Ordinance 2001-21 t STATE OF ILLINOIS ) `tlil`00 111666 )ss. KENDALL� Record in COUNTY, ILLINOIS COUNTY OF KENDALL ) PAUL ANDERSON 05-16-2002 At 02:00 M. ORDINANCE 18.e)o ORDINANCE NO. 2001-X ORDINANCE VACATING BLACKHAWK TRIAL IN THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE WHEREAS, THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE received a Petition to Vacate Blackhawk Trail located at the intersection of Kendall Drive and Blackhawk Trail and a publicly dedicated street within the United City of Yorkville. WHEREAS, THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVIL•LE, through its Mayor and City Council have held a Public Hearing pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/11-91-1 permitting all public imput and comment in regard to said Petition to Vacate said Street in THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of the United City of Yorkville to vacate said Blackhawk Trail being a publicly dedicated street within the United City of Yorkville to the Petitioner, who is the adjoining owner on each side of said street; and WHEREAS, the City finds that said property does not have substantial value that would result in compensation to the City if said Street were to be sold; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE has determined it to be in the public interest to vacate said Street to relieve the City of any burden of installation and maintenance of said Street, since said Street only serves a limited number of people, namely the Petitioner and its assignees herein; and WHEREAS, the City Council of THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE has determined that the Street was platted as a part of a proposed subdivision benefitting only Petitioner's real property and has not yet been constructed; and that the subdivision can be developed and adequately served with a private drive that will be installed and maintained by Petitioner: and NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE by a positive vote of at least three fourths of its elected members of the City Council hereby agree to vacate the Blackhawk Trail right of way to the Petitioner, LaSalle Bank,National Association as Successor Trustee Trust#25-10370 as the adjoining and contiguous owner, herein; and the City specifically reserves to itself all public utility easements as recorded on the final plat of subdivision. The City Council of THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE further finds that said Street vacation is in the Public interest based upon the findings herein above made, and that no damage, monetary or otherwise shall exist to the residents of the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE by reason of vacation of said Street ri ht of way. PAUL JAMES MARTY MUNNS RICHARD STICKA MIKE ANDERSON VALERIE BURR ROSE SPEARS LARRY KOT THOMAS SOWINSKI .41 s APPROVED by me, as 4ayor of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois, this 9-kday of �►^^'� , A.D. 2001. MAYOR PA SED by the City Cou it of the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County, Illinois this day of �� , A.D. 2001. Attest: CITY CLERK Law Offices of Daniel J. Kramer 1107A S. Bridge St. Yorkville, IL 60560 (630) 553-9500 pew,,,,-c-�•� Gt.�-cr-t� goo Gee �•� r �.. � U �d� '*"-(O� t, v k We, (1.- L 0 SIP D MOW MOW STAP 0 + 00. 00 (SAN . SEW . ) PRO)+IDE BRICK & MORTAR PLUG UNTIL ALL UPSTREAM SANITARY SEWERS AND MANHOLES HAVE BEEN TESTED AND APPROVED . The legal description is as follows : STA. o + oo . 00 (W. M . ) CONNECT TO EXIST. 6 " W . M . Lots 1 ,2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , & 8 Blackhawk . Apartments , Re- subdivision of lot 2 in block 9 of ADJUST EXIST. SAN . M . H . # 1 REDUCER , 8 " X6 " RIM EL. 650 . 33 ( EXIST. 151X8 " WATERMAIN 8 "W Countryside Center, Unit 4 , Yorkville , in the United City of Yorkville , Kendall County , Illinois . n D RIM EL. 650. 00(V• I . F . ) PROP . ) THREADED PVC CAP C r- CONNECT TO EXISTING 8 STUE W ­14 I INV. EL. 640 .84 (V• I • F• ) W 21 OS9 KENDALL DR��lE - -- _ _ D N C N c c 6 " PVC a^ r c SDR26 so _ 8 „ 1 r c 8 „ F- TEE 8 " X6 r G. V. & BO 6 " 1 59X6 " W . M . q + 1 . •��( p .� 1 /8 BEND , 8 aa •. i FIRE HYDRAN - -!. : ... j 5 . M. _ - -� - 6s0 1 - - - r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 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