Resolution 1993-24 r 0 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF KENDALL ) RESOLUTION NO.: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING REDISTRICTING OF WARDS THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE WHEREAS, the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE has reviewed the most recent United States census information concerning its residents; and WHEREAS, the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE has examined the current voter registration lists to determine the number of registered voters living in each of its existing wards; and WHEREAS, there is both a Constitutional and statutory duty of the City to provide districting of its wards in a fashion that will provide equal representation in its aldermanic form of government; NOW BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE hereby adopts redistricted voter precincts and boundaries for all four (4) of its ward in the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE as set out in the ward map attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A" and as set out in the attached Exhibit "B". APPROVED THIS DAY OF ���Q l _i�. 1993. MAYOR r CITY CLERK y --- — - Editing District 2 y District 1 - -- / Kennedy District 2 Route-47 —Population: 609 Population: 1038 � Cannonball ante. b Lana Di n r` K Dr CornLry 34 Game a - _.- Tuma Road Co�novezL� -- t Park Dr Apple Tre acker Dr C entral Dr Ce ter�t ; AcornL,e - Mdiu oad River P.oaJ "b St . C?uins Lane St Yorkvillet erfy - .. ._ "rte if Lane -_� one lvfadi�uzi Hydraulic State � Popl. r M_ _ St , Fox Road Bea St____-Wo do 'dg Dr Ford Dr CrookedCr k Dr State wy 126 State wy.41' --- Hillview Ct State Kw}►7T- si District 3 Walnut St DistHet 4 Population: 1320 Y. - mf x M1 '. Bonnie Lane population, 1018 in x. i Po - Ps hare/yorkv i l le o«*o EXHIBIT "A" 2/23/94 WARD I . All that portion of the United City of the Village of Yorkville located south of the following location; starting at the west City limits line at the center line of Fox Road, thence following this centerline northeasterly to the intersection of the centerline of Morgan Street; thence following the centerline south to the intersection of the centerline of Washington St. ; thence following this centerline east to the intersection of the centerline of IL Rt. 47; thence south following this centerline to the interesection of Orange St; thence east following this centerline to the intersection of the centerline of Mill St; thence following this centerline north to the intersection of the centerline of Van Emmon Rd; thence following this centerline to the east City limits line. WARD II . All that portion of the United City of the Village of Yorkville located north of Ward I and south of the following described boundary. Beginning at the west City limits line of the north property line of the new school property (old Game Farm) ; thence east along this property line to the intersection of the centerline of Game Farm Rd; thence southerly along this centerline following Game Farm Rd. into W. Somonauk St. to the intersection of IL Rt. 47 ; thence south along this centerline to the north river' s edge of the Fox River; thence easterly along said river' s edge to the east City limits line . WARD III . All that portion of the United City of the Village of Yorkville located north of Ward II and south of the centerline of U. S . Rt. 34 from the west City limits at Eldamain Rd. ; thence east along this centerline to the east City limits line . WARD IV. All that portion of the United City of the Village of Yorkville located north of the centerline of U.S . Rt. 34 to the north City limits line. EXHIBIT "B"