Public Safety Minutes 2014 05-01-14Page 1 of 3 APPROVED 6/10/14 UNITED CITY OF YORKVILLE PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Thursday, May 1, 6:30pm City Hall, Conference Room 800 Game Farm Road IN ATTENDANCE Committee Members: Alderman Carlo Colosimo Alderman Larry Kot Alderman Chris Funkhouser Absent: Alderman Rose Spears Other City Officials : Chief Rich Hart Other Guests: Matt Prochaska, Kendall County Board Chairman Carlo Colosimo called the meeting to order at 6:31pm, quorum established. Citizen Comments: none Minutes for Correction/Approval: December 5, 2013 The minutes were approved as read. New Business: 1. PS 2014-05 Police Reports for November 2013 – April 2014 Alderman Funkhouser asked if the habitual truancy issues are being addressed. Chief Hart replied it is an ongoing issue and involves the same students. The offenders are routed through the adjudication system rather than through court. He said there is no simple solution and truancy is part of a bigger problem. He also said truancy can be a cry for help and his department tries to be proactive with the students. DCFS has involvement in most cases and counseling could play a part as well. As a Hearing Officer in other towns, Chairman Colosimo said the adjudication step is a wake-up call. It involves parents and students and a fine must be paid. Mr. Funkhouser asked about escalation from adjudication to the court system. It is low on the court list in comparison to other issues before them, but repeat offenders may be referred to the court system. Page 2 of 3 Alderman Kot asked about the Fulton contract being renewed and if inspections are done. Chief Hart said Fulton services the batteries and he receives a bi-monthly status report. He will email reports to the committee members regarding this service. There are no gaps in the siren coverage area with overlaps in the Montgomery and Lakewood areas. The sirens are designed to be heard when a resident is outside, not necessarily inside. Residents can receive cell phone notification by signing up through KenCom/Everbridge. This service has been publicized in several forms of media and another notice will be sent out very soon. 2. PS 2014-06 Adjudication Reports for January – April 2014 These reports are now being provided as a result of committee inquiries. Alderman Kot asked if there was any juvenile information in the reports and if so, if it is a violation to report it. Alderman Colosimo said these are civil cases, not criminal. Chief Hart confirmed that by bringing juvenile cases into adjudication hearings, they become civil in nature. It was noted that Attorney Orr also confirmed this. Alderman Funkhouser asked about vehicles that are impounded as a result of these related offenses. The vehicles are handled by 1 of 4 or 5 towing companies and are taken to an impound lot. The $500 fee is paid to the City before any fees are collected by the towing company who also has their own towing and daily storage fee. All companies are from Yorkville or have an impound lot in Yorkville. A certain response time is expected and they sign an extensive contract with the City. Alderman Funkhouser asked if there would be any benefit for the City to have their own impound lot. Chief Hart replied that it would create many issues. Because many of the vehicle are in such poor condition, many lots waive the impound fees since the owners abandon the vehicles. Then paperwork must be done to scrap the vehicle, etc. Most vehicles towed are valued at only $500-$1,000. He said his department could look at sharing an impound lot with other municipalities. The Sheriff's Department follows the same procedure as this department. 3. PS 2014-07 Request for Vehicle Disposal Three vehicles are being requested to be disposed. All were seizure vehicles from DUI's/felonies and it is hoped to sell them to the highest bidder. Any money collected goes into the General Fund. The committee approved of the disposal and this item moves to the next Council consent agenda.. 4. PS 2014-08 ILEAS Mututal Aid Agreement This is an extended term contract and it was last signed about 10 years ago. Chief Hart said ILEAS is a huge organization that provides many types of mutual aid. Some of the items/services received through this program are grants for computers, gas masks, portable radios, training, etc. It is a federal clearinghouse, offering training, disaster preparedness pre-determined equipment for disasters and many other services. All these items come without cost to the city. Other cities responding with aid to Yorkville would be eligible to recoup their costs through the grants. Attorney Orr has approved the agreement. Alderman Colosimo said there is no leeway in the contract and the participating city must be willing to agree to the contract as is and that the benefits outweigh the negatives. Chief Hart said he personally received extensive free training through ILEAS and that it is an incredible organization. Liability insurance was questioned by Alderman Kot and the Police Department already has more coverage than requested. The committee was in favor of this agreement and it will move to the next Council consent agenda. Page 3 of 3 5. PS 2014-09 Logo Design 6. PS 2014-10 Flag Design These 2 items were discussed together. A contest will be held to update the Police patch logo and City flag. It is open to students and the community in general. The deadline for designs is June 3rd and the winners will be chosen soon after. Alderman Kot noted that Alderman Rose Spears was instrumental in promoting the first City flag design. Old Business: None Additional Business: Alderman Funkhouser said he and guest Matt Prochaska had spoken earlier regarding maintenance of defibrillators in County and City buildings. Mr. Prochaska had discussed this with a County Plan Commission member who checks defibrillators. Some of the County equipment was found to be expired and it was stated there were some lawsuits within the State as a result. The Commission member offered to check the City equipment for free. Alderman Funkhouser asked if the City has a contract for this service. Chief Hart said each Police Department vehicle has a defibrillator and they are all current. Equipment in the City buildings was discussed as to location and if up-to-date. Chief Hart will coordinate with Administrator Olson to review equipment in other City buildings. He added that new AED's were purchased last year and it is the duty of the Deputy Chiefs to keep current. New fire extinguishers were also purchased just recently at the Police Department. There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 7pm. Respectfully submitted by Marlys Young, Minute Taker