Administration Minutes 2014 07-17-14Page 1 of 3 APPROVED W/CORRECTIONS 9/25/14 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, July 17, 2014 6:30pm City Hall Conference Room Committee Members In Attendance: Vice-Chairman Jackie Milschewski Alderman Chris Funkhouser Alderman Joel Frieders Absent: Alderman Rose Spears Other City Officials In Attendance: Bart Olson, City Administrator Rob Fredrickson, Finance Director Guests: Tony Scott, Kendall County Record The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm by Vice-Chairman Jackie Milschewski. Citizen Comments: None Minutes for Correction/Approval: June 19, 2014 Alderman Frieders asked for a correction to the word “codifies” on page 2, item #6. The minutes were then approved as corrected. New Business: 1. ADM 2014-45 Monthly Budget Report for June 2014 Mr. Olson said the sales tax are now on target for the annual budget estimate, following some higher-revenue months. In another matter, there was a settlement with AT&T regarding overcharges on mobile phones or unauthorized charges to individuals. FY '14 excise tax will have to be repaid to AT&T and will be done in 6 payments of about $6,000 to $8,000 per month starting in August. Page 2 of 3 Budget Questions from Aldermen Frieders & Funkhouser: Mr. Frieders questioned the Moser land cash and asked why it is not spent. Mr. Olson said it is a holding cost for CorLands, paid out once annually for donated land near Blackberry Creek. The land is held in a trust by CorLands and can only used for a park. A request has been made for the City to take title to the southern portion (30 acres) of the land. An IDNR restriction does not allow the land to be used for anything except a park, since a grant was received from the State. Pdf page 25: Charges for computer equipment/supplies are at 400% due to purchase of park protector software for workflow management. PDF page 32: $325 for “block phone from placing” AT&T charges. Mr. Fredrickson said some international calls had been made by someone who had gotten into the city voice mail system. AT&T was requested to place a block on the phones and most of the fraudulent charges have been reversed. Mr. Frieders asked if the new RFP for phones includes safeguards against such action. They are already in place. PDF page 14: Dues and Subscriptions are at 511%--these will be re-classed to Professional Services and are for task force charges. PDF page 14: A bulk ammo purchase was made and this line item is at 98% of budget. The purchase also coincides with training exercises. Alderman Funkhouser noted there is no revenue in FY '15 for the B.U.I.L.D. Program and no line items. Mr. Olson said each subdivision has different fees and revenue/expenses balance each other. PDF page 23: Blackberry Woods land cash--estimated amount was $500, however, $568 is shown in this report. It is the cost of one building permit. PDF page 24: revenues are higher for Parks due to the baseball game rentals 2. ADM 2014-46 Monthly Treasurer's Report for June 2014 Mr. Fredrickson presented the Treasurer's report for period ending June 30: YTD Revenue: $6,151,888 YTD Expenses: $ 3,388,119 3. ADM 2014-47 Cash Statement for April 2014 For information, no questions. 4. ADM 2014-48 Bills for Payment The following items were discussed: Page 42: Wire Whiz: used for monitoring sewer lift stations and water pumps Page 52: Kendall County Concrete expense for sidewalks, will be researched further Page 49: DuPage Power Squadron for dirt, pertains to watermain break Page 49: Alderman Frieders commented on the large amount spent on completing roads in Kimball Hill. Page 3 of 3 5. ADM 2014-49 Resolution Authorizing the Southwest Fox Valley Cable and Telecommunications Consortium as Agent for Purposes of Negotiating Cable Franchise Renewal Terms Mr. Olson said a new cable franchise agreement is forthcoming. For the previous agreement, the City used the Consortium as the negotiating agent with Comcast and the new agreement would also authorize them to act on the City's behalf. He proposed to use the Consortium again, however, the City can request components more beneficial to the City. He said the franchise cost is already at the maximum allowed by State law. Alderman Funkhouser said the original agreement was for 12 years and he asked about the current terms. He also questioned a letter written by the Consortium attorney advising not to switch Consortiums at this point. Mr. Funkhouser said this is a red flag acknowledging that things need to be changed. He said he attended Consortium meetings last year, but no changes have been made. Before the Consortium acts on the City's behalf, he asked that by-laws be revised, insure the City is protected and make sure the funding is in a business account rather than a personal account. He said the Directorship changed last year and tracking the funds was very complicated. Staff will be asked to research these various points and it will be brought back to the next committee meeting. 6. ADM2014-50 Employee Manual Amendments to Address Concealed Carry and Medical Marijuana Laws Mr. Olson said administrative revisions will be made to these amendments to insure that no individual rights are being violated. Additional language was added regarding marijuana use for medical reasons. Employees are allowed to bring a weapon to work if it kept in their vehicle trunk. Alderman Funkhouser questioned one word of the verbage and it will be revised. This will move to the consent agenda. 7. ADM 2014-51 Elected Officials Health Insurance and Compensation Health insurance for Aldermen will be canceled after the next election. Alderman Frieders said he was glad to see this since he thought it was viewed as an entitlement and it involved tax dollars. Alderman Funkhouser asked for language that allows Alderman to retain all insurances (medical, dental, vision, life) if they pay 100% of the cost. Mr. Olson will check to see that the insurance carriers will allow this. Alderman would have to work 30 hours a week to qualify and be responsible for an affidavit. This will move forward to the regular Council agenda. Old Business: None Additional Business: Alderman Frieders asked for a recycle bin in the conference room and Council Chambers. Alderman Funkhouser said bins should be provided for all City festivals. There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 7:07pm. Minutes transcribed by Marlys Young, Minute Taker