Resolution 1993-20 RESOLUITON q3 -20 BE IT RESOLVED by The Board of Connmissions of CITY OF YORKVILLE as follows: THAT authorized to enter into a Lease_purchase Aareetnent with Caterpillar Financial Services Corporation to obtain: (7) 41b6 NEN CATERPIi,LAR BACKHOE LOADER s/N: G 4 75 for the total price of$48,750.00 with balance, plus interest in consecutive monthly installments, all in accordance with the Lease-Purchase Agreement attached hereto, and made a part hereof. THAT the Clerk is hereby directed to attest to the authorized official's signature_ Adopted this day of p V Votes by Governing Body: u i t orized Signature) 1. YES ��;�,��� C r 2. YES Sc� proc�I }-c-o Attest: 3 YES Uj Ulu 5+Q (Clerk) Form No.0035-7/93 3484 11 10193 02:08PIrtCT