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Ordinance 1990-11A ORDINANCE NO. 1990-11A AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 FOR THE UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the UNITED C ITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, Kendall County, Illinois, as follows: SECTION I That the following sums, or so much thereof as hereby may be authorized by law, be and the same are hereby budgeted to pay all necessary expenses and liabilities of the UNITED CITY OF THE VILLAGE OF YORKVILLE, Kendall County, Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning May 1, 1990, and ending April 30, 1991, such budgeted items for such expenditures as being more particularly shown upon the attached Annual Budget for fiscal year 1990-91, appended hereto and made a part hereof. SECTION II This Budget Ordinance for fiscal year 1990-91 is adopted, pursuant to procedures set forth in the Illinois Municipal Code, and Adopted this 26th day of April, 1990, pursuant to roll call vote as follows: AYES / NAYS I Passed this (,/ day of c 1990. v CITY etERK Approved this day of .�a_L_ . 1990. ' Mayor (Seal) ��— ���c -►ifs CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET May 1, 1990 to April 30, 1991 April 26, 1990 CITY OF YORKVILLE BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS Projected Fund Balances - May 1, 1990 1 General Fund - Summary 2 Income 3 Streets & Alleys 4 Storm Sewers 5 Trucks, Tractors & Equipment 6 Health & Sanitation 7 Police Department 8 City Parks 9 Future Planning 10 City Buildings 11 Public Relations 12 Building & Zoning 13 Finance 14-15 Water Operations Fund 16-17 Water Bond & Interest Fund 18 Water Bond & Interest Reserve 19 Water Depreciation & Contingency 20 Water Meter Deposit 21 Water Surplus Fund 22 Water Bond Redemption Fund 23 Motor Fuel Tax Fund 24 Motor Vehicle Tax Fund 25 Building Improvement Fund 26 Capital Improvement Fund 27 Sewer Maintenance Fee Fund 28 Beecher Building Fund 29 Land Cash Grant Fund 30 Working Cash Fund 31 Impact Fee Funds Public Works 32 Police 33 Building 34 Trust and Agency Funds 35 Library 36 Recreation Board 37 Page 1 CITY OF YORKVILLE 1990-1991 BUDGET PROJECTED BALANCES - May 1, 1990 ESTIMATED BALANCE -YEAR 1989 - 90 BALANCE FUND 4/30/89 RECEIPTS EXPENDITURES . 4/30/90 General $296,963.87 $1,304,213.07 $1,216,863.14 $384 ,313.80 Water -0- 368,759.57 368,759.57 -0- Water Bond & Interest -0- 18,000.00 17,400.00 600.00 Water Bond & Interest Reserve 24,000.00 1,619.12 1,619.12 24,000.00 Water Depreciation & Contingency 20,000.00 396.00 396.00 20,000.00 Water Meter Deposit 254.07 245.87 --- 499.94 Water Surplus 195,472.44 86,800.00 --- 282,272.44 Water Bond Redemption 110,000.00 4,687.20 4,687.20 110,000.00 Motor Fuel Tax 45,836.87 64,537.43 65,126.53 45,247.77 Motor Vehicle Tax 39,846.85 14,423,20 11,551.45 42,718.60 Capital Improvement -0- 52,670.00 52,670.00 -0- ewer Maintenance Fee 171,694.05 104,802.60 62,689.95 213,806.70 Beecher Building 2,355.27 27,300.00 23,397.06 6,258.21 Land Cash 26,773.50 13,700.01 6,501.51 33,972.00 Park Commission 9,966.26 68,433.74 73,400.00 5,000.00 Working Cash 110,000.00 7,015.41 7 ,015.41 110,000.00 Impact Fee-Public Works 10,350.00 10,800.00 9,000.00 12,150.00 Impact Fee-Police 3,450.00 3,600.00 3,000.00 4,050.00 Impact Fee-Building 3,450.00 3,600.00 3,000.00 4 ,050.00 Trust and Agency -0- 271,874.40 271,374.40 500.00 Page 2 Date 05/14/90' City of Yorkville U-89'0390 1990-199l 00GET-G[N[RNAL FUND TOTAL __________________________________________________________________ Accnunt Harch. 199� 19G9-\99J 199V-1991 Azoont uf Description to Dute Budgot Budget Charge __________________________________________________________________ ESTlMATED FUND BALANC[ Estimated Fund Dalance ' May I |$ J84,314 i ! _________ / REVENUE A}l revenye acccunts $ 1.1V3`224 � 1,2V7`7V0 � 1`3S2,00V � (174`3OO) -------------- --------------- ----- ----------- ------------- TOTAL REVENU� kWD FUND BALAKCE $ 1,1V3.224 $ 1.207`70O -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- EXPENDlTUR[S Str*ets a eys $ 231`202 $ 29B`000 � J76,50O � 78,500 Storm Sewer E 32`472 47,0O0 32.0O0 (L5`0VO) Trucks' 21,15O 25,7VV 4,55O Health and Sanitation 71.672 8\`8O0 97`DSV 16.VOO Po}ice Department 327`158 332`650 ?Cc 57A1 2l,65O City Pi-".q 2�`LS4 40`900 52.55O 11,�5V Future P}anning 2`372 12,100 1Z`lVV 0 City Buildinrs 18`406 36`6V0 23`600 00A) PuLlic Relabnns Department 3,985 6`60� 6/60O 0 8uilding & Zonmg Department 12,238 27`9O0 Finance D»partment 3J3,G20 96,46f' 479.250 42'85; -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TDTAL EXPENDlT�RES $ 1`�83`249 $ 1,3V1.1SV $ 1`448`80J $ 147`70� -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- EST}KAT-D G&LAxCE, APR',; ========= Page ] Uahe Vl010V ~ City of Yorkville U-89-0390 1990-1991 00GET ` 6enero\ Fun lncI'me __________________________________________________________________ Account # k Karch` 1Y89-1 0 199�-199i Amuunt of Desription to Date Budget 8ude-1et Change ____________________________________________________________________ EST]MATED FUKD BALAMC[ 9Q Estivate� FunJ Ba}anco ----------------- / / 301 8ea} [stote Taxes $ 295,167 $ 31 4'`000 3V2 Percc l Pmperty 8eplac. Tax 8,492 10`0N 1O`O0O O 303 l}}mois State lncome Taxes V0`OOV 10�`VVV 0 303| lL State Income Tax Surcharge V O 72,0VV 72,(10%. 3V4 Tmxnship Koad & Bridyp Taxes 18`565 1O,00V 2V'�V0 (2`V�N 3O5 tunicipal Sa\e Taxes 296`4Y9 335`00V 350`0VO (15`000! B6 Hunicipal Uti}ity Taxe� 00,�25 2V3`�0V DV,CV0 DV Coblp T4 Fran chise Taxes 13`4V3 8,(*V 14,0V0 (6,0C.} 311 Te}ephcme Franchie Taxes 7.645 9`0VV 9,0J » 30 Liquo' Licen�es 7.0�O 8`O�0 9'O0O (1'(V0 316 0ther 1`\85 20O 5OO (3W) 32V Buiidiog Permits 22'732 2V`VJ( 25`CN0 321 Dther Permits 195 20V 20� 0 322 Fi}ing Fees 1'700 2/�VO 2,0S0 0 324 6 rcha,gP 14`629 1G,0�� 34,C00 (4,6`O�V> 325 Tr�ffic Fines 26`922 50`V00 45,CS0 5'V0 J26 City Orcinance Fines 1,88V 2`(WO 2'AO� � J27 Animal Cor�rol Fine� 26� 5;J 500 ; 333 Col\ection Fee - YBSD 3,VO0 336 Se�er HooL [p Fees �1,4V0 6,�33 �50 lnoust,i�l Park Rs sement 3c4 �ecapture Fes ��er V 1V,VO0 5`VW 5,�OO Fenta} ln�ome J6 O7 2`0V0', 36� Re�unds 14.86l 7/�00 362 lnsurance ReimbursEments J6J Sals of Asspt� 1`15� V 3,0�0 (l,V�N 364 Public Rp}otinns Prog,acs �.29< �`0OO 5,0V 0 365 Hise\}aneous lncome 1`193 1`V0� 1`00V O 3�6 lnve tmsnt �nccoe 2`551 2.�hO 4`000 <2`�0O� 371 Transfer froo �ater Dpemoons 381 T from Sewe' Main. Feo o 1�`V0O 10`V0V 5.0O0 384 7ransfpr 1 rop Aor�jng Cash 5`Y2� ________ ________ _________ _______ TOTA P," NU $ 1,�03`224 � 1/207J0� 1i l`3G?`0VV $ (D4'30N � -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TGTAL REVEuUE A#D FUN% S�!�'E \ | [ST�v4TFD B��A��E. APRlL 3O, 199O � ^ . Page 4 Date V5/1090 City of Yorkville 1990-1991 F-THRET Streets & Al}eys __________________________________________________________________ Account � � March` 19YO 1989-199O 1990-1991 ��nunt of Description to Date Budget ' Budget Chmge _______________________________________________________________________ [XP[ND]TURES 4V1 Emp}oyep Sa\aries * 50,929 $ 60,000 514 - in Prk Streets 0 4O 68`0OC 28,0C3 517 MIA intpnance - Vehides 521 Maintenance - Tmfbc Signai� �`322 1`5OV 2`50A 1,�00 52 tenance - Street 76,51-A 8V,V0V 120`00V 40`000 566 Kentol - EVuipment 0 5V0 5VV V 574 Street Lightini 20,653 24`00V 24`0VO 0 5Y1 Extending Sewer 48`477 6V.0 V� 50,0VV (10`VOO> 630 Hand Tools 557 1`0VO 1'0OV V 632 Hearing Apparel 5 `VVO 1`0 O O 67S Safpty Equipment 98 5V0 500 V 644 Mointenance Supplies-Street� 5`715 6.OVO 8`0�0 2,VVV 699 Misce}\aneou� 1,R3J 1,5V0 1`500 � 799 �mtingency 13`572 14`0VV 10'000 <4`3ON 822 Fox Rd. Payment(Co. Highway) 8`0VV 8`VV0 8,V00 � 823 McHugt koad lmprovement� V V 21,��V 21`5O0 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- T0Ai [xP80lT��S $ 231'2O1 $ ��`�� $ 376,�N _______ ________ __________ _______ ` _ Page 5 �Date 05/14/90 City of Yorkville U�R-�390 1930+1991 BUDGE Storm Sewpr� __________________________________________________________________________________ Account # & March` 199O 1989-1990 199V-19Y1 Amount of Description to Date Budget 8udgpt Change __________________________________________________________________________ EXP[8DlTURES 541 Engineering $ 15 $ 2`V00 591 [xtendinq Sowsr 7`553 20`OO� 2�.00O 0 643 Maintenance Supp\ies'Sewer 3'978 5'0Vt 5,000 0 799 Contingen�y 2V'92O 2V,V0O -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TOTAL EXHN.DlT11 R ES $ 32`471 $ 47`0 32,NN V _______ ________ __________ _______ / � ^ Page 6 ` Date 05/14190 City of Yorkville 1�1-89-0790 1990-1991 BUDGET Trucks` Tractors, t Equip _____________________________________________________________________ Account 4 & March, 199O \989-1990 1990-1YY1 Ammmt c! Description to Date Budget Budget Change __________________________________________________________________________ EXPEND\TURES 5l6 Maintenance - Equipment $ 1`666 2,5oW s 1,V0V 517 Maintenance - Yehicles l5,873 14/V0O 14,003 0 542 lospections 5( 620 Gasnline 5,214 4`5VO 6/500 2`VO0 699 Miscellaneous 24 \C� 1VV 0 GOY Equiyment 713 1,0SO 2,5OO 1`500 _______ ________ __________ _______ T0TAL EXPENDDU8ES 23,521 $ 21`15O $ 25/7V0 $ 4/550 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- | ^ Page 7 Date 05/14/90 City of Yorkville 1990-1991 BUDGET Heolth & Sanitation _____________________________________________________________________ Accmunt 0 t Harch, B90 1989-B90 B9V-B91 Amount of Description to Dote Budget Changp ______________________________________________________________________ E X P E N lTUIR'ES 00 Garbage Service $ 70`�� $ 80.000 $ 9�/NN o 16,010 5E1 Oog Catche. \`29� 1,5VC 1/50V o 582 Land Fill Fee-- V 200 2W V 5�9 Misc*llan*ouE V 10V \O0 V -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TDlAL [FF[NDlTURES $ 71`672 $ 8\^8VV $ 9 7,80O $ 16/V00 ------ ------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- | | ` ` ^ Page 8 . 0a to 05/14/90 City of Yorkville \1-S9-039V 199V-\991 BUDGET Po\z* DePartment __________________________________________________________________ Account 0 & March` 199O 989' 990 9Y1 A �mt of 1 Description to Date Budpef 8udget Chan1,e ____________________________________________________________________ [XPENDJURES �O1 Emp\oyee Sa}aries $ 271`522 $ 285`0OV $ 29.7,010 $ 12,000 402 Crossing Guard Sa\a'ie 6.7O8 6,750 7`0�V 25O 517 Xa�ntexance - Yohi�les 6`476 5`500 6'�O3 5C� 52J Moin nan Rad t* c* - ias 3`647 2'00C 5'000 3/O00 545 Dues 631 7A0 7V0 V 547 Training & Conferences 5`4 3^000 2`000 548 Trove} [xpen��� 3J 1`V00 \`VV0 V 55O Puhlishiog/Adverti iog 0 20V 2�V V 5�1 Printing/CopyinS 1`422 l`C0V 1,5V0 506 57O PuEtage/Shipping 447 2OO 300 \V0 575 Telep 4`863 5`200 6`0VO 80V 576 Police - Cal} [orwardiog 4`17O 5`V00 5,VVO V 596 Shooting 8ange Fees 1V2 60� 6VV O 61O Office Supplies 2`O10 2,N� 2`5VO 500 612 Operating Sup 0 0V 62V Ga \ine 7`466 8,00V 10`W0 2`VN 67)2 Nearing Appare} 4.725 4`V00 634 Ammunitioo 818 1'V00 1`Vh3 � 699 Miscellaneous 3,651 5O0 1V00 500 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TETAL EU[H0lTURES $ 327`15B 35 30V $ 22,650 _______ ________ _________ _______ ^ Page 9 ` Date 05114/90 City of Yorkville 11-B-0390 1990-1991 BU0GET City Parks _____________________________________________________________________ Accouot # & h�rch, 1990 l989-B90 1990-19Y1 Amount of Description to Date Budget Dudgei Change ------------------------------------------------------------------------- EkPENDlTURES 4C1 Emp}oyee Salarie $ 10J34 $ 1V/V00 $ 12 $ 2.V00 530 Treu � St:mp Remcval 3`115 4`��S 4,OOO 0 531 Contract Howing V 5O0 5S3 V 577 Katural Gas 249 1'V00 1`00O 0 �78 Electricity 59R 579 Tennis Coo,t E}ectricity V 8V0 1,20V 4�0 M Operating Supplies 1`496 \/80S 2`VV0 2V0 �� Supp�ies - Tennis Courb 4 V 0 V 650 F}Q wer-5 and Trees 12 25V 655 Christmas Desrations 11V L. 4 2`00O 656 public 0ecoraticns 784 699 Misce}}a Ft.enus 4 NO 1V3 � 784 Transfpr to Park Bnard 0 0,1�V 25,0OV 6`85O 80Y E4uipment 6 300 5VO 20C 812 Resurface Tennis Courts Y.3OV V 0 V ________ ________ _________ _______ TOTAL EXPENDlTURES $ 26`40� $ 40 30" � 52`550 $ 1/650 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- ` Page 10 Date O5/14y90 City of Yorkville 1�-89-0390 1930-1991 BUDGET Future Plunning ___________________________________________________________________________ Account # & March` 199V 1989-19 Amount of Description to Dab R Lid get Rudget Change _______________________________________________________________________ [XPBNDlTLRES 552 Subscriptions $ V 556 P\onog Committee Expense 1'5VV oi V 557 [ccnomic Deve}opnent Costs � 6I VV 6.VO0 V 558 P1 annin0 Consultant Fees 2,313 4,5O0 4,50O V 6Y� Miscellaneous 61 V V O -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 2,37Z $ 12`10V _______ ________ __________ _______ ^ Page II Date 05/14/090 City of Yorkville tl-O9-07 9O 19�+\Y91 BUD G[ City Buildings ___________________________________________________________________ Azount # & Hach` 1Y90 l989-199 1990-1991 Amount of r. Cesc,iption to Date Budget Budget Change __________________________________________________________________ [iPENDlTURES 404 Cu-5todia} Salary 1,VV 515 Mainteoonc� - Dui\dings 3`659 8,00O �0`0W 2.0V0 5J5 Haintenance - Reota\ Kouse 2`919 2,�VO 1`03V (�`50N 536 Maintenance - Library 1,331 1.�OC 3`OOV 1,500 577 Aatural Exs 612 OperatioO Supplies b 2,00V 4VO 621 Water - Lions Swim C\ub V 40V 762 Transfer to Beecher Building V 12,V00 0 793 Transier to Bldg lmprove Funb V V 4`VOJ 4`0 0V 81O Building lmprovements 7VV 3`0V0 0 (3.000> -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TUTAL EXFEND}0KES $ 0`4V6 $ 36'�OO $ 28`�0V $ (8`0VV> _______ --------------- ------------------ ------------- ^ ' Page 12 Dabe 05/14/90 City of Yorkville 1�-89-�39V 19 (1-1991 8UDGE Pub}ic Relations Dept. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Account # & harch` \99O 1385-1990 1990-\99� Aummt of Description to Date 8udget Budget Changp _____________________________________________________________________ [XPENDITURES 540 Contractual Services 447 $ 4 �0 V 4`000 $ V 550 Publishing/Adivertisiny 1V 50v 506 0 57O Pustage/Shipping 0 16V 100 0 612 Ope,ating Supplies 52B 2/VO0 2,V0O V ________ ________ __________ _______ TOTAL EXPENDITURES 6`6 0W it 0 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- ^ ' Page 13 Date 05/1419V City of Yorkville l993-13i1 8ui\ding � Zoning Dept. ___________________________________________________________________ Account 0 & March` 1990 1989-195*) 199V-1991 Amount of Desc,iption to Date Fudget Budget Change ' _____________________________________________________________________ [XPEK�lTUR[S 51V Lega\ Services J. Leg�l (Filio�> Fees 58 53O 0 (500> 54C Cont 14,VO0 V 541 Engineering 2,264 her, 121 3M 3VC 0 �47 Training � Cnnferooces 17 6 1/50V 1`0V0 (5VO) 55O Pub}i hing/Advertising 16 5�V \,O0V 5V0 636 800kE and Maps 211 1/0VV 50O (50O) 693 Hiscel}aopous 14 100 \0V V -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TOTAL [XPEKDITuRES $ 12.23D $ 27`906 $ 22`430 i (5`5V01) -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- ` Page 14 rate 05/14/9O City of Yorkville �1-8Y-0�90 1990-1991 BUDGET Finance Dept. _____________________________________________________________________ Accouct � � March, 1990 1989'l99O 1990-1991 Amaunt of Descriptian to Date Budget 8odget ChanOe ____________________________________________________________________ E�PENDlTURES 4O1 [mp�oyee Sa\arie� � 521 � V 403 [ i ne*r/Administrator S'lary VV0 4�5 Secretaria} Sal�ries 15,994 25`0�0 25`00� V 409 BuJ§st Offisr Soiary 6,h61 6`030 12`V0O 6,00V ^11 City Attorney Salary 7,654 421 Haysr Calary 2,250 450O 4/750 25V 422 Liquor Commi--sioner Salary 50V 1`O00 1,NN V 423 City Clerk Salary 1,800 3,6O0 3/60V V 424 City Trea5urer Salary \.800 3,60V 3,6VV 0 425 A\demen Solary 7`170 17.VV0 17`16 00 O 451 Socia} Secuoty Tax 36`339 37`5OV 3D`100 5O0 452 City Shars - lMRF V 34,941 � 'VO0 4E,0V0 8`01 O 453 Unemployment Cmmpensation Tax �,437 4' 5`0O0 1`00O 46O Sel+-insu-ance(Group Health) 5`O7� 12`00O 10/OV� 461 6.oup Health Incurance 40`365 48,0O0 60.0VV D`O0V 46I 8roup Life lnsurance 721 \'500 1,t0� (5V0 464 Y-:sion and Denta} As.sicc tance 8,148 10,5O0 l0,5V0 V 501 Norkmen's Compensatioo lnsur. 31`916 30`V0 0 32`O00 2`000 ��2 Commerci�� Umbre\\a lnsurance 28`572 25,OO� 28`VS0 3`0V� 5V3 Vchide lnSurance 7,816 7/�A0 8'50O 504 Specia\ Hulti'peri} lnsurance 6,972 12`5V� �6.0OV 3.5�0 5 5 BondinC C 42 75� 1.5VV 75� 51O Legu} Services 5�4 l.V;O z`0V0 V 511 Le (Filio�� Fee- 512 Ao�it Fee� & Exzen��s 17`5SV O 518 Kaiotenans - Ccmputers 6V 3,WV 1`NX <2,0O0> 51 -ntenance - ?hotnzopiers 545 L � 54� Illinois Municipal League Dues 264 3�O 3VV o 547 �minin,-, Cu7ferences 1`�VO 2,50V 2`50� O 546 Trave pen5es 5, 7`0OV 7`0M O 550 Publjshing/A�°ertising 55� Printing/Cupying 728 2`0W 2`WV V 552 Suboripticns 555 Ccdzfi�atinn V 1`5O� [SDA [xpenses 1N �� 5O� v 570 Postage/Shipping 2`258 575 lElep�me 2`J 0 0 64' Dffice Suppiie� 3.O53 6.00V 4.VVC (I`VV0) 616 ��puter Supplie� 63 0 O C 6 2� G�soline �� 0 S V 09 �is�eUan�u� 2�1 �* 50J 0 712 L- brary Grant 4,360 V 0 0 779 Tr���fer to Co�ital �17 provo. 0 o 4.5O� 782 Traosfp` to B*echer B"ilding 10.CS( � 0 C 7�9 Ccntingecy J5 5'C�) 5'{�� V . � Page 15 Da he 05114/90 City of Yorkville 111-89-0390 1990-\991 BU0GB Finance Dept. ______________________________________________________________________ Accnuot 0 k Harch` 199O 1989-8Y0 19�O-\99\ Aaount of _____Descripbon______________tu_Date_____8udget______Budget_____Change_______________ _______ ________ __________ _______ l0AL [XPEN0lTUKES � 7" 439,25V $ 42,85V ------- ------ --------------- ----------------- ------------- ^ . Page 16 Date 05/14190 City of Yorkville 1l'89-j'90 199O-1991 B�JDGE Water Operations Fund ____________________________________________________________________ Aonunt # t March` 1990 \989'199O 1990-1991 Aq!Dmnt of Des,iption______________to_Dote______Budget______Bydget_____Change________________ ���������-- REVENUE �� Wo�er Sa}e � J2-,834 $ 3\2`V00 « J2O,0W0 $ (8`OV}} 331 Nater Kook Up Fee 38`175 25'0VV 35,V�0 (10,00O} 345 Other 8rant� 0 4V�`VV� V 4O0`VV0 348 Keimburement'O�her Gov 361 Refurd� V 2/VV0 2,V0V 0 �b5 h�oe\laneous locome �1b 50O 506 0 366 love�tmen� lncnme 4,0 00 367 Uebt Proceeds 0 1`382`04 1,562/228 <18`j` 2 4} -1126 Transfer f,00 Water Surp\us V l54,G96 3A4`272 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- T0AL REVE�� $ 359`46B � 2/D9,5V� � 2`297,VOV $ (D/50�> -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- T0TAL REVENXE AND FUND BALAN�� $ 2`297`V�W ___________ [ ENDl7URES 4Vl [mp}oyee Sa�urie� $ 63.717 $ 72` 7V,O0 0 $ 451 Social 6ecuri�y Tax �`81� 5`5V3 'IV0 V 452 City Stare - l;RF 5`336 6,V0O 7,0O0 l`000 511 Le0a} (Fiiing) Fee� 703 5OO l`�O� \`V0O 537 Via ictenance - Contru} t e m 353 2`��O 2`VVO V 538 V 2/000 539 K er R* 3`206 3`2O0 541 En�inee'in� 10 1O/V0 �O.�00 0 545 Dues 24� 50� 5S0 V 547 Traioing & Cm�erence� �J 5OO 5V0 � 548 Travel Expecses V 4V0 �V0 V 55V Puhlishing/Advprtising 116 1`Ai0 551 inting/Cnpying 1,671 5V0 1.000 5V0 552 Subsriptioos 43 10� 0O V 57C Po�tage/�hipping 8B2 1,00V 2`�W 1.000 57� Te\ephon� 3`01� 2,k'O0 3'V0O 1,0OV 577 t.a] G WO V 57G [lect,icity 3�`032 45`�O0 5B6 Ca thu dic P/ot�ctinn 1`2G8 6�V 7OV 1O0 587 Wel\ Stu�, 0 1`0V0 1.0V0 0 HIS Water Skmp}es 3,959 4`60,0 5`VN} 612 Operotmg Supplies 12`554 16,V0O 16`V00 V Hand Tool� 47 5m' V V 638 Sa4ety Equipment 1`�3V 2`V00 2'5OV 5VV 66 Ch\orinp 8,0 1`5VV 1,5VV ; 661 Fluoride 841 6V9 80 20V �eters 447 699 Mis 2�9 5OO 5t0 � 77O Ad:i.�st.a�iur - 6enerol Fon� 0 4�.V0V 57,t0�^ 1V.0i� 779 Trans�er t� La���al lcprcve. V G`(�i . Page 17 05/14/90 City of Yorkville 199,1-1991 BUDGET Water 0pErations Fund ______________________________________________________________________ Account I t March, 1,770 19B9-1Y90 1990-1991 Amount of Desc,iptinn to Date Budget Budyet Change __________________________________________________________________ 783 Transfer to Nater Surplus Fund O 1`80V 0 (1.8VV) 79Y Contingency 12.R25 20.N0 18.V0C (2,0O0) 809 Eqoipment 276 6,000 5`0VO 851 Radium Reouval Costs 31`561 1,98O'O00 1`869`000 (11�`000) 660 WE- Kaioc & Pumps 3`836 1V`00j 114,C00 1V4`VO� 861 Hydrant Replacement 72J 5/�O0 5,OOV 0 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- T0AL EXPEND lTILIRES $ 215,529 $ 2/27Y/5OV $ 2/297/0W0 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- EST JED RAI AHCE` APRIL 30' 1990 V 0 ^ Page 18 Dab 05V14/90 [Jh/ of Yorkville 8-89-0390 1990-1991 BUDGET Water Bond & lotere;t Fod _______________________________________________________________________ Account # k Morch` 1Y9O B69-1990 1990-1991 Amount of Description to Date 8udget Yudgpt Change _______________________________________________________________________ ES3MATED FUND BALANCE 911,11 Estimated Fund Balance - May 1 600 ' ' `. ----------------- REYEN0[ 366 lnve�tm»nt lncoue $ V $ 10� $ O $ 1OV 371 Transfsr from Later Operatioos \5,NN lG,VO� 16`80W 1.200 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TOTAL REV ENUE $ 15'00O $ l8.�0� « \6`80O -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- 0T AL REVENUE AND FUND 0&AKCE � 17,4W ` _________ E1P[HD Ti 561 8an� Charges 220 x V $ V 730 Rev*nue Bond Principle V N`0OO 10`V0V V 731 Revenue Bond lnterest 3.5O, 7,6V� 6`30V 0/ 739 Agent Fees & Bank Charges 230 50O 5OO 0 -------------- ------ -------- ----------------- ------------- TUTAL EXPEND\T�ES � 3`92O 16`8VV $ (1`300\ -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- ESTl ED BAJ.t , �PRIL JV, 1990 $ 600 ^ ^ Page 19 Date 05/14/90 City of Yorkville 1�-89-0RV B�+�991 BU9G T Water ps-no & lnt. Reserve ------'-------------------'------------------------------------------------ Account March` \YYO Amuunt of Description to Date BuJoet Budget Change ________________________________________________________________________ ESTIMATED FUIN0 BALANCE 90 1 Estinated Fund Balance - May 1 $ 24`00V _________ R EVENLi E 366 lovestment lncume -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TOTAL REVENUE AND FUND 8ALAHCE $ 1`349 $ l,40V $ 25`4O0 � (24`0V0> -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- [XPENGlTU8E5 7Y1 Transfer to 800d Rpdemption -------------- ------ -------- ----------------- ------------- ESTIMATED DALANCE, APRIL 30` 1930 $ 25`400 ^ ^ Page 20 Date 05V14/9V City of Yorkville 1�-O9'03Y0 1990'1991 8UUGET Water D*prec. & comting'y _____________________________________________________________________ Account # & ha,ch` 199V 1989-1990 1Y90'B91 Amount nf Description to Date 0udget Budget Chaoge _______________________________________________________________________ ESTIMATED FUND BALANCE Y01 Estimated Fund Balance - May _________ REVENUE 366 lnvestment lncome s 33O $ 2`0�0 $ 5VV $ 1,500 _______ _________ __________ _______ TUTAL R[YENUE AtN0 FUNy BALANCE 1G,5W) -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- [11P[NDlTURES 529 Emergency Rspairs $ V $ 2O`�W $ 20,VVV $ V 791 TrancSfer ta 8o Kedpepticn -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $ 0 $ 22/0O0 x 20 30 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- 9 [STl�KED BALANCE` � I 30` 190 $ ; ~~~~=~~~~==~~~ Page 21 Uate 05/14/90 City of Yorkville 1Z-89-0719V 1990-199\ 8UDS T Water Meter Depoat ___________________________________________________________________ Account # & Karch, 1990 1 Amount of Description to Date 8udget Dudiget C h a e _________________________________________________________________________ [STl�JED FUND yALANC[ 901 Estimated Fund Ba\ance - May 1 $ 5V0 _________ REE V E ik'Li E 332 Water Me e Deposits 366 lnves�menA lncome 37 5O 50 V _______ --------------- ----------------- ------------- TUTAL REVENUE 1«2 $ 550 $ 550 $ 0 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TOTAL REVENU[ AND FU�D DALANCE � 162 $ 550 $ l`-50 x (5V0) ------- -------- --------- ------- [1PENDl0R[S 760 Relunds $ V $ 5V0 $ 503 $ 0 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- ESTIMATED BALAhC[, AP, L 30` 199V $ 550 ===~=~~==~~ Page 22 Date 05/109V City of Yorkville �-sq-0190 l��1�\ ��[T Nater Surplus Fund _______________________________________________________________________ �arch, 89O 1989-1990 1996-i9— of Description to 8atp Budget Budget Change ________________________________________________________________________________ [STIM A TED FUWD 8ALA N:CE 9 01 [stimEted Fund Ba\ance - May 1 282.272 _________ KEVEMJ[ 366 Investment lnccme $ 4`056 $ J9O Transfer !mm 80nd Ked»mptio 7`V0O ( 7,C0V> -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TOTAL R[V ENUE � 4/O56 $ 2'V�0 � 22`tVV $ (2V/OV0> -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TOTAL REVEHUE AKD FUND 8ALANCE $ 4`V56 $ 2/Wh $ 3V4`272 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- EXPE�DITURE� 772 Transfer to Water Operations $ V t 154,896 $ 3V4`272 x 149`376 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- ESTl�ATEU BALANCE APKlL 36` ====~====~ � Page 23 Date 05/14U90 Cit/ of Yorkville ]�-89-O39O l990-1991 BUDG[T Nater Bund Red[-,,t inn Fod ________________________________________________________________________ Account Ka,ch, 1990 889-89V 19;6-1991 Aaount of Description to Date DuJget Bui dget Chanqe ------------------------------------------------------------------------ BTli.,,AJEn FUND NCE 90 1 Estimat*d Fund 8a}ance - May 1 $ 110`0VO _________ R[VEK�E 366 lnvesteent Income s 4,V56 373 Tran-fu from #ater D & l R*s. 0 1`40O 0 !,40V 375 Transfer f/om Water D C Fund V 2.000 V 2,Off" -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TOTAL REV[NUE $ 4,056 $ 9,9V" $ 7`V00 $ 2.900 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TUTAL REVENUE AND FUND DAL��CE $ 4`O56 $ 9`9O0 � �17`OffO -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- EXPENDl7URES 769 Transier to Water Surplus Fund $ O » V $ 17/O0O -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- ESTlMATED BALANCE` APRlL 3O, 199A $ 1O0,O0O ========~ ^ � ^ Page 24 Date 05/14/90 City of Yorkville 11-89-0390 199V-1991 8Sr".01ET Motor Fuel Tax Fund ____________________________________________________________________________ Account 0 6 Harch` 199O 1989-199V 1990'1YY1 Amount of Description to Date Budget B�dget Change ______________________________________________________________________ [c,TIMATED F�& DALANC[ 901 Estimated Fund 8alance ' May 1 45'24D _________ REVEKU� 34V Mutor Fue} TPA-1 Alloteent $ 57,42O 63.00O � <3`0OV) 366 Investment Income 822 lJOV 1`8OO (100) --------' -------- ----------- ------- TOTAL R[Y[KUE 58,242 64`80V $ (3`1V0� -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TOTAL REVENUE F0ND BALANCE $ 58`242 $ 61`7%S � L1V/VA8 $ <48.348) -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- [YPEKDlT11 R.E:S 522 Mainteoance - Streets $ V9 45`0O0 �# Maintenaoco Suppli»s-Sbeet E 11'119 20,325 15`275 5�) -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- T0AL EX��DlTUR�S $ 6I,727 � 6VJ25 $ 60`275 _________ --------------- ----------------- ------------- EST m.JED 6ALANC I 3V` 13 4 773 =====~=== =~==~~~~~==~ . Page 25 � Date 05114/90 City of Yorkville 1.! �ob\r 970+199 8DG T 1 U Yeh To [u nd ib x __________________________________________________________________ Accuunt # & March, 1Y90 \989-1990 1990'1991 An-int of Description tn Date Budget 8udqe4. Change _____________________________________________________________________ [STlM�TED Fi�D BALANCE 9(111 E ted Fun� Ba]ance - May 1 _________ 315 Motor Vehide Liceo�e� $ \2`226 $ 15`0SO $ 13,0� $ 2,VOO 366 lnvetuent lncome 1`809 1,70� 1,80O <1V0) -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TOTAL KEV[�� $ ]�,V35 $ 16,700 � 1'.80V $ 1,900 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TOTAL R[VE UE AKC FUND Z ANCE $ 14`035 $ \6Ji0 $ C7/519 $ \40,819) -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- [XP[NDITURES 534 Game Farm Sidex�\L $ 7.193 $ 7,2�0 $ O � (7'20N 541 [ng inering V 50O 500 S 599 Misce}laceuuE V 10O 100 C 61� Cffic* Supplie� V 1,VO0 1,OOO 0 82\ Sidewalk �mstr�ction 2`452 2V,N}O 2�.000 0 ________ --------------- ----------------- ------------- T0 AL EXPEKClTSRE� $ ?,645 � 28,8O3 $ 21`iV0 � <7`2V0) -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- B�l�ATED BALA./CE` APRlL 3O, �9�O � 35,S9 ====^==== Page 26 Date 05V14/90 City of Yorkville 1�-89-0390 1990-1991 00GET 8ui}ding lmproement Funi _______________________________________________________________________ Aocunt # & Karch` 1990 B89-1Y9V 1990-1Y91 Amomt of Description to Date Budget Budget Change ___________________________________________________________________ KEVENUE 370 Tran�fer from Genora\ Fund _______ _________ _________ _______ -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- EyPEkDlTJ R ES 81V Builoing lmprovpment-5 _______ _________ __________ ________ [STl�ATEU ��ANCE` APRIL 30` 199C ^ � Page 27 Date 05/14/90 City of Yorkville 1,.'89-039V 1990-1991 BU8GET Capital lmyrovement Fund _________________________________________________________________________________ Ac--omnt # 1990 1Y89 t c+ Descriptixn to Date Dudget Dud Oet Change ______________________________________________________________________ � ���E 37V Transfer frsm 6eoera\ Fund � V $ 15.5OV � 20`0*0 31 Traosf*r from Katsr Dperetions V B4O00 15.V(W (7`001� 3G1 Transfer from Sewer Main, Fee O 1V,AVV � 1V'�0O 389 Transfer f oo lmyr-ct Fe Furd-- 0 15'COV 2h`5O0 (5`5V�} -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TOTAi K��NUE � V $ 48`�O0 $ 55,�W $ <7`JV0) _________ ________ _________ _______ TOTAL REYEMUE AND F0XD BALANCE 48/50O s 55`5O0 $ <7,O0O) -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- EXPEKDlTURES 8O1 Of fice Equ ip ment 4,VO0 8O5 Automobiles l3`563 16`VOO 15`0V0 6 0-6 Truck 25`252 22`V00 25`JV0 3,00� 809 [quipment 7V0 1'5VO 1/500 0 R Computers & Software 12.715 D,0C� 1V,V�0 2`�00 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TDTAL E�PENDlTbRES $ 5J,7C2 $ �8.�N 7`AW -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- ESTlMATED �� NCE, AP0L 30' 1990 $ V ^ Page 28 Dats 05114/90 City of Yorkville 1990-1991KIVEIT Sewer Mainbr.ance Fee Fnd -------------'----------------------------------------------------------------- March, 1996 19R9-8i(i l99O 1991 Amount of DEscription to Date Bu.Oget Budget @anoe ___________________________________________________________________ [STlMAT[D FCND BALANCE 901 Estiwated Fu Balance - May 1 $ 213.8O7 _________ R[VENUE 335 Sewer Maintenance Fee5 � 97`522 $ 9V`V0V $ 100,�0V � (10.V(0) 336 Sower Hook Up FE-es 0 5` VO 366 lnvestment lncome 6`O88 6`0O0 12,5f N 367 Ue-�t Pmceeds V V 567`O00 507,"Of! -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TDTAL HEVENJE 0i 679` VV> -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- , TOTAL REV[kUE F1 FUND BALA�� � 1C�`61V $ 1O1`000 � 8?3`307 $ (792.3t7) -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- E�PENDlTURES 4V1 Emp\oye Salaries $ 22`635 $ 26`50V � 20`0OV $ (6.50V� 451 Sucio� Security Tax 1,63� 2,000 1`40O (600> 452 City Sha,e lMRF 2`048 2`�N 1`0N (4OO) 5�\ ���l (Fil�rg) Fees V 2OV 2CO 0 '24 e oance - Sewer 16`781 �W`�� 20.�00 (1BO`000) ��1 [ngioeering 22,229 3O'OV0 12,uOV (17`4OO) 551 Printing/Cupying 566 Rent�l - [-uipmynt V 5Y0 57� Pstagp/S�ipping 57B [ ectocity 2O6 0 ��9 Miscp|bxeous 169 5VO 5O� O 612 0pE ratiog Su lie ,0Vt V 638 Safety Equipmont 122 2`�00 767 Dpbt Servicc 0 0 4O,VVO 4C`0OV 770 Admin�st'ation - �meral Fund V 12.MV 10`WC (2,OON 779 TranSfer to Capi�al laprnve. O 1O`V00 O (1V/000) P. Siphcn & S.W. Inty,ce�tur � 0 567`OO� 567`0O� -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TDTAL [XPENDIT6RES $ 67`4 .7r'4 $ 679`5V0 1 399,2;� -------------- ----- --------- ----------------- ------------- [STlMATEU BALANC[` APRlL 0` 19YV � 213`8t7 ========= ' Page 29 Date 05114/90 City of Yorkville 19-70+1991 BUDGET Beecher Bui}cing Fu:d __________________________________________________________________________ Account # & March` 1990 1969-090 1990-1991 Amount of Dxscription to Date 8udOet Budget Change __________________________________________________________________ [ST}MAT7U FUND B A�AHCE 901 E mateU Fund En lance - May 6,258 _________ FEY[NUE 357 Rental lncome $ 125 $ 5`000 $ 5`V0� $ 0 35B Rent and/or Donution5 11,677 6,000 13`�00 (7`V0C) Donations 0 2.VVV 0 2`VVV 365 Kisellaneous Income V 0 37V Transfer from Genera} Fund \V`VOV A 1-,r-o -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TOTAL KEVENUE $ 22`152 $ 25`OOO � 1O`000 $ 7`V0� -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TDTAL REVENUE AND FUND 52 $ 25`VC� $ 24,258 $ 742 ------- -------' ----------- -------- [kiPP NDlTUREE 401 [mn\oy»e Sa\aries 451 Soc�al Security Tax 944 YO0 1`00C 1OV 452 City Share - l�KF 965 \`V�O 1`2�S 2VV 515 MaintEnaoce 4/498 575 Telephonp J37 53� 577 Natura Gas 2`150 2`5O0 2,00C 61O [ffie Suppl�es O 1VV 1V� 0 612 Dpor�tio� Sup��ie� 1`5<� 41 0V� l,WV (2'00O) 699 Kisce�\an�ous 63 200 2O} O 81V �uildinq �mp'mecents � 1,0CV -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- T0AL [XPEkDITGFES $ 2l`597 � 24,700 $ 23`V;. I; -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- [STlMATED BALANCE. APRIL 30` 199V . Page 30 Date 05/14/90 City of Yorkville 11-89-0390 1990-1998 BUDGET Land Cash Grant Fund _____________________________________________________________________ Acomnt 0 & March, 1990 1989-19Y0 199�-1991 Amouot of Description to Date 8udget Budget Change _____________________________________________________________________ [STlMATED F'U N 0 S M LANCE 9O1 Estimated Fund Balance - Kay 1 $ 33,974 _________ R E;1'E N ulE 3 56 Other Fees 15,0V0 $ 1C`V00 366 lnvestment lncome 589 1`O0O 1`000 0 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TOTAL REVENUE $ O,135 s 16'O00 $ 111 O0 0 $ 5`VV0 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- T0AL R ��EV[ AND FUND BALANCE � 13`D5 $ 16`00� $ 44/974 <28'971) -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- E.Y.P[ND!lTURES 784 TranSfer to Park Boa-rd � 6`47J $ 22`6OV $ 6`V0V $ <�6'60Q 792 Tmnsfer to School Dis�rict O 1O,O00 f. (\0`V0�) -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- EXPENDITURES t 6`473 0 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- [STI�JEU ��AHC , ��lL 0/ 199� $ 3O`q�4 . Page 31 Date 0511090 City of Yorkville \1�R-OJ V 1990-1991 8UDG[T No/king Cash Fund ________________________________________________________________________________ Aoount � & Mach` 1996 1989-199V 199O-1991 Amount of Descripboo to Date Budget Budget Change ________________________________________________________________________ FUND 8ALA NE.E 9�1 Estimated Fund Dalanc* - May 1 » 11V,VVV _________ REVENUE 366 lnvetment Tncome 6`�V0 _______ ________ __________ _______ TOTAL kEY�UE �0 FUNU BALANCE $ 5'920 $ 6,06 0 $ 1D,000 $ (111,00O) -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- EX PEND3UR[S 77\ Tran�f�r to Genera, FunJ $ 5`92V $ 6`V00 $ 7`00� $ 1.V0V -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- � EST lYAT�7jf -V AVc ` NPrIlL �` 1?q,-, $ 11V,NN ========== ^ ^ Page 32 Date 05114/90 City of Yorkville 1:'8Y-V3 9V 1990-1991 BUDGET Impact Fen-Public ku,ks ______________________________________________________________________ M. Ount 0 & HErcn` 1990 19Bf1990 1Y9O'1991 Amount of Descripbon to Date Budget Budget Change ____________________________________________________________________ ESTJHATED [LO-12 BAL&NC[ 9O1 Estimated Fund Ralance - May 1 _________ REVENUE lmpct Fees $ 1O,8*f t 9,V�V $ N`VV0 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- ThTAL F. VENUE AND FUND DALANCE $ 1V`8VV $ 9`VV0 � 22'15V $ (lJ`l5O) -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- EXPENDlTL0ES 775 Transfer to Capita} lmpmve. 9`00O -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- ESTlMATED 8ALANCE` APRlL 3V` 1Y90 $ 14,150 ==~====== ` ' Page 33 Qat* i')5/14/90 City of Yorkville 11�R-039V \99V-l991 BUDGET lmpact Fees-Pu}ic* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Account 0 t March/ 1990 1989-1990 199V-19Y\ Amount of Description to Date Budget Budget Change -'-------'------------------------------------------------------------ BTlKAT U F00 BALANCE 901 Estimated Fund Balance - Hay 1 ' $ 4/V50 '~ ----------------- - KEVENUE J23 lmpact (1`V0 V} -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TOTAL R[VENUE AN" FUND ��ANC[ $ J,�N x 3,N0 $ -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- [YPENUlTU3B 779 Tran�fer to Capita} ImProve. V -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- ESTlMAT[D BALANCE, APRIL 30` 1Y9V x ' ^ . ' Page 34 Date 65V14/90 City of Yorkville 1-'B9'039V \99V-199l lmpact Fees-Budding Fund ________________________________________________________________________________ Accounc March` B�O 19B9'1Y90 1Y9V-1991 Amount o Descripti p m to Date 8udget Budget Change _____________________________________________________________________ BTlMATED FUND BALA E Estimated Fund Balance - May 1 ` $ 4`050 _________ REVENUE 323 Impact Feec. $ 3`60 0 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TOTAL REVENUF AND FUND BALANI-E $ 3`606 $ 3 100 $ 8,05O $ (5`V5V) -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- E%PENQlTURES 779 Transfer to Capita} lmpruve. $ 0 $ 3`0OV V 6,25O $ 3`250 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- ESTIMATED BA'ANCE` APklL 30` 1990 ^ ========= ^ � Page 35 Date 05/!4/90 City of Yorkville 11_89-0390 199V-1991 B IL,DG T ` Truc.t and Agency Funds _____________________________________________________________________ A�omnt # & March. 1990 1989-1990 1YY0-199\ Amcunt sf Description to ['at[ Budget 8udget Chang'? __________________________________________________________________ [STlMATED FUND BALAMCE 9S1 [�ti�ated Fund Balancc - May \ $ 5V0 _________ REVENUE 366 lnvestment locome $ 482 $ O $ V v V J91V Land Cash Fees - Schonl Di�c. 15,13V � 16`0VO <16,O0N 395O Impact Fees - 6KFD 6,0VV 0 7.VV0 (7`00V) 3961) Li.pact Fe»s - Library 9V0 0 3Y8V Sanitary Fees Co}|ected 248`507 V 250,0VV (25V.OVV) ________ _________ _________ _______ TOTAL REVENiE $ 27\`0\9 $ V � 274.5O0 -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TOTAL REVE�]E AND FUNU GALANC� $ 271`019 � V $ 275`0O6 � (275 0) _______ ________ _________ ________ [%PENDlTURB 792 Tran�fpr to Schoo} Uistrict 16.0OC $ 16,V0V 734 T�an�fer to YB3D 255`498 � 250/0O3 25�.00O 795 Tranqfer tn 8U`D 7`0V0 796 Tr�nsfer to Li�rary -------------- --------------- ----------------- ------------- TUTAi EXPEK0TLRES $ 267,247 ------- -------' --------' ------- ESTIMrTEU BALAKCE' L 3O. 199� $ 5O0 ~======== ~ .� Page 36 YORKVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY PROPOSED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 INCOME: Distribution of Funds 52, 000 Per Capita Grant 3, 400 Fines 2, 500 Fees 4 ,000 Rentals 250 Copier 2 , 000 Computer 150 Magazines 500 Interest 11000 Impact Fee (books) 750 Other 500 General Operating Fund 67 ,050 Memorial Fund Impact Fee ( 750 $67 , 800 EXPENDITURES : 1 . Salaries 45, 000 2 . Salary-Custodian 1 ,200 3 . Vision - Dental 400 4 . Books 10 , 000 5. Magazines 800 6 . Audio/Video 300 7 . Newspaper 100 8 . Computer 600 9 . Programs 800 10. Library Supplies 1 , 200 11 . Conference & Dues 300 12 . Copier 1 , 300 13. Postage 150 14 . Equip/Furnishings 200 15 . Utilities 2 , 200 16 . Bldg . Maint/repairs 200 17 . Custodian supplies 200 18 . Legal publications 50 19 . Contingencies 900 20 . Book repairs 400 21 . ImpactFee (books) 750 General Operating Fund 67 , 050 Memorial Fund Impact Fee (bldg. fund) 750 Total Expenditures $67 , 800 CITY OF YORWILLE Page 37 RECREATION BOARD May 1, 1990 to April 30, 1991 Estimated Balance, April 30, 1990 $5,000 Revenue Transfer from City General Fund 25,000 Commissions - Mayflower 1,000 Program Fees 22,000 Interest 100 Land Cash Grant Funds 6,000 Sale of Merchandise 3,000 Total Revenue $57,100 Total Revenue and Fund Balance $62,100 Expenditures Recreation Dept. Director's Salary $10,000 FICA 2,400 IMRF 1,600 Instructor's Salaries 15,000 Bond 300 Dues 500 Training 1,000 Travel 500 Printing/Advertising/Office Supplies 750 Rent-Beecher Building 5,000 Telephone 1,000 Operating Supplies 750 Equipment 1,500 Insurance 500 Purchases for Resale 2,000 Total Rec. Dept. Expenditures $42,800 Park Dept. Salary-Assistant Director $6,000 Baseball Backstops 3,000 Equipment 1,500 Flowers and Trees/Grounds 2,000 Rental of Toilets 1,200 Playground Equipment 3,000 Contingency 1,500 Total Park Dept. Expenditures $18,200 Total - All Expenditures $61,000 Projected Balance, April 30,1991 $1,100