Library Minutes 2014 07-14-14Page 1 of 4
Yorkville Public Library
Board of Trustees
Monday, July 14, 2014, 7pm
902 Game Farm Road – Library Historic Wing
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Vice-President Barb Johnson.
Roll Call: Sandy Lindblom-yes, Barb Johnson-yes, Jo Ann Gryder (arr. 7:13pm), Russ Walter-yes,
Carol LaChance-yes, Susan Chacon (arr. 7:11pm), Judy Somerlot-yes
Absent: Beth Gambro
Others Present:
Library Director Michelle Pfister
City Finance Director Rob Fredrickson
Recognition of Visitors:
Ms. Johnson recognized Mr. Fredrickson.
Amendments to the Agenda: None
Minutes: June 9, 2014
Ms. Somerlot noted a change on page 2, point #4 under Library Director report—the amount should be
...”up to $1,000 for gift of a metal bench.” The minutes were then approved as corrected on a motion
by Ms. LaChance and second by Ms. Somerlot.
Correspondence: None
Public Comment: None
Staff Comment: Ms. Pfister will ask the two new staff people to attend the next meeting to
introduce themselves and talk about the summer program.
Report of the Treasurer:
Budget Report
The budget is at 17% of the Fiscal Year. Property tax totalling $227,778 came in which is 48% of the
taxes the Library will receive. Overall, the total revenue is at 47% with total expenditures at 15%.
Development fees of $2,000 also came in.
Bill List
Page 2: Bank of New York charged administrative fees for bonds, ($1,100)
Page 2: Castle Insurance charged $568 to bond the Treasurer
Page 2: Charge of $31.50 from State Police for new employee background checks
Page 3: LLW Consulting for computer tech service for $1,110
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Page 4: Outsource Solutions charged $4,948.70 for a new server and funds came from
development fees.
Page 4: Subscription renewal is for set of reference books containing State Statutes
Page 5: Today's Business Solutions licensing fee of $1,641.40 for public computers
Page 6: Weblinx: invoice for $1,450 (1 of 4 installments) for the website
Page 6: Yorkville PC, $251.76 for hosting service and old email system, Russ and Matt tried
to transfer old email addresses to new hosting service, however, cannot be done until website
is developed. Matt pays 'GoDaddy' for hosting service for a year with no refunds.
The total Library bills are: $17,404.57.
Total payroll: $62,587.46. The payroll summary had 3 pay periods and was larger due to a payout of
4 weeks of vacation to employee Rita who recently left the Library.
Total Disbursements: $89,943.16
A motion was made by Trustee Walter and seconded by Trustee Somerlot to pay the bills as follows:
Library Bills: $17,404.57
City Bills: $27,355.70
Payroll: $62,587.46
TOTAL: $89,943.16
Roll Call: Johnson-yes, Walter-yes, LaChance-yes, Somerlot-yes, Lindblom-yes. Passed 5-0.
Ms. Lindblom also noted there is still a balance in the Memorial Fund of $1,472.30 and the Cash
Statement shows a balance of $742,106.
Report of the Library Director:
1. Ms. Pfister presented the library statistics for the month of June
2. Lunch time book club is having a potluck August 13th, all Board members invited, local author
Elizabeth Wheeler to attend, information in flier and on website
3. Men's club doing well with 8 members
4. 100-year celebration proposed monthly activity timeline available
5. Ms. Somerlot said the Friends' used book sale is at end of month and she handed out volunteer
sign-up sheets. Set-up is Wednesday prior and book sale is August 30/31st.
6. Friends sponsored program how to make beer with 20 people attending.
7. Panera Bread had 150 at storytime, held twice a month and will continue through December,
Panera provides refreshments
8. Friends sponsoring Chicago Candy History program end of month, flier contains QR code
(scan code with phone or I-Pad for more information)
9. Blood drive to be held on July 15th
10. Fire Department did walk-through to observe shut-off valves, layout of building, escape routes
11. Working on website, hope to put “Remembering Yorkville” on website (long time residents can
share information on Yorkville from years ago), possible Podcast
12. Sound Inc. put in new DVD/DVR and installed on Michelle's computer for security
observations. Will be put on additional computers at a later time.
13. Maintenance person will be asked to install snowstoppers, and rubber strips in windows to
replace ones that are rotting.
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14. There is orange cone by the flag, marks a light that was ripped out during snowplowing.
Replacement cost is $600 and there was discussion as to who should pay for the repair since the
City plows the snow at no cost. Michelle will inquire when the bill for the light is received.
15. Paul Buddy did backflow check and found there is no backflow in upstairs maintenance room
which code requires. Tom Lindblom believes there was a change in the building code. Also
had issue with hot water heater, total cost of repairs is $2,520.
16. A new compressor is needed for cooling unit. Determination made by a company called
McKay—they charged $1,355 to come out. Cost of a new compressor is $44,645. The warranty
on the current compressor was 5 years which is expired and parts are no longer available.
Michelle said the funds need to come from the emergency fund. Tom Lindblom called Trico to
see if other bids could be obtained, but since entire system was installed by McKay, they must
put in new compressor. McKay was found to be a highly respected commercial company.
Michelle now manually starts the chiller each morning behind the library. This issue will be
brought back under New Business.
17. Disaster Plan will be updated next month.
City Council Liaison: No report
Standing Committees: No reports
Unfinished Business:
Building Siding
Mr. Walter said there is no further information regarding the siding and he has not received a response
from the City regarding the RFP. He said he was going to obtain a price from the Dave Curran who has
been doing some maintenance work, however, the job size is larger than anticipated. The job bid may
need to be broken into segments to replace some siding and repaint the entire building. Mr.
Fredrickson will ask Mr. Olson for a template for the the RFP and Tom Lindblom may be asked to help
with the RFP.
E-Mail Address for Trustees
Mr. Walter said this project has been completed and an email sent to all Trustees with new email
address, password and further instructions. Messages can be forwarded to other email accounts,
however, Trustees should not reply from those accounts, but should reply using the following address: If a FOIA request is received for correspondence made on personal
email, the FOIA request would receive personal information.
New Business:
Election of Officers
Ms. Gryder moved to accept the slate of officers as nominated last month: Beth Gambro for President,
Barb Johnson for Vice-President, Susan Chacon for Secretary and Sandy Lindblom for Treasurer. Ms.
LaChance seconded this motion. Approved unanimously on a voice vote.
Review of Executive Sessions
Board entered into Executive Session following completion of New Business.
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New Compressor for Cooling Unit
Mr. Walter made a motion to approve the proposal to purchase a new compressor at $44,645 to be paid
from the reserve fund. Ms. LaChance seconded the motion. Ms. Lindblom recommended that the
$1,355 bill for Mc Kay and the $3,000 bill for Trico be paid from the General Fund. There was also
concern expressed for the books and materials in the library with respect to heating/cooling. Mr.
Walter calculated the compressor cost would be about 13.5% of the reserve funds. Ms. Lindblom
called the question.
Roll call: Gryder-yes, Walter-yes, LaChance-yes, Chacon-yes, Somerlot-yes, Lindblom-yes, Johnson-
yes. Passed 7-0.
Executive Session:
1. For the discussion of minutes lawfully closed under this Act, whether for the purposes of
approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by
Section 2.06.
A motion was made by Ms. Lindblom and seconded by Ms. Gryder at 7:54pm to enter into Executive
Session. The Session concluded at 8:03pm and roll call was taken to reconvene the regular meeting:
Walter-yes, LaChance-yes, Chacon-yes, Somerlot-yes, Lindblom-yes, Johnson-yes, Gryder-yes.
Pursuant to the Executive Session, Ms. Gryder made a motion to keep 'Packet 1' and 'Packet 2' of
Executive Session minutes sealed at this time. Mr. Walter seconded the motion and it passed on a
unanimous voice vote.
Additional Business:
Ms. Gryder said there is a meeting with Java on Friday, July 18th to discuss a possible coffee shop in
the library. She said a coffee shop could bring in more people and revenue and Ms. Johnson said this
matter does need to be considered.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 8:07pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by
Marlys Young