Resolution 1993-11 STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF KENDALL RESOLUTION NO: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SPENDING AUtHORITY OF MAYOR, COMMITTEE CHAiRMAN AND APPROVING PU HASE ORDER POLICY AND PROcr=DURES FOR THE UNITED CITY F GE YORKVILLE WHEREAS, the United City of the Village of Yorkville has reviewed its policies, procedures, and methods of acquiring goods and services for the City; and WHEREAS, the United City of the Village of Yorkville through its City Council has examined the necessity of at times making immediate purchases for services, equipment, repairs, and similar activities; and WHEREAS, the City Council and Mayor have determined it to be in the best Interest of the United City of the Village of Yorkville to establish a spending b mlt that can be authorized b4 the Mayor or chairman of any standing committee of the United City of the Village of Yorkville City Council, and further said parties deem it in the best interest of the City to have an orderly and established method of providing for purchases and procedures to pay for the purchases for staff and the City Government; NOW THEREFORE BE iT RESOLVED BY THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE AS FOLLOWS: i) That the Mayor, or any chairman of a standing committee, or any special committee created by approval of the Mayor and City Council of the United City of the Village of Yorkville shall have authority to spend up to $1 ,000-00 per purchase or acquisition of service for the benefit of the Committee involved without full City Council action. Upon said spending authorization being made, the matter shall be reported to the City Council at its next regularly 1 ^ 1 scheduled meeting in the bill list or by note from the City Budget Officer or City Treasurer. 2) That in order to provide for a uniform purchase order policy .for the United City of the Village of Yorkville effective with the passage of this ordinance: PURCHASE ORDER POLICY AND PROCEDURES Purchase orders are to be used when orders are placed for goods and services and billed directly to the City, or Its designated financial officer. Each Department Head will be issued a numbered set of purchase orders for which they are responsible. Purchase orders are to be used in numeric order. BEFORE ORDERING goods or services approval must be obtained according to the authorization limits below: A) Purchases under $500.00 require a purchase order. The purchase order is to be completed and returned to the Department Head for his Designee) for signature and account numbers. B) Purchases $500,00 - $1,000.00 require a purchase order and a bid form. Both forms are to be completed and returned to the Department Head for signature and account numbers. C) Purchases over $1,000.00 to $5,000.00 require a purchase order and a bid form, with written bids. Purchases over $1,000.00 require a signature of Department Head and that Departments Committee Chairman. D) Purchases over $5,000.00 require a purchase order and City Council approval. E) For purchases over $10,000.00 the City Council will abide by Chapter 65 518-9-1 of Illinois Compiled Statutes by obtaining . • 1 • T. seaied bids and published Ads as required; or no bids if authorized by a vote of two-thirds of all the aldermen. F) Approved exceptions to the above requirements: a) Reimbursement of travel expenses (require travel reimbursement form and receipts) . b) Advertisement in newspaper. c) Taxes, payroll transfers, IMRF, and other payroll withholdings. d) Gas purchases. e) Utilities and telephone. f) Purchases under $50.00 made from vendors In Yorkville. g) Petty Cash. h) City Council Approved Contracts that do not require public or competitive bidding. i) Emergency: For all purchases required as a result of an emergency condition such as described below. These are designated Priority One. The Mayor, Committee Chairman, or available council member shall be Informed immediately of emergency situation. 1) A public calamity, wherein prompt purchase of items is required to provide for the needs of the public or to preserve the property of the City of Yorkville. 2) An item necessary to preserve or protect the public health or safety of the residents. 3) An item is made necessary by unforseen damage to public property and any delay will cause deterioration of the situation. 3) To the extent that any prior Ordinance, Resolution, or written policy of the United City of the Village of Yorkville is. contrary to the spending limits and purchase order policy set forth within this Resolution, this Resolution shall control all of said policy matters from the date of its passage instanter. 4) In the event any portion of this Resolution was declared to be Invalid by any Court of valid jurisdiction, the remaining portion thereof would remain enforceable and In full effect. THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE. Approved this 1(P , day of r, ,r t 1998 MAYOR C Y —ATTEST-'