Resolution 1993-08 RESOLUTION NO 3 CITY OF YORKVILLE Resolution of the United City of the Village of Yorkville, transferring line amount budgets within funds for the 1992-1993 fiscal year. WHEREAS, excesses exist in line items of the budget for the United City of the Village of Yorkville for the year 1992-1993; and WHEREAS, those excesses may be transferred to and used for other needed items; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the United City of the Village of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois that the following items, be, and the same are hereby transferred for the budget for 1992-1993 fiscal year, ending April 30, 1993, for the United City of the Village of Yorkville, shown upon the attached amendment to said budget; and '0 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the United City of the Village of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, that the budget for the United City of the Village of Yorkville for the year 1992-1993, be, and the same is amended to conform thereto, to- wit: (See attached) . This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage. PASSED this Q day of ����� , 1993 . APPROVED this 1 day of 1993 . M r ATTEST: i n r--- C'ty erk CITY OF I_ _.VILLE . BUDGET AMENDMENTS 4/30/93 LINE ITEM TRANSFERS TRANSFER TO TRANSFER FROM FUND DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # AMOUNT FUND DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # AMOUNT GF-Streets Traffic Signals 521-0101 3500 GF-Streets Contingency 799-0101 3500 if Pagers 576-0101 50 11 50 it Wearing Apparel 632-0101 500 If if if 500 if Supplies-Streets 644-0104 2500 if 2500 ` GF-Trk/Equip. Equipment Maintenance 516-0104 6500 it 2450 GF-Storm Sewer 799-0103 4050 " Insp./Licenses 542-0104 50 50 " Gasoline 620-0104 2400 900 GF-Trk/Equip. " " 1500 GF-Parks Salaries 401-0112 2500 GF-Parks Tennis Court 579-0112 1500 GF-Streets Main.Streets 522-0101 1000 it Tree Removal 500-0112 200 it " 200 It Contract Mowing 531-0112 700 if it " 700 if Travel Exp. 548-0112 100 it 100 it Rental-Equip. 566-0112 1400 " 1400 if Oprtng.Supplies 612-0112 4500 4500 it Christmas 655-0112 1800 GF-Parks Natural Gas 577-0112 200 it Electricity 578-0112 400 it Flowers/Trees 650-0112 300 it Public Decor. 655-0112 700 It Miscellaneous 699-0112 100 GF-Streets Main.Streets 522-0101 100 it Equipment 809-0112 300 300 . CITY OF Y__.KVILLE BUDGET AMENDMENTS 4/30/93 LINE ITEM TRANSFERS TRANSFER TO TRANSFER FROM FUND DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # AMOUNT FUND DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # AMOUNT GF-City Bldg. Main. P.D. 5190-0120 1000 GF.-City Bldg. Main. Bldg. 515-0120 1000 it Main.Repair 535-0120 1000 if if It 500 it Main.Library 536-0120 500 if Natural Gas 577-0120 750 to Oper.Supplies 612-0120 750 it Electricity 578-0120 300 it if if 300 GF-Pub.Rel. Pub./Adv. 550-0132 400 GF-Pub./Adv. Contractual 540-0132 400 if Comm.Relations 6140-0132 200 11 if 100 " Postage 570-0132 50 " Oper.Supplies 612-0132 50 GF-B&Z Legal 510-0137 200 GF-B&Z Contr.Service 540-0137 200 it Pub./Adv. 550-0137 300 it it it 300 GF-Finance Admin.Salary 403-0140 3500 GF-San.Swr Extending Sewer 591-0102 3500 it Sec'y.Salary 405-0140 8500 It it if 8500 if Att'y.Salary 411-0140 1000 GF-Finance Budget Salary 409-0140 1000 if S.S. Tax 451-0140 6000 GF-Streets Maint.Streets 522-0101 6000 it IMRF 452-0140 3500 if it it 3500 it Group Health 461-0140 5000 it If if 5000 it Work.Comp. 501-0140 8000 if if it 8000 if Prop.Damage 504-0140 13000 GF-Finance Gnrl.Liability 502-0140 13000 if Bonding 505-0140 500 it , It it 500 it Legal Services 510-0140 500 if Audit Fees 512-0140 500 it Maint.Copier 519-0140 300 if if it 300 it Contractual 540-0140 100 if it if 100 - 8 CITY OF _ XVILLE BUDGET AMENDMENTS 4/30/93 LINE ITEM TRANSFERS TRANSFER TO TRANSFER FROM FUND DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # AMOUNT FUND DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT AMOUNT GF-Finance Dues 545-0140 100 GF-Finance Audit Fees 512-0140 100 " Postage 570-0140 1000 it Training 547-0140 1000 " Telephone 575-0140 700 if Travel 548-0140 700 " Cell.Phone 5750-0140 250 if Publishing 550-0140 250 GF-Storm Swr. Extending 595-0140 24000 GF-Streets Maintenance 522-0101 24000 GF-Streets Salaries 401-0101 14000 it Engineering 541-0101 4000 if Street Lighting 574-0101 4000 GF-San.Swr. Extend Sewer 591-0102 3000 GF-B&Z Contractual 540-0137 3000 GF-Police Chief Salary 406-0106 3000 GF-Police Computers 815-0106 3000 it Main.Copier 519-0106 500 if if if 500 it Dues 545-0106 200 It it 200 it Subscriptions 552-0106 400 if it " 400 it Cell.Phone 5750-0106 600 of it " 600 it Oper.Supplies 612-0106 2500 GF-Planning Books/Maps 636-0115 900 if Psych.Service 465-0106 1600 it Uniforms 632-0106 3500 it it 11 400 if Health Service 466-0106 1500 it Maint.Radios 520-0106 1600 " CPAT 540-0106 5000 if if 1400 " Books/Maps 636-0115 2000 GF-B&Z Contractual 540-0137 1600 CITY OF -iVILLE BUDGET AMENDMENTS 4/30/93 LINE ITEM TRANSFERS TRANSFER TO TRANSFER FROM FUND DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # AMOUNT FUND DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # AMOUNT Water Salaries 401-1000 5000 Water Engineering 541-1000 5000 " Main.Equip. 516-1000 500 it it it 500 if Contractual 540-1000 6500 Contingency it 5000 " Flush Hydrants 538-1000 1500 IT Equipment Rent 566-1000 100 " " " 100 if Postage 570-1000 400 400 it Oper.Supplies 612-1000 7000 " Mains & Pumps 860-1000 7000 it Hand Tools 630-1000 500 if 500 if Safety Equipment 638-1000 1000 if 1000 if P.H.#3 Repair 862-1000 1800 Hydrant Replace 861-1000 1800 Mun.Bldg. Contractual 540-3000 4600 Mun.Bldg. Construction 811-3000 4600 Swr.Main. Oper.Supplies 612-4000 2000 Swr.Main. Safety Equipment 638-4000 2000 GF-Police Salaries 401-0106 1000 GF-Police Lab Fees 467-0106 1000 if Health Service 466-0106 500 11 11 it 500 it Chief Salary 406-0106 1500 it Gasoline 620-0106 1500 it Office Supplies 610-0106 1000 if it if 1000 GF-Parks Salaries 401-0112 100 GF-Parks Supplies 612-0112 100 GF-Planning Books/Maps 636-0115 100 GF-Planning Consultant 558-0115 100 GF-Pub.Rel. Supplies 612-0132 800 GF-Finance Contingency 799-0140 800 GF-B&Z Contractual 540-0137 500 GF-B&Z Training 547-0137 500 it Publishing 550-0137 500 if Books/Maps 636-0137 500 R CITY OF _ XVILLE BUDGET AMENDMENTS 4/30/93 LINE ITEM TRANSFERS TRANSFER TO TRANSFER FROM FUND DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # AMOUNT FUND DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT # AMOUNT GF-Finance Sec'y.Salaries 405-0140 300 GF-Finance Budget Officer 409-0140 300 it FICA Tax 451-0140 500 if U.C.Tax 453-0140 500 " Contractual 540-0140 100 if Conferences 547-0140 100 " Telephone 575-0140 100 it if it 100 " Office Supplies 610-0140 2000 it Codification 555-0140 2000 Wtr.Oper. Telephone 575-1000 100 Wtr.Oper. Printing 551-1000 100 Cap.Imp. Tractor 8060-3200 2400 Cap.Imp. Office Equipment 801-3200 2400 " Automobiles 805-3200 700 it " 700 " Computers & Software 815-3200 500 if 500 " Equipment 809-3200 8600 Truck 806-3200 8600 GF-Police Oper.Supplies 612-0106 500 GF-Police Miscellaneous 699-0106 500