Library Minutes 2014 09-08-14Page 1 of 4 APPROVED Yorkville Public Library Board of Trustees Monday, September 8, 2014, 7pm 902 Game Farm Road – Library Historic Wing The meeting was called to order at 7:01pm by President Beth Gambro Roll Call: Jo Ann Gryder-yes, Beth Gambro-yes, Carol LaChance-yes, Susan Chacon-yes, Judy Somerlot-yes, Sandy Lindblom-yes, Barb Johnson-yes Absent: Russ Walter Others Present: Library Director Michelle Pfister Alderman Carlo Colosimo, Library Liaison Tony Scott, Kendall County Record Lynn Dubajic, YEDC Recognition of Visitors: Ms. Gambro acknowledged the guests. Amendments to the Agenda: None Minutes: August 11, 2014 The minutes were approved as presented on a motion by Ms. Johnson and second by Ms. Lindblom. All approved on a voice vote. Correspondence: None Public Comment: None Staff Comment: None Report of the Treasurer: Ms. Lindblom presented highlights of the Treasurer's report: The overall health insurance premium will decrease from $6,473 monthly to $4,843 per month due to the recent retirement of a Library employee. HRA costs will increase from $92 a month to $1,524 per month, but there will be an overall monthly decrease. Check Register Some of the expenses were reviewed including Cannonball Mechanical charges for bringing the backflow up to code. The check register total was $12,883.97. Ms. Lindblom said the payroll summary shows two payrolls and the cash statement shows three payrolls, but only two will be paid now, pending verification with Mr. Fredrickson. Page 2 of 4 Budget Report Property tax totaling $30,669 was received resulting in 33% of the FY. The library fines are on budget. The library subscriptions were down in July, however, they were up in May and June. Ms. Lindblom noted a $975 bill for calls placed to the library attorney, putting the legal budget at 48% of the budgeted amount. She also reported the outside repair and maintenance as being way over budget. Paying agent fees were also over budget, however, the Board has no control over this. Ms. Somerlot asked for clarification on the funds used for repairs to the chiller. They money was taken from the reserve and some money has been refunded with more expected. Charges to the Outside Repair & Maintenance of $5,495 were for backflow work, lighting, batteries and possibly some bills from the previous month. Development fees of $3,150 were also received. Ms. Lindblom also noted that the carryover money does not appear on the budget report. Last, she reported $1,063.96 remains in the Memorial Fund. Payment of Bills Ms. Somerlot moved to pay the bills as follows and Ms. Johnson seconded the motion: Bill List: $20,087.49 Payroll: $34,879.67 TOTAL: $54,967.16 Roll Call: LaChance- yes, Chacon-yes, Somerlot-yes, Lindblom-yes, Johnson-yes, Gryder-yes, Gambro-yes. Passed 7-0. Report of the Library Director: Library Director Pfister reported the following: 1. Stats for the month were given 2. E-books are doing well with 554 books checked out 3. Author attended lunch for the adult group 4. Magic show and canine program held 5. Kids' Directors doing good job 6. Employee Shelley put together flier for upcoming events in September/October. 7. For Fire Prevention week, program on remembering Our Lady of Angels school fire 8. Halloween activities will be held for adults and older kids 9. Library attorney instructed that in 2015 Library must post email addresses for each Library Board member, on the library website Friends of the Library Report by Judy Somerlot: 1. The recent book sale resulted in a profit of $4,579 2. Annual meeting held on this date (9-8-2014) and elected new officers with no President being chosen. Ms. Somerlot will continue as President on a monthly basis until one is elected. Ms. LaChance suggested 2 co-leaders. 3. Mini-golf committee met and the 2nd event will be January 25, 2015. Children's librarians will work with kids to involve more teens. 4. Committee for 100-year anniversary has many events planned and asked what Board will do. Suggestions previously made were “Black Cows” (Jo Ann's suggestion), tea party with costumes, sleepover at library. Activities are planned for each month. 5. Friends have funded all 2015 activities and will also purchase a metal bench for outdoors Page 3 of 4 Ms. Pfister said a manual inventory has been completed and only 45 items were reported missing. She had asked library employees what amount of money would be needed to keep the library up-to-date, if money was not an object. They replied monthly amounts of $21,548 for children's materials and $24,220 for adult materials. She noted that the collection is 10 years old. The total number of volumes is shown in a report done by Michelle. The per capita grant is nearly complete and will be sent to the State. Per a State requirement, one Board member must review prior to submission and Trustee Gryder has done this. Ms. Gryder shared information regarding a program called “Edge” that assesses the needs of the library by staff inputting information into the computer regarding programs offered, materials currently owned by the library, etc. She suggested a committee should work on this. Mr. Pfister later said she will ask the staff to address this initiative and will ask for Board help if needed. City Council Liaison: Alderman Colosimo talked about the abatement item on the agenda that is up for a vote. The abatement is for the Wrigley expansion project and he said it is an important issue. Standing Committees: There were no committee reports. President Gambro noted the new Board member who was unable to attend this meeting. New committee assignments have also been made with minimal changes. Ms. Johnson noted the previous minutes had indicated the need for a policy committee meeting. It was ultimately decided that no meeting was needed, but that the Board should adhere to the existing policy. Unfinished Business: Library Survey Results The survey results have been received and Ms. Gambro noted that respondents said they wanted expanded library hours, no-pay DVD rentals, more books---all predicted by the Board. She asked the Communuity Relations Committee to review this survey and bring feedback to one of the next two Board meetings. This should help the budget committee establish priorities. She said that most people were happy with the library. Building Siding Ms. Pfister said one bid ($25,690) for painting has been received with two more coming. If the estimate is over $20,000, the library would have to go to bid which requires a bid packet. Web Site Update The update is not complete, but is progressing. Staff will be able to make future changes and continual support will be offered. New Business: Wrigley Expansion Property Tax Abatement Alderman Colosimo explained that Wrigley will expand their facility about 75% and this will bring their 'Skittles' production to the Yorkville facility in about one year. There will be 75 new jobs brought in by this with average salaries between $56,697 to $137,000. The original building opened in 1994. Page 4 of 4 The new property will be assessed at $5 million and the library would receive 50% of the library's share, for 5 years. After that, the library will receive 100% of what they should receive. Ms. Dubajic added that the abatement is necessary in order to bring the expansion to Yorkville. Ms. Gryder made a motion to adopt the agreement for Wrigley property tax abatement as presented and Ms. LaChance seconded the motion. Roll call: LaChance-yes, Chacon-yes, Somerlot-yes, Lindblom-yes, Johnson-yes, Gryder-yes, Gambro-yes. Passed 7-0. The Library will receive a copy of the Wrigley and library page with original signatures. Internet Use Policy Revised A copy of the revised policy was provided and Ms. Gryder moved to adopt it as presented. Ms. Johnson seconded the motion. Presently, high school students may use the library computers on their own and younger students must be accompanied by their parent. The library wishes to allow the 7th grade or older students, internet access without a parent being present. They would have to show an ID and have previous written parental approval. The computers are configured so that library personnel must input certain information before the students can access the computer. The age to use adult computers is 18 or older. If patrons have outstanding fines, they are not allowed to use the internet or check out books. All Board members approved the revised policy by a unanimous voice vote. Additional Business: Ms. Gryder brought a get well card for a past Board member and asked Board members to sign. Adjournment: There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 7:51pm on a motion by Ms. Somerlot and second by Ms. Johnson. Minutes respectfully submitted by Marlys Young