Plan Commission Minutes 2014 09-10-14Page 1 of 3
APPROVED 11/12/14
City Council Chambers
Wednesday, September 10, 2014 7:00pm
Commission Members in Attendance
Chairman Tom Lindblom Charles Kraupner
Deborah Horaz Jane Winninger
Jack Jones Jeff Baker
Art Prochaska James Weaver
Michael Crouch
City Staff
Krysti Barksdale-Noble, Community Development Director
Mr. Chris Heinen, City Planner
Other Guests
Dan Kramer, Attorney James Binninger, Attorney
Kurt Muth, EEI Engineer Morgan Noble
Don Hirsch, ZBA Reagan Goins, ZBA
Corey Johnson, ZBA
Meeting Called to Order
Chairman Tom Lindblom called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.
Roll Call
Roll call was taken and a quorum was established.
Ms. Barksdale-Noble said this was a joint meeting with Plan Commission and Zoning
Board of Appeals and she made introductions of the guests.
Minutes May 14, 2014 (Court Reporter transcript) and August 13, 2014
The Court Reporter's transcript of the May 14, 2014 Plan Commission meeting was
approved on a motion and second by Mr. Crouch and Mr. Kraupner, respectively.
Unanimous voice vote approval.
The August 13, 2014 Plan Commission minutes were approved as presented on a motion
by Mr. Jones and second by Mr. Prochaska. Unanimous voice vote approval.
Citizen’s Comments None
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Public Hearings
Old Business:
1. PC 2014-12 The Yorkville Community School District has filed an
application with the City of Yorkville requesting special use permit approval
for the construction and operation of a free standing wind turbine system
with a minimum height of seventy feet (70') to be installed at the Yorkville
Middle School. The real property is located at 920 Prairie Crossing Drive in
Ms. Barksdale-Noble said staff asked that this matter be tabled indefinitely since the
petitioner has not submitted the necessary paperwork. The petitioner will re-submit and
re-publish. Commissioners Jones and Prochaska, moved and seconded respectively, to
table this item.
Roll call: Horaz-yes, Winninger-yes, Jones-yes, Baker-yes, Prochaska-yes, Weaver-yes,
Crouch-yes, Kraupner-yes, Lindblom-yes. Passed 9-0.
New Business
1. PC 2014-14 Marker Inc., petitioner has filed an application with the City of
Yorkville requesting Final Plat approval for Units 1, 2 and 3 of the Heartland
Meadows subdivision. The request will resubdivide an existing 7.9 acre-
parcel into 47 lots for the phased construction of the active-adult community
to be located south of Jackson Street and west of Freemont Street in
Attorney Dan Kramer said this is a request for Final Plat approval for his client Marker
Inc. He said he had no objection to any staff recommendations and that engineers for
both sides have been working on modifications requested by the engineering firm. Mr.
Marker met with the Fire Department and worked out some building material changes.
The City has recommended approval of all 3 units.
Commissioner Prochaska made a motion as follows: In consideration of the proposed
Final Plat of Subdivision for the Heartland Meadows Subdivision, the Plan Commission
recommends approval of Units 1, 2 and 3 to the City Council as presented by the
Petitioner in a plan prepared by James M. Olson date stamped received July 21, 2014,
subject to review comments prepared by the City's Engineering Consultant, EEI, in a
letter date stamped August 11, 2014 as stated in a staff recommendation provided in a
memorandum dated September 2, 2014. Commissioner Jones seconded the motion.
Chairman Lindblom said his concern is that the petitioner and the Fire Department have
not yet reached a resolution on the materials for the side yard. Mr. Prochaska asked if
the City Council made this issue a stipulation in their recommendation of the preliminary
plat, which they did not. Mr. Lindblom said he had a discussion with the Mayor
regarding his concern and that the Mayor said there had been no discussion on the
materials issue, but there was discussion on the density.
Commissioner Jones inquired if the materials changes were incorporated into the
documents now. Ms. Barksdale-Noble said they are not and that the materials will be
voluntary and Fire Department recommendations are not mandatory, but will be
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Action Item
Roll call was then taken on the motion. Winninger-yes, Jones-yes, Baker-no,
Prochaska-yes, Weaver-no, Crouch-no, Kraupner-yes, Horaz-no, Lindblom-no. Motion
failed 5-4.
Additional Business
1. Plan Commission/Zoning Board of Appeals Joint Training Session
This joint training session was given by Attorney James Binninger who works with City
Attorney Kathleen Orr. The purpose was to present information regarding hearing
procedures, role and responsibility of both bodies and for reviewing variances, special
uses, PUD's and other. He said since Yorkville is a non-home rule city, they must follow
State Statutes. He covered a wide range of applicable topics.
2. Illinois American Planning Association (ILAPA) – 2014 APA Illinois Chapter
Conference in Evanston, IL October 1-3, 2014 Planning Officials Track
Ms. Barksdale-Noble said if any Plan Commission member wished to attend this
conference, they should let her know. The cost is $50. City Planner Chris Heinen will be
3. City Council Action Updates
Mr. Heinen reported that no action was needed for the Peaceful Pathways Montessori
School, since it was a 1.5 miles review, with no objections.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 8:35pm on a motion by
Mr. Crouch and second by Mr. Prochaska.
Respectfully transcribed by
Marlys Young, Minute Taker