Public Works Minutes 2014 03-18-14Page 1 of 4 APPROVED 4/15/14 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Tuesday, March 18, 2014, 6:00pm Yorkville City Hall, Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road IN ATTENDANCE: Committee Members Chairman Diane Teeling Alderman Jackie Milschewski Alderman Larry Kot Alderman Ken Koch Other City Officials City Administrator Bart Olson Public Works Director Eric Dhuse Engineer Brad Sanderson, EEI Superintendent Parks Scott Sleezer Superintendent Recreation Tim Evans Other Guests: Dave Gravel, Green Organics The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Chairman Diane Teeling. Citizen Comments: None Previous Meeting Minutes: February 18, 2014 The minutes were approved as presented. New Business: 1. PW 2014-14 MFT General Maintenance Resolution for Electricity for Street Lights Mr. Dhuse said MFT funds will be used in a new way this year--for electricity for streets lights. Mr. Olson commented that there will be paperwork to be completed, however, it is easier than for roadwork. Chairman Teeling asked if the funds could be used for sewer. These funds can't be used for sewer, however, it does free up other money for projects. This moves to the Council consent agenda. Page 2 of 4 2. PW 2014-15 2014 Parkway Tree Replacement Program Mr. Dhuse has proposed 36 new trees for this year and he noted 43 were planted last year. He said his department will assist residents in determining what trees will fit their area. Ms. Teeling asked about the possibility of the City having their own tree nursery. Mr. Sleezer said the Parks Dept. has been able to purchase trees in the Fall for about $50 each and offer them to the residents in the Spring. He said some trees withstand the winter better than others such as maples. He said there are now 40 trees in the Fox Industrial Park. He proposed that the City approach a tree nursery in the Fall and purchase trees for the Spring. 3. PW 2014-16 License Agreement for Green Organics Mr. Olson said this agreement is required by the stormwater management ordinance and will allow the City to enter the temporary easement over the temporary drainage basin, if the developer is not maintaining the property. The committee approved this action and it will move to the Council consent agenda. 4. PW 2014-17 Walsh Drive Update Mr. Sanderson stated that phone calls have been made and letters have been sent to owners on either side of Walsh Drive regarding flooding issues in Sunflower Estates and there has been no response. The property owners are non-local families and it's believed the properties are in trusts. Without their cooperation, no permanent solution can be undertaken, so alternatives were explored. One idea is to replace a flared end pipe and replace it with a larger pipe. The other possible solution is to add inlets at the low point making the capacity greater. Either recommendation is about $40,000 and could be done quickly. He said EEI is working with IDOT on Phase 2 involving stormwater discharge. Alderman Kot asked if the City is getting their money's worth with these 2 solutions. Mr. Dhuse said yes and that the solutions would definitely help remedy the problem. The City Attorney has advised sending property owners another letter stating the easement is needed quickly. If there is no response, the Attorney said the City could fix the problem using eminent domain. Ms. Teeling said it would be a waste of money for the temporary fixes and the City should push harder for the easement. Other committee members were in agreement. Mr. Sanderson also commented that the Rt. 71 project will be adding more discharge into this area. It is not known if the State has contacted the owners, but the State will take land for right-of-way. The Rt. 71 project will end at Walsh Drive. Mr. Koch said that if there is a big rain, the property could flood with the temporary solution and urged immediate action. In summary, a letter to property owners will be drafted by the City Attorney, Brad will contact DOT and there will be further discussion at the committee level next month. 5. PW 2014-18 Road to Better Roads Program – Heustis Street Improvements Engineering Agreement Mr. Olson stated this is the first of 4 agreements for road improvements and any changes should be made at this time. It was noted that the engineering is valid for 3-4 years. Repair of Countryside subdivision roads was discussed, however, the method of funding is not known at this time. Engineering and the permit process for this project would each take about 2 months. Alderman Milschewski discussed Heustis St. sidewalks and it was stated that sidewalks would be straight in the parkway. The committee recommended approval of this plan and this moves forward to the City Council. Page 3 of 4 6. PW 2014-19 Road to Better Roads Program – State Street Sanitary and Adrian Street Watermain Improvements Engineering Agreement This is similar to the engineering agreement in item #5. The committee recommended approval. 7. PW 2014-20 Riverfront Park Engineering Agreement This agreement would help the redevelopment project associated with the Oslad grant. Mr. Olson said a plan consultant will not be needed and some work will be done in-house. If changes are needed, a consultant might be hired in the future. The committee recommended approval of this agreement. 8. PW 2014-21 Grande Reserve Park B Engineering Agreement Mr. Olson stated this is an Oslad grant project and the park was a land donation match in a previous grant. It must be completed in a certain time or money will be lost. It should be paid for by the existing developer with whom the City has an upcoming meeting and it is hoped to have an Annexation Agreement amendment in the next 2 months. If all goes well in the developer negotiations, the City would be reimbursed for part or all of the park. To meet deadlines, the Agreement approval is needed now. Alderman Koch asked if the previous developer front-funded the projects. Developers had an obligation to do so, but funded the projects as they built them. Alderman Kot asked about the outcome if the negotiations did not go favorably. In that case the City would pay for the project and negotiate with the developer as part of a package or, as a last resort, the City would take legal action. The committee recommended approval of this agreement. 9. PW 2014-22 ComEd Recreational Lease Renewal This is an extension of a recreational lease in a tree/power line section from Rte. 126 to Riverfront Park. Mr. Olson recommended approval should the City ever decide to construct a trail in this location. The committee approved this recommendation. 10. PW 2014-23 2014 Capital Improvement Program Project/Letting Schedule Mr. Sanderson said this is an informational schedule and that some bids have already been let. The projects are: Rt. 47 sewer lining, Raintree Village completion of improvements, Kennedy Rd. improvements by Autumn Creek and Cannonball Trail. These will be discussed at the April meeting. Projects for Walsh Dr., Adrian St., State St., Baseline Rd. bridge deck repair and Heustis will be let later this summer. Game Farm Rd. is scheduled for bids in November. Alderman Kot asked if Sugar Grove is under any obligation to assist with the Baseline bridge, however, the City is responsible for the entire bridge. The committee gave these projects a favorable recommendation. In a related matter, Ms. Teeling asked if Mill Rd. is the developer's responsibility. Mr. Olson said the developer is not required to improve that road until there are a certain number of residences. It was noted that a railroad quiet zone will be requested when the improvements are made. Old Business: 1. PW2014-06 Road to Better Roads 5-Year Plan Update Mr. Olson said this material was for review since it has been discussed previously. Mr. Dhuse added that the road damage from the winter is not totally known yet. Page 4 of 4 Alderman Kot asked if the city had communication with the State regarding a sizeable road project to be undertaken and the needed funding assistance. Mr. Olson said he was probably referring to 2 grants, one being the STP grant program through the Kane Kendall Council of Mayors and would be for Mill St. Mr. Kot commented that the citizens will view the proposed 15% water rate increase unfavorably and hoped other funding could be found since it would be difficult for those on a fixed income. Ms. Milschewski explained this increase would translate to $5 per month. Alderman Koch stated the 15% increase would be difficult for many and that it will not be enough money for all the proposed projects. Specifically he said the 3-year, 45% water rate increase will not fund the entire repair cost of the Countryside streets. If there is a future water fund surplus, the 15% increase could be reduced according to Mr. Olson. Alderman Teeling referenced an existing document detailing all the upcoming projects. She requested a new worksheet showing all unfunded projects to publicize for residents in the newspaper. She said it is clear that the residents want the roads repaired and the publication will help justify the increase. A referendum was briefly discussed, however, it was agreed that it would be voted down. Mr. Olson said 2 possible future revenue sources are permit/building fees and sales tax. He said the tax incentive agreement for Kendall Marketplace will be expiring and staff will research when the Jewel shopping area incentive agreement will expire. Commenting about the In-Town Road program, Alderman Kot said it was a good project and much work was completed, however, the funding has to be found and it keeps getting pushed off to another Council. Alderman Koch asked if staff can speak with anyone in Springfield about funding but, Mr. Olson replied that the State legislators must be convinced to expand capital projects. Additional Business: Alderman Kot asked how the rising gasoline prices have affected the budget. With conservative planning, the City was ahead of budget early in the year. Regarding the Rt. 47 project, Alderman Kot asked if left turns were currently permitted onto Hydraulic when traveling north. There is a lighted sign prohibiting those turns and eventually there will be a 6 inch barrier. The Kennedy Road path was also discussed. Applications for State money can be submitted at the end of the design engineering. There is currently $130,000 in donations and fund-raising continues. Alderman Koch said he had seen a hot/cold patch truck doing road repairs at Fermi Lab with recyclable material that is reheated and reapplied. Mr. Dhuse said his department has also researched this option. Chairman Teeling inquired if River City Roasters will be open this summer. They will open in April with more regular hours according to Mr. Sleezer. There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 7:12pm. Minutes respectfully transcribed by Marlys Young