Library Minutes 2014 05-12-14Page 1 of 5 APPROVED 6/9/14 Yorkville Public Library Board of Trustees Monday, May 12, 2014, 7pm 902 Game Farm Road – Library Historic Wing The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Beth Gambro Roll Call: Judy Somerlot-yes, Sandy Lindblom-yes, Barb Johnson-yes, Jo Ann Gryder-yes, Beth Gambro-yes, Russ Walter-yes, Susan Chacon (arr. 7:15pm) Absent: Carol LaChance Others Present: Library Director Michelle Pfister Alderman Carlo Colosimo City Finance Director Rob Fredrickson Recognition of Visitors: President Gambro recognized Mr. Carlo Colosimo and Mr. Rob Fredrickson. Amendments to the Agenda: Ms. Somerlot asked to add discussion under New Business, regarding the 100-year library anniversary. Minutes: April 14, 2014 and March 3, 2014 (Special Meeting Minutes) Ms. Johnson moved to approve both sets of minutes and Ms. Somerlot seconded the motion. Unanimous voice vote approval. Correspondence: None Public Comment: None Staff Comment: None Report of the Treasurer: Ms. Lindblom presented the Treasurer's report and said the new fiscal year is beginning: 1. Received more revenue in property tax, library fines and rental income resulting in 95.4% of what was budgeted. 2. Expenditures were at 91%, leaving a positive balance of approximately $51,000. Some payroll and bills accruals will be deducted from this leaving an approximate carryover of $20,000 to $30,000 per Mr. Fredrickson. 3. Page 3: $1,300 in development fees received last month Page 2 of 5 Bill List (highlights) 1. Cannonball Mechanical tested the backflow to insure safe drinking water, invoice for $552.50 2. Cintas Corp, annual fire extinguisher inspection for $417.84 3. Jobs Landscaping hired for landscaping, payment will come from 2014 budget 4. Nicor invoice for $2,650 and a second one for $3,000 5. PrairieCat $1,171.21 quarterly fee 6. Trico invoice for $3,198 Ms.Lindblom also summarized the following: Total of this check register/April bills is $11,303.10, charged to 2014 budget Additional bills received in May for $4,603.58 will be charged to the 2015 budget. Payroll Summary for 3 pay periods: $55,096.72 Total Disbursements: $78,393.91 Activity Memorial Fund: $2,479.15 balance Payment of Bills Trustees Johnson and Gryder moved and seconded, respectively, to pay the bills as follows: Payroll: $55,096.72 Accounts Payable: $23,297.19 TOTAL: $78,393.91 Roll call vote: Gryder-yes, Gambro-yes, Walter-yes, Somerlot-yes, Lindblom-yes, Johnson-yes. Passed 6-0. Report of the Library Director: Library Director Pfister reported the following:  Presented the statistics for the month  Book discussion groups going well  Four persons used the resume help session  World Book Night—Dixie organized locally and 100 new books were handed out by library staff and Friends of the Library in Yorkville area. 25,000 other volunteers handed out books across America.  100-year celebration: established a timeline of activities for each month. Includes a breakfast, planting a tree, participation in July 4th parade, flower bulb giveaway, banners to be displayed on library grounds.  Young adult program meets once a week. Recently collected donations of pet food for Kendall County Animal Control, made bookmarks from old greeting cards, picked up litter around library, city hall and Beecher Center.  Summer reading program starting soon, “Birds of a Feather”  When school groups come to library, they are given a “bingo card” for summer reading. Rita designed the card.  Library was asked to sponsor a blood drive in August. If historic room is rented that day, the Bloodmobile will be used. Board agreed to this request (motion made later in meeting). Ms. Lindblom moved to allow Heartland Blood Center to use the library in August 2014. Ms. Johnson seconded the motion. Passed on a unanimous voice vote. Page 3 of 5  The State report is nearly finished, Michelle will provide a copy to all Board members.  Have received over 100 responses to Library survey. If more than 1 family member wishes to complete, you can call city hall for a separate password or you can use library card code.  Dixie made a graph showing when library books were purchased, much of collection is 10 years old.  Rented the historic room for baseball team sign-up to man who originally installed the electric work for the library. It was suggested perhaps he could be recruited to be a Board member. President Gambro said she was approached by a parent in the school system who said the school library would not be open this summer. Ms. Gambro asked if a pro-rated, non-resident card (for those in the school district) could be purchased for the summer. Ms. Gryder suggested the law be checked and perhaps a flat fee could be set. The requesting parent had been referred to another Yorkville school library. No further action at this time. City Council Liaison: Alderman Colosimo verified he is still the Library Liaision. He also discussed the Rt. 47 road construction and railroad crossing closing at the end of May/beginning of June. A bike path along Rt. 47 will also be included in the construction. Ms. Lindblom asked if trucks could permanently use Orchard Road as a truck route, however, since Rt. 47 is a state highway, the City has no control over this. In another matter, the abandoned Pride Pantry on Rt. 47 was discussed and it was asked if the City can take action. The owner can be cited and a lien placed, under the aesthetic ordinance, but the site is private property and no other action can be taken unless it is condemned. Mr. Colosimo will check with City Code official Pete Ratos. Ms. Gryder said people have been working there as of last week. Standing Committees: Policy Committee Ms. Gryder said the Policy Committee was asked to meet to consider an email policy, however, it was found that email correspondence is covered under the Open Meetings Act. Information can be emailed to all, however, the sender cannot use “Reply to All”. Alderman Colosimo also said agenda items, votes, etc. cannot be discussed. Mr. Walter will discuss further under New Business. Unfinished Business: Building Siding Trustee Walter said that references in the construction notes indicate the siding must be repainted every 2 years due to the custom color. As a result, he recommended the Board move forward with an RFP for repainting and repair of woodwork. He said there is $300,000 in the budget for building maintenance and he estimates the cost would be about $25,000. He also recommended repairing the soffit and fascia board. Ms. Gryder also said she reviewed documents and felt the architect pushed the Board into choosing the paint at that time. She felt the Board should review the RFP with the attorney prior to any action. Alderman Colosimo added that $10,000 is the limit in small claims court. A motion was made by Mr. Walter to initiate an RFP for painting and soffit/fascia replacement/repair. Ms. Somerlot seconded the motion. The motion was voted on by voice vote with all in favor, except Ms. Gryder who opposed the motion. Mr. Walter will request assistance from City Administrator Olson to draft an RFP and Ms. Lindblom will request help from Tom Lindblom. Page 4 of 5 Library 5K/10K Race Mr. Walter suggested charging $30 ($35 on race day) per race participant and half the fee can defray expenses. Fliers need to be printed, water donations will be requested and medals/trophys will be needed. Russ will ask Jewel for water donations and Dick's Sporting Goods for other help. The Park Board will be unable to provide as much help as first thought and 20 volunteers will be needed to be on duty at 6am. Registration starts at 7:30 with the race starting at 8am and done at 10am. It is set for Saturday, August 30th. Mr. Walter asked if the Board wished to proceed without the Park Board help. Mr. Colosimo suggested asking the teen group, however, there are not many members and older kids or adults are needed. Ms. Gambro will ask a school group, YEA, for assistance and Ms. Johnson will ask the Lion's Club for help. T-shirts will also be needed and Fox Valley Trading was suggested. The theme of the race is “Bookin' It 5K”. Landscaping Last month the Board approved hiring Jobs Landscaping to do landscaping on the library grounds, but because the item was not on the agenda, the matter was moved forward to this month for formal approval. Ms. Johnson moved to hire Jobs Landscaping for $1,420 to do landscaping for the library. Ms. Somerlot seconded the motion. Roll call: Chacon-yes, Somerlot-yes, Lindblom-yes, Johnson-yes, Gryder-yes, Gambro-yes, Walter- yes. Passed unanimously 7-0. Mulch provided by ComEd will be spread by volunteers after the work is finished. Ms. Somerlot will coordinate this. New Business: Website Update Mr. Walter said the Library meeting agenda cannot be put on the library website due to the site design and would need to be re-typed for each meeting. For legal reasons, the agenda must be on the library website even though it is on the City site. It has not been updated for 10 years and needs to be made mobile-friendly. He spoke with Weblinx, the original designer, and they provided 2 quotes. A complete custom design starting from the ground up, would cost $6,885 and using a template with modifications would cost $5,800. He recommended the semi-custom solution and the company will teach all staff members how to do updates. Alderman Colosimo quoted the Statute that requires the agenda be posted on the library agenda. He also said that a failure to post agendas invalidates actions taken at meetings. He added that the City is also updating their website and an RFP will be drafted. Ms. Gambro expressed concern for this expense due to a deficit budget and no salary increases. It was suggested the money could come from the development fees. Motion: Trustees Johnson and Walter moved and seconded respectively, to update the website at a cost of $5,800. In discussion, Ms. Lindblom asked that more quotes be obtained and Ms. Gambro questioned if the Library could tie in with the City and their update. The RFP is ready for Council consideration in the upcoming days and Mr. Colosimo suggested perhaps the Library could approach the winning bidder. Page 5 of 5 Amended Motion: Ms. Johnson withdrew her original motion and amended her motion to have the Board investigate an RFP through the City prior to any decision. Mr. Walter withdrew his original second. Beth and Judy offered to type the agenda (for posting on the website) for a couple months while the RFP is being explored. Mr. Walter asked Ms. Pfister to contact other libraries and ask who maintains their websites. The Board agreed that a local company should be hired. Building Maintenance Mr. Walter discussed a local maintenance business owned by Dave Curran. The Board had asked Michelle for a list of maintenance items and it included painting, repairing items etc. The quote obtained from this company was $1,100 with the money to be taken from Outside Repair and Maintenance. Mr. Walter made a motion to hire Mr. Curran to perform the needed maintenance for the amount of $1,100. Ms. Somerlot seconded the motion. During discussion Ms. Lindblom asked if other bids have been obtained. No further discussion. Roll call: Gambro-yes, Walter-yes, Chacon-yes, Somerlot-yes, Lindblom-abstain, Johnson-yes, Gryder-yes. Passed with 6 ayes, 1 abstain. 100 Year Anniversary At the Friends of the Library meeting, it was asked how the Board will be participating in the 100-year celebration. Ms. Gryder said she thought the Board was giving money towards the celebration, however, it was not formalized. Ms. Somerlot said the Friends will be contributing $2,000 and $500 from the upcoming book sale. The actual 100-year anniversary is December 2015. Ms. Pfister asked if part of the bike race proceeds could be given. Other ideas for participation were purchasing a permanent outdoor bench, a piece of scuplture and being open on Sunday for a year. Ms. Gryder suggested offering “Black Cows” (a fountain drink) at the library. This suggestion came from her own experience working at the library. Ms. Johnson said perhaps Robyn Sutcliff would bring her ice cream cart. A history presentation will be given as part of the festivities and the City may be asked for a proclamation. Additional Business: None Adjournment: There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 8:35pm on a motion by Mr. Walter and second by Ms. Somerlot. Minutes respectfully submitted by Marlys Young