Fire and Police Commission Minutes 2014 09-10-14 APPROVED
Board of Fire and Police Commission
September 10, 2014
Meeting called to order at 5:31 p.m.
Roll Call: Chuck Pierce yes
Mike Anderson yes
Bob Johnson yes
There is a quorum present.
No citizen comments.
Minutes: Commissioner Anderson moved to approve the minutes for August 5, 2014 as presented.
Commissioner Pierce seconded.
Roll call: Chuck Pierce yes
Mike Anderson yes
Bob Johnson yes
Motion carried.
Bills for payment: No bills for payment
Correspondence: No correspondence
Executive Session: No Executive Session.
New Business:
1. Commissioner Anderson moved to remove Derek Gomez, Matthew Eide, Matthew Krozel and
Joseph Kimnach from the Primary Eligibility Register. Commissioner Pierce seconded motion.
Roll call: Chuck Pierce yes
Mike Anderson yes
Bob Johnson yes
Motion carried.
2. Commissioner Anderson moved to offer conditional offers of employment to Peter Pappas and
Andrew Gatz.
Roll call: Chuck Pierce yes
Mike Anderson yes
Bob Johnson yes
Motion carried.
Commissioner Anderson moved to adjourn meeting. Commissioner Pierce seconded.
Meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m.