Plan Commission Minutes 2014 08-13-14Page 1 of 4
APPROVED 9/10/14
City Council Chambers
Wednesday, August 13, 2014 7:00pm
Commission Members in Attendance
Chairman Tom Lindblom Deborah Horaz
James Weaver Jack Jones
Michael Crouch Art Prochaska
Absent: Jane Winninger, Charles Kraupner, Jeff Baker
City Staff
Krysti Barksdale-Noble, Community Development Director
Mr. Chris Heinen, City Planner
Other Guests
Dan Kramer, Attorney
Meeting Called to Order
Chairman Tom Lindblom called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
Roll Call
Roll call was taken and a quorum was established.
Minutes July 9, 2014
The minutes were approved as presented on a motion by Mr. Crouch and second by Mr.
Prochaska. Unanimous voice vote approval.
Citizen’s Comments None
Public Hearings
1. Continued PC 2014-12 The Yorkville Unit School District #115, petitioner,
has filed an application with the United City of Yorkville, Kendall County,
Illinois, requesting special use permit approval for the construction and
operation of a free standing wind turbine system with a minimum height of
seventy feet (70') to be installed at the Yorkville Middle School. The real
property is located at 920 Prairie Crossing Drive in Yorkville, Illinois.
Old Business
As there was no further information for this case, Chairman Lindblom entertained a
motion to open and continue the Hearing. Jones moved and Prochaska seconded the
motion to open the Hearing. There was no discussion and the Hearing was continued on
a motion by Crouch and second by Jones. Motions passed unanimously on voice votes.
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New Business
1. PC 2014-12 Special Use for Wind Turbine (described above)
Action Item
Special Use
Case continued per above.
2. PC 2014-15 Peaceful Pathways Montessori School, petitioner, has filed an
application with Kendall County seeking a major amendment to their existing
special use to modify the site plan and reconfigure the parking lot.
Attorney Kramer was present on behalf of the petitioner and said this school started in
2005 as a Montessori school and is now licensed to teach through 8th grade. The owner is
Shawna Klatt Watkins and she has completed two additions already. Mr. Kramer said
they will build a new building and blacktop the existing gravel parking lot plus a small
additional area. They have worked with the Fire Protection, have a good water system
and oversize septic for expansion. The final County Board vote is next week.
Mr. Kramer asked for a positive recommendation on this project which was presented at
this meeting for a 1.5 Mile Review. This property on Rt. 71, is zoned Agricultural and
the facility is licensed and regulated by DCFS. Mr. Heinen said it complies with the
current Comp Plan. Commissioner Horaz asked if there are any flooding issues,
however, Mr. Kramer said the creek is mostly dry. She also asked about the stand of
trees--they will not be disturbed.
Mr. Weaver moved to give a positive recommendation to this request and Mr. Jones
seconded the motion.
Roll call vote: Crouch-yes, Horaz-yes, Jones-yes, Prochaska-yes, Weaver-yes,
Lindblom-yes. Passed 6-0.
Additional Business
1. Outdoor Display Regulations
Mr. Heinen said that Commissioner Baker had asked about regulations regarding outdoor
displays such as at gas stations. Currently there are none and the Commission was asked
if they wished to have an ordinance for this. An ordinance would include areas such as
the temporary Jewel greenhouse, sidewalks, parking lots, etc. Ms. Noble said the City
receives a couple requests a year for uses outside the normal business. One example was
an auto repair business that wished to have a vegetable swap. The Parks Dept. regulates
this type of request. Staff would have to determine if the use is sporadic or all summer
etc. There could be an issue with zoning if parking overflows for these functions. Other
questions to be addressed include if the events should be limited in number per year, will
permits be needed, etc.
Another similar complaint received is for a fitness center downtown in regards to the
available parking spaces. Events there often require on-street parking. Ms. Horaz said
kids walk on the street during big fitness events and it is a safety issue.
Mr. Crouch said the question is should the Commission wait until something happens or
be proactive. Mr. Prochaska said that when safety becomes an issue, then regulations are
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Chairman Lindblom asked if the City would speak with the owners of the two properties
in question. Krysti said the City has spoken with them, however, there are no regulations
to enforce, but they must have adequate parking. In addition, the gas station display is
not blocking a public sidewalk since it is their own property.
Mr. Crouch also observed there will be a limited amount of sidewalk by the barriers
downtown, when Rt. 47 is finished. He asked if the City would allow merchants to place
items on those sidewalks.
Mr. Prochaska said there is no need for an ordinance and said that the fitness center
owner owns large amounts of property downtown and could provide alternate parking.
Mr. Crouch said it would benefit the businesses to work with the City instead of having
an ordinance.
2. City Council Action Updates
a. PC 2014-10 Willman and Groesch, Petitioner, Lighthouse Daycare, Special Use
The Special Use was approved by the City Council.
b. PC 2014-11 City of Yorkville (Alternative Energy Systems) Text Amendment
This matter was tabled separately and will be sent back to the August 5th EDC meeting
and will be considered along with the Zoning update.
c. PC 2014-13 Kendall Crossing Monument Signage Special Use Amendment
This item was also tabled and sent back to EDC and will move to Council to be
considered again on August 26th. After research, it was found that the signage area is in
a public right of way and a special license agreement will be needed for the signs.
3. Zoning Ordinance Update 2014
a. Presentation of proposed final draft of the Yorkville Zoning Code Update
Ms. Noble said staff and members of the Zoning Commission have been working the past
4.5 years to update the Zoning Ordinance. The original one was written in 1973. About
40 meetings were held over time and an open house was held recently. No public
attended these meetings, however, the proposed changes were put on the web and 73
responses were received. They were also put on Facebook and social media. The draft
went to EDC for technical review and Plan Commission input was requested also. It will
go back to EDC in September or October. A Public Hearing will be held at the Zoning
Commission. For the record, Chairman Lindblom thanked Michael Crouch, Jeff Baker,
Krysti and Chris for all their hard work. Mr. Crouch also noted that Travis Miller, former
Community Development Director, also worked on this document. He thanked all
committee members.
In reviewing some of the changes, Commissioner Prochaska asked if setbacks are
discussed for taller buildings. Ms.Noble said they were not addressed, however, overlay
language could be used for these situations.
Ms. Horaz also brought forward some issues regarding aesthetics. Chain link fences was
one item and Ms. Noble said fences are not allowed in front yards and that only vinyl
coated chain link fences are allowed in the proposed ordinance. Commissioner Horaz
had several further comments and will forward them to Ms. Noble for consideration.
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Mr. Crouch discussed trailers being allowed in yards or driveways and cautioned that the
City must be mindful of what items people have on their properties prior to the ordinance.
Mr. Weaver said that some homeowner's associations have certain regulations governing
these situations. RV's, campers and semis in driveways were discussed.
4. Comprehensive Plan Update 2014 & Southside Retail Study Updates
a. Award of contract for the Comprehensive Retail Study updates
The Lakota Group was approved as the firm to conduct the Comp Plan update. They will
have a booth at Hometown Days and set up an office in Yorkville.
b. Status update on the Southside Retail Study
Mr. Heinen said the southside retail group is now working on the retail study and should
have data available for the City by the end of this month. In October, they will give a
presentation to developers of large shopping centers.
Additional Business
There will be a joint ZBA/Plan Commission meeting on September 10. There will be one
item for discussion and the City Attorney will conduct a training session regarding the
functions and duties of ZBA. There will be three new members on the ZBA.
Ms. Barksdale-Noble said the beekeeping ordinance was passed by Council and she gave
a brief overview of the regulations.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 8:05pm on a motion by
Mr. Weaver and second by Mr. Prochaska.
Respectfully transcribed by
Marlys Young, Minute Taker