Resolution 1994-06 f RESOLUTION NO: 94 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING INDIVIDUALS TO BE AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CHECKS AND HAVE ACCESS TO THE CITY' S SAFE DEPOSIT BOX FOR THE CITY BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS: WHEREAS: the Mayor and the City Council of the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, have deemed it to be in their best St I interest to have at least fywer individuals authorized to sign checks for the City: NOW THEREFORE, be it ordained by the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE that the following individuals are authorized to sign checks for the City and to have access to the City's Safe Deposit Boxes : Mayor, Kenneth Kittoe City Clerk, Jacqueline Allison Alderman, Bill Baird Alderman, Bob Johnson Alderman, Jeff Baker IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Reso d tion has been enacted this 21st day of April, 1994 . Ma r, kenheft Kittoe Attest: City erk ' ' ACCT 1#: 014-273 TAX T� ����-MC-951G9 RESI 'ION OF LODGE, ASSOCIATION OR OTHER SIMILAR ORGAN..Q= . m ' YOPKVILLE r0TIONAL 8Ax4 1D% E^ VAN EDT10111 uEEu-ER ,x^Lu�vu W_Pt5T' n YiJRKVILLE, IL DDSOO Wj T��WER Lie (Address) YGI�KVTLLE, TL 60560 (City,State and Zip Code) m. |. certify that| am the above-named organization (rofennu omaothe ^osono/unon^)organized under the laws of ILLIWIS pouom/ smn/ovo,I.o. mumuo, .and that the following iou correct copy m resolutions adopted ata meeting ovthe association duly and properly called and held on APRIL 29 1oJ4--_--_-_ These resolutions appear m the minutes m this meeting and have not been rescinded ormodified. B. aon resolved that, The Financial Institution named above is designated as a depository for the funds of this association. (2) This resolution shall continue u, have effect until express written notice m its rescission o,modification has been received and nmomou by this Financial Institution. C8 All transactions, if any, im respect to any deposits, wit»umwu|o, rediscounts and borrowings by or on behalf m this association with this Financial Institution prior to the adoption of this resolution are hereby ratified, (4) Any of the persons named below,so long as they act in a representative capacity as agents of this association,are authorized to make any and all other contracts, agreements, stipulations and orders which they may deem advisable for the effective exercise of the powers indicated below, from time to time with this Financial Institution, concerning funds deposited in this Financial Institution, moneys borrowed from this Financial Institution or any other business transacted by and between this association and this Financial Institution subject to any restrictions stated below. (5)Any and all prior resolutions adopted by this association and certified to this Financial Institution as governing the operation of this association's account(s),are in full force and effect,unless supplemented or modified by this authorization. (6) This association agrees to the terms and conditions of any account agreement, properly opened by any authorized representative(s) of this association,and authorizes the Financial Institution named above,at any time,to charge this association for all checks,drafts,or other orders,for the payment of money,that are drawn on this Financial Institution, regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature(s)may have been affixed so long as they resemble the facsimile signature specimens in section C.(or the facsimile signature specimens that this association files with this Financial Institution from time to time)and contain the required number of signatures for this purpose. C. If indicated,any person listed below(subject to any expressed restrictions)is authorized to: Name and Title . Signature Facsimile S�n��u,o (if"°=/ V JUDITH E.- ERICLON P Indicate�B,o and/or o (1)Exercise all m the powers listed m(2)through(6). (2)Open any deposit n,checking accomWm the name m this association. (3)Endorse checks and orders for the payment o,money and withdraw funds ondeposit with this Financial Institution. Number m authorized signatures required for this purpose (4)Borrow money on behalf and in the name of this association,sign,execute and deliver promissory notes or other evidences mindebtedness. Number or authorized signatures required for this purpose (5)Endorse, a000,pledge mnomooivvu|o *mmxouso | mn of lading,stocks,bonds,real estate o, other property now owned v, hereafter owned or acquired uv this association as security for sums uo,,owou, and to discount the same, unconditionally guarantee payment o, all mxv ,onoived, negotiated or discounted and to waive demand,presentment,protest,notice of protest and notice of non-payment. Number m authorized signatures required for this purpose (6)Enter into written lease for the purpose of renting and maintaining a Safe Deposit Box in this Financial Institution. Number m authorized persons required to gain access and m terminate the lease D. | further certify that this as��ciauon xao, and at the time madoption of this resolution *ad, fun power and |mwm| authority to adopt the foregoing resolutions and to confer the powers granted to the persons named who have full power and lawful authority m exercise the same. ' E. x AFFIX SEAL HERE X ` (Attest by a Director) (Attest--`'_--. (CD 1989 BANKERS SYSTEMS,INC.,ST.CLOUD,MN(1-800-397-2341) FORM OA-1 1/12/90 �� ' AXT ii: 01ti-997 68 TAX ID RES[ ION OF LODGE, ASSOCIATION OR OTHER SIMILAR ORGANIZ IN ~ 71!1- YO2KDIUE @ATTONAL BK"M ByPITY 3F YONVILLE 1 51111Px/EF/ '0*0/ILLE, IL Ylit'VVILLE, IL i3L�5630 (Address) CA!<D 1 OF 2 ' (City,State and Zip Code) A. |. 3 UELI�E AJ'T'1!�)I I . certify that / umSecretary(c|ow)ox the above-named organization � (mve,mo�oaumo ^un000/uuo^^)o,oun/zou under the laws of Federal smn/ovo,/.o. wumuo, ^ .unumoxu`omomwmsiouoon0000pymmoo|uoonouuo�ouu/amoomommo ^ _---___ association duly and properly called and xo/u on �o�L Toono resolutions . appear in the minutes o,this meeting and have not been rescinded o,modified. B. 00u resolved that, The rmanoiu|moumt|nnnamed above|odonWnu�uunu depository m,momnuommioaoxoo/amon. "' This resolution shall continue m have effect until express written notice vv its rescission or modification has been received and nmon1ou by this Financial Institution. (3)All transactions, if any, with respect many ovpomm. *imumwu|o, reu|»ooum» and borrowings by or on behalf mthis association with this Financial Institution prior to the adoption of this resolution are hereby ratified,approved and confirmed. (4) Any o,the persons named below,so long as they act in a representative capacity as agents of this association,are authorized to make any and all other contracts, — nts/stipulations and orders which they may deem advisable for the effective exercise of the powers indicated below, from time mtime h this r|nunom/ Institution, concerning funds deposited in this Financial Institution, moneys borrowed from this Financial Institution o,any other business transacted by and between this association and this Financial Institution subject tn any restrictions stated below. (5)Any and all prior resolutions adopted by this u0000iutwn and cemnou to this Financial monmnon as governing the operation of this association's account(s),are in full force and effect,unless supplemented or modified by this authorization. (6) This association agrees to the terms and conditions of any account agreement, properly opened by any authorized representative(s) of this association,and authorizes the Financial Institution named above,at any time,to charge this association for all checks,drafts,or other orders,for the payment of money,that are drawn on this Financial Institution, regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature(s) may have been affixed so long as they resemble the facsimile signature specimens in section C. (or the facsimile signature specimens that this association files with this Financial Institution from time to time)and contain the required number of signatures for this purpose. C. If indicated,any person listed below(subject to any expressed restrictions)is authorized to: Name and Title aiunumm Facsimile Signature "."se" � ** P Eli (D) /7 Indicate/\B.o and/or o � (1)Exercise all m the powers listed m(2)through(6). (2)Open any deposit o,checking a000unt(Nm the name m this association. (3)Endorse���x oo xo and nu o m m,the payment m monov unuwnhumwmnuoonuoponitwuhmiormunoial|nsn«x|on . ' Number m authorized signatures required for this purpose (4)Borrow money on behalf and in the name of this association,sign,execute and deliver promissory notes or other evidences o,indebtedness. ' Number o,authorized signatures required for this purpose (5)Endorse,ommgn'tmns»o�mo�oaoro,pledge mnomooivau|o warehouse receipts,m000r|amno stocks,bonds,real estate �, omv, p,opo�v now owned o, »omano, owned �, aoqvi,ou by this �nsooiauon a� socunvfor sums uormwou, and to discount the same, unconditionally guarantee payment o, all ui||o ,eooivrd, negotiated or discounted and to waive demand,presentment,protest,notice of protest and notice of non-payment. Number o,authorized signatures required for this purpose ' k0 Enter into wni u on lease for the purpose m/renting and maintaining uuuf000pooitooxinm/nFmunma|mmuutmn . Number of authorized persons required to gain access and to terminate the lease D. ) further certify that this association xus, and at the time o, adoption of this resolution xuu, mn power and lawful authority toadopt the foregoing resolutions and to confer the powers granted to the persons named who have full power and lawful authority m exercise the same. ' . ' E. x ` X AFFIX SEAL HERE (Attest by a Director) (Attest by a Director) 1989 BANKERS SYSTEMS,INC..ST.CLOUD,MN(1-800-397-2341) FORM OA-1 1/12/90 x �� ~ ' ~ ACCT �'i.: [V5~897 3C-GODG169 \ � TA� ID Y, 39 RE� 'ION OF LODGE, ASSOCIATION OR OTHER SIMILAR ORGANIZ IN , ~ rl ir'- YORK ILLE "ATTO PL 8A�,10', 1n2 E. V�] [rr�J smn�«�.�u T n/�n�pnsn,�zz�� ,MKVILL[, IL 617155fL_j Yr'R\L_'ILL_7, IL 60560 (Address) CARD 2 OF 2 (City State and Zip Code) A. |. . certify that| am Secretary(clerk)of the above-named organization � (mm,mu toaothe ^u0000/at/on^)organized under the laws of ILi pouom/ smp/oyor/.o. wumuo, � .and that the following ina correct copy m resolutions adopted ata meeting mthe association duly and pmpo,/ycalled and held on . 19("A--_---_-- These resolutions appear in the minutes nf this meeting and have not been rescinded o,modified. B. oo/t resolved that, Financial Institution named above|x designated axu depository m the funds uv this association. resolution shall continue m have effect until express written notice of its rescission o,modification has been received and recorded by � this Financial Institution. KVm| tmn»m�iono. if any, with respect to any deposits, w|mumwa|v. rediscounts and borrowings u or on behalf mmiv association with m|x are Financial— ratified,approved and confirmed. (4) Any of the persons named below,so long as they act in a representative capacity as agents of this association,are authorized to make any and all other contracts, agreements, stipulations and orders which they may deem advisable for the effective exercise of the powers indicated below, from time to time with this Financial Institution, concerning funds deposited in this Financial Institution, moneys borrowed from this Financial Institution or any other business transacted by and between this association and this Financial Institution subject to any restrictions stated below. (5) Any and all prior resolutions adopted by this association and certified to this Financial Institution as governing the operation of this association's account(s),are in full force and effect,unless supplemented or modified by this authorization. (6)This association agrees to the terms and conditions of any account agreement, properly opened by any authorized representative(s) of this association,and authorizes the Financial Institution named above,at any time,to charge this association for all checks,drafts,or oth&orders,for the payment of money,that are drawn on this Financial Institution, regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature(s)may have been affixed so long as they resemble the facsimile signature specimens in section C.(or the facsimile signature specimens that this association files with this Financial Institution from time to time)and contain the required number of signatures for this purpose. C. If indicated,any person listed below(subject to any expressed restrictions)is authorized to: Name and Title Signature racoimnoa nature (if used V kB) "" Indicate A,B,c and/or o (1)Exercise all m the powers listed in(2)through(6). '- (2)Open any deposit or checking uoununt(s)m the name m this association. r ~ ' (3)Endorse checks and orders for the payment of money and withdraw funds on deposit with this Financial Institution. Number m authorized signatures required for this purpose (4)Borrow money on behalf and in the name of this association,sign,execute and deliver promissory notes or other evidences mindebtedness. Number m authorized signatures required for this purpose (5)Endorse,assign,tn,nxvo�mo�na000,pledge mnx,000ivamo warehouse receipts,mnno,lading,mocxo bonds,real estate �, omo, p,opoxy now owned o, xomuno, owned �, uoqu/mu uvm/o �0000iuxon as oouu,/�yfor sums uo,mwou, and tn discount the samo, unconditionally guarantee payment o, all ui||o ,000|vou, negotiated or discounted and to waive demand,presentment,protest,notice of protest and notice of non-payment. Number m authorized signatures required for this purpose (6)Enter into written lease for the purpose of renting and maintaining a Safe Deposit Box in this Financial Institution. \ Number m authorized persons required to gain access and to terminate the lease D. | further certify that this association huo, and at the time of adoption of this resolution hud, mn power and |uwm/ authority to adopt the foregoing resolutions and to confer the powers granted to the persons named who have full power and lawful authority to exercise the same. ` . ~ E. X \ ' � X AFFIX SEAL HERE ti(Attost by a Director) (Attest by a Director) C") 1989 BANKERS SYSTEMS,INC.,ST.CLOUD,MN(1-800-397-2341) FORM OA-1 1/12/90 ��