Ordinance 2003-58 ,00300032975 Filed for Record in KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS PAUL ANDERSON 0r9-11-2003 At 12:26 PM. ORDINANCE 47.00 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) ) Ss COUNTY OF KENDALL ) ORDINANCE NO. 2003 - ORDINANCE APPROVING SALE OF MUNICIPAL PROPERTY (Little Rock Township) NOW COMES, the Mayor and City Council of the United City of Yorkville, who are desirous of selling certain publicly owned real property of the United City of Yorkville; and WHEREAS,upon careful consideration and deliberation the City Council and Mayor have determined it to be in the best interest of the United City of Yorkville to sell real property owned by the City, which is legally described as follows: See attached Legal Description and located on the North side of Route 34 in Little RockTownship,Kendall County, Illinois; and WHEREAS,the City is authorized to sell real property to offer an appraisal on the subject real property and that appraisal is an amount sufficient that the governmental agencies pursuant to 50 ILCS 605/0.01-605/4; and WHEREAS,The City of Plano,has submitted an offer to purchase said real property for the sum of $142,000.00, with no contingencies on said contract, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the United City of Yorkville unanimously voted to enter into the Contract to Sell Real Estate attached as Exhibit "A" hereto and to convey said real property upon payment of the purchase price by The City_of Plano, to the United City of Yorkville; S WHERAS, it is in the best interest of the United City of Yorkville to sell the subject real property which contains a well —casing, as well as to assign all permanent easement rights of the United City of Yorkville for access to said well site, since the real property sought to be sold is totally surrounded by territory of the City of Plano and further since said well site is on the Westside of Eldemain Road which serves as the Agreed Municipal Planning Boundary between each City. NOW THEREFORE the City Council and Mayor of the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE pursuant to 50 ILCS 605/0.01-605/4 are hereby authorized and do agree by a 2/3 vote of the City Council Members holding office to sell the subject real property described above and to transfer and assign all easement rights of the United City of Yorkville to The City of Plano, for the sum of$142,000.00, upon.the terms and conditions set out in said Contract to Sell Real Property attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit "A", This Ordinance has been passed by and approved by the United City of Yorkville City Council and its designated corporate officers ?j�*A ay of , 2003. PASSED by the City Council of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this 2&4" day of d CmA , A.D. 2003. CITY CLERK PAUL JAMES MARTY MUNNS RICHARD STICKA WANDA OHARE VALERIE BURD ROSE SPEARS LARRY KOT JOSEPH BESCO APPROVED by me, as Mayor of the United City of Yorkville,Kendall County, Illinois, this ZL'" day of 4CU&IL , A.D. 2003. u � MAYOR Law Offices of Daniel J. Kramer 1107A S, Bridge Street Yorkville, Illinois 60560 � - 630.553.9500 . .. ..s. ­1 ,,., . � UnniLa_ V-. nnnm[n !?]VV41VVb vUO/ i4/;V-d -VO.&,L 'La" VJV VUI VVVYV' COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE Chicago Title Insurance Company Providing Mte Related Services Since 1847 CHICAGO THE IlISURANCE COMPANY,a Missouri corpogsdony herein callcd the Com�an�r,for a valnable consideration,hereby commiU to isauc its ry or policies of tale insurance,as idee 1 is Schedule A (wbirh roiicy or policies cover wk risks and are s*e to the Faxtvainns from Coverage and&c Conditions and tapulaaoms as contained in said policy in.favor of the pr Insured named in Schedule A,as owner or mort�c of the estate or interest in the land dcscdbed of r�to in Schedule A,upon pgmeat of the prc=nums and charges therefor,all sub"oct to the provisions of Schedules A and E hereof and to the Commitment Conditions and Stigmatic which arc in rated by reference and upnukleapart of the Commitracist.A complets copy of the Comuuoncat Canditicm�s and Stipulations is available u o�Invest and such include,but are not limited to,the proposed Insmed's obligation to disclose,to writing, any additional defects,liens, encumbrances,adverse claims or other matte-s w{bich are not contained in the CommmitnIffli;provisions that the Congany's liability shall in Do event=ced the amount of the poLry/�ies as stated in Schedule A hme4 must be based on the terms of this Commitment,shall be only to the proposed Insurcd and shall be only for actual loss incurred in good faith reliance on this Commitment;and provisions relaxing to the General ExcopLious,to which the policyfies will ba subject unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction of the Company. This Commitment"be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies commirted for have bees inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company,either at the-time of the issuance of this Commitment or by issuance of a revised Commitment. 'Phis Commitment is preliminary to the issuabec of such policy or policies of tide iuosnrance and all liability and obligations hcrcunder shall cease&ud t +nw sucrncm uaftcr the effective date hereof or when the po cy or policies czmmitted for shall issue,whiehevar 5rst omurs,pravided that the failurc to issue such policy or policies is not the fanh of the Company. This Commitment is based upon a search and examination of Company records and/or public records by the Company. Utilization of the information contained herein by an entity other than the Company or am ember of the Chicago Tftle and Trust Family of Title Insurers for the urpose of issuing a title co=mtmant or policy or politics shall be considered a violation of the proprietary rig�its of the Company of its search dad exLilination vMork prodtic[. This Commitment shall not be valid or binding until signed by as authorrred sigualory. Issued By: CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY BY CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY 1971 W.DOWNER PLACE • AURORA,IL 60506 odzed Signatory Refer Inquiries To: (630)892.3778 Commitment No_: 1410 SA2272208 Au nnnmcn 47JVVd/VVtf VO/1':y./:UdV -tlb_LL:..rna_udu var•yv�., - : .u�........ .. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMnWENTPORTULEINSURANCS SCHEDULE A 9p z 272 YODR REFI�CS' CITY OF PLANO CRD X10-: 1410 20 8 AU BjgFECrIVEDATE.. IMAM 17, 2003 1. POLICY OR POLICWS TO BE ISSUED. 09P=R'9 POLICY: ALTA OWX RS 1992 Ate+; $142,000.00 PROPOSED INSUAM: CITY OF PLmm LOAN POLSCY: ALTA LOAN 1992 AMOUNT; TO CONS PROPOSED INSURED: TO C0m 2. THE ESTATE OR nwrEIMST IN THE LAND DESCMEED OR REFERRED TO IN THIS COMWr'� AND COVERED IMMI T IS A FEE SU"LE UNLESS OTEIERWISE NOTED. 3. T1TLFi TO SAID ESTATE OR WTEPMST IN SAID LAND LS AT THE EFFECTIVE DATE VESTED IN, THE , gr= c= OF TIM VTYWLGE OF YORKVXll r� AN ILLTNOI9 MICIPAIL CORPORATION, AS TO pAR.CELS ONE, Tj=Z AND FCVR; 4. MORTGAGE OR TRUST DEED TO BE INSURED. TO CONK. xarnc� unn1CL, J: nnnmcm iqj VV4/vvd uau oa 1 . 4.ku �.ua�wvv,:r►ia... _ - . >. C IICA,GO TrrLE INSURAN COMPANY CO NT FOR TITLE INSURANM SCBEDULE A (CONTINUED) oRDER NO. : 1410 SA2272208 Au S. Tyffi LAND RV-D TO IN TMS CONS 1s DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL l: THAT PART OF THE SOUTH EAST 1/4 OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 6 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL MSR.IDIAN DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: : C05XgNCING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF 9AZD SOUM EAST 1/4; THENCE WESTERLY GLOM THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOOTS EAST 1/4, 1861.52 FEET; THENCE SOUTHMMy, ALONG THE LINE OF A D�FENM WHICH CRIBBD COURSE FOM AN ANGLE OF 98 DEGREES, 54 MIlQ=S, 09 SECONDS WITH THE LAST (MEASD'R$D CLOCKWISE THERFROM) , 185.30 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG TIM LINE OF SAID FENCB WWCH FORMS AN ANGLE OF 180 DEGREES, 35 mxsUTBS, 35 SECCVDS WITH TEM LAST DESCRIBED COURSE (MBASIIRED CLOCKWISE THEREFROM) , 406.62 FEET FOR A POINT OP BEGIMINO; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONt3 THS EXTENSION OF THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, 193.60 FEET; THENCE. EASTERLY AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSb, 225-0 FEET; Tf33NCE NORTHERLY AT p_TQHT ANGLES TO THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, 193.60 FEET; THENCE WESTERLY AT RIGHT ANGLES TO 00 LAST DESCRIBED COURSE, 225.0 FEET TO THE POINT OF $EGINNniG IN LITTLE ROCK TOWNSHIP, KENDALL COUNTY, ILLINOIS PARCEL. 2: KnaM03NT FOR U=ITIES CMT8D DY GRANT RECORDED JANOXRY 23, 1991 AS DOCWGNT 910465 MADE BY AHRMPD E. HANSON TO THE UNITED CITY OF THE TITTarn OF YORKVILLE, A XMCIPAL CORPORATION, FOR THE BENEFIT OF PARCEL'S 1 AND 2 OVER A STRIP OF LAND 25.0 FEET IN WIDTH ACROSS PART OF THE SO= EAST 1/4 OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 37 NORTH, RANGE 6 EAST OF THE THIRD PRINCIPAL XSRIDIAN LYING ADJACENT TO, COINCIDENT WITH A= NORTHERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE. COtOW LACING AT THE NAT CORNER OF SAID SOUTH FAST 1/4; TMNCB WESTERLY ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTH EAST 1/4, 1861.52 FEET? THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE LINE OF A FENCE WHICH FO1?MS AN ANGLE OF 98 DEGREES, 54 MINUTES, 09 SECONDS WITH THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE (MEASURED CLOCKWISE THEREFROM) , 185.30 FEET; THTNC$ SOUTHERLY ALONG Tkm LT= OF SAID FENCE WHICH F0711S AN ANGLE OF 180 DEGREES, 35 MINUTES, 35 SECOMS WITS THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE (MEASURED CLOCKWISE THEREFF4M) , 1400.0 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE LINE OF SAID FENCE, WHICH FORMS AN ANGLE OF 180 DEGREES, 09 M l=S, 32 SECODIDS WITH THE LAST DESCRIBED COURSE (MEASURED COUNTER-Q,OCMSE MREFROM) , 550.0 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF U. S_ ROVM NO. 34 FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG SAID NORTHERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE, 1135.44 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF A TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO ERIC A. E=SON BY A WARRANTY DEED RECORDED MAY 26, 1.971 AS DOCUMENT IRO- 71-1711 FOR THE T R26INUS OF SAID LINE (EXCSPTjSG THEREFROM THU WESTERLY 35.0 FEET THEMP) IN LITRE ROCK TOWNSHIP, XEMALL COMM, ILLINOIS. PARCEL 3 PERMANENT EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND DTILITIES CREATED BY GRANT RECORDED JANUARY 23, 1991 AS DOCUMENT 910465 N=R SY BERbU= HANSOb7 TO THE UN=TV.D CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YOR VITE, A MUNICIPAL COnORATION, FOR THE BENEFIT OF PARCELS 1 AND 2 OVER A STRIP OF LAND 35.4 FEES' IN WIDTH ACROSS PART OF THE SO= BAST 1/4 OF SECTION 24, TOWNSHIP 37 WORTH, RANGE 6 EAST OF TIM THIRD PRINCIPAL XMIDIAN LYING ADJACENT TO COINCIDBW WITH AND EASTERLY OF THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: RNVJar-&L I fl.A1,; LLVV JJJ J1 VM uAl\1CL J. hnmmcn tgrj VVo( VVtj = 7. r c co rrlE nJSURAN co coNnvff rfAFNT FOR Ti=INSURANCE SCHEDULE A(CON'I N UED) omm xo.: 1,110 SA2272208 AD CO NCTNG AT THE NOR' AST CORNER OF SAID SOUTH EAST 1/4; THENCE WESTERLY ALOM THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTH EAST 1/4, 1861.52 FEET; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE 08 A LINE FENCE W=CH FORMS AN ANGLE OF 9B DEGREES, 54 MINUTES, 09 SECONDS WI`I.Zi THS LAST DESCRIBED COURSE (MEMURHD CLOCKWISE TREREFROM) , 185.30 FEET; THI?NC� SODTFE'RLY J7 M THE LnM OF SAID FENCE, WHICH FORMS AN ANGLE OF 180 DEGREES, 35 MINUTES, 35 SECONDS WITH TER LAST DESCRIBED COURSE (MEASURED CLOCKWISE THEREFRM) , 600.22 FEET M A POINT Of REGXMIDrM; THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE ErrMq OH OF TAE LAST DESOMED COURSE, 799.78 FEET; TEZACE SOUTHERLY ALONG THE L3:nE OF SAID FENCE MHICA FORMS AN ANGLE OF 180 DEGREES, 09 KtVaTES, 32 SECONDS WITH TIM LAST D ESCRIBED COURSE ( D COUNTER-CLOCKNISE THEREFROM) , 550.0 FEET TO THE NOR=pLY RX4'KT OF WAY LIPS OF SA D RO= HO. 34 FOR TERMINUS OF SAID LINE IN LITTLE ROCK TOWNSHIP, KEMAT_L COT NW" ILLINOIS nPCI'7�a7 n9/'.4 !. 7 vu/ t. f avv_ vJ..Yu. reNA DJV JJJ J104 UANItL J'., �uubloou Nh8MLK y. „ ....•... C CAC O TrREINSUPUANCE CONYAW CO NT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ScHEDULE B ORVSR )T0.: 1410 SA2272208 AU 1. IF &$' ENDED COVERAGE OVER THE FIVE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS RRg=STSD, WE 9HOQLD B8 FURNISHED THE FOLLOWING: A. A CURRENT ALTA./ACSM OR ILLINOIS LANs TITLE SURVEY CERTIFIED TO CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY; B. A PROPERLY EXECUTED ALTA STATEMBN` i C. FOR MT10ROVSD LAND ONLY, UTILITY L9MRS FROM TM MM-UCIPALITY OR COMM (IF ONIPCO"mATED) , LOCAL GAB, =CTRIC AND TELEPNO= CODO XNZRS AND IF APPLICADLE, THE LOCAL ALE TF_UMSION COMPANY. MATTERS DISCLOSED BY THE AE30V8 DOC[JMENTATYON WILL BE SHOWN SPECIFICALLY. NOTE. THERE WILL al AN ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR THIS COVERAGE. A= 2. NOTE FOR IIQFOR�dATIODt: THE COVERAGE AFFORDED SY THIS COQ PST ANY POLICY ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO SHALL NOT CO NCE PRIOR TO THE DATE ON WHICH ALL CHARGES PROPERLY BILLED BY THE COMPANY HAVE BM �Q FULLY PAID B 3. TAXES FOR THE YEARS 2002 A= 2003 THE FIRST INSTAlaAdS I1, AMOUNTING TO $2,925.46, IS PAID OF RECORD. �f� t� THE SgCOND INSTnr.Lb=, AMOUNTING TO $2,925.46, IS PAID OF RECORD- TAg33 FOUR THE 'FEAR 2003 ARE NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE. pjRbL QEVT INDEX NUMBER: 01-24-300-011-0000 G 4. NOTE: ANY DRED OF CONVEYANCE OF THE LAND SHOULD BE ACCMOANIED BY A PROPER AFFIDAVIT ESTAELISHING TO THE SATISFACTIOIQ OF THE Or"CE OF TEE RECORDER OF DEEDS OF KMDALL COUNTY, THAT THE CONVEYANCE IS EXSMPTSD FROM THE OPERATION OF TER PROVISIONS OF 765 ILCS 205/1. t 5. IN ORDER FOR THE COIpANY TO INS= TITLE COMING TEROUGH THE SALE OR TRANSFER OF LAnD FROM THE MQNICIPALITY IN TITLE, WE SHOULD BE FURNISHED A CERTIFIED COPY OF THS OPMINANCH OR RESOL=XON AUTHORIZM TEX CONVEYANCE. TOCKMR WITH THE xMMER OF AYES AND NAYS FOR ITS PASSAGE, AND EVIDENCE OF ASY REQUIRED PUBLICATION. IF SAID MUNICIPALITY IS A "HOM BULB UNIT° PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 7, SECrIM 6 OF THE ILLINOIS CONSTITUTION, WE SRODLD BE FURKISEM EVIDENCE Og COMpLZMCE W'TH THE MIINICIPALI'l' ,S OFDINANCB(S) WHICH RELATE TO THE SALE OR TRAMPER OF MUNICIPAL PROPERTY. THIS CqtCaTMENT IS 3QSJECT TO SUCH ADDITIONAL EXCEPTIONS, IF ANY, AS MAY BE DEMMD VECESSARY AFTER OUR REVIEW OF' THESE MTERIALS. Vuf,i_/4VVO V0.-40 rAA• OJV JU3 Zlioc+ UANILL J. Nh8MtFS vj+fVO/UQQ8 C CAGO TITLE INSURANCE'C0WANY CO NT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B (CONTINUED) OVER $O_: 1410 SA2272208 Au C 6. RIGHTS OF ADJOINING OWNERS TO = UNINTERRUPTED FLOW OF ANY STRE M WHICH MY CROSS THFs LAND. D 7, RIGHTS OF FLAY POR DFAYNAGE TILES, DrrCHES, FEEDERS AND LATERALS, IF ANY. X 8. RIGHTS OF THE PUBLIC, THE STATE OF ILI.INpIS AND THE MUNICIPALITY IN AND TO THAT PART OF MM LAND, IF ANY, TARED OR USED FOR ROAD PURPOSSS. E 9. GRANT MADE BY ELLSWORTM D. XNART, SR. AND Am[ Mn EFI,RT TO THE ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, RECORDED MAY 24, 1.952 AS bOCUMBAT 142493 GRMUING THE RIGHT TO INSTALL AND MAINTAIN ALL EQUIPMENT FOR THS PURPOSE OF SERVING THE LAM AND O'T'HER PROPERTY WITH TSLBPHONE SERVICE, WITH RIGHT OF ACCESS THERETO IN, UPON, UNDER AND ALONG A ONE ROD STRIP PARALLEL WITH, ADJACENT TO AND NEST OF THE EAST PROPERTY LnM FROM A POINT ON SAID EAST LINE 219 ?EET NORTH OF THE CENTER LINE OF ROUTS 34, SOUTH TO SAID CENTER LINE. (AFFECTS PARCELS 2 AND 3) F 10. GPLANT MADE BY FRANK J. CECH AM BARBARA CECH TO THE ILLINOIS BELL TgL8PHONE COWANY RECORDED MAY 24, 1952 AS DOCUMNT 102494 GRANTING THE RIGHT TO INSTALL AND MINTAIN ASSIGNMENT OF LEASE SQUIPMSNT FOR THE PURPOSE OF SERVING THE LAND AND OTH&R PROPERTY WITH TELEPHONE SMVXC8, WITH RIGHT OF ACCESS THERETO IN, UPON, UP®ER AND ALOlg0 THAT PART OF LAND IN THE SOUTH EAST 1/4 OF SECTION 34, WITHIN A, STRIP OF LAIC 1 ROD WIDE BEGS AT A POINT ON THE EAST PROPERTY LINE APPROXIMATELY 298 FEET NORTH OF NORTH CENTER LINE OF ROME 34, TFENCE IS A WESTERLY DIRECTION TO A POINT ON THE WEST PROPERTY LINE APPROXIMATELY 219 FEET NORTH OF SAID CENTER LINRj ASSIGN TO AT&T BY DOCUMENT 84-65 RECORDED CAN=RY 4, 1984, (AFFECTS PARCELS 2 AM 3) H 11_ TERMS, PROVISIONS AM CONDITIONS A$LATSNG TO THE EASFMSNTS DESCRIBED AS PARCELS 2 AM 3 CONTAINED IN INSTT43MZZ3T CREATING SUCH FA5EEMUS RECORDED AS DOC@MVT 910465. I 12. RIGHTS OF THE AD,TDINING OWER OR OWNERS TO Tn CONCURRENT USE OF BASEMENTS, PARCELS 2 A 3. 1 13. RIGHT, TITLE AND INT$R$gT OF THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORICVI u, A X ICIPAL, CORPORATION, CONTRACT PURCHASER OF PARCEL a, AS DISCLOSED BY REAL ESTATE BALE CONTRACT DATED DECEMEEit 13, 1989 AND RECORDED JANUARY 23, 1991 AS DOCUMENT 910463, SUBJECT TO TFaU+ AND CONDITIONS CONTAINED THEREILQ, SPECIFICALLY PARAGRAPHS, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 AND 19; ALSO CONTAINED IN VZkRFANTY DEED DATED JANUARY 17, 1991 AND RECORDED JANUARY 23, 1991 AS DOCMCRU 910464 MADE BY BERNARD E. HANSON AND THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF 'Y'ORRYILLE, AN ILLINOIS MWICIPAL CORPORATION. M 14. NOTICE OF ANNEXATION AG IM= RECORDED MARCH 3, 2003 AS DOC=vT 3003-6663 ucs=m vnr_R R 7. vu/ 1:114vvo. V0,40-rnn 00V 0 D 0ro4 u8N1tL J NK8MtM lei 008/008 .,.;;CHICAGO Ti'I`LE INSU�tANCE CO1V�ANY CO NT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE B (CO ) ORDER NO.., 1410 SA2272208 AU N 15. RXISTING ULWCORDED LEASES AID ALL RIGHTS THERM=ER OF THE IMSERS XW OF ANY PERSON OR PARTY CLAIMING BY, THROUGH OR UNDER THE USSIRS. d 16- WE SRO= BE FURNISHED A S IATEMEENT THAT TFIfiRE IS NO PROPERTY MANAMR MLOYEA TO MANAGE THE LAND, OR, IN THE ALTERNATM, A FINAL LIEN WAIVER FROM; ANY SIICH PROPERTY MWaER. P 17. NCITE FOR INFORb%TION (ENDORSEMENT RBQOESTS) ALL ENDORSEMENT REQUESTS SHOOED BE MADE PRIOR TO CLOSING TO ALLOW AMPLE TnM FOR THE COMPANY TO REANINE REQUIlM DOCUMENTATION. (THIS NUTS WXLL BE WAIVED FOR POLICY) _ PAGE B 3 PLAT OF SURVEY OF PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER CF SECTION 24 , T3rd PM LITTLE ROCK TOWNSHIP KENDALL COUNTY ILLINOIS 24 1861 . 52 ' —, 9 — North Line of the Southeast Quarter of Section 24 , T37N - R6E s70 09' Northeast Corner of th24 � e ► Southeast Quarter of Section 24 , T37N - R6E 180'35 '35 " N 4 V- N N - O O 1 225 0 . PARCEL °' ONE CID w o o 22510 . NOTE : Found 3/4 " Iron Pipe ' on Southerly Line , 2 . 0 ' Westerly of True Corner . co 1 m ' w I � N PARCEL ° - l � FOUR ? W E it b SCALE , 8QQ9 r " = 200 ' 32 C v F ' w • Indicates Iron Stake Found O Indicates Iron Stake Set ---- - - - -- -- -- ---- _ ,,_- "-_.__�.t�.d i-ca t e s _L_in_e_ o f_ Fence _ - - -- - - - j Easement Line described in Grant to Illinois Bell Telephone Company recorded in Book 109 at 16 . 5 ' - wide Utility Easement LO ' Page 446 on May 24 , 1952 . described in Grant to Illinois (NOTE : Document does not state if 16 . 5 ' wide Bell Telephone Company Easement is North or South of this Line . ) recorded in Book 109 at Page 445 on May 24 , 1952 . — `� o .---- PARCEL � 1 N THREE o Utility Easement 1 _ ""-- 1135 . 44 - _ � U, " � Centerline ROUTE No • 34 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL ONE : LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL FOUR : That part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 24 , Township 37 North , Range 6 Permanent Easement for Ingress , Egress and Utilities created by grant recorded East of the Third Principal Meridian described as follows : Commencing at the January 23 , 1991 as Document 910465 made by Bernard Hanson to the United Northeast Corner of said Southeast Quarter ; thence Westerly , along the North City of the Village of Yorkville , a municipal corporation , for the benefit of Parcel Line of said Southeast Quarter , 1861 . 52 feet ; thence Southerly , along the line One over a strip of land 35 . 0 feet in width across part of the Southeast Quarter of a fence which forms an angle of 98' 54 ' 09 " with the last described course of Section 24 , Township 37 North , Range 6 East of the Third Principal Meridian ( measured clockwise therefrom ) , 185 . 30 feet ; thence Southerly , along the line lying adjacent to , coincident with and Easterly of the following described line : of said fence which forms an angle of 180' 35 ' 35 with the last described Commencing at the Northeast Corner of said Southeast Quarter ; thence Westerly , course ( measured clockwise therefrom ) , 406 . 62 feet for a point of beginning; along the North Line of said Southeast Quarter , 1861 . 52 feet ; thence Southerly , thence Southerly , along the extension of the last described course , 193 . 60 feet ; along the line of a fence which forms on angle of 98° 54 ' 09 with the last thence Easterly , at right angles to the last described course , 225 . 0 feet ; thence described course ( measured clockwise therefrom ) , 185 . 30 feet ; thence Southerly , Northerly , at right angles to the last described course , 193 . 60 feet ; thence along the line of said fence , which forms an angle of 180' 35 ' 35 " with the last Westerly , at right angles to the last described course , 225 . 0 feet to the point of described course ( measured clockwise therefrom ) , 600 . 22 feet for a point of beginning in Little Rock Township , Kendall County , Illinois . beginning ; thence ._ Southerly , along the extension of the lost - described course ; _ 799 . 78 feet ; thence Southerly , along the line of said fence which forms an angle of 180' 09 ' 32 " with the last described course ( measured counter - clockwise therefrom ) , 550 . 0 feet to the Northerly Right - of - Way Line of said Route No . 34 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PARCEL THREE : for the terminus of said line in Little Rock Township , Kendall County , Illinois . Easement for Utilities created by grant recorded January 23 , 1991 as Document 910465 made by Bernard E . Hanson to the United City of the Village of Yorkville , a municipal corporation , for the benefit of Parcel One over a strip of land 25 . 0 feet in width across part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 24 , Township 37 North , Range 6 East of the Third Principal Meridian lying adjacent to , coincident State of Illinois ) with and Northerly of the following described line : Commencing at the Northeast ) SS Corner of said Southeast Quarter ; thence Westerly , along the North Line of said County of Kendall ) Southeast Quarter , 1861 . 52 feet ; thence Southerly , along the line of a fence which forms an angle of 98° 54 ' 09 with the last described course ( measured clockwise I , Phillip D . Young , an Illinois Professional Land Surveyor and an officer of therefrom ) , 185 . 30 feet ; thence Southerly , along the line of said fence which forms Phillip D . Young and Associates , Inc . , state that I have surveyed the above described an angle of 180' 35 ' 35 " with the last described course ( measured clockwise tracts as shown by the plat hereon drawn which is a representation of said survey . therefrom ), 1400 . 0 feet ; thence Southerly , along the line of said fence , which forms This professional service conforms to the current Illinois minimum standard for a an angle of 180' 09 ' 32" with the last described course ( measured counter — boundary survey . clockwise therefrom ) , 550 . 0 feet to the Northerly Right — of — Way Line of U . S . Route \ ONO ® 0f,,, No . 34 for a point of beginning ; thence Easterly , along said Northerly Right — of — Way Dated August 20 2003 at Yorkville , Illinois _ . - Line , 1135 . 44 feet to the East Line of a Tract of Land conveyed to Eric A . Hanson �`�` PROFESSIO An by a Warranty Deed recorded May 26 , 1971 as Document No . 71 — 171 1 for the = LArosur<'„'E`+OZ terminus of said Line ( excepting therefrom the Westerly 35 . 0 feet thereof ) in Little _ crR I I F1CAYE NO 2s r Rock Township , Kendall County , Illinois . Phillip D . Young YORKMftr Illinois Professional Land Surveyor No . 2678 ( Expires 1 1 / 30 /04 ) ILLINOS ; 0 OF I cs'2 JOB NOS 03100 • 1107B South Bridge Street ATTY . KRAMER Phi1 D . Young and Associates Inc .JOB NAME p Yorkville , Illinois 60560 DWG FILE o3loo LAND SURVEYING TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING — Lic . 184 - 002775 Telephone ( 630 ) 553 - 1580