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Ordinance 2000-63
r STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF KENDALL FILED — STATE OF ILLINOIS ) DEC 2 2 22000 COUNTY OF KENDALL Kenoali�'-ty ORDINANCE NO. 2000-// (2000-2001 TAX LEVY) AN ORDINANCE FOR THE LEVY AND ASSESSMENT OF TAXES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING MAY 19 2000 AND ENDING APRIL 30, 2001 FOR THE UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, Kendall County, Illinois: SECTION 1: That the total amount of the budget for all corporate purposes and public library purposes legally made to be collected from the tax levy of the current fiscal year is hereby ascertained to be the sum of$1,142,401.00. SECTION 2: That the sum of$1,142,401.00 being the total of the budget expenditures heretofore legally made and which is to be collected in part from the levy of the current fiscal year of the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE for all corporate general purposes of said City and Public Library, as heretofore approved by Ordinance of the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE and further for purposes of 1 providing for the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, Health & Sanitation Fund (Garbage Removal Fund), School Crossing Guard Fund, General Corporate Purpose Fund and Insurance for liability purpose, as budgeted for the current fiscal year by the annual Budget Ordinance of the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 2000 and ending April 30, 2001 as passed by the City Council of the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE as a legally convened meeting prior to said fiscal year, the sum of$1,142,401.00 is hereby levied upon all of the taxable property in the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE subject to taxation for the current year, the specific amounts as levied for the various funds heretofore named being included herein by being placed in separate columns under the heading "To Be Raised by Tax Levy", which appears over the same, the tax so levied being for the current fiscal year of the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE and for the said budget to be collected from said tax levy, the total of which has been ascertained as aforesaid and being as follows: SECTION 3: That the total amount of$1,142,401.00 tax levy, ascertained as aforesaid, be and the same is hereby levied and assessed on all property subject to taxation with the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, according to the value of said property as the same is assessed and equalized for State and County purposes for the current year. 2 r f SECTION 4: (a) That the foregoing item of$107,960.00 levied for Illinois Municipal- Retirement Fund for City purposes and for Library Municipal Retirement Fund purposes are levied without regard to any statutory rate, pursuant to Statutes of the State of Illinois. (b) That the foregoing item of$64,788.00 levied for Liability Insurance is levied without regard to any statutory rate, pursuant to Statutes of the State of Illinois. (c) That the foregoing item of$15,000.00 levied for Audit Fee is levied without regard to any statutory rate, pursuant to Statutes of the State of Illinois. (d) That the foregoing item of$13,455.00 levied for Unemployment Insurance is levied without regard to any statutory rate, pursuant to Statutes of the State of Illinois. (e) That the foregoing item of$88,266.00 levied for Police Protection Tax is levied without regard to any statutory rate, pursuant to Statutes of the State of Illinois. (f) That the foregoing item of$166,014.00 levied for Garbage is levied without regard to any statutory rate, pursuant to Statutes of the State of Illinois. r r (g) That the foregoing item of$122,675.00 levied for Social Security is levied without regard to any statutory rate, pursuant to Statutes of the State of Illinois. (h) That the foregoing item of$4,200.00 levied for School Crossing Guard is levied without regard to any statutory rate, pursuant to Statutes of the State of Illinois. (i) That the foregoing item of$371,178.00 levied for General Corporate is levied without regard to any statutory rate, pursuant to Statutes of the State of Illinois. SECTION 5: That there is hereby certified to the County Clerk of Kendall County the several sums aforesaid constituting said total amount of$1,142,401.00 which said total amount of said UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE requires to be raised by taxation for the current fiscal year of said City of said County, on or before the time required by law, a certified copy of this Ordinance. SECTION 6: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately from and after its passage and approval according to law. 4 t SECTION 7: In the event any section of this Ordinance is declared invalid the remaining portion thereof shall be binding and given full effect. ADOPTED this th day of December, 2000 pursuant to roll call vote as follows: Ayes: Nays: APPROVED this / th day of December, 2000. Arthur F. ProchaAR., ayor ATTEST: Sandr Marker, Depu Clerk SEAL: taxlevylord 5 r t , CERTIFICATE The undersigned, Mayor of the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, hereby certifies that I am the presiding officer of the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, and as such presiding officer, I hereby certify that the Tax Ordinance, a copy of which is appended hereto, was adopted pursuant to, and in all respects in compliance with, the provisions of Section 4-7 of the so-called "The Truth in Taxation Act." Dated this, th day of December, 2000. Arthur F. Prochaska, Jr., Mayor taxlevy7 CERTIFICATE The undersigned, SANDRA MARKER, Deputy Clerk of the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, hereby certifies that an announcement was made at a regular City Committee of the Whole meeting of the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, that the 2000-2001 Tax Levy would be $1,142,401.00, a sum in excess of 105% of the tax levy extended by the County of Kendall Clerk; said disclosure having been made in compliance with the Truth in Taxation Act, and an announcement of the tentative tax levy having been made at the November 16, 2000 City Committee of the Whole meeting; that said Levy was in excess of 105% of the Levy for 2000-2001. AND MARKER, De uty Clerk taxlevycert% TRUTH IN TAXATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE I, the undersigned, hereby certify that I am the presiding officer of the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE and as such presiding officer I certify that the Levy Ordinance, a copy of which is attached, was adopted pursuant to, and in all respects in compliance with the provisions of Section 4 through 7 of the "Truth in Taxation Act." The notice and hearing requirements of Section 6 of the Act are applicable. This certificate applies to the 2000-2001 Tax Levy. Date: December _,V ;2000 Presiding Officer Arthur F. Prochaska, Jr. taxlevy8 STATE OF ILLINOIS ) )SS COUNTY OF KENDALL ) I, SANDRA MARKER, Deputy Clerk in and for the UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE, hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and correct copy of the Ordinance passed by the City Council at a regular meeting of the City Council on December Le—, 2000. TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set may hand and seal this, 4-1th day of December, 2000. R, Deputy berk taxlevy9 SUMMARY OF 2000-2001 TAX LEVY General Corporate Tax (65 ILCS 5/8 3-1) $371,178. I.M.R.F. (40 ILCS 5/7-171) $107,960. Social Security (40 ILCS 5/7-171) $122,675. Police Protection Tax (651LCS 5/11-1-3) $ 88,266. Garbage (65 ILCS 5/11-1-3) $166,014. Audit (65 ILCS 5/11-19-4) $ 15,000. Liability Insurance Tax (745 ILCS 10/9-107) $ 64,788. School Crossing Guard (65 5/11-80-23) $ 4,200. Unemployment Insurance (745 ILCS 10/9-107) $ 13,455. Library (pg.4 DCCA Levy Man.)(75 ILCS 5/3-1,5/3-4, 5/3-7) $188,865. $1,142,401. taxlevy10 TAX LEVY REQUEST ievyoo CITY OF YORKVILLE 11/16/00 Current Proposed $110,412,068 $117,688,467 Rate Maximum Lew $ Rate Levyj Corporate 0.289247 0.3300 $319,364 0.315390 $371,178 IMRF 0.108965 $120,310 0.091734 $107,960 Police 0.075000 0.0750 $82,809 0.075000 $88,266 Garbage 0.150359 0.2000 $166,014 0.141062 $166,014 Audit 0.014944 $16,500 0.012746 $15,000 Liabil Ins 0.066116 $73,000 0.055050 $64,788 Soc Sec. 0.100922 $111,430 0.104237 $122,675 Unemploy 0.011774 $13,000 0.011433 $13,455 dross Gd 0.003623 0.0200 $4,000 0.003569 14_,200 0.820950 Total $906,427 0.810221 $953,536 New Revenue - City $47,109 Library 0.150000 0.1500 $165,618 0.150000 $176,533 SS Library 0.006929 $7,650 0.006825 $8,032 IMRF Lib 0.003895 $4,301 0.003654 4 300 0.160824 Total $177,569 0.1605 Ilao,865 New Revenue - Library 1",296 Grand Total $1,083,996 $1,142,401 TOTAL NEW REVENUE $58,405 0.9818 0.9707 $1,142,401 Total increase in dollars collected 5.39% 2000-01 CITY OF YORKVILLE REVISED BUDGET 11/10/00 Midyear CONTENTS PAGE GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 1 GENERAL FUND INCOME 2-6 FINANCE DEPARTMENT 7-11 POLICE DEPARTMENT 12-16 STREETS AND ALLEYS 17-20 HEALTH AND SANITATION 21 BUILDING AND ZONING 22-23 WATER OPERATIONS 24-29 WATER IMPROVEMENT AND EXPANSION FUND 30-32 SEWER MAINTENANCE 33-37 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVE & EXPANSION FUND 38-40 PARK MAINTENANCE 41-44 PARK CAPITAL 45-46 RECREATION 47-52 RECREATION CAPITAL 53-54 DEBT SERVICE 55-57 MUNICIPAL BUILDING 58-59 M FT 60-61 PUBLIC WORKS CAPITAL 62-63 POLICE CAPITAL 64-65 1 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 GENERAL FUND REVENUE IncomeBUD00-2 PROPERTY TAXES REVENUE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Real Estate Taxes $906,164 Personal Property Tax $11,53 8 Total $917,702 STATE OF ILLINOIS TAXES REVENUE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET State Income Taxes $360,000 State Photo Tax $16,800 State Use Tax $56.000 Total $432,800 Page 2 SALES TAXES REVENUE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Municipal Sales Tax $500,000 FE Wheaton Sales Tax 470 000 Total $970,000 UTILITY TAX REVENUE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Municipal Utility Tax $450,000 Total $450,000 OTHER TAXES REVENUE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Township R & B Tax $78,750 Gable TV Tax $40,000 Telephone Tax .$60,0 Total $178,750 Page 3 LICENSES AND PERMITS REVENUE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Liquor Licenses $13,000 Building Permits $0 Filing Fees $0 Other Licenses $0. Total $13,000 FINES REVENUE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET City Ordinance Fines $2,500 Traffic Fines 70 000 Total $72,500 CHARGES FOR SERVICE REVENUE 2000-2001 CURRENT REVISED ITEM BUDGET AMOUNT BUDGET Garbage Surcharge $0 Collection Fees - YBSD $10,000 Reinb - Other Govt. $26,750 Engineering Review $50,000 Reimb. - Police Protect 500 otal $87,250 Page 4 GRANTS REVENUE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET COPS Grant I-Officiers $49,000 COPS Grant II-School $52,000 COPS Grant 111-Pinewocd $7,500 COPS Grant IV-Vests $542 COPS Grant-ICCS $0 IVPA Grant-School $0 Youth Service Board $3,990 Tobacco Enforcement $2,040 ICJIA-Juvinile 3$ 5,640 Total $150,712 INTEREST REVENUE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Investment Income $16,800 Working Cash Interest $8,925 Interest - Develop Fees NO Total $25,725 Page 5 OTHER REVENUE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Misc. Income $14,000 City Portion-Hotel Tax 1U0_00 Total $15,000 REVENUE TOTAL $31313,439 $0 0% $0 INTERFUND TRANSFERS REVENUE 2000-2001 CURRENT REVISED ITEM BUDGET Transfer from Water $74,500 Transfer From Sewer $15,000 Transfer from San Sw 15$ 0.000 Total $239,500 TOTAL $3,552,939 CARRY OVER -AUDIT $0 BEGINNING BALANCE 10 000 GRAND TOTAL $3,562,939 )IFFERENCE Page 6 OTHER REVENUE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Misc. Income $14,000 City Portion-Hotel Tax 11,000 Total $15,000 REVENUE TOTAL $3,313,439 $0 0% $0 INTERFUND TRANSFERS REVENUE 2000-2001 CURRENT REVISED ITEM BUDGET Transfer from Water $74,500 Transfer From Sewer $15,000 Transfer from San Sw $150,000 Total $239,500 TOTAL $3,552,939 CARRY OVER -AUDIT $0 BEGINNING BALANCE $10,000 GRAND TOTAL $3,562,939 )IFFERENCE Page 6 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 FINANCE FinanceBUD00-2 PERSONEL COSTS EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Adminsitrative Salaries $99,100 pia, Engineering Salaries $101,000 a t o� Overtime $1,000 k Support Staff Salaries $51,000 5 i 000 Salary Adj & Merit $0 Part Time Salaries $20,800 amity Attorney.Salary $11,500 Mayor Salary $4,500 400 3 i � Liquor Comm. Salary $1,000 t Don City Clerk Salary $3,600 0 Deputy Clerk Salary $2,900 ayoo City Treasurer Salary $3,600 Deputy Treasurer Sal. $2,900goo Alderman Salary $16,500 t e,goo Social Security Tax $89,750 6g,-i6c, City Share - IMRF $80,260 £'�o,zc��� Unemploy Comp. Tax $13,455 Total $502,865 Page 7 SUPPLIES AND COMMODITIES EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Office Supplies $7,500 Engineering Supplies $5,000 Operation Supplies $4,000 Miscellaneous 800 Total $17,300 UTILITIES EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Telephone $11,000 Cellular Telephone $3,500 Pagers 53 Total $14,553 Page 8 CONTRACTURAL SERVICES EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Group Health Insur. $195,700 5i C., -e Group Life Insurance $4,000 Vision & Dental Assist. $24,000 Non-Health Insurance . $113,000 Employee Assistance $1 ,400 Bonding $2,500 Legal services $17,000 Audit Expenses $15,000 v-5, Maint.-Office Equip. $1 ,000 Maint.-Computers $2,000 Maint.-Photocopiers $4,900 Contractural Services $9,500 Office Cleaning $12,000 Jues $800 IML Dues $400 Training & Confer $8,000 Travel Expenses $1 ,500 Publish/Advertising $2,500 Printing/Copying $2,000 Subscriptions $500 Codification $3,000 Postage/Shiping $5,000 Sales Tax Rebate $245,000 Contingency $28,438 Facade Program $30,000 Metra Study 3 000 Total $732,138 Page 9 INTERFUND TRANSFER EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Transfer to Park & Rec $224,007 Transfer to Debt Sery $140,769 Transfer to Police Cap $2,500 Transfer to San. Sewer $150,000 Transfer to Munic Bldg 0 Total $517,276 CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Computer Equip. & Soft 2 000 Total $2,000 $1,786,132 Page 10 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 FINANCE StreetsBUD00-2 SUMMARY 2000-2001 BUDGET $502,865 $17,300 $14,553 $732,138 $517,276 $2,000 Total $1,786,132 FINANCE 2000-2001 0.1% ■ Slice 1 ❑ Slice 4 ■ Slice 2 ■ Slice 5 ■ Slice 3 ■ Slice 6 1.0°x6 0.8% 41.0% Page 11 1 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 POLICE 11/10/00 PoliceBUD00-2 PERSONNEL COSTS ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Employee Salaries $276,000 Overtime $60,000 COPS Salaries $165,000 Police Lieutenant and $212,000 Sergeants Part Time Salaries $20,000 Crossing Guards $4,200 Police Clerks $52,800 Chief of Police $64,250 Police Pension Fund $0 Total $854,250 Page 12 SUPPLIES AND COMMODITIES ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Office Supplies $5,000 Operating Supplies $10,000 Gasoline $23,000 Ammunition IL600 Total $39,600 UTILITIES ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Telephone $14,000 Cellular Telephone $4,800 Pagers $1 ,200 Total $20,000 Page 13 CONTRACTURAL SERVICES ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Psychological $500 Health Services $1 ,000 Laboratory Fees $500 Legal Services $7,000 Maint. - Equipment $4,500 Maint. Office Equipmen $500 Maint. -Vehicles $19,000 Maint. - Computers $500 Maint. - Copier $1,040 Dues $1,500 Training & Confer $4,500 Tuition Reimbursement $8,000 Travel Expenses $4,600 Publish/Advertise $200 Printing/Copying $1,400 -Subscriptions $250 Postage/Shipping $1,000 MTD -Alert Fee $1 ,540 Gun Range Fees $300 Community Relations $6,500 Wearing Apparel $12,000 Miscellaneous 1 500 Total $77,830 Page 14 GRANTS ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET COPS Grant II-School $52,000 COPS Grant III-Pinewo $7,500 COPS Grant IV-Vest $700 COPS Grant V-ICCS $0 IVPA Grant-School $0 ICJIA-Juvenile $35,640 Youth Service Board I 3 990 Total $99,830 CAPITAL OUTLA ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Computer Equip. & Soft $1,500 Resource Center $3,930 Transfer to Police Cap. JaZ 350 Total 11 $42,780 GRAND TOTAL $1,134,290 Page 15 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 POLICE 11/10/00 PoliceB U D00-2 XPENDITURE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Personnel $854,250 Supplies & Commodities $39,600 Utilities $20,000 Contractural Services $77,830 Grants $99,830 Capital Outlay $42,780 Total $1,134,290 POLICE 8.8% 3.8% 6.9% 18°,° El Personnel Contractural 3.5% ■ supplies & services Commodities ■ Grants Utilities ■ Capital Outlay 75.3% Page 16 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 STREETS AND ALLEYS 11/10/00 StreetsBU D00-2 PERSONNEL COSTS ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Employee Salaries $0 Overtime $15,000 Part Time 6 500 Total $21,500 SUPPLIES AND COMMODITIES ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET 01 41 7012 000 Operating Supplies $6,500 01 41 7044 000 Maint. Supply-Storm $3,000 01 41 7044 100 Maint. Supply - Street $10,000 01 41 7030 000 Hand Tools $1,000 01 41 7020 000 Gasoline $10,000 01 41 7032 000 Wearing Apparal $2,400 01 41 6074 000 Street Lighting $750 01 41 7201 000 Safety Equipment 500 Total $341150 Page 17 UTILITIES ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET 01 41 6078 000 Electricity $30,000 01 41 6076 000 Pagers 500 Total $30,500 CONTRACTURAL SERVICES ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET J1 41 6016 000 Maint. - Equipment $7,500 01 41 6017 000 Maint. -Vehicle $20,000 01 41 6021 000 Maint. - Traffic Signal 3 $7,000 0141 6021 100 Maint. - Street Lights $5,000 01 41 6022 000 Maint. - Streets $165,261 01 41 6024 000 Maint. - Storm Sewer $6,500 01 41 6000 000 Contractural Service $2,000 01 41 6041 000 Engineering $574 01 41 6042 000 Inspections & Licens $100 01 41 6047 000 Trainning & Confer. $500 01 41 6049 000 Continuing Education $500 01 41 6066 000 Rental - Equipment $500 01 41 6030 000 Tree/Stump Removal $5,000 01 41 6031 000 Improvements to $2,090 Riverbank 01 41 6089 000 Miscellaneous $1 .000 Total $223,525 Page 18 1VTERFUND TRANSFER-5 YR EQUIP. PLAN ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET 01 41 9002 000 Transfer to PW Capit ..$45,000 Total $45,000 CAPITAL OUTLAY-SIDEWALKS ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Mill Street Sidewalk $15,000 Sidewalk Con tructinil $12,700 Total $27,700 GRAND TOTAL $382,375 Page 19 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 STREETS AND ALLEYS SUMMARY 09/10/00 StreetsBUD00-2 EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Personnel $21 ,500 Supplies & Commodities $34,150 Utilities $30,500 Contractural Services $223,525 Intrafund Transfers-5 Yr. Equip. Plan $45,000 Capital Outlay-Sidewalks $27,700 $382,375 STREETS & ALLEYS 2000-2001 7.2% 5.6% 11.8% 8.9% ■ Personnel ■ Intrafund 8.0% ■ Supplies & Transfers-5 Yr. Commodities Equip. Plan ■ Utilities Capital Outlay- E] Contractural Sidewalks Services 58.5% Page 20 t i UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 HEALTH AND SANITATION 11/10/00 Health B U D00-2 CONTRACTURAL SERVICES ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Garbage Service $276,000 - Leaf Pick up $4,000 Total $280,000 HEALTH AND SANITATION 1.4% ❑ Garbage Service ■ Leaf Pick up 98.6% Page 21 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 BUILDING AND ZONING 11/10/00 ZoningPoliceBUD00-2 SUPPLIES AND COMMODITIES ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Operating Supplies $600 Books and maps $500 Tota I $1,100 CONTRACTURAL SERVICES ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Legal Services $12,000 Contractural Service $300 Dues $200 Publishing /Advertising $4,000 Printing / Copying $500 Economic Development $65,125 Planning Consultant 1$ 8,00q Total $100,125 Page 22 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 BUILDING AND ZONING ZoningBUD00-2 XPENDITURE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Supplies & Commodities $1 ,100 Contractural Services $100,125 Total $101,225 BUILDING AND ZONING ■ Supplies & Commodities ❑ Contractural Services 98.9% Page 23 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 WATER OPERATIONS WaterBUDOO-2 REVENUES ACCOUNT REVENUE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Cant' over ($3,363 Water Sales $650,000 Bulk Water Sales $1 ,000 Miscellaneous Income $500 Investment Income $14,000 Water Meters $20,000 Tota I $682,137 WATER OPERATION REVENUES 0.1% 0.1% 2.9% ■ Carry over ❑ Water Sales ■ Bulk Water Sales ■ Miscellaneous Income ■ Investment Income ■ Water Meters 94.8% Page 24 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 WATER OPERATIONS EXPENDITURES WaterBUD00-2 PERSONNEL COSTS ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Employee Salaries $121,100 Salaries - Part Time $2,000 Overtime $18,000 Support Staff Salaries $34,000 Social Security Tax $14,630 14, City Share - IMRF $12,960 tz 9 o tai Total $202,690 SUPPLIES AND COMMODITIES ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Operating Supplies $30,000 Gasoline $4,000 Hand Tools $1,000 Wearing Apparal $3,000 Safety Equipment $1,000 Chlorine $3,400 Fluoride $1,600 Meters and Parts $20,000 Total $64,000 Page 25 UTILITIES ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Telephone $14,000 Pagers $500 Natural Gas $6,000 Electricity 66 000 Total $867500 Page 26 CONTRACTURAL SERVICES ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Legal Filing Fees $200 Maint. - Equip. $3,000 Maint.-Computers $1 ,000 Maint.- Control System. $3,000 Meter Reading ServiCE $6,000 Contractural Services $1,000 Engineering $500 JULIE Service $1,800 Dues $500 Training/Conferences $1 ,000 Continuing Education $2,000 Travel Expenses $700 Publish/Advertising $1,500 Pirinting/Copying $1,500 Subscriptions $260 Rental - Equip. $500 Postage/Shipping $6,700 Cathodic Protection $900 Water Samples $9,000 Miscellaneous $200 Refunds $500 Contingency JZ,517 Total $49,277 Page 27 INTERFUND TRANSFER ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Transfer to Gen. Fund $74,500 Transfer to PW Capital $30,000 Transfer to Water Imp 17$ 0,170 Total $274,670 CAPITAL OUTLAY ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Computer Equip. & So $3,000 Hydrant Re lacement $2,000 Total $5,000 GRAND TOTAL $682,137 $0 Page 28 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 WATER OPERATIONS EXPENDITURES WaterBUD00-2 EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Personnel $202,690 Supplies & Commodities $64,000 Utilities $86,500 Contractural Services $49,277 Intrafund Transfers $274,670 Capital Outlay 5 000 Total $682,137 WATER OPERATIONS EXPENDITURES 0.7% ■ Personnel 40.3% 29297% ■ Supplies & Commodities ■ Utilities ■ Contractural Services ❑ Intrafund Transfers 9.4% Capital Outlay 7.2% 12.7% Page 29 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 SEWER MAINTENANCE REVENUES SewerBUD00-2 ACCOUNT REVENUE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Carry over $45,044 Sewer Maint. Fee $244,000 Sewer Connect. Fee $28,000 $200 of $2,000 Investment Income $15,000 Total $332,044 SEWER MAINTENANCE REVENUES 8.4% 4.5% 13.6% ® Carry over ❑ Sewer Maint. Fee ® Sewer Connect. Fee $200 of $2,000 Investment Income 73.5% Page 33 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 SEWER MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES SewerBUD00-2 PERSONNEL COSTS ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Employee Salaries $118,600 Overtime $9,200 Social Security Tax $9,600 City Share - IMRF $9,720 9- 2-o 1 Qr Total $147,120 SUPPLIES AND COMMODITIES ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Operating Supplies $8,000 Gasoline $3,500 Sewer Chemicals $4,800 Wearing Apparal $2,800 Hand Tools $500 Safety Equipment $1,000 Total $20,600 Page 34 UTILITIES ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Electricity $1,000 Total $1,000 CONTRACTURAL SERVICES ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Legal Filing Fees $200 Maint. - Equip. $1,500 Maint.-Sanitary Sewer $8,000 Training/Conferences $1,000 Rental - Equip. $500 Miscellaneous $300 Contingency 5$ 4.814 Total $66,314 Page 35 INTERFUND TRANSFER ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Transfer to Gen. Fund $15,000 Transfer to Sewer Imp $13,110 Transfer to PW Capital $30,000 Transfer to Debt Servi 3$ 8,900 Total $97,010 GRAND TOTAL $332,044 Page 36 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 SEWER MAINTENCE EXPENDITURES SewerBUD00-2 EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Personnel $147,120 Supplies & Commodities $20,600 Utilities $1,000 Contractural Services $66,314 Intrafund Transfers $97,010 $332,044 SEWER MAINTENANCE 292°� ❑ Personnel 44.3% ■ Supplies & Commodities ■ Utilities ■ Contractural Services ■ Intrafund Transfers 20.0% 0.3% 6.2% Page 37 r UNITED CITY OF YORKVI LLc BUDGET 2000-01 PARK MAINTENANCE REVENUES 11/10/00 ParksB U D00-2 ACCOUNT REVENUE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Carry over $0 Transfer from GF $122,812 Tree Donations Total $122,812 PARK MAINTENANCE REVENUES ■ Carry over ❑ Transfer from GF ■ Tree Donations 100.0% Page 41 1 i I UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 PARK MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES 09/10/00 ParksBUD00-2 PERSONNEL COSTS ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Employee Salaries $47,980 Salaries - Part Time $19,000 Overtime $2,000 Social Security Tax $5,570 55z© S<3 City Share - IMRF $4,080 t-\0,-7:: Total $78,630 SUPPLIES AND COMMODITIES ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Park Office Supply $200 Operating Supplies $3,514 Hand Tools $500 Flowers/Trees $2,870 Christmas Decorations $750 Public Decorations $556 Tree Donation Total $8,390 Page 42 CONTRACTURAL SERVICES ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Park Contractural $7,111 Maint. - Equipment $3,000 Maint - Parks $5,187 Rental - Equipment $74 Prof. Growth/Subscrip $0 TF Travel Expenses Total $15,372 CAPITAL OUTLAY ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Transfer to Capital Equip $20,420 Office Equipment Vo Total $20,420 GRAND TOTAL $122,812 Page 43 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 PARK MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES 09/10/00 ParksBUD00-2 EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Personnel $78,630 Supplies & Commodities $8,390 Contractural Services $15,372 Capital Outlay $20,420 Total $122,812 PARK MAINTENANCE EXPENDITURES 16.6% ❑ Personnel 12.5% ■ Supplies & Commodities ■ Contractural Services 6.8 64.0% ■ Capital Outlay Page 44 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE RECREATION REVENUES 2001-2002 Budget 12111/00 RecreatonBUD00-3 REVENUE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Cary over-Safety Town $1,500 Carry Over-Printer $1 ,000 Transfer from GF $101 ,195 Rent/Donations $13,000 Fees for Programs $40,000 Concessions $250 Trips-Day $2,000 Youth/Special Events $7,500 Vending Machine $100 Golf Outing $11,800 Misc. Income $200 Investment Income $1 ,500 Rental Income $400 Safety Town $0 Transfer from Money M $20,000 Skate Park $2,000 Farmer's Market 395 Total $202,840 Page 47 RECREATION REVENUES 0.2% 1.0% 0.7% 9.9% 0.5% 0.2% 0.7°k 0.1 5.8% 0.0% 3.7% 1.0% 0.1% 49.9% 19.7% ■ Carry over-Sa uting ■ Carry Over-Printer ❑ Misc. Income ❑ Transfer from GF ■ Investment Income ■ Rent/Donations ■ Rental Income ■ Fees for Programs ❑ Safety Town Concessions ■ Transfer from Money M ■ Trips-Day ■ Skate Park ■ Youth/Special Events Farmer's Market ■ Vending Machine Page 48 I UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 RECREATION EXPENDITURES PERSONNEL COSTS EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Recreation. Director $34,320 Part Time Salary $14,000 Part Time Coordinator $4,000 Recording Secretary $700 Custodial Salary $15,000 nstructor Sal/Contrip $16,000 Social Security Tax $6,060 City Share - IMRF $4,040 O I Total $94,120 SUPPLIES AND COMMODITIES EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Office Supplies $3,500 Concessions $30 Program supplies $6,207 Total $9,737 Page 49 CONTRACTURAL SERVICES EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Rental-YMCA Pool $15,000 School Fac Usuage $5,000 Portible Toilets $4,072 Maint. - Build/Janitorial $4,000 Maint. - Office Equip $1,800 Farmer's Market Expen $0 Dues $250 Prof Growth/Subscript $3,200 Travel Expenses $1 ,800 Maint.- Rec Vehicle $500 Publish /Advertise $4,200 Rental - Buildings $1,593 golf Outing Expenses $11,435 Postage / Shipping $3,000 Telephone $2,000 Tournament Fees $500 Skate Park Expenses $23,915 Youth / Special Events $5,000 Day Trip Expenses $500 Contingency $315 Total $88,080 Page 50 4 ; CAPITAL OUTLAY EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 ITEM BUDGET Transfer to Capital Equip $6,000 Rec Equipment $3,153 Safety Town Bldg. Proj $1 ,250 Rec software 500 Total $10,903 $202,840 Page 51 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 RECREATION EXPENDITURES SUMMARY EXPENDITURE 1999-2000 2000-2001 2000-2001 2001-2002 ITEM REVISED BUDGET REVISED PROPOSED BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET Personnel $94,120 $0 $94,120 $94,120 Supplies & Commodities $9,737 $0 $9,500 $9,500 Contractural $88,080 $0 $86,355 $86,355 Capital 10 903 -$0 liz 000 $12,000 Total $202,840 $0 $201 ,975 $201,975 RECREATION EXPENDITURES 5.4% 46.4% ❑ Slice 1 Slice 2 Slice 3 43.4% ■ Slice 4 48% Page 52 � 1 � UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLr.' BUDGET 2000-01 DEBT SERVICE REVENUE DebtExpBUD00-2 ACCOUNT REVENUE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGE Carry over from Reserve $6,000 Transfer from GF. $140,769 Transfer from Water Imp $161 ,928 Transfer from Sewer M $38,900 Transfer from Sewer Imp $153,476 Transfer from Police Ca $10,740 Transfer from PW Cap $38,900 Transfer from Munic Bldg $8,560 Recapture - W & S $36,000 Total $595,273 DEBT SERVICE REVENUE 6.0% 1.4% 1.0°AO 6.5%1.4 ■ Carry over from Reserve 1.8% 23.6% ■ Transfer from GF. ❑ Transfer from Water Imp ■ Transfer from Sewer M ■ Transfer from Sewer Imp ❑ Transfer from Police Cap 25.8% ■ Transfer from PW Cap ■ Transfer from Munic Bldg 27.2% ® Recapture -W & S 6.5% Page 55 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURE DebtExpBUD00-2 ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Sanitary Siphon $38,978 EDC N & S Water/Sewer $93,257 YNB N Water& Sewer $169,512 River Crossing $49,851 Public Works Equipmen $38,900 Police Squad Car $10,740 City Hall Loan $98,215 SSES -IEPA Loan $95,820 Total $595,273 DEBT SERVICE EXPENDITURES 16.1% 6.5% 15.7°,6 ❑ Sanitary Siphon ® Public Works 16.5% ■ EDC N & S Equipment Water/Sewer ■ Police Squad Car ❑ YNB N Water& Sewer ■ City Hall Loan 1.8% ■ River Crossing ■ SSES -IEPA Loan 4 28.5% 6.5% 8.4% Page 56 SUMMARY OF CURRENT LOANS Annual Original Term Payment Pu ose Borrowed of Loan Interest Date Paid $38,978 Sanitary Siphon $2,078,662 20.0 3% 01/25/13 $93,257 EDC N & S Water/Sew r $700,000 10.0 5% 01/07/04 $169,512 YNB N Water & Sewer $1,107,000 6.0 5% 10/31/02 $49,851 River Crossing $395,894 4.0 5% 12/30/03 Public Works Equipment $27,054 Back Hoe $77,889 2.0 6% 07/28/01 $7,228 Stone Roller $21 ,458 2.0 5% 12/03/00 $7,561 Skid Steer $24,075 2.0 5% 12/03/00 $23,640 1999 Truck $69,000 2.0 5% 01/14/01 $10,740 Police Squad Car $286,896 2.0 5% 07/15/01 $98,215 City Hall Loan* $1 ,350,000 20.0 4% 10/01/19 $95,820 SSES -IEPA Loan $1 ,497,758 20.0 3% 09/06/19 *Must renegotiate in 1/1/05 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED LOANS $125,520 Countryside Sanitary $1,500,000 20.0 6% $606,675 Water Radium Solution $7,250,000 20.0 3% $33,470 Fox Industrial Roadway , $400,000 20.0 6% Page 57 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 MOTOR FUEL TAX MFTBUD00-2 ACCOUNT REVENUE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET Starting Balance $48,017 Interest $7,000 MFT Revenues 14$ 4,000 Total $199,017 MFT REVENUE 24.1% ■ starting Balance ■ Interest ❑ 3.5°r6 MFT Revenues 72.4% Page 60 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET 2000-01 MFT EXPENDITURES MFTBUD00-2 ACCOUNT EXPENDITURE 2000-2001 NUMBER ITEM BUDGET PW Material Purchases $39,000 Colonial Parkway $3,877 Reserve $78,605 Countryside Parkway 1Z7.535 Total $199,017 Cary over $0 MFT EXPENDITURES 19.6% 39.0% 1.9% ■ PW Material Purchases ❑ Colonial Parkway ■ Reserve ■ Countryside Parkway 39.5% Page 61