_er cars, or covered trucks. b,1Z', shipments shall be used i=ediately upon arrival at destination. b. The name of the manufacturer, name of the product, net Freight, and percent- age of calcium chloride guaranteed by the manufacturer shall be legibly rarked on each certainer except in the case of balk shi_Wents Where this i.n-for-ma-tion shall be shorn on the invoice. 5. ALT=. IKkT-ER AL. Unless other-rise specified in the Proposal, the total quantity of calcium chloride shall be based on using Type 1, regular flake calcium chloride having a guaranteed anhydrous calcl chloride content, -by- Freight; -of 77 per cent. When the Proposal per=its alternate types of calcium- chloride, the bids shall be compared on the basis of the guaranteed anhydrous chloride content, using ratio of 94 for Type 2 to 77 for Type 1. 6. COLMFL ATION OF 3 'S. In cc=- the low bid on calcium chloride f.o.b. destination, When bids are received for alternate fcr.-s, the g-=-ranteed percentages of a_,ydrous chlore of 77 for calci,= chloride T;,7e 1 and 04 for calcium chloride Type 2 will---e applied (1) to both t^E unit ( bid price f.o.b. point of origiZ and to the freight rate per ton from toi_t of c:igin to despi__.ticn, when the bid is submitted in tat m:.:ner; of (2) to the unit bid p=ice for f.o.b. destination deliver„ whe. the bid is submitted in that manner. 7. 1"�'ECD Or l�',Su?=.`^rT. Calciu.:. chloride shall be mess--e_ by veLz y y �L c n /1 -�.--V, I....e uzni 1 • of TeasW.re=e nv being the ton. 8. E4S:S Or FA t�_ T. The ^-terlal will be paid or the ccn r L "" � _ac,, unit price per ton for Furnishing am Transpc:�ing Calciu.,, C7dcride. Effective June 3, 1 957 (This s_ecifycai.lon s zersedes Se:ia_ PTu=bEr :�! 33-/', ) J T Form M-1 State of Illinois - Department of Transportation Division of Highways Sprinqfield, Illinois SPECIFICATIONS FOR BREAKAWAY "U" METAL POSTS FOR SIGNS Serial Number: M 125-89 1 . DESCRIPTION: These specifications cover breakway galvanized steel posts utilizinq separate uDoer base post sections coupled with a retainer strap for use in erectinq highway signs. The posts and retaining strao shall be "EZE-ERECT" manufactured by Franklin Steel Company or approved ecual . - The posts and method of couolinq shall be certified as meetinq the reouirements of FHWA Notice N5040.20, dated July 14, 1976, with a' change in momentum of 750 pounds Der second or less. Test data shall be furnished indicating that, in most instances, the base post remains usable after the upper post has been broken off. The test data shall also ndicate that the retaining strap t remains attache, to both the uouer and base posts after imoact, Causino the uDDer Dost to fall under an imoactinq vehicle. MATERIALS 2. POSTS: Posts shall be rolled from hich-strencth, hot-rolled steel cor.formirq to AST ; Deslcraticr A . 499, r:tiodified to 60,000 psi minirr.um tensile or eoual . 3. RETAINER STRAP : The strap Shall he fabricated from AISI 1020 steel . 4 . BOLTS AND NUTS: Bolts shall he 3/8 -16 UNC x 2 inches lonq, hex head, flanged bolts, ASTV; A 354, Grade BD (Grade 8) . Nuts shall he hex head, flar.aPt; lock nut, 3/8 -16 U%C, ASTM A 563; Grade D. FABRICATiON A!;D FINISH 5. CROSS SECTION: The cross section. of the posts shall be a flanged channel , the nominal dimensions of which Shall conform to those shny,n on the A,tachPrI drawir.r, for the tvDF, or types. of posts SGeC 'f led. 'q r) var 'Arnrp t,' l l hE )1lr,uFC1 on the posts' Cross section PxceDt as note; herP'r. 6. LFt,0 TH: The lencth of L .Or')-00!)rd aid 2. 50-Dound upper posts shall hF as specif ' Pd. The lenoth of ,r,- c .00-Dound base ousts shall he 3 '6" , and the ler,cth of the 2.50-Dound hase posts Shall he 410" Serial Number: M 125-89 Page 2 of-2 with tolerances of +' 1 .0" on the lower posts and 1 .5" on the upper - oosts. 7. WEIGHT : The weight of the posts, Der foot of length, may have a tolerance of + 3.5 percent. 8. PUNCHING: The base oost shall be punched with 7/16" diameter holes, 1" centers, 18 holes, with the first hole 1" from the top. The base post shall be pointed. The uooer post shall be punched with 7/16" diameter holes, 1" centers, full length, with the first hole 1 " from the too of the post and the last hole 112" from the bottom of the post. 9. GALVANIZING: The pasts and retair.inq straps shall be qalvanized to conform to ASTM A 123. The weight of the qalvanizinq shall average 2.0 ounces Der souare foot of actual surface and shall be not less than 1 .8 ounces. All eal,vanizinq shall be done after fabrication and ounchinq has been completed. Bolts and nuts shall be mechanically qalvanized to ASTM 8 695, . Class 25. 10. WORKMANSHIP AND FINISH: The ousts shall / be symmetrical and well formed. They shall he free from injurious defects which will inoa;r their strength or aDoearance. The zinc coatino on the steel Dosts shall be free from. such imperfections as lumos, hlisters, uncoated soots, dross, and flux. All holes and sheared ends shall be coTnP.rcially free of hurrs. 11 . TENS10r; TESTS: The tensile Drooerties of the metals shall be dete'rined in accordance with ASTK A. 370. 12. SA!'PLES AND INSPECTION : The vendor shall furnish, free of charge, all fall-S47C- sc)ec'.menc np(.PSCary for pprfornino the tests. All t)nst5 Shall hp 'nsDectr-n by the i12✓Prt^ent of Transoortat;on for c0 pliance with the Sopcif ir.at;ons. The insoection may be Uerform.ed wccr- the f;;rr•� ,hrd cooSts S!1hsPouPr.t. to delivery or at r, fnt�rP,thF L.laCC- Of ;�t the option of the Department of Transoortation. Any inspector representino the Department shall have free entry to the Darts of the manufacturer' s plant which rnr-.cprn the product4on of the aos'_S. 13. REJECTION: Failure of ihP DnStS tO meet �,ny of the rP.ouirements of. these Soecif ications will he cause for rejection. 14. PA P%GiNG : Posts Shall be securely bundled with 4 or more steel straps and shall weigh aboroximately 2,000 Dounds Der bundle. Th;s spec if ;cation is eff Pct;vr- rove-'er 16, 1989, and supersedes Serial N 125-83, Gated July 1983. FUNGED CIC��'�E'. ?'It0?ERTI'_S � • EIGHT DC,1E\S)ONS All E•1 X-\ AXIS Y-Y AXIS rm I FOOT' „A' I „R.. .•�•• .•D•. I\= I (foil S (in'l�l I (in') S (I^ 1 f I I r c0 1 1.562 1 3.135 1.2=0 .6.5 .748 .233 .2S9 .551 .35J I 4.00 1.750 3.500 1.E71 .718 1.190 .500• .560 1 1.190 1.0°0 + Goverm-Ind Section (� I r I Y Signpost crd �ct<nut(u4g e dc--} 111`" X-- •;: X ! Ali y I I• V;'�. • T Iii o ��l\_ i T' B • � �I` I �, Iii ne;ciner spacer strap—►—i •; Basepcst 111 for 2.5 1b./ 1 .12" for 4.0 lb. / ' I —L _T �. L IT jol 0: I -� ©� Mail Rio;: - L.fi doll _ Ii!0jI — " ,j 125" S,•,SL FvS J S,v;\l POST ti . , HEX. HEAD -I\TcGR;.L i=LaNG: 5?aCi=R STaa� COLT AND L0C"K' LI T DESIGN DETAILS FOR BRZA A-!A Y "=i.lL POSTS A::D _iJT;:�?� r t yDe A monocle a c t tonal 061 16.111 (losnlnp light 4 e A 1 1•4 m T" Strobe l6'l IL't 1(21.1101101•361E VvOfWEM light • 250 n0, (Block on orange) N EAR SPEED UMfT o typical 1.1 n R 112.1•361e 11'1 sign 181 oak on rhltel 45 E R _ M AI•no)•)61e NlliE11 H 18lock On rhttel M,4.tWq Fr Omef fh0f be no he crier than) V ) 100x100 IIx11(nom, dlm•l rood or Edge o1 50xxIIx1*' )steel oln 50xSO50x)S12x2x�4lfrasl onpbf tv p or pavement Pavement •` , — — —' •' Plptd 1517, — — L — — pvc DID• — ._ — O CONSTRUCTION SPEED LIMIT SIGN 11,000 OA WE T AL SIPPM I s Pvc PIPE StPPOA T s co4f �- WING BARRICADES A 1111 1 min, _ 00 5z ;5 000 WOOD holes Y - n r -_-------_ __ ____ -I L 1'4,1 jk 125-1 (2 511 o corning signs Conftrvctlon advance ¢° 200'1 1200'11 (2001) �A 0 4 One or t..o PLAN n 01eCe Dose S n 251 Il�tl FOCe may De stabbed FLEXIBLE DELINEATORS Or emOOth , 1 1 Trotllt L \ t �7r u dne nelorxf o'e N AMnytVe ttrxyheu `Epoxy chonriell �MN Other rlH eho.reL ®"�'°"'--"•"'�"""-' �_ U%fl I TRAFFIC CONTROL iMCAL IkSTALLATIOM ) 7 SECTION A-A DEVICES m Isheal 2 of 31 O ...e.. hh t TEMPORARY RUMBLE STRIPS STANDARD 2298-12 1.2`m 11711 mo • n. + t� � k2i.q n Q41 Tlrt 41 Tt .S t 1 foA., l fib` ° _n tenpin Z.0oilonol unetr.lpe0 ^ bottom roll �1 100.100 TYPE 1A BARRICADE TYPE 1 BARRICADE TYPE 11 BARRICADE "'/1 50%50%s t2.2•Ye1 Angle 0• � 50 x 50.3 12.1.'/,1 1 u01n0 50x100 12.11 foo 12 per ev000etr i jj11 � ^ ISO min. t 1121 11sr Ivolnp -111, I l 111t �y.0 oose +s 1St 111 ISO so 1 ¢ 16r 1` —'I 16t �+L 200 161 federal serles C 1� ^+ = i 150 111 Federol serles 0 ) t ,� 903e I t Steel ototes 1is1 =I- so en � soetl/ledl 1.5 m J _ IS'1 16 t 513 ' - — 11 1 1»ICK 9000 UjPPDR1 11PICU SIM. UPPMI �1 120%11 1! ,•+/,,, TYPE III BARRICADES E , - 10 ts/11 Olo. 1 150 min. 1 e 3 nc,es I 150■150 Orenpe flops 11s.1s1 list L - 3 !� • 100-ISO u•6 STOF FRONT 510E REAM 510E FLAGGER TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGN I,r S�(CCIFI[m R �� 112E 1^^ f p N ° ' / � �� � �� �� X31 u dte.enyloru ore In mll line l er a IlrKne et ` p v+eu other.lu anon 111 g s g o TRAFFIC CONTROL Or Dnpe Ord^Qe DEVICF` Q, v 5 HIGH LEVEL WARNING DEVICE 3 0/ 3, O VERTICAL PANELS REFLECTORIZEO CONES cot, STANDARD 2298-12 i I " I min, r �_ I 1121 ROAD p CO!1SiRUC 110H (IQ R g 1 ([x1 x Y1LES CONSiRUCZION ` G20.1101.6036 620.1101.6074 a R 1 X • Distance to ENO CONSTRUCTION sign. 1 min, ROAD COHSIRuCI10"ttExl x LIMES stun snap be TYDe A max. •--�{1 max max TYDe A 11" t- instaee0 in advance of the first work area flasher 1N II 161 R11• 1 1, Rosner I RII•e of eoen end of 0r01eels aver 5200 m tT .dies, ROW In length. Ins ENO CONSIRUCTION Sian snon be CLOSED na�olc0t0%0 •O.01neu0 erected near the end of these drol•cts o unless another Drolect is .tthln 5100 m t7 •• . (doe of L.ttt to✓tit t.wV In✓tit Deyond the end of the lob. snoutaer WORK LIMIT SIGNING Pavement ' Pavement ROAD CLIMAD 10 ALL lWfIC ROW CLOSEO TO ALL TWU TRAMC RefleCtorlxed strlDing may be omitted on the Reflecforflea striping shoe oposor on both back side of,the borrle Odes. The borrleodes shoe tides of the barricades. The barricades shag De t0 the edge of the ehoUlder7 except when be to the edge of the povement except otnorwlto directed by the Engineer or shown on when otherwise directed by the Engineer or in* detailed constructlon plane, shorn On the detailed consirVCtion dons. Iyoo A monodirectlonot (lashing Iight TYPICAL APPLICATIONS OF • , in 16*1 in ' TYPE III BARRICADES CLOSING A ROAD z 1.6 m 112.1 max• min IOOxi00 11x11 m mon nom, .wood Oos r ' C Edge of 111 2.4 m min o E Dovemenl Wood c or face F in min, ° _ _ of curb QQ 1 Amin IS•i 9 h= y{ 11'1 :.•:W .. 1 t IT LS nIS'Im1n.t1 Ele•ollon of edge Paved ertOVtder m t Cte.otlan of +c e beoment of pavement of oo.emen. g r TYPICAL SIGN INSTALLATIONS ' ` r ' L GENERAL NOTES h. � n • whin eVttb Or pO.ea SnOV,oer O'e :'CSer• 11,112 dimension snon be 600 mm 111, •o •^ i face of curb 01 1.6 m 161 to .tie PE b.�•y,;e" TYPE A TYPE E TY C edge of the bow ed shoulder ACa YCIU/TED ROOF OR TRAILER UOUNTEO TRAILER LMXHTEO AN heights shown snb• be measurea 000.e In* 00vememt surface. Al cilmenslone ore In millimeters tlnrry V ARROW BOARDS wrest otherwise shown. Wilt RltiAwto ® nee. height ht obove TRAFFIC CONTROL _ ► 0 for TYPE 6 arrow Daard. DEVICES m 7•I.95 Compinea t29e. 2199 l a t � 1700. Yawed C.H. t0 S ecS. Revised title. STANDAI 298-12