Resolution RecBD 1993-01 Yorkville Recreation Board
1993-1 Transfer Line Amount Budgets within Funds for 92-93 Fiscal Year 6/9/93
(2 originals and 1 copy)
Resolution of the Recreation Board of the United City of the
Village of Yorkvile, transferring line amount budgets within funds
for the 1992-1993 fiscal year.
WHEREAS, excesses exist in line items of the budget for the
Recreation Board of the United City of the Village of Yorkville for
the year 1992-1993 : and
WHEREAS, those excesses may be transferred to and used for
other needed items;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Recreation Board of the
United City of the Village of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois
that the following items, be, and the same are hereby transferred
for the budget for 1992-1993 fiscal year, ending April 30, 1993,
for the United City of the Village of Yorkville, shown upon the
attached amendment to said budget; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Recreation Board of the
United City of the Village of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois,
that the budget for the Recreation Board of the United City of the
Village of Yorkville for the year 1992-1992, be, and the same is
amended to conform thereto, to-wit: (See attached) .
This Resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after
its passage.
PASSED this day of 1993 .
APPROVED this day of 1993
Recreation Board Pre"deft
Recreatir Board Secretary
F/Y 1993 Line Item Transfers
Transfer To Transfer From
Fund Description Account # Amount Fund Description Account # Amount
General Director Salary 415-0100 300 General Day Trip Expenses 691-0100 300
it Ass't.Dir.Salary 416-0100 200 of " if it 200
it Publishing/Adv. 550-0100 1050 " it if it 1050
It Golf Outing Exp. 569-0100 800 " it " it it 800
Portable Toilets 583-0100 50 50