Public Works Minutes 2014 02-18-14Page 1 of 4 APPROVED 3/18/14 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Tuesday, February 18, 2014, 6:00pm Yorkville City Hall, Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road IN ATTENDANCE: Committee Members Chairman Diane Teeling (left at 6:27pm) Alderman Ken Koch Alderman Jackie Milschewski Alderman Larry Kot Other City Officials City Administrator Bart Olson Public Works Director Eric Dhuse Engineer Brad Sanderson, EEI Other Guests: None The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Chairman Diane Teeling. Citizen Comments: None Previous Meeting Minutes: January 21, 2014 The minutes were approved as presented. New Business: 1. PW 2014-07 Water Department Reports for November and December 2013 Public Works Director Eric Dhuse said these are the standard reports with the addition of a page showing watermain breaks over several years. 2. PW 2014-08 River Road Bridge Authorization of Contract Changes Mr. Sanderson said Authorization #12 is for additional work needed on the concrete curb and gutter. After a heavy rainfall, it was found that drainage was not adequate and it required extra work totaling $3,770.11. Authorization #13 was for balancing and a couple adjustments at a cost of $1,559.40. He recommended approval of both and said there should be no more unless IDOT has changes. Page 2 of 4 3. PW 2014-09 Blackberry Hill Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses-Stormwater Easement This building will be constructed on Cannonball Trail north of Bristol. An easement will be needed over the stormwater management basin according to Mr. Sanderson. He recommended acceptance and noted that it requires a backup SSA per ordinance. A Public Hearing will also be scheduled. This moves to the Council consent agenda. 4. PW 2014-10 MFT General Maintenance Appropriation Resolution for FY 15 This is the yearly appropriation for cold/hot patch and signs. Mr. Dhuse has also ordered 2,500 tons of salt with an estimated cost of $75/ton. This must be ordered in March/April for a locked-in price and is part of State bids. It can be ordered later at an open market price, but most likely at a higher price. This moves to the consent agenda. 5. PW 2014-11 Fox Hill/Sunflower Estates RFP This is the yearly RFP for mowing and maintenance of Fox Hill and Sunflower. Mr. Dhuse is asking for a possible 3-year contract to “stop the learning curve”, with the option to cancel any year if rates become too high. Proposals will be brought to the March meeting and this item moves to the Council consent agenda. 6. PW 2014-12 KKCOM – FAU Route System Additions Engineer Sanderson said a couple roads have been added to the FAU System that makes them eligible for possible federal funding for resurfacing. The Kane/Kendall Council of Mayors recommended approval for portions of Ashe and Baseline Roads. Alderman Koch asked if there are homes located on these roads and questioned why these roads would be repaired before Countryside Parkway for example. It was explained that certain criteria must be met. Mr. Olson said the City had applied for Mill St., however, it was rejected. It will be brought back with a request for the “B” list. While Ashe Road is not in the City, the City supports inclusion for the regional funding efforts. It was also noted that the City maintains only part of Baseline Road. The committee supported this recommendation. 7. PW 2014-13 Parking Restrictions-Whispering Meadows Mr. Olson said this item extends the parking restrictions on the east side of Alan Dale Lane from Faxon Road to Alice Avenue and was requested by the HOA President. Neighbors approve, but notices will be sent and a Public Hearing will be held. All committee members approved of this action. Old Business: 1. PW2014-06 Road to Better Roads 5-Year Plan Update Mr. Olson recapped previous discussions regarding this program and said that if water and sewer projects were going to be done next year, engineering agreements have to be drafted. Overall, the committee had previously given direction to scale back on projects. When presented to the full Council, Aldermen wanted some of the roads repaired, but expressed concern for costs. Alderman Kot asked for a further explanation of the '5-year plan based on inflation'. In 2008 a 5-year rate increase was passed, which will soon come to an end. Alderman Kot asked about extending this and said inflation-based costs are better explained and accepted. Page 3 of 4 Alderman Milschewski asked how much revenue might be lost through reduced sewer connection fees as a result of the B.U.I.L.D program vs. any increases in sewer fees. Mr. Olson said more revenue is actually lost in water connection fees which was $80,000 in FY 2013 vs. $62,000 in water connection fees to builders not participating in B.U.I.L.D. Commenting about the economic benefits of B.U.I.L.D., Alderman Kot said it helps bring rooftops that help generate new businesses. Ms. Milschewski also added that no taxes are generated on empty lots. It was noted that costs for repairing Countryside Parkway and the Rt. 71 pipe-moving costs would nearly deplete the program funds. Mr. Dhuse said the water pipes in Countryside are sandcast and there have been many breaks. Lining the water pipes is not a proven fix, he said. Watermain and sewer pipes in Countryside are currently in the parkways, but would be moved under the street when improvements are done. Administrator Olson prepared a chart on the blackboard showing a proposed schedule of water rate percentage increases and the potential revenue generated from 2014 through 2019. He said that low volume users would pay $12 more annually and normal users would pay $60 more annually. Alderman Kot noted that many citizens are on fixed incomes in an already bad economy. Mr. Olson replied that all utilities are going up and an increase has been deferred as long as possible, especially in view of the upcoming Rt. 71 project. He said a volume-based water increase allows some control by the citizens. He also does not want the bond ratings to lower and the auditors do not approve of large deficits. Mr. Dhuse noted 2 Rt. 34 projects after 2020 also. Alderman Kot asked about the Sunflower flooding issue and State St. sewer. He thought these were to be repaired this year, but he said it is now being discussed for next year. Aldermen Koch and Kot said it needs to be fixed this year. Mr. Olson discussed the funds available for the repairs and said State St. can be repaired, however, surrounding areas need to be repaired as well. It was noted there is a bottleneck under the road at Fox & W. Ridge. Alderman Kot said the residents' priority would be to repair the sewer prior to the roads and he asked for a consensus from the committee to move forward with these sewer repairs. Mr. Olson requested a formal recommendation on a plan for next year for roads and sewers since engineering plans will be needed, adding that the road projects would need to be scaled back. He said the Administration Committee would also be considering the rates. Alderman Milschewski said priorities need to be set and then move forward with them. After further discussion, Alderman Koch said he feels Morgan St. will no longer be repaired this year. Mr. Olson noted that fixing some of the roads without infrastructure problems may result in other roads deteriorating further and requiring more repair in the long run. To fix State St. (which is on the 5-year plan) at this time would cost approximately $224,000 for pavement. Patching only, was also discussed for State Street. With the remaining money, Hydraulic, Van Emmon, Washington & Morgan could also be repaired. Heustis St. repairs were discussed and it was noted that water and sidewalk also needs repair there and there is no stone under the pavement. Bidding on a package for several streets might be cheaper according to Mr. Dhuse. Mr. Olson also said that by shifting Road to Better Roads projects, the committee must also keep in mind the money needed for the Rt. 71 project. Alderman Koch asked how the Roads to Better Roads would have been handled in past years. In previous years, bonds would have been issued. Page 4 of 4 The Rt. 71 widening from Rt. 47 and Orchard was also briefly discussed. It is slated to begin in 2015/2016. The question was posed what would happen if the City informed the State there simply is no money for these projects. The work would likely come to a halt. In summary, Mr. Olson said he will bring an engineering agreement to the next meeting. Mr. Sanderson said he will break out the the water and sewer costs and also prepare a list of roadways needing repair and the costs. Mr. Dhuse asked that Adrian St. be given strong consideration for water repair due to several breaks. Additional Business: None There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 7:37pm by Vice-Chairman Kot. Minutes respectfully transcribed by Marlys Young