Public Works Minutes 2014 09-16-14Page 1 of 4
APPROVED 10/21/14
Tuesday, September 16, 2014, 6:00pm
Yorkville City Hall, Conference Room
800 Game Farm Road
Committee Members
Chairman Diane Teeling
Alderman Ken Koch
Alderman Larry Kot
Alderman Jackie Milschewski
Other City Officials
Public Works Director Eric Dhuse
Engineer Brad Sanderson, EEI
Other Guests:
Pete Wallers, President EEI
John Sommers, Sommers Carpet Care
The meeting was called to order at 6:02pm by Chairman Diane Teeling.
Citizen Comments: None
Previous Meeting Minutes: August 19, 2014
The minutes were approved as presented.
New Business:
1. PW 2014-66 Water Works Planning Presentation
Mr. Sanderson said Kendall County has done a study of the County water supply and from this study,
EEI personnel compiled a presentation. Mr. Pete Wallers, President of EEI, who serves on several
water supply planning committees both regionally and statewide, gave the presentation. Mr. Sanderson
said the study will also be used during the budget process. The study points to the need for long-term
planning for water supplies.
Mr. Wallers gave a handout of information from the Groundwater Study. The DNR is responsible for
water management in the State. Kendall Co. is included in one of three regions in the State that did a
study and the region includes 11 counties. In that region, most of the area is supplied by Lake
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Yorkville draws its water from a deep 1000-foot aquifier and Mr. Wallers said more is being taken than
is being recharged by rainwater. The re-charge can take years. He also stressed water conservation as
a means of re-charging and extending the life of the aquifier. Currently there are no limitations on how
much water is drawn by each municipality. Mr. Koch asked if Lake Michigan water can be pumped
into this aquifier. Many rules apply to this, however, he said generally any Lake Michigan water would
have to be used for drinking, not for re-charge. A pipeline would also be a great cost. In Kendall
County, Plainfield currently receives lake water and neighboring Naperville also gets lake water.
Alderman Kot asked if Yorkville and Oswego could join forces regarding the possible use of Fox River
water. A joint effort would be necessary due to costs. Alderman Koch said the river could dry up if
many towns drew water from it, however, Mr. Waller said that most towns recycle their wastewater
back into the river. Mr. Dhuse added that conservation will play a huge part in the next 20 years. Other
conservation methods were discussed and Ms. Teeling said her children had received items at school
that help conserve water in the bathroom. Efficient appliances and bathroom fixtures, less water usage
on lawns and the use of rain barrels were suggested to be beneficial. Mr. Sanderson said he will
compile some tips for individuals to help save water.
Mr. Waller said there will be a state-wide initiative that the EPA will facilitate for voluntary water loss
accounting in municipalities. This may also help detect leaky infrastructure. Alderman Milschewski
suggested putting water-saving tips on the water bills.
This report is informational at this time.
2. PW 2014-67 McDonalds's – Acceptance of Improvements
McDonald's has completed their development and has requested acceptance of the improvements
which is the shared use path in front of their facility. All Aldermen approved acceptance and it moves
to the consent agenda.
3. PW 2014-68 Capital Improvement Projects Update
Mr. Sanderson said there are many projects planned or underway as follows: Kennedy Road by
Autumn Creek, Cannonball Trail, State/Adrian. Work on Blaine and Fox was also discussed.
Alderman Kot thought there was no storm sewer on State Street. Mr. Dhuse said there are storm
sewers there, however, they are very small and shallow. The cost to replace them was determined to
be too expensive at this time.
Other projects briefly discussed.........
•Water pipes on Heustis are nearly finished and each home will be hooked up to new main. This work
is expected to be finished by November.
•Raintree Village: paving is done and the underground punchlist is nearly complete.
•Grande Reserve Park B: waiting for ground to dry for final grading to complete a grant project.
•Walsh Dr. & Sunflower drainage improvements: to begin soon and be finished by November. No
informational notices have been sent to residents yet, but Alderman Koch requested some sort of
notification to those affected. Brad will finalize with Mr. Olson. Mr. Kot said the State St. flier was a
good example of notification. Pond naturalization work will begin and carry over into 2015.
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•MFT work: completion date Oct. 24 target.
•Game Farm Road: plans approved by IDOT and land acquistion still in process with the deadline
approaching. Com Ed to move power poles in mid-October and other utilities to follow. AT&T and
Comcast cannot work until power lines are moved.
•Shared use path at Kennedy Road: Phase I approved and Phase II design agreement has been in
Springfield for a long time and not yet approved. Pending approvals, will be discussed at budget time
to work into schedule.
•ITEP: this is the Rt. 47 lighting project for the bridge. Lighting analysis is being done now and bids
to be let in early 2015.
•Riverfront Park: grant has been obtained for this, working with IDNR on permits and bids to be let in
2015 with construction in summer.
•Baseline Rd. bridge repairs: in early stages of engineering after approval of contract.
This report was for information and no further action required at this time.
4. PW 2014-69 Game Farm Road Phase III Engineering Agreement with EEI
Mr. Dhuse said he concurred with the memo that Mr. Olson wrote regarding this agreement. Mr.
Sanderson added that since federal funds are being used, the federal agreement must be adhered to and
individuals must have certain certifications. Due to federal requirements, there is an additional 3-4%
increase in engineering costs. He said EEI has qualified/certified staff to handle all this paperwork.
The committee was OK with the recommendations and this matter moves to consent agenda.
5. PW 2014-70 Raintree Village Units 4, 5, and 6 – Completion of Improvements – Change Order
No. 2
Mr. Sanderson gave background for this change order and said the City had a contract with Hardin
Paving. Additionally, the City entered into a contract with a developer a year ago who then turned over
their bond funds to finish the needed work. Some of the estimates received were too low, partly due to
the weather and the pavement had deteriorated greatly. Also, the binder course was not the right height
and more edge milling was needed. A balance of $130,000 is available to complete these
improvements. If the change order is approved, $55,000 will remain. Alderman Koch asked if there
was more punchlist work to be done for which there might not be enough money. Mr. Sanderson
replied that the work is basically done and that money was also set aside for street lights. Alderman
Koch also asked who is responsible for maintenance for any unfinished lots. The banks currently take
care of those. This item will move forward to the regular agenda.
6. PW 2014-71 Rt. 47 andCannonball Trail Intersection Improvements – Change Order No. 2
Money had been received from the Kendall Marketplace to complete these improvements. This is the
balancing change order and was decreased by $45,539.04. Less road was fully re-constructed resulting
in the savings. This moves to the consent agenda.
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7. PW 2014-72 Rt. 47 Additional Paving
Mr. Dhuse said he was requesting paving on W. Spring St. to continue to Church St. and in some other
areas. The committee members fully supported this as being cost efficient. Some of the work will be
completed this year, but locations north of the river are not likely to be done until next year.
Information about the changes will be published for motorists and additionally, the info has been on
message boards in the City. The School bus barn has also been notified. Repaving of State, Orange
and Main was also discussed. This item will move to the consent agenda.
Old Business:
1. PW2014-56 Blackberry Woods Subdivision Improvement Status – Updates (verbal)
Mr. Sanderson said the final lift has been put down, curb and gutter are done, but not as much work
completed on underground.
2. PW 2014-65 Caledonia Subdivision – Update (verbal)
The underground punchlist has been worked on the last 12 months and some curb & gutter has been
done. Final surface should be put down soon. Progress is being made.
Additional Business:
Ms. Milschewski asked about the “handhold” in conjunction with sidewalks mentioned in an email
from Mr. Sanderson. He explained a handhold is a wiring junction box. Railings for the sidewalks
will be right behind the retaining walls. It was mentioned there is no railing by CrossFit and thus no
pedestrian protection. IDOT did this plan design 10 years ago.
Alderman Koch asked about the road cuttings on the south side as equipment had been moved away
from there. The equipment had been moved to Somonauk to finish the work before the weather
window closes in 30 days. Work will also be done on Elizabeth and curb work was done starting at the
south Walgreens, moving north. Some areas will soon be opened to four lanes, but will then narrow
down to 2 lanes at some points while curb work is done. Work at Rt. 126 will be started soon and
finished in one week.
Ms. Milschewski asked about the possibility of a light at Greenbriar. There will not be one until the
east side of the road develops.
The carnival people at Riverfront were discussed. They were present due to a Knights of Columbus
event and a car show.
There was no further business and the meeting was adjourned at 7:43pm.
Minutes respectfully transcribed by Marlys Young