Public Safety Minutes 2014 06-10-14Page 1 of 2
APPROVED 11/25/14
Tuesday , June 10, 2014 5:30pm
City Hall, Conference Room
800 Game Farm Road
Committee Members:
Chairman Carlo Colosimo
Alderman Chris Funkhouser
Alderman Larry Kot
Alderman Rose Spears (by phone)
Other City Officials :
Chief Rich Hart
Tony Scott, Kendall County Record
Steve Lord, The Beacon News
Other Guests:
Amy Cesich, County Board Member & Park Board Member
Chairman Carlo Colosimo called the meeting to order at 5:30pm, quorum established.
Citizen Comments: none
Minutes for Correction/Approval: May 1, 2014
The minutes were approved as read on a voice vote.
New Business:
1. PS 2014-Police Reports for April – May 2014
No comments.
2. PS 2014-12 Adjudication Reports for April – May 2014
No comments.
3. PS 2014-13 Request to Purchase Two New Vehicles
Chief Hart said his department would like to purchase two new vehicles, one for patrol and the other
for investigations, both within the budget. Equipment for these cars would be purchased next year
when the department can afford it. The cars will be purchased through the State bid since other
dealerships could not meet the State's price. He said equipment is generally swapped out of cars twice,
however, last year it was swapped a third time and extra money had to be spent for repairs.
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The Chief will provide a vehicle status report at the next meeting. He commented that three-quarters of
the fleet is past its usefulness since vehicles are sometimes run 24 hours a day. This item will move to
the next Council consent agenda.
4. PS 2014-14 Request to Purchase New Squad Car Computers
Chief Hart said this purchase will update squad car computers that are now run on obsolete modems.
The modems will be switched off in 1-2 years and the County has already updated their computers.
This request will update half of the squads with the remaining cars to be updated next year. Wireless
cards will be used. The amount of $28,170 is for six computers and is within the budget. This item
will move to the Council consent agenda.
Old Business:
1. PS 2014-09 Logo Design
2. PS 2014-10 Flag Design
There were 10-12 submissions plus some additional late ones. Chief Hart said it was promoted in the
press and at the schools and he had hoped for more interest in the contest. It will be promoted again
next year. No additional action at this time.
Additional Business:
Alderman Kot asked about the lightning detectors and it was noted they were located on City Hall, at
Bridge Park, Circle Center School, Bristol Bay and Riverfront Park. He said some of the ballfields are
located far from the detectors. He said he will take this matter to a Public Works meeting. Chief Hart
commented that the detectors are very expensive to maintain and years ago an effort was made to
partner with the schools for this equipment, however, it did not materialize.
Alderman Funkhouser said he received comments regarding parking along the baseball fields by
Cannonball Ridge. He asked if the temporary restrictions would be posted soon, however, Chief Hart
said there is no ordinance to enforce the postings. Mr. Funkhouser said cars are now parking in the
semi turnaround behind Home Depot. It was thought that Administrator Olson would be contacting
Public Works Director Dhuse regarding this matter. Chief Hart also commented that in the future,
parking lots should be included as part of the baseball fields to avoid parking hazards/situations. This
matter will be placed on a future Public Works agenda for further discussion.
More complaints about the prolonged train whistles were received by Alderman Colosimo. He said the
horn is blown 5-6 times daily. Chief Hart said the engineers are following federal law. Quiet zone
studies would cost $100,000 per crossing, per study. Alderman Kot said Administrator Olson contacted
the railroad a few months ago to standardize the level and length of the horn. It was noted the number
of trains per day has increased and concern was also expressed for unprotected intersections such as
Heustis and other side streets.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 5:45pm.
Respectfully submitted by
Marlys Young, Minute Taker