Administration Minutes 2014 05-15-14Page 1 of 3 APPROVED 6/19/14 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, May 15, 2014 6:30pm City Hall Conference Room Committee Members In Attendance: Vice-Chairman Jackie Milschewski Alderman Joel Frieders Alderman Chris Funkhouser Alderman Rose Spears (by phone 6:34pm) Other City Officials In Attendance: Rob Fredrickson, Finance Director Guests: None The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Vice-Chairman Jackie Milschewski. Citizen Comments: None Minutes for Correction/Approval: April 17, 2014 The minutes were approved as presented. New Business: 1. ADM 2014-29 Monthly Budget Report for April 2014 Mr. Fredrickson said this is the final report for FY '14 with some expenses and revenues yet to come for '14. The auditors will be at the City in mid-July. Committee members had no further comment. 2. ADM 2014-16 Monthly Treasurer's Report for April 2014 Mr. Fredrickson presented the Treasurer's report as follows: Beginning Fund Balance : $12,266,413 YTD Revenue: $26,430,135 YTD Expenses: $27,051,719 Projected Ending Fund Balance: $11,644,830 3. ADM 2014-13 Cash Statements for March 2014 This is for information only. Page 2 of 3 4. ADM 2014-32 Bills for Payment Alderman Frieders questioned an expense on page 65 for a ballast kit. No further action. 5. ADM 2014-33 Lockbox Bid Award (Alderman Spears joined the meeting by phone at this time). Mr. Fredrickson said that RFP's for lockbox service were sent out in February and 8 out of 9 were returned. None are able to provide a P.O. Box in Yorkville. He recommended accepting the bid from West Suburban Bank who is FDIC-insured. He discussed the process if errors are made by customers or when NSF checks are received. Mr. Fredrickson also suggested that an envelope with the new payment address be included in the bills. Residents will still be able to drop off payments outside City Hall. E-billing is in the works and was supposed to be done last fall. The software company, MSI, is not yet ready and the utility billing module has limitations. MSI is used for all accounting procedures and has been in place since 2004. Alderman Frieders suggested looking at another system since the improvements have been delayed. Mr. Fredrickson said if things do not improve in 2 months, he will seek other vendors. Alderman Spears asked if the payments had to go out of town for processing. Payments will be processed out of town since no local banks accept lockbox payments. This item will move forward to the Council consent agenda. 6. ADM 2014-34 Ordinance Removing Current Registrar and Paying Agent for Certain Outstanding Debt and Appointing a Successor Registrar and Paying Agent Finance Director Fredrickson said he received notification in March that the Bank of New York (current paying agent for most of City bonds) wants to raise fees from $350 to $750 per year per bond. The city financial advisor (Speer Financial) was asked to find alternatives. Amalgamated Bank was selected for a savings of over $12,000 yearly and an ordinance must be passed to authorize them to be the paying agent. This item moves forward to the May 27th Council consent agenda. 7. ADM 2014-35 General Obligation Bonds, Series 2014A – Game Farm Road Project 8. ADM 2014-36 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2014B -Refinancing 2005A Bond 9. ADM 2014-37 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2014C – Refinancing 2005C Bond Mr. Fredrickson discussed these 3 items together and in a memo he said the 2014 bond issuance and refunding process will begin on May 27th. Assuming the bond issuance ordinance passes, it would then be published in the newspaper and a 30-day challenge time period begins for taxpayers to file a backdoor referendum. Approval for the winning bids for the bond sale would be at the July 8th Council meeting. Discussion followed and Alderman Frieders asked why the Game Farm Road project is so expensive. Easements have to purchased, some of which are the in the City and some in the County. Also some of the utilities have no dedications. Alderman Funkhouser asked if there has ever been a challenge go to referendum. Mr. Fredrickson said he has never seen that. These items will move forward to Public Hearing June 24th. Page 3 of 3 Old Business: None Additional Business: Alderman Milschewski asked if the committee would be able to see all website update bids before a decision is made. Alderman Funkhouser added that he would like to see the top 5 to make a recommendation and he would also like a link. Mr. Fredrickson will ask Administrator Olson to provide the link. There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 6:53pm. Minutes transcribed by Marlys Young, Minute Taker