Public Works Minutes 2014 05-20-14Page 1 of 4
APPROVED 7/15/14
Tuesday, May 20, 2014, 6:00pm
Yorkville City Hall, Conference Room
800 Game Farm Road
Committee Members
Vice-Chairman Larry Kot
Alderman Ken Koch
Alderman Jackie Milschewski
Absent: Alderman Diane Teeling
Other City Officials
Public Works Director Eric Dhuse
Engineer Brad Sanderson, EEI
Other Guests: None
The meeting was called to order at 6:02pm by Vice-Chairman Larry Kot and a quorum was established.
Citizen Comments: None
Previous Meeting Minutes: April 15, 2014
The minutes were approved as presented.
New Business
1. PW 2014-32 Water Department Reports for January and February 2014
Mr. Dhuse noted there were watermain breaks in these months with a water loss of about 1 million
gallons. This item will move to the consent agenda.
2. PW 2014-33 Double Drum Vibratory Roller RFP Results
Six bids were received and Public Works Director Dhuse recommended the purchase of an almost new
roller from Westside Tractor Sales. It was reduced by $3,000. The committee approved this
recommendation and it will move to the Council consent agenda.
3. PW 2014-34 Game Farm Road/Somonauk Street Improvements – Professional Services
Bids are targeted for November 7th according to Engineer Sanderson. Several years ago the plans were
completed, but need updating in order to proceed. Special provisions need to be adjusted and the
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intersection improvements at Somonauk need to be deleted due to the Rt. 47 project. This will adjust
many of the quantities of materials. Applications will be completed for the IEPA watermain permits for
the sanitary improvements and cost estimates will be updated. The total project estimate is $46,000.
The committee was OK with this and it will move forward to the Council consent agenda.
4. PW 2014-35 MFT Resolution for 2014 Road to Better Roads Program
Mr. Sanderson said $25,000 was budgeted from MFT funds and work will be done on Hydraulic,
Woodworth and Adrian. Crack sealing will also be done and if enough funds remain, repairs will be
made in Heartland. Sewer lining will be done on State Street and will be finished late summer/early
fall. The project will be let in early July and bids will be brought back to Public Works in July. It is
hoped to have all work done in September/October. Mr. Kot asked that this information be put in the
newspaper to advise residents of the construction. This matter will move to the consent agenda.
5. PW 2014-36 Grant of Temporary Easements for Stormwater Management – Walsh Drive
Mr. Sanderson met with the property owner and easement documents have been sent to him. Work will
be scheduled when the easements are acquired. A larger culvert with a flared end will be placed and
water will drain into a grass swale. The property owner approves of this plan and there will be no cost
to the owner with the City doing the work on this mutually beneficial project. There will be an update
at the next committee meeting and the matter will move to consent.
6. PW 2014-37 Parking Restriction in Windett Ridge Subdivision
A resident expressed concern that drivers cannot get through for a long time due to construction. The
HOA contacted Alderman Koch to ask if there could be parking on only 1 side of the road. Since there
are no sidewalks, people are also using the streets along with the construction trucks. Staff will be
asked to send letters to notify residents and request feedback prior to implementation. This matter will
be brought back to committee after responses are received. Ms. Milschewski said the Public Works
meeting date should be included in the letter so residents can attend. The committee approved.
7. PW 2014-38 Disposal of Equipment
Mr. Dhuse said there are many equipment items not used anymore, parts have been taken from the
machinery or the equipment is no longer used. There are 2 good pieces of equipment--a tractor valued
at $200 and a backhoe valued at $25,000-$30,000. The method of disposal is not known yet, but could
be by sealed bid, open market, equipment auction or e-bay--wherever the best price can be attained.
The committee approved and this moves forward to the Council consent agenda.
8. PW 2014-39 Sewer Cleaning Machine RFP
This is a budgeted item and committee approval would formalize the RFP. The current truck is 10
years old and is still valued at $110,000 to $115,000. The Committee approved and it moves to
9. PW 2014-40 Route 34 Improvements (Route 47 to Orchard Road) – Update
Bids will be let on this project in early 2015 and utilities will be relocated first. The City has already
approved a letter of understanding and a resolution with a more formal agreement forthcoming. There
has been discussion on whether to have a grass or concrete median. A former City official had
requested grass medians, however, the standard IDOT median is concrete. Alderman Milschewski
asked who would maintain grass. Mr. Dhuse said the City would have to do the mowing and that
although the grass is nice, it becomes a safety issue for maintenance workers. Alderman Koch
referenced the tall grasses on Marketview and said that people have complained their view is blocked.
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Alderman Kot said he prefers the grass, but understands the safety issue. More discussion will be held
at the Council level. Mr. Sanderson said any changes in this issue should be made soon.
10. PW 2014-41 Route 71 Improvements (Route 47 to Route 126) – Update
Mr. Sanderson said bids will be let in 2016 with an expected cost of $110,000 plus water and sewer.
Alderman Milschewski asked if moving the date to 2016 will help with budgeting. Alderman Koch
stated he has been getting feedback about the cost of $1 million and the distance of .7 miles. Vice-
Chairman Kot questioned whether the City could back out of the project since the City cannot afford it.
The State would take the City's MFT to pay back the money according to Mr. Dhuse. The old pipe will
not be removed, but new pipe will be installed and then reconnected. Mr. Dhuse said that valves are
also being changed which is very expensive. The longer the delay, the better for the City according to
Mr. Kot and he asked if any communication had been sent to the State regarding a delay. Mr. Dhuse
will research with Administrator Olson. Alderman Kot noted it had been the consensus of the Council
to delay and he would like to bring this back to committee for further discussion.
11. PW 2014-42 Bond/Letter of Credit Quarterly Update
Mr. Sanderson referred to a letter that Krysti Barksdale-Noble had written to the Council listing all the
letters of credit. (See further discussion in next item).
Old Business
1. PW 2013-43 Caledonia Letter of Credit Call and Subdivision Completion Update
Mr. Sanderson referred to a letter that Krysti Barksdale-Noble had written to the Council listing all the
letters of credit. It had been recommended that the bond be called for Caledonia, which in turn, caught
the developer's attention. Work has now begun on the punchlist with about 75% of it being completed.
He recommended that the bond not be called at this time.
Blackberry Woods has had no activity since 2012. A recent meeting was held with the developer who
wants to complete some of the work. Mr. Kot noted that the City has made significant progress in this
entire process. This project has now been put on a watch list and it will be brought next month for
more discussion.
Additional Business:
Alderman Milschewski asked if the City garbage service recycles styrofoam because she has heard it
goes to the landfill. Mr. Dhuse noted there are many different kinds and he will look at the solid waste
contract. In another matter, she said her neighbor had water problems, however, it has been resolved
according to Mr. Dhuse.
Alderman Koch asked if there was any update on the sawmill area on Heustis St. He will place this
item on a future Economic Development meeting agenda.
Alderman Kot had questions regarding the Rt. 47 project. He asked if the City could obtain prices to
finish side streets, specifically Spring St., in conjunction with Rt. 47. Mr. Dhuse said this street will be
done and he is awaiting a bid price. This will also go on a 10-year payback, helping the City. Mr. Kot
also asked about the temporary railroad closure. He asked why the work couldn't be done, one side at a
time to eliminate the traffic tie-ups due to full closure. Mr. Dhuse explained the tracks have to be
fused, not just welded. This will make 2 pieces into one making the new tracks stronger. The State St.
sewer status was also questioned. Bids will be let early July and brought to the next meeting. Two
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blocks will be torn up and work will be done on both sides of Fox. Mr. Kot also asked about the status
of road patching. Mr. Dhuse said he hopes this can take place in June and the new roller (if approved)
will be used. Alderman Kot said the patching should be a high priority. Mr. Dhuse said cold patching
is taking place each week. The State St. area near Orange and Washington St. and Heustis will be hot-
patched soon. Mr. Sanderson will make a list of the upcoming bid dates.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 7:00pm.
Minutes respectfully transcribed
by Marlys Young