Public Works Minutes 2014 08-19-14Page 1 of 4
APPROVED 9/16/14
Tuesday, August 19, 2014, 6:00pm
Yorkville City Hall, Conference Room
800 Game Farm Road
Committee Members
Chairman Diane Teeling
Alderman Larry Kot
Alderman Jackie Milschewski
Alderman Ken Koch
Other City Officials
City Administrator Bart Olson
Engineer Brad Sanderson, EEI
Other Guests:
David & Stephanie Lopez, Greenbriar
Suzanne & Chuck Schultz, Greenbriar
Kristopher Lackey, Whispering Meadows
Dana Windsor
The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Chairman Diane Teeling
Citizen Comments:
Resident David Lopez spoke about the naturalized basin at Greenbriar and referred to the letter he
received from the City. The letter said the basin would reduce the mosquito population and control the
geese. Mr. Lopez said there are very few mosquitoes at this time. He thinks the mosquitoes would
increase since there would be low maintenance. He said property values would decrease and the rat
population could grow. Mr. Lopez said the pond was fine last year when the area received six inches of
rain and he does not know why the City wants to spend $30,000 for the negative results he noted.
Mr. Olson replied that Mr. Dhuse and Mr. Sanderson had done some research showing that mosquitoes
will actually decrease since the pond is bio-diverse and will attract animals that eat the larvae. He said
he has no research on property values. Mr. Olson said the pond has not been maintained and is not
healthy without the naturalization. The lack of action could promote algae blooms or a non-healthy
eco-system. If there is enough silt, it would diminish the stormwater basin volume or obstruct an
Mr. Lopez asked if there is any other solution without naturalizing. There are other solutions, however,
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they are more expensive. Alderman Koch pointed out that the Sunflower pond has already failed and
it flows into the Greenbriar pond, as well as Prairie Gardens flowing into Greenbriar. Mr. Olson also
said geese do not like tall grass that would occur with naturalization. Mr. Lopez suggested erecting a
“fake coyote” to control the geese, which has been done successfully.
In another matter, Mr. Kristopher Lackey of Whispering Meadows spoke about the parking situation
and restrictions on Alan Dale Lane. He said he understood the City was going to put parking
restrictions in place near the park since it is a safety issue. Mr. Lackey presented two photos of cars
parked on both sides of the street near the park and also a letter written by residents William and
Jennifer Bradford who live near the park. They are also in favor of the restrictions. The Bradfords
stated that emergency vehicles and cars cannot get through when cars are parked on both sides. The
photos and their letter will become a permanent part of the minutes.
Previous Meeting Minutes: July 15, 2014
The minutes were approved as presented.
New Business:
1. PW 2014-58 Water Department Reports for May and June 2014
There were no comments.
2. PW 2014-59 Baseline Road Improvements Engineering Agreement with EEI
Mr. Olson said this engineering agreement will include everything from spec design to a road deck
survey and construction for the bridge located just west of Rt. 47 at Rt. 30. Mr. Olson said there is
$50,000 in the budget for the entire project and the deck work is expected to be about $30,000 to
$50,000. The agreement is $28,000 and the sub-consultant cost is $17,000. When the deck survey is
completed, the City will have a more accurate cost. The budgeted amount is less than the estimated
cost of the work and a budget estimate may be needed at that time, said Mr. Olson.
Alderman Kot asked when this project would start. A start date will be determined after the bridge
study and estimation of costs, but is hoped to be in this FY. Mr. Sanderson said the rating of this
structure has dropped significantly and the poor condition of the deck is one of the major issues. He
said chunks of concrete are missing on the deck and rebar is visible. If not repaired quickly, the City
could be forced to close it. The committee recommended moving forward with this and it moves to
the consent agenda.
3. PW 2014-60 2014 MFT Bid Award
Bids were taken for projects on the Road to Better Roads with some overlays on a few streets. Some
crack sealing is needed to extend the road life and striping is needed for safety. Bids came in 17%
higher than anticipated due to contractors being busy and the cost of asphalt is also much higher. The
options are: 1) award full contract price, 2) award full price and do change orders down to the
budgeted amounts or 3) discard the bids. It was agreed to move forward with the full price due to the
poor condition of the streets involved. Mr. Sanderson also recommended earlier bids next year.
Mr. Olson said there is money in the capital budget even with the higher bids. If the City chose not to
go forward with the project, winter damage could occur, resulting in an amount similar to the extra cost
upfront. Water gets in cracks, then freezes and does more damage. Mr. Koch added the City is already
collecting fees and this action shows repairs are being done. It will move to the consent agenda.
4. PW 2014-61 Walsh Drive Drainage Improvements – Bid Award
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Mr. Sanderson said bids were recently taken for the storm sewer only. Public Works will perform
some grading, tree removal and shaping of the swale. Remedies will include an open cut involving a
larger culvert and increasing the size of the inlet/outlet pipe. Mr. Sanderson said the water will flow
underneath Walsh Drive and be re-channeled to the pond. Low bidder at $105,989 was Len Cox of
Crest Hill. The work will be done this construction season if the project is approved. Alderman Kot
asked the City to notify residents by letter that the problem is being fixed. Committee members
recommended bid acceptance and this matter will move to the consent agenda.
5. PW 2014-62 Sunflower/Greenbriar Pond Naturalization – Bid Award
Bids were structured to allow for the Sunflower project only or for a combination. Encap of DeKalb
was the low bidder and has done similar work for the City. The bid for Sunflower only, was $66,060
and a combo price was $96,843.50. The Sunflower costs will be recaptured from their SSA. The work
would start this fall if approved with some work being done in the spring. There is a 3-year
maintenance program to establish the plantings. Once the plantings are fully grown, there should be no
major maintenance. Ms. Teeling asked who had determined the pond had failed. The City had hired a
consultant and determined there were water quality issues that caused the failure.
Alderman Koch asked what the price would be for dredging. It would be about $110,000. Mr.
Sanderson said sediment has filled the basin and that dredging is not necessary for the stormwater
management, but water quality may deteriorate. There will also be a gradual drop-off for safety. Mr.
Olson said the recommendation is to do both projects. Sunflower requires no City Council vote, but
Greenbriar would require a vote and then a budget amendment since it's not in the budget. The
committee gave the entire project a favorable recommendation to move forward, noting that the
Council had already indicated that both projects needed to be done. This moves to consent agenda.
6. PW 2014-63 Raintree Village Units 4, 5 and 6 – Completion of Improvements – Encap Proposal
This is for a portion of the infrastructure since the City has taken over part of the SSA bonds for basin
corrections. It's a no-bid award to Encap and these improvement costs will come from bond money.
The ponds are naturalized, but have not been maintained for several years. This moves to consent
7. PW 2014-64 Route 34 – Western Section Trail Locations
Mr. Olson said this is a long-range planning discussion for Rt. 34 improvements and trail locations that
need to be determined. Currently, the trail is on the north side of the road except for the portion
between Cannonball Trail and Center Parkway. He said the City recommends this portion be moved to
the north side. Alderman Milschewski said having it on the south side would place it nearer to the
high school, but she added that if it's on the north side, it would require kids to cross Rt. 34 to get to
school. This item moves to the consent agenda.
8. PW 2014-65 Caledonia Subdivision - Update
The committee had previously discussed pulling the letter of credit, however, the developer has
completed some underground work and a contractor has been hired for concrete and asphalt. All work
should be completed this construction season. No further action.
Old Business:
1. PW2014-56 Blackberry Woods Subdivision Improvement Status - Update
The contractor has removed some damaged curb and underground work is being planned.
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2. PW 2014-37 Parking Restrictions in Windett Ridge Subdivision
Letters were sent to residents adjacent to the area of the parking restrictions and no negative responses
were received. Mr. Olson recommended approval of the permanent restrictions on the NE side of
Windett Ridge Drive. He noted that the previously suggested city-wide restrictions have not been
reviewed yet. This item will move to the consent agenda.
3. CC 2014-59 Parking Restrictions in Whispering Meadows
Mr. Olson noted that no previous comments had been received regarding these restrictions, other than
the comments presented by Mr. Lackey at this meeting. Alderman Kot noted that the overriding factor
is emergency vehicle access. The committee gave this item a positive recommendation and it moves
to the Council consent agenda.
4. CC 2014-60 Parking Restrictions near Cannonball Ridge Park
These restrictions involve three roadways near the park and Mr. Olson said one resident voiced
opposition saying he felt pedestrians crossing the street would be worse than insuring the fire hydrants
were clear. However, the City felt having the hydrants clear of parking took precedence. Alderman
Koch asked that more parking be available in newer parks, however, he is aware the park cost would be
higher. He also asked about the land south of Blackberry Shores, but that is slated for townhomes.
This item moves to the consent agenda.
Additional Business:
Since school starts soon, Alderman Kot asked about the Rt. 47 construction areas with concern for
students crossing Rt. 47. Crossing guards will be in place and several intersections will be involved
with Somonauk being of great concern. Alderman Koch also noted that with the additional lanes,
extra caution is needed when pulling out. The south side was discussed and all concrete and sidewalk
work is expected to be completed this season as well as cleanup. Alderman Milschewski asked about
the trail that is to be along Rt. 47 and this should be completed soon as well. Ms. Teeling asked for a
report at City Council from Mr. Sanderson regarding the overall progress. The information will also be
placed on Facebook.
Mr. Kot inquired about the State Street sewer project and asked if notices would be sent to residents. A
meeting will be held soon regarding State St. and other streets and schedules will be provided. Fliers
will then be handed out and a press release will be written.
Ms. Milschewski said the street name is still in the tiles on Heustis/Orange and she asked if they would
be preserved. Mr. Sanderson will remind Mr. Dhuse to retrieve them.
A significant dip is still noticeable in the road on State between Washington and Orange. Mr. Kot
asked to have it fixed and Mr. Dhuse will be notified.
Lightning detectors were discussed and it was noted the downtown detector is not working. Repairs
have been attempted by the contractor.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 7:00pm.
Minutes respectfully transcribed by Marlys Young