Administration Minutes 2014 09-25-14Page 1 of 4 APPROVED W/CORRECTIONS 10/16/14 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE ADMINISTRATION COMMITTEE MEETING Thursday, September 25, 2014 6:30pm City Hall Conference Room Committee Members In Attendance: Vice-Chairman Jackie Milschewski Alderman Joel Frieders Alderman Chris Funkhouser Absent: Alderman Rose Spears Other City Officials In Attendance: Bart Olson, City Administrator Rob Fredrickson, Finance Director Guests: None The meeting was called to order at 6:33pm by Vice-Chairman Jackie Milschewski. Citizen Comments: None Minutes for Correction/Approval: July 17, 2014 Alderman Funkhouser asked for changes on page 3, item #5, 2nd paragraph. Changes should be: he attended a consortium meeting instead of franchise meeting, also that the City should not switch consortiums instead of franchises. New Business: 1. ADM 2014-58 Monthly Budget Report for July and August 2014 The high water sales for June (page 20) was questioned by Alderman Frieders. This was due to the bi-monthly billing. He also questioned river crossing fees (page 22), which are for the connection to the sewage plant across the river. The recapture area is south of the river and the fees are small now due to the length of time that has passed. The sewer crosses the river on the east side of Hydraulic Park. 2. ADM 2014-59 Monthly Treasurer's Report for July and August 2014 Mr. Fredrickson presented the Treasurer's reports as follows: July August Beginning Fund Balance : $10,894,304 $10,894,313 YTD Revenue: $ 7,513,548 $16,619,216 YTD Expenses: $ 5,021,013 $ 9,272,599 Projected Ending Fund Balance: $13,386,839 $18,240,930 No further questions or comments. Page 2 of 4 3. ADM 2014-60 Cash Statements for May, June and July 2014 No discussion or comments. 4. ADM 2014-61 Bills for Payment Alderman Frieders inquired about the following bills: PDF page 107 “Water Solutions Unlimited” for phosphates: he asked about the time period (quarterly/monthly/annually?) it covered which Mr. Olson will check. Mr. Olson will also determine the fluoride figure per billing cycle, per user. PDF page 110 internet billings: they are invoiced to department heads since the accounts were set up separately for various users/departments and are paid with their credit cards. Has wi-fi been expanded to the basement? Mr. Olson will check on this. PDF Page 97 Water Atlas: to be researched by Mr. Olson. Alderman Funkhouser inquired about the following bills: He asked about the notation of agenda paper copy page number vs. pdf page number and the proper designation in the minutes. Mr. Olson said copies of both are kept and the content is more important. This will be discussed further under Additional Business. PDF Page 94 Engineering Enterprises: is invoice for $5,179.80 for overweight truck permits pertaining to Rt. 47? This will be checked by Mr. Olson. PDF Page 97 Speedway on Rt. 47 & Galena: this is thought to be the cost of due diligence for a potential business. PDF Page 113 for 40 x 49 trailer: this will be checked by Mr. Olson, but was thought to be a possible rental. 5. ADM 2014-62 Budget Amendment for Greenbriar Pond Naturalization Mr. Olson said this project was authorized, is underway and should be done this year. The budget amendment needs to be approved and the cost will be pushed to Citywide Capital. The water quality should be greatly improved. The Sunflower and Greenbriar projects are being done simultaneously. 6. ADM 2014-63 Resolution Approving a Credit Card Processing Agreement Mr. Fredrickson explained this resolution would allow city personnel to process credit card payments directly into the MSI cash register module which will streamline the payment process. He discussed the proposed costs and the yearly savings and said one license would cover the multiple locations in city hall where payments can be processed. There is a monthly fee and one time setup fee. Support is offered through MSI. Fees will not be passed along to the payor, but will be absorbed by the City. The committee approved of this agreement and it moves to the Council consent agenda. Page 3 of 4 7. ADM 2014-64 Fiscal Year Ended 2014 Annual Budget Report Mr. Olson said the audit presentation is October 14 and he gave the following highlights: 1. PDF page 245/page 4: General Fund balance ended at 27% instead of 18% and the deficit was projected for the year. 2. PDF page 246/page 5: Down $86,000 in Corporate Levies (property taxes) due to large tax appeals that came through after several years. Police pensions down due to tax appeals. Incremental property taxes were placed in this fund and the fund was $26,000 above where the City should have been paying, to go towards unfunded liability. Municipal sales tax exceeded estimates because it was budgeted for no growth. Income tax was budgeted for no growth, but showed increases. Video Gaming Tax was not budgeted but gained $2,000-$3,000 per month. Building Permit Revenue was underestimated slightly due to many B.U.I.L.D. Permits. 3. PDF page 249/page 8: Admin Dept. $79,000 under budget due to conservative budgeting for few years. 4. PDF page 251/page 10: Finance Dept. under budget $13,000 5. PDF page 255/page 14: Police Dept. was $327,000 below budget due to salaries being down. Budget negotiations were done with department cooperation and without legal help that was budgeted. 6. PDF page 257/page 16: Community Development down $4,000, mostly salaries in this department. 7. PDF page 259/page 17: Streets were $17,000 below budget. Repair & maintenance were high in Public Works. 8. PDF page 261/page 20: Administrative Services was above budget due to excise tax rebate from AT&T litigation settlement from class action lawsuit resulting in payment of $42,000, engineering was $417,000 over budget, sales tax & business district rebates were over budget, but indicates collection of more taxes, resulting in net benefit. 9. PDF page 267/page 26: Outside Repair & Maintenance showed $350,000 improvement in budget, salt was under budget, deferral of projects, parking lot still being worked on. 10. PDF page 271/page 30: City wide capital under budget due to project deferrals. 11. PDF page 279/page 38: Water Department sales under projected amount, not good for budget with less water usage and then have to increase rates. 12. PDF page 280/page 39: Water Fund-- even though sales were down, Fund Balance ends at 48%, instead of 40% projected. 13. PDF page 283/page 42: Sewer Fund beat expectations, Fund Balance ended at 115% instead of projected 104%. 14. PDF page 285/page 44: Land Cash under budget due to project deferrals. 15. PDF page 287/page 46: Parks & Recreation grew revenue due to great programming, Hometown Days revenue down due to inclement weather. Parks Dept. slightly over budget, but had $30,000 in unanticipated repairs. 16. PDF page 288/page 47: Revenues way up and expenses were down. Had $200,000 above in surplus deficit. They have built up Fund Balance 26%. 17. PDF page 289/page 48 Rec Center: will have closeout presentation as part of audit presentation Page 4 of 4 18. PDF page 292/page 51: Library did well, revenues down and expenses down further. Grew Fund Balance to 65%. Tax levies to be done next month and EAV is expected to be flat. Old Business: None Additional Business: Alderman Frieders referred to the upcoming goal-setting meeting and asked Council members to keep in mind the many deferred projects. Mr. Frieders also discussed CSO officer vehicle that can only be put in Park, Reverse & Third. He recently spoke with a police officer and noted the tight quarters in the squads due to the necessary and retrofitted equipment. He said the City needs to invest in a lease program to standardize the available area in the car. He wants to budget for a continual turnover of vehicles and equipment without purchasing the squad. Mr. Olson said this topic will be discussed at budget time. He added that an analysis had been done a couple years ago that showed purchasing the vehicles was still cost-effective. Mr. Frieders said he wants the best equipment, safety for the officers and the ability to get in/out of the cars. With a leased vehicle, the City does not have to worry about the disposal of the old ones. He said Aurora has purchased crossover type vehicles. Alderman Funkhouser added that the newer vehicles are significantly smaller and that the State police like the bigger vehicles for the extra room. He said Fords are the preferred vehicles, however, they are not readily available and the SUV's are limited. He also prefers a lease program, but the upfront cost is significant. Rerferring to discussion earlier in the meeting, Mr. Olson will consult with Attorney Orr regarding the verbage used when referring to document page numbers vs. PDF page numbers in the meeting minutes. He thought that the current method of reporting should be “OK as is”, especially with audio recordings available also. There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 7:18pm. Minutes transcribed by Marlys Young, Minute Taker