Library Minutes 2014 11-10-14Page 1 of 4
Yorkville Public Library
Board of Trustees
Monday, November 10, 2014, 7pm
902 Game Farm Road – Library Historic Wing
The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by President Beth Gambro.
Roll Call:
Russ Walter-yes, Kate Elder-yes, Carol LaChance-yes, Susan Chacon-yes, Judy Somerlot-yes, Sandy
Lindblom-yes, Barb Johnson-yes, JoAnn Gryder-yes (arr. 7:03pm), Beth Gambro-yes
Others Present:
Library Director Michelle Pfister
Recognition of Visitors: None
Amendments to the Agenda: None
Minutes: October 13, 2014
The minutes were approved as read on a motion by Ms. Johnson and second by Ms. Lindblom. Voice
vote approval.
Correspondence: None
Public Comment: None
Staff Comment: None
Report of the Treasurer:
Treasurer Lindblom reported that she and Ms. Pfister had met this morning with City Finance Director
Fredrickson who informed them the Library IMET fund had been compromised/fraud committed. He
moved the funds to Old Second Bank. He said $9,300 of the $335,610 (reserve fund) is restricted (not
available at this time). He also took the same action with the City IMET funds. No long-term problem
is anticipated.
Check Register
Ms. Lindblom highlighted some of the invoices for the month which totaled $12,917.84.
There were two payrolls for October totaling $35,233.32.
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Bill List Summary
The City bill list was $20,168.27. President Gambro brought forth discussion about the final payment
to Weblinx, the website developer. The website is not yet finished and Ms. Elder asked about the
estimated completion time and if there is a test period. Mr. Walter said a complete re-write of the
website had to be done resulting in about 4 weeks additional time beyond the two months anticipated.
Weblinx has been testing as they move along. The last payment will not be made until the job is
Budget Report
Ms. Lindblom reported the following budget information:
1. Library is 50% of the way through the FY
2. $12,675 additional property tax was received for 96% of the budget
3. Library fines are status quo
4. Subscriptions and copy fees are down a bit, but program fees up
5. Investment earnings are steady
6. Reimbursements: school is reimbursing Library to replace pole accidentally knocked down by
school employee, the reimbursement cost figure was provided by electrician
7. YTD revenue is $676,986 or 92% of the budgeted amount
8. Outside repair & maintenance is 229% over budget, many repairs to building
9. Bond payment due in December
10. $2,300 in development fees to be used for books
11. Memorial fund has $2,494.81 (for mini golf)
Mr. Walter made a motion to pay the bills as follows and it was seconded by Ms. LaChance:
Library check register $12,917.84
Total bills $20,168.27
Payroll (2) $35,233.32
TOTAL: $55,401.59
Roll call: Elder-yes, LaChance-yes, Chacon-yes, Somerlot-yes, Lindblom-yes, Johnson-yes, Gryder-
yes, Gambro-yes, Walter-yes Passed 9-0
Report of the Library Director:
Library Director Pfister reported the following:
1. Presented statistics for the month
2. Received grant from State for E-Read Illinois providing 2 e-books on website. Will cost $371
per year from PALS money. This required a 2/3 vote at meeting Michelle attended and requires
participation from 100% of libraries to receive grant. She voted 'no' due to budget and her
opinion was that libraries should have a choice. Grant should allow for shorter wait time for
e-books. Ms. Elder asked why the grant is costing the library money. Without grant/subsidy,
the program would cost much more.
3. Bristol Kendall Fire Dept. came for kids program
4. Had “Rockets to the Rescue” program
5. Held Spanish story time, teacher read in Spanish and English
6. Yorkville Performing Arts come twice a month to do stories and movements
7. Had pumpkin decorating contest and prizes were awarded
8. Received $100 in donations from Yorktowne Dental for dental books
9. Memorial from Tom and Sandy Lindblom
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10. Presented calendar of kids events and info put on Facebook, Beth will share info at school
11. New program for adults conducted by Barb Nadeau, will teach seniors how to use electronic
devices twice a month, must bring your own device
Ms. Somerlot reported on the Friends of the Library Group:
1. Currently have $2,400 in sponsorships and 18 holes sponsored for January 25th mini golf
2. “Ozzy” the Kane County Cougars mascot will appear at mini golf event
3. Friends have funded “Organize for Holidays” presentation
4. Approved $5,000 for library programs
5. Will purchase 4 more lighter-weight folding tables
6. Approved $200 in welcome packets for new library patrons
7. New Friends President is Marianne Manthei
President Gambro said Ms. Manthei had contacted her and school reading specialists will be
participating in a “reading night” on several dates.
Ms. Gambro also received a compliment on the men's reading program and Shelley Augustine's
City Council Liaison: No report
Standing Committees:
Finance Committee
Ms. Johnson reported on the Finance Committee which met prior to this regular meeting. Present were
Sandy, Russ, Carol and Barb. The purpose was to set the 2014 library levy to be collected in 2015 and
budgeted for 2016. Levy was set at .15 which would result in approximately $692,000, but will
actually receive closer to $633,000. The next committee meeting is November 19th at 10:00am. The
recommendation is to set the levy for $692,000 at a rate of .15.
Ms. Johnson moved to set the levy at .15 (which is the maximum) and Ms. Walter seconded the motion.
Roll call: LaChance-yes, Chacon-yes, Somerlot-yes, Lindblom-yes, Johnson-yes, Gryder-yes,
Gambro-yes, Walter-yes, Elder-yes. Passed 9-0.
Unfinished Business:
Building Siding
Mr. Walter reported no new information, but he is still attempting to get RFP assistance from the City.
Website Update
Discussed earlier in the meeting.
Approval of the 2014 Tax Levy
Discussed and recommendation made in this meeting.
Coffee Shop Update
Ms. Elder said she saw a possible vendor for a coffee shop, “Ace Coffee Bar”, and she emailed the
information to the rest of the Board. No further update at this time.
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Library Survey Report
Ms. Lindblom said Board members will meet after the holidays to evaluate the library survey. It will
be kept on the agenda for future discussion.
Approve $2,125.95 for Watchguard
Ms. Johnson moved and Ms. Somerlot seconded the motion to approve $2,125.95 for Watchguard.
This is for a firewall and content filtering for the youth portion of the library.
Roll call: Chacon-yes, Somerlot-yes, Lindblom-yes, Johnson-yes, Gryder-yes, Gambro-yes, Walter-
yes, Elder-yes, LaChance-yes Passed 9-0.
New Business:
Disaster Plan Security/Safety Policy
Ms. Elder suggested a lockdown policy be added to the Disaster Plan. The Board agreed this would be
a very good addition. She looked at the Red Cross website “Ready Rating” program and the Board
approved Ms. Elder creating a login to take a free survey. She said the library could also ask for
guidance from the Police Department. Mr. Walter suggested a possible electronic lockdown system to
close doors quickly. It was noted that all doors are locked except the front doors. Ms. Pfister will
contact other libraries for input and Mr. Walter will ask the Police Department for suggestions.
Additional Business: None
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 7:48pm on a motion by Mr. Walter and
second by Ms. LaChance.
Minutes respectfully submitted by
Marlys Young